[This letter is being re-posted in an edited form. This letter was published for information purposes and publication does not implyCAFE’s agreement with all of political prisoner Schaefer’s opinions. Apparently, there has been a complaint to the Hamilton Police. CAFE emphatically does not condone violence. In our opinion, a plain reading of the letter does not conclude that it promotes violence. Nevertheless, to clarify our intentions certain passages have been removed. — Paul Fromm]
Dear Barbara, Thank you so very much for your mail package which arrived here on Jan 2, 2019. Took over 1 month, from Nov 30. Things are moving extremely fast now as all the exponential processes catalyze each other leading to the inevitable super nova type event.
You wrote a great deal about Katyn. In the summer of 2017 I spent some time on the sailing vessel Mistral, as crew, sailing around the U.K.. For part of that trip we had a Polish professor on board, and this gave me the opportunity to have a lot of conversations with him about our history and what is happening in our world today. I talked about 9-11, he knew everything. Good. I asked him if he knew the Facts about Katyn. He said yes.
I asked him if he understands that Katyn was the systematic culling down of the Finest of the Polish men, the flower of the Polish people, the brutal murder of 22,000 of the Polish leaders, those men upon which the Polish people depend on for building the future?
Yes, he understood and knew that. I asked him if he knew that the Germans had nothing to do with that, as had been taught to all the “western” populations until the 1990’s. Again – he knew that.

I asked him if he knew that it was not the Russians, as had then been blamed after the Germans could no longer be blamed for it. Again – he knew that. So – did you understand it was the Jews following their agenda “The best of the Goyem Deserve to be Killed.” He knew that also. Then – the key question: You know that, you are a professor, but do the Polish People, do they know that? Without even flinching, he replied, “Yes, the Polish People know that.” That entire sailing trip was worth it for that one conversation alone, and there were lots of other similar encounters & conversations along the way. In Ireland, Scotland, England.
These are the conversations that energize me and prove that things are going in our direction. Remember, I too was a zombie. I always ask people at what point in time did they understand which parts of this matrix of lies and manipulation. For so many people, they started understanding things parallel to myself, they just don’t have the means or ability to articulate this or present it.
However, that is normal at this point in time for the general Healing for our people, our race, and our planet.
Now Barbara, I am going to tell you why I am very happy where I am, in prison:
1) Monika is out and very good and very strong to tell the world.
2) Our/my imprisonment works as an enragement generator & amplifier.
3)The “new Germans” out of Syria, Palestine, Turkey & wherever, that I had been working with in the laundry always showed me what they are being taught in “integration school”. The lessons consist of infinite praise for democracy – so perfect, so precious. Democracy is so tolerant, even men who think that other men’s bums are good for sex are tolerated & all very happy. To keep our democracy healthy we must not tolerate homophobes, nazis, and certainly not Holocaust™ deniers. Because we know that in 1933 evil Adolf Hitler took power and steered Germany away from democracy and planned to take over the world & he did the Holocaust. The memorials in all of Germany’s cities & throughout the world prove that the Holocaust was real, and deniers will NOT be tolerated in our tolerant democracy. And of course racists & haters will not be tolerated.
So all of these people were sharing this information with the racist hater & holohoax denier Alfred. And these students started discussing this with their teacher, and demanded to know why they are being taught such utter nonsense. They told the teacher they will give this course material to Alfred because he wants to help others by exposing this communist garbage. Well, the teacher forebode them to give it to Alfred. (they all know me) I think the teacher panicked, was probably fearful of losing her job if she does not show dedicated subservience to her Jewish paymasters. Anyway, we had so many good laughs in the laundry department when reviewing the indoctrination lessons. …
4) The prison library has many good books, and fellow prisoners have made wonderful suggestions what I ought to read. Ernst Jünger who I never even heard of before, or Alexander Solschenizyn – Gulag Archipelego Vol 1&2, Day in the life of Ivan Denissowitsch and “Der erster Kreis der Hölle” – The first cycle of Hell. He hardly ever mentions the Jew, but we all now know, and he does mention the purging of any and all references to the Jew in Russian archives. Later on he did write “200 Years Together”, but that was predictably suffocated out of our awarenessss.
5) On the 11th of January I was given one hour to pack my stuff together to be moved into a different cell block. No more laundry work. Aw darn, I was having so much fun, and had lots of friends. But, maybe they saw that I need more time to write and wanted to help me. And there was a very very important subject I didn’t even want to mention lest it threaten a smooth running “operation”.
Before I go into this Barbara, your letter to me is PRICELESS. Thank you. You are one of my many Guardian Angels. Yes Yes – an investigation of 9-11. All we had so far was a fucking Coverup! Sorry to use foul language, but…
O.K. – take a deep breath – calm down. That’s what my new friend often told me. Dr. Thomas Dettmann CEO (Board of Directors) of Personnel for Audi Corporation. He was caught and tossed into this place in order to soften up Audi top level management in this latest round of EXTORTION! Yes, how to milk the fuck out of the Krauts!
Sorry, my foul language slipped out – please accept my apologies. I will try to keep myself under control.
All right, do you think for one moment that I would have had hours and hours of dialogue one on one with a German executive who reports directly to CEO Stadler were I not in prison? Who wrote this script? It can’t be true. It is true! To top it off Barbara, on 17 January 2019, I spent 90 minutes speaking with the Canadian Consulate so nothing is gained if (((They))) destroy this letter. This information is making the rounds. Is it not fantastic that your letter to me took so long? and then I was too involved to respond sooner, because today is the 18th of Jan. I could write an entire novel at this point, but I’ll keep it short. That cheap two-bit Jewish thug Larry Silverstein and his Jewish buddies defrauded Munich Re – or Münchener Rück for Billions of Dollars after (((They))) blew up WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, which is not even mentioned in the 9-11 Coverup report that they thought would keep the traumatized Goyim quiet. Oh, Lucky Larry, that *** sorry, control myself.
On the computer that was “borrowed” from me by the German Police from Summer 2016 till April 2018, they (German Police) had 20 months to examine in detail what was on it. On the desktop of this computer easy to spot for any child who looked, was a 2 minute video of Lucky Larry gloating about the fact that he already had the plans for the new WTC underway in April of 2000. **April 2000 is 17 months before 9-11.** This gloating was as intelligent as the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the Mass Murder of Americans on Sept 11, 2001 in New York – Documenting the “Event”.
Dr. Dettmann, when I finally managed to get him one on one, and he responded to my question of whether he knew Eustace Mullins with a solid YES, I knew we were half way there already.
Now do you understand why I am very happy to be in this place? As long as I don’t stay here for 6,000,000 years, its O.K.
This punishment is nothing at all compared to what all of our ancestors have suffered and what our people are suffering now as I write this. You know that, but the “Mitleser” or other readers need to know that.
Back to the Extortion of Audi. All these “Environmental Rules” are nothing more than part of an elaborate rigged game where we are being dealt marked cards, over and over again. The Jews will not stop doing this until they are stopped. Now they will be stopped! Dr. Dettmann from Audi understands all of this, so their attempt to “soften up a few heads” to extract a cool Billion or so may be their last game they played.
The Jews have us positioned within their matrix of extremely prejudicial laws that leave us without even the air to breathe. It is a death matrix. If we fail to now extricate ourselves from this death matrix, then we die. Our ancestors have dealt with these parasites before, and by God, we are up to it, easy, just have to wake up. That is the age we are in Barbara, the age of golden opportunity to do something for our people, something that ensures our survival. All the other races will love and respect us if we get this right. I could go on and on, but I’ll close this now and hope that it reaches you in less than one month.
Respectfully yours,
Alfred Schaefer
Dear Barbara, Thank you so very much for your mail package which arrived here on Jan 2, 2019. Took over 1 month, from Nov 30. Things are moving extremely fast now as all the exponential processes catalyze each other leading to the inevitable super nova type event.
You wrote a great deal about Katyn. In the summer of 2017 I spent some time on the sailing vessel Mistral, as crew, sailing around the U.K.. For part of that trip we had a Polish professor on board, and this gave me the opportunity to have a lot of conversations with him about our history and what is happening in our world today. I talked about 9-11, he knew everything. Good. I asked him if he knew the Facts about Katyn. He said yes.
I asked him if he understands that Katyn was the systematic culling down of the Finest of the Polish men, the flower of the Polish people, the brutal murder of 22,000 of the Polish leaders, those men upon which the Polish people depend on for building the future?
Yes, he understood and knew that. I asked him if he knew that the Germans had nothing to do with that, as had been taught to all the “western” populations until the 1990’s. Again – he knew that.
I asked him if he knew that it was not the Russians, as had then been blamed after the Germans could no longer be blamed for it. Again – he knew that. So – did you understand it was the Jews following their agenda “The best of the Goyem Deserve to be Killed.” He knew that also. Then – the key question: You know that, you are a professor, but do the Polish People, do they know that? Without even flinching, he replied, “Yes, the Polish People know that.” That entire sailing trip was worth it for that one conversation alone, and there were lots of other similar encounters & conversations along the way. In Ireland, Scotland, England.
These are the conversations that energize me and prove that things are going in our direction. Remember, I too was a zombie. I always ask people at what point in time did they understand which parts of this matrix of lies and manipulation. For so many people, they started understanding things parallel to myself, they just don’t have the means or ability to articulate this or present it.
However, that is normal at this point in time for the general Healing for our people, our race, and our planet.
Barbara, over time & space, this dark point we now find ourselves in will be similar to when you catch a nasty flu. As your body is besieged by the disease, you feel like you are going to die, everything hurts, you feel hopeless. However, once your white blood cells figure out what the problem is, they develop a strategy, and they deal with the problem. There is no sentimentality here. Do or die. If they do – after they are done, you are healthy and stronger than before because of a new resistance to this disease.
By the way, I know not of a single case of white blood cells inquiring about the feelings of the bacteria that they need to deal with. And not one cell in your body asks, “where did all the bacteria go to?”
During Monika’s and my Inquisition I explained all these natural processes during my final words, and the so called judges – Jews of course – chose to ignore reality and in their infinite hubris think they can hide the truth. In fact, all the energy that (((they))) now invest into trying to keep the lies going, will provide the energy we need for the healing. A word comes to mind – Reciprocity.
After the “shock and awe” of understanding the history and the agenda of the Jew and us, the emotional condition develops that is a prerequisite for the Healing. Eustace Mullins had predicted a “biological response” to what is happening. He articulated this over 20 years ago.
[time chart showing the curves of “Awareness of Jewish Crimes against Humanity”, followed by “Emotional Energy growth required for healing”]
The biological response that Eustace Mullins was talking about would be similar to how your body deals with bacteria. No sentimentality. Only understanding the problem and resolving it.
Now Barbara, I am going to tell you why I am very happy where I am, in prison:
1) Monika is out and very good and very strong to tell the world.
2) Our/my imprisonment works as an enragement generator & amplifier.
3)The “new Germans” out of Syria, Palestine, Turkey & wherever, that I had been working with in the laundry always showed me what they are being taught in “integration school”. The lessons consist of infinite praise for democracy – so perfect, so precious. Democracy is so tolerant, even men who think that other men’s bums are good for sex are tolerated & all very happy. To keep our democracy healthy we must not tolerate homophobes, nazis, and certainly not Holocaust™ deniers. Because we know that in 1933 evil Adolf Hitler took power and steered Germany away from democracy and planned to take over the world & he did the Holocaust. The memorials in all of Germany’s cities & throughout the world prove that the Holocaust was real, and deniers will NOT be tolerated in our tolerant democracy. And of course racists & haters will not be tolerated.
So all of these people were sharing this information with the racist hater & holohoax denier Alfred. And these students started discussing this with their teacher, and demanded to know why they are being taught such utter nonsense. They told the teacher they will give this course material to Alfred because he wants to help others by exposing this communist garbage. Well, the teacher forebode them to give it to Alfred. (they all know me) I think the teacher panicked, was probably fearful of losing her job if she does not show dedicated subservience to her Jewish paymasters. Anyway, we had so many good laughs in the laundry department when reviewing the indoctrination lessons.
The Palestinian guy thought it is too bad that I was in jail for making videos. I should have taken a knife and stabbed some Jew, because then we would have one less Jew, and for me it would have made no difference, since I am in jail for videos anyway. I told him, no no, my videos have sewn a lot of seeds, and soon 7,000,000,000 people will all have a deep desire to stab some Jew, and then they will all disappear anyway. (that is the biological response)
4) The prison library has many good books, and fellow prisoners have made wonderful suggestions what I ought to read. Ernst Jünger who I never even heard of before, or Alexander Solschenizyn – Gulag Archipelego Vol 1&2, Day in the life of Ivan Denissowitsch and “Der erster Kreis der Hölle” – The first cycle of Hell. He hardly ever mentions the Jew, but we all now know, and he does mention the purging of any and all references to the Jew in Russian archives. Later on he did write “200 Years Together”, but that was predictably suffocated out of our awarenessss.
5) On the 11th of January I was given one hour to pack my stuff together to be moved into a different cell block. No more laundry work. Aw darn, I was having so much fun, and had lots of friends. But, maybe they saw that I need more time to write and wanted to help me. And there was a very very important subject I didn’t even want to mention lest it threaten a smooth running “operation”.
Before I go into this Barbara, your letter to me is PRICELESS. Thank you. You are one of my many Guardian Angels. Yes Yes – an investigation of 9-11. All we had so far was a fucking Coverup! Sorry to use foul language, but…
O.K. – take a deep breath – calm down. That’s what my new friend often told me. Dr. Thomas Dettmann CEO (Board of Directors) of Personnel for Audi Corporation. He was caught and tossed into this place in order to soften up Audi top level management in this latest round of EXTORTION! Yes, how to milk the fuck out of the Krauts!
Sorry, my foul language slipped out – please accept my apologies. I will try to keep myself under control.
All right, do you think for one moment that I would have had hours and hours of dialogue one on one with a German executive who reports directly to CEO Stadler were I not in prison? Who wrote this script? It can’t be true. It is true! To top it off Barbara, on 17 January 2019, I spent 90 minutes speaking with the Canadian Consulate so nothing is gained if (((They))) destroy this letter. This information is making the rounds. Is it not fantastic that your letter to me took so long? and then I was too involved to respond sooner, because today is the 18th of Jan. I could write an entire novel at this point, but I’ll keep it short. That cheap two-bit Jewish thug Larry Silverstein and his Jewish buddies defrauded Munich Re – or Münchener Rück for Billions of Dollars after (((They))) blew up WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, which is not even mentioned in the 9-11 Coverup report that they thought would keep the traumatized Goyim quiet. Oh, Lucky Larry, that *** sorry, control myself.
On the computer that was “borrowed” from me by the German Police from Summer 2016 till April 2018, they (German Police) had 20 months to examine in detail what was on it. On the desktop of this computer easy to spot for any child who looked, was a 2 minute video of Lucky Larry gloating about the fact that he already had the plans for the new WTC underway in April of 2000. **April 2000 is 17 months before 9-11.** This gloating was as intelligent as the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the Mass Murder of Americans on Sept 11, 2001 in New York – Documenting the “Event”.
Dr. Dettmann, when I finally managed to get him one on one, and he responded to my question of whether he knew Eustace Mullins with a solid YES, I knew we were half way there already.
Now do you understand why I am very happy to be in this place? As long as I don’t stay here for 6,000,000 years, its O.K.
This punishment is nothing at all compared to what all of our ancestors have suffered and what our people are suffering now as I write this. You know that, but the “Mitleser” or other readers need to know that.
Back to the Extortion of Audi. All these “Environmental Rules” are nothing more than part of an elaborate rigged game where we are being dealt marked cards, over and over again. The Jews will not stop doing this until they are stopped. Now they will be stopped! Dr. Dettmann from Audi understands all of this, so their attempt to “soften up a few heads” to extract a cool Billion or so may be their last game they played.
The Jews have us positioned within their matrix of extremely prejudicial laws that leave us without even the air to breathe. It is a death matrix. If we fail to now extricate ourselves from this death matrix, then we die. Our ancestors have dealt with these parasites before, and by God, we are up to it, easy, just have to wake up. That is the age we are in Barbara, the age of golden opportunity to do something for our people, something that ensures our survival. All the other races will love and respect us if we get this right. I could go on and on, but I’ll close this now and hope that it reaches you in less than one month.
Respectfully yours,
Alfred Schaefer