I received yours and M’s mail today along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.
I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of 2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.
My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.
Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.
Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.
At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.
This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]
Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail? When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?
As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?
I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?
Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!
Brad Love
Prisoner #1519809
Letter from Political Prisoner Brad Love – On of the Men Behind the Wire
September 20, 2023
Dear Paul:
I received yours and M’s mail tod along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.
I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of 2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.
My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.
Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.
Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.
At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.
This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]
Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail? When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?
As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?
I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?
Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!
In 2021, the Canadian Association to Free Expression (CAFÉ) revived the George Orwell Free Speech Award, started in the 1980s by the late Doug Christie, the “Battling Barrister.” The last one was awarded in 2013, the year one of Canada’s most outstanding defenders of free speech died. In 2021, with the permission of Doug Christie’s widow, we revived the award. Because of the generosity of a special donor, the award is accompanied by a $1,000 prize. It is awarded alternately in Eastern and Western Canada. In 2021, the winner was political prisoner and editor of Your Ward News, Dr. James Sears. The award was presented in Toronto. In 2022, the award winners were brother and sister political prisoners Alfred and Monika Schaefer. The award was presented in Vancouver. This year, the award was presented on October 12 in Toronto to Jurgen Neumann.
The award read: “The Canadian Association for Free Expression Presents The George Orwell Free Speech Award for 2023 For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent as a Freedom Communicator & Videographer who has collected and preserved so many vital historical speeches, events, and discoveries online for future generations to Jurgen Neumann. Presented in Toronto, October 12 , 2023 Continuing a Tradition Begun by the late Douglas Hewson Christie, The Battling Barrister & the Canadian Free Speech League.”
Adding his congratulations was Christian Klein, President of the Association of German Expellees and himself a longtime supporter of the late Mr. Zundel’s struggle for free speech and historical truth.
We received a number of congratulatory messages. One came from fellow videographers Diane King and Jim Rizoli: ‘On our last trip to Canada about five years ago or so, one of the most important things we had to accomplish was to meet up with Jurgen Newmann to acquire all of the Ernst Zundel and any other Revisionist videos that he had. This was particularly significant since both Ernst and Ingrid had died and the estate was relegated to Ingrid’s son who would have nothing to do with the revisionist community whatsoever. What Jurgen possessed was an immensely valuable archive of information dealing with the truths about The Third Reich and WWII. Jim spent time with Jurgen acquiring these videos, which we have been able to promote and display on BitChute and other formats and will continue to do so as long as we are able. We could not have accomplished this without Jurgen and his dedication to the truth concerning and on behalf of the Germans in WWII and The Third Reich.”
CAFE Director Paul Fromm Presents 2023 Winner Jurgen Neumann With the George Orwell Free Speech AwardChristian Klein, Committee of German Expellees, Salutes Jurgen Neumann
CAFE Supports “Hands Off Our Kids” Rally in St. Catharines, Ontario
ST. Catharines, October 21, 2023. Over 200 people rallied today here to oppose indoctrination of children with the radical SOGI (Sexual Orientations and Gender Identity) sex ed programme. They also insisted that parents be informed if their under age and perhaps confused children are changing their names or pronouns at school.
CAFE supporters took at active part in the rally.
The St. Catharines rally was one of dozens taking part across Canada.
About a dozen pro-LGBTQ counterprotesters shadowed the march bust stayed well back.
Chilliwack Board of School Trustees faces legal action over freedom of expression concerns
[One of the ways lefish school boards silence parent delegation is by turning off the microphone, claiming that the remarks are discriminatory. Usually they are not, but, even if so, so what: The TAXPAYERS have a Charter right to petition their elected representatives.]
A grandmother is suing a B.C. school board she says violated her rights by shutting her down at a public meeting.
Lynda Di Armani is taking the Chilliwack Board of School Trustees to court after being interrupted and having her microphone cut off when she attempted to raise attention to a conflict of interest she said one of the board members had.
Di Armani, a grandmother and former school employee, began her time in the meeting by saying that trustee Teri Westerby had brought forward a motion about flying a pride flag during pride month, despite being the director of marketing for the local pride society.
Board chair Willow Rechelt and vice-chair Carin Bondar interrupted Di Armani and claimed her statements were “discriminatory.”
Di Armani was interrupted several times and her microphone was cut off, before she was eventually told to sit down before she had finished speaking, according to video of the meeting.
Di Armani alleges in a lawsuit filed by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) that the board’s treatment of her violated her Charter right to freedom of expression.
“Elected officials exercising government power must respect Canadians’ Charter freedoms. The Chilliwack School Board’s actions show a disregard for not only my client’s freedom of expression but also for the listening public, who have a right to hear diverse views at Board meetings,” said Marty Moore, Di Armani’s lawyer.
The allegation has not been proven in court and the Chilliwack school board did not respond to a request for comment from True North.
While the chair is authorized to cut off the remarks of speakers who don’t comply with their bylaw, the chair is not allowed to silence people simply because of disagreement with what they are saying, the JCCF says.
Di Armani is petitioning the court for a declaration that the board overstepped its bounds and violated her Charter rights. Additionally, she is seeking court orders to prevent similar behaviours in the future and to permit the public to record these meetings on their own devices.
Upon entry, Di Armani alleges she was mandated to sign a declaration confirming she would not record the session. This policy, Di Armani contends, means the board retains exclusive control over the meeting’s recordings, potentially allowing for selective muting or editing, thereby infringing upon the public’s right to fully hear, listen, and weigh alternative viewpoints. (True North, October 20, 2023)
FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
at Main and Warren, Penticton
In case you missed last week – Author Donald Lee dug deep into the workings of the fraud involved in the false pandemic and the way ahead to freedom.
=============================================This Week : Mike Goodman takes the lead again with his recent research and opens the mic to all who wish to share their news. With the Hands Off Our Kids rallies today, there will be stories to tell from those who attended one of those events.Miss a week and you miss a lot!Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.——————————- o0o————————————-EVENTS——————————————- o0o————————————————- 1 Million March 4 Children Events October 21, 2023~Summerland~
Please show up early to get set up. Memorial Park, Summerland – official start 1 p.m.
As you are all most likely aware, the Israel-Palestinian conflict has flared up again. Like clockwork, the apologists for both sides have come crawling out of the woodworks insisting that we all take sides. Interestingly, this time around the apologists on each side are taking rather the same position with regards to the apologists of the other side that they insist the side they are cheering for in the Middle East take towards the other side, i.e., one of eradication and elimination. The pro-Israel side is calling for the pro-Palestinian side to be silenced, their protests shut down, and their views criminalized. Some on the pro-Israel side are capable of distinguishing between being pro-Palestinian, that is to say, someone who seeks to promote the basic human rights of the Palestinian Arab population, and being a supporter of the murderous terrorist organization Hamas, but it seems to me that they are outnumbered by those lacking this capacity. To be fair, this same incapacity characterizes the other side as well. On either side, it is most ugly in its manifestation. The pro-Israelis who fail to make the distinction have come close to calling for all expressions of humanitarian concern for the Palestinians to be outlawed as hate. They clearly have come dangerously unhinged because all rational, sensible, and decent people are categorically opposed to laws criminalizing hate qua hate. The other side, however, has made it difficult not to sympathize with them to some degree in that they have been openly cheering on the most vile and despicable sorts of behaviour on the part of Hamas.
Two and a half years ago, in an essay entitled “The Holy Land Returns to the Old Normal” I gave an overview of the Israel-Palestine conflict, rebutted a few common fallacies concerning it, offered an explanation of where the insistence that we all take sides comes from, and answered that demand. I do not intend to go over all of that material again, but I hope you will excuse my quoting myself here. At the end of the essay I pointed out the obvious real nature of the relationship between the Israeli government and Hamas:
The most ill-kept secret of the Middle East is that Likud Israeli governments and Hamas each rely upon the other to maintain their popular support among their own people. The Palestinians expect Hamas to keep on harassing Israel. The Israelis expect their government to brutally punish the Palestinians. Each, therefore, provides the other with the excuse to do what they need to do to play to their own crowds. So we come to May of this year. On the sixth the Palestinians hold a protest in East Jerusalem, on the seventh the Israelis crack down and storm the al-Aqsa mosque, on the tenth Hamas issues an ultimatum which Israel naturally ignores and the rockets start flying, on the eleventh the Israeli Air Force begin several days of bombing the hell out of Gaza. On the twentieth, having given their fans the show they were looking for, Netanyahu and Hamas agree to a ceasefire. Bada bing, bada boom, it is all over in a fortnight, mission accomplished, everyone is happy, high fives all around. Too bad about all the people who had to die, but didn’t someone somewhere at sometime say something about an omelet and eggs?
There is no good reason to think that any of this has changed in the present situation. Indeed, the current conflagration could be said to exemplify the point. The actions of the Israeli government and Hamas both clearly serve the interests of the other. Consider Hamas’ attack on 7 October. On top of the usual barrage of rockets, Hamas breached Israel’s supposedly impenetrable barrier and almost 3000 of their agents entered Israel, attacked towns, kibbutzim (collective farms), and even a weekend music festival. They murdered some 1500 people, and took about 150 hostages. The murder victims and hostages were mostly Israeli citizens, although there were a few soldiers and a number of people from other countries who were in Israel in various capacities – workers, students, attendees of the music festival – among both the dead and hostages. This was far better organized and co-ordinated than any previous Hamas attack and consequently far more lethal but it is difficult to see how it accomplished anything for Hamas other than the bloodshed itself. It did, however, clearly serve a purpose of Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu, who had been ousted as Prime Minister of Israel in June of 2021, was re-elected in December of last year on a hard-line platform and needed to at least appear to be making good on his promises. Cracking down on Hamas is the easiest way of doing that and by carrying out an attack of this nature Hamas handed him an iron clad justification for doing so. On a side note, whatever else you might say about Benjamin Netanyahu, his political longevity is something to be marvelled at. I fully expect that sometime down the road we will be reading, a week or two after his funeral, that he has just won re-election as Prime Minister of Israel in a landslide.
Now some of you might be thinking “Aha, gotcha, there is a flaw in your argument. Hamas’s actions might serve Netanyahu’s ends, but in retaliating the Israeli government will wipe them out so there is no reciprocal benefit, it is a one-way street this time around”. This, however, very much remains to be seen. So far, apart from the rhetoric, Israel’s retaliatory actions have consisted of the same sort of aerial bombardment with which they have responded to past Hamas attacks, albeit on a larger scale. There has been talk of an imminent and massive ground incursion into Gaza for a week and a half now but if it ever materializes the IDF’s overwhelming military superiority does not guarantee Israel a quick and easy victory. Ask the Americans. Israel would be walking into the same sort of situation in which the United States found herself entangled in Vietnam and later Afghanistan. This is a long term operation and the longer it drags on the more it is to Hamas’ favour, because the longer such a conflict stretches out, the less international public sympathy will be with Israel, and it is in the arena of international public opinion that Hamas fights all its true battles.
It sounds crazy but it is nevertheless true that every time Hamas attacks Israel it is with the intention of provoking a retaliatory attack. The reason this seems crazy is because Israel is so much stronger than Hamas in terms of military might. It conjures up the picture of a chihuahua getting in the face of a big bruiser of a bull dog and yipping away annoyingly until the larger dog barks or bites its head off. One moral of the Old Testament account of David and Goliath, however, is that size isn’t everything. In this case, Hamas wants Israel to attack back because every time Israel does far more Palestinian civilians are killed than Hamas agents, enabling Hamas to run to the international news media, the General Assembly of the United Nations, the World Council of Churches, humanitarian organizations, university professors and student activists, and basically every group of self-important jackasses with a lot of money and power and not enough brain cells to fill a thimble, and whine and cry about how mean old Israel has been beating on them again, after which these groups wag their fingers in Israel’s face saying shame on you, shame on you, and dump tons of money in humanitarian relief into Hamas controlled Palestinian territory, keeping Hamas solvent, and freeing up other resources with which to buy more rockets.
A great illustration of the Hamas strategy can be found in the 1959 film The Mouse That Roared. In the movie, a small European country, the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, has built its entire economy on a single export product, the wine Pinot Grand Fenwick. When a California wine company produces a cheap knockoff, and the country is threatened with insolvency, Duchess Gloriana (Peter Sellers) and her Prime Minister, Count Mountjoy (Peter Sellers) hatch a scheme to attack the United States, lose, and then reap the rewards of losing to the United States, which pours plenty of money into rebuilding the countries it has defeated in war. So they send the United States a declaration of war and then put their game warden, Tully (guess who), in charge of their small army of soldiers, mail-clad and armed with bows and arrows, and send him over. The scheme goes awry when Tully accidentally wins the war – watch the movie to find out how. The point of course, is that Hamas’ strategy is essentially that of Grand Fenwick. It is a darker version that involves much more bloodshed including the sacrifice of large numbers of their own and the payoff is expected more from third parties than from the victorious attackee, but it is the same basic scam.
Israel is running a big scam too, of course. In her case it is not the gullible “international community” that is the mark so much as the equally gullible United States of America. Israel, which paid for the creation of Hamas – see my previous essay alluded to earlier – has long been the single largest recipient of American foreign aid, in part because the various pro-Israel lobby groups in the United States make the National Rifle Association look like rank amateurs in comparison, but also because Israel knows how to play on the United States’ national mythology by presenting herself as the only liberal democracy in her region, surrounded and besieged by anti-Semitic autocrats, just like those that the United States likes to imagine herself as having single-handedly defeated in the Second World War. Of course there is some truth in that depiction. When did you ever hear of a successful scam that consisted completely of falsehoods?
This is why it is best for the rest of the world to stay out of this conflict and refuse to give in to this demand that we pick sides. Our involvement, whichever side we end up supporting, however well-intentioned, ends up facilitating the worst sort of behaviour of both sides.
We need to stop looking at the conflict in the Middle East through the lens of the “good guys” versus “bad guys” dichotomy, rooted in the heresy of Mani that has permeated Western popular culture through the pernicious influence of Hollywood movies and the comic book industry. There are no “good guys” in this conflict although there are a lot of innocent victims, both Israeli and Palestinian Arab.
If someone were to point a gun to my head and demand that I choose sides I would chose Israel, although I would be sure to hold my nose while doing so. Israel is a legitimate state, or at least the closest thing to a legitimate state that a modern democratic government without a king can be, which isn’t very close. Hamas is a criminal organization of lawless thugs and murderers. Israel has spent the last three quarters of a century trying to build up a civilized society for herself and her people. Hamas are destroyers not builders. I am a life-long Tory by instinct and as the late Sir Roger Scruton wisely put it “Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created.” I will never side with those who only ever walk the easy path of destroying what others have labouriously built. Not Year Zero, Cultural Maoist, groups like Black Lives Matter and Every Child Matters in North America. Not Hamas in the Middle East. Finally, while both sides value the lives of civilians on the other side extremely cheap, there is a huge difference in that Hamas places no higher a value on the lives of their own civilians. Indeed, Hamas arguably values the lives of civilian Palestinian Arabs less than Israel. Hamas, when it attacks Israel, targets the civilian population, but prior to 7 October, its attacks have been largely ineffective. It fires tons of rockets at Israel, almost all of which are taken down by the Iron Dome, and the few that make it past are not guaranteed to hit anything or anyone. Its rocket launchers, however, Hamas deliberately places in residential neighbourhoods, mosques, hospitals, schools, and other similar locations where a retaliatory strike to take out the rocket launcher will have maximum civilian casualties. The same is true of anything else Hamas has that would be considered a legitimate military target by the rules that most countries, nominally at least, support for the conduct of warfare. Therefore, Israel must either stand there and allow herself to be attacked, the sort of thing someone whose soul has been killed and brain rotted from training in public relations and/or human resources might recommend, (1) or take out Hamas’ attack bases and in the process destroy the civilian and humanitarian infrastructure within which those bases are hid and kill the countless numbers of Palestinians that Hamas uses as human shields, handing Hamas plenty of ammunition in the form of bad press to use against her..
That having been said, the reasons for refusing the choice, for not taking sides are solid. It is in the mutual interests of Israel and Hamas to keep this conflict going forever, but this is not in the interests of the civilians on both sides, nor is it in the interests of the rest of the world which both sides expect to pay for their lethal and destructive activities. It is in the best interests of everybody, that the rest of the world refuse to be dragged into this any longer, and tell the two sides they both need to grow up.
I shall, Lord willing, follow up this essay with two others. The first will demonstrate that the Christian Zionist position that we are required by the Scriptures to take Israel’s side in Middle-East conflicts is rank heresy. The second will look at the neoconservative claim that the pro-Palestinian Left’s unhinged support of Hamas comes from anti-Semitism and demonstrate that it comes from a different source.
(1) Contrary to what the Anabaptist heresy teaches, Jesus said nothing of this sort in Matthew 5:39. This verse is best understood as forbidding revenge rather than self-defence but even if taken as forbidding self-defence it says nothing about how governments, responsible for the security of those they govern, are to act, as evident from the fact that before this section of the Sermon, Jesus gave a disclaimer that it is not to be taken as abrogating the Law. — Gerry T. Neal
I’m delighted to share with you that the next 1 Million March For Children against LGBT indoctrination in schools will be taking place again, nationwide, on Saturday, October 21st.A complete listing of march locations is available under my signature, at the end of this email.The first Million March event which took place September 20th was incredibly powerful. It rocked the pro-child-sexualization establishment, along with Justin Trudeau’s political world!This coming Saturday, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and other people of good will once again gather at city halls, legislatures, and school board offices across Canada, to send a loud and clear message…LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE!
Once again, from coast-to-coast, we’ll tell our school board Trustees that we don’t want our sons taught that they might be girls “trapped in the wrong body“.Nor our daughters taught to hate the bodies God gave them, leading so many teenage girls to cut off their breasts, in what can only be described as state-sponsored child mutilation.On October 21st, Canadian parents and grandparents will tell Premiers and Education Ministers that they don’t want their kids and grandkids taught that puberty blockers, chemical castration, and genital mutilation might be right for them.And finally, parents of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds will tell Justin Trudeau that parents are not “hateful” just because they don’t want their children to be forced to participate in Gay Pride Month, and other LGBT days of recognition.On this point, I want to remind you of just how radical Justin Trudeau is, and how seriously he takes his role as Canada’s LGBT Indoctrinator-in-Chief.
Believe it or not, “King Trudeau” has decreed that the entire month of June is not enough time to celebrate LGBT Pride.No, no! Canadians obviously need even more gay Pride!Trudeau declared that Canada now celebrates “Pride Season”. His Liberal government officially extended the celebration of transgenderism and homosexuality throughout the entire summer and part of the fall, to cover a season instead of a paltry month.Trudeau’s contempt for families who adhere to biblical norms of sexuality was most clearly revealed on Parliament Hill, just a few days after the nation’s news headlines were dominated by the recording of an Edmonton teacher berating a Muslim student for skipping LGBT Pride festivities. The teacher told this immigrant student, “You don’t belong here (in Canada)”.What was Trudeau’s response in the days following this outrage? Well, you can watch it for yourself, below.
On Saturday October 21st, Mr. Trudeau will once again be sent a loud and clear message that parents are not “bigots” just because they don’t want a sexualized Pride flag hanging over their children’s heads.And neither are students who object to it, like that Muslim student!Please join the #1MillionMarch4Children event closest to you. Scroll down to the end of this email for a location listing.Ottawa’s Parental Rights March cancelled
NOTE: The Ottawa March has been cancelled, and potentially some other locations too. The man who started the1MillionMarch4Children, Kamel El-Sheikh, announced that due to the war in the Middle East, and concerns about safety, he was cancelling the Ottawa event for the time being.However, Kamel did say that it would be rescheduled, after emotions have calmed down and people concerned about the war can focus better on the parental rights battle here in Canada.Campaign Life Coalition continues to be grateful to Kamel El-Sheikh for starting the Million Person March For Children, and for his continued leadership in this monumental battle against those who seek to sexualize and harm our children. Likewise, we thank parental rights leaders running similar groups in other parts of the country. .For life & family, Jeff Gunnarson National President Campaign Life Coalition
P.S. Scroll down for a listing of all the Million Person March For Children locations, as of this writing.P.P.S. For a web version of this email that you can share on social media, click here.*******LOCATION LISTING**********ALBERTAAIRDRIE 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Yankee Valley McDonald’s Parking Lot (Map)CALGARY 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM City Hall 800 Macleod Trail SE (Map)CAMROSE 10:00 AM Gather & speeches. 11:00 AM March. Gazebo at NE corner of Mirror Lake 5211 48 A AvenueCOLD LAKE 1:00 PM Gather. 2:00 PM March to City Hall. Tri City Mall 6503-51 Street (Map)EDMONTON 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Intersection of Whyte Avenue & Gateway Boulevard 82 Avenue & 103 Street 10270-82 Avenue (Map)EDSON 12:30 PM Shekinah Coffee 5202 2 Avenue (Map)FORT McMURRAY 1:00 PM Provincial Building/Court House 9700 Franklin Avenue (Map)GRANDE PRAIRIE 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM 100 Avenue & 99 Street (Map)LETHBRIDGE 10:30 AM Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden (parking Lot) Mayor Magrath & 9th Avenue (Map)LEDUC 12:30 PM Gather. 1:00 PM Walk. Leduc Spray Park 5 Alexandra Park (Map)LLOYDMINSTER 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM City Hall 4420-50 Avenue (Map)MEDICINE HAT 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Tim Hortons (outside) 3201 13th Avenue SE (Map)RED DEER 1:00 PM City Hall 4914-48 Avenue (Map)SHERWOOD PARK 10:00 AM gather. 11:00 AM march. Strathcona County Hall (in front of library) 2001 Sherwood Drive (Map) BRITISH COLUMBIA100 MILE HOUSE 11:00 AM Visitor Centre 155 Wrangler Wy (Map)ABBOTSFORD 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Jubilee Park 2552 McCallum Rd (Map)CHILLIWACK 10:00 AM Gather at Old Canadian Tire Parking Lot 11:00 AM March beginsCOQUITLAM – LAFARGE LAKE 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Douglas Skytrain StationCOMOX VALLEY 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 17th Street BridgeFORT ST. JOHN 10:00 AM Gather at City Hall 10631 100 St (Map) 11:00 AM March to Centennial ParkKELOWNA 12:00 PM City Hall 1435 Water St (Map)KEREMEOS 11:00 AM Pocket Park, downtownLANGLEY Township of Langley Civic Facility 8:00 AM 20338 – 65 Avenue (Map)NANAIMO 1:00 PM City Hall 455 Wallace St (Map)PARKSVILLE 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Corner of Hwy 4 & 19APORT ALBERNI 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Walmart parking lot (Map)PRINCETON 1:00 PM Veteran’s Square (Bridge St & Vernillion Ave) (Map)PRINCE GEORGE 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM SD 57 Central Administration Office 2100 Ferry Avenue (Ferry @ Hwy 16) (Map)PRINCE RUPERT 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Courthouse 100 Market Pl. (Map)SURREY 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM KG Blvd / 88 Ave.TRAIL 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Statue across street from Cominco Arena (Map)TUMBLER RIDGE 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Town Hall 305 Iles Way (Map) MANITOBABRANDON 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM 11th & Princess AvenueDAUPHIN 1:00 PM CN ParkWINNIPEG 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM City Hall 510 Main Street (Map)NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADORST. JOHN’S 1:00 PM Confederation Building 100 Prince Philip Drive (Map) NEW BRUNSWICKFREDERICTON 12:00 PM Legislative Assembly Building 706 Queen St (Map)MONCTON 12:00 PM Centennial Park 811 St. George Blvd. (Corner of St. George Blvd & Milner BD.)SAINT JOHN 12:00 PM City Hall 15 Market Square (Map) NOVA SCOTIAHALIFAX 12:00 PM City Hall 1841 Argyle St (Map)SYDNEY CAPE BRETON 12:00 PM City Hall (Map) ONTARIOBARRIE 12:00 PM Barrie Public Library 60 Worsley Street (Map)BURLINGTON 11:00 AM Gather 11:30 AM March begins Joseph Brant Museum 1240 North Shore Blvd E (at Lakeshore) (Map)CHATHAM 1:00 PM Keil Dr. S between Richmond St. & Riverview Dr. (Map)ESPANOLA 12:00 PM Espanola Town Hall 100 Tudhope Street (Map)GUELPH 1:00 PM Royal City Park 139 Gordon St. (Map)HALIBURTON 10:00 AM Head Lake Park 13 York St (Map)HAMILTON 12:00 PM City Hall 71 Main St. W. (Map)HUNTSVILLE 3:00 PM March Huntsville Community Centre/Canada Summit Centre 20 Park Drive (Map)KINGSTON 10:00 AM Curbside at Princess St. & Gardiners Rd. (Map)KITCHENER 12:00 PM City Hall 200 King St. W. (Map)LONDON 12:00 PM Victoria Park 580 Clarence St (Map)MISSISSAUGA 12:00 PM City Hall 300 City Centre Dr. (Map)NORTH BAY 1:00 PM Gathering time 3:00 PM March begins City Hall 200 McIntyre St E (Map)ORANGEVILLE 2:30 PM Gathering time 3:00 PM March begins War Memorial 11 Second Street (Map)OWEN SOUND 12:00 PM City Hall 808 2nd Avenue East (Map)SAULT STE. MARIE 1:00 PM City Hall 99 Foster Drive (Map)SIMCOE, NORFOLK 1:00 PM Wellington Park 50 Bonnie Drive (Map)ST. CATHARINES 12:30 PM Gather 1:00 PM March begins 399 Louth Street (next to Canadian Tire) (Map)SUDBURY 12:00 PM Corner of Kingsway & Barry Downe Road (Map)TEMISKAMING SHORES 12:00 PM Gathering time 1:00 PM March begins Riverside Place 55 Riverside Drive, New Liskeard (Map)THUNDER BAY 1:00 PM Walmart parking lot 1101 Arthur St. W. (Map)TIMMINS 1:00 PM Hollinger Park 565 Algonquin Blvd E (Map)TORONTO 11:00 AM Queen’s Park 110 Wellesley Street West (Map)WINDSOR 11:00 AM Dieppe Gardens 78 Riverside Drive West (Map)PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDCHARLOTTETOWN Time & place to be determined. Check back for details, here.QUEBECMONTREAL 11:00 AM Ministère de l’Éducation 600, rue Fullum (Map)SASKATCHEWANESTEVAN 12:45 PM Gathering 1:00 PM March begins Estevan Curling Club 811 Souris Avenue (Map)REGINA 12:00 PM Saskatchewan Legislative Building 2405 Legislative Drive (Map)YUKONWHITEHORSE Time & place to be determined. Check back for details, here
Toronto District School Board teacher Natasha Mansouri said Sunday that well-respected educator Richard Bilkzsto’s untimely passing is a “significant loss” to everyone who knew him.
In a touching and eloquent tribute, Mansouri told a group gathered at Mel Lastman Square that Bilkszto had a “compassionate and unshakeable commitment to enhancing the quality of public education” – that he was a rare commodity.
Despite the chill and rainy skies, about 100 friends and former colleagues came out to pay tribute to the 60-year-old principal, who took his life in mid-July.
He was an educator who promoted “strength rather than victimhood,” who “dared to question” and who viewed “obstacles as opportunities,” said Mansouri, one of a half a dozen trustees, teachers and community members who gave touching tributes to him.
“I am troubled by the scarcity of people like Richard who confront bullies whether they’re in the schoolyard or the bullies who stand in front of the class,” she said. “I wish there were more individuals like him, brave and tireless who take a stance and speak up.
“If you’re out there, please speak up, you are not alone.”
It was clear she was speaking about the circumstances that led Bilkszto to take his own life in mid-July. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ujn6KTzpCbY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
His lawyer Lisa Bildy and his family have both said it was the bullying by a Black Lives Matter-supporting Diversity, Equity, Inclusive (DEI) trainer in the spring of 2021 and the ongoing harassment by TDSB anti-racism executives that led to his death.
I have requested financial information under FOI legislation on the cost to the TDSB of the DEI trainer – Kike Ojo-Thomson of the KOJO Institute – but have yet to receive it.
In late July, both Education Minister Steven Lecce and TDSB education director Colleen Russell-Rawlins announced reviews of the situation leading up to his unfortunate death. But, after almost three months. we’ve heard nothing from either.
In my view, the TDSB review – being conducted by the King Advisory Group – is the furthest thing from independent and merely an attempt to sweep the harassment by TDSB executives and their preferred contractors under the rug.
The two teachers who spoke announced an award and scholarship in Bilkszto’s name.
The award will recognize an educator who exemplifies the qualities the principal embodied, said TDSB trustee Weidong Pei.
“(He embodied) a dedication to excellence in education and devotion to his students and their well-being,” he said. https://www.youtube.com/embed/4iyxjKCRVtQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
The scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate accepted at a teachers college in Ontario who embraces the same qualities, the teachers said.
Teacher Jon Roberts, who was involved with Bilkszto in a chapter of the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR), said as a gay man who came of age in the 80s, Bilkszto knew about bigotry and hatred.
But he never insisted the intolerant get with the program or else, said Roberts.
“He was calm and caring…a beacon of positive change,” he said.
Pei said he was a teacher who insisted everyone have equality of opportunity no matter “what they look like.”
After Bilkszto helped Pei win the trustee election in 2022, he told him with a smile he better keep his promise to fight for children.
“Richard, I know you now look from the sky…I hope I made you proud fighting for the children you love,” the Willowdale trustee said, getting emotional. https://www.youtube.com/embed/4gmQHJY8qIc?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1
“We are all better for knowing you and we are poorer for your loss.”
Ragini Sharma of the Toronto Asian Parents Association said Bilkszto was an ally for Asian students – “sensitive and sympathetic” to such students “being sidelined” in the TDSB system.
She said he appreciated that Asian students were considered “privileged” and labelled “white adjacent” by the anti-black racism focus of the board.
“He understood that Asian students do well because their parents value education and work hard to help the children succeed in school,” she said.
“We shared his concern about school boards becoming more divisive in how they handled diversity and equity.”
She added that she knows Bilkszto would have liked the board to do more to bring more belongingness and compassion among students and staff.
“May his soul rest in peace,” she said.
“May his legacy never be forgotten,” added Mansouri.
The tribute ended with a moment of silence in his honour.