Sadly, we have lost a great thinker, writer, teacher, courageous truth-teller, and brave warrior who always fought for what is right. Arthur Topham passed on after an illness with cancer on the 23rd of March, 2024 in Quesnel, BC. He was 77 years old.
Many people will remember Arthur through his brilliant writing and creation of memes and articles in the Radical Press. This began in 1998 as a print publication called The Radical with a subtitle “Digging to the root of the issues”, and a few years later he switched from print to solely online production. The subtitle was a direct reference to the etymology of the word “radical” – the root. Digging to the root of the issues was what Arthur Topham did brilliantly. He had long been an activist who wrote frequent letters to political figures and to editors of newspapers, and over the years, as he dug down deep to learn about true history, his writings became ever more dangerous to the “establishment”. There were complaints from Jews about the contents of his Radical Press website, and a dozen or more years of legal harassment, persecution and conviction followed.
I (Monika Schaefer) was first introduced to Arthur Topham in about 2013, and I became an avid reader of his Radical Press on-line publication. In subsequent years Arthur published several articles in which he featured contents from me. Later when I was thrown in jail, Arthur worked tirelessly to publicize my case. He created memes and posters, he informed the public about whom they could write letters to on my behalf, and he himself wrote excellent letters pushing for my release. He was so effective in fighting for me, in fact, that at some point he was accused of breeching his own sentencing conditions which resulted in more years of legal harassment for him.
This was how Arthur finished one of his emails to me a number of years back, before my incarceration. I include it here as a message of inspiration to all of us.
“Be strong my friend and keep on loving, living, making music and speaking the truth! And may God protect you always. (My theme has always been Psalm 23 since I began this quest and I find great comfort in it. The table is just about prepared!)
Following is my 3rd letter to Peter Juk, after the riot at the Legislature which ruined the parental rights rally
Back in 1982, I met the Battling Barrister, Doug Christie, one of the noblest of them all. He taught me : Freedom of speech IS the issue.
I see the Trans-in-sanity thing as a passing fad. Disastrous to those entranced by it, yet, this too, shall pass. I am doing what I can to see the enemies of Freedom made accountable.
Gordon S Watson……………………
November 21st 2023
Peter Juk, Deputy Attorney General Criminal Justice Branch
01 This is my 3rd letter in expectation that the BC Prosecution Service will deal appropriately with the outrage which went on at the Legislature grounds on September 20th 2023. Yet no reply? Strikes me that two months is more than enough for a Branch of the government, to, at the very least , acknowledge concerns that I and many citizens have, regarding criminality we suffered at that riot.
02 Enclosed find a copy of the newspaper DRUTHERS which I was handing out that day. The articles entitled “I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids – Now I’m blowing the Whistle” & “From Transgender to Transhuman”are important for all-concerned to grasp the enormity of the problem of which the riot was a symptom. See also the article ‘A medical atrocity’. The classic treatise “Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackay is required reading in order for you to understand what is going on. And what will continue to go on and get worse unless the Criminal Justice Branch does its duty to put the thugs in their place. Meaning, the engine of the crimes committed by the mob that day, is = hatred generated by profound mental illness. Recent articles in the newsmedia ought to educate you that decent people no longer forebear criminals large and small, ‘getting away with murder’, by playing the mental illness card. Ordinary people have the right to quiet enjoyment of public places.
03 What we saw on September 20th 2023 was the outworking of what Professor Marshal McLuhan observed : “When someone feels his self image is threatened he has a mandate for war”. The A-pot-em-no-phil-iacs gained control of government apparatus by subterfuge. The BC Civil Rights Code was amended by three readings in the House in one day while the public gallery was packed with supporters of Trans-gender-ism. Meanwhile ordinary British Columbians heard not a peep about it and were never consulted about reversal of the right to Freedom of Expression on this particular topic. The self-image of those suffering ‘gender dysphoria’ aka A-pot-em-no-philia, is so fragile that, when their theology is criticized, they – having nothing intelligent to say – retaliate as experienced on the lawn of the Leg. Demons moving individual meat puppets in mindless rage to a criminal extent.
04 My Grade 3 teacher taught us : ‘When people run out of intelligent things to say, they resort to profanity”. Read through the transcript of the conference call of those who organized the riot, which I sent you in my last letter. Writ large is tacit admission that they know they have no comeback in polite dialogue. So they revile their political enemies as ‘bigots / fascists / haters’. This is dehumanization — stoking-up union members to go out and “overwhelm / displace by sheer numbers” citizens assembled peacefully in the public square practising democracy. Well, video recordings of the rallies in Victoria and Vancouver, show who the real haters are.
05 Enclosed find a copy of a summary composed hours after the Event, by someone who was there. Notice the slogans she reports as being chanted. “fascist” “bigot”. Especially ominous is “Black Lives Matter”. In order for your Branch to realize the potential for much worse to come, your homework is you must view video footage of mobs howling the same slogans, marauding through cities in the united States of America, not very long ago. If you say ‘that can’t happen here’ I remind you that it already did happen here. As the mob broke down the statue of Captain Cook, VPD officers were right there on the spot yet did nothing. Your branch then did nothing. Studied evasion of your duty to enforce the law told the perps coddled by the NDP’s farm team at City Hall, i.e. ‘civil rights poverty pimps’ they are ‘untouchable’ in this present political climate. The riot by Trans-idiots was an indicator how bad it is. They set out to and did impose by force, their doctrine of sexual perversion on anyone who disagrees. Unless you get serious about the crimes they committed at the Legislature, the sickness will get much worse.
06 Lately we see people wringing their hands and whimpering about “law-less’ness’ on the downtown streets. That didn’t happen overnight. There is no other, more logical explanation for how bad things are now, but that the degradation of the physical plant of the city, and the outrageous attacks – even murders – on innocent people, is directly consequent from the communist strategy of emasculating leadership of law enforcement. From what I’ve seen so far, those who promote SOGI123 are aiding and abetting what we used to call “child molesters”. The people shown on the video recording of the conference call were part of that longterm agenda; that is, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to commit indictable offences. It doesn’t get much more serious than that. What are you going to do about it?
07 My letter of November 8th 2023 included a photograph of a man carrying the flag of the BCGEU at the riot. It occurred to me that you may be a member of the BC Government Employees Union. If so, that would explain why no response to my allegations. So, “yes” or “no”?
Freedom fighter Gordon Watson.
Mr Juk. Are you a member of the BC Government employees union? Similarly : Are members of the staff of the BC Prosecution Service members of the BC Government Employees Union?
Gordon S Watson
#4 5177 William Head Road Metchosin British Columbia V9C 4H5
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Honours Dr. James Sears With the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award
REXDALE, Ontario. November 18, 2021. The Canadian Association for Free Expression proudly presented the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award to writer and editor Dr. James Sears in Toronto tonight. Dr. Sears, along with publisher Leroy St. Germaine, was convicted under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 39 of the Criminal Code) for satire and criticizing Jews and radical feminists in the pages of the Toronto tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS.
The citation on the award, which carries a monetary prize, read: “For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent in Satire & Defending Freedom of the Press.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears as a political prisoner, as defined by Amnesty International, — one who is punished solely for the non-violent advocacy of his political, religious or social views,” said Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. In 2019, he was sentenced on two counts to the maximum six months, to be served consecutively. That was unusual, as Dr. Sears is 58 years old and has no previous criminal record. He gained early parole, October 14, after serving four months.” CAFE held six protests outside the prison calling attention to the shame of jailing a writer and journalist for writing humour.
“A sign of the politicized nature of the Canadian justice system is the story of one of Dr. Sears’ cellmates. The man had stabbed a person, stolen a truck and been found in possession of fentanyl. For that, he received nine and a half weeks. No, that was not the steamy 1980s movie with Kim Basinger. Dr. Sears got the maximum — a year — for telling jokes,” Mr. Fromm noted. “It reminds us of the old Soviet Union where street criminals often received lenient treatment. Severe punishment was meted out to political prisoners and dissidents.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears’ wit and bravery,” Mr. Fromm added.
The George Orwell Free Speech Award was given annually by the Canadian Free Speech League and its leader and founder Victoria lawyer Douglas Hewson Christie, “the Battling Barrister’, the foremost free speech lawyer of his generation. The award was presented from1985 to 2013, when Doug Christie died. “We are reviving this tradition and award, with the help of a friendly donor,” said Mr. Fromm. Dr. Sears is the 29th recipient of this prestigious award. Among previous recipients were lawyer Barbara Kulazska, author Doug Collins and British aristocrat, Canadian-born, Lady Jane Birdwood.
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Honours Dr. James Sears With the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award
REXDALE, Ontario. November 18, 2021. The Canadian Association for Free Expression proudly presented the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award to writer and editor Dr. James Sears in Toronto tonight. Dr. Sears, along with publisher Leroy St. Germaine, was convicted under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 39 of the Criminal Code) for satire and criticizing Jews and radical feminists in the pages of the Toronto tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS.
The citation on the award, which carries a monetary prize, read: “For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent in Satire & Defending Freedom of the Press.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears as a political prisoner, as defined by Amnesty International, — one who is punished solely for the non-violent advocacy of his political, religious or social views,” said Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. In 2019, he was sentenced on two counts to the maximum six months, to be served consecutively. That was unusual, as Dr. Sears is 58 years old and has no previous criminal record. He gained early parole, October 14, after serving four months.” CAFE held six protests outside the prison calling attention to the shame of jailing a writer and journalist for writing humour.
“A sign of the politicized nature of the Canadian justice system is the story of one of Dr. Sears’ cellmates. The man had stabbed a person, stolen a truck and been found in possession of fentanyl. For that, he received nine and a half weeks. No, that was not the steamy 1980s movie with Kim Basinger. Dr. Sears got the maximum — a year — for telling jokes,” Mr. Fromm noted. “It reminds us of the old Soviet Union where street criminals often received lenient treatment. Severe punishment was meted out to political prisoners and dissidents.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears’ wit and bravery,” Mr. Fromm added.
The George Orwell Free Speech Award was given annually by the Canadian Free Speech League and its leader and founder Victoria lawyer Douglas Hewson Christie, “the Battling Barrister’, the foremost free speech lawyer of his generation. The award was presented from1985 to 2013, when Doug Christie died. “We are reviving this tradition and award, with the help of a friendly donor,” said Mr. Fromm. Dr. Sears is the 29th recipient of this prestigious award. Among previous recipients were lawyer Barbara Kulazska, author Doug Collins and British aristocrat, Canadian-born, Lady Jane Birdwood.
Imagine you are the parents of three young children.
Imagine one of those children runs and falls into your precious little girl, landing harshly on her head.
Discovering your child’s injury, you rush your child to the hospital where you expect your child will immediately receive the medical attention she requires.
Never in your wildest nightmares would you believe that this act, caring for the well-being of your child, would be the beginning of a 4-year nightmare at the hands of medical professionals, Child and Family Community Services, the RCMP and the criminal justice system.
It is utterly inconceivable that you would be arrested, interrogated for hours while police ignore your pleas to find out how your injured child is; you are charged with criminal charges and have your children taken from you and placed in foster care… all based on the word of a social worker and a doctor.
Both you and your wife cry your innocence to anyone who will listen. Nobody does.
Presumption of innocence? Not a chance. This is Canada, where presumption of innocence died long ago.
Police tell you that you will never see your children again unless and until you tell them “the truth” about what you did to your child. The problem is that nobody wants to hear the truth as it doesn’t fit with their pre-determined conclusion of your guilt.
A fourth child is born during this horrific tribulation and to your horror that child too is stolen from you by government workers drunk with the power of the state.
That is the barest outline of the nightmare BC’s Paul and Zabeth Bayne lived through at the hands of a system that refused to accept the truth: they never harmed their child.
For a full description from Zabeth Bayne herself, watch the video below as Zabeth and Paul Bayne are awarded the George Orwell Free Speech Award for 2012 by Victoria lawyer and Free Speech advocate Douglas Christie.
Now, why is a couple who were put through hell by a government agency deserving an award for Freedom of Speech? It’s not for the ordeal they went through, although that was truly horrific; it’s for how this brave couple responded to their persecution.
They fought back.
They patently refused, at every turn, to accept the presumption of guilt heaped upon them by every level of government and our justice system.
They won.
After their family was finally reunited after 4 long years apart, the Baynes decided they were not willing to allow their ordeal to happen to another mother and father.
They founded an organization, Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation, to educate parents, health care workers, police and government bureaucrats in the realities of childhood traumatic injury and to the simple fact that there are many, many more explanations for childhood injuries other than what some doctors, bureaucrats and legislators would like to believe.
They now host an annual conference bringing together parents, doctors, police and legislators in an effort to educate them all, so that the nightmare the Bayne family lived through won’t happen again. (Visit their Facebook page)
Here is the Canadian Free Speech League’s Douglas Christie presenting the 2012 George Orwell Free Speech Award to the Bayne family and Zabeth Bayne’s own recounting of their horrific story.
Former political prisoner Dr. James Sears received the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award. November 18, 2021. Library.
“For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth and for Outstanding Talent in Satire & Defending Freedom of the Press.”
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Announces Dr. James Sears to Receive 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 416-428-5308
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Announces Dr. James Sears to Receive 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award
REXDALE, Ontario. November 17, 2021. The Canadian Association for Free Expression is proud to announce the presentation tomorrow of the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award to writer and editor Dr. James Sears. Dr. Sears, along with publisher Leroy St. Germaine, was convicted
under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 39 of the Criminal Code) for satire and criticizing Jews and radical feminists in the pages of the Toronto tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS.
The citation on the award, which carries a monetary prize, reads: “For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent in Satire & Defending Freedom of the Press.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears as a political prisoner, as defined by Amnesty International, — one who is punished solely for the non-violent advocacy of his political, religious or social views,” says Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.” In 2019, he was sentenced on two counts to the maximum six months, to be served consecutively. That is unusual, as Dr. Sears is 58 years old and has no previous criminal record. He gained early parole, October 14, after serving four months.” CAFE held six protests outside the prison calling attention to the shame of jailing a writer and journalist for writing humour.
“A sign of the politicized nature of the Canadian justice system is the story of one of Dr. Sears cellmates. The man had stabbed a person, stolen a truck and be found in possession of fentanyl. For that, he received none and a half weeks. Dr. Sears go the maximum — a year — for telling jokes,” Mr. Fromm notes. “It reminds us of the old Soviet Union where street criminals often received lenient treatment. Severe punishment was meted out to political prisoners and dissidents.”
‘We are honouring Dr. Sears wit and bravery,” Mr. Fromm added.
The George Orwell Free Speech Award was given annually by the Canadian Free Speech League and its leader and founder Victoria lawyer Douglas Hewson Christie, “the Battling Barrister’, the foremost free speech lawyer of his generation. The award was presented from1985 to 2013, when Doug Christie died. “We are reviving this tradition and award, with the help of a friendly donor,” said Mr. Fromm.
“I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse …” **
Our usual GATHERING at the Legislature. had a bit more bother on Oct 16th. The presence of cops on scene afterward was payday for the provocateur who’s shown up lately to counterprotest us. At noon – our meet up time – there were only three of us dissident voices. But it didn’t matter. I’ve been coming out for over a year, to have my say, regardless what else goes on. An important part of our gathering is big hugs all ‘round. We are a support group for folks who find ourselves anathema to friends / family, shunned for refusing to buy-in to the official nonsense. After a year in place this group is a beacon … the only game in town .. an ongoing witness against Medico-Stalinsim. By 1:00 pm, there were 46 warm bodies fellowshipping on a beautiful fall day
In the last few weeks we’ve been irked by provocateurs such as a guy spraypainting our signs, a skateboarder dressed all in black. That day, Victoria police were there in minutes, and took him away. Already in handcuffs, the fool started to fight them! So, he was wrestled to the pavement. To me, it looked contrived , as if he was putting on a show for dramatic effect. I suspect antifa.
We guessed right about the one who showed up week after week, standing in our ‘midst, holding her sign : VACCINES SAVE LIVES. Having seen such street theatre in ‘other movies’ [ my longtime political activism ] it was obvious the stage was being set for a made-for-media-moment. Sure enough, on Oct 6th the professional tv camera set up across the street, focused on her. On the news the next evening, the storyline was : ‘valiant little waif bullied by cranky refusniks’
The clip shown on CHEK TV was a textbook example of how a hit piece is done. Go out and gather raw footage, then edit it so our group is smeared for criticizing the Central Party Line. Give the devil his due, though. The money shot opens with a woman striding down the sidewalk towards the camerawoman screeching “I am Satan !!”. As crazyhot as it gets. The intrepid journalists then interviewed the target of the Screecher, namely Nell Saba, the pro-VaXX counterprotester – afterwards, in the green room. So the troublemaker came off as the sweet, cool voice of reason. Utter nonsense, of course, but the role of the LugenPress is twisting reality for mass consumption. Several of our regulars won’t come out anymore after that public relations disaster.
Yesterday, there was a bit of a punchup. Most of us protesting the Lockdown, were within earshot of 20 counterprotesters standing 50 yards away at the intersection. Usually, the core of our demo. is in the middle of the block, with people spread out, holding signs curbside for the length of the block. One of our own group, unhappy with how things have gone lately, chided us for standing at the usual spot. She demanded we all go to the intersection and challenge the counterprotesters. I declined to get in to such a petty turf war. What crossed my mind was what old Georgie Gordon taught us ; “you can avoid a lot more trouble than you can get yourself out of”.
My intuition was borne out within minutes. Story I got, is a man sidled up to a woman who was standing at the curb. He used his body to bump her in to the street. Not sure yet, if she was Nell Saba, or one on our side. Jeff Harris then went over to that guy, remonstrating. Video taken by a bystander shows Harris being punched first. Mr Harris then punched back. Nothing like fresh bright red blood all over a white face for shock value. The guy who’d done the bumping, that is. after the scuffle, I went up to Victoria Police officer Kersti, advising her that there are 4 witnesses to what had gone on. She waved at the security cameras up all ‘round, saying: “It’s all on video”. The cops did not take formal witness statements.
Witnesses told me a very curious factoid : vis, a black Tesla was stopped in the inside lane on Belleville Street at the very spot when the man bumped the woman into the street. After the punching happened, a guy came out of the melee, got in that car and drove away. Another strand of circumstantial evidence that the altercation was scripted.
Apparently Nell Saba’s sister Rose, is a reporter for the Trawna Globe& Mail. There you gO: linkage to an employee of the “legacy” media which received $61 million in subsidies, to puke-out the Central Party Line. What an amazing !! coincidence, eh?
In the US of A, the content and style of The Screecher [ supposedly on our side? ] would be freedom of speech in a public place. But it’s different in Canada. Both content and her style are at the margin of ‘qualified speech’ in this country. Because of the decibel level of her screeching, I’d warned her previously that she was in jeopardy of being charged with ‘Causing a disturbance by shouting’. To which she sneered : “This is what a protest looks like”. Direct quote. One wonders why this woman shows up at the same place and time to hang around with mild-mannered Canadians not on the same page as her? No doubt that clip will be used as evidence against us in the in-evitable court cases to come
The EVENT scheduled for Saturday Oct 16th in Duncan, was prohibited from convening on the big field by the Aquatic Centre, as we did in previous END the Lockdown rallies. Instead, participants were directed to stand alongside the highway holding signs. The RCMP told organizer Brian Egan that if any participants actually go on the field, the school board – which owns it – will consider them trespassers.
So the SitzKreig is over. Word went out from on high that public display of opposition to public health diktats, is to be stifled. The NDP administration is doing what thugs in power always do as their house-of-cards comes unglued — create pretext for gaoling Truthtellers. “bubble-zones” are to be imposed around schools and hospitals. Apparently, those who work there are so fragile that encountering a message contrary to myth about SARS2/Covid19 will be traumatized … the socalled Minister of Public Safety’ making teachers and healthcare workers “safe” by outlawing criticism of his government! Next stage, is … AG Eby calls on the Criminal Justice Branch. So, discussion of the rationale for official response to the foundational myth of SARS2/Covid19 gets submerged in the criminal INjustice racket.
Not waiting for the ink to dry on the Order paper in the House, Premier Horgan has drawn the battle lines. However they word it, his no-free-speech zones are an affront to what used to be called ‘common sense’. The NeeDiPpers know that resentment is festering against their assinine policy. Unable to admit they blundered badly, they are hipchecking political opponents in to the briarpatch of the legal racket. Ever since GrandWitch Bonnie bleated that our presence on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health headquarters was “unacceptable” – the pathetic-excuse for-a-newspaper in the province’s capital city the Timely Colonic (Victoria Times-Colonist) disparages us with letters to the Editor. The latest one comes very close to breaching section 319 of the Criminal Code : bringing a definable group into contempt. That would, us, walking around UNvaxxed, having the temerity to proclaim ourselves “naturally-immune. The non-GMO control group’ in this vast medical experiment
I can hardly wait to see what the NDP pretends as color of law for their regulation, illegal as it will be ab initio. As my old friend Doug Christie used to put it: FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS THE ISSUE.
This old warhorse = moi = welcomes Horgan’s announcement. It brings the issue to a fine point. I am soliciting a ‘flying squad’ of individuals who have a good grasp of the right to freedom of expression. If confronting the problem at Ground Zero is your idea of a good time, contact me.
The URL to a video record on the scuffle at the Leg. on Saturday October 16th. was posted on FaceBook, but I cannot locate it now. It does show a proVAXX guy throwing the first punch. But that doesn’t really matter. Little Miss Saba and her handlers – she’s not on her own doing this — got what they came for.
Finally : I see The Real Chris Sky (c) trademark is heading West, advertising his trip as the ROSA PARKS 2021 MOVEMENT. I find it hard to believe that Mr Soccaccia ( real name) and his handlers didn’t do their homework so as to know that The Real Rosa Parks was a card-carrying commie. Her notoriety arose from a piece of agitprop sponsored by the Communist Party USA. One is entitled to ask : is that the inspiration for Mr Sky’s project?
Indeed, he does have some good points speaking to crowds, but the circus that goes on around him – his “new Jersey dude bro thug act’ – disgusts me. . My take on it, is = the cartoon of Sky as celebrity spokesman for the End the Lockdown movement, is from the bag of tricks of Liberal Party ‘attack dog’ Warren Kinsella. One bit of circumstantial evidence, being Sky’s attack on the People’s Party, at Victoria on July 25th. He was invited to talk on condition he would NOT get political. But he did, spending 15 minutes of his hour on stage, slagging Maxime Bernier by name. Confer with lawsuit for defamation brought by Maxime Bernier against Warren Kinsella.
** As Mick Jagger sang back in 1969, on Let it Bleed
Hometown men marching away to war in New Westminster, British Columbia. The Anvil Centre is now at that corner. Lately, the City refused to allow a church to rent there for a presentation on the harmful LGBTQ school program.
As Doug Christie always said “Free Speech IS the issue”
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (683) Paul Fromm – The Bravery Of James Keegstra
In today’s show originally broadcast on June 9 2018, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Paul Fromm, for a show entitled, “The Bravery Of James Keegstra.”
We discussed: how James was a profoundly religious man; how James was a teacher who taught his students about the pernicious history of Zionism; how Jewish groups attacked James’s school board resulting in him being fired from his school and having his teaching license revoked; how James was one of the first people to be charged under Canada’s notorious Hate Speech laws, 35 years ago back in 1983; how the voluminous Jewish lobbies have an established strategy of demonizing, isolating, and criminalizing anyone who exposes their nefarious activities; how James’s persecution by the Canadian legal system went on for nearly a decade; how historically our Divine right to free speech has been part of our Christian culture, and notbecause this is a privilege granted by government; how James’s wife Lorraine faithfully supported him throughout his persecution; and many other topics.