Former RCAF Veteran & Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts NATIONAL POST Coverage of YOUR WARD NEWS Persecution

Former RCAF Veteran & Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts NATIONAL POST Coverage of YOUR WARD NEWS Persecution 
Dear Sir
Re: “Freedom of expression” hypocrisy (NP August 23, 2019)

As a Canadian newspaperman, you should value our guaranty of freedom of expression more highly that most, yet you report the jailing of James Sears, Editor of “Your Ward News” for his opinions with obvious equanimity, relegating the jailing, and the scandalously biased comments of the Judge, to a modest space on page 5, despite their momentous implications and high news value.  

Since there was no editorial protest, it is clear that the National Post is quite happy with the verdict, no matter how treasonous.  Shame on you for not rising forcefully to the protection of our, and your, most precious human right, which so many genuine Canadians have given their live lives to preserve.
Incidentally, by what logic can “denying the Holocaust” be construed as “hate”?  Surely, the presumably happy notion that Six Million Jews did not die, and any proof to this effect, would be welcome news, at least in the Jewish community.
As ever,
Ian V. Macdonald
Ottawa ON

RCAF Veteran and Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts Tim Hortons & Backs Free Speech on WiFi for Arthur Topham &

RCAF Veteran and Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts Tim Hortons & Backs Free Speech on WiFi for Arthur Topham &

August 24, 2015
Manager, Public Relations
Tim Horton’s Inc
Dear Sir or Madame
Re:  censorship of WiFi content in Tim Horton’s outlets
Your company is well-known around the world as a genuine Canadian symbol and as such carries the responsibility of reflecting and supporting Canadian values.

One of the most important – if not the most important value – is freedom of speech.  Successive Governmentshave dedicated the country to its preservation and over one hundred thousand patriots have given their lives in its defence, including comrades and relatives of the writer.  For this hard fought freedom to be trashed by dubiously-motivated individuals who in all likelihood have sacrificed little or nothing in building a democratic society in Canada, is both a betrayal and an insult to your clients as well as your esteemed company and the country, especially Veterans.
I recommend strongly, therefore that you reconsider your censorship of Arthur Topham’s Radical Press. I know Arthur to be 100% patriotic, a conscientious freedom-fighter and righteous in all his endeavours.  He deserves acclaim, not abuse.
Yours truly,
Ian V. Macdonald
Canadian Foreign Service rtd
Member, Dominion Command, Royal Canadian Legion
Author “OTTAWA – the Golden Years” etc