Alison Chabloz — Too Extreme for the BNP

Alison Chabloz — Too Extreme for the BNP


During my latest ban from here, censorship fanatics were again targeting my YouTube account.

In an unprecedented move, my song ‘I like the story as it is’ was removed, despite having already been ‘sandboxed’ AND despite being clearly marked as ‘SATIRE’ in both the title and the meta tags.

Maybe if I’d threatened to kill queers, used abusive language against women (Eminem) or called for all Whites to be genocided (most Black rap artists), I’d have at least six million YouTube subscribers by now?

In defiance, I uploaded another new song. Already sandboxed and banned in the usual countries, it should nevertheless still be visible to most.

Fields of Athenry – A Tribute to Ernst Zundel

Fields of Athenry – A Tribute to Ernst Zundel

A tribute to free speech campaigner and one of the world’s greatest dissidents, Ernst Zundel. 
Fields of Athenry is an Irish folk ballad which tells the tale of Michael, sentenced to be deported to Australia for having stolen corn during the great famine, leaving his wife Mary and their young child behind. 
Thus, the song echoes the plight of Zundel, imprisoned for also rebelling against the Crown in his search for historical truth. Upon his release from jail, Zundel was forced to live separated from his wife, Ingrid, until his recent death in his home country of Germany.

A tribute to free speech campaigner and one of the world’s greatest dissidents, Ernst Zundel. Fields of Athenry is an Irish folk ballad which tells the tale …

Musical wishes,



Apologies for the mass email once again, and apologies to those of you who took the time to respond to my previous updates and have yet to receive any personal reply. My bail terms and accompanying inconveniences limit my Internet usage to mobile-only, but I promise to try and sort through my messages and respond as time and data allowance permit.

Today and yesterday I received yet more email notifications from YouTube regards ‘action taken’ on my videos following ‘legal complaints’. Please see below YouTube’s updated list of countries where my videos are now blocked :

Like Amazon, YouTube is ignoring UK law, no doubt following pressure from the Israel Lobby. This now brings the total of potential viewers blocked from viewing my songs and other videos to well over 300 million.

If Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Antisemitism had not brought a private criminal prosecution against me for (((Survivors))) at the end of 2016, it’s reasonable to think that my video would still be floundering around the 6,000 view mark. Instead, the grand total is now over 30k. As plenty of other users have noticed, YouTube also regularly culls the number of views. For this particular video – the total is now frozen at 30,666 !

To celebrate, I have uploaded two songs to Vimeo which are available with a password. One is an old number of mine ‘Social Media Queen’ updated for 2017 – I’m now banned from so many online platforms, would the enemy be trying to force an early abdication? 😉

The second is one of my most recent rants ‘Too extreme for the BNP’. Clearly, I AM too extreme for Twitter and YouTube, but for the BNP as well ? (*rolls eyes).

Mark my words, they’ll be going after my PayPal account next..

Password: jesuischabloz

Social Media Queen 2017

Too extreme for the BNP

Patriotic wishes to all, 

Alison Chabloz. 

To send or not to send – that is the argument — English Chanteuse Bound By Severe Bail in Zionist-inspired Internet Restriction Case

To send or not to send – that is the argument — English Chanteuse Bound By Severe Bail in Zionist-inspired Internet Restriction Case

Dear All,

Firstly, apologies for not updating you all earlier. The latest twist in my court case effectively removes my right to publish anything other than the briefest of briefs for fear of being immediately summonsed for breach of bail or contempt of court. My every move and key stroke will be being watched 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in the hope of my family and I being finally worn down to such an extent that I will plead guilty, thus giving my accusers the legal precedent they so desire.

Last Friday, the original charge brought against me in a private prosecution by Mr Faultfinder of the Campaign Against Britons Having The Right To Free Speech In Their Own Land (CAA) was dropped, bringing the total of dropped charges to four. Court was then briefly suspended in order to allow the Crown Prosecutor to serve me with four more charges – two for each song: I am now accused of sending and, at the same time causing to be sent(!), two songs which my accusers claim caused them gross offence. This, after they themselves had sought out one of my blog posts and clicked on a hyperlink which in turn redirected them to YouTube. In short, they chose to watch a video which I did not upload to YouTube and which was never sent to them in the first place.

With a lack of evidence to prove that I would, in fact, have sent or caused to be sent anything other than a hyperlink, my case has again been prolonged whilst the Crown seeks expert analysis, to be submitted in August. A new date for legal argument has been set down for October 25. This gives the CAA another four months of breathing space during which time their small but noisy army of Twitter trolls will no doubt continue to stalk and harass anyone they disagree with.

Last week’s hearing was in fact suspended twice whilst lawyers agreed on dates and discussed varied bail conditions. It was noticeable that the Crown Prosecutor used these breaks to liaise with a tall, olive-skinned young man and that each party was constantly checking their phone. Was this gent a representative of CAA? My original accuser and his chief witness were both conspicuous by their absence: since CAA won its costly campaign to bring about a judicial review of the Jez Turner case, at least one report suggests that it is now a Zionist lobbying organisation which is giving orders to the CPS – a supposedly independent body – when it comes to prosecuting anyone CAA dislikes.

[The Crown Prosecution Service] agreed to consult the CAA in future when making decisions regarding similar cases against Jewish people and whether it can be regarded hate speech or free speech.

Regards my bail conditions (imposed for a ‘crime’ without precedent and therefore likely to go to a higher court and, I might add, all at taxpayers’ expense), these limit not only my freedom of expression but now also my freedom of movement. I must notify my solicitor if I intend to stay anywhere other than my official address for a period of more than ten days. Offers of accommodation for nine days would be most welcome. It doesn’t have to be in the Bahamas – but I wouldn’t say no!

Unsurprisingly, there have been no reports in the media about this landmark case. The last thing my accusers and a pandering, corrupt Establishment want is more Britons waking up to the harsh reality of yet more tyrannical legal constraints undermining our most precious freedom – being able to think for ourselves and express those thoughts. Likewise, there has been complete silence from the press both about Falter’s original charge being dropped as well as the recusal of District Judge Arbuthnot who gagged me last December, resulting in never-ending bail. Frankly, it’s difficult to see how any advantage could be gained by way of further intimidation and harassment of my family and I, as a result of pressure being applied on the authorities by CAA. Or perhaps that’s just me being naive and we really do live in an Orwellian dystopia where patriotism is now a crime?

To conclude, I shall not be using the Internet much in the coming months but you can stay in touch by leaving comments on my blog or contacting me via email. I will try to respond as time and bail conditions permit. There is enough information already on my blog and elsewhere, detailing my ordeal, which exposes quite clearly the underhand methods used by CAA to try and force a conviction.

The good news is that I now have several new songs ready to record and perform, as well as ideas for two books. In the meantime, if you could please support me and encourage others to do likewise by ordering a copy of my Songs of the Shoah EP and/or by donating to any amount, large or small, to my PayPal account, I would be very grateful.

Much gratitude to my steadfast legal team and to those who made the trip to support me last Friday. Thanks for reading and blessings to all.

CPS discontinues original charge for my song (((Survivors)))

CPS discontinues original charge for my song (((Survivors)))

Friday June 2, the Crown Prosecution Service informed my lawyer of their intention to discontinue the initial accusation for malicious communications brought against me by Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Antisemitism for my song (((Survivors))).

This latest news of yet another charge against me being dropped will no doubt provoke yet more tears from the turgid trio of accusing females (as described here) and who are still gnashing their teeth on Twitter, wanting my blood and even interacting regards my person – in typically clueless fashion – and in public. Screenshots archived.


Regards the pending cases relating to the YouTube video of last September’s London Forum performance, I am considering downloading both songs, removing the music and leaving just the laughter and applause.

The next hearing – for legal argument only – will take place June 23, 10 am at Westminster Magistrates Court. The outcome may not only have a devastating effect on the right to be able to think for ourselves and express those thoughts, it may also severely undermine British values, traditions and artistic culture. Hope to see you there

Blood & Honour Tackles the Problem of Meeting Space for Dissident Groups

Blood & Honour Tackles the Problem of Meeting Space for Dissident Groups

For at least 30 years, populist dissidents, like Paul Fromm the late Ron Gostick, revisionists like David Irving and others have faced the problem of holding meetings.  You think there’s freedom of speech in Canada? Forget about it! Organized Jewish groups, when they get wind of a meeting, lean on the hotel or hall management. Sometimes the pressure is subtle: You wouldn’t want to be seen to side with the “neo-Nazis” against the Jewish community. Sometimes it’s more blatant, with threats of boycott or, worst of all, bad publicity from a lamestream media all too eager to smear perceived enemies of Jews. Sometimes  the threat comes from organized “anti-racist” groups which threaten violent protests. Sometimes there actually are violent protests. While that meeting may go on, it’s likely the last one the dissident group will ever hold in that venue. You think a contract means anything? Most hotel managers have the morality of a crack whore. Signed agreements mean nothing. And the police? Well, they can’t be counted on. Sometimes they do, in fact. protect a threatened meeting in a professional manner. All too often, though, they counsel management to cancel the meeting “to avoid trouble”  — trouble the donut munching cops are paid handsomely to prevent.

Thus, most populist or revisionist meetings are not widely advertized. This, of course, limits the effectiveness of public outreach, to say nothing of their trampled rights. Along comes Blood & Honour, a Calgary-based group of mostly young men and women. They have rented a large secure meeting space in an easily protected area. In a statement earlier this year, their leader Kyle McKee, an experienced young man with a decade of organizing and activism under his belt,  made the following offer to CAFE and other populist and libertarian groups:  “Blood and Honour Canada’s Calgary chapter has been very active and growing and our efforts have been focused and professional. The benefits of dedicated people are now being passed forward to you by way of an offer to use our own private venue for your meetings when in Calgary so the money otherwise spent for the basic expenses of doing your work can be repurposed to even more activity on your part. Also this means no more hotel cancellations and scrambling to find new venues in Calgary.” Thanks to Blood & Honour, we held a large, well-advertized meeting in early March for English song writer singer and holocaust skeptic Alison Chabloz.


Mr. McKee adds: “Blood and Honour Canada’s Calgary chapter also keeps busy with regular weekly gatherings and regular events. If someone is interested in attending any of these they can contact us at our website and if anyone is interested in helping by way of donation this can be done by joining and subscribing to our web forum that is linked to on our main website or in person at any of our events. Blood and Honour Canada (Club 28) is a nationalist organization and European cultural group operating independently of any political party. It is our goal to raise awareness of issues concerning our nation and the people here, as well as to unite those people with a legitimate interest in securing the future of our European cultural identity under one common banner. Blood and Honour Canada is a secular organization promoting intelligence, common sense and self-preservation while encouraging a broader understanding of all the religions which have been crucial in the forming of our great European Identity.” It runs an active education programme for its own members.

Zionist-connected Judge Recuses Herself, Crown Takes Over Prosecution & Singer Alison Chabloz Case Adjourns Until June

Zionist-connected Judge Recuses Herself, Crown Takes Over Prosecution & Singer Alison Chabloz Case Adjourns Until June
LONDON. Satirical chanteuse and song-writer Alison Chabloz’  case  seems to be a test as radical Zionist censors seek to create a precedent in Britain for gagging critics on the Internet. She is charged under a hazy law the Communications Act of 2003, which was meant to regulate commercial broadcasting, for You Tubes of satirical songs about the holocaust.  She was charged for improper use of the public communications network for having broadcast “grossly offensive” material in such songs as (((Survivors))) with lyrics such as, ‘Now Auschwitz, holy temple, is a theme park just for fools, the gassing zone a proven hoax, indoctrination rules.”
Inline image 1
Initially, Jewish complaints were dismissed by the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) as non-actionable. Then, the well-funded “charity” the Campaign Against Anti-semitism initiated a rarely-used private prosecution complete with pricey Jewish lawyers. In December, Alison Chabloz was gagged by way of bail conditions that forbad her posting any racist or anti-semitic or “grossly offensive” material on the Internet or naming her tormenter complainers, Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Anti-semitism. [Canadian political prisoner Arthur Topham was similarly prohibited from mentioning the names of those who complained and dragged him into court and inflicted tens of thousands of dollars of costs on this intrepid Internet warrior. The court-coddled complainers were Victoria B’nai Brith operative Harry Abrams and chronic complaint filer Richard Warman.]
Miss Chabloz’s legal team then raised the issue of “reasonable apprehension of bias” on the part of the judge, Baroness Emma Arbuthnot. She had been part of a paid trip to Israel along with her husband, a former Tory MP, who headed Conservative Friends of Israel (a cheering team for another country). The day before the trial, Baroness Arbuthnot quietly withdrew and was replaced by an experienced jurist Judge Zani.
On March 7, after prolonged Zionist lobbying, the CPS took over the prosecution. Now, a whole new team of lawyers was seized of the file. Almost predictably, despite having had the Chabloz file for months, the CPS sought an adjournment on the eve of the trial, needing more preparation time. The adjournment was granted on March 22 — two days before the trial was to commence.
On June 23, there will be purely legal arguments. One key argument deals with jurisdiction. The impugned posting was made in Switzerland. Do U.K. courts even have jurisdiction?
Should rulings on June 23 go against the defence, Alison Chaloz’s trial will proceed on July 17.

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday
Admirers from across Europe and even two from Canada arrived in Vichy, France for a surprise birthday party for French revisionist giant Prof. Robert Faurisson on the occasion of his 88th birthday.
“On Wednesday, January 25, 100 guests gathered at the Aletti Palace, Vichy for a surprise luncheon in honour of Prof,. Robert Faurisson, complete with musical interlude in company of entertainers tenor Giuseppe Fallisi and Alison Chabloz. … Mr. Fallisi delighted the hall with his sumptuous musical compositions of poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud. (Faurisson first became known to the French public because of his work on Rimbaud.) …
In France, the situation is drastic as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Professor Faurisson awaits March 4 when — upon non-payment if a fine for revisionism (his views of history and his rejection of the elite’s new religion of holocaust) — the authorities are due to cart the 88-year old academic off to prison or, at the very least, equip him with an electronic bracelet.
As well as risking a spell behind bars, Professor Faurisson will also be at the Court of Appeal to contest another conviction for his 60-word phrase, uttered at the 2006 conference on the holocaust in Tehran.
During the Professor’s birthday celebration, … he told the guests that Paris Appeal Court Judge Sophie Portier, has ruled that the professor and his barrister Damien Viguier, will each be given no more than 10 minutes to speak — contrary to the status guaranteed to citizens by French law. The ignorance of French magistrates might be pardonable, but not when this ignorance is relied upon in order to justify convictions pronounced with eyes and ears tightly shut — result of these same magistrates’ refusal to take into consideration the living, changing evolution of historical research.” (The Next Step (February, 2017)

Can a song be a Crime?

Can a song be a Crime?
The persecution of British singer and satirist Alison Chabloz for some of her holocaust-skeptical songs  makes a mockery of British free speech rights. The private prosecution, launched by Gideon Falter of the well-heeled anti-free speech group, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, took an alarming turn on Friday. On one day’s notice, Alison was summoned for a hearing to restrict her activities whilst on bail. “

” The judge told her she is not allowed to tweet or blog about her prosecutor Gideon Falter. That was unfair, her lawyer objected, because he had been tweeting about her – overruled. Nor – here was the punch line – was she allowed to do anything ‘racist’ or ‘anti-semitic’ or ‘grossly offensive:’ if she does she will be locked up until her trial, next March. These are incredibly vague and undefined terms. But, I suspect Mr Falter is not going to find this trial the pushover which he has expected.”

It is appalling that merely offending privileged group’s feelings can land a singer in court. As in Canada, with victims like Brad Love and Terry Tremaine, the vile system uses bail or parole conditions to gag a dissident even BEFORE a trial. Here the talented Miss Chabloz faces months in jail is she does anything “racist” or “anti-semitic” or “grossly offensive.” The message is clear: Shut up! What is “racist”? If you express pride in being a homosexual or being a Negro, that’s fine; if you are proud of your European heritage, you’re a “racist” And what is “grossly offensive”? It’s all in the yes of the beholder and minorities, especially Jews, have become adept at being easily offended.
Another similarity with Canada is that Miss Chabloz is not permitted to tweet or blog about her tormenter Gideon Falter. Apparently, he can agress against people but the victims cannot comment or mention him. Exactly, the same thing happened to Canadian free speech victim Arthur Topham who is not allowed to mention Richard Warman or Harry Abrams who sought to shut him down and filed complaints which led to the Sec. 319 (“hate law” charges) against him. Oh, yes, neither bothered to show up at Mr. Topham’s trial to see the mischief they had caused.

Can a song be a Crime?


Friday, 23rd December: Marylebone Magistrate’s Court.

Alison Chablez has been suddenly called back from Manchester with only one days notice, because the Prosecution wishes to redefine the terms of her bail. A week earlier, she had turned up, for a rather strange indeed unheard-of type of prosecution. A Campaign Against Anti-Semitism had decided a song of hers violated Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act, and was ‘grossly offensive.’

In Britain today, can you be prosecuted because someone reckons your behavior is offensive?* No-one seemed to be providing evidence of anyone having been offended – we merely had the word of  Jonathan Goldberg QC, prosecution barrister (who had three attorneys sitting behind him for some sort of moral backup). Mr Gideon Falter, chair of CAAS evidently reckons so. Normally it is the business of the CPS the Crown Prosecution Service to bring such charges, but Mr Falter reckoned they were being rather dilatory in prosecuting anti-semitism and he is speeding up the process by taking out this private prosecution.

The distinguished British philosopher and tenor sax player Gilad Atzman turned up to give Ms Chablez some moral support, and I felt his presence was quite significant. Let’s hope he blogs about it. The best feature of this hearing was Ms Chablez’ marvellous lawyer Adrian Davies, let’s hope he is still defending her in March. Chablez

Can a song be a crime?  The dire charges – anti-semitism, racism Holo-denial – have effectively ended her career as a folk musician. Tell me about it. The doors do clang shut once Gods’s Chosen People reckon you don’t believe in their Holo-narrative. You thereby come to understand, like never before, who controls our world.

Let’s have a quote from her about her prosecution:

Thursday December 15, I shall be appearing in court for the first time in my life charged with causing gross offence after posting my song (((Survivors))) on YouTube. What makes this case special is the fact that I am not being prosecuted by the Crown; it is a private prosecution taken on by chairman of the wealthy Zionist ‘charity’, Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), Gideon Falter, who – in order to persuade the judge that publishing my song merits a heavy fine – will have to prove that my song is grossly offensive.

I should here confess: after her inspiring performance at a packed London Forum, ’Songs of the Shoah’ she did allude to my book.  She has been described as ‘the pin-up girl of Stormfront.’

You might want to check out here Alison’s rather sensible views on the obscure Havaara agreement, and how Red Ken’s politicial career was suddenly over because of his comments upon the matter.

Coming back to the bail trial, the judge told her she is not allowed to tweet or blog about her prosecutor Gideon Falter. That was unfair, her lawyer objected, because he had been tweeting about her – overruled. Nor – here was the punch line – was she allowed to do anything ‘racist’ or ‘anti-semitic’ or ‘grossly offensive:’ if she does she will be locked up until her trial, next March. These are incredibly vague and undefined terms. But, I suspect Mr Falter is not going to find this trial the pushover which he has expected.

I had been hoping to sell my book together with her new CD. My publisher had agreed, but now she reckons she might just be locked up if she did anything like that.

It is clear that the Communications Act of 2003 was designed to regulate commercial broadcasting, in relation to the OFCOM inspectorate – not for private individuals.Chabloz2

It is vital that the great British tradition of satire – from Hogarth to Private Eye – is defended. One is permitted to scoff at people, especially rich, influential people – it is not a crime.

There is a lot at stake here. While talking to a former member of the British punk-rock band ‘Crass,’ he played me a bit of the ghastly racket they used to make, and I heard the dire lyrics. The Crown tried to prosecute them under the Blasphemy Act – but gave up. That is an important precedent. It’s called freedom of expression. I personally object to Jews insisting that everyone else has to believe their fictional, fabricated, fake narrative about what did not happen in the German labor camps of WW2; and salute Alison Chabloz for pointing out, in humorous songs – that IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

NO Mr Falter, it’s a fictional story. And, by the way Mr Falter, you have no drop of semitic blood in you. But, your country is exterminating the semites, and stealing their land. It’s called genocide.



* “ This is what happens, when this group are upset by something. They assume they have the right not to be offended, as they obviously so easily are. It’s almost impossible to be part of their mind-virus unless you have been programmed into it…” Mark windows.


Dissident Musician and British Nationalist Alison Chabloz Arrested for a Song

Dissident Musician and British Nationalist Alison Chabloz Arrested for a Song

Published: 2016-11-20

To say that UK police handling of online abuse is inconsistent is something of an understatement. In particular, these inconsistencies are highlighted in the case of British musician, Alison Chabloz, who shot to fame after performing a “quenelle” salute at the Edinburgh Fringe festival in 2015. Chabloz was again in the news during this year’s Fringe after her show was pulled for being “too political”.

Alison Chabloz

Victim of targeted harassment and abuse from vicious, pro-Israel “advocates” as well as from a host of anonymous Hasbara “Ziotrolls” and assorted Leftist, liberal “social justice warriors”, Chabloz was recently informed by her local police force in Derbyshire that their investigation for malicious communications and harassment regarding this online abuse against Chabloz had been closed. The investigation began earlier this year after Chabloz had received several unwanted postal deliveries, including anonymous birthday and Christmas cards as well as several sales catalogues (e.g. for reinforced doors and blinds) addressed to her in a derogatory manner.

Ten days after receiving news of the now closed case, Chabloz was arrested by local police in an investigation involving two other forces. She was questioned and detained for six hours – more than two hours spent locked in a cell – learning on her release at midnight that during this time police had raided her domicile and seized her laptop.

Chabloz’ hate crime, allegedly, concerns both her 15-month old ” quenelle” as well as songs performed at London’s Grosvenor Hotel last September during a meeting of The London Forum.

Asides the allegation of incitement, Chabloz was also arrested and questioned on suspicion of online harassment of two of her critics.

Chabloz’ solicitor said no evidence of any such harassment was presented during the interview.

In fact, as early as 2014, Chabloz had been advised by the Musicians’ Union to report to police after being fired by Carnival Group for a satirical tweet posted six months before she began working for the company.

Both in the above case along with several other subsequent incidents of online harassment, including death threats and further attempts to prevent Chabloz from performing, Derbyshire police failed to take appropriate action against the perpetrators.

With her laptop now in police hands, Chabloz’ gigs are on hold because the device contains all her sheet music, backing tracks and software vital for her performances. Chabloz’ solicitor has submitted a legal request to try and recuperate the device and a mobile phone also seized.

Chabloz has been bailed till January 12 pending a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service.

As well, November 19, Chabloz received a court summons to appear in front of Westminster Magistrates Court in a private prosecution brought against her by Gideon Falter, director of UK registered “charity” Campaign Against Antisemitism. Falter accuses Chabloz of using social media to cause offense in breach of the 2003 Communications Act after Chabloz posted a video of her song (((Survivors))) on YouTube. The song has gained over six million – sorry, six thousand views views so far.

The hearing will take place at 10am on December 15