Transgendered Threaten Protest & Jordan Peterson Cancelled Out of Ryerson
Jim Rizoli interviews Paul Fromm, Aug 18, 2017, discussing the Tribute to Ernst Zundel and the manufactured crisis that is called CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, violence compliments of the Alt-Left.
Visit the post for more.
“[A]fter matching user names to posts on social-media profiles, [AirBNB] canceled dozens of reservations made by self-identified Nazis who were using its app to find rooms in Charlottesville, where they were heading to protest the removal of a Confederate statue,” reports Bloomberg News.
Uber is now telling drivers “they don’t have to pick up racists;” PayPal is revoking payment services to “sites that promote racial intolerance,” reports Bloomberg; and “Discover Financial Services, the credit card company, said this week that it was ending its agreements with hate groups.”
These corporate thought police will be remembered. A New Order will find ways to punish them for corporate irresponsibility and wholesale violation of White People’s rights.
Tags: Airbnb, Apple, Facebook, intolerance, KKK, Ministry of Truth, neo-nazis, PayPal, progressivism, racism, social justice, thought police, Utopia
(Natural News) A new “cyber dark ages” has descended upon the internet as Apple, AirBNB, Facebook and other tech companies have decided that Neo-Nazis must be banned from everything. Tech companies are the new “thought police” of America.
“[A]fter matching user names to posts on social-media profiles, [AirBNB] canceled dozens of reservations made by self-identified Nazis who were using its app to find rooms in Charlottesville, where they were heading to protest the removal of a Confederate statue,” reports Bloomberg News.
Uber is now telling drivers “they don’t have to pick up racists;” PayPal is revoking payment services to “sites that promote racial intolerance,” reports Bloomberg; and “Discover Financial Services, the credit card company, said this week that it was ending its agreements with hate groups.”
Neo-Nazis are offensive to every reasonable person, of course, but these actions beg the question: Do “offensive” people no longer have the right to participate in the infrastructure of modern society? And who decides, exactly, which people qualify as the most offensive and deserving of being cut off from the very society in which they live?
That’s why today, I’m calling for all municipal water services to be cut off from all racists, Neo-Nazis and KKK members. Heck, why stop there? Why should electricity services be provided to Nazi sympathizers? Shouldn’t local power companies cut off their electricity, too?
In fact, come to think of it, why stop at just Neo-Nazis? I think that in the name of “inclusiveness” and “tolerance,” water and power services should be completely cut off from those who do not worship transgenderism, praise Black Lives Matter and donate 10% of their paychecks to the Southern Poverty Law Center. And Amazon should cut off Prime memberships to Neo-Nazis, too, just to make sure they can’t watch free movies and stuff. (Come to think of it, how many Nazi supporters are also Netflix members? Gosh, Netflix should really cut off those sh#theads and make sure they can’t watch movies.)
In fact, let’s just be honest here. All Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters and gun owners should frankly be denied the right to oxygen. Breathing should be criminalized for those who do not wholeheartedly agree with toppling all “offensive” statues, defacing Mount Rushmore, worshiping Obama and nullifying the 2016 president election. In fact, if you aren’t gay, transgender, lesbian, queer or “gender fluid,” you really have no right to exist at all. I mean, that’s where this is going, right?
Sewer services should also be cut off from all Trump supporters so they have to live in their own sh#t. And all gas stations should deny gasoline to anyone whose vehicle doesn’t carry a rainbow pride bumper sticker. In fact, let’s just ban use of all highways to anyone who isn’t a Leftist. Why should conservatives have the right to use public roads paid by “progressive” taxpayers, anyway?
F#ck it, let’s go all out here. All counties across America should deny “racists” the right to own private property. Why should “intolerant” people be allowed the right to own a home, anyway? After all, they might use private homes to hold “KKK” meetings or Bible study or something. This has got to stop! I say all county clerks should go through all the photographs of people who participated in Neo-Nazi rallies of any kind, and then seize their property. Hell yeah. That should finally achieve “peace” for our nation, right?
But then, why stop there? Let’s just burn down all the white neighborhoods just to be sure we get all the “racists.” Ban all credit cards for conservatives, then ban their cash, too, just to make sure they can’t actually buy anything. While we’re at it, let’s all just deny white people any right to work at any job whatsoever, making sure they can’t earn the cash to buy cars that they might use as ramming vehicles. And then deny food stamps for all White people, too, because why should obvious racists have the right to eat?
Oh, come to think of it, we should also ban white people from owning all cars, because those are weapons, too. From now on, all cars can only be driven by people of color. That’s how we finally achieve fairness, justice and equality, you see.
Once we ban all the water, electricity, oxygen, food, private property, internet access, money and jobs of all White people — and burn down their homes, post-birth abort their babies and silence their voices — we can all finally live in peace and tranquility in our new society rooted in “justice” and “equality.” Right? …Right?
Yep, all this will finally make America “tolerant” again, complete with all the imagined diversity that comes from totalitarianism and stupidity pretending to be “progressivism.” Thank God AirBNB, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and PayPal are leading the way to the new society of tolerance and peace, because for a minute there, I was afraid things were getting out of hand.
Finally the Mystery is solved.
Having watched PM Boy Wonder in office for almost two years now, many of us wonder why, oh why….
He swallows the entire LGBTQwerty agenda, without drawing the line at Ontario bill 89? A bill which, should it become law, could allow social workers to remove children from parents who reject transgender ideology.
Why he doesn’t criticize the University of Toronto for harassing Professor Jordan Peterson for standing up for Standard English and male/female pronouns?
Why he doesn’t threaten to cut funding to universities which will not guarantee free speech on campus or ensure that professors are not shouted down in the classroom?
Why he didn’t stand up for free speech and withdraw Motion 103 which if translated into law, will make criticism of an ideology — Islam — illegal?
Why, while attending a Mosque, didn’t he tell the imam that sharia law in regards to the rights of women, apostates and gays was antithetical to Canadian values?
Why didn’t he deploy officers, and if need be, soldiers, to border crossings where illegal migrants were pouring in?
Why didn’t he make a clear statement that he will protect and assert Canada’s sovereignty and secure the borders?
Why didn’t he say that covering one’s face at a citizenship ceremony or in any official, public event was unacceptable and counter to Canadian values? Why doesn’t draw the line at wearing niqabs?
Well, finally we have our answer. The mystery is solved:
Zuendel in 1968 with a full head of hair, and fluent in English and French as well as his native German, speaks at the Liberal Party leadership convention in 1968. He called for an end to German-bashing movies on Canadian tv. Of course, he was ignored by the sheeple — and they voted for the toxic narcissist Pierre Trudeau.
I dedicate this blog to a special supporter, a friend in need who’s a friend indeed …. whereas getting help from others is, well, like pulling teeth. 😉
We have known few men who have loved our people and our civilization more than he did. It is not an exaggeration to say that he gave his life for love of them.
The great Ernst Zündel, whom I knew, died two days ago a heart attack (natural or induced, that is the question) in his native Calmbach in the famous Black Forest of Germany.
I rejoice in his wonderful karma, the result of a heroic, selfless life, committed to his race, his people and the truth. The angels now are giving him HIGH-FIVES!
Way back in the 1960s he was already getting active and actually was a speaker at, of all things, the Liberal Party convention in 1968, running for party leader! Zuendel got up and to the amazement of theblasé, denounced anti-German movies on TV. 😉 But he was a new face, and the now infamous Pierre Trudeau beat out him and the others.
I sat in on the hearing today and was shocked when I got home and read the twitter account of Warren Kinsella and his related tweets from the hearing today. There’s good reason why my editor Dr. James Sears has referred to Mr. Kinsella as a pathological liar.
In his tweets from the hearing room today Kinsella referred to the Board members as “Cranky” and the lawyers who presented briefs today as “Neo-Nazi lawyers” and of course he referred to us as “Neo Nazi’s” and Mr. Paul Fromm as a “white supremacist” as part of his on going campaign to slander and libel the paper and anyone involved with it.
I consider Mr. Kinsella’s berating and mocking attitude toward the review process as detrimental and so have decided to send you links to the tweets he sent out today so you can be aware of what he is doing to derail this process.
===Lawrence McCurry===