Donna trusted her financial institution with her money. But it didn’t like her ideology and froze her account, Now she can’t fund her organization or retrieve her money from her account. Welcome to the world of Woke financial institutions.

Donna Murphy learned her lesson. The hard way, She learned that the financial institution she trusted (Paypal) was on a political mission, and that it would break every rule to pursue it.

Donna’s problem was that she too was on a political mission, and she had constructed an organization and a website to promote it, as is her constitutional right. It was a project that required funding, and she naturally assumed that the reputedly “trustworthy” institution she dealt with would enable her to do so.

Trouble was, it so happened that Donna’s cause and the cause of her financial institution were in flat contradiction. Succinctly put, Donna is a patriot. A Canadian nationalist dedicated to the preservation of Canada’s natural and ethno-cultural heritage.

In contrast, her financial institution ( Paypal) was committed to globalism. Say no more.

As one might have expected, one fine day Donna woke up to find that Paypal was not fulfilling its contractual obligations. It was not collecting donations—and she couldn’t find out why. She even tried to get answers from Paypal’s HQ in Omaha. No dice. They stonewalled her for months. Worse than that, they even denied her access to her account.

Finally, a Canadian PayPal representative shamelessly admitted to Donna that she had been censored and punished for her “unacceptable” views”) which ran counter to the stated core values of PAYPAL and its terms and conditions. According to the Paypal rep, Paypal opposes the promotion of “hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory”. The policy even stipulates that PayPal will fine violators $2,500 US for each infraction, debited from their account. No appeal.

Perhaps Donna should have seen it coming but she didn’t. She didn’t realize that zealous corporations with a social justice/open borders agenda were armed with algorithms to track down “thought criminals”, with the objective of de-platforming those customers, a circumstance that is happening with increasing regularity across North America as well as in Europe.

 The important issue is this : Who determines what is “hateful” or “discriminatory”, or what constitutes “harmful misinformation?” PayPal of course. In other words, PayPal has appointed itself the arbiter of what is the acceptable use of funds that it keeps in its accounts.

PayPal’s actions were almost as crippling as they were designed to be. As even PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel confessed, “If online forms of your money are frozen, that’s like destroying other people economically and limiting their ability to exercise their political voice.”

The legal director of the digital rights group “Electronic Frontier Foundation”, Corynne McSherry, concurred. “If businesses get removed during fundraising months, it could put them at risk of losing huge sums of money.” No kidding. Ask Peter Brimelow, the editor of the online magazine “VDare” which was the victim of Paypal. Or scads of other editors of “heretical” online publications.

A disinterested observer with a rudimentary grasp of ethics should easily understand that the arbitrary termination of a client’s service without explanation and the simultaneous theft of thousands of dollars of his money for subjectively perceived ‘hate’ speech is not only Orwellian, but outrageous. Donna Murphy wanted a payment service. But instead she got Big Brother : A politically extremist and activist platform posing as a business. Donna was dumfounded.
Why was a payment service concerned about her speech ? She would rather they forget about her political orientation, as she theirs, and that they focus on providing the service they were commissioned to provide.

But it became apparent that PayPal was just one example, a trailblazer or template perhaps, of some 200 service providers who feel obliged to provide public political commentary about issues like “social justice”, “affirmative action”, “employment equity, trans “rights” and climate change. These pretenders see it as their mandate to not only manage your money, but to manage your beliefs—and their expression.

Everyone is completely at the mercy of payment service providers, financial institutions and corporations that want to play politics and virtue-signal. Blatant political partisanship and ideological persecution is able to seek refuge in the Trojan horse of “corporate” and social “responsibility”. Their behaviour offers solid testimony on behalf of the observation that governments have outsourced censorship to transnational corporations who are able to do an end run around U.S. First Amendment Rights or the sacred right to free speech and expression which once enjoyed an inviolable status in nations like Canada or the UK.

Lest we think that Donna’s fate was exceptional or exclusive to “heretics” like her , and that law abiding citizens need not be worried, it would be best to consider the path we are taking, and to look at the horror of China’s Social Credit system and the leverage that a Central Bank Digital Currency regime would have over basics such as what we purchase, what services we can access , what we can or cannot say.

The future is here. We need to ask ourselves urgent questions. If our financial accounts can be instantly frozen or drained, if our public comments can be summarily punished by financial reprisals, if words and ideas that were recently acceptable can suddenly be deemed unacceptable by a ruling clique gone mad, if a nurse in British Columbia can be suspended or fired for daring to say that men cannot have babies, if an organization like Gays Against Grooming can be de-platformed for condemning the sexual abuse, indoctrination and medicalization of children, if the Free Speech Union of the UK can be denied payment services for questioning the efficacy of anti-Covid measures, can you feel certain that you will not be the next on the chopping block?

The fact is, you have skin in this game. You may have mainstream views. Views that are currently mainstream. But the tide can turn quickly in this crazy political climate, and you might find yourself on the outside looking in.
A lot of people worked hard and suffered greatly to secure our rights and freedoms, but it seems that too many of us of younger generations are willing to squander those rights and freedoms. We must not let this happen. We must find a way to stop the contagion of censorship in its track, both on the political and commercial level. We cannot allow the PayPal model to spread. We cannot permit Canada’s large banks and credit unions like Van City, with assets over $28 billion, to cancel customers and rob their funds with impunity. We cannot entrust our money to activist financial organizations who feel little compunction about stealing it at the first opportune moment. We cannot sit silent while the elite establishes a Central Bank Digital Currency that can be programmed by the issuer to restrict how the currency is used by the receiver from the get-go.

Naked discrimination and the destruction of lives for the purpose of quelling ideologies that differ from those of financial institutions is intrinsic to this system. This is not a far-fetched scenario. The totalitarian impulse is alive and well in Canada, as we saw so plainly when Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act last year, and when he composed Bill C-ll, the Bill to enable online censorship. If significant measures are not enacted to prevent financial institutions and corrupt politicians from imposing their political views on us, then what happened to Donna Murphy and what happened to the leading spokesmen of Canada’s Freedom Convoy will be common place.
Act now. Speak out. And vote with your dollars. Find alternatives .
Or help build them.
Take Canada back, while there is still time.
Tim Murray January 2, 2023.

*Loomered: The Silencing of Conservatives — Silicon Valley & Others Seek to Silence Laura Loomerhttp://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5610

Hi Friend, For years, Big Tech has used me as Patient Zero in their test case in mass de-platforming by eliminating my ability to reach the public because of my political views.

I know I’ve been a little offline since I ran for Congress in President Trump’s home district, Florida-21 a few months ago, but I feel compelled to reach out to you to share a shocking story about something that happened to me and is relevant to all of us. It might have seemed implausible a few years ago, but things are rapidly changing here in America, our rights are in danger, and our Republic is in a fragile place.The new bans on President Trump and Conservative voices around the nation over the last two weeks are what I’ve been dealing with and actively fighting against for years.My speech on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been banned and eliminated.

My ability to conduct business on PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe and other financial institutions has been banned.Chase Bank once shut down my online banking.Comcast blocked my congressional campaign from sending texts and emails to voters while they donated to my democrat opponent.Even my ability to travel has all been restricted, as I am permanently banned on Uber and Lyft.I can’t even have a sandwich delivered because I’ve been banned on UberEats.
What I haven’t shared with you is that last year, I found out my 2nd Amendment rights have also been stripped without warning or explanation.  That’s right, I – a young woman who faces constant death threats – cannot own or possess a firearm for my own personal protection.

My 2nd Amendment right has been BANNED and I need your HELPWhile I have NEVER been convicted of a felony, domestic violence, and I’ve never been adjudicated mentally unfit by a judge, my name was placed in the Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and I have been prohibited from ever owning or even touching a firearm.  It’s called “Red Flagging”.  The only people who have the ability to put you in the NICS database is the FBI.  It could happen to you too as a conservative!I learned during my campaign for Congress that despite the fact that I have never been charged or convicted of any crime whatsoever, my name had been placed on a secret Federal “no buy” list maintained by the FBI, which prohibited me from my legal right to buy a firearm.  My name landed on this secret “no buy” list shortly after I questioned the former FBI director James Comey at his first book signing event about a number of lies in his published memoir. I was acting entirely legally in my role as an investigative journalist and as an attendee of the event.As a result, I’ve lost my rights to protect myself and my home.   But, with your help I WILL be getting my rights restored.  CLICK HERE TO HELP ME FIGHT FOR OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.I’ve been sitting on this news for months while others helped me investigate and find out why I’ve been Red Flagged.  I’ve had the deepest background checks run against me . . . and I don’t even have a speeding ticket.  We’ve concluded the obvious . . . I had my 2nd Amendment Rights stripped due to my political views and activism.Given that the FBI is the only organization that can put you in the NICS database, I have reason to believe that I’ve been targeted by the FBI.This has been extremely troubling to me because as a young woman and a public figure, I often get death threats, and I have had to call the police numerous times as well as the FBI because I have been targeted by ANTIFA, Islamic terrorists, and members of the radical left have even come to my home and vandalized my car. I have no way to protect myself except for private security, which is costly.  HELP!Just as conservative Americans are being banned from social media, banned from banking, and placed on No-Fly lists across the country right now, the next step is to designate them as “domestic terrorists” and strip them of their gun rights.The police state is about to take unfettered power after today January 20th with the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Shockingly I had the first taste of what is to come for all Conservative Americans when I was detained at the Miami airport last week while flying back into the country from a brief post election trip to El Salvador where I was working on my upcoming book, LOOMERED: How I Became The Most Banned Woman In The World.I was singled out with no explanation and subjected to a thorough search, I was not allowed to grab my own suitcases from baggage claim, and I was detained for several hours while different federal officials from Department of Homeland Security interrogated me about my Wikipedia page, which states that I am a right-wing extremist and was an official Republican nominee for Congress, endorsed by President Trump. DHS officers also asked me about the events that occurred on January 6th in Washington DC. Needless to say, I was not in the country at the time, and know nothing about the protest at the US capitol.That’s why it’s so important to challenge this now, because I’m confident that I can have the Red Flag removed and publish the information and document the process so that others who will soon be targeted by the Democrat Party for their conservative political views can do the same when this happens to them.Help me fight back now.To cover legal expenses, and retain a top 2nd Amendment Attorney to restore my gun rights and prevent this from happening to you through a national Second Amendment issue advocacy campaign, I need your help to raise $20,000.Can you chip in and help cover the costs?  CLICK HEREI have no choice but to sue the federal government over this abridgment of my 2nd Amendment rights.They have taken the 1st Amendment away from us. If they take the 2nd Amendment away from us, we will NEVER regain the 1st.Respectfully,
Laura Loomer

 Checks can also be sent to:Laura Loomer
720 Lucerne Ave.
P.O. Box 1465
Lake Worth, FL 33460Copyright © 2021 www.LOOMERED.COM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Laura Loomer
720 Lucerne Ave.
P.O. Box 1465
Lake Worth, FL 33460

More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books

More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books 


because our books are too “risky”

Here’s the email we received from PayPal a few days ago:

Notice of PayPal Account Limitation

From: service@paypal.com
To: orders@moonrockbooks.com
Date: Wed 04:58

We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal’s services, as reflected in our records and on your website www.moonrockbooks.com. Due to the nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you in accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a permanent limitation on your account.

We ask that you please remove all references to PayPal from your website. This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart.

If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the money to your bank account. Information on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account can be found via our Help Center.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or need our support, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at aup@paypal.com.


PayPal Brand Risk Management


So, we called them, and this is what a machine told us (we weren’t allowed to speak to a human):
We appreciate you choosing PayPal as your payment partner. Unfortunately, we are unable to continue offering our services to you at this time, due to the nature of your business, or the activity in your PayPal account, and the risk it poses to PayPal. This decision can’t be overturned. If you owe refunds to any of your buyers, you can use the money in your PayPal account to refund them. The money in your PayPal account will be held for 180 days. After 180 days, we’ll email you information on how to withdraw your money.

They shut down our business for a few days and hurt us pretty good, because they gave us no warning at all, after a nearly five-year business relationship.

They inconvenienced our customers, as we were forced to only accept cash, check or money orders, until we secured a new payment processor, which took us a few days to do.

What’s the “risk,” that an alternative view might dare get exposure, to shine the light on government and media lies?

Right, only they’re allowed to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong.

Please support our right to exist in the marketplace of free ideas.

Oh, and yeah, we don’t take PayPal.

Copyright © 2019 Moon Rock Books, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you have shown some interest in Moon Rock Books. Our mailing address is: 

Moon Rock Books

6256 Bullet Drive

Crestview, FL  32536

Add us to your address book

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Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting of VDARE!

Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting Of VDARE!

Click here to donate!
Back in March, I posted “PATRIOTS HAVE RIGHTS. THEY HAVE JUST NOT ORGANIZED TO DEFEND THEM—UNTIL NOW”, explaining how VDARE.com has been forced to enter the nightmare world of litigation because of the Totalitarian Left’s unprecedented Reign of Terror, enabled in large part by various complicit private corporations. I announced the launch of our Legal Defense Fund—many thanks to those patriots who donated (tax-deductibly!), and also to our lawyer readers who offered advice.

I recently updated readers on VDARE.com’s First Amendment suit against Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers for his role in the 2017 cancellation of our projected conference there. Again, our lawyers expect this to go to trial, and quite possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But now I want to discuss a narrower but equally important case: our complaint against the credit card processer PayPal for suddenly and arbitrarily cutting VDARE.com off from receiving donations, after a business relationship of more than ten years, in August 2017. Our Notice of Dispute, required by PayPal’s User Agreement, is here. [PDF]

PayPal has still not, despite our repeated requests, explained why it cut us off. Our Notice of Dispute documents our interactions with various puzzled PayPal employees who had obviously believed they worked for a politically impartial entity in a free country.

It appears they were wrong.

However, PayPal did ban us days after the August 12, 2017 Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville VA. And PayPal CEO Dan Schulman has admitted this event provoked him to blacklist various conservative accounts. Presumably this was PayPal’s reason, although VDARE.com had nothing whatever to do with the UTR rally—was not invited, did not promote it, did not attend.

Nor, of course, did PayPal bother to check with VDARE.com about any possible alleged involvement with the UTR rally.

Whether or not private corporations have the right to discriminate on political grounds—remember, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they do not have the right to discriminate on racial grounds—is emerging as a major political issue, given the unprecedented and unrestrained backlash to President Trump’s 2016 election victory.

(But in California, where PayPal is based, political discrimination is banned under the Unruh Act. We welcome input from California lawyers!!!)

VDARE.com’s case against PayPal, however, focuses on a narrower issue. When PayPal cut VDARE.com off without warning, it also destroyed a significant flow of recurring donations, including from many donors who had signed up for our hard-copy VDARE QUARTERLY. Because VDARE.com was given absolutely no chance to transfer these recurring donations to its backup processor—which it could easily have done—it has still not yet been able to restore this significant revenue flow.

In addition, incredibly, PayPal then proceeded to send false and harassing emails to our former recurring donors demanding that they “pay what they owe.” And PayPal refused to explain this demand to these donors, just as it has refused to explain to VDARE.com why it has cut us off.

Of course this has been immensely damaging to our relationship with these donors, most of whom have naturally not thought to contact us directly.

PayPal has not yet responded to VDARE.com’s Notice Of Dispute. If they do not, we will have to initiate the Arbitration process by mid August.

This is a crusade, not merely for VDARE.com. but for all the patriots who have been cut off by PayPal and other payment processor during the current Reign Of Terror—and, ultimately, against all the Corporate Cultural Marxists who believe they have the right run America.

But it will be expensive. We need your help now.

You can give (tax-deductibly!) to VDARE’s Legal Defense Fund by clicking the button below. We will be reporting other litigation soon. You can even—a new feature— earmark your donation for our suit against PayPal, or Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, by checking the “Earmark your Donation” box and selecting a preference.

Many thanks from all of us in the VDARE.com family.

(Donations go to VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN 22-3691487)



Activists Are Trying to Force Mastercard to Cut Off Payments to The Far Right

Activists Are Trying to Force Mastercard to Cut Off Payments to The Far Right
BuzzFeed News

Activists have successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote by shareholders on a proposal which, if passed, could see the company monitoring payments to global far-right political leaders and white supremacist groups. The proposal aims to see Mastercard establish an internal “human rights committee” that would stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services. It’s been conceived by US-based political activists SumOfUs, who want to escalate the battle against white supremacists and far-right groups from tech platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Patreon, and PayPal to one of the biggest companies in world finance, in an attempt to choke off donations.

Mark Metcalfe / Getty Images
Activists have successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote by shareholders on a proposal which, if passed, could see the company monitoring payments to global far-right political leaders and white supremacist groups.

The proposal aims to see Mastercard establish an internal “human rights committee” that would stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services.

It’s been conceived by US-based political activists SumOfUs, who want to escalate the battle against white supremacists and far-right groups from tech platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Patreon, and PayPal to one of the biggest companies in world finance, in an attempt to choke off donations.

Robinson and several other leading figures in the global far right have been forced in recent months to solicit donations directly on their websites via Mastercard, Visa, and American Express after PayPal banned payments to them. Facebook also disabled the donation function on Robinson’s fan page before deleting it completely.

“Spreading hate involves spending money,” Eoin Dubsky, from SumOfUs, told BuzzFeed News. “Whether it’s paying for online advertising or organising violent rallies, white supremacist groups need financial services from companies like Mastercard.”

Tommy Robinson launches his EU election campaign in Wythenshawe, England.
Christopher Furlong / Getty Image

Tommy Robinson launches his EU election campaign in Wythenshawe, England. Over several months, SumOfUs has been locked in a battle with Mastercard executives behind the scenes in order to get the new committee proposal put to the shareholders ahead of the company’s June annual general meeting. It would see the formation of a “human rights committee” at the board level, which would monitor financial transactions with designated hate groups.  Documents seen by BuzzFeed News reveal that the US Securities and Exchange Commission has given the green light for shareholders to get the chance to vote on the formation of the committee, despite staunch opposition from the Mastercard board and executives.

In the material to be sent to shareholders, the activists refer to a website called Blood Money, which tracks online payments to white supremacist groups from the likes of Mastercard, American Express, and Stripe. The website currently claims that Mastercard services are being used by groups like Counter-Currents Publishing, Covenant People’s Ministry, the United West, Sultan Knish, and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation.SumOfUs has also pointed to the activity of Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. The former English Defence League founder is running as an independent in May’s European election.  In November 2018, PayPal banned donations to the anti-Islam activist, with the online payment company saying that its services wouldn’t “be used to promote hate, violence, or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory”. More recently, Robinson has been calling on his global network of supporters to donate to his election campaign through his website, which allows payments from Mastercard.

“Having a Mastercard logo on their website also gives these groups a veneer of legitimacy, and allows those who want to donate to do so quickly and quietly,” Dubsky told BuzzFeed News.  “Mastercard also benefits, pocketing a transaction fee for each purchase or donation.”  Mastercard declined requests for comment, pointing instead to the board’s position laid out in the information sent to shareholders ahead of the general meeting.  “Mastercard is committed to treating all people fairly and with dignity, and our interest in human rights extends to all areas in which our business is involved and where we have particular expertise,” it reads. “The Board does not believe that establishing a separate human rights committee is necessary to properly exercise its oversight of this important area.”

It’s unclear whether the proposal stands a chance of succeeding at June’s meeting. But the move to confront such a big, mainstream company like Mastercard over issues like the funding of white supremacy and the far right comes after action from smaller, online financial platforms like PayPal and Patreon in the area.  PayPal has banned payments to Robinson, US far-right group Proud Boys, and Canadian anti-Islam activist Laura Loomer. It also acted against several US anti-fascist groups because the company had no tolerance for groups that promoted “hate” and “violence”.  Last year, Patreon banned YouTuber Sargon of Akkad over a 2015 video that featured the Gamergate leader repeatedly saying the n-word in a Google Hangout with the alt-right. According to the New York Times, Sargon of Akkad, whose real name is Carl Benjamin, had 3,000 subscribers and was being paid $12,000 a month on Patreon when he was removed from the site.

In a recent YouTube video, Benjamin and Robinson talked about being de-platformed by social media companies. But Robinson also suggested that he has long-term fears beyond the big tech companies.

“I am being completely un-personed,” Robinson said. “What’s next—my mobile-phone contract?”

Mark Di Stefano is a media and politics correspondent for BuzzFeed News and is based in London.  Contact Mark Di Stefano at mark.distefano@buzzfeed.com.

PayPal Blacklists United Constitutional Patriots After They Helped Catch Illegal Aliens Invading U.S.

PayPal Blacklists United Constitutional Patriots After They Helped Catch Illegal Aliens Invading U.S.



The United Constitutional Patriots, who made headlines on Thursday for helping catch hundreds of illegal aliens invading America through our southern border, announced Friday on Facebook they were banned by PayPal and all their funds have been frozen for 180 days.

The United Constitutional Patriots said they wanted to thank everyone who donated to their “Border Ops mission” but they “can no longer accept payments” through PayPal as “they have permanently suspended our account.”

They said PayPal is holding $1,300 in donations “for 180 days.”

Chris Menahan
Apr. 20, 2019

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Upcoming court dates / Remembrance Day 2018 / PayPal Cancelled

Upcoming court dates / Remembrance Day 2018 / PayPal Cancelled

Dear Friends, 
Thank you to all who replied to my last email which included my latest parody “Lying Thieves”. Apologies for not responding individually and for yet another impersonal mass email: busy times ahead! Please do let me know if you didn’t receive the song and I will send you a copy. 

Upcoming court dates for my Appeal against conviction and sentencing are scheduled for December 10, 11 and 12 at Southwark Crown Court in central London. My solicitor informs it is quite possible that the court may have other urgent business and may therefore have to postpone.
In other news, I was honoured to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph in London last Sunday November 11 in remembrance of the 784 members of the British Armed Forces who lost their lives during the peacekeeping mission to Palestine 1945-1948. Below you will find the link to some photos and a short video of the speeches given by Richard Edmonds, Tony Martin, Jordan Pont and myself at the rally afterwards. Many thanks to National Front Chairman and Deputy Chairman for organising the traditional Remembrance Day parade and allowing me to participate.
Finally, alongside preparations for my Appeal, I have been submitting several Subject Access Requests (SAR) to various organisations all involved to some extent in the conspiracy to have me prosecuted (visibly not for the “sending” of my songs over the Internet, but rather for the messages contained within the songs themselves). Companies and organisations must comply within 30 days according to the new GDPR rules. One organisation showing particular reticence is The Jewish Chronicle.
My SAR to the JC was submitted following an online article which associates the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting with “UK far right extremists” on Gab, one of the social media platforms used by the shooter and which the enemies of free speech wish to see closed down. As well as citing my name, the JC article goes further in claiming that I would use Gab to “urge supporters” to donate via PayPal to a “legal fund”.
As we have seen so many times in the past, this is one of the tried and tested techniques used by those wishing to stifle free and open debate. It’s how they do it: demonise the messenger – not the message. Indeed, the article reminds me of several similar pieces published last year by the Canadian press, during my tour there organised by Paul Fromm, which associated my visit with the spate of bomb threats to US and Canadian Synagogues and Jewish community centres. As we know, it turned out that these bomb threats were the work of a “mentally unstable” Israeli Jew…
In short, the JC’s unfounded allegation inevitably led to my PayPal account being shut down last Tuesday, without explanation and without recourse to appeal. In addition to my SAR, I have submitted a complaint about the JC article to the Independent Press Standards Organisation. A couple of recent posts published on my website give details of successful SARs so far (link below). On the advice of a friend, I have set up an alternative to PayPal which can be found on my website.

Again, thanks to all for your support and messages of good will. I will keep you informed concerning my Appeal and hope to see a good turnout at Southwark Crown Court on the day.

Musical wishes,
Alison Chabloz.

PS If you no longer wish to receive emails please let me know.


Paul Fromm, Jim Rizoli, Diane King on the Brian Ruhe Show — We’ll Remember Who Are Enemies Were

Paul Fromm, Jim Rizoli, Diane King on the Brian Ruhe Show — We’ll Remember Who Are Enemies Were

June 5, 2018. Revolution Radio with Brian Ruhe, Jim Rizoli, Diane King, Paul Fromm, Pete Papaherakles…