END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies & Events in the Okanagan, June 12-19
We understand you may be tired of coming out to rallies but we hope you push through this false sense of summer security This is not the time to get comfortable but rather a time to push forward and CLEAR is going to participate in an innovative new idea this coming Saturday, June 12, 2021 running two Kelowna rallies at the same time!!! |
As such we have decided to reach out to the people in Rutland this coming Saturday at Roxby Park, on Hwy 33 across from Save-On Foods. We will have our tent and information table and also protest with signs on the highway. So this Saturday you will have a choice whether you join us and help spread the word in Rutland, or attend our regular rally in Kelowna central at Stuart Park with The Bear. Bring your friends and people who care and lets push hard through this summer being prepared for another fall lockdown. |
Kelowna Rally June 12 @ Noon in Stuart Park |
Speakers: ILona will be sharing on masks and Better Business Standards community support. Bettina will be sharing on no masks & her growing art project. We will then head down to protest on the highway. Bring your signs or use ours! CLEAR thanks you for your support and for all you do throughout the week to promote freedom! |
Rutland Rally June 12 @ Noon in Roxby Park |
David Lindsay will be sharing on current events and then protesting on highway #33. CLEAR thanks you for coming down to support the Rutland Rally and if you have signs we encourage you to bring them. |
DAVID LINDSAY WILL BE SPEAKING AT MARK FRIESEN’S EVENT IN VERNON AND KELOWNA! WHEN: VERNON on Friday, June 11th @ 3:45 pm. KELOWNA on Friday, June 11th @ 7pm. WHERE: VERNON at Polson Park KELOWNA at Kerry Park @ the sails TOPICS: Mark Friesen will be discussing UN Infiltration, UNDRIP, Paris Accord, and Gov’t abuse of power. David Lindsay will be discussing the importance of the Coronation Oath and how it relates to COVID-19 |
Even though Bonnie the Commie has promised to install a graduated recognition of our rights and freedoms over the next few months, we all know that she has broken these promises now for over a year. She cannot “give them back to us” as they were never hers to steal in the first place. There is also a high probability that she will once again begin to try more restrictions in the fall – claiming that there will be a fourth wave at that time. We need only look to other provinces and how they continue to unconstitutionally restrict their people. The price of freedom truly is eternal vigilance, knowing that the ongoing culture change, acceptance of masks and vaccines, needs our continued and ongoing opposition. If we truly “stand on guard for thee”…then we need to ask people to do so also! |

PENTICTON – Sunday June 13th, 12 Noon @ Main & Warren. KAMLOOPS – Saturday June 12th, 12 Noon @ Riverside Park. CLEAR KELOWNA MEGA RALLY @ Noon Saturday June 19, 2021 with speakers: Tanya Gaw with Action4Canada Ted Kuntz with Vaccine Choice Canada Danielle Pistilli with Freedom Organization Children Speakers Analeigh & Ashleigh Then Downtown Kelowna March |