When A Snowflake is Offended

Mark Friesen Reports on the END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Saskatoon(New Year’s Eve)
By Fredrik Vejdeland – December 29, 2020
RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The Tyr rune has been declared a legal symbol, and the Nordic Resistance Movement’s freedom of assembly, expression and association will not be restricted, according to a Swedish court of appeal. Fredrik Vejdeland comments on the verdict.
On 18 December, the Court of Appeal acquitted the 14 people who had been charged with incitement to racial hatred for having participated in the Nordic Resistance Movement’s demonstration in Gothenburg in 2017.
The fact that the Court of Appeal upheld the District Court’s acquittal not only means that several accused persons, including myself, were found not guilty of absurd accusations – it also means that the Nordic Resistance Movement has won a major legal victory and that the ongoing attempt to ban us in Sweden has failed for the time being. Future attempts have also been made considerably more difficult.
To give a very brief recap, the Gothenburg Trials have concerned the Nordic Resistance Movement’s use of the Old Norse Tyr rune, the fact that we “marched in line” at the Gothenburg demonstration, that our uniformed clothing etc. in combination with our demonstrations made us “reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s”, and that those of us accused for these reasons should be convicted of incitement to racial hatred.
However, the trial has been about more than just that. In reality, the indictment was about a ban of the Nordic Resistance Movement, which prosecutor Jonas Martinsson revealed in the Court of Appeal. Under such a ruling, they would still allow us to be National Socialists – which is kind of them – but we would not be able to hold public meetings or propagate our message. In other words, no activity and thus, in practice, a ban. For more reading on this topic, and the background to the continued ongoing attempts to ban us, I recommend Pär Öberg’s article Round Two of the Gothenburg Trials.
But things didn’t go the way our opponents wanted. Following a very clear and well-defined district court judgment, the verdict has now also been upheld by the Court of Appeal. This means an important legal victory for the Nordic Resistance Movement, as well as a gigantic failure for the forces that wanted to ban us – from the World Jewish Congress, which demanded a ban during a personal meeting with Morgan Johansson; to the lackey Morgan Johansson himself, who promised to do all in his power to assist them; to the corrupt police chiefs Klas Friberg and Erik Nord, who both did a terrible job; to the tired prosecutor “Sleepy Joe” Martinsson; and not least to the Jewish organisation Civil Rights Offenders, which wrote the indictment itself.
Together, they have spent a lot of time, wasted a lot of taxpayers’ money and had high hopes that the Swedish courts would be completely compromised – all of it in vain.
Their resulting distress appears to be total. Yesterday I heard an interview with Civil Rights Defenders representative John Stauffer, in which he sounded like he was starting to cry. It was refreshing to listen to, but you almost couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor fellow. Morgan Johansson has not yet commented. What will he say to his bosses at the World Jewish Congress? That he is completely incompetent?
Meanwhile, the state’s propaganda apparatus is seemingly living in some kind of parallel reality in which they cannot accept the outcome. The Kungälvs-Posten newspaper is writing about the “Nazi Tyr rune”, despite the Court of Appeal having just established that the Tyr rune is in essence not a National Socialist symbol. Then there are non-entities like Atle Morseth Edvinson at Aftonbladet, who are making statements such as “everything the NRM does is incitement to racial hatred”, a claim that contradicts applicable law and case law.
The facts supporting our positions are irrefutable. The Chancellor of Justice, the Gothenburg District Court, the Lower Norrland Court of Appeal and now the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden have ruled that the Tyr rune is a lawful symbol and that the Nordic Resistance Movement as an organisation does not constitute a carbon copy of the NSDAP, or that we as an organisation must take the blame for any impropriety that occurred in Germany 80 years ago.
So what happens now? As the courts and the judiciary have had their say, all that remains is to try to ban the Nordic Resistance Movement with the help of the politically appointed parliamentary group that is currently conducting its investigation.
If this group is to succeed in getting a ban passed, they must disregard the constitution, ignore the courts and case law, and walk all over all legal experts who have said that it’s impossible to ban the Nordic Resistance Movement. If they dare to do this, it will be very clear that it is a political decision – taken by the corrupt criminals who are in power in order to prohibit criticism of them. And there are enough supporters of freedom of speech and opponents of the power-holders in Sweden to reduce their credibility and that of the country.
Another aggravating circumstance on their part is that they do not seem to agree on how to proceed, or in what way the Nordic Resistance Movement constitutes an illegal organisation. One moment they talk about “violent extremism”, then “terrorism”, then “racial persecution”, which seems to be their latest gambit. If they manage to push this through with the help of what amounts to “fact interpretation” on steroids, it will have a wide-ranging effect – which will mean even more resistance. Had it been clear that the Nordic Resistance Movement was an illegal organisation, they would have already had a case; instead they’re floundering – the result of which will follow accordingly.
Now that the case is over (unless the prosecutor takes it to the Supreme Court and gives our side further advantageous precedents that will benefit us for a long time to come), I can suggest what the system should have done:
You should have avoided this judicial process, as it only made things difficult for you and benefited us. Instead, you should have pursued the current political investigation from the beginning, when it was still a hot topic and many people could have been drawn into the hysteria – or at least wouldn’t have dared to question it. The right time was 2017. It should be remembered that the mainstream media did a fantastic job of agitating against the Gothenburg demonstration and pushing for bans that year. It was the most heinous campaign I’ve ever seen – incredibly well coordinated, timed and executed. You should have used this momentum, but because you dilly-dallied and messed things up, that time is over, and it will take a long time before an optimal opportunity like that comes around again. Such things can be difficult, but better luck next time.
For the Nordic Resistance Movement, the struggle continues. With or without a ban.
While Canada has clear legal definitions of what does and does not constitute hate speech, enforcement is lacking. In the cases when known peddlers are actually brought before a judge, the trials are delayed, extended, and lack consequences. It’s time to bring back section 13. Posted on December 30, 2020
Elizabeth Simons
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
We need to do away with the myth that hate and racism aren’t issues in Canada, especially online. We produce hate speech and internationally recognized hate figures at a disproportionately high rate — in many measures we’re worse than the United States on a per capita basis.
As it stands now, we do not have the legal tools needed to reverse this trend.
On 4Chan, we represent almost 6% of posts made to the worst message board on the site, and earlier this year UK based think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue identified 6,600 online channels where Canadians posted hateful content.
Before we begin, let’s quickly debunk the central bad faith argument against our hate speech laws. “Hate” is not impossible to define or undefined — the Supreme Court has clearly defined it and endorsed a guide to determining what is and isn’t criminal hate speech. Our laws have been challenged and upheld by the Supreme Court as Charter consistent.
The laws strike a good balance between freedom of expression and criminalizing what is dangerous hate speech. Unfortunately, they aren’t enforced and they don’t have sharp enough teeth to be a deterrent. The very worst actors continue spreading hate largely with impunity.
Police services across Canada are the main roadblock. A few do take it seriously and act, but most are reluctant in the extreme to investigate hate-related charges against individuals — whether that’s hate speech, continuous harassment, and even death threats. Sometimes, overwhelming community pressure on the police works — but shouldn’t be necessary.
Even if the law is applied correctly, it’s not strong enough to be a deterrent. Some hatemongers make a mockery of it and use the opportunity to grandstand.
James Sears, the discredited former medical doctor who served as editor for Toronto-based Your Ward News, was sentenced to the maximum one year in prison in 2019 for promoting hatred against women and Jews. The crown proceeded with the charge as a summary offence.
Ontario Justice Richard Blouin wished he could hand down more, saying at the time “It is impossible, in my view, to conclude that Mr. Sears … should receive a sentence of any less than 18 months in jail.”
Sears hasn’t seen a day in jail yet. He was allowed to stay out, pending his argument that his lawyer misrepresented him by not giving him an opportunity to deny the holocaust and call notorious antisemites as “expert witnesses.” He regrets nothing.
Hate vlogger Kevin Johnston was initially charged with a single count of wilful promotion of hatred in 2017. Johnston has still not been tried. In 2019 he lost a $2.5 million judgment to Toronto philanthropist Mohamad Fakih for his role in racially motivated defamation against Fakih in which he repeatedly accused him of being a terrorist.
Ontario Superior Court Justice Jane Ferguson called Johnston’s attacks on Fakih “hate speech at its worst.”
Travis Patron, leader of the overtly neo-Nazi federal Canadian Nationalist Party, has been “under investigation” by the RCMP for over a year for a video in which he claimed Jews are a “parasitic tribe” and called for their expulsion from Canada. Patron continues to make antisemitic posts and flyers and do photo ops giving the Nazi salute.
It’s an open and shut case. What could possibly make it take this long to lay charges?
In 2018, a warrant was issued for Gabriel Sohier Chaput, aka Zeiger — called one of the most prominent neo-Nazis in North America, and writer with The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website — for spreading hatred. Having been on the run for two years, in August 2020 Chaput reappeared and is awaiting trial in Montreal.
Chaput is one of the ideological leaders of the newest generation of neo-Nazi terrorists — his hands are soaked in blood. It’s a travesty that the most he’s likely to get is a year. It’s uncertain whether he will even spend it in prison, given the pandemic.
Neo-Nazi Paul Fromm was under investigation by the Hamilton Police Service for posting the manifesto of the Christchurch killer, titled “The Great Replacement” — a nod to the white supremacist conspiracy theory that white people are being replaced — in full on his website in 2019. Fromm had stated, “[The shooter’s] analysis of the crisis we face is cogent.”*
They decided not to charge him.
British Columbia’s Arthur Topham, convicted in 2015 of one count of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jews, and again in 2017, had been sentenced to a six month conditional sentence, two years probation, a curfew, and was banned from posting online.
In early 2020, Topham was again before the courts for breaching his probation order and spreading online hate.
Some of these people just won’t stop — not as things are.
Our hate speech law, s. 319 (2), is crafted to balance freedom of expression while criminalizing the worst hate speech. Unfortunately, it’s not a deterrent for the most vitriolic offenders because the police won’t enforce it, and some hate mongers laugh off the consequences.
It feels like we’re banging our heads against the wall filing criminal complaints.
Before 2014, members of the public could file a hate speech complaint under s.13. Credible complaints went to the Human Rights Tribunal, and a panel of judges could order hatemongers to stop. It was relatively fast, gave communities the power to defend themselves legally, and it worked. It gave us direct access to justice
If they refused to stop, they were in violation of a standing court order and were relatively quickly thrown in jail. Eventually, most of them learned their lesson.
Earlier this month we met with Heritage minister Steven Guilbeault and a number of social justice organizations to discuss legislation surrounding online hate. We argued that reinstating s. 13 is fundamental to successfully dealing with the problem. We were joined by numerous voices in support of these measures — the Mosaic Institute, the National Association of Friendship Centres, the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice, and others — and we are committed to a coalition to realize a better solution for today.
Every single anti-racist and human rights group we know of wants it back.
Bring it back.
Follow Elizabeth Simons on Twitter @esimons_
_____* This viciously anti-free speech group utterly distorts my posting of the Christchurch Manifesto. Yes, I said his analysis of the dire position of Europeans, betrayed internally and being replaced by an elite-organized Third World invasion_was correct. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, I added that his solution — shooting up two mosques and killing 31 people was NOT the solution._________________________________________
Awaken with a COVID Communist Christmas. Awaken with JP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erAYITZRdJk&ab_channel=AwakenWith
When You Believe All The Propaganda
He is baaaaaaackkkkkkkk. Don’t Hug Your Neighbor!
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12/29/2020 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment FacebookTwitterEmailPinterestRedditShare
(Staff Writer) Austrian MP administers COVID-19 PCR test to beverage Coca Cola in plenum before colleagues. Popular drink tests positive for COVID-19
Austrian FPÖ Member of Parliament Michael Schnedlitz administered a COVID-19 PCR test to the beverage Coca Cola in the plenum before his colleagues. The popular drink tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.
He said he was performing the test live before parliament: “so you can see how worthless and misguided these mass tests are.”
He continued: “The evidence is overwhelming, starting with the absolutely absurd mass tests that are currently being carried out, which are nothing more than a large-scale redistribution of tens of millions of euros in tax money from the population…it can’t go on like this.”
Schnedlitz later wrote on his Facebook page: “The coronavirus mass tests are worthless! This was also shown by a simple experiment in parliament, in which cola got a positive result! But this government spends tens of millions in taxpayers’ money for precisely these tests.”
It is recommended not to drink acidic beverages like cola an hour before this test, which some have suggested could possibly explain how he had the courage to take such a gamble. The liquids that keep the pH value constant in a certain range are called buffers. They say that is exactly what the FPÖ politician avoided. That is why the acids contained in the cola reacted with the antibody that is actually supposed to catch the virus proteins.
The Welt quoted a Dialab company manager who produces the test used by the MP: “Any pregnancy test would have been positive. Before the honorable Member makes such embarrassing statements public, it might make sense to deal with the chemistry just a little beforehand.”
Remaining cola in the mouth would not have this effect, the buffer prevents that. However, if a sample is taken from the mouth, experts advise not to eat, drink, or smoke for an hour, mainly because the virus concentration in the mouth can drop if it is rinsed again beforehand. However, according to the package insert, the Dialab rapid test should be done with nose samples anyway, where Coca Cola isn’t.
In May, Tanzania suspended the head of its national health laboratory in charge of testing coronavirus and ordered an investigation, after President John Magufuli questioned the tests’ accuracy.
Magufuli said the imported test kits were faulty as they had returned positive results on a goat and a pawpaw fruit — among several non-human samples submitted for testing, with technicians left deliberately unaware of their origins.
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: Austrian Parliament, coca cola Pcr, coronavirus covid19, covid testing, pcr test
Calgary Street Church pastor Artur Pawlowski has been charged, yet again, by police for providing food to the homeless. Oh, and for organizing a protest, too.
Rebel News viewers might recognize Artur from the very beginning of our FightTheFines.com campaign, when my colleague Keean Bexte caught up with the pastor after he’d received a $1,200 fine for helping feed downtown Calgary’s homeless population.
After we hired a lawyer to fight for Artur, the police ended up dropping their ridiculous charge.
But, just as restrictions on gatherings have returned to Alberta, so too have Calgary police returned to, yet again, charge Artur. Over just a few weeks, the pastor and his brother have been given nearly a dozen fines. He’s been charged for not wearing a mask — even though it was outside. He’s been fined for violating orders on outdoor public gatherings. He’s even been charged for organizing protests — something he assured me he isn’t doing.
I spoke to Artur and his brother at a protest in Calgary about the situation, and how Rebel News is going to help the brothers fight their fines.
If you want to help support our fight for Artur, and every other Canadian we can fight for, you can donate at FightTheFines.com. Or, if you’ve received a charge yourself, you can tell us your story there, too.ProtestsCoronavirusFight the FinesCalgary
The anti-freedom corporate collaborators. Chapter’s Indigo stores in the Lower Mainland refused indoor service to medically exempt individuals. One was a 12 year old autistic boy; the other, Paralympic swimmer Elisabeth Walker-Young, who has no hands with which to put a mask on.