Richmond Parents Protest Taxpayer Funded Promotion of LGBTQ Agenda

Richmond Parents Protest Taxpayer Funded Promotion of LGBTQ Agenda

Former ‘Parents slate’ members demand more consultation for Richmond’s rainbow crosswalk

Coun. Chak Au may be alone on council in refusing to endorse a rainbow crosswalk, however he’s not alone among some Richmond residents.

At a city council meeting on Monday, Au voted against the city spending $15,000 to paint a rainbow crosswalk on Minoru Boulevard in front of the Brighouse Library, citing the speed the item was brought up with and a lack of public consultation.

After the vote, Au said he was not against supporting the LGBTQ2S community, with city staff explaining that the agenda item was pushed forward to coincide with Pride Week, which kicks off July 29.

However, three members of the so-called Parents Slate, which ran five candidates in last fall’s school board elections, have come out in opposition of the rainbow crosswalk, echoing Au’s concerns.

One of them, Andrea Gong, a Richmond resident, said she supports Au’s position and told the Richmond News that “identity politics could harm social relations – it emphasizes differences rather than commonalities, which could pull the community apart.”

“(Painting the crosswalk) might separate one group of people from the rest of us. If we make the rainbow crosswalk permanent, should we paint signs for other groups of people to celebrate equality, such as painting signs for Christian or Muslim groups,” said Gong, who didn’t get elected last fall.

According to Gong, if the city plans to set up a permanent symbol of “inclusiveness and love,” it shouldn’t be a symbol attached to one single “ideology.” Instead, the Canadian flag could be a better option.

Only Richard Lee from the Parents Slate got elected last fall.

Another member of the same slate, Ivan Pak, said the city should spend taxpayers’ money more wisely, particularly when lots of local community associations are struggling financially and some people are not getting the support they need.

Pak added that there already is a crosswalk in front of the library, and the new painting won’t increase the safety level.

James Li -a third member of the same slate,  which was opposed to the Richmond School District’s SOGI policy -said he believes everyone is equal, but “political correctness pressures people to adopt the same values and support the Pride movement, for fear of facing criticism and isolation if they don’t.”

“In our community, if anyone has a different opinion of the LGBTQ sign and movement, he or she might face being labelled as ‘haters’ or a ‘bully.’ Lots of people are afraid to speak up, which is another way of bullying,” said Li.

The final vote on the proposal will be held at Monday’s council meeting. Pak and Gong say they plan to be there to show their opposition.

Free Speech Crusader Gordon Watson Demands Reparations from Oak Bay District for Failure to Protect Free Speech at Jenn Smith Lecture

Free Speech Crusader Gordon Watson Demands Reparations from Oak Bay District for Failure to Protect Free Speech at Jenn Smith Lecture


District of Oak Bay

            Attention  :     Mayor and Council

            And to :           whom it may concern

01         Enclosed find an article as a précis what went on at the Windsor Pavillion on May 2nd 2019.


02         Having received an invitation from the man who co-ordinated it,  I went to that event at Willow Park expecting to hear the guy who calls himself “Jenn Smith” explain why the so-called  “trans-gender’ fad is evil.   Having read his essay I wanted to hear what he had to say in person

03         In the provincial election of 2001, I stood as a candidate to be a member of the Legislature.     Thus, I am a politician.    I attended the Jenn Smith event in that capacity
as well as, distinctly separately, a member of the electorate of British Columbia
as well as, distinctly separately, a taxpayer
as well as, distinctly separately, a grandfather of children in the public school system
as well as, distinctly separately,   a Christian gathering information about the                                                                spiritual aspects of the phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

04         I arrived before 6:30 pm.  My old man was a cop.   He taught me to “always count the house”.   As I walked across the greensward at Willow park I counted over 300 people near the Windsor Pavilion.  I went in to the room upstairs where I saw the organizer readying the sound amplification system and the projector for showing Smith’s  “Power Point”    Shortly afterwards, sitting at the foot of the stairs, I watched many people come in and go upstairs.  From the numbers pouring in, and the fact that I’d seen those same people outside sloganeering / catcalling / holding signs denouncing Smith,  it was obvious that they were antagonistic and that someone had co-ordinated what they were doing so as to bother him.      Later, I got evidence that one of the ringleaders was a man named Ryan Painter.   Mr Painter made a point, repeatedly, of announcing that he was a politician, ie a member of the School board.  I saw and heard him inciting the mob to interfere with Smith informing the public about the SOGI program.

05         The right to freedom of Expression is a 2-way street … it includes the right of someone in an audience to receive information from a speaker.    The video of the Uproar shows individuals such as Ryan Painter, Rose Henry, Hope Warren and others yet to be ascertained co-operating in mischief in order to stifle the presentation, which is an offence against sections 175 / 176 and 430 (1) ( d) of the Criminal Code.   By chanting / singing  / mocking and using noise-makers those named incited the mob in criminal mis-conduct with the express purpose of drowning out what Jenn Smith was attempting to say.   Ryan Painter, Rose Henry, Hope Warren and dozens of others did engage in mischief for over an hour so as to sabotage the meeting which had been convened for a moral and political purpose.     Deliberately interferring with the normal use of that place,  for which Jenn Smith had a permit, Ryan Painter, Rose Henry Hope Warren and et cetera interferred with my right to hear what Mr Smith had to say.

06         After half an hour observing what was going on in the room where the event was supposed to take place, I went outside to photograph the scene and hear what the mob’s leaders were saying.  When I went back upstairs, the space in front of the door to the room was so crowded I could not get in. From comments I heard, around me, the crowd did not come to hear what Jenn Smith had to say. Rather,  people were intent on packing the room and making noise in order to suppress his presentation

07         I made my way right up beside the door, but was prevented from entering by a man who said he was a police officer.   Because he was not in uniform, I challenged him “show me some identification”    Which he then did. I did not get his name but I was satisfied by seeing ID he was an officer of the Oak Bay police force.  I said to him “you realize there are crimes going on here right now?” To which he replied “yes”. I then said “well, you better start taking names”  To which he said “we are”. In is incumbent upon Oak Bay councillors to acquaint yourselves with the video recordings of the uproar which may be seen on the internet Youtube website at

08         Note particularly the scene showing that Oak Bay police officer in plain clothes being pushed out of the room on to the balcony by the mob.  Early in the going, I noticed Oak Bay policeman Davinder Dalep circulating in the crowd in plain clothes. Throughout the event
I noticed him talking on his cellphone.   Was he recording it on the camera on his phone ?
Why did he fail to come to the aid of a fellow officer in trouble?

09    Eventually, I did re-gain entry to the room.   As shown on videorecordings,  inside,  it was pan-demonium.  I counted over 150 people sitting in chairs and standing against the walls.  From what they were yelling,  and their signage, and the noisemakers they were using,  nearly all of them were there only to stifle Jenn Smith.   Repeatedly, the mob leaders boasted loudly
“this is not going ahead”   The two Oak Bay plain clothes officers could not have been ignorant that criminal offences were being committed. Yet they did nothing to stop the riot.  Why not?!    Only an hour later did uniformed police officers arrive.

10      The story in my family, is : that our grandfather James A Turner was the first police constable in Oak Bay. I distinctly recall my grandmother showing me his badge.   During the Uproar on May 2nd 2019 one of the most obnoxious of the characters mocked those of us who’d come to hear Jenn Smith speak, yelling
White supremecists! Nazis!!   Shame!    What would your grandparents say?!”

I was tempted to respond but I’d already learned that being logical is a waste of breath when dealing with communists.   I stayed quiet while gathering evidence of the crimes being committed.   Before leasing the Uplands farm = where UVic is today = Jim Turner had been a real cowboy … a long lanky Scotsman tough as nails, a man of few words.    His answer to their taunt would’ve been to wade-in and single-handedly sort out the whole bunch of them.

11     My paternal grandfather George Watson,  was with the Canadian Expeditionary Force, gassed at Ypres in WW One.   My mother grew up in Oak Bay, trained at the Jubilee, then went as a Canadian Army Nursing sister in the Italian theatre of War WW 2.   In WW2 my father fought with the Royal Canadian Regiment in Italy.    He got his 3rd  woundstripe in the Korean war,  blown up by a landmine.   He survived … the three other soldiers in the jeep, didn’t. I knew Wally Herzog, who was with the RCR at Kap Yong when a small contingent of Canadian soldiers stood off THOUSANDS  of Red Chinese communist soldiers coming at them in human waves.   A dozen other members of my family whom I can name, put on the uniform of the Armed Forces of the Dominion of Canada in order to fight the enemies of freedom on foreign soil.
My citizenship in this country was bought and paid-for in blood sweat and tears.
So my answer to the thugs who invaded that political meeting,   is :

      My people didn’t go to war half way ‘round the world so communist agitators and their entourage of fools can get away with terrorism in my own neighbourhood.
I am not going to stand by and let enemies of freedom prevail here.  

12     It is crucial that all-concerned appreciate that Freedom of Expression is a 2–way street : its reciprocal is = the right to receive information. Particularly – information previously un-known to the listener.   That’s how human beings learn.


13    Men and women of my parents’ and grandparents’ generations would’ve been astonished at the insane premise of those promoting ‘trans-gender-ism” :  ie.  ‘a man can become a woman, or vice-versa’.  Not for a minute would they have put up with rioters interferring with someone repudiating that nonsense in a public meeting

14     the Freedomfreeforall people have a recording which they claim is an admission by an officer on the Oak Bay Police force.  It can be viewed/ heard at the URL


15   IF that recording is authentic, then what went on at the Uproar at the Windsor Pavilion on May 2nd 2019 is an extremely serious matter.  It appears Mayor Murdoch conspired ahead of time to bring about circumstances wherein the mob would cause trouble, while he ordered police not to do their duty. Calls to ECOM 911 were dealt with other than  according to proper policy.    If it’s true that the Mayor knew police were NOT going to enforce the law , thus police misconduct that evening was not simple negligence and he was party to an agreement to aid and abet the ringleaders,   then Mayor Kevin Murdoch is an accomplice before the fact of their crimes.

16      FOR CONTEXT :  It is incumbent upon the council of Oak Bay to familiarize yourselves with what went on on the precinct of the Legislature on September 29th 2018.  That day,  about a hundred citizens showed up, with a permit from the Protocol officer of the Legislature, to listen to Jenn Smith and other speakers warn and inform parents and taxpayers and electors, about the wicked SOGI123 program, being imposed in the public school system.    About a hundred people of the same ilk as the mob at the Uproar at Willow Park,  were there too,   very loudly voicing their protests against what Jenn Smith and the Christian preacher were saying.   Enclosed find a copy of my complaint to the Victoria Police Chief.   Hope Warren, in particular, made himself very visible and obnoxious, thrusting high his fist clenched in the classic communist symbol.   The only reason the mob didn’t do the same thing on September 29th 2018 as they did on May 2nd 2019 in Oak Bay, is because there were 30 uniformed police on site,  walking through the crowd on the grounds of the Legislature.    Some of whom were in uniform of the Oak Bay police.      Point being : someone had a good idea of what was going to go on, ie. the protest.  And whoever that someone was, they’d arranged for a large contingent of police to be present

17     FOR CONTEXT :   It is incumbent upon the council of Oak Bay to familiarize yourselves with what went on, on June 2nd 2019 at the City Light church in Victoria.  That evening,  at least 20 Victoria City uniformed police officers along with several plainclothes officers were on site confronting the ragtag bunch of bizarrely-costumed clowns / lewd fellows of the baser sort / stunted adolescents who were there for no good reason but to revile Jenn Smith as well as the members of the audience entering the Church. The police prevented protesters from disrupting the meeting so Mr Smith had no trouble presenting his political opinion to an audience of about 100.

18     FOR CONTEXT       It is incumbent upon the council of Oak Bay to familiarize yourselves with what went on on June 15th 2019 at Robson Square in Vancouver. There, Kari Simpson / Culture Guard convened a meeting in which speakers denounced implementation of the SOGI123 program in public schools.   On site were 40 uniformed officers from the Vancouver Police. As well,  Kari Simpson contracted privately with India’s largest security company. A dozen brown men literally linked arms with white men … white nationalists,  imagine that !!!   making a circle of protection around her and the other speakers.

As my old man used to say  “nothing is so useless it can’t at least be used as a bad example”.    Taken together, these  4  incidents exemplify how local governments ought to act, contrasted with the outrage that went on in Oak Bay.  At the very least, you were grossly negligent in your duty to maintain the Peace and Dignity of Her Majesty the Queen in the face of pre-arranged criminal activity.    But I think it’s worse than just that much.    What happened at the Uproar at Willow Park perfectly demonstrates how communists incite violence as part of their strategy to “own the streets / own the public square”.  When they get away with it, they insolently threaten more of the same,  intimidating managers of public places from permitting them to be used by someone whom the communists hate … wickedness prevails when chickenshit governors cave in to terrorism :  that would be you.

19     I and about,  maybe, 2 dozen others,  showed up expecting to hear an intelligent discourse directly on-point of NDP government policy.  We walked in to a trap set by the Mayor of Oak Bay in cahoots with thugs Ryan Painter, Rose Henry,  Hope Warren et al. as doing their damn’d’st to intimidate us.   Which is the crime of conspiring to commit an indictable offence, to wit :  calculated interference in our right to security of the Person.

20       The Apotemnophilic cult imposing its IN-sanity on us is only the latest example of the madness of crowds ; people will be hurt as it destroys itself, but this, too,  shall pass.   What really matters,  is,  what my friend Doug Christie said       “Freedom of Speech  IS  the issue”
All-concerned better get this much straight : I am not going to just let the dust settle so the Uproar remains as a trophy for idiots who interferrred with my right to freedom of association ; freedom of expression ; freedom to participate in the democratic process.    I demand the Corporation of the District of Oak Bay remedy your fault so that the enemies of Free Speech do not prevail.
I claim that the Mayor and Council of Oak Bay owe to me, and to others who attended that event in good faith,  yet whose rights were similarly ruined by the Breach of Trust of Mayor Murdoch

   FIRST : an apology from Kevin Murdoch in his capacity as Mayor for him having encouraged criminal activity

SECOND : an admission of wrongdoing, more particularly :  that the Mayor’s public statements to do with the then-upcoming presentation did effectively incite the mob to breach the Peace

THIRD : an admission of wrongdoing, more particularly that the Mayor and others whom he is obliged to name – did act with malice to bring about a circumstance preventing both my right to hear what Jenn Smith had to say and also my right to dialogue with Mr Smith on his topic

FOURTH : an admission of wrongdoing ; more particularly, that the Mayor and “the managers”  – as mentioned in freedom free-for-all’s recording of the police officer – who ordered police to do nothing while the riot formed and proceeded, were grossly negligent in their duty to uphold the law.

FIFTH  :  payment to me of an amount of money commensurate with the seriousness of the insults to my rights as well as torts visited upon me at that Uproar,  all of which were directly caused by the Mayor and others conspiring to deny police services which
I – and other right-thinking citizens there at the melee –  were entitled to expect

                                                           Gordon S Watson

suite #4    5177 William Head Road    Metchosin    British Columbia    V9C 4H5



Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director


June 21, 2019


Hon. David Lametti,

Minister of Justice,

House of Commons,

Ottawa, ON.,

K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Lametti:


RE: Please Don’t Reintroduce Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Code


I read in the National Post (June 20, 2019) that  you are considering “very carefully” a recommendation by the Commons Justice Committee to reintroduce the discredited Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act which was repealed by Parliament in 2013. Please don’t do it.


Sec. 13 made it a discriminatory practice to repeatedly communicate over the Internet material that is “likely to expose to hatred or contempt” a long list of privileged groups.


I represented a number of the victims of this section at Tribunals. Our organization the Canadian Association for Free Expression participated in a number of other Tribunals including the very complex Warman v Lemire.


In practice, Sec. 13 meant certain groups  were virtually immune from criticism. While hatred is a very strong emotion, contempt is merely the result of  negative commentary. To take  a neutral example, were I to say smokers had bad breath, discoloured teeth, stained fingers, smelled and ran added risks of cancer or strokes, I would not be exposing smokers to hatred. I wouldn’t be asking anyone to hate smokers but I would certainly be creating an unfavourable impression of them, and, thus, exposing them to contempt. Thus, were smokers a privileged groups, I’d risk a conviction under Sec. 13.


As time went on, Tribunal rulings held that it was not necessary to prove that anyone actually felt or expressed hatred or contempt as a result of the impugned posting. In the Lemire case, logs showed that only five people had ever even read one impugned post. Surely a case of de minimis! It also emerged that truth was not a defence, sincerely held religious belief was not a defence nor was opinion or commentary.


Indeed, there actually were no defences, except, perhaps, that the accused person had not posted the controversial material in question. Thus, until the Lemire case, Sec. 13 had a one hundred per cent conviction rate. This would rival the vile legal system of North Korea!


After 2001, when Sec. 13 was amended to specifically include material on the Internet, one individual, Richard Warman, a driven “anti-Nazi” campaigner and sometime employee of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, made the bulk of the complaints, turning it into an industry and, at times a profitable one too for, should the victim post criticisms of Mr. Warman after he filed a complaint, he would then allege retaliation, which exposed the victim to a punitive fine.


Sec. 13 was only used against people seen to be on the “right” of the political spectrum. No person expressing strident opinions against Christians or Europeans was ever prosecuted.


Much is made of so-called “hate speech” on the Internet. The Internet is not a free for all. Postings expressing extreme hatred can and have been prosecuted under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Those who denounce “hate speech” are using a loaded term to demonize views they don’t like. The accusation of “hate speech” tells you little about the content of the impugned material but does tell you that it is material the accuser hates!


The Internet allows a much greater range of views and commentary and a more free wheeling debate, especially on such volatile issues as immigration, than usually appears in Canada’s fairly controlled press that tends to limit the range of acceptable opinions. Such freedom and the divergent voices being heard are upsetting to people who would like a much more controlled public discourse.


I have seen lives ruined by Sec. 13 — huge fines and life-long “cease and desist orders” that have the force of a Federal Court order. I have seen individuals jailed for nothing more than the non-violent expression of their political views.


I urge you to choose freedom. Reject calls for the reintroduction of Sec. 13. Yes, there is some extreme, foolish and insulting material on the Internet. Open discussion and debate tend to isolate and  expose such postings. Canada needs more speech and debate not less. Do not bring back Sec. 13.


Sincerely yours,



Paul Fromm






Penguin orders independent review of book over antisemitism claims

Penguin orders independent review of book over antisemitism claims

Alison Flood

Julia Neuberger to analyse Pedro Baños’s How They Rule the World, which includes passages about the Rothschild family

‘Clearly expresses robust opinions’ … Pedro Baños

Penguin Random House has asked Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger to independently review one of its books, Pedro Baños’s How They Rule the World, after allegations of antisemitism made against the author continue to grow.

Concerns had been raised over imprint Ebury’s decision to cut 30,000 words from the English-language edition of the Spanish book, including passages about the Rothschild family, a banking dynasty often subject to antisemitic conspiracy theories. Baños, a colonel in the Spanish army, had also called the Rothschilds “dominant” and has compared them to the Illuminati in interviews. The cover of both the English and Spanish editions also features octopus tentacles – imagery long associated with antisemitism.

Ebury said last week that it had undertaken a thorough review into the book and concluded that while the author “clearly expresses robust opinions”, they had found no evidence of antisemitism. But on Friday, Ebury asked Neuberger to conduct an external review of both the English language and a translation of the Spanish edition of the book, along with any other aspects that she feels are relevant to making an overall assessment. Neuberger – author of Antisemitism: What It Is. What It Isn’t. Why It Matters – was also asked by the publisher to consult with a small number of other independent experts.

Neuberger, who has not finished her review, told Radio 4 on Monday that the UK edition of the book was definitely not antisemitic and said it was unfair to describe the tentacle imagery as antisemitic, saying it had been used to denote people controlling other people since the 19th century.

Looking at the 30,000 words cut from the Spanish edition, she said Baños’ writing “betray[s] a sort of fascination” with the Rothschilds, “that they’re very powerful and very rich and sort of secretive”.

She told the Today programme: “It’s not antisemitic in itself, but it hints at stuff about the Jewish conspiracies: powerful, half-hidden, secretive groups mainly of Jewish men bankers. That all goes back to something called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is a fake – it was proved to be a fake actually in London in 1921 – but nevertheless it keeps reappearing..

“I think what would push it over the line is if he’s known to have made lots of allusions, if you like, to some kind of Jewish conspiracy. Because that is antisemitism. I think where people allege that there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the world or control banking or whatever it is, that is antisemitism … because it evokes the stuff about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and we know that that itself is pretty nasty.”

She said there were some questions to be asked about the edits that were made, and that Baños’s past needed to be looked at more closely.

Penguin Random House chief executive Tom Weldon said the external review was “an unusual step, which is a mark of how seriously we view the complaints made and the complexity and sensitivity of the issues involved”.

He added: “We will give full consideration to the review and any conclusions and recommendations it makes within the context of our long-held commitment to publish responsibly across a spectrum of opinion and a diversity of voices.”




Whatcott hate crimes and prayer needs update

Postby Bill Whatcott » Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:25 pm

Dear Friends,

My next court date is Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 at the Ontario Superior Court, 361 University St, Toronto. My lawyer requested I be at the Superior Court for 9:30 am.

Please continue to pray for my case. For those who don’t know, I have been charged with a hate crime for infiltrating the Toronto Homosexual Shame parade with the Gospel and accurate information on the negative health and spiritual implications of homosexuality while disguised as a “gay” zombie. You can read about our charitable, clever, and Gospel oriented stunt here:


My counsel has informed me the Crown Prosecutor is seeking 18 months in prison.

Anyways, the oppression against those Christians who dare to speak out against Sodom is getting worse in Canada and it is not only me who is facing criminal charges now.

A Christian Street Preacher by the name of David Lynn is facing criminal charges for politely preaching the Gospel in Toronto’s homosexual district. His charge is a fairly minor summary offense (Causing a Disturbance) and he won’t be going to jail, but still the fact he is facing criminal charges at all for the polite preaching that you can see in the video below is a testament to the erosion of freedom of speech in Canada as the LGBT agenda advances in all aspects of our society.

When you remember to pray for me, also please remember to pray for justice for David Lynn.

Please also pray for my friend Brother Phil, and the other Christian brothers involved in this confrontation. … lebration/

To put it bluntly the Hamilton Spectator and the NDP politician quoted in this story are speading fake news AKA lying. I know Brother Phil and have preached with him and his friends before. They did not come to the parade to start a fight. Though you wouldn’t know it from this fake news story, actually Antifa came to the Hamilton parade prepared for a fight and indeed they started it. Brother Phil was punched several times in the face and was swarmed by multiple Antifa members. To what I could gather Phil was hurt but never hit back and because it was at least 3 on one, might not even have been able to hit back if he wanted. Some of the other Christian brothers did fight back to defend themselves after extreme provocations.

Sadly, I doubt the police or the courts will be interested in the truth. It seems the media and political establishment are trying to use this disturbing incident as a pretext to shut down legitimate dissent on issues such as homosexual activism and uncontrolled immigration. In the news article the left is calling for right wing and socially conservative protests to be banned in front of city hall.

In my past experience dealing with Antifa (once they attacked my preaching venue in Calgary in 2017 and more than 100 of them attacked a pro-life rally I helped organize at Queen’s Park in 1999) is even though they injured people on my side, used weapons on both occassions, and at my Toronto demonstation even attacked the police and injured one of their horses; the Antifa thugs never went to trial and were never convicted of any crimes. Christians who speak out against abortion and homosexuality on the other hand do go to jail in this country, even when they are completely non violent. I fear charges will be laid against the Christian brothers who defended themselves, but we will not see a single homosexual activist or Antifa member get charged with anything even though the far left thugs punched the preachers repeatedly and destroyed their property. Please pray for these brothers and for our country.

After I left the law office today, I bicycled down Queen Street West and I noted how prolific and open the homosexual propaganda was on the private businesses in Toronto’s west side.

Urban Barn home furniture store has queered their window

Toronto’s pizza stores have jumped on the queer bandwagon too

Even Soufi’s Syrian Arab restaurant wants to appear pro-LGBT. Note the women in conservative Muslim attire chatting in the window while the business has a sign above the door advertising its self as “676 Queer St. West”

These businesses are a small sampling of the numerous business seeking to identify themselves with LGBT activism in Toronto’s west end. Perhaps as many as a 1/3 of the businesses are openly promoting homosexuality on Queen Street between Bay and Bathurst Streets.

Many Torontotonions claim either there is no God or if they believe in the existance of a god, their god has no relevance to their lives. However, the reality is if someone gets rid of the real God it seems they will replace the real God with something else. The new religion in Toronto as far as I can tell is LGBT. This new god will not satisfy Toronto’s spiritual needs, but in their mad rush to worship at the false god’s altar many lives will be ruined and in the process many fundamental freedoms will be lost.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.”
Psalm 40:4

OCLA opposes the international campaign to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitismO

OCLA opposes the international campaign to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism

The OCLA endorses the recently expressed position of the BCCLA.

Whereas the OCLA and the BCCLA (and the CCLA) are distinct and separate organizations, the OCLA nonetheless also opposes the international campaign to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which is targeting all levels of government in Canada, as well as universities, police, and other authorities.

In this context, the OCLA opposes the “hate speech” provisions of the Criminal Code. The said provisions are distinct from the “threat of violence”, “harassment” and “coercion” provisions, are contrary to international law, remove the State’s onus to prove actual harm to any actual specific victim, and are incompatible with democratic values. Further, the said provisions are susceptible to erosion and practical abuse from political campaigns such as the IHRA campaign.

The OCLA has the position that the State should stay clear of societal debates, no matter how distasteful or “harmful” some participants may find expressed opinions and beliefs. There is no body of science that establishes a causal link between negative or extreme views expressed in society at large and individual or mass crimes. Advancing such a link is equivalent to advancing any other baseless pretext for State censorship.

You-Tube – Bring back the ‘Brian Ruhe Show’ — Sign the Petition

You-Tube – Bring back the ‘Brian Ruhe Show’ — Sign the Petition

YouTube is killing free speech.  Interesting commentators – such as Brian Ruhe (The Brian Ruhe Show) – are being deleted. We all benefits from learning from others, so lets support those good people, such as Brian Ruhe, that are only guilty of voicing their opinions and giving others a platform to do the same.

Reasons for signing

Sign this petition and be the first to add your comment.