Monthly Archives: August 2019
The Courage of Leroy St. Germaine & the Arrogance of the Censors
The Courage of Leroy St. Germaine & the Arrogance of the Censors
Catch the arrogant free speech enemy Bernie Farber say: “You can’t come here and promote hate.” Leroy St. Germaine is Metis. His family has been here for hundreds of years. In contrast,Farber’s father was among the horde of refugees this compassionate country let in after WW II.
A detailed exposé of the background to London’s Holocaust memorial is now online at
A detailed exposé of the background to London’s Holocaust memorial is now online at
“The whole idea is preposterous” – how Britain’s top diplomats condemned a proposed London ‘Holocaust’ memorial.
At the end of the introductory article, click the link to continue reading the full article, then at the end of that full article is a further link which allows downloading of the documented report submitted by HERITAGE& DESTINY assistant Editor Peter Rushton to Westminster City Council.
More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books
More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books
because our books are too “risky”
Here’s the email we received from PayPal a few days ago:
Notice of PayPal Account Limitation
Date: Wed 04:58We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal’s services, as reflected in our records and on your website Due to the nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you in accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a permanent limitation on your account.
We ask that you please remove all references to PayPal from your website. This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart.
If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the money to your bank account. Information on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account can be found via our Help Center.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or need our support, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at
PayPal Brand Risk Management
So, we called them, and this is what a machine told us (we weren’t allowed to speak to a human):
We appreciate you choosing PayPal as your payment partner. Unfortunately, we are unable to continue offering our services to you at this time, due to the nature of your business, or the activity in your PayPal account, and the risk it poses to PayPal. This decision can’t be overturned. If you owe refunds to any of your buyers, you can use the money in your PayPal account to refund them. The money in your PayPal account will be held for 180 days. After 180 days, we’ll email you information on how to withdraw your money.
They shut down our business for a few days and hurt us pretty good, because they gave us no warning at all, after a nearly five-year business relationship.
They inconvenienced our customers, as we were forced to only accept cash, check or money orders, until we secured a new payment processor, which took us a few days to do.
What’s the “risk,” that an alternative view might dare get exposure, to shine the light on government and media lies?
Right, only they’re allowed to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong.
Please support our right to exist in the marketplace of free ideas.
Oh, and yeah, we don’t take PayPal.
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Infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm wants to address city council on free speech
Andrew Dreschel: Infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm wants to address city council on free speech
‘I think his track record speaks for itself and it’s not welcome at city hall’

Paul Fromm, an avowed white nationalist and infamous far-right activist, is asking to publicly address councillors over his concerns their proposed hate prevention policies are limiting free speech. – Hand out
After a summer sizzling with hate issues, a new hot potato has landed in city council’s lap.
Paul Fromm, an avowed white nationalist and infamous far-right activist, is asking to publicly address councillors over his concerns their proposed hate prevention policies are limiting free speech.
Councillors will debate Wednesday whether to accept or reject Fromm’s delegation request.
They also have to decide whether to grant delegation status to Lisa Thompson, a member of the Hamilton yellow-vest group, which protests in front of city hall every Saturday.
Fromm, a Hamilton resident, says he was “shocked” by some of the hate prevention initiatives council floated earlier this summer in the wake of the Pride brawl at Gage Park and ongoing yellow-vest demonstrations.
“I don’t think it’s up to city council to play referee on various points of view,” Fromm said in an interview.
“I was shocked I was hearing this in Hamilton, not Havana.”
Emma Teitel: On the subject of gay marriage, why…

Deirdre Pike: Feasting on words before a silent…
Fromm’s request lands after months of controversy, which saw: fisticuffs at the Gage Park Pride celebrations between white nationalist/homophobic protesters and Pride supporters/anarchists; criticisms of police response to the clash; the swarming of Mayor Fred Eisenberger’s home by LGBTQ+ activists/anarchists; and a city hall investigation ending with the departure of city IT worker Marc Lemire, who was linked to a former white nationalist group.
Against that background, the dilemma Fromm presents councillors is plain as a red flag.
By allowing him to address the general issues committee, they’ll almost certainly be lambasted for giving a platform to his ultraright agenda. But by rejecting his request, they run the risk of being criticized for suppressing free speech.
The mayor is well aware of how tricky the situation is. After all, he spent a good part of the summer trying to build bridges with the LGBTQ+ community after being accused of responding indifferently to its concerns.
Eisenberger told The Spectator that denying Fromm the five minutes of speaking time allotted to delegates could become a “bigger issue” than having the committee chair simply police his comments to ensure he’s doesn’t say “hateful things.”
But in the end, Eisenberger stated the obvious: the request is open to consideration by council.
Coun. Jason Farr is also cautious. Recognizing council is walking a “fine line,” he expects a “healthy debate.”
For his part, Coun. Sam Merulla bluntly states he won’t support Fromm’s bid because he’s a known white nationalist. He believes council should refuse to listen to him.
“If he wants to appeal it, he has every right to. But I think his track record speaks for itself, and it’s something not welcome at city hall.”
Fromm, 70, is the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which bills itself as a political group committed to free speech, immigration reform and “political sanity.”
In 2018, he ran for mayor of Hamilton, racking up 706 votes. In 2007, the Ontario College of Teachers took away his teaching license for unprofessional conduct outside the classroom because he participated in white supremacist events and held beliefs contrary to tolerance and multiculturalism.
He previously supported Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, who was deported back to Germany in 2005 after the courts judged him a security threat.
Fromm denies being a white supremacist but happily agrees he’s a white nationalist.
“As a white nationalist, I do not want to see the European founding/settler people of this country swamped, and that’s what’s happening with mass immigration over the last 40 years.”
Fromm says a lot of provocative things.
He says attempting to prevent hate speech is “like trying to prevent the wind.”
He says hate speech is a “term of abuse” that doesn’t apply until someone has been charged and convicted of it.
And he says if council won’t listen to his concerns, it’s a “sad comment on democracy” but indicative of a time when people are “terrified to open their mouths.”
Whatever council decides to do, the debate may be the torrid capper to this long, hot summer.
Andrew Dreschel’s commentary usually appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday. @AndrewDreschel
Andrew Dreschel’s commentary usually appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday. @AndrewDreschel
Recent articles by Andrew Dreschel
by Marcus Gee
This month a Toronto judge ordered two men to be deprived of their freedom
over words and pictures they published in a paper – and no one said boo.
Not the press, which mostly confined itself to reporting the bare facts of
the case. Certainly not any of the political parties, even though their
existence depends on the right to speak freely and sharply.
James Sears and LeRoy St. Germaine were found guilty earlier this year of
promoting hatred. The judge said their local publication, Your Ward News,
“consistently dehumanized Jews and women.” So, when it came time for
sentencing, he threw the book at them. Mr. Sears, the editor, is to serve
a year in jail, though he is free now while he appeals. Mr. St. Germaine,
the publisher, gets 12 months of house arrest. He says he will appeal,
None of the usual guardians of free speech seemed to find this even a
little troubling. Judging from the thunderous silence that greeted the
sentences, they consider it perfectly acceptable that this dubious pair
should lose their liberty for what they put in their nasty little paper.
After all, who could feel sorry for people who published such vile things?
But you don’t have to sympathize with Mr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine to be
worried about sending them away. Free speech is under attack all over,
from both the right and the left. The notion that fringe voices should be
silenced rather than countered or simply ignored is gaining force. To see
a Canadian court embrace that view is alarming. Except in the case of
direct incitement to violence, democracies shouldn’t jail people for
things they write or say. That is a move from an autocrat’s playbook.
It is only too easy for governments to argue that those who oppose or
criticize them are fomenting unrest or spreading hate. Right now in China,
authorities are labelling Hong Kong’s protesters as dangerous radicals who
despise the motherland. When North America was in the grip of a Red Scare,
those with left-wing views were considered subversive. If they said the
capitalism system was corrupt and must be overthrown, they were
encouraging the populace to stage a violent insurrection. We look back at
the suppression of the left then as a gross overreaction, even hysteria.
In fraught times, the tendency to crack down on radicals, crackpots and
dissenters grows. With a bilious ranter in the White House and poisonous
populism on the rise around the world, these are fraught times indeed. The
prosecutor in the Your Ward News case said that the Crown intends to
enforce the laws against promoting hate with renewed vigilance because “in
today’s current climate … it’s become of greater concern.”
But using the criminal law to crack down on troublesome and even obnoxious
views is the wrong response. It hands governments a cudgel they can easily
misuse. It gives cranks and trolls the spotlight they crave. Mr. Sears and
Mr. St. Germaine seem delighted by all the attention. Mr. St. Germaine
said his partner emerged from court with “fresh handcuff marks still on
his wrists in the same spots where Jesus was wounded when he was nailed to
the cross.”
Worst of all, it threatens the free and unrestrained exchange of ideas
that helps societies progress. The great advantage that democracies have
over other forms of governments is that they can work through conflicts by
discussion and argument instead of violence. A system where views are
aired and tested is simply better at sorting out problems. That system is
truly safe only when all views, even the most odious ones, are allowed to
That doesn’t mean we are helpless in the face of hate. One way to fight
the haters is to argue back, denouncing their slurs and combatting their
falsehoods. Another is to turn away. If you find Your Ward News
despicable, consign it to the trash. Deny the trolls their martyrdom. Just
don’t chuck them in jail. Do that and we are all in trouble.
Overwhelming Jewish Control & Staff at Anti-Free Speech Smear Group, the SPLC
Overwhelming Jewish Control & Staff at Anti-Free Speech Smear Group, the SPLC
Former RCAF Veteran & Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts NATIONAL POST Coverage of YOUR WARD NEWS Persecution
As a Canadian newspaperman, you should value our guaranty of freedom of expression more highly that most, yet you report the jailing of James Sears, Editor of “Your Ward News” for his opinions with obvious equanimity, relegating the jailing, and the scandalously biased comments of the Judge, to a modest space on page 5, despite their momentous implications and high news value.
Free Leroy St. Germaine, Satire Publisher Hit With A Year’s House Arrest in Cuba, Oops, Canada!
Free Leroy St. Germaine, Satire Publisher Hit With A Year’s House Arrest in Cuba, Oops, Canada!
Political Prisoner Leroy St. Germaine was sentenced to a year’s house arrest by Judge Richard Blouin. He cannot leave his house except for medical or legal appointments, church, or four hours a week shopping. Lawyers will seek bail pending appeal for Leroy next week.
Toronto publisher of Your Ward News gets 12 months house arrest for hate
Toronto publisher of Your Ward News gets 12 months house arrest for hate

Published Thursday, August 29, 2019 8:02AM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:13PM EDT
TORONTO — The publisher of a free Toronto newspaper that promoted hatred against Jews and women was sentenced to 12 months of strict house arrest on Thursday after the judge said the man’s Indigenous status, poor health and expression of regret over the publication’s direction should be taken into account.
In his decision, Ontario court judge Richard Blouin confined LeRoy St. Germaine to his home, with exceptions for medical appointments and four hours a week to shop for necessities.
The conditional sentence contrasts with the maximum one-year prison term handed down a week ago to James Sears, the editor of Your Ward News, who was released on $500 bail on Tuesday pending an appeal. Blouin had said he would have given Sears a stiffer sentence had the law allowed.
“Mitigating factors reduce the moral blameworthiness of Mr. St. Germaine, while the gravity of the offence remains high,” Blouin said. “Although Mr. St. Germaine was aware of the content of Your Ward News as edited by Sears, there is no evidence he created any of it.”
The prosecution had called for a six-month jail sentence for St. Germaine along with probation, which Blouin declined to impose.
Blouin convicted both St. Germaine, 77, and Sears, 55, in January for promoting hate via the publication, which was said to have had a circulation of 300,000 along with its online presence. The offensive content — articles and images that relentlessly attacked Jews and women in vile terms — was taken down as part of Sears’ bail conditions.
“Mr. Germaine expressed some regrets … over the direction Your Ward News took after Mr. Sears took editorial control,” Blouin said. “Before Mr. Sears became editor, (the paper) was primarily a publication focused on holding political figures to account.”
Like Sears, St. Germaine said after the hearing he would appeal both sentence and conviction, saying outside court he had been the victim of a witch-hunt. Those who find his views offensive should “suck it up,” he said.
“I believe in free speech,” he said. “I’m a Metis. My family has been in this country for hundreds of years. To have other people telling me what I can and cannot say just doesn’t go with the grain here.”
St. Germaine, who said he wanted to go back to his “old style” of going after “dirty politicians,” expressed relief at avoiding jail.
“I never go anywhere anyway,” he said. “My yoga instructor will have to come to me now.”
Prosecutor Jamie Klukach, who expressed satisfaction with the outcome, said the convictions for inciting hatred against women might be a first. Klukach conceded that criminalizing any speech is controversial, but said the bar for a hate conviction is high.
While the Crown has in the past been reluctant to give hatemongers a platform, current policy is to vigilantly enforce the law, she said.
“In today’s current climate…it’s become of greater concern,” Klukach said. “It’s proliferating.”
In imposing house arrest rather than jail, Blouin said St. Germaine posed no danger to the community, had been an otherwise productive citizen for many years, and had co-operated with police. The judge also said the publisher suffers a heart and lung condition, and the law mandates the accused’s Indigenous background had to be taken into account.
While St. Germaine had indicated earlier he would be cutting off contact with Sears, he did put up a web post supportive of the editor’s bail, which the Crown opposed on the basis the appeal was frivolous.
“Like Jesus, Dr. Sears rose again!” St. Germaine wrote. “He walked out of the court and back into the arms of his wife and son, fresh handcuff marks still on his wrists in the same spots where Jesus was wounded when he was nailed to the cross.”
In support of his appeal application, Sears claims the judge was biased and gave insufficient reasons for the conviction. He previously failed to have Blouin reopen his trial on the basis that his defence lawyer had thrown the case.