The Leslie Bory Story Explained

THE LESLIE BORY TRIAL: The Obliteration of Free Speech in Canada

Paul Fromm of Canadians for Free Expression (CAFE) and I (the Red-Pilled Philosopher) attended the first session of Leslie Bory’s trial regarding free speech. We discuss our views regarding it. We also look at how this trial may impact all Canadians who believe in free speech.

CAFE Salutes 150th Anniversary of Mississauga Freedom Fighters

Sunday, December 22
, several supporters of CAFE joined the 150 anniversary of the Mississauga Freedom Fighters who have gathered for 150 straight Sundays from noon to 4:00. to communicate their pro-freedom anti-Globalist tyranny message.. Cash is king.

Santa joined us. I highlighted the bravery of Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker in defying the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and it’s impossible of LGBTQ anti-free speech tyranny



MILTON, November 13, 2024. Today supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression staged an hour long rally outside the Maplehurst Detention Centre, where political prisoner, Les Bory has been held without bail since February 14, 2024. This is one of a series of rallies CAFE has held since the Spring to call attention to this travesty of justice.

We were coming up on Remembrance Day. On November 11, we remember the sacrifices are soldiers made supposedly to protect freedom. Yet, one of those most basic freedoms — freedom of speech — is severely under attack in Canada today. Equally, part of the repressive state is the denial of bail to non-violent dissidents. Remembrance day was not be a solemn day  for Political Prisoner Les Bory. It will be a bitter reminder of how Canada has strayed from its ideals of freedom. He spent this day confined to the Maplehurst Detention Centre, denied bail, held as a political prisoner for the non-violent expression of his political beliefs.

We’ve all met and heard political prisoner Leslie Bory. As of Remembrance Day, he will have spent 634 days in remand. He has been charged with three counts of uttering threats against privileged groups via a podcast, February 11, 2023. Several attempts to get bail for Leslie for a non-violent alleged crime have been denied. Leslie has no criminal record. The papers are filled with stories of violent criminals let back on the streets despite previous convictions for violence. His lawyer indicates that an “expedited” (that used to mean speeded up) trial for Leslie may not occur until January 2025! He will have spent two years and suffered two years’ loss of freedom and income without a conviction.

However, this is political! One of the groups he allegedly threatened or made nasty comments about is Canada’s most privileged group and I don’t mean Icelanders._____________________________

Time to Subscribe/Renew: Time To Commit to Supporting Free Speech

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3

__  Please enrol/renew me as a  subscriber to the Free Speech Monitor ($30)

__  Here’s my Christmas gift  of $______to CAFÉ to support free speech, to support the political prisoners and CAFE’s campaign to stop Bill C-63. [Due to the vile behaviour of BMO, please make cheques payable to Paul Fromm.]

free les bory November 13, 2024-1 3.JPG

Please charge ______ to my VISA#________________________________________________________



October was a very active month for the Canadian Association for Free Expression;

We held meetings in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton,Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg.

Of course, on October 9, we awarded longtime activist and political prisoner Brad Love The George Orwell Free Speech Award maintaining the tradition started by the late Douglas Christie. CAFE has added another wrinkle. The yearly award alternates between the West and the East.

And, of course, we participated in several freedom rallies — no, they haven’t stopped since the end of COVID — in Kelowna, Shelburne and Mississauga (twice).

We are carefully monitoring the progress — fortunately, it’s stalled in Parliament due to the filibuster because Trudeau won’t hand over documents Parliament had, by majority vote, ordered — of freedom killing Bill C-63. the Online Harms Act.

All of these activities require money.

If you can, copy to enclosed coupon and send your remittance.

Paul Fromm


Time to Subscribe/Renew: Time To Commit
CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3
_ Please enrol/renew me as a subscriber to the Free Speech Monitor ($30) _ Enclosed is my donation of $_______ for CAFE’s’s advertising and public outreach programme for
2024 and campaign to stop Bill C-63. [Due to the vile behaviour of BMO, please make cheques payable
to Paul Fromm.]
Please charge _ to my VISA#_________________________________________________

Expiry date: ______Signature: _______________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

E-mail: __________________

Great Speeches DVDS & NEW BOOKLETS:
Hidden History You Ought to Know

__ GET IT BEFORE THE CENSORS BAN IT. Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us
(And the Truth About Residential Schools.) Softcover. $30.00
The Cult of Kalergi: The Planned Replacement of the European People by Paul Fromm. The evil architect & masterplan behind the immigration policies of Canada, the U.S. and most European countries. $7.00

Who is Kennewick Man & Why Does He Matter? by James McNallen. Toronto, February, 1911. Caucasians were here first. DVD. $10.00

__ Homicide in Kennewick. How the U.S. government & local Indians tried to
suppress information about the discovery of a 10,000 year old Caucasian corpse.
DVD. $10.00

__ Who Built Stonehenge? [Clue: It wasn’t Africans.] DVD. $10.00

__ The Mysterious Mummies of China. They were White, wore tartans & had red
hair. DVD. $10.00

__ The Vanishing Black Family in America. An 82 per cent illegitimacy rate helps
explain disproportional Negro crime in Canada and the U.S. DVD. $10.00

__ The Tragic Consequences of Confused National Identity by Mark Weber.
Institute for Historical Review. DVD. $10.00

__ Why the Left Hates White People Explained. DVD. $10.00

CAFE Supports Kelowna “Resistance Is Not Futile” Freedom Rally

CAFE Supports Kelowna “Resistance Is Not Futile” Freedom Rally

On behalf of CAFE, I joined in with Kelowna freedom fighters today on this balmy Autumn Saturday afternoon. They hold a weekly “Resistance is Not Futile” rally, distribute the most recent Druthers and earn many favourable honks from the heavy traffic on Harvey Street. Today’s National Post carried a major article demanding a full national inquiry into the wholesale abuse on individual rights by both federal and provincial governments during COVID. Several CAFE supporters attended the second Kelowna freedom rally back in April 2020. We were right about the growing tyranny but the media and many politicos mocked us as yahoos and conspiracy nuts.

CAFE Salutes 70th Rally of Shelburne Freedom Fighters

CAFE Salutes 70th Rally of Shelburne Freedom Fighters

CAFE supporters frequently join in the regular Saturday freedom rallies held in Shelburne, Ontario. On Saturday, October 5, CAFE Director Paul Fromm was invited to speak.

Mr. Fromm warned about federal efforts to gag free speech, especially Bill C-63. Also, the NDP has introduced a private member’s bill that would make denying or diminishing the still largely unproved harms of the residential schools (216 mass graves?) a criminal offence.

Mr. Fromm pointed to a recent news story.

“Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge is set to make history by becoming the first openly lesbian cabinet minister to take parental leave when her wife gives birth in the coming weeks.

“I’m not someone who really likes to talk about myself or my personal life either,” St-Onge said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

The Quebec MP said she decided to speak publicly about her parental leave because she has “a responsibility to continue the fight” for LGBTQ rights.” (Canadian Press, September 28, 2024)

When a society can’t get the basics right:that there are two sexes — man and woman; marriage is between a man and a woman, then this disordered state of mind and morality leads to other errors.

For instance, the Liberal elite is hopped up on LGBTQ ideology. Men can pretend to be women. Is it any wonder, he asked, that this same elite cannot and will not control the border and has allowed an invasion that has led to a massive housing crisis, a stressed medical system and impossible traffic gridlock in the GTA and Greater Vancouver areas?

Is it any wonder that these mixed-up people seek to destroy one of Canada’s greatest resources — the oil and natural gas industry — in pursuit of the World Economic Forum’s grim climate change fanaticism?



We’re now into Autumn. It’s political prisoner Les Bory’s second Autumn in prison. The rotten judicial system has repeatedly denied this non-violent man, with no criminal record, bail. Meanwhile, even people accused of murder are out  on bail. Violent criminals get bail. People who DO bad things get bail. People who SAY bad things stay in jail, Les Bory is a dissident pure and simple. His Internet TV show featured his dissent. His persecution is entirely political.

 As of September 25, Les Bory has spent 582 days in remand. He has been charged with three counts of uttering threats against privileged groups via a podcast, February 11, 2023. Several attempts to get bail for Leslie for a non-violent alleged crime have been denied. Leslie has no criminal record. The papers are filled with stories of violent criminals let back on the streets despite previous convictions for violence. His lawyer indicates that an “expedited” (that used to mean speeded up) trial for Leslie may not occur until January  6, 2025! He will have spent two years and suffered two years loss of freedom and income without a conviction.

However, this is political! One of the groups he allegedly threatened or made nasty comments about is Canada’s most privileged group and I don’t mean Icelanders.
We owe it to this brave freedom fighter to make some noise on his behalf.



DORCHESTER, ONTARIO, September 21, 2024. A number of CAFE supporters and CAFE Director Paul Fromm attended a fundraiser for political prisoner Clayton McAllister at a barn here tonight. CAFE contributed $200 to Mr. McAllister’s defence fund.

Clayton was the first trucker arrested at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa in February, 2022, when Trudeau brought in the police state Emergencies Act to deal with a parking problem! His non-violent resistance where he lay down in front of the Police Officers was an iconic photo seen internationally. He was arrested and faces charges of mischief, violating a Court order, trespass and resisting arrest. The torrent of charges are the acts of a vengeful state against a gentle non-violent trucker. His one month long trial opens in Ottawa, October 21, 2024.
The fundraiser was held in a huge barn. Over a hundred people enjoyed an all-you-can-eat dinner, followed by line dancing and entertainment by the Kristin Nicholls country rock band.





Parliament opened on a warm September Monday. MPs and the press were greeted by 300 freedom fighters from Ontario and Quebec.

The rally lasted all day and was loud and spirited. MPs were told in no uncertain terms that we oppose the freedom throttling Bill C-63, the so-called Online Harms Act. People are fed up with arrogant bureaucracy and freedom crushing measures like the now discredited COVID measures, the freezing of bank accounts, and the endless efforts to restrict dissent.