Hear Paul;Fromm “the Times They Are A-Changing” -October 7 Strips the Zionists of Their Most Favoured Victim Status
Vancouver, August 9, 2024

Hear Paul;Fromm “the Times They Are A-Changing” -October 7 Strips the Zionists of Their Most Favoured Victim Status
Vancouver, August 9, 2024
Following the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, in which the terrorist organization not only unleashed the predictable barrage of largely ineffective rockets on the Jewish state, but penetrated the barrier between Gaza and Israel with a large force that killed about 1500 people and took about 150 hostage, we were treated to the disgusting spectacle of progressives gathering en masse in cities and academic campuses around the West, not to protest these despicable acts, but to cheer them on. This was immediately denounced as a display of anti-Semitism, mostly by neoconservatives many of whom called for such demonstrations to be banned. While I don’t have much better an opinion of these demonstrators than the neocons have this call to criminalize the demonstrations is extremely foolish. There is already too much suppression of the expression of thought and opinion, we do not need to add any more. I don’t agree that this is an expression of anti-Semitism either. This essay will explain why.
A discussion of this sort requires that we define anti-Semitism at some point so we might as well get that out of the way. H. L. Mencken said that “an anti-Semite is someone who dislikes the Jews more than is absolutely necessary”. That is amusing, at least to those who do not have a politically correct pole permanently lodged up their rectums, but not particularly helpful. Joe Sobran said that “an anti-Semite used to be someone who didn’t like the Jews. Now he is someone the Jews don’t like”. This is more helpful as an explanation of the neoconservative use of the term than of what it really means.
Most people, I suspect, use it to mean any dislike of the Jews for any reason. The late rabbinical scholar, Jacob Neusner, objected to this promiscuous use of the term. In an article entitled “Sorting Out Jew-Haters” that appeared in the March 1995 issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture he gave this account of anti-Semitism:
According to anti-Semitism, Jews are a separate species within humanity, peculiarly wicked, responsible for the evil of the human condition. A political philosophy formulated in the world of late 19th-century Germany and Austria, anti- Semitism formed the ideological foundation of political parties and served as the basis for public policy. It provided an account of life and how the Jews corrupt it. It offered a history of Western civilization and how the Jews pervert it. It formulated a theory of the world’s future and how the Jews propose to conquer it. People make sense of the world lay appealing to anti-Semitism, and in World War II, millions of Germans willingly gave their lives for the realization of their country’s belief in an anti-Semitic ideal of national life and culture.
The term, he argued, should be reserved for Jew hatred of the type that fully meets this description, and to apply it to lesser prejudices trivializes it.
Now, you might be thinking that what we are seeing meets Neusner’s requirements to be called anti-Semitism. The rallies that we have been talking about, after all, are not just in support of the Palestinian people, but of Hamas, the terrorist organization dedicated to the elimination of Israel, and of its actions on 7 October. Why would anyone support such an organization and such behaviour unless their mind was in the grips of the sort of hatred described in the paragraph from Neusner’s article quoted above?
There are a couple of obvious problems with that way of thinking.
The first is that if these progressives, academic and otherwise, were motivated by anti-Semitic hatred we would expect that their support for violent, murderous, organizations and their behaviour would be limited to Hamas and other similar groups. This is not the case. The progressive activist crowd has a long history of supporting violent, murderous, groups. In the post-World War II era of the last century, for example, they supported every Communist group available from the Stalinists to the Maoists to Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. Communism killed 100 million people in the twentieth century. Pol Pot’s group murdered about 2 million people, a quarter of the population of Cambodia. Yet Noam Chomsky, the MIT linguistics professor who became the guru of the student activist wing of the left and who is regarded by most neoconservatives as a self-loathing Jew for his support of the Palestinians, decades ago was defending Pol Pot and claiming that the accounts of the “killing fields” were American propaganda. My old friend Reaksa Himm, whose account of seeing his family slaughtered by these brutes and being left for dead himself, was published as The Tears of My Soul: He Survived Cambodia’s Killing Fields, His Family Didn’t, Could He Forgive? in 2003, would no doubt have a few things to say about that. Then, of course, there are the countless progressive students who thought it “cool” to wear t-shirts or put posters up in their dorm room bearing the image of vile Communist terrorist and mass murderer Ernesto “Che” Guevara. So, no, this sort of stupidity on the Left, is not all about the Jews.
The second problem is that even when progressive bile is directed towards Israel as it is in these pro-Hamas demonstrations it is not against Jews qua Jews. There is an element of racial hatred in it but that racial hatred is not directed against Jews as distinct from everyone else. It is directed against Jews as white people. Some might object to that statement on the grounds that not all Jews are white, Jewishness being primarily a religious identity. Others, including some Jews who hate whites and Christians and some whites who don’t like Jews, would make the polar opposite objection that in their opinion no Jews are white. These wildly differing objections aside, my statement is nevertheless true. The hatred the immature, idiotic, Left is displaying towards Israel is the same hatred they display towards all Western countries, i.e. countries that lay claim to the heritage of Greco-Roman, Christian, white European, civilization, and to the extent that there is a racial element it is that which is on display almost ubiquitously on university campuses in the form of the claim that “whiteness” is a cultural and civilizational cancer that must be “abolished”. The language used against Israel is the same language used against Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and basically any country and society settled and built by Europeans as an extension of Western civilization. The only difference is that in this case the settlers were Jews rather than Christians.
It is not therefore a case of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism and its counterpart Zionism began around the same time in the nineteenth century. Both were the result of “Enlightenment” philosophy’s war against God, revelation, religion and faith. For centuries Christians and Jews had been at odds over a religious issue. We, rightly, believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. They, wrongly, reject Jesus as the Christ. This was not an insurmountable divide. Any Jew could become a Christian by believing that Jesus is the Christ and being baptized into the Church. The “Enlightenment” brought about a loss of faith on both sides but this did not eliminate the divide. Instead, post-Christian Gentiles and secular Jews began to regard their division as being based on biological racial differences. Division on this basis is insurmountable. You cannot change your race. At least, you couldn’t until the whole “I’m whatever gender, sex, race, species, I want to be” garbage started up in the last few years. The expression of this idea of an insurmountable race divide was anti-Semitism on the part of post-Christian Gentile Europeans and Zionism on the part of secular Jews. In the early days of both movements they supported each other. Each believed that the racial differences between Jew and Gentile prevented them from living in peace together, therefore the solution was for them to live in peace apart. Whatever else might be said about this way of thinking it is clear that the animosity directed towards the Jews of Israel on the part of the pro-Hamas progressive demonstrators is not this anti-Semitism. It is based, indeed, on the very opposite concept – that the Jews are fundamentally one with other Western Europeans rather than being fundamentally divided from them by race or even religion.
Just in case you mistake this as an attempt to white-wash the progressives, let me assure you my intention is quite the reverse. The progressives’ anti-Israel position arises out of a far more pernicious attitude than mere anti-Semitism. It arises out of the hatred that is at the very heart of leftism.
The Left is the openly revolutionary form of liberalism. Sometimes liberalism tries to hide its revolutionary nature behind a mask of reform, of working within the institutions of civilization to accomplish its goals, but when that mask is removed what you get is the Left. The Left, therefore, is the true face of liberalism, and that face is one of revolution and sedition. Liberalism is not a constructive force but a destructive force. In its earliest recognizable form it began as an attack on Christendom or Christian civilization, the heir to classical Greco-Roman civilization. Its first targets were kings who are the earthly political representatives of the King of Kings Who rules over all of Creation, and the Church, the corporate body of Jesus Christ in which His Incarnational presence is sacramentally continued after His Ascension to the right hand of the Father. In attacking God’s earthly representation in this way liberalism revealed that its ultimate hatred is of God Himself. Liberalism is essentially the earthly continuation of Satan’s revolt against God. After attacking king and Church, liberalism launched its siege on every other tradition and institution of Christian civilization. From what we have just seen about liberalism’s essential nature its hatred of civilization is entirely explicable. Liberalism hates kings because they are the earthly representation of God’s Sovereign rule over Creation. Liberalism hates the Church because the Church is the earthly representation of Christ’s priestly intercession in Heaven. Liberalism hates civilization because civilization is the product of man as builder and it is in his capacity as builder that man most displays the image in which man was created, the image of God the Creator.
That is the hatred that is on display whenever the progressive Left blithers on and on about “colonialism” and “imperialism”. Man, in his fallen estate, is incapable of building a perfect civilization. Imperfect civilization, however, is better than no civilization at all. The Left is no more capable of building a perfect civilization than the builders of the past it is always decrying, sometimes for their real sins but more often for new offences they just made up yesterday, and the Left is not interested in trying to build a perfect civilization. It is only interested in tearing down the civilization others have built. It claims to be speaking out for “victims”. Sometimes the “victims” are people who have suffered actual harm in some way from civilization building. Other times, they are merely those who have not shared equally in the benefits of civilization with others. Either way, the Left’s idea that civilization must be razed, its history erased, and its builders “cancelled” and defamed is hardly the answer and in the support they are now showing for the despicable acts of murderous terrorists they show that their motivation is not genuine concern for those who have not fared as well from civilization as others, but a Satanic hatred of civilization builders, for representing, even in an imperfect way, the image of the Creator God.
That is a far more vile form of hatred than the extremely banal one of which the neoconservatives are accusing them. Posted by Gerry T. Neal a
Betsy Trumpener · CBC News · Posted: Nov 23, 2020 3:42 PM PT | Last Updated: November 23
A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.
Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.
As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”
But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018.
Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.
For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.
Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin.
According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.
In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.
“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.
“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.
“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”
A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.
At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.
Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.
It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver.
Paul Fromm helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court.
Dear Friends,
A week from today – on Nov. 28, 2017 – the world will mark #GivingTuesday, an international movement that seeks to promote charitable giving, and where people from around the world donate to causes that are near and dear to their hearts.
As the voice of Canada’s grassroots Jewish community, B’nai Brith Canada is proud to participate in this important initiative that embodies the Jewish concept of tzedakah. In a year marred with antisemitism and hatred targeting members of our community from both sides of the political spectrum, B’nai Brith’s ongoing advocacy efforts have been particularly vital, and it is only through your support that we can continue to fight for the human rights of all Canadians.
With the help of your fully tax-deductible donation, B’nai Brith will continue to:
a) Fight against the purveyors of racism and hatred in Canada, from notorious white supremacist Paul Fromm to Your Ward News editor James Sears to the Vancouver imam who urged his congregants to finance Palestinian terrorism.
b) Refute the antisemitic boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, as we did through our nation-wide campaign in support of award-winning filmmaker Ian Halperin’s Wish You Weren’t Here, which exposes BDS and its supporters as antisemitic.
c) Support Jewish and pro-Israel students facing discrimination on campus. After three pro-Israel students at McGill University were targeted for their support of Jewish causes, B’nai Brith launched a petition (which now has more than 5,350 signatures) demanding that McGill’s administration investigate. McGill has since complied with this request.
On #GivingTuesday, please consider giving back to your community – by supporting Canada’s oldest self-funded and independent Jewish organization. Even the smallest donation helps in our objective of eradicating the racism and antisemitism that threatens our society today, defending the Jewish State of Israel, and supporting the members of our community.
Thank you for your commitment to B’nai Brith Canada.
Michael Mostyn
Chief Executive Officer
B’nai Brith Canada
WINNIPEG, MB – A notorious white supremacist has been disallowed from holding a private meeting in a Winnipeg hotel room, B’nai Brith Canada has learned.
The Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites has been directed by its leadership to cancel a reservation by Paul Fromm, who had booked a room in the facility for a Wednesday night meeting.
B’nai Brith and concerned citizens in Manitoba had been advocating against the meeting after reports circulated that it had been planned.
Fromm lost his teaching licence because of his association with white supremacist organizations. He also was penalized for endorsing racist and antisemitic organizations ranging from neo-Nazis to the KKK, including their Canadian counterparts.
In a recent talk delivered in Vancouver, Fromm made antisemitic, homophobic, anti-First Nations, anti-Sikh, anti-black and anti-Muslim remarks. He also distributed material showcasing propaganda produced by Alfred Schaefer, a Holocaust denier who is facing trial in Germany on criminal incitement charges.
“B’nai Brith commends Hilton Hotels & Resorts for saying no to hatred,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “There is no place for Fromm’s vile brand of hatred and antisemitism in Canadian society.”
Fromm also has endorsed and distributed the newsletter Your Ward News, an antisemitic and hateful publication that has been disseminated by publishers James Nicholas Sears and Lawrence (Leroy) St. Germaine. Sears and St. Germaine were charged Wednesday with willfully promoting hatred against Jews and women.
Hello Fellow Truth Seeker:
The Delta School Board has fired me from my job teaching Mindfulness Meditation on Sat. Oct. 1st. I have been teaching there since 2001 and this is unfair and I encourage you to protest this and request that they reverse their decision. Their reasons are unjustified as they signed a contract with me this summer. This is because of my YouTube videos which have nothing to do with what I teach in my meditation classes. As a Buddhist, concerned with peace and justice in the world, my extensive studies have led me to use YouTube to challenge the unbalanced power of Jewish supremacy in our society. They have used their powerful influence with their B’nai Brith organization to get me fired from six teaching positions a year ago and they even admit this publicly on two websites. They have now effectively brought my 20 year Buddhist meditation teaching career to an end which is a loss for spreading Buddhism around Vancouver.
If you would like to lend your voice, the Secretary/ Treasurer of the Delta School District has offered to be the contact person for them. His contact info is:
Joe Strain
email: jstrain@deltasd.bc.ca
Tel. 604-952-5359
The Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression, Paul Fromm has made a video with me about my case which is liked below.
Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
I have also documented the past two years of this persecution with 60 pages on my website under the, In the News, heading at:http://www.brianruhe.ca/in-the-news/ This can be used for others to make a story.
Because of this hostile, unfair destruction of my career I have made a career shift to speak out against this with a YouTube talk show called, The Brian Ruhe Show. I get about 1300 people a day watching my videos and I receive donations for this. If you would like to help at this time, please send a donation to my PayPal account using my email address or the ‘Donate’ button on my website.
Thank you. Much metta,
Brian Ruhe
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
To keep up with unfolding events in this free speech
battle with the Delta School District in British…
Latest episode of The Martinez Perspective with guest Paul Fromm.
On this episode of the Martinez Perspective I am joined by Paul Fromm, a long-time free speech activist, White preservationist and director of the Canadian Association of Free Expression. We discussed Paul’s recent run-in with the “thought police” at the Toronto airport, who, on the orders of the most likely Zionist influence peddlers higher up in the Canadian government, harassed and finagled him in a clear act of state-sanctioned intimidation. Then we touched on some of the finer details of the Arthur Topham thought crime trial in BC, where Zionist hate mongers are seeking to send an elderly blogger to jail for publishing books that are already widely available online.
Lady Michele Renouf Slams “Swindlespeak” as a Zionist Tool for Fooling Us
HAMILTON, September 30, 2012. A cross Canada speaking tour with Lady Michele Renouf, British model, actress, film maker and free speech activist opened to a standing room only meeting tonight here.
Speaking to promote her new two hour video ,Dresden Holocaust 1945 Lady Michele urged the use of new language to discuss and define our dilemma. Her career in television advertising has helped form her vision of the use of language.
“Our predators – our traditional enemies – work by ‘swindlespeak’,” she explained. “It tells us the very opposite of the truth.” For instance, the term ‘diversity’ describes a good thing. “However, the policy of mass immigration from the Third World to Europe and North America will destroy diversity and result in one sad blend.”
The proper definition of the term ‘holocaust’ is a burned offering, the eclectic free speech supporter who has studied comparative religion, explained. “The British wartime strategy was to dehouse the German population and to burn them alive. Churchill sought to create a holocaust.”
“There was a deliberate intention to kill the German people. This was decided at an Allied conference by Churchill and Roosevelt in 1943. “The plan was to firebomb and make human torches out of German civilians in 60 German cities.”
At a meeting in 1944 in Quebec City, an even more inhumane plot was hatched for the post war period,. “The plan was to deliberately starve and decimate the German people,” she explained. This was the notorious Morgenthau Plan.
The Morgenthau Plan was not fully implemented after the war. The Allies decided to exploit and “rip off” Germany instead.
Lady Michele Renouf is a world traveller. She has twice visited Tehran and met Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “I urged President Ahmadinejad to tell his followers not to shout, ’Death to America,’ but to chant, ‘Down with Zionism; Up with Jeffersonian America.’” President Jefferson, she explained, opposed foreign wars and meddling.
Despite death threats, including one police have traced to a fanatical former Israeli settler in Canada who urged sending her the deadly poison ricin, Lady Michele is fearless: “We have to get over the fear barrier,” she said. “Our predator enemies thrive on making people unable to listen because their jobs depend on their not listening” to questions about the existing order.
Lady Michele’s Canadian tour is sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression.
Copies of her dvd Dresden Holocaust 1945 can be obtained, postpaid, by sending $30 to C-FAR Books, P.O, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3.