Charges Withdrawn Against Mask Dissident John McCash

Charges Withdrawn Against Mask Dissident John McCash

BRAMPTON, June 3, 2021. Today, in a brief court appearance, Mississauga dissident John McCash, 48, learned that the Crown had withdrawn a charge of causing a disturbance that goes back to an incident at a Chinese grocery store last July 5.

Mr. McCash was denied entry to T & T Grocery store because he was not wearing a mask. He was caught on a cellphone camera arguing with a bossy boots employee and saying: “If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack and these communists are attacking all of us…go back to China and take your coronavirus with you.”

He was instantly denounced in the woke press for “racism”. Police duly charged him, on July 16, with “causing a disturbance.” The charges were always political. Had he been shouting “Black lives matter” or “defund the police,” there’d have been no charges.

“Hate-crime incidents have a negative impact on our community and create a ripple effect. It can increase feelings of vulnerability, anxiety and fear, not only on the individual who has directly been victimized, but also to the community at large. Reporting incident of hate-crime is essential to stopping these incidents; we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all we serve,” said Chief Nishan Duraiappah.

“This was political persecution from the beginning,” says Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. “Mr. McCash was expressing a political and medical opinion. There was no ‘hate’ there

CAFE backed Mr. McCash and staged a protest, September 25, outside the Brampton Courthouse at his first appearance (although it was by video.)

“While we are happy that the Crown recognized its nothing burger of a case and withdrew the charge,” says Paul Fromm, “the initial charge was political persecution. Mr. McCash had to hire a lawyer and is out of pocket. This is an abuse BY process.”

Mr. McCash is a regular at the weekly Saturday END THE LOCKDOWN rallies at Queen’s Park in Toronto. He and a group of like minded Christians meet on the steps of nearby St. Basil’s church for some short prayers. Because of Medico-Stalinist rules, the church is not actually open.

He and his group, complete with a large cross and posters the Blessed Mother talk to the public at Queen’s Park. In a loud voice he greets passersby with “We follow the Lord, not Ford”; that is Doug Ford, Premier Lockdown.

John McCash
Part of CAFE Protest in Support of John McCash, September 25

Spirited Weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Brantford

Spirited Weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Brantford

Every Saturday since the fall, there has been a spirited END THE LOWDOWN Rally complete with music and megaphones to inform motorists as they stop at the busy Colborne and Clarence Street light in downtown Brantford. Some dedicated freedom fighters even man the corner for a few hours daily during the week.

Lots of copies of the very informative tabloid DRUTHERS are given out to motorists.

Of course, there is some opposition. On May 16. some brave masked motorist in a late model car burled a rock at protesters. It missed. On May 23, an angry motorist, stopped his car and wanted to fight and then thought better of it.

CAFE is proud to have had a strong presence at recent rallies in Brantford and elsewhere across this Dominion.

Freedom Fighters Denounced Bonnie Henry’s Winery Where People Can Gather for Tastings but Christians Cannot Gather for Easter Services

Freedom Fighters Denounced Bonnie Henry’s Winery Where People Can Gather for Tastings but Christians Cannot Gather for Easter Services

PENTICTON, April 5. CAFE supporters attended the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rally. Talk of the freedom fighters was health Czarina Bonnie Henry being part owner of Clos du Soleil winery. People are free to drop in for wine tastings but not allowed to attend Easter services at church.

Thanks to Raychyl Whyte for Fundraising for CAFE On the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Walkathon

Thanks to Raychyl Whyte for Fundraising for CAFE On the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Walkathon

For the fourth year in a row, Raychyl Whyte a15-year veteran of the St. Patrick’s Day annual Toronto City Hall to Oakville Walkathon solicited pledges to help CAFE.

Big thanks, Raychyl and

you are most becoming with “the wearing of the green”

Commentator & Sometime White Rapper Stan Hess Liked Paul Fromm’s Appearance on “The Political Cesspool” March 13

Commentator & Sometime White Rapper Stan Hess Liked Paul Fromm’s Appearance on “The Political Cesspool” March 13

Guest: Paul Fromm – Our world tour continues in Canada with Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. A program mainstay and free speech activist extraordinaire, Paul’s appearances are always lively and informative.

Folks .. Paul Fromm is a dedicated activist living in Canada. He has been a friend of mine for over 25 years. Paul has traveled all over the world standing up for the rights of European people. He has now been barred from traveling to the UK and the United States because of his activism . But can still travel to Russia. …So much for equal rights for Whites ….

Listen to this informative and entertaining hour with James Edwards .. Keith Alexander… and Paul Fromm.

I am a proud member of Paul’s group CAFÉ.


Stan Hess



Raychyl Whyte is raising funds for CAFE on St. Patrick’s Day
Wednesday March 17 will be Raychyl’s 15th annual 42 km trek from Toronto to Oakville, and she is pleased to raise funds for CAFE again this year.

The walk will commence at 9 AM at Toronto City Hall on Wednesday March 17 2021, and conclude sometime between approx. 4:15-4:50 PM at Mo’s Restaurant & Tavern in downtown Oakville, 234 Lakeshore Rd. E., where CAFE members are welcome to join in the celebration with Raychyl.

Hopefully the Covid restrictions won’t interfere too much. 

~ Wear something green. ~
Our freedoms are under attack, so your help is more important than ever.

RAYCHYL dress for walk.jpg

Please donate directly to CAFE. 
Mail your cheque to:


P.O. Box 332

,Rexdale, ON.,

M9W 5L3


In the info line mention, “RAYCHYL’S WALK”.

Thanks for your support!

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies Spread Throughout British Columbia

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies Spread Throughout British Columbia

I attended the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN rally in Penticton today.. About 40 freedom fighters braved wicked winds at Main & Warren this afternoon. Lots of supportive honks from passing traffic; a few fingers from the frightened and brainwashed. The END THE LOCKDOWN movement is spreading throughout British Columbia, with rallies this weekend in Vancouver, Kelowna Penticton, Vernon, Kamloops and Parksville. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE


KELOWNA. December 12, 2020. “This is the biggest freedom rally the Okanagan has ever seen,” Dave Lindsay shouted as he greeted the over 2,000 people who had gathered here for the Mega END THE LOCKDOWN Rally at noon. They came from Lilooet and Kamloops, from Salmon Arm and the Lake Country, from Vernon and Armstrong, from Keremos, Penticton, Okanagan Falls and Oliver. One caravan even drove up from Vancouver. As the cavalcade from Salmon Arm and Vernon drove down the highway their honking horns and anti-Lockdown banners drew many thumbs up and supportive honks.
The rally opened with the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Singer and songwriter Jacqueline-Rose warmed up the crowd as latecomers continued to stream in.
Then, Dave Lindsay of Penticton, Chairman of C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights Initiative), who has organized the weekly Kelowna Rally since April had the crowd cheering with an attack on Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: “Bonnie Henry is trying to steal Christmas from us. Have as many people in your house as you want to.” “And,” he added to laughter and more cheers, “Bonnie the commie will never get another Christmas present!”
Mr. Lindsay noted: “COVID has divided families and it’s divided mine.” He charged that the government’s position is a mass of lies and misinformation. “The PCR test they use ha 10 major flaws. It can have an up to 95% error rate. So, why are we using this test?The death rate in B.C. was going down before masks were made mandatory in indoor public spaces. Now, the death rate is going up!”
In a nurses’ case, several years ago, “Bonnie Henry gave testimony that masks  are not effective,” but now she’s imposing them on British Columbians. “Bonnie Henry, you’re not a hero,” Mr. Lindsay concluded and the crowd took up a chorus of “lock her up!”
Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, also spoke. He outlined the terrible damage done to his son by a vaccine and the years of suffering before the lad’s premature and untimely death.

Thanking the R.C.M.P. for helping the rally co-ordinate its march, Mr. Lindsay directed the crowd out from Stuart Park for a parade through the downtown part of Kelowna. Police blocked off one side of the road. The freedom fighters, including many couples with children and even some with babies in strollers stretched more than 10 city blocks. The joyous crowd, with not a mask in site, frequently broke into chants of “freedom” “no more lockdowns!” and, at several points, “Oh, Canada.” Many people along the route gave a thumbs up, many passing cars honked in approval. A few signalled disapproval, including one old lady, masked and alone in her car, who flashed the middle finger at the freedom parade.

After the parade many of the freedom fighters lined the sidewalk along Harvey Street where traffic inbound to Kelowna crosses over a bridge spanning  Lake Okanagan.
The afternoon, however, ended on a sour note when rally organizer Dave Lindsay was presented with a $2,500 fine by the R.C.M.P., a fine that the court-wise Mr. Lindsay intends to challenge vigorously.
Once again, CAFE, which has backed all END THE LOCKDOWN protests since they began in Vancouver in mid-March, attended with a number of supporters from up and down the Okanagan.