Why Canada needs an ‘urgent’ public inquiry into its COVID response

Some have argued an inquiry is needed to evaluate the effectiveness and harms of lockdowns, vaccine passports, school closures and other measures Get the latest from Sharon Kirkey straight to your inbox Author of the article: Sharon Kirkey Published Oct 11, 2024  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  7 minute read 868 Comments

A woman wearing a mask
A new paper is the latest to call for an open and transparent national COVID inquiry, “not reports developed behind closed doors that are vulnerable to interference.” Photo by JOEL SAGET/AFP via Getty Images

More than five years after COVID first emerged, amid rising and falling waves, calls are growing for a public inquiry into Canada’s pandemic response on the scale of the Krever inquiry into the country’s tainted blood scandal of the 1980s.


Not everyone agrees on the focus or details.

Some have argued a no-holds-barred inquiry is urgently needed to evaluate the effectiveness and social harms of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, vaccine passports, school closures and other far-reaching government mandated infection control policies, some of which were never part of pre-existing pandemic plans.Advertisement 2Story continues belowTrending

  1. Colby Cosh: Affirming those who do not believe in the e

“One of the most powerful things in a democracy is to have access to, what actually happened? How did people make decisions? What was known and not known at certain periods in terms of the vaccine mandates especially, and the lockdowns,” said Canadian medical anthropologist and public health researcher Kevin Bardosh.

“The COVID response was the largest infringement on basic Canadian civil rights and liberties in living memory,” Bardosh said. Among other lines of inquiry, a thorough assessment could address: Did we get the balance right between civil rights and civic responsibilities amid a chaotic and emerging threat?

The COVID response was the largest infringement on basic Canadian civil rights and liberties in living memory

A new paper is the latest to call for an open and transparent national COVID inquiry, “not reports developed behind closed doors that are vulnerable to interference.”

“We are now in the fifth year of an ongoing pandemic, and Canada continues to experience significant surges of COVID-19 infections,” half a dozen academics and specialists in epidemiology and medicine wrote in a pre-print paper that hasn’t gone through peer review.

“In addition to the acute impacts of infection, accumulation of organ damage and disability is building a ‘health debt’ that will affect Canadians for years to come,” the authors wrote.

“Canada urgently needs a comprehensive review of its successes and failures to chart a better response in the near- and long-term,” they said.

Among their concerns, no national standard for indoor air quality is being implemented to make indoor public spaces safer, particularly schools, even though SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus that spreads like smoke via tiny aerosols through duct work and under doors.

Data collection is crumbling, leaving information vacuums, particularly in vulnerable populations, inconsistent government policies have sown mistrust in public health and a post-mortem is needed to understand why Canada’s early success in vaccination has “collapsed,” the authors said.

There was an opportunity to evaluate evidence in a clear-headed way in order to go back to the standards of evidence and the ethics we had established as a community of public health practitioners prior to COVID, and those were never taken

“One of the big tragedies at various points was that there was an opportunity to evaluate evidence in a clear-headed way in order to go back to the standards of evidence and the ethics we had established as a community of public health practitioners prior to COVID, and those were never taken,” said Bardosh, director of Collateral Global, a think tank focused on pandemic responses.

“The uncertainties and ambiguities of the evidence were not adequately presented to people.”

Last year, in a scathing review of Canada’s “major pandemic failures,” the British Medical Journal said the willingness of Canadians to comply with vaccination requirements and harsh public health restrictions did more to bring COVID-19 under control than the fragmented, deficient and unsavvy response of governments.

Canada was slow off the mark getting vaccines and ended up with such an oversupply that tens of millions of doses faced expiry before they could be used. There were duelling experts and conflicting advice. Federal and provincial stockpiles of PPE (personal protective equipment) were depleted or allowed to expire before the pandemic hit. Millions of masks were thrown away.

But appeals for a public inquiry, including by the NDP in 2022, have gone unheeded. The Liberal government recently announced plans for a pandemic preparedness agency, but again deflected calls for a national inquiry.

Vaccination rates have dwindled since the Hunger Games-like sprints for shots in the 2021 spring vaccination campaign. Only about 15 per cent of eligible Canadians received an updated vaccine in the fall of 2023.

While mis- and disinformation campaigns are part of the problem, so are “lukewarm efforts” by public health to support vaccination programs, the authors wrote.

Throughout the pandemic, there were major inconsistencies in who should get access to treatments like Paxlovid, they said, and inconsistent advice on spacing between vaccine doses. Federal health officials “didn’t come clean and accept that COVID was an airborne transmitted disease, which has huge implications about what you do about it,” said Dr. Dick Zoutman, a retired infectious diseases physician and professor emeritus at Queen’s University who led the Ontario SARS Scientific Advisory Committee during the SARS crisis in 2003.

Upgrading indoor air quality would mitigate the spread of COVID in classrooms and hospitals substantially across the country, said Zoutman, one of the preprint’s authors. Instead, “we don’t even hear about

“What I find extraordinary beyond the discussion about having a national inquiry, which I believe we do need, is that it really appears to be that, among government and public figures, including public health figures in leadership roles, COVID has become a four-letter word that shall not be uttered,” Zoutman said.

“You have heard absolutely nothing in the last months, many, many months…. It appears that people have adopted the attitude: I’m done with COVID, I’m getting on with my life. Why are you still wearing a mask?’

“We have collectively decided it’s not a threat, and we do so at our peril.”

COVID is a very different pandemic than it was in 2020. “But it’s still a pandemic,” he said. The virus is mutating at a furious pace, two-and-a-half times faster than the influenza virus which is why we’re seeing new variants multiple times a year. In most cases it causes mild to moderate symptoms. Older adults and those with underlying health conditions are at highest risk. “It is still causing acute harm,” Zoutman said. “People are still getting very sick and dying,” though at much lower rates than at the outset because of vaccines and a built-up level of immunity. “Most of us have had COVID at least once; some many times, over and over again,” he said. And the risk of long COVID increases with repeat infections.

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“We have not even begun to get a handle on (long COVID’s) societal impacts,” Zoutman said.

We have not even begun to get a handle on (long COVID’s) societal impacts

Like the Krever commission into the tainted blood scandal, when thousands of Canadians were infected with HIV and-or hepatitis before the Canadian Red Cross began screening donated blood for blood-borne pathogens, a COVID inquiry under the Inquiries Act would have legal standing and the ability to send out summons, subpoena documents and “really have access to whatever it wants to look at,” Zoutman said. Krever also set a precedent for an inquiry across all levels of government, he and his co-authors wrote.

The United Kingdom is partway through a marathon COVID public inquiry that’s expected to run until 2026.  “We need to know what went on here,” Zoutman said. “I hope Canada did better, but I think we had a very disjointed response.”

Zoutman and colleagues said they aren’t suggesting returning to past measures.

“There’s a strong theme that these were the wrong things to do, and they were a bad thing to do,” Zoutman said. “They were the right thing to do at the time, given the order of magnitude of what was coming, because nobody had contemplated this coronavirus pandemic.

“There’s no doubt that the lockdowns had the desired effect. They’re just a very crude mechanism,” he said. “Imagine if, in February and March 2020, we had N-95 respirators for the public in abundance. Imagine if we had high quality air handling that would filter out the virus and ventilate the viruses away. We wouldn’t have had to close our schools.”

“However, you are right: They need to be evaluated for their benefits, risks and the damages they did,” Zoutman said.

“We need to know, ‘How can we do this better and have a national plan for how we’re going to approach the next pandemic?’ We need to be very, very ready. We certainly were not.”

When asked for comment, Federal Health Minister Mark Holland’s office said the public health measures put in place by the government “saved more than 700,000 lives during the pandemic.”

A report co-authored by Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam, based on modelling of different scenarios, estimated that “without the use of restrictive measures” and high levels of vaccination, Canada could have experienced almost a million deaths.

The count of total deaths from COVID-19 in Canada was 60,871 as of Sept. 21.

“We are committed to a scientific and evidence-based approach to public health and to protecting the health of Canadians,” Matthew Kronberg, Holland’s press secretary, said.

National Post

Why Canada needs an ‘urgent’ public inquiry into its COVID response

Some have argued an inquiry is needed to evaluate the effectiveness and harms of lockdowns, vaccine passports, school closures and other measures Get the latest from Sharon Kirkey straight to your inbox Author of the article: Sharon Kirkey Published Oct 11, 2024  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  7 minute read 868 Comments

A woman wearing a mask
A new paper is the latest to call for an open and transparent national COVID inquiry, “not reports developed behind closed doors that are vulnerable to interference.” Photo by JOEL SAGET/AFP via Getty Images

Article content

More than five years after COVID first emerged, amid rising and falling waves, calls are growing for a public inquiry into Canada’s pandemic response on the scale of the Krever inquiry into the country’s tainted blood scandal of the 1980s.


Not everyone agrees on the focus or details.

Some have argued a no-holds-barred inquiry is urgently needed to evaluate the effectiveness and social harms of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, vaccine passports, school closures and other far-reaching government mandated infection control policies, some of which were never part of pre-existing pandemic plans.Advertisement 2Story continues belowTrending

  1. Colby Cosh: Affirming those who do not believe in the e

“One of the most powerful things in a democracy is to have access to, what actually happened? How did people make decisions? What was known and not known at certain periods in terms of the vaccine mandates especially, and the lockdowns,” said Canadian medical anthropologist and public health researcher Kevin Bardosh.

“The COVID response was the largest infringement on basic Canadian civil rights and liberties in living memory,” Bardosh said. Among other lines of inquiry, a thorough assessment could address: Did we get the balance right between civil rights and civic responsibilities amid a chaotic and emerging threat?

The COVID response was the largest infringement on basic Canadian civil rights and liberties in living memory

A new paper is the latest to call for an open and transparent national COVID inquiry, “not reports developed behind closed doors that are vulnerable to interference.”

“We are now in the fifth year of an ongoing pandemic, and Canada continues to experience significant surges of COVID-19 infections,” half a dozen academics and specialists in epidemiology and medicine wrote in a pre-print paper that hasn’t gone through peer review.

“In addition to the acute impacts of infection, accumulation of organ damage and disability is building a ‘health debt’ that will affect Canadians for years to come,” the authors wrote.

“Canada urgently needs a comprehensive review of its successes and failures to chart a better response in the near- and long-term,” they said.

Among their concerns, no national standard for indoor air quality is being implemented to make indoor public spaces safer, particularly schools, even though SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus that spreads like smoke via tiny aerosols through duct work and under doors.

Data collection is crumbling, leaving information vacuums, particularly in vulnerable populations, inconsistent government policies have sown mistrust in public health and a post-mortem is needed to understand why Canada’s early success in vaccination has “collapsed,” the authors said.

There was an opportunity to evaluate evidence in a clear-headed way in order to go back to the standards of evidence and the ethics we had established as a community of public health practitioners prior to COVID, and those were never taken

“One of the big tragedies at various points was that there was an opportunity to evaluate evidence in a clear-headed way in order to go back to the standards of evidence and the ethics we had established as a community of public health practitioners prior to COVID, and those were never taken,” said Bardosh, director of Collateral Global, a think tank focused on pandemic responses.

“The uncertainties and ambiguities of the evidence were not adequately presented to people.”

Last year, in a scathing review of Canada’s “major pandemic failures,” the British Medical Journal said the willingness of Canadians to comply with vaccination requirements and harsh public health restrictions did more to bring COVID-19 under control than the fragmented, deficient and unsavvy response of governments.

Canada was slow off the mark getting vaccines and ended up with such an oversupply that tens of millions of doses faced expiry before they could be used. There were duelling experts and conflicting advice. Federal and provincial stockpiles of PPE (personal protective equipment) were depleted or allowed to expire before the pandemic hit. Millions of masks were thrown away.

But appeals for a public inquiry, including by the NDP in 2022, have gone unheeded. The Liberal government recently announced plans for a pandemic preparedness agency, but again deflected calls for a national inquiry.

Vaccination rates have dwindled since the Hunger Games-like sprints for shots in the 2021 spring vaccination campaign. Only about 15 per cent of eligible Canadians received an updated vaccine in the fall of 2023.

While mis- and disinformation campaigns are part of the problem, so are “lukewarm efforts” by public health to support vaccination programs, the authors wrote.

Throughout the pandemic, there were major inconsistencies in who should get access to treatments like Paxlovid, they said, and inconsistent advice on spacing between vaccine doses. Federal health officials “didn’t come clean and accept that COVID was an airborne transmitted disease, which has huge implications about what you do about it,” said Dr. Dick Zoutman, a retired infectious diseases physician and professor emeritus at Queen’s University who led the Ontario SARS Scientific Advisory Committee during the SARS crisis in 2003.

Upgrading indoor air quality would mitigate the spread of COVID in classrooms and hospitals substantially across the country, said Zoutman, one of the preprint’s authors. Instead, “we don’t even hear about

“What I find extraordinary beyond the discussion about having a national inquiry, which I believe we do need, is that it really appears to be that, among government and public figures, including public health figures in leadership roles, COVID has become a four-letter word that shall not be uttered,” Zoutman said.

“You have heard absolutely nothing in the last months, many, many months…. It appears that people have adopted the attitude: I’m done with COVID, I’m getting on with my life. Why are you still wearing a mask?’

“We have collectively decided it’s not a threat, and we do so at our peril.”

COVID is a very different pandemic than it was in 2020. “But it’s still a pandemic,” he said. The virus is mutating at a furious pace, two-and-a-half times faster than the influenza virus which is why we’re seeing new variants multiple times a year. In most cases it causes mild to moderate symptoms. Older adults and those with underlying health conditions are at highest risk. “It is still causing acute harm,” Zoutman said. “People are still getting very sick and dying,” though at much lower rates than at the outset because of vaccines and a built-up level of immunity. “Most of us have had COVID at least once; some many times, over and over again,” he said. And the risk of long COVID increases with repeat infections.

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“We have not even begun to get a handle on (long COVID’s) societal impacts,” Zoutman said.

We have not even begun to get a handle on (long COVID’s) societal impacts

Like the Krever commission into the tainted blood scandal, when thousands of Canadians were infected with HIV and-or hepatitis before the Canadian Red Cross began screening donated blood for blood-borne pathogens, a COVID inquiry under the Inquiries Act would have legal standing and the ability to send out summons, subpoena documents and “really have access to whatever it wants to look at,” Zoutman said. Krever also set a precedent for an inquiry across all levels of government, he and his co-authors wrote.

The United Kingdom is partway through a marathon COVID public inquiry that’s expected to run until 2026.  “We need to know what went on here,” Zoutman said. “I hope Canada did better, but I think we had a very disjointed response.”

Zoutman and colleagues said they aren’t suggesting returning to past measures.

“There’s a strong theme that these were the wrong things to do, and they were a bad thing to do,” Zoutman said. “They were the right thing to do at the time, given the order of magnitude of what was coming, because nobody had contemplated this coronavirus pandemic.

“There’s no doubt that the lockdowns had the desired effect. They’re just a very crude mechanism,” he said. “Imagine if, in February and March 2020, we had N-95 respirators for the public in abundance. Imagine if we had high quality air handling that would filter out the virus and ventilate the viruses away. We wouldn’t have had to close our schools.”

“However, you are right: They need to be evaluated for their benefits, risks and the damages they did,” Zoutman said.

“We need to know, ‘How can we do this better and have a national plan for how we’re going to approach the next pandemic?’ We need to be very, very ready. We certainly were not.”

When asked for comment, Federal Health Minister Mark Holland’s office said the public health measures put in place by the government “saved more than 700,000 lives during the pandemic.”

A report co-authored by Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam, based on modelling of different scenarios, estimated that “without the use of restrictive measures” and high levels of vaccination, Canada could have experienced almost a million deaths.

The count of total deaths from COVID-19 in Canada was 60,871 as of Sept. 21.

“We are committed to a scientific and evidence-based approach to public health and to protecting the health of Canadians,” Matthew Kronberg, Holland’s press secretary, said.

National Post

The People’s Party of Canada Platform on COVID Tyranny & Fire Theresa Tam http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=6704

The People’s Party of Canada Platform on COVID Tyranny


The unprecedented government response to the covid-19 pandemic has had massively negative repercussions on Canadians’ physical and mental health, economic well-being, as well as their rights and freedoms.

The standard approach to pandemic management had always been to protect the vulnerable and allow the rest of the healthy population to go about their regular lives while building herd immunity. Lockdowns of entire populations were never part of any pre-covid pandemic planning.

This experiment was largely ineffective in reducing the spread of the virus, but caused significant collateral damage. The vast majority of covid victims were elderly patients with comorbidities in nursing homes that governments failed to protect. Lockdown measures will cause even more deaths in the longer term due to stress-related illnesses, depression, postponement of surgeries, drug overdose, suicide, domestic violence, etc.

Governments don’t want to admit that they were wrong and are imposing increasingly authoritarian measures on the population, including vaccine passports. Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated will suffer under a regime of segregation, constant control, and surveillance. It is illusory to believe that the virus can be eradicated. We have to learn to live with it, without destroying our way of life in the process.


Lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, and other authoritarian sanitary measures have not had any noticeable effect on the course of the pandemic. Regions or countries that implemented strict measures have been as impacted as those that did not.

Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated can get infected and transmit the virus, which negates the rationale for segregation and vaccine passports.

Section 1 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that reasonable limits to our rights and freedoms can only be imposed if it has been demonstrated that they are justified in a free and democratic society. Such a demonstration has not been made for covid restrictions, most of which are arguably unconstitutional.


Although most of the measures in response to the covid pandemic have been implemented by provincial governments, Ottawa has an important coordinating role to play at the national level and can influence provincial policies. The federal public health agency coordinates policies with provincial agencies. Ottawa also encouraged and supported lockdown policies through the transfer of tens of billions of dollars in financial aid to provinces and territories.

A People’s Party government will:

  • Promote a rational and scientifically based approach to the pandemic that focuses on the protection of the most vulnerable, guarantees the freedom of Canadians to make decisions based on informed consent, and rejects coercion and discrimination.
  • Fire the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam and replace her with someone who will work with provincial agencies to implement a rational approach to the pandemic, instead of following the recommendations of the World Health Organization.
  • Repeal vaccine mandates and regular testing for federal civil servants and workers in federally regulated industries.
  • Repeal vaccine passports for travellers.
  • Oppose vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and other authoritarian measures imposed by provincial governments, and support individuals and groups that challenge such measures in court.
  • Support emergency provincial measures to protect the most vulnerable, but stop bailing out provinces that impose economically destructive lockdowns.
  • Support medical research and development of therapies to treat covid-19 and other viral diseases.

Maxime Bernier Sets Penticton Audience on Fire: “When Tyranny Takes Control, Revolution is a Necessity!”

Maxime Bernier Sets Penticton Audience on Fire: “When Tyranny Takes Control, Revolution is a Necessity!”

Penticton, British Columbia, September 5, 2021.A confident Maxime Bernier wowed an enthusiastic rally of over 300 people today at Penticton’s Gyro Park. The People’s Party  of Canada founder and leader called for a freedom revolution by Canada’s Dispossessed Majority: ” “When Tyranny Takes Control, Revolution is a Necessity! … Our goal is to unite all Canadians under the freedom banner,” he added.
I want to live in a country described by former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. “I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. “
Mr. Bernier, the first federal leader to visit the Okanagan this election cycle took aim at Prime Minister Justin Tudeau: “Justin Trudeau is the most divisive prime minister in Canadian history. “He has divided us by race, by religion and now by vaccination status,” he said to enthusiastic applause. Many of his supporters held anti-forced vaccination signs and were veterans of END THE LOCKDOWN rallies over the past 18 months in Kelowna and Penticton.
Mr. Bernier is the only federal leader dissenting from the COVID-hysteria and  freedom sapping policies many politicians have imposed. “This virus only endangers those elderly people with several co-morbidities,” he argued. There should be no forced masking, no imposed vaccines and no more lockdowns, he said to prolonged applause. It’s time to develop and made-in-Canada health policy, to defund the World Health Organization (WHO) and fire “that Theresa”(Tam) woman.

“The People’s Party of Canada will fight for Canadians regardless of their race or sex or vaccination status,” he promised.”We want our country back. It’s all about government control versus individual freedom.”
He said that last week, the mainstream media, which usually ignores him and the People’s Party, called to see if he would condemn protesters, many from the END THE LOCKDOWN movement, which picked Justin Trudeau’s meetings in Bolton and Cambridge, Ontario. “I told them, no. I am the only leader not condemning them. I am encouraging them to speak out for freedom.”

Mr. Bernier  noted the bias of much of the media and the discriminatory exclusion from this week’s leadership debates. He urged supporters to spread the word about the party and its platform on the social media: “Be active on the social media,” he urged, “as most of the mainstream media will not be covering us.”

Maxime Bernier  assailed promises by both Justin Trudeau and Conservative leader Erin O’Toole to balance the budget in the distant future, without cuts by magic. This is impossible, he scoffed. The People’sParty is not afraid to cut programmes, he said, for instance: “cut foreign aid by $5-billion and keep the money in Canada; cut corporate welfare — no more handouts to Bombardier and General Motors — by $10-billion; cut the $1.5-billion that funds the CBC.” The crowd exploded with cheers at these proposed cuts.

The People’s Party of Canada local candidates —  Sean Taylor for South Okanagan-West Kootenay and Kathryn McDonald for Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola — were introduced and distributed literature and lawn signs to eager volunteers.Maxime Bernier stayed for almost an hour afterwards posing for photos with well wishers and answering questions. He then headed up the  road to Kelowna for a mid-afternoon rally that attracted about 400 people.

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, commented: “I’ve been attending political rallies since 1965 and this is the first one that ever started on time. Kudos to Maxime Bernier and the local organizers. ” — Paul  Fromm
maxime bernier penticton.jpg

Saskatchewan Realtor Under Threat for Questioning Theresa Tam’s Gender

Saskatchewan Realtor Under Threat for Questioning Theresa Tam’s Gender

More cancel culture, with termination likely soon to follow. Why must the expression of a controversial opinion mean that some bigots want the mans job? Whatever happened to freedom of thought and expression.



Saturday, August 15, 2020   Stuart Park, Kelowna  BC   12:00 noon

Just a reminder to come out and support our message to all levels of Government, that we are vehemently opposed to all forms of their lockdown, Constitutional violations, social restrictions, and lies.  This is the most important and critical issue in our lifetimes and if we continue to just obey, we will soon find ourselves in a similar situation to Chinese Communism – but in our country.

We need as many people as possible

for our rallies!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

Bring at least two friends!!!


For an excellent video of how the Scamdemic likely started, and how they keep the fraud going, and the true reasons behind it that very few people discuss, check out this 11 min video:


I’ve seen videos from this guy in the past, and his material is just awesome.


Unfortunately, the mass of information coming at us from all over the world right now is truly an information overload.  It is important remain focused at all times on the issue:  the COVID-19 virus is not a pandemic, and the actions taken by all levels of Governments, are unprecedented, unsupported and Constitutionally impermissible.

Despite the ongoing actions in various courts, we cannot simply sit back and wait months or until next year for decisions.  We must as much as possible, refuse to comply with their unconstitutional orders and demands.  We must do what we can not just to educate others, but to get them to act likewise. 

Remember, Governments to a large degree don’t care how much you complain, as long as you comply.  We must do both – complain and refuse to comply.  Are there risks – absolutely.   They are minor compared to what our ancestors took for our diminishing rights and liberties today however.  Please keep that in proper context.


To date, the Kelowna RCMP still have not acted on our complaint with respect to the criminal letter written to and published on Castanet.  More inquiries will be made and I will contact them by Monday, as 10 days should be sufficient for a decision to be made.


To date, no defenses have been filed in the Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) case in Toronto by any defendants.  It is anticipated that either they will file them shortly, or will file them in conjunction with expected Motions to Strike.  Defences were required to be filed under Ontario Rules of Court within 21 days and they have not yet done so.

Admittedly, with a 191 page Statement of Claim, this may be considered extraordinary circumstances, and rules of court are malleable to some degree.  So it may be another week or two before their defences are filed, which will be of incredible interest.

As of today’s date, no defence has been filed either by the B.C. Gov’t to the Chinese doctor who filed her application in Chilliwack to force the B.C. Gov’t to make mask wearing mandatory. 

I note here that no where in any of B.C.’s legislation or Orders from Bonnie Henry, does it state that they operate notwithstanding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Interesting.


Recently Canada’s top doctor Theresa Tam, who worked with and had longtime close ties to Red Chinese dominated WHO, has publicly stated that the lockdown, restrictions and compulsory masks and social distancing, ie: the society shift, will continue for a minimum of a couple of years.  Premier Ford of Ontario has said likewise.

How can they do this – one asks?  Because people comply.  For no other reason.  And it is not sufficient for the public alone to refuse to comply – businesses must quit being proxies for these Communist/SocialistGovernments (parts of all these tyrannical governing philosophies exist today), and doing indirectly what the Governments are Constitutionally prohibited from doing directly. When business owners realize the COVID scam and start refusing to even suggest social distancing and/or masks, then we will begin to achieve success. 

I strongly urge everyone who knows someone who owns or knows someone who owns a business, to come out and learn from our knowledge on all aspects of the COVID scam, from the faulty models, to faulty testing procedures, to corrupted and manipulated statistics, to empty hospitals, to social re-engineering of our society.

Accepting another two months of this tyranny, is a travesty and begins to normalize this type of activity. In two years, without our intervention and refusal to comply, it will become the norm.  This is the same procedure followed over and over again in our history – call the rights and freedoms deprivations or restrictions, temporary, and then they never are removed, or if they are, it is only partially, amounting to an ongoing Constitutional creep against our cherished and rapidly diminishing rights and liberties. 


The United Kingdom has just been caught red-handed falsifying COVID stats.  From the Daily Telegraph in England:


The official Covid-19 daily death toll may never be brought back following an investigation into Public Health England’s method of counting it, the Telegraph understands.

The conclusions of the review, which was ordered by Matt Hancock after it emerged officials were “over-exaggerating” deaths from the virus, are expected this week.

One expected recommendation would be to stop daily reporting altogether and move to a weekly official death toll instead, a government source said on Sunday night.

The review has been “looking at all options,” the source said.

On July 17, the Health Secretary asked PHE to urgently investigate the way daily death statistics had been reported, leading PHE to say it was “pausing” the daily release.

It came after Oxford University experts revealed a significant proportion of the daily out-of-hospital death toll relates to patients who recovered from the virus weeks or months earlier.

Under the previous system, anyone who has ever tested positive for the virus in England was automatically counted as a coronavirus death when they died, even if the death was from a car accident.

By contrast, Scotland and Wales operate a cut-off threshold of 28 days after a positive test, after which a death is not assumed to be virus-related.


Meanwhile Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, reportedly holds the view that excess deaths are the best measure to use, which will be unaffected by the PHE review.

PHE had defended its previous approach saying there is “no World Health Organisation-agreed method” for recording deaths from coronavirus.

Dr Susan Hopkins, PHE’s incident director, has said: “Although it may seem straightforward, there is no WHO agreed method of counting deaths from Covid-19. In England, we count all those that have died who had a positive Covid-19 test at any point, to ensure our data are as complete as possible.”

This is amazing and no different than in Canada.


David Icke posted an interesting video recently.  640 doctors in Europe are condemning COVID-19 as a fake story.  I would strongly urge everyone to keep updated on their proceedings in the near future.


6:10         It is a fake story all over the world

6:50         COVID is not different from the normal flu

8:35         They have established a newspaper with 500 000 circulation

10:10       We have facts to show that it is a scam – need to discover who gets the benefits and who has the power to create it

Further to this, the Committee that was created in late June/July 2020,

has had an interesting meeting featuring three doctors on its panel. 

8:21         COVID is the same seriousness as the flu

9:30        There are no longer enough sick people in Germany to even test vaccines upon anymore.  The new types of vaccines are now RNA based, meaning that they can change genetic make up.

This is really scary folks.


Recently in the Washington Examiner, more odious results were announced in relation to the effects of prolonged use of masks, causing significant increases in gum disease.  This is no surprise since much of the material leaving the body gets trapped in the mask and breathed back in, some of which remaining in the oral cavity – to grow and multiply.


The subsequent problem is that excessive gum disease can result in much more serious health problems, such as heart conditions or strokes.

In another privacy violation, BC is hiring 500 people to help establish contact tracing.  This will happen without our consent and we will not even know if we are being tracked.  It is critical to never install any such apps, remove if you have them, never answer any calls from anyone you don’t know, and refuse to ever talk to anyone from the gov’t on your private health matters. Indeed, you should be questioning even talking to your doctor on these types of issues. Colds and flus for the most part can be dealt with normally, with mega-Vit C, rest, etc.  Advising any doctor that you even have a cold now, will lump you in for possible mandatory testing, and faked results.  There has never been a better time to stay away from doctors than today.


Conservative Leadership Candidate Derek Sloan Says Compulsory Masks Are An Affront to Our Freedoms

Wed., Aug. 12 at 6:55 a.m.

During these unprecedented times, politicians at every level of government, and of every political stripe, have allowed their “inner autocrat” to emerge.

Basic liberties, such as our right to come together to work, worship, or see our friends and relatives have been limited or completely eliminated.

An entire society of healthy people has been locked down, bringing the economy to a standstill, and millions have been forced into unemployment.

The autocrats have had a taste of unprecedented control, and now they want more. These same people who brought us the lockdowns are now making mask-wearing compulsory.

In Canadian law, the onus is on politicians to justify laws that diminish the realm of personal choice. Enforcing mask wearing based on the fearful projections of illness and death made in March, rather than on the realities of August, is unjustifiable. Forecasts made in March predicting the numbers of dead and sick people caused by the virus have turned out to be wild over-estimates.

We now know that COVID-19 has posed almost no threat to children. We know that four fifths of COVID deaths have occurred in nursing homes, and the victims were the elderly and those already sick.

Statistically, healthy adults are under greater threat from car accidents than they are from COVID-19. The realities of August do not justify the overreach of mask mandates. They are justified by power-hungry autocrats in the name of control and compliance.  If we fail to guard our rights with extreme vigilance in a time of crisis like this, we can lose them forever. These mandatory mask mandates have no end date on them.

Just last week Dr. Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer said that the coronavirus pandemic may continue for years, along with measures like mandatory masking and physical distancing, even if researchers manage to discover a vaccine.

She needs to be fired. We need to take these threats to our liberties seriously. Canadians who want to wear a mask should wear one, wherever they want to, but I remain 100% against making masks mandatory.

Shockingly, in a CONSERVATIVE leadership race, I am the only candidate that has spoken out against this infringement on our civil liberties.

I also remain 100% opposed to ever making a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. If freedom matters to you, please donate today to help my team “Get Out The Vote” in this critical stage of the campaign.

Sincerely, Derek Sloan Member of Parliament https://www.dereksloan.ca PS: Standing for the freedom of Canadians, without apology, is what sets me apart from my leadership rivals. To help me win this leadership race, please chip in today.

Criminal Offence of Knowingly Spreading Misinformation about the Coronavirus – A Video With Paul Fromm

A Criminal Offence of Knowingly Spreading Misinformation about the Coronavirus –  A Video With Paul Fromm


Paul Fromm warns us about the Canadian Liberal Party considering making it a Criminal Offence to Knowingly Spread Misinformation about just the coronavirus or what?
Paul has been the  Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression since 1983. CAFE is dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. The website can be found at http://cafe.nfshost.com

Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/

Paul lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and you can contact him at
paul@paulfromm.com .

He has been an active leader on the Canadian right for 50 years and has a steel trap memory so he is a treasure and resource of information and history.