Virginia Realtor Found Guilty of Hate Speech for Sharing Bible Verse

Virginia Realtor Found Guilty of Hate Speech for Sharing Bible Verse

Todd Starnes

December 18, 2024


The Virginia Association of Realtors has ruled that a realtor and pastor violated its rules by posting Bible verses and a message from Franklin Graham.

Wilson Fauber, of Virginia, was found guilty of an ethics violation that bans realtors from certain religious expressions, CBN News reports.

The 70-year old bivocational pastor came under fire during a recent run for city council. He posted a Bible verse from the Old Testament about homosexuality. Two realtors, one of whom is gay, filed a complaint against the pastor – accusing him of posting hate speech.

Pastor Fauber told CBN News that the National Association of Realtors is woke.

“The leadership of the National Association of Realtors has made it very clear about their involvement in endorsing and approving of the LGBTQ community,” he said.

READ: School Bans Christmas Tree

Michael Sylvester, an attorney with the Founding Freedoms Law Center, is represent the pastor.

“So, it all changed in 2020 when the National Association of Realtors adopted a rule that prohibits anybody from speaking what they deem ‘hate speech’ against certain protected classes such as sexual orientation or gender identity. But what’s incredible here is the post that Wilson made was in 2015, five years before that rule even existed. He simply was presenting his religious views about marriage that should not qualify for a hate speech charge,” Sylvester told CBN News.

Pastor Fauber now faces a $15,000 fine and he could lose his license to sell real estate.

“Christians don’t have rights, and this is just totally wrong,” the pastor said. “And the National Association of Realtors being the largest trade organization in America, they have set a precedent by adopting this policy. If I’m guilty because I post my religious beliefs in a meme or a scripture on my Facebook or social media accounts, and if that’s guilty of hate speech… there are millions and millions of Christians that agree with my position, and we don’t have a voice.”

As I warned people in my new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved,” the fight to protect Christians from the sex and gender revolutionaries continues in spite of President Trump’s victory. Click here to read my book.

CAFE Salutes 70th Rally of Shelburne Freedom Fighters

CAFE Salutes 70th Rally of Shelburne Freedom Fighters

CAFE supporters frequently join in the regular Saturday freedom rallies held in Shelburne, Ontario. On Saturday, October 5, CAFE Director Paul Fromm was invited to speak.

Mr. Fromm warned about federal efforts to gag free speech, especially Bill C-63. Also, the NDP has introduced a private member’s bill that would make denying or diminishing the still largely unproved harms of the residential schools (216 mass graves?) a criminal offence.

Mr. Fromm pointed to a recent news story.

“Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge is set to make history by becoming the first openly lesbian cabinet minister to take parental leave when her wife gives birth in the coming weeks.

“I’m not someone who really likes to talk about myself or my personal life either,” St-Onge said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

The Quebec MP said she decided to speak publicly about her parental leave because she has “a responsibility to continue the fight” for LGBTQ rights.” (Canadian Press, September 28, 2024)

When a society can’t get the basics right:that there are two sexes — man and woman; marriage is between a man and a woman, then this disordered state of mind and morality leads to other errors.

For instance, the Liberal elite is hopped up on LGBTQ ideology. Men can pretend to be women. Is it any wonder, he asked, that this same elite cannot and will not control the border and has allowed an invasion that has led to a massive housing crisis, a stressed medical system and impossible traffic gridlock in the GTA and Greater Vancouver areas?

Is it any wonder that these mixed-up people seek to destroy one of Canada’s greatest resources — the oil and natural gas industry — in pursuit of the World Economic Forum’s grim climate change fanaticism?

Wasting Taxpayers’ Money & Throttling Free Speech: The Trudeau Tyrants Are Fighting “Hate”; That Is, Criticism of Privileged Minorities

Wasting Taxpayers’ Money & Throttling Free Speech: The Trudeau Tyrants Are Fighting “Hate”; That Is, Criticism of Privileged Minorities

Note the names of the tyrants who rule over us and wish to make privileged minorities “safe” by eradicating our freedom to speak and criticize.

You might was caused this extra surge in Liberal reaction. It was this: “The Petrolia woman stood crying at the PRIDE sidewalk at LCCVI, frustrated, angry and sad to see that overnight someone had used what appeared to be a roller and some white paint to cover the sidewalk. At the north end, vandals used a stencil and black paint to emblazon “Fear God” in capital letters. There was also a cross drawn with spray paint. It was one of four PRIDE sidewalks damaged overnight. A small crossing leading to the front doors of Queen Elizabeth II Public School was painted white and, at Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital near the eye clinic, white covered a sidewalk no more than 20 feet long. A black cross was also painted there.” Now millions more of our tax dollars will be spent to make the woke Liberals look sufficiently upset. LD

The Government of Canada launches Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate News Release, Ottawa – September 23, 2024

Canada, like elsewhere around the world, has seen a rise in hate both on the streets and online in recent years. The federal government is committed to doing whatever it takes to protect everyone living in Canada as well as the resilient and diverse communities across the country to ensure that all can thrive while being their authentic self.

The rise in hate incidents has disproportionately affected Indigenous Peoples; Black, racialized, religious minorities, and 2SLGBTQI+ communities; women; and persons with disabilities. Hate not only harms those directly targeted but also impacts the broader Canadian society, undermining social cohesion and posing a threat to national security.

That’s why today, the Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, unveiled Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate. The Action Plan represents Canada’s first-ever comprehensive cross-government effort to combat hate. It brings together 20 key federal initiatives grounded on three pillars:

  • Empower communities to identify and prevent hate;
  • Support victims and survivors, and protect communities; and
  • Build community trust, partnerships and institutional readiness.

The Action Plan invests $273.6 million over six years, and $29.3 million ongoing, to tackle hatred from multiple angles. It includes increasing support to victims and survivors, helping communities prevent, address and protect people from hate; enhancing research and data collection; providing greater resources for law enforcement; and raising public awareness.

Everyone has a right to be safe and treated with dignity. We will collaborate with provincial, territorial and international governments, as well as First Nations, Inuit and Métis partners, and cities and communities across Canada to make this happen. Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate will help us continue building a safer and more inclusive Canada where everyone can succeed, regardless of who they are, who they love or what they believe in.


“Everyone has the right to feel safe, regardless of who they are, what they look like or what they believe in. We have all been alarmed to witness the tragic consequences of hate, both at home and abroad. Hate has no place in Canada – whether in person or online, in our schools, or in our places of worship. Our government is committed to keeping communities across the country safe. Because when someone becomes a victim of hate, it affects all of us. Canada’s first-ever Action Plan on Combatting Hate represents an unprecedented cross-government effort to combat hate while providing more support to victims of hate and at-risk communities. As we face difficult and challenging times, we must stand up for who are as a country – a country where diversity is our strength and where everyone can be who they are and achieve their dreams without fear.”

—The Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

“Hate, in all its forms, has no place in Canada – everyone has a right to feel and be safe in their homes and in their communities. We all have a role to play in fighting discrimination and fostering a fairer, safer and more inclusive Canada. The Changing Narratives Fund, as part of Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate, will break down systemic barriers and empower diverse voices in the arts, culture and media. The fund ensures their experiences and perspectives are better represented, and advances anti-racism, equity, and diversity and inclusion within the cultural and media sectors.”

—The Honourable Pascale St‑Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage

“In the face of an increase in hate crimes, our government is stepping up to ensure at-risk communities can access financial support to protect their institutions. The new Canada Community Security Program is designed to be simpler, more flexible and more generous, in direct response to what we’ve heard from community organizations across the country.”

—The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs

“No one should live in fear of being who they are, but we know that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression continues to be a reality in Canada. This is wrong and must be eliminated. Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate complements actions we have taken to protect and support Canadians since 2015, including the Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan, all of which were developed by listening to the voices and lived experiences of individuals and communities across Canada. As always, we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with all communities experiencing hate and we will not hesitate to use all federal tools to protect and support them.”

—The Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth

“We all expect to be safe in our homes, in our neighbourhoods and in our communities. This is why we introduced Bill C-63, a key component of Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate. We know that online harms can have real world impacts with tragic and sometimes fatal consequences. This legislation is about keeping everyone safer in an online world that can feel more dangerous and unfortunately more toxic each and every day so that women, racialized persons, 2SLGBTQI+ people, and people of diverse faiths and backgrounds can go to their places of worship, community centres, schools or work without fearing that online threats might turn into real world danger.”

—The Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

“Canada is as innovative as it is diverse, and it is far more successful when everyone is given a fair chance to develop their full potential, free from hate and discrimination. With Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate, we are standing up to confront hate and protect Canadians, and Statistics Canada will be key in researching and gathering the data needed to build a safer and more resilient society.”

—The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

“Canada is a country rich in diversity, where every person deserves to feel safe and be respected. This is why today we’re launching Canada’s first-ever Action Plan on Combatting Hate, a commitment of $273 million to help build a safe Canada for everyone.”

—Sameer Zuberi, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

Quick facts

  • Budget 2022 provided $85 million over four years, starting in 2022–23, to the Department of Canadian Heritage to launch and implement the new Anti-Racism Strategy and a national action plan on combatting hate. Budget 2024 provides an additional $273.6 million over six years, starting in 2024–25, and $29.3 million ongoing to support Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate. The Action Plan brings together key initiatives led by federal departments and organizations, including Canadian Heritage, Public Safety Canada, Justice Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Women and Gender Equality Canada, Statistics Canada and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.
  • According to the July 2024 Statistics Canada data release, the number of police-reported hate crimes increased from 3,612 incidents in 2022 to 4,777 in 2023 (+32%), even though some victims might not report a hate crime they experienced. This followed an 8-percent increase in 2022 and a 72-percent increase from 2019 to 2021. Overall, the number of police-reported hate crimes (+145%) has more than doubled since 2019.
  • Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate is complemented by the work of the Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism and the Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia.
  • Public Safety Canada’s enhanced Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) (previously the Security Infrastructure Program) is also part of Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate. The CCSP is making it easier and more efficient for organizations and communities at risk of hate-motivated crime to access security support when they need it.
  • The Action Plan aligns with ongoing efforts to further mitigate the risk of exposure to harmful content online through Bill C-63, which proposes to create a new Online Harms Act to create stronger protections for the most vulnerable groups online. The Government of Canada has tabled Bill C-63, An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts, in the House of Commons.
  • Canada is signatory to the Christchurch Call to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online, which is a global pledge by 56 governments, including Canada, as well as online service providers and civil society organizations to coordinate and collaborate on efforts to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online. The Government of Canada reiterates its engagement to advance the Christchurch Call to Action in Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate.
  • Canada’s Action Plan on Combatting Hate complements Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2024–2028. Both initiatives take a comprehensive and intersectional approach to confronting hate, racism and discrimination.

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For more information (media only), please contact:

Waleed Saleem
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

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Canadian Heritage
media@pch.gc.caSearch for related information by keyword: Society and Culture | Canadian Heritage | Canada | Canadian identity and society | general public | news releases | Hon. Kamal Khera | Hon. Pascale St-Onge | Hon. Dominic LeBlanc | Hon. Marci Ien | Hon. Arif Virani | Hon. François-Philippe Champagne

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Update on Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott’s Re-trial for “Hate” Against the LGBTQ Crowd

Update on Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott’s Re-trial for “Hate” Against the LGBTQ Crowd

Whatcott’s Judicial Pretrial Judge was truly an honest half Indian

Honourable, Superior Court Justice, Todd Ducharme

Dear Friends,

My pre-trial took place today in front of Justice Todd Ducharme. Justice Ducharme is Canada’s first Metis Justice appointed to the Superior Court under the Liberal Government of Paul Martin in 2004. I definitely did not like Paul Martin back in the day, but fiscally and even socially, Martin was downright saintly compared to the trainwreck we have in the PM’s office now. And indeed the disparity between Trudeau and Martin can even be seen in judicial appointments.

Martin, being a Liberal may have felt he needed to tick a diversity box when he appointed Ducharme to the Superior Court bench, but at the end of the day Justice Todd Ducharme strikes me as a mixed bag who tries to do an honest job as a Superior Court Justice.

Some of Justice Ducharme’s politics, I don’t like much. The guy can reasonably be perceived as anti-oilsands and given that he partook in a mock show trial that vindicated environmental hypocrite David Suzuki, I wouldn’t put Ducharme in charge of Canada’s energy security. It is regrettable that Ducharme appears to think plant food (AKA CO2) is bringing about climate armageddon and that Suzuki (a guy who travels around the country is a diesel guzzling Prevost luxury bus) is the answer. But then again the guy was appointed by a Liberal government, so what do you expect?

Justice Duscharme has a long career in criminal law. I looked at one case where Justice Ducharme sat on the Supreme Court of Yukon bench and threw out criminal charges against an obviously guilty child predator who was also found to be in illegal possession of firearms. The ruling was regrettable but understandable. The lower court judge had no authority to allow the RCMP to search the pedophile’s residence as he wasn’t charged with anything yet, and no actual evidence of crimes being committed was presented to the court before the warrant was issued. It seems from a quick perusal of the ruling if the lower court judge was a little more patient and had he ordered the cops to follow proper procedure and gather the evidence needed to get a warrant, a proper conviction could have been attained. The reasoning of Ducharme shows me the guy has a legal mind and is oriented to following the law, rather than his own biases.

In another more recent case you can see Justice Ducharme displayed some intemperance. He told some lawyers in a pre-trial conference representing a couple who starved and beat their four year old child to death that their clients were “f–ked” and further went on to say “no one likes child killers.” His comments along with some meddling in his courtroom to try to get the couple to plead guilty to second degree murder led to the Ontario Court of Appeal ordering a second trial. In this case (unlike my own), the Ontario Court of Appeal ruling actually made sense. In the end the couple were eventually convicted. Dad was convicted of second degree murder and mom of first degree murder. Maybe the judge could have done things better, but you can see from his sentiment he has some decency about him.

Which leads me to my pre-trial today. I won’t say anything about what my lawyer has been saying as she would prefer I shut my mouth when it comes to lawyer/client privilege stuff. But Justice Ducharme gave his opinion again, as he is an outspoken guy, —- deleted as per my lawyer’s request.——

Given my serious concerns about so-called hate speech prosecutions, this gives more credence to my concern that so-called “hate speech” prosecutions are highly subjective. A brief perusal of who gets prosecuted shows the victims are almost always Hitler dudes, Christians, and social conservatives. Those on the left who say unpleasant things are almost never prosecuted.

For months anti-Israel folks on Toronto’s university campuses and on major highways have been chanting “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.” Being “free” clearly means Jews who are born and raised in Israel won’t be living there anymore and it seems no one in power and even a few in my friends circle want to explore the uncomfortable question about what happens to these Jews once Palestine is “free?” Anyways, being a free speech guy, I am not that zealous to criminally prosecute those chanting this disturbing chant; especially the far left 18 year old idiots who likely have no idea what they are actually chanting. But it is curious the Ontario Attorney General will sign off on prosecuting my Gospel flyer which has nothing remotely close to genocidal language in it, but for months has given a pass to this actual genocidal speech which is now a daily occurance on Toronto campuses and roadways.

None of those on the right who are convicted of so-called “hate speech” are ever actually violent. Some of those convicted, you may not like their opinions. From my perspective some opinions found to be criminal hate speech, I have actually agreed with the opinion expressed. One example is a French guy by the name of Eric Brazau who put a Saudi Arabian woman who became a Christian in a Niqab and mock beat her with a stick on a TTC subway train while reading verses from the Koran which explicitly sanctions this behaviour.

The woman who I met was a nominal Muslim before becoming a Christian and she experienced domestic violence when living in Saudi Arabia. She and her Frenchman friend wanted to make people aware of the Koranic verses which sanction wife beating. Anyways, someone on the train got offended at the skit as the Frenchman read from the Koran while lightly whacking the ex-Muslim woman (who was wearing a full burka) with a stick in the aisle of the train. The offended passenger pulled an alarm and at the next stop the pair were arrested. The Frenchman (who was an atheist) got 2 years in jail for his educational stunt. In my view Canadian justice is the worst for it.

As it stands now in my case, Superior Court Justice Goldstein and Justice Ducharme are clear they do not think my flyer is criminal hate speech. Ontario Court of Appeal Justices, Lorne Sossin He/Him, Harvesin-Young, and Copeland think my flyer “might be hate speech” and that a second trial is needed with evidence from a homosexual activist academic to make sure we know for sure. Conservative lawyers like Tom Schuck know for certain my flyer is not hate speech and homosexual activist lawyers like Doug Elliot know for certain my flyer is the worst kind of hate speech.

Interestingly, my former Lawyer John Rosin is ambiguous. The guy won me an acquittal for which I am forever grateful, but after multiple arguments on this topic over a period of a number of years, I don’t actually know his personal opinion on my flyer. Mr. Rosen did legal work for groups like The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which is definitely a pro-censorship lobby group. There is no doubt our world views are somewhat different.

The above diversity of opinions on what is “hate speech” and what isn’t shows we really need to get rid of our hate speech laws as they are written. Trudeau loves censorship and hates social conservatives. The needed change won’t happen under his leadership and the types of judges he appoints are unlikely to see the need to allow a greater latitude of speech in this country. Hopefully, after the next election, more freedom oriented judges can be appointed to the bench and hopefully Trudeau’s censorship bills can be repealed.

I will be a guest on Last call radio tomorrow at 11:00 am (Toronto time), which is 9:00 am (Edmonton time). You can listen or call in if you wish by following this link:

I declined a plea agreement and my next hearing is scheduled for Toronto Superior Practice Court at 9:00 am, Monday, July 15th.

In Christ’s Service,

Bill Whatcott

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid.” Isaiah 12:2

LA City Council Removes U-Turn Traffic Signs Because They Say They’re Anti-Gay –

This is what happens when you have idiots in charge.Just like a president who is committing treason by creating a foreign invasion into the states and then treason again by giving them the ‘people’s’ money to live here.

LA City Council Removes U-Turn Traffic Signs Because They Say They’re Anti-Gay –

By Margaret Clark | 3:20 PM on June 14, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

U-Turn. (Credit: Unsplash/Jim Wilson)

A phobia is an irrational fear. Homophobia is described as an irrational fear of gay individuals. Is there a term for an irrational fear of being discriminated against? If so, I think several on the far left would fit the category.

Derangement is at an all-time high with members of the “LGBTQIA+” community (how many letters of the alphabet do we plan to add?) now taking their activism to the streets — or more literally, the street signs

LA City Council removes several “no U-turn” traffic signs in Silver Lake, California, because they were considered “anti-LGBTQ”— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 14, 2024

For the majority of the country, street signs are understood to have colors and designs that direct traffic clearly. There is no partiality. But then there are the select few who somehow find a way to write a narrative about the hate-filled history of our seemingly innocent traffic directors.

“Los Angeles has a rich history of welcoming the LGBTQIA+ community, but there has also been real and present homophobia— which at times has been inscribed into the city’s physical spaces, as with these no-U-turn signs,” Raman said in a prepared statement.

According to the recent discovery, these signs were created to inconspicuously keep traffic away from gay bars and areas. 

In the late 90s when the internet was still new and gay dating apps like Grindr did not exist, queer men sometimes relied on printed guidebooks that listed public areas where they could find love, sex and community without outing themselves. Among those areas was West Hollywood, where anti-gay traffic signs similar to the ones removed Monday were installed in 1991 and later removed — and Griffith Park Boulevard in Silver Lake, where Soto-Martinez and Raman’s districts now meet. 

Who would have thought? Well, not even members of the LQBTQIABCDEFG+ community. Even the ceremonial event’s leading drag queen spokesperson admitted he had to look hard for these signs of discrimination. 

“I was unaware of those signs and never would have found [them],” said Pickle, West Hollywood’s inaugural drag queen laureate who performed at the removal ceremony. The signs were an “insidious” form of discrimination that he and others simply “didn’t have any context for,” Pickle said.

This highlights the foolishness of those on the far left who want to make decisions for our country but can’t even support basic street signs that direct traffic flow. Is there anything safe? 

Once again, their obsession with attention and dominance supersede all logic and takes up valuable time that could be focused on real problems. 

LA City Council seems to have a thing for allegedly discriminatory traffic dealings. They recently voted to “look into” limiting traffic stops that they deem target black and poor communities. 

The Los Angeles City Council voted 13-0 on Wednesday to begin a study into if the city can limit the LAPD into halting “pretextual” traffic stops, if a new unarmed agency can conduct traffic stops for minor infractions such as expired tags, and limiting fines in poorer communities.

Debate over traffic enforcement laws have become a hot button topic since the George Floyd incident and subsequent protests 4 years ago. Cities such as Los Angeles have continuously received calls to limit the practice, as they have claimed a racial disparity. They have cited studies, such as a 2022 report that found the black people in California accounted for 13% of all traffic stops despite being just 5% of the population, that have shown such disparity. However, law enforcement officials have said that minor infraction stops often have led to more major drug and weapons charges, which otherwise may have gone unnoticed if not for the infraction.

By these accounts, it seems that lawlessness is the end goal of the LA City Council. They are traveling steadily along the path. It’s no wonder people are flocking to red states…At least in Texas, Arizona, or Florida, you can have an undisputed traffic sign. 

Video of Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott speaking at Shelburne Freedom Rally, Saturday, April 6 and zoom link for court this coming Monday

Video of Bill Whatcott speaking at Shelburne Freedom Rally today and zoom link for court this coming Monday

Bill Whatcott speaks at the Shelburne Ontario Freedom rally. This rally is a monthly event and for a small town has remained amazingly resilient. I was blessed to see a few dozen folks of all ages and walks of life come to the rally to witness for freedom. I shared about my upcoming second “hate crime” trial with them and exhorted them to continue fighting for freedom.

Last week, April 1st, I attended a pro-freedom/anti-carbon tax rally in St Catharines, ON. Over the course of the day (the rally went from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm) over 100 people came and went.

At the St. Catharines rally I was pleased to meet this fellow who I have known for a few years through e-mail. He lives in St. Catharines, but is very supportive of Alberta’s energy industry and considers himself to be closer to Alberta in terms of values than Ontario. Note Tamara Lich’s autograph on his sign.

While Ontario’s leaders, Ford, Trudeau, Chow, Horwath, etc….. are huge disappointments, my travels since coming to Ontario to prepare for my second criminal hate speech trial is telling me there are still lots of good people in this province and indeed I am seeing a very positive backlash against wokeism, homofascism, and cancel culture. Ontarians know they have lost their freedom, they are waking up and they want a non tyrannical government that listens to them back again.

The zoom link for my hearing at 9:00 am this coming Monday is here:

Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott in Ontario to Face Re-trial On Hate Law Charges From Criticizing the LGBTQ Privileged People

Photos: Whatcott in Ontario and link to excellent MassResistance article

Amethyst Harbour, 20 minutes east of Thunder Bay

Dear Friends,

I am now living in Toronto and preparing for my second so-called “hate crime” trial, having been acquitted the first time. Ontario’s courts threw out 125 cases last year, including a sexual assault, a murder and attempted murder, and all sorts of lesser crimes due to a lack of resources to try them in a timely manner. But they found the resources to not only prosecute me and take me to trial once for my Gospel flyer but to also appeal my acquittal and try me again. The Ontario Court of Appeals has expressed concerns about timely prosecutions and lack of court resources, but agreed with the Attorney General of Ontario that I should go on trial again even though my “crime” is delivering a Gospel flyer (that is pretty benign, but that I am not allowed to show you) at a homosexual parade full of rude behaviour and is now eight years old. The Court of Appeals reasoning for this second trial is because the first trial didn’t benefit from the testimony of homosexual academic Nick Mule’ whose expertise seems to be kink and queering social work and who argued in his taxpayer funded submission to the court that I committed microgressions against the homosexual pride participants in 2016. These microagressions apparently lead to “minority stress” which if not prosecuted will lead to poor health outcomes for those who read my flyer.

One thing I note about homosexual activists like Mule’, they seem loathe accepting responsibility for the harms caused to themselves and their buddies by their risky sexual appetites and in this case would rather blame their maladies on my Gospel flyer that advised them to repent and keep their pants up. Unfortunately, rather than actually take my advice and keep their pants up, which would no doubt eliminate the harms I warned them about, anal warts, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc…… they prefer to go through another trial to get me in jail, not content with the results of their $104 million class action lawsuit and first criminal trial.

Anyways, the above picture of Amethyst Harbour was taken by me on March 19th, the second day after my arrival in Ontario. The temperature was a frosty -5 Celsius. The harbour is still frozen, the ground was covered in snow and the snow fall the following day was forecasted to be 15 centimetres. As I looked at this beautiful, ice covered harbour leading to Lake Superior, I reflected on the taxpayer funded CBC’s hyperbolic screaming that the “world is on fire” (they showed me a picture in August of a wildfire in Greece as proof the world was on fire) and they warned us that we clearly were all going to burn to death if we didn’t do something (pay carbon taxes and ruin our energy industry) to mitigate Canada’s production of C02, about 1% of the world’s total. I note CO2 was once known as plant food in my grade 8 science class and was considered beneficial to life.

CBC’s picture of a wildfire was somewhat misleading and had my Prosecutor been nitpicking the CBC’s hyperbole, they might have gotten convicted, as the CBC would have lacked truth as a defence. When the wildfires in Greece were burning, the world was not on fire. In actual fact a small percentage of Greece was on fire, 174,000 hectares to be precise, which in reality is under 2% of Greece. For Greece (a geographically small country) the wildfire was pretty nasty but not unheard of. Last year’s wildfire was definitely not the “world on fire.” I note you pay $1.5 billion annually for this fearmongering rubbish that passes for news.

My picture of anal warts shared at the Toronto unGodly pride parade by contrast is a real concern for homosexuals attending the parade. My stats that over 60% of HIV – homosexuals and over 90% of HIV+ homosexuals have HPV of the rectum was found to be true. While I am facing a second criminal trial and the Crown is now asking 6-12 months in jail (they no longer are asking for 18 months) for my sharing of accurate information, I note I gave my accurate information to homosexual Pride attendees free of charge. CBC execs on the other hand receive hefty taxpayer funded paychecks and generous bonuses for sharing misinformation.

Bill with good friends in downtown Toronto

Anyways, this picture is of me with some good friends on Saturday in chilly +2 celsius Toronto, four years into the city’s self declared “climate emergency.” The fellow behind me spent time in jail for beating up a number of Antifa thugs in a Hamilton park who attacked another friend of mine Phil Thomas. During the assault Phil was completely non-violent. He was peacefully preaching in the park against unGodly homosexual pride. Phil’s face was bloodied, but he did not retaliate when punched multiple times by several Antifa thugs, rather he continued to preach while receiving blows. The fellow behind me on the other hand got upset when he saw Phil getting punched and grabbed a helmet and literally clobbered four or five Antifa thugs single handedly. He went to jail for quite awhile, but strangely no one from Antifa ever gets arrested, charged, or incarcerated in Canada though they initiate roughly 100% of the violent confrontations they are involved in.

The bald fellow to my right I met for the first time. I truly enjoyed his company. I discovered he was a former sodomite who has come to Christ. He is now living with my other two friends. The other fellow with the beard to my right is a courageous street preacher who was actually preaching with a group of Christians at the 2016 Toronto unGodly pride parade when I was there. They were abused by homosexual pride attendees for boldly preaching the Gospel, but were not criminally charged like me.

My next court date is Monday, April 8, at 9:00 am. I am scheduled to appear in what is known as “Practice Court.” I assume “Practice Court” is a division of the Ontario Superior Court and should be at 330 University Ave in Downtown Toronto. There will likely be a zoom link too.

Earlier today I talked with legal aid. They are requesting I send them disclosure as they decide whether or not I will be able to have legal representation at my trial. If I get legal aid a fine lady by the name of Mindy who worked with Mr. John Rosen and has her own lawfirm has agreed to represent me. If I don’t get legal aid, God might yet provide a Christian lawyer pro-bono, I have no idea who that lawyer would be, but God has done that in times past, or I may go to court with the assistance of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and represent myself.

When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time.” Matthew 10:19

MassResistance wrote an excellent article on my second upcoming trial. You can read it here.

I would appreciate it if you keep these matters in your prayers.

At this point in time I am not raising money for a lawyer as it is unlikely I could ever raise anything close to the $100,000 needed for another trial and it makes more sense to apply for legal aid and failing that self represent. However, my life is still costing money, especially in Toronto and had to quit the job I had to come here and deal with this second trial. For those who would like to help keep me going you can donate to my cause here:

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James:1:12

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Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian

Amy Hamm, Victimized for Her Views on the
Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian


Amy Hamm, Victimized for Her Views on the
Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian


Speaking at a gathering of Reality Based Women Unite! in
Toronto on March 8, International Women’s Day, Amy
Hamm, whose case is discussed below warned: “The Online
Harms bill will criminalize speech. We can be punished without
even opening our mouths, for Internet postings. Bill C-63 is an
Orwellian nightmare,” she added. “It is the last desperate attempt
by a failed regime to silence its critics. Free speech has been in
peril in Canada for many years. Freedom of speech must involve
freedom from consequences like huge legal bills, job loss and
public mockery.” Noting that Bill C-63 will allow anonymous
complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, she
argued: “It’s difficult to fight against a group (complainant) that
cannot be named.”

Amy Hamm said: “We live in a culture that is hellbent on
silencing the voices of dissenting women. The state funded
media does the bidding of a man who loves power as does our
national intelligence service.” She said CSIS has been corrupted
and now classifies those opposed to the LGBTQ agenda as
“potential terrorists” and violent. [Several CAFE associates attended this event.]

New Westminster Nurse Amy Hamm, the Latest
Victim of Professional Persecution
As Canada becomes more and more a Cultural Marxist, woke
controlled society, professional bodies are increasingly used to
punish their members for their political opinions. The
persecution of media star and author Jordan Peterson by the
Ontario College of Psychologists comes to mind. He was
sentenced to re-education sessions to be paid out of his own
pocket. Now, there’s British Columbia nurse Amy Hamm. CBC
(November 23, 2023) reports: “A B.C. nurse accused of making
numerous ‘derogatory and discriminatory’ public statements
about transgender people took the stand in her discipline hearing
on Friday, telling the panel considering her case that she is not
transphobic. During a hearing at the B.C. College of Nurses and
Midwives, Amy Hamm of New Westminster testified that her
advocacy on social and other platforms is meant to protect
women and children from what she described as dangerous
infringements into sex-segregated spaces. ‘I’m not transphobic. I
don’t have any issue with trans people — it’s the infringement on
women and children’s rights,’ Hamm told the college disciplinary
panel. She said she is fighting against what she described as a
‘fringe’ movement of activists influencing official positions on
transgender rights and access to gender-affirming care.
‘It’s a movement that is infringing on the rights of women and
pushing institutions to adopt what are false and delusional
beliefs,’ she said. Hamm faces allegations of unprofessional
conduct for making “discriminatory and derogatory statements
regarding transgender people” while identifying herself as a
nurse, according to a citation from the college. 
Hamm frequently refers to transgender women as ‘men’ in social
media posts, videos and podcasts, implying they pose a danger to
cisgender [that’s woke-speak for normal] women and children.
She has referred to the disciplinary proceedings as a ‘witch trial’
and suggested the college ‘would love for me to suicide myself.’
…. She told the panel she is particularly concerned about
transgender women having access to women-only spaces
including prisons and change rooms. She pointed to examples
like Madilyn Harks, a transgender woman with a history of
sexually assaulting young girls who has been housed in women’s
correctional facilities. ‘It makes me extremely, extremely angry,
and it feels as though people don’t seem to care what happens to
these women,’ she said of female inmates. She said she
completely rejects the concept of gender identity, calling it ‘anti-
scientific, metaphysical nonsense.’”
Political Prisoner Leslie Bory Not

Downtown Donald, A Member of the Dispossessed Majority, Banned From The Keg: Woke LGBTQ Tyranny

Downtown Donald, A Member of the Dispossessed Majority, Banned From The Keg: Woke LGBTQ Tyranny

Posted on by CFIRC

I went to the KEG MANSION for a steak dinner, to celebrate my birthday. I’ve been going in there  for the 25 yearsI went to the part of the KEG MANSION where I like to sit,, AT THE UPSTAIRS BAR.
The BARTENDERESS/ waitress is rather LIBERAL,  is wearing a skimpy TANK TOP and  wall to wall TATTOOS, introduces herself,
I said “tonight is my birthday, I have been coming in here for 30 years”.

he said “we are out of prime rib”.. I said  said “that is Ok I will have SIRLION, and an BTW, I don’t approve of MEN DRESSED AS WOMEN”…
( The MALE FLAMING FAG bartender / waiter beside her is sporting a skimpy TANK TOP,  WOMEN’s PONY TAIL AND WOMEN’s MAKEUP AND EYELINER).
Of course , 5 – 10  minutes later after the staff had their little “conference”   This bull dyke manager comes up to me as I am trying to listen to my headphones and watch you tube/

Starts reading me the “RIOT ACT”She says :”We don’t tolerate such speech here .”

I said “look it is FREE SPEECH, OKAY, and I am a 25 year customer”   ” It is   your premises, if you don’t want me here, I will leave”.“You are cutting  off a 30 customer over your politics”  I walked out. The creature had to follow me.I WILL NEVER GO BACK THERE AS LONG AS I LIVE


o, I went to the ANOTHER PUB had the 6 oz steak sandwich and fries.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: anti-straight discrimination. The Keg, Woke

CAFE Supports “Hands Off Our Kids” Rally in St. Catharines, Ontario

CAFE Supports “Hands Off Our Kids” Rally in St. Catharines, Ontario

ST. Catharines, October 21, 2023. Over 200 people rallied today here to oppose indoctrination of children with the radical SOGI (Sexual Orientations and Gender Identity) sex ed programme. They also insisted that parents be informed if their under age and perhaps confused children are changing their names or pronouns at school.

CAFE supporters took at active part in the rally.

The St. Catharines rally was one of dozens taking part across Canada.

About a dozen pro-LGBTQ counterprotesters shadowed the march bust stayed well back.

Paul Fromm, CAFE Directors report from the rally: –