Warning to America

Warning to America:Trudeau’s Online Censorship Bill will,when it becomes law, stifle the growing chorus of anti-immigration voices just in a nick of time. Cheap labour employers, the home building industry and developers are depending on it. Billions of dollars are at stake. Let the Great Replacement proceed!

By Tim Murray on 1 March 2024


America, this is what happens to countries (like mine) which do not have the equivalent of a Second Amendment:

Liberals’ “online hate” bill contains $70K fines for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes, True North, 26 February 2024.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a half-assed document that attempts to trade off free speech with other “rights”, as if free speech is not the one right upon which all other rights depend. In other words, Canadian constitutional law is based on a deeply flawed understanding of what makes a democracy work.

If the issue is “harmful” speech, then the good old fashioned Criminal Code of Canada sufficed. Speech that incites violence is prohibited. That litmus test was understood and accepted across the political spectrum.

But then, consensus was easily achieved in a largely homogeneous society, which bicultural Canada was. In the early 70s, well over 90 percent of us were of European origin.

Then along came mass immigration and a change in immigration selection criteria that ensured that nine in ten migrants would come from “non-traditional” (ie. non-European) sources. Over time, a nation of “Two Solitudes”, British and French, eventually became 200 solitudes (and more. Hello “vibrant diversity”, goodbye cohesion and comity.

Subsequently the game became “We have to keep the peace among rival ethnic and religious groups”. The remedy? Suppress free expression that would exacerbate tensions. As Lee Kwan Yu concluded, ethnic and religious harmony must come at the expense of free speech. When famed Canadian journalist George Jonas came to Canada as a Hungarian refugee in 1956, he reported that the most common phrase he heard in his adopted land was “Everyone is entitled to his opinion.” But 40 years later it was “I am offended”.

What does this have to do with sustainable population policy? Everything.

Seventy percent of Canada’s population growth is driven by immigration, and the percentage is growing. Now the three major parties favour an annual immigration intake of 500,000+ in pursuit of an insane population target of 100 million (up from our present 40 million!). Trudeau’s agenda of stringent internet censorship and extreme punishment for thought crimes makes any challenge to this immigration policy risky to say the least. Especially when Canada’s version of the SPLC, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is looking for a xenophobe / Islamophobe / transphobe under every bed. In addition to the criminal charges that Trudeau’s proposed changes would involve, human rights charges under the various civil provincial codes could be applied.

It should be remembered that under the federal and provincial Human Rights code, the legal costs incurred by a complainant are picked up by taxpayers, however frivolous or absurd the change. Meanwhile, typically the defendant has to mortgage his house to mount a defence. In other words, a complainant has no incentive not to file a complaint and financially ruin you. How’s that for fair play?

What transpires over the next year or half a year is critical to the country’s future. At long last there are mainstream voices calling for a halt to over-immigration madness. Trudeau and his puppeteers on Bay Street understand that these voices must be stifled NOW. The backlash against hyper-immigration proposals must be nipped in the bud. Billions of dollars are at stake. Cheap labour employers, developers, the homebuilding industry and the major banks are counting on the windfall that will fall into their laps as runaway population growth proceeds.

I am very alarmed.


Anarcho-Tyranny In Canada: Lying Press, Montreal Antifa, Law Enforcement Suppress Young U.S. Female Musicians

Anarcho-Tyranny In Canada: Lying Press, Montreal Antifa, Law Enforcement Suppress Young U.S. Female Musicians’ Concert

Noah Arnold11/16/2023A+|a-

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Back in August of 2023, American female musicians Gezebelle Gaburgably [Instagram/SoundCloud], 19, and Brynn Miche [Instagram], 23, scheduled a concert in Montreal, the largest city in Canada’s French-speaking province of Quebec, at a small bar venue called the Brasserie Beaubien. They have a small but enthusiastic fanbase in Montreal and 42 tickets were sold before the scheduled performance on November 11th, 2023. Montreal was to be Gaburgably’s first stop in a two-show tour in Canada, the second at Lee’s Palace in Toronto. In a classic case of Anarcho-Tyranny, her Montreal event was suppressed by the Lying Press and Antifa, in tacit alliance with law enforcement authorities. I was there.

Gaburgably, whose songs have been listened to millions of times online, is a self-described “e-punk” artist. Her unique library of music touches on a variety of themes, reflecting on online culture, frustration with modern dating, and the feeling of being a social outcast.

One day before the Montreal concert, Dan Collen (born Daniel Cohen-Collier) [email him], a journalist with the communist Canadian  Anti-Hate Network, published a hit piece that sought to paint the girls as right-wing extremists.

Citing a song by Gaburgably entitled “Christ Church Bible Study Club,” which is written from the perspective of New Zealand mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant, Collen falsely suggested that Gaburgably celebrates the killing of innocent civilians:

Gurney’s “Christ Church Bible Study Club” portrays an upbeat, melancholic point of view of the Christchurch Mosque shootings: “I check behind the corners, Then I happily proceed. I provide all my tendencies with everything they need.”

“Incelcore” Artists Whose Music Celebrates Mass Shootings On Canadian Tour, by Dan Collen, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, November 10, 2023

Collen could not be more intellectually dishonest. The punk genre is no stranger to songs written about man-made horrors. For example, Foster The People’s very popular “Pumped Up Kicks” is written from the perspective of a disaffected teenager who enacts revenge on his classmates by committing a school shooting.

Pumped Up Kicks” is about a kid that basically is losing his mind

and is plotting revenge. He’s an outcast. I feel like the youth in our culture are becoming more and more isolated. It’s kind of an epidemic. Instead of writing about victims and some tragedy, I wanted to get into the killer’s mind, like Truman Capote did in In Cold Blood. I love to write about characters. That’s my style. I really like to get inside the heads of other people and try to walk in their shoes.

– Mark Foster, Spinner UK

Where were Collen and his “Anti-Hate Network” when Foster The People toured Canada?

The overall message of Gaburgably’s song is up to the interpretation of the listener. But of course Collen purposefully left out a key line of the song:

Here is the church, here is the steeple
Only satisfied killing innocent people [emphasis added]

Collen went on to attack Brynn Miche, whom he accused of being “connected to” White Nationalists because her boyfriend, Jimbo Zoomer, 22), is a prominent live-streamer on Cozy.tv, a platform developed by the anathematized Nick Fuentes.

Jimbo, like many young people on the Dissident Right, has made his fair share of unwise statements in live-streams and on social media. But of course these statements were always made either ironically or purely for shock value. The vast majority of Jimbo’s live streams consist of him playing video games while making jokes about pop culture—a far cry from the White Nationalist bogeyman that Collen attempts to portray.

Regardless, Brynn Miche, like Gezebelle, is a young musician—not a political commentator. Her catalog features no political messaging. Instead it explores experiences with depression, failed relationships, and being bullied.

These are themes that are commonly explored in punk music and far more palatable than the majority of what is played on the radio nowadays.

I traveled to Montreal with Brynn Miche and her bandmates as a friend, hoping to capture and support their show. As I was packing cameras into my car, I received the news that, because of Collen’s hit-piece, the Brasserie Beaubien had cravenly cancelled the show, and that the performance would be moved to a karaoke bar, Bar Au P’tit Buck, just down the street.

We arrived for sound check at the new venue at 6pm. The musicians scrambled to set up their equipment as I began to unpack my camera gear. That’s when around 25 masked Antifa—French-speaking, apparently the virus has at least to some extent jumped the language barrier—filed into the bar and began making threats against the young performers.

The Bar Au P’tit Buck was apparently unbothered by the mob of Black Bloc communists who had come to harass their artists and paying customers. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink as I watched the Antifa demand everyone pack their instruments and leave. Noticing the bartender was on the phone, I asked her “Are you calling the police?”

“No,” she said.

(Generally, I was struck by the anti-Americanism I encountered in Montreal.)

Eventually,  police were called—by a band member. The Antifa rushed out the back door as the police unhurriedly walked into the venue. A couple of police began to chase them but, when subsequently asked, they confirmed that no arrests were made.

With the language barrier making communication with both the venue and police frustrating and difficult, little could be done to ameliorate the situation. The owner of the bar eventually declared that the show was cancelled and everyone was ordered out of the venue.

Standing outside with their instruments, the musicians now wondered where to go.

This is where Anarcho-Tyranny became apparent. The remaining police in the area threatened that they would arrest us if we stayed to wait for paying fans—who were of course not aware that the event had been cancelled—or attempted to play in another bar.

(Police order all musicians out of the Bar Au P’tit Buck in Montreal, Quebec after Antifa disrupt sound check.)

A suggestion was made to simply take instruments to the Metro Station (Montreal’s subway, like Paris’, is called Le Métro) and let the show go on acoustically.

(Devoted fans follow band members to a nearby metro station.)

Two performances saved for posterity:

Brynn Miche sings an acoustic rendition of ”I Killed Myself In January.”

Gezebelle Gaburgably performing an acoustic rendition of ”I Can Fix Him” in the Montreal subway

But there too, a couple of Société de Transport de Montréal security officials (both apparently immigrants) rushed in and ordered everyone back out into the cold.

(Montreal STM Authorities order musicians to leave the area.)

(Oh, and Lee’s Palace in Toronto thereafter also cancelled.)

For these young American girls who simply wanted to put on a show for their fanbase in Montreal, this was an emotional night.

The goal of Anarcho-Tyranny is ultimately demoralization and capitulation. But the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (which John Derbyshire has called Canada’s SPLC knock-off), along with their masked paramilitaries and government enablers, failed in this attack.

There may never be another Gezebelle Gaburgably show at one of Montreal’s many dive bars. But as censorship and deplatforming of artists escalates, they will continue to grow their audiences online, and eventually be replatformed by venues that don’t capitulate to communist threats.

If only I knew of a place

Noah Arnold [email him] is a full-time video producer working with deplatformed personalities across the dissident right.

It Never Was About “Hate” — It Was Always Meant As a Gag on Nationalist Opinion

Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says

[Cosmin Dzsurdzsa and the folks at True North may be surprised that the massively federally and BMO-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network have had no time to denounce extremists and hateful comments from the left over the Israel-Hamas war because they were focused on the “extreme right”. We at CAFE are not surprised. The war on an emotion — hate — was never really about hate. It was about suppressing nationalist opinion and shielding Jews and privileged non-White minorities from serious criticism. The pernicious “hate law”, Sec. 318 & 319 of the Criminal Code were introduced by supposed civil libertarian Pierre Trudeau in 1971. In its sordid 52 year history, no Jew, no non-White, with the exception of Indian Chief David Ahenakew, was ever prosecuted for of convicted for hate. Thirty years of agitation by the Canadian Jewish Congress led to the stacked Cohen Commission on hate propaganda in 1965. This was a key year. In this year, dark forces were changing our immigration laws to eventually let in hordes from the Third World to replace Canada’s European founding/settler people That being the goal, they changed our flag from the Red Ensign which celebrated our European origins the the present rather vapid Pearson pennant. If you’re going to imposed the brazen flim flam of replacing the founding/settler people, you can anticipate some opposition. Hence, the speech suppressing hate” and similar provincial anti-free speech clones. Still, it’s refreshing to have Mr. Anti-hate Bernie Farber, a longtime operative of the former Canadian Jewish Congress admit that “anti-hate” is basically anti-White. — Paul Fromm

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa – November 7, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

A federally-funded “anti-hate” organization says its relative silence on weeks of antisemitism has been because it only has the resources to focus on hate from the “extreme right.”

Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) founding chair Bernie Farber made the admission on X in response to a post criticizing the organization for its silence on the recent wave of antisemitism following a terrorist attack on Israelis.

“It’s been a month since the terrorist attack on Israelis. This is the first post from anti-hate since then. I know your views because I’ve grown up knowing you. But it’s not just me calling this out,” posted the user, Ariella Kimmel.  https://www.youtube.com/embed/9zsjNrOAuBk?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

“Ariella, antihate.ca focuses on the extreme right. That is what it does. I wish we had the resources to do more. We just don’t,” replied Farber.

The organization has faced weeks of criticism for its sparse reporting on the ongoing anti-Israel protests engulfing Canada. 

Farber’s admission sparked a backlash on social media. True North’s Andrew Lawton criticized Farber’s selective focus.

“Canada’s leading anti-hate activist, Bernie Farber, says (CAHN’s) silence on a month of antisemitism has been because they only focus on the ‘extreme right.’ Thanks for admitting this is all coming from the left then, Bernie!”, posted Lawton. 

True North founder Candice Malcolm also joined in the criticism pointing to the fact that anti-Israel rallies across Canada were staged by the extreme left. 

“As Andrew Lawton points out, the boss over at ‘anti-hate’ let the cat out of the bag. The reason they’re not covering the anti-Israel hatefests throughout Canada is because those rallies are led by the Left (including Islamists) not the scary Right,” wrote Malcolm.

The accusations against CAHN come amid nationwide demonstrations by supporters of Hamas. Major anti-Israel demonstrations have been held in cities such as Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Montreal following Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Despite the rise in antisemitic incidents during these protests, CAHN has not published any reports or public comments on the threats faced by Jewish communities from the far-left specifically. 

The issue of antisemitism is not confined to Canada. In the United States, a 69-year-old Jewish man died following a confrontation with pro-Palestinian demonstrators in suburban Los Angeles. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

Pathetic Poilievre Toadies to Minority Censorship Groups

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

Pathetic Pierre Poilievre denounces visiting German politician, Christine Anderson. The usual anti-free speech suspects were having a canniption after three Tory MPs met and had dinner with visiting Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party. She’s a firebrand who speaks perfect English. Why shouldn’t MPs meet with foreign politicians of whatever stripe. How are we going to know what they think, if we don’t talk to them.

Nevertheless, Poilievre was right on board with shunning. His office issued a statement bristling with hostility: “Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.”Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.” (CBC. February 24, 2023)

So, seeking to prevent your country from being swamped by radically different aliens are “vile, … racist and hateful views”? Poilievre has shown himself ready to kowtow ti minority interess that have tried to limit what are acceptable views for decades. He is, of course, a big immigration man and massive immigration, as we’ve seen it for the past 40 years, means the replacement of Canada’s European founding/settler people.

Interestingly, one of the three MPs who met with Christine Anderson was Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand – Norfolk) who is Black and presumably would have known if MEP Anderson was “vile” hateful and racist”!

And you still think this career politician, obviously beholden to minority lobbyists like the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs & the free speech hating Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is an alternative?

Poilievre condemns ‘vile’ views of German politician seen lunching with Conservative MPs

Fri, February 24, 2023 at 4:28 p.m. EST·6 min read

German politician Christine Anderson, centre, poses with a group that includes Niagara West MP Dean Allison (fourth from right), Oshawa MP Colin Carrie (third from left) and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis (fourth from left). (Twitter - image credit)
German politician Christine Anderson, centre, poses with a group that includes Niagara West MP Dean Allison (fourth from right), Oshawa MP Colin Carrie (third from left) and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis (fourth from left). (Twitter – image credit)

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is attempting to distance his party from a far-right German politician whose views have been condemned as hateful and racist, and who was photographed lunching with three Conservative MPs earlier this week.

Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament with Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, is on a cross-Canada tour that ends tonight in Montreal.

On Tuesday, photos emerged online showing Anderson at a restaurant with a group that included three Conservative MPs — Niagara West MP Dean Allison, Oshawa MP Colin Carrie and Haldimand–Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which describes itself as an advocate for Jewish federations across Canada, condemned the gathering, tweeting Thursday that it had raised the issue with the Conservative Party of Canada.

Anderson’s views ‘not welcome here’

On Friday, Sebastian Skamski, director of media relations for the Opposition leader’s office, issued a statement attributed to Poilievre:

“Christine Anderson’s views are vile and have no place in our politics. The MPs were not aware of this visiting Member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her,” says the statement.

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here.”

Poilievre’s office issued a separate statement attributed to the three MPs who were photographed with Anderson.

“It is, of course, not uncommon for members of Parliament to meet with visiting elected officials from other countries. During a visit, we recently met with an elected representative of the European Parliament while she was in Canada,” said the statement.

“We were not aware of the views or associations of her and her political party. We do not share or endorse her views and strongly condemn any views that are racist or hateful.”

Jamie Sarkonak: Jon Kay’s legal victory exposes Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s anti-conservative agenda

Jamie Sarkonak: Jon Kay’s legal victory exposes Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s anti-conservative agenda

(National Post, November 24, 2022)


This is a politically motivated group that has no qualms about accusing mainstream conservatives of being racist and using the legal system to try to silence them.

A recent decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has given Canadians yet another reason to question the federal government’s relationship with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN),

On Nov. 10, the court dismissed a defamation lawsuit launched by lawyer Richard Warman, also a board member of CAHN. Warman sued journalists Jonathan and Barbara Kay for tweets that criticized CAHN’s links to the Antifa movement in the United States, which has been covered by C2C Journal and The Federalist (the Kays did not name Warman himself in their tweets). In the end, the judge ruled that the tweets weren’t defamatory, which meant the Kays wouldn’t be liable.

Even if the tweets did meet the legal threshold to be considered defamatory, the Kays would have been saved by the legal defences available. The judge said that the statements made had the benefit of being true, noting that, “CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that the movement has been violent,” and it would be reasonable to state that it is not a “good look” for a human rights organization to support a violent movement.

Additionally, the judge concluded the defence of fair comment could apply, meaning the opinions expressed by the Kays could be reasonably drawn from the known facts and were not expressed out of malice. The judge noted that even “Warman’s evidence was that he and CAHN were part of the Antifa movement,” and its “muscular resistance” and “physical disruption” were known to two other board members.

The decision tells us two things: that there are members of CAHN who are willing to use the legal system to silence its critics, and that there is a relationship between CAHN and the Antifa movement. It’s yet another indicator that the Government of Canada — particularly the Department of Canadian Heritage — should distance itself from the organization.

CAHN has received government funding in the past, including a grant of $268,400 to participate in an “anti-racism action program” from October 2020 to March 2022. The grant agreement, obtained through an access to information request, shows that the money was used to hire additional staff members, facilitate workshops, write articles about hate groups (CAHN covers everyone from far-right neo-nazis to conservative-leaning school board candidates)  and engage on social media.

A “recommendation for ministerial approval” form (also obtained through an access to information request), which is used by bureaucrats to review the grant application prior to its approval, described the expected outcomes:  “This project will increase the organization’s capacity to counter online hate by hiring four team members to carry out the monitoring of extreme-right groups, report on their activities and file complaints with law enforcement; it will educate the public as to these groups and the damage they create, and will share information through 10,000 Facebook and Twitter followers.”

Reporting citizens to police wasn’t an expectation written into the final grant agreement, but it’s concerning that paying a third-party group to investigate people for the purpose of initiating criminal investigations was on the table in the first place.

On top of that, CAHN has advised the government on numerous occasions. Records from an access to information request show that it was listed as a Canadian Heritage stakeholder on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s vaccine roll-out round-table. That was in January 2021, a month after CAHN signed its contract with the federal government.

In March 2022 — the month the government grant was set to expire — Canadian Heritage created an advisory group to help it craft its online censorship legislation. Among the appointees was Bernie Farber, chair of the CAHN. (Months before he was named to the panel, Farber told the CBC that when it comes to internet regulation, “I would rather have poorly worded legislation than nothing at all.”) The panellists could be paid a maximum of $27,000 for their work.

The panel made a number of recommendations for an online censorship regime, one of which was public education: specifically, the implementation of “programs to improve media literacy and developing a concept of e-citizenship through outreach programs in schools and communities.”

The recommendations were released on June 15, 2022. A couple weeks later, the Government of Canada and CAHN launched an “anti-hate toolkit” for use in schools — a project that was supported by the Canadian Heritage grant. The toolkit’s focus was on far-right radicalization (it should be noted that far-left radicalization and Islamic radicalization, which have also been problems in Canada, were not mentioned in it).

Among other things, the toolkit outlined problematic behaviours in students that should be reported to teachers and corrected, including displaying the Red Ensign (Canada’s former flag), the use of various memes and supporting unsavoury politicians like former U.S. president Donald Trump.

The toolkit is very much a political document that primarily targets the far-right. But in doing so, it goes after mild traditionalism, classical liberal stances on social policy and mainstream conservative values, as well.

Despite the fact the organization was only just incorporated in 2018, members of CAHN have appeared before parliamentary committees multiple times since 2019, often to discuss social policy and public safety. Its members also often appear in the media as independent “experts” on the subject hate.

This is a politically motivated group that is now recognized by a court to be associated with Antifa, and has no qualms about accusing mainstream conservatives of being racist and using the legal system to try to silence them. It’s free to advocate for whatever it wants, but the federal government shouldn’t be using the group to push fundamentally illiberal views on the limits of free speech in a free and democratic society.

Royal Bank Turns Down The Rebel & Ezra Levant for a Mortgage BECAUSE They Are Conservative

[Canadian banking is a near monopoly. The banks are militantly Woke. The Bank of Montreal gave $500,000 to the viciously anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network in 2020. All the banks shove the LGBTQ agenda in customers’ faces. When I ran provincially in 2018 in Etobicoke Centre, RBC would not open an election account for me because of my politics. This was conveyed to my financial agent, Raychyl Whyte. Now, RBC denies a mortgage to Ezra Levant’s Rebel BECAUSE it is conservative. Today [November 2], I heard an ad on Toronto’s 1010 Talk Radio: “Diversity and inclusion matter to RBC, the sponsors of ‘Chatter that Matters’ with Tony Chapman,” The hypocrisy is stomach churning. — Paul Fromm]

PROOF: The Royal Bank of Canada rejected our mortgage because we’re conservative

We’ve published recordings of RBC banksters admitting to financial de-platforming. Toronto headquarters stopped our mortgage to purchase a home for freedom-oriented Canadian media, activists, and think tanks. But we’re not letting them win, we need your help to fight back.


I was turned down for a mortgage last week by the Royal Bank.

Rebel News was applying for a commercial mortgage to buy an office building in Calgary — our own place from which we could never be cancelled or de-platformed.

But even though our application was strong — we’re debt-free, thanks to our viewers — the Calgary banker said the head office in Toronto wanted to review it for politics. And because of our “strong opinions” about Trudeau, the Royal Bank decided to block us. Even though I’ve done all my personal banking at that Royal Bank branch for decades.


We wanted to buy an office building so that we could never be cancelled or deplatformed. And even before we bought it, we were cancelled and deplatformed.

I was so excited about the building.

It was going to be my big New Year’s announcement to our viewers: to tell you about our new office, not just for us at Rebel News, but for all conservatives sick of being deplatformed and cancelled.

And I tell you one more thing: in our building, we certainly wouldn’t be asking people nosy questions about their private medical status in order to work there or visit!


The building makes sense in so many ways. Calgary has a 30% office vacancy rate right now — so prices are very affordable.

It’s going to be the Rebel News office. We’ve got six journalists in Calgary now, and we’re growing.

But we don’t need a whole building just for them. Here’s the big idea: we’re also inviting other likeminded conservative and democracy groups to work out of the office building too.

I’ve spent the past few months calling fellow travellers and telling them about it and everyone is pretty excited. For example, our friends at True North have agreed to put their Calgary staff in there too. I’ve talked to five groups that are actively considering it. It’s going to be amazing. I imagine a place not just for established groups but for start-ups, like a Silicon Valley incubator, where conservative activists have a desk, and wifi and a mailing address, to get started.

We’d each have our own offices. But there would be common areas — a lounge area and cafeteria we’d all share; and there would be a big boardroom that any of us could book. And other really useful rooms — like a YouTube studio and a podcasting studio that anyone in the building could use.

The building is pretty big — more than 15,000 square feet. Some space is already rented out, which helps cover the costs, but gives us room to expand in the future. So there’s going to be a lot of space for public gatherings. It’s going to be a place for speakers, for events, for townhall meetings, for book launches, even for conferences.


It’s called “co-working” in real estate lingo, but it would be just for people who work in freedom-oriented politics and media and organizing.

And if I had owned it, then it would be un-deplatformable. Maybe that’s why the bank killed it?

I’ve been toying with different names for the building, like the “Freedom Factory” or “The “Centre for Democratic Unity.”

After all, everyone there is working to make our democracy better. And unity — well, imagine all these conservative groups that are splintered right now, coming together under one roof. There’s a lot of splittism in conservative politics right now. How about some common purpose?

Just seeing each other and talking with each other every day in the common areas, or at events, will be amazing. I’ve already recruiting conservative leaders and thinkers for a monthly speakers series in the common areas there — I’ll be sure to invite you. That’s the whole point of this place.

The left has a ton of these buildings, by the way — I actually stumbled into one by accident in Toronto. I couldn’t believe where I found myself: every Tides Foundation and Soros Foundation leftist was hanging out there. Free wifi, a desk, software, other services. But mainly, they were building a sense of community and camaraderie. It was more than just an office; it was a team. They learned from each other, supported each other. And they were winning.

We don’t have anything like that on our side. And it’s time we did.

That’s why this building is so important.


The Royal Bank’s Calgary branch went through our mortgage application with a fine-tooth comb. We showed them everything — our Rebel News financial statements, going back years. My personal finances, because I agreed to personally guarantee the mortgage. We showed them all the details about the office building. We had an independent appraisal done. We even sent over environmental reports and structural inspections.

The Calgary bankers were so impressed that they hopped on a Zoom call with me, and even joked that our application was so strong, they wanted to give Rebel News mortgages for two buildings, not just one!

And right after that call, they sent me an email confirming it. Not only did they agree to a mortgage, but they wanted to offer us a huge line of credit too. I didn’t ask for a line of credit, but that’s how good they felt about Rebel News as a customer.

I was excited.

But then the Royal Bank loans officer who reviewed my application told me my mortgage was only cancelled because Rebel News has the wrong opinions. I recorded that phone call, because it’s too incredible to believe without proof.

It’s an absolute scandal: the Royal Bank has a blacklist of Canadians it considers political enemies. 

And Rebel News and I am on that list. (I wonder who else is?)

This office would be a co-working office building for other conservative journalists and political activists. An un-cancellable place for speakers, for events, for town hall meetings, for book launches, even for conferences. That’s why the bank killed it.

It’s a scandal that a chartered bank keeps a blacklist of Trudeau’s political enemies. But you know the saying: don’t get mad, don’t get even, get ahead. Let’s use this setback to actually buy the building ourselves, without Trudeau’s bank involved.


So, what do I do? I know what other media companies would do — they’d ask for a bail-out from Trudeau. But we’d have to give up our “strong opinions” and be obedient to him. Never.

(Here’s a longshot: if you or someone you know is in a position to replace the Royal Bank’s mortgage — or even a chunk of it, please tell me. If you’re a serious real estate lender or investor who doesn’t discriminate against conservatives, I’ll show you the mortgage application I gave to the Royal Bank. Please send me an email to ezra@rebelnews.com if you are in a position to lend us the money, secured against the building, and if you think a mortgage rate of 5% is a good rate of return.)

So maybe a miracle will happen, and an angel investor will give us the mortgage that the Royal Bank won’t. But I’m not counting on it.

So, let’s see if we can do it ourselves.

Many hands make light work. Let’s crowdfund it — a permanent home for Rebel News and for other conservative groups. An uncancellable venue for events and a home for conservative and freedom-oriented media, think tanks and activists alike. 

Brick by brick we’ll buy this place. And instead of owing money to the bank, we’ll own it outright. And if we do, we can make it available to whomever we choose — not to whomever Trudeau or his bankers choose. Instead of having a liability, let’s have an asset, and use it to build our movement.

I am completely committed. I know our team is. I know other conservative groups are excited about this, too. Will you help us, please? Or will you let Trudeau and his friends at the Royal Bank blacklist us?

If you help me, I promise you we will make that building a fortress from which we will fight for freedom every day.


We need a lot of help — more than we’ve ever needed before. But it can be fun too — we’ve set up incentives for different amount of gifts.

$250: if you can help us with a $250 donation, we’ll have a brick with your name and a short message from you on it, so we’ll see that every day as we pass by.

$1,000: if you donate $1,000, we’ll give you a brick, plus engrave your name on a brass plaque that we will hang on our boardroom wall.

$5,000: and if you can afford to chip in $5,000 — we’ll put your name on a cornerstone of our office and add you to the brass plaque too. 

$50,000: And if you are a guardian angel who has the ability to help us beyond our expectations, if you are in a position to donate $50,000, we will officially name a key room in the office after you — like the boardroom; or the YouTube studio or the podcasting studio.

Brick by brick we’ll buy this place. And instead of owing money to the bank — we’ll own it outright. And if we do, we can make it available to whomever we choose — not to whomever Trudeau or his bankers choose. Instead of having a liability, let’s have an asset — and use it to build our movement.

Symbolic brick purchasers will receive an email a few days after they donate asking them to fill out this form with their brick dedication

Will you help us, please? Or will you let Trudeau and his friends at the Royal Bank blacklist us?

The pandemic and the lockdowns have shown the value of Rebel News. We’ve never done more important journalism. Our motto “telling the other side of the story” has never been more relevant. We now have 52 staff across the company — we need an office in Calgary. But this new building isn’t just for us. That’s why I like the name “Centre for Democratic Unity”. This building will be a home for the entire movement!

Tory Leadership Candidate Lewis Criticizes Taxpayer Funded ‘Anti-Hate Toolkit’ as ‘Shockingly Hateful’

Candidate Leslyn Lewis speaks at the Conservative Party of Canada English leadership debate in Edmonton, Alta., on May 11, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh)

Candidate Leslyn Lewis speaks at the Conservative Party of Canada English leadership debate in Edmonton, Alta., on May 11, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh) Canada

Tory Leadership Candidate Lewis Criticizes Taxpayer Funded ‘Anti-Hate Toolkit’ as ‘Shockingly Hateful’

By Noé Chartier July 6, 2022 Updated: July 6, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

A federally-funded toolkit touted by the government as providing “anti-racism education” in Canadian schools is being called “shockingly hateful” by Conservative MP and party leadership hopeful Leslyn Lewis.

“Our tax dollars shouldn’t be used to bring a hateful woke agenda into our classrooms,” Lewis said of the toolkit on Twitter on July 6.

“Children should be taught our history, the good & the bad. Our children should be raised to be ready for any & every conversation, not taught how to cancel each-other.”

The toolkit, “Confronting and Preventing Hate in Canadian Schools,” produced by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network was launched by Minister of Housing and Diversity, Ahmed Hussen, on June 29.

“This toolkit will provide a comprehensive anti-racism education program to help equip educators, parents and communities better identify, confront and prevent hate in schools across Canada,” said a June 29 news release from Canadian Heritage. 

The toolkit classifies the former flag of Canada until 1965, the Red Ensign, as a “hate-promoting symbol.”

“Its usage denotes a desire to return to Canada’s demographics before 1967, when it was predominantly white,” says the toolkit. “Its usage in modern times is an indicator of hate-promoting beliefs.”

The document presents scenarios where an educator could face a “bigoted ideology” in the classroom and suggests how to respond, such as “A student argues in favour of a problematic politician or policy (eg. Trump’s wall) in classroom discussion.”

“Trump’s wall” refers to former U.S. President Donald Trump’s initiative to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to combat illegal immigration between the countries.

Another scenario presented in the toolkit involves a student asking why there are no “straight pride parades” or one that uses the Hitler salute in class.

Suggested approaches include telling the student the behaviour is unacceptable, telling the school administration, or meeting with the parents.

‘Infiltrate’ Conservative Party

The toolkit also says that the alt-right white nationalists “sometimes attempt to infiltrate mainstream Conservative political parties to influence change.”

“You paid for children to be told in school that mentioning our historic flag is racist, for their teachers to be told that if kids mention a ‘problem politician’ they must be confronted immediately, and that our country’s founding political party has been infiltrated by racists and white supremacists,” Lewis wrote on her website while referring to the literature as “a shockingly hateful toolkit.”

In the post, Lewis pointed to her good showing among western provinces during the last Conservative Party leadership race as evidence of western Canada’s rejection of racism, saying they “voted to have a black woman become their leader.”

“Yes, I have encountered racists in my life. But believe me: racists have no particular party affiliation,” Lewis wrote.

“But the woke left needs a boogeyman,” she added. “They can’t handle a society that wrestles with history, both the good and the bad.”

The government provided $268,400 to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) to help with its project.

“The increase of hate-motivated groups and ideologies is a disturbing reality in our country that we have a responsibility to address,” Hussen said in a statement announcing the launch of the toolkit.

“That is why our government is supporting the efforts of organizations like the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to create real solutions to confront and prevent hate.”

The chair of CAHN, Bernie Farber, said in the statement the toolkit will “prevent children from being groomed and recruited by white supremacists.”

“Rescind the Grant, Withdraw the Bigotted ‘Anti-Hate’ Booklet,” CAFE Tells Somali “Diversity” Minister Ahmed Hussen

“Rescind the Grant, Withdraw the Bigotted ‘Anti-Hate’ Booklet,” CAFE Tells Somali “Diversity” Minister Ahmed Hussen

Weston, July 5, 2022. Supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression picketed the constituency office of “Diversity” Minister Ahmed Hussen, a Somali refugee and dual citizen, this afternoon. They demanded that he rescind a recent grant to the anti-free speech lobby group, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network for the production of a booklet to combat “hate” in the schools but which is really of guidebook for suppressing politically incorrect ideas among students, even urging kids to rat on other kids.

As people from neighbouring stores and houses gathered around and largely agreed with the protesters, an employee locked the office door and fled. CAFE left its press statement and a few placards for the employee when she feels safe to return.

“Diversity” Minister Ahmed Hussen has given the militantly anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network $268,400 to produce a book for schools to fight hate. The book is sloppy and contains not a word about radical Islam. “Hate” has a specific meaning in the Criminal Code. Virtually none of the groups or views they smear as “hate” has ever been charged let alone found guilty under the law. “Hate”  really means views or opinions the Canadian Anti-Hate Network hates. Those include the Red Ensign and Donald Trump.

“It is outrageous Ahmed Hussen who was welcomed as a refugee  would so repay Canadians by funding this bigotted attack on free speech,” said CAFE Director Paul Fromm.  The booklet lists opinions the Canadian Anti-Hate Network finds unacceptable and urges teachers and students to try to suppress them. For instance, Gay Pride, Black Pride, Latino Pride are all good, but Euro-Pride of White Pride are “hate” and to be banished from schools

“Listing the Red Ensign  as a “hate” symbol, the flag Canadian soldiers fought under in two world wars —  this included my parents who both served under this flag —  is an insult to Canadian history,” Mr. Fromm added/
“We will  demand:

1. That the grant be rescinded

2. That the booklet be withdrawn and not distributed to educators

3. That the minister apologize for the smear against the Red Ensign that was our country’s flag.  Whether this smear was made out of ignorance or malice toward Old Stock Canadians, HOW DARE HE?’ Mr. Fromm concluded

The crest on Hussen’s sign (the crest of Canada) is the SAME crest on the Red Ensign he and the anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network say is a “hate symbol”.

Richard Warman of the Gov’t Funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network Seeks to Ruin Another Dissident’s Life

Richard Warman of the Gov’t Funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network Seeks to Ruin Another Dissident’s Life

Law Society Initiates Proceedings Against Neo-Nazi Paralegal “Red Serge”

After our investigation revealed the identity of the man behind “Red Serge,” Everett Ross Field is facing a tribunal that could determine the future of his career in law. Posted on February 24, 2022

Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Source: Facebook

The Law Society of Ontario has officially initiated a Law Society Tribunal proceeding against neo-Nazi and licensed paralegal, Everett Ross Field, alleging he failed to act with integrity during while being investigated last year for his fascist history.

In December 2020, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network identified Field as “Red Serge,” a member of some of the country’s most prolific groups of hate mongers. 

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In January of last year, the LSO launched an investigation into Field’s conduct, specifically for:

  • engaging in conduct that was otherwise dishonourable.

The current tribunal proceeding against Field, however, does not deal with the aforementioned engagement racism, misogyny, incivility, or otherwise dishonourable conduct. 

Rather, the LSO’s allegation is that Field failed to act with integrity during the initial investigation into his identity as Red Serge, by denying he was the man behind the screen name. 

“Between February and August of 2021, the Respondent misled the Law Society during its investigation into his identity as ‘Red Serge,’ the LSO wrote, “by falsely denying this identity and any awareness of the fora or activities in which ‘Red Serge’ engaged, and thereby failed to act with integrity.”

A year after the LSO’s initial investigation, Field’s profile on the LSO directory now indicates there are ongoing regulatory proceedings against him. 

If found by adjudicators to have engaged in misconduct, he faces a series of potential consequences including a reprimand, a fine, limits or conditions on the type of paralegal work Field will be allowed to conduct, and/or a suspension or revocation of his licence.

As CAHN has previously reported, Field incorporated his legal education into his fascism. As a guest on the now-defunct neo-Nazi podcast, This Hour Has 88 Minutes, Field used his legal expertise to “red pill” the hosts on hate speech laws, and lay out the boundaries of “what you can and cannot say.” 

Later in the episode, Field boasted about using his knowledge of the law to his advantage when confronted about his use of hateful language. 

“When you work in the legal field like I am, and you want to be as offensive as I am, you can very easily hold people over the fire. I’ve got a few guys I can basically blackmail with assault charges. Because I said the n-word at a bar and they decided to try and punch me… Well now I get to basically bend them over a barrel, fist them up the ass, legally speaking of course, and all of it translates to money. It’s hilarious that I’m doing the opposite of the Jew move. Normally it’s like ‘oh my god you said n—–,’ but I get to say it and then bend them over because of it. Most of these guys have heeb [an insult against Jewish people] last names too. So it’s just beautiful, the way I’m twisting the legal system. I anglo’d them…When you out-Jew a Jew.”

As a former president of both the Mohawk College Conservative Club and the McMaster Conservatives campus association, Field used his connections at both schools to help organize the Hamilton Conservative Christmas Formal in 2017, to which he repeatedly invited his friends in the fascist Canadian Super Players Discord server, provided they not behave in an “overtly fash” way.

As a student in both the “pre-law” program at McMaster University, and then in the paralegal program at Mohawk College, Field bragged in the CSP server about his on-campus “activism” and expressions of fascism. 

On one occasion, he gleefully posted in the CSP chat about his professor while sitting in her class: “She’s bitching about one of our postering campaigns. We did it, boys. I have to contain my glee. So hard not to have a shit eating grin [right now].” 

In November 2021, CAHN reported on the discourse of Canadian neo-Nazis during the deadly white supremacist “Unite The Right” attack on Charlottesville in 2018. For his part, Field told members of CSP who were attending that he hoped they “bashed some antifa skulls.”

Based on our investigations, human rights lawyer and CAHN board member Richard Warman has submitted a formal complaint that Everett Field did not at the time of his licensing, and does not now as a fully licensed paralegal, meet the “good character” requirement to remain licensed as a paralegal member of the Law Society of Ontario.

  • engaging in discriminatory/racist/misogynist conduct
  • engaging in incivility

Jewish Writer Jonathan Kay Exposes Bernie Farber’s Hoax to Smear Truckers As Anti-Semitic

Jewish Writer Jonathan Kay Exposes Bernie Farber’s Hoax to Smear Truckers As Anti-Semitic

Canadian ‘Anti-Hate Network’ Caught Spreading Hate Hoax to Smear Truckers

February 7, 2022 Constitutional NobodyNews

Bernie Farber, the former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress and current leader of the “Canadian Anti-Hate Network,” was caught spreading a hate hoax on Sunday in an effort to smear Canadian truckers. 

Farber posted an image of an anti-Semitic flier and said it was, “Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.”

After being exposed, Farber blamed his “friend from Ottawa” and insisted the “friend” told him they “saw the same thing,” though Farber himself said he “cannot attest to it” as he’s not even in Ottawa. 

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“That said racist and antisemitic posters and flyers have now been seen by others,” Farber insisted. 

Farber’s Canadian Anti-Hate Network, a thinly veiled pro-Israel advocacy organization modeled after the Anti-Defamation League, received $250,000 from Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in 2021. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-

Farber’s Anti-Hate Network posted an article on Friday calling for new “anti-hate” legislation to advance mass internet censorship and imprison Canadians who post “hate” online.

The article said the Ottawa “occupation” shows “why we need anti-hate legislation.”

“Every day the government allows social media companies to self-regulate, Canadians are getting misled, enraged, and absorbed into the far-right and Covid conspiracy movement,” Farber’s group said. “Now a far-right mob has occupied the capital.”

“It will be difficult, if not impossible, for members of the intertwined antivaxx and far-right movement to come back to reality. New people are finding them every day. With online harms legislation, we may be able to disrupt that pipeline by making it harder for dis/misinformation to find people. We may be able to build a fence of protection both online and offline around the groups that the far-right slanders, harasses, threatens, and attacks. We have to try.”


Trudeau’s Liberals announced on the same day that they’re planning to reintroduce their “anti-hate” online censorship bill C-36 “as soon as possible.”

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Canadian ‘Anti-Hate Network’ Caught Spreading Hate Hoax to Smear Truckers

February 7, 2022 Constitutional NobodyNews


Bernie Farber, the former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress and current leader of the “Canadian Anti-Hate Network,” was caught spreading a hate hoax on Sunday in an effort to smear Canadian truckers. 

Farber posted an image of an anti-Semitic flier and said it was, “Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.”

It turns out the exact same photograph was shared by someone on Fascist Twitter two weeks ago in Miami. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1490439304224686082&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fussanews.com%2Fcanadian-anti-hate-network-caught-spreading-hate-hoax-to-smear-truckers%2F&sessionId=2c2373b49fea3262a3f3af36047a9fe42c61a316&siteScreenName=USSANews&theme=light&widgetsVersion=0a8eea3%3A1643743420422&width=500px https://api.banned.video/embed/620083b5f8a338099ccc008e https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1485289742073794570&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fussanews.com%2Fcanadian-anti-hate-network-caught-spreading-hate-hoax-to-smear-truckers%2F&sessionId=2c2373b49fea3262a3f3af36047a9fe42c61a316&siteScreenName=USSANews&theme=light&widgetsVersion=0a8eea3%3A1643743420422&width=500px

After being exposed, Farber blamed his “friend from Ottawa” and insisted the “friend” told him they “saw the same thing,” though Farber himself said he “cannot attest to it” as he’s not even in Ottawa. 

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“That said racist and antisemitic posters and flyers have now been seen by others,” Farber insisted. 

Farber’s Anti-Hate Network posted an article on Friday calling for new “anti-hate” legislation to advance mass internet censorship and imprison Canadians who post “hate” online.

The article said the Ottawa “occupation” shows “why we need anti-hate legislation.”

“Every day the government allows social media companies to self-regulate, Canadians are getting misled, enraged, and absorbed into the far-right and Covid conspiracy movement,” Farber’s group said. “Now a far-right mob has occupied the capital.”

“It will be difficult, if not impossible, for members of the intertwined antivaxx and far-right movement to come back to reality. New people are finding them every day. With online harms legislation, we may be able to disrupt that pipeline by making it harder for dis/misinformation to find people. We may be able to build a fence of protection both online and offline around the groups that the far-right slanders, harasses, threatens, and attacks. We have to try.”


Trudeau’s Liberals announced on the same day that they’re planning to reintroduce their “anti-hate” online censorship bill C-36 “as soon as possible.”

Click this link for the original source of this article.