How Captain Airhead Makes Andrew Scheer Look Much Better Than He Really Is

The Canadian Red Ensign

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How Captain Airhead Makes Andrew Scheer Look Much Better Than He Really Is

The Conservative Party of Canada really ought to be paying Captain Airhead a salary. He is the best publicity man they have. He has been doing a much better job of promoting their cause in the upcoming Dominion election than their own lackluster leadership. I do not mean merely that he makes them look good by being such a lousy, awful, and indeed, downright, horrible, alternative, although that is certainly the case. What I mean is that if there were a speck of truth to be found in any of his recent, scare-mongering, accusations against the Conservatives, the party would certainly rise in my esteem as it would that of any sensible and sane person. Evelyn Waugh once said that the problem with the Conservative Party was that it “has not turned the clock back a single second” and the Canadian incarnation of the party has given no indication that it plans to do so any time in the near future. Yet Justin Trudeau would have us believe that the Conservatives, if elected, would set the clock back by about a hundred years. My response to which is to say that if this happens, it would be a good start, but we need to go much further than that.

To say this, of course, is to commit the unpardonable sin of the Modern Age, blasphemy against the spirit of progress. It is a sin to which I gladly, and unrepentantly, plead guilty. Readers of C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia might recall how in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Governor Gumpas of the Lone Islands, upon being told by King Caspian that the slave trade “must be stopped”, protests “But that would be putting the clock back”, adding “Have you no idea of progress, of development?” to which Caspian replies “I have seen then both in an egg…We call it ‘Going Bad’ in Narnia.” Needless to say, I subscribe to Caspian’s – and Lewis’ – view of progress. This is the view of genuine British and Canadian Toryism – that progress does not happen, and if it does it is a bad thing and we need to put a stop to it. Sadly, the Canadian Conservative Party of our day, like the British Conservative Party of Waugh’s day, have abandoned the more authentic views of their tradition for something closer to American republicanism, which worships at the altar of the same idol of progress as liberalism and the Left. Justin Trudeau is deluded if he seriously thinks otherwise.

I am not going to dwell at any length on Trudeau’s accusations that Andrew Scheer is in bed with “racists”, “white supremacists” and “white nationalists” as I have already dealt with this in another essay. It shows how extremely unhealthy, the political climate has become in present day Canada, that these labels can be attached to people who do not so describe themselves and who neither subscribe to a racialist ideology like National Socialism nor have engaged in violent rhetoric or action either as individuals or organized groups towards other races. All that one needs to do is to oppose a particular kind of racism – the anti-white racism manifested in the immigration policy of making the country as diverse as possible as fast as possible and hence as least white as possible as fast as possible, in the progressive notion that all whites and only whites are racists, and in the cartoonish re-writing of history into a bad melodrama in which whites are assigned the role of the moustache-twirling, villain in the top hat and large black coat and everyone else plays the helpless maiden whom he has tied to the railroad track. Heck, one does not even have to actively oppose this anti-white racism himself – it is sufficient to be seen in the same room as someone who does. My respect for Mr. Scheer and the Conservative Party would skyrocket if they actually did take a bold, consistent, and principled stand against this pervasive form of progressive anti-white racism, but I am not holding my breath waiting for that to happen. The accusations against them are entirely of the “you were seen with so-and-so, who said such-and-such” variety. Indeed, the disgusting manner in which Scheer threw Michael Cooper under the bus, the fact that he seems to have enforced silence upon his party about the Grits’ disturbing plans to bring back the vile Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the way in which Warren Kinsella, of all people, has been defending Scheer against Trudeau’s charges using arguments amusingly similar to those that I would have used to ridicule Kinsella’s book Web of Hate twenty years ago, all point inevitably to the conclusion that Scheer, like Harper before him, is on the same side as Trudeau on these issues, leaving the many Canadians who wish for the freedom to think differently from Kinsella, Richard Warman, Bernie Farber, Harry Abrams, Helmut-Harry Loewen and others of that ilk, without anyone in Parliament to speak for them.

What I am more interested in addressing here are Captain Airhead’s accusations of what he considers to be sexism. Back when Stephen Harper was Conservative leader the Liberals were constantly accusing him of having a “hidden agenda,” i.e., to re-criminalize abortion. Trudeau, who has constructed a political image of himself as a “male feminist” which has taken a severe beating over the last couple of years for reasons that I will not get into here, and who as part of that image takes a rather clownish, over-the-top, hard-line, “it’s a woman’s right” stance on abortion, has revived the old “hidden agenda” line for use against Scheer. He has been able to use recent events south of the border, where several states have passed strong anti-abortion legislation now that there is a perceived right-wing majority on the Supreme Court in the hopes of provoking a legal battle that will end in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, to help him stoke the fears of his feminist support base.

Again, if there were the slightest amount of truth to Trudeau’s accusations, the Conservative Party’s stock would certainly rise in my books. I remember very well, however, that while Stephen Harper allowed pro-life people to run for his party at a time even as the other major party leaders began telling them they were persona non grata, this was the extent of his “support” for the pro-life cause. Pro-life people were allowed to run as Conservatives but woe unto them if they actually tried to do something to end abortion. There is not the slightest amount of evidence that things are any different now. This is extremely unfortunate for Canada because the current status quo on abortion, of which Trudeau is so proud, is an ever growing bloodstain on our country that cries out to heaven for divine justice, and there are no realistic options for changing that status quo, that do not require action by the Conservatives in the Dominion parliament. Even if it could be accomplished at the provincial level, which it cannot, the provincial Conservatives seem to have no more inclination to do so than their federal counterparts. The right-populist premier of Upper Canada assured the media last month, after progressives threw a tantrum when one of his MPPs pledged at a pro-life rally “to make abortion unthinkable in our lifetime” that his government “will not re-open the abortion debate.” Even more recently the provincial Conservative government here in Manitoba has announced that an abortion pill will now be fully covered by the public. There are many health care products and services which are necessary to help people who are suffering from excruciating pain or are in danger of going blind which are not fully covered by the public, but a pill that murders babies soon will be.

It is difficult to think of anything that puts the lie to the entire left-liberal concept of progress more than this matter of abortion. The progressive position is that a pregnant woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy. Canadian progressives, including the leadership of the Liberal Party, take the most extreme degree of this position, which allows for no qualifications such as “up to this-or-that stage of development”, insists that this “right” be protected against even interference of the persuasive variety, requires that the public pay for it, insists that the debate is closed and that the other side should be made to shut up, and boasts that their victory shows how advanced we have become in our thinking. Their entire position, however, is based upon a lie. The position that a woman has or ought to have the right to terminate her pregnancy could scarcely be formulated, much less justified, apart from the notion that the pregnancy is something that concerns her, her body, and her health alone. “Pro-choice” lingo such as “the procedure”, “reproductive rights”, “control of her own body” is all carefully selected to create this impression. Yet, obviously, pregnancy is not simply a matter of a woman, her health, and her body. It also concerns her baby, whose very life is at stake in the pregnancy. An abortion is not merely a medical procedure undergone for the health of the pregnant woman. It is the termination of the life of a baby.

Far from being an advanced state of ethical thinking the so-called “pro-choice” position of the progressive left is a regression into the darkest form of paganism. In the times of ancient paganism, infanticide was not an uncommon way of keeping the family within the means of its resources. The story of Oedipus is but one of the ancient legends that address the cruelty of the practice of exposure by telling of a child rescued from this fate by a kindly couple. Worse, the worship of several pagan idols required the sacrifice of children, usually the first-born. Several of the most important ethicists of ancient Greece and Rome condemned this practice in Carthage, the city-state in what is now Tunisia in northern Africa which was Rome’s rival for control of the Mediterranean world in the third and fourth centuries BC. The Carthaginians would sacrifice their children to an idol, whom the Greek and Roman commentators identified with Kronos or Saturn from their own mythologies, by placing them in the heated arms of a huge bronze statue. This is a practice they inherited from Tyre, the Phoenician city-state in what is now Lebanon, of which Carthage was originally a colony. The Phoenicians shared this practice with their southern neighbours, the tribes of Canaan, and this practice is clearly identified in the Old Testament as one of the worst forms of the wickedness that brought divine judgement upon the Canaanites in the form of Israel being sent to conquer and drive them out of the Promised Land. Later, when the Israelites apostatized into the idolatry of their neighbours, this practice is again pointed to by the Prophets as having particularly defiled their land and led ultimately to the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. A curse was pronounced upon the place outside Jerusalem where these sacrifices took place and by the time of the New Testament it was regarded as a defiled place, fit only for burning refuse and the bodies of criminals, and lent its name to the fate of those to be condemned at the Final Judgement.

Even before the Exodus, and the giving of the Mosaic Law which strictly forbade the Israelites from participating in the abominations of Canaan, such as child sacrifice, and required that they redeem their firstborn with animal sacrifices instead, the Book of Genesis draws a contrast between the true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the false gods of the pagans. God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son, but prevents him from actually going through with the sacrifice, for it is faith and not his son, that God wanted from Abraham. Abraham, when asked by Isaac where the lamb for the sacrifice is, makes the prophecy that God Himself will provide a lamb, a prophecy that we see fulfilled in the New Testament when John the Baptist, speaking of Jesus, says “Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” The pagan idols, who are really devils, require their worshippers to sacrifice their children, the true and living God, gave His only-begotten Son as the sacrificial Lamb Who would take away the sin of the world.

As the Christian religion grew and spread throughout the ancient world, its influence led, among other things, to the Roman Empire’s finally banning infanticide. If anything actually deserves to be described as an enlightened ethical step forward in the right direction this was it. By using this language to describe the revival of pagan baby murder, the Left demonstrates just how much its concept of “progress” really is King Caspian’s “going bad” after all. It also reveals itself to be just another form of ancient, pagan, devil worship.

The question for Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party is, what God do you serve? Scheer, who was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, claims to be a Christian but this is also the case with Justin Trudeau. As long as Scheer, like his predecessor Harper, prevents the members of his party from actively combating the evil of baby murder and instead requires them to join in the loony Left’s crusade against its chimerical bugbear of “white racism”, it is not the true and living God that he is serving.

Fortunately for him, he has Justin Trudeau to make him look so much better than he really is. How much better for us, it would be, however, if instead of relying on this, he were to come out and take a bold stand on the things for which the Conservative Party ought to be standing. He could start by promising the turn the clock back a century and a half, to right after Confederation before the Liberal Party got their grubby hands on the country and things started to go downhill.

Man who praised Quebec mosque shooter in online videos gets 30 days in jail

Man who praised Quebec mosque shooter in online videos gets 30 days in jail

LAVAL, Que. — A Quebec man who was found guilty last May of inciting hatred against Muslims has been sentenced to 30 days in jail.

The sentence handed to Pierre Dion of Terrebonne, Que., Tuesday went beyond what the Crown had recommended.

Quebec court Judge Gilles Garneau sentenced the 49-year-old man today at the courthouse in Laval, opting for a stricter sentence to send a message of dissuasion to the community.

Dion published two videos of himself this year on Jan. 28 and 29 — the two-year anniversary of an attack on a Quebec City mosque that left six dead.

In the videos he praised the convicted killer and urged Canadians to “kick Muslims out of the country.” He was arrested two days later.

The Crown had recommended a sentence of community service while the defence had suggested 18 months of probation, strict restrictions on internet usage and a $1,500 donation to a Muslim organization.

Garneau instead ordered incarceration to be served one day a week beginning June 21.

When the verdict came down on May 22, Garneau said there wasn’t any doubt to him the accused’s remarks were directed at an identifiable group as indicated in Criminal Code provisions covering hate speech — in this case, Muslims.

The Great Censorship Purge Begins, Starting With holocaust Skeptics


The Great Censorship Purge Begins, Starting With holocaust Skeptics



want to inform you about the
with the HOAX DENIERS as
primary targets.

We who refute and deny the hollyweird version of the hoax are like the plug in a drain.  They target and remove us – ALL THE REST OF THE ISSUES GO TOO.  It’s like Diane‘s SAME SOUP ILLUSTRATION.  Just the Beginning.
I predicted this way back when, and it will soon be followed by other topics, like gays,women,abortion, whatever other the PC police will allow. Welcome to 1984!

The JEWS of the ADL and SPLC just BANNED Brother Nathanael from YouTube.
Every single one of my over 500 Videos there is GONE.  Jews are our misfortune.
“I will be posting on BitChute and my own Brother Nathanael Channel from now on.” +Brother Nathanael

The Recent YouTube Censorship S*** – Storm. 🙁
YouTube’s Censorship Policy Announcement

“NAZI’s” haven’t existed since 1945. What an “anti-intellectual” moron’s ad hominem false argument / statement.

IF  it’s such a stupid theory” (fact?), why is YouTube so threatened by Sandy Hoax proponents? Just sayn. 

Jim Fetzer’s Channel was part of YouTube’s recent communistic America-hating free-speech carnage.

If you like deciding things for yourself, here’s at least one Jim Fetzer back-up channel 4U:

IF  you like YouTube deciding for you, please ignore all these Jim Fetzer links. They know better. 

One of my favorite Fetzer presentations was his “False Flags on Five Fronts” presentation. WOW!

🔴 LIVE – The YouTube Censorship S*** – Storm

YouTube’s Scorched Earth Tactics & Vox Media Union Strike




  Facebook bans Natural News – Health Ranger responds
Facebook bans Natural News – Health Ranger responds
Mike Adams Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News.

I’ve posted a detailed video response and a message to humanity.

We need your voice to help express the outrage against Facebook for banning one of the most important voices in the world of natural health, nutrition and personal liberty.

See the full article and video here.

P.S. Don’t miss the special today on Liyfbiotic Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes. Your gut health is crucial to your overall health. For the next 16 hours, we’ve got these on special. See the details here.

New Videos from
Facebook bans Natural News; Health Ranger responds with message for humanityWatch this video
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Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting of VDARE!

Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting Of VDARE!

Click here to donate!
Back in March, I posted “PATRIOTS HAVE RIGHTS. THEY HAVE JUST NOT ORGANIZED TO DEFEND THEM—UNTIL NOW”, explaining how has been forced to enter the nightmare world of litigation because of the Totalitarian Left’s unprecedented Reign of Terror, enabled in large part by various complicit private corporations. I announced the launch of our Legal Defense Fund—many thanks to those patriots who donated (tax-deductibly!), and also to our lawyer readers who offered advice.

I recently updated readers on’s First Amendment suit against Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers for his role in the 2017 cancellation of our projected conference there. Again, our lawyers expect this to go to trial, and quite possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But now I want to discuss a narrower but equally important case: our complaint against the credit card processer PayPal for suddenly and arbitrarily cutting off from receiving donations, after a business relationship of more than ten years, in August 2017. Our Notice of Dispute, required by PayPal’s User Agreement, is here. [PDF]

PayPal has still not, despite our repeated requests, explained why it cut us off. Our Notice of Dispute documents our interactions with various puzzled PayPal employees who had obviously believed they worked for a politically impartial entity in a free country.

It appears they were wrong.

However, PayPal did ban us days after the August 12, 2017 Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville VA. And PayPal CEO Dan Schulman has admitted this event provoked him to blacklist various conservative accounts. Presumably this was PayPal’s reason, although had nothing whatever to do with the UTR rally—was not invited, did not promote it, did not attend.

Nor, of course, did PayPal bother to check with about any possible alleged involvement with the UTR rally.

Whether or not private corporations have the right to discriminate on political grounds—remember, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they do not have the right to discriminate on racial grounds—is emerging as a major political issue, given the unprecedented and unrestrained backlash to President Trump’s 2016 election victory.

(But in California, where PayPal is based, political discrimination is banned under the Unruh Act. We welcome input from California lawyers!!!)’s case against PayPal, however, focuses on a narrower issue. When PayPal cut off without warning, it also destroyed a significant flow of recurring donations, including from many donors who had signed up for our hard-copy VDARE QUARTERLY. Because was given absolutely no chance to transfer these recurring donations to its backup processor—which it could easily have done—it has still not yet been able to restore this significant revenue flow.

In addition, incredibly, PayPal then proceeded to send false and harassing emails to our former recurring donors demanding that they “pay what they owe.” And PayPal refused to explain this demand to these donors, just as it has refused to explain to why it has cut us off.

Of course this has been immensely damaging to our relationship with these donors, most of whom have naturally not thought to contact us directly.

PayPal has not yet responded to’s Notice Of Dispute. If they do not, we will have to initiate the Arbitration process by mid August.

This is a crusade, not merely for but for all the patriots who have been cut off by PayPal and other payment processor during the current Reign Of Terror—and, ultimately, against all the Corporate Cultural Marxists who believe they have the right run America.

But it will be expensive. We need your help now.

You can give (tax-deductibly!) to VDARE’s Legal Defense Fund by clicking the button below. We will be reporting other litigation soon. You can even—a new feature— earmark your donation for our suit against PayPal, or Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, by checking the “Earmark your Donation” box and selecting a preference.

Many thanks from all of us in the family.

(Donations go to VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN 22-3691487)



Why This Progressive Reporter Thinks YouTube’s Move Against Steven Crowder Was ‘Infantile’ And ‘Ridiculous’

Why This Progressive Reporter Thinks YouTube’s Move Against Steven Crowder Was ‘Infantile’ And ‘Ridiculous’

Matt Vespa
Posted: Jun 06, 2019 4:10 PM
Why This Progressive Reporter Thinks YouTube’s Move Against Steven Crowder Was ‘Infantile’ And ‘Ridiculous’

Source: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File

Well, YouTube has decided to demonetize the account held by conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder. Why? Well, Vox writer Carlos Maza was the apparent target for Crowder for a couple of years. He did use insulting language. He did create a t-shirt that was equally insulting. You can search that for yourself, but let’s just say it was very, very politically incorrect. Still, it’s free speech. Anyways, the Crowder demonetization event has led to yet another instance where a big tech company appears to have succumbed to the social justice warrior lynch mob, whose goal is to purge conservative from all spheres of sociopolitical life. Mr. Maza appears to support that aim. Gregg Re of Fox News has more:

The episode began May 30 with a viral Twitter post by left-wing Vox personality Carlos Maza, which contained video montage of derogatory comments Crowder had made about Maza in the past two years. In the various clips, Crowder variously refers to Maza as an “angry little queer,” a “gay Mexican,” and “Mr. Lispy queer from Vox.”

Maza, an openly gay partisan activist, has himself previously used aggressive language on social media. “Milkshake them all,” he wrote May 21, referring to right-wing activists. “Humiliate them at every turn. Make them dread public organizing.”

On Tuesday, YouTube initially responded to Maza’s complaint with a statement explaining it would take no action.

“Our teams spent the last few days conducting an in-depth review of the videos flagged to us, and while we found language that was clearly hurtful, the videos as posted don’t violate our policies,” Youtube wrote at the time. “As an open platform, it’s crucial for us to allow everyone–from creators to journalists to late-night TV hosts–to express their opinions w/in the scope of our policies. Opinions can be deeply offensive, but if they don’t violate our policies, they’ll remain on our site.”

The company added: “Even if a video remains on our site, it doesn’t mean we endorse/support that viewpoint. There are other aspects of the channel that we’re still evaluating– we’ll be in touch with any further updates.”


On Twitter, Maza wrote, “I don’t know what to say. @YouTube has decided not to punish Crowder, after he spent two years harassing me for being gay and Latino. I don’t know what to say.”


…on Wednesday, YouTube apparently changed its mind about Crowder.

“Update on our continued review–we have suspended this channel’s monetization,” YouTube wrote, adding that Crowder would have to make fundamental changes to the entire channel if he wanted the decision reversed. “We came to this decision because a pattern of egregious actions has harmed the broader community and is against our YouTube Partner Program policies.”


Maza indicated he was not satisfied — and explicitly called for sweeping and fundamental changes to YouTube as a platform.


He added that he wanted larger change: “The problem isn’t Crowder and the problem isn’t monetization. The problem is that @YouTube allows monsters and bullies to become superstars, break YouTube’s rules, build an army of loyal, radicalized followers, and then make millions selling them merch that sustains their work.”

YouTube maintains that its committed to free speech, but this is just one of many instances where Silicon Valley, a left-wing bastion, has cracked down on accounts that are operated by conservatives. Crowder is a comedian. In Re’s lengthy piece, he noted that some of the remarks Crowder made about Maza were based off what the latter has said about himself. Maza has referred to himself as queer—he’s openly gay—and speaks with a lisp. “Lispy queer” is one of the terms Maza said Crowder has used to harass him. Crowder responded by saying he was merely using Maza’s own words—and he speaks with a lisp. It’s a comedy show and Crowder is not one that adheres to political correctness. YouTube said that monetization could be restored if he removed the link to his merchandise. Yet, it’s not just conservatives who are raising many an eyebrow over this move by YouTube. Michael Tracey, formerly of the Young Turks, and unabashed progressive writer that has been on a tear ripping liberal media figures for peddling the Trump-Russia collusion myth, called Maza a “crybaby.” In fact, his tweets about the Maza-Crowder war are, well, brutal.

Michael Tracey


Steven Crowder is an unfunny blowhard, but Carlos Maza is professional adult journalist employed by a major media organization — not some kid being bullied on a playground. The idea that YouTube needs to “protect” him is ridiculous and infantile 

383 people are talking about this

Michael Tracey


Social media companies invent brand new policies out of thin air whenever an elite journalist throws a hissy fit, and then wonder why their policies so often appear incoherent/unenforceable. You can’t craft rational, neutral standards when you’re constantly placating outrage mobs

379 people are talking about this

Michael Tracey


If you’re too emotionally fragile to withstand insults and mockery on the internet, maybe don’t choose a profession that entails espousing provocative political opinions online. Insults and mockery are not “abuse” or “harassment.” You’re an adult, not a child in a classroom

1,140 people are talking about this

Michael Tracey





Carlos Maza, a video journalist who works for Vox, speaks out after YouTube declined to ban the videos of Steven Crowder, a prominent right-wing personality who Maza says used the platform to attack him with homophobic and racist slurs 

212 people are talking about this

“If you’re too emotionally fragile to withstand insults and mockery on the internet, maybe don’t choose a profession that entails espousing provocative political opinions online,” Tracey wrote. “Insults and mockery are not “abuse” or “harassment.” You’re an adult, not a child in a classroom.”

Now, he did call Crowder an unfunny blowhard; I disagree. Full disclosure: I know and consider Crowder a friend, being one of the first people I met at BlogCon Charlotte hosted by FreedomWorks many moons ago.  Still, Tracey added, “but Carlos Maza is professional adult journalist employed by a major media organization — not some kid being bullied on a playground. The idea that YouTube needs to ‘protect’ him is ridiculous and infantile.”

In a separate tweet, aimed directly at YouTube and big tech, Tracey aptly noted “social media companies invent brand new policies out of thin air whenever an elite journalist throws a hissy fit, and then wonder why their policies so often appear incoherent/unenforceable. You can’t craft rational, neutral standards when you’re constantly placating outrage mobs.”

Yes, folks, believe it or not, Tracey is no conservative, though on Trump-Russia and this, he’s right on the money. And even on issues where you find him disagreeable to mainstream conservative thought, he’s a decent follow to get the Left’s perspective. I’m sure this won’t be the last time a conservative account was targeted by social media.

Yes, Canada is Actually Arresting Christian Pastors and Banning Them From Preaching in Public

Yes, Canada is Actually Arresting Christian Pastors and Banning Them From Preaching in Public

It is no longer legal to preach the word of Christ on the Canadian streets if others are offended.

A Christian pastor named David Lynn was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace with “derogatory comments” on Tuesday for preaching the word of God on a street corner at Church-Wellesley Village in Toronto, ON.

After the disciple of Christ was harassed by a group of unruly protesters, he was hauled off in handcuffs by law enforcement because preaching the Gospel was considered to be a criminal violation.

The LGBT mob cheered on as the man was dragged away in handcuffs, a sign of things to come if their perverse agenda continues unabated.

A police officer even accosted an individual recording the incident,


“It’s unfortunate that I am subject to this kind of discrimination and bullying and marginalization simply for saying God loves you, there is hope for you, I accept you and tolerate you. I shouldn’t be in this position, I didn’t do anything illegal,” Lynn said following his arrest. He is now out on bond.

Lynn was shown on the video saying frequently that “God is love,” and that he doesn’t hate anyone. This didn’t stop the police from apprehending him anyway.

“I didn’t know this was the start of the pride month…I didn’t say anything specific to the LGBTQ community, it’s all on live stream,” he said to reporters.

Lynn believes that the LGBT protesters and other hostile anti-Christians throughout his country want him to “stay in the closet” about his Christian beliefs. His arrest will send a chilling effect to others who want to preach the word of Christ in the liberal-dominated country.

“It looked as though they had an event waiting for me, and they had some form of hatred against me,” Lynn said.

Lynn is now banned from being anywhere near the areas of Bloor Street, Yonge Street, Carlton Street and Jarvis Street on conditions of his bond. He is also banned from being near any Pride event, as he is now a second-class citizen in globalist-occupied Canada.

Meanwhile, the legislature is working to expand laws against free speech, with the “Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen’s Park Act, 2019,” being considered by Ontario lawmakers. It would ban any demonstration, rally or other activity that is deemed hateful by the government from being permissible on legislative grounds. If you don’t think that will apply to Christian speech, just ask David Lynn.

Christians are now the most persecuted faith on the planet, mostly because of how they are treated by radical Muslims in the third-world. But the third-world is coming to the West, and Christians are going to suffer mightily as a result.

Psycho Censors At YOUTUBE Remove All of Dr. Sears’ New Constitution Party Videos


Psycho Censors At YOUTUBE Remove All of Dr. Sears’ New Constitution Party Videos

Don’t worry about possible Russian interference in this year’s Canadian election. Already the dark minority-driven forces are interfering in the election by trying to suppress at least one political party, Dr. James Sears’ New Constitution Party by removing all the party’s videos as of June 5. 

Dr. James Sears, NCP Leader []
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2019 2:10 PM

Subject: YouTube just banned The New Constitution Party’s account …

All videos I uploaded of me talking have been banned. Clearly, it was an
organized effort.