Joe Fallisi

John Kaminski.png

I have had to remain silent for a few days, not only because my computer stopped breathing just after I read, dumbfounded, the news of the death of my friend John Kaminski (of whose illness, unfortunately, I was unaware), but also because I knew that someone very dear to me would no longer read my messages, and would no longer send me any.

It is heartbreaking, but there it is: the further we advance in years, the more we see those we love slipping away, like leaves that a breath of wind suddenly drops (often without any warning) back to Mother Earth.

Years ago I had read some of his articles online and had been so impressed by this NON-Yankee American writer, who understood the essentials (who was, first and foremost, and why, the Enemy of the good, the beautiful, the true, nature, animals, humanity – even the American people themselves)… I wrote to him with sincere admiration and he wrote back immediately. From then on we became friends, and his e-mail address went on my mailing list, as did mine on his.

He even generously wanted to do an interview with me, and I was very honored… I was only sorry that my English was rudimentary and broken, but for him this did not constitute any problem. And he had the same generosity when, sua sponte, he sent me some of his books, precious jewels that I will keep forever.

Thoughtful, kind, sensitive, with an intelligence full of light and always open to new acquisitions, new discoveries, John was like an eternal child explorer of the world and himself. We disagreed on some of his conspiracy theories, but it did not matter because in the background, in the essentials, precisely, we were always in complete agreement.

John, also in this NOT Yankee, hated the hellish kosherbadmusic that became “pop” after 1945, after the catastrophe of National Socialist Germany, of Europe, of civilization. Thus he wrote to me in an email dated January 6, 2024: “Church choral music has long been my favorite musical genre, Gabriel Fauré my favorite composer, and Cantique de Jean Racine my favorite song.” I had just sent him this very short masterpiece by the French composer, and it was a joy for me to read his words.

Before he flew into another dimension, as if he felt that his own departure was near and that he had to write something fundamental and comprehensive on a crucially important subject, he published eight beautiful essays (8, number of cosmic balance and symbol of Infinity) on his site entitled “RELIGION IS A MIND CONTROL DEVICE.” Now the site is no longer online, but I hope someone capable of doing so will save all its contents and other writings of the great John Kaminski on, one of the few, last oases of freedom of thought and expression

Dear John, I hope with all my heart to see you again in the Elysian Fields.


 Ernst Zündel
  and the wicked silence
 He gave his life so everyone could be free
or you can read this at
By John Kaminski
I can’t think of another person who has had a larger impact on the way people think than Ernst Zündel. By standing up to the powers that be, and with a lot of help from his friends, he got the Supreme Court of Canada to eventually and begrudgingly validate the truth of what he was saying.
He got Holocaust Revisionism verified as a real subject with real questions about the historical record, and about the lies that continue to be told that utterly distort the truth of the world.
Of course, the truth never matters when it opposes the designs of the ever present Deep State,
So far from being able to celebrate his landmark legal victory with his friends, instead Zündel suffered years of imprisonment (at least seven, that we know of) and a permanent ban on public speaking that lasted right up until a few days ago when a heart attack took him away forever.
And all this because they found him innocent!
The charges were all spurious, never clearly defined. He was initially charged with a hate crime for publishing a book by Richard Harwood (a pseudonym) titled “Did Six Million Really Die?” Two trials drew Revisionist experts from all over the world, and they demolished all the fictional Jewish claims. Somewhere along the line somebody blew up Zündel’s house.
(Since that time, officials at the Auschwitz site have lowered their supposed death toll from 4 million to 1.4 million, but using Jewish mathematics, commentators on the Jewish TV networks continue to use the 6 million figure.)
So after being illegally kidnapped in Tennessee, abused for two years in Canada (they never turned out the lights in his cell and made him write with a pencil stub), they shipped him to Germany for five more years in a prison system in which the truth is no defense because it has been declared irrelevant by law. Since World War II German courts have been totally polluted by perverted logic; so unjust are they today that Zündel’s lawyer Sylvia Stolz got five years for trying to defend him.
  The wicked silence
This is the great silence, the wicked silence, where the great powers declare what can be known and what cannot.
We are not allowed to know who our government murders surreptitiously, and we may not challenge the macabre Jewish death fantasies about World War II. Some 271,000 souls was the final camp death toll compiled by the Associated Press in 1946; some $28 billion in Holocaust reparations has been collected by Jewish judges as payment for suffering by survivors of the celebrated 6 million, which is a story the Jews have used to solicit sympathy for themselves since the late 1800s.
Even the grandchildren of Holocaust relatives can collect payments for the trauma they have experienced listening to their parents bewail the suffering they have endured
Because the Jews essentially control the media worldwide (the Rothschilds even bought the Associated Press a few years back), opposition to Jewish lies is seldom reported. The most important issues of our lifetime — 9/11 and the World Wars — were all precipitated by high powered banker finagling, yet virtually no reporting on this can be found in any of the mainstream newspaper archives.
What happened to Zündel and hundreds of his philosophical compatriots trying to rescue the unfairly besmirched reputation of Germany is now happening in America in Oregon and Las Vegas as people who believed they could depend on their Constitution, after more than a year in abusive solitary confinement and only doublespeak from the court, now believe otherwise.
One innocent bystander has already cleverly plea bargained his way to a life sentence, and all the others involved in the Bundy standoff of 2014 or the Oregon standoff in 2016 have undergone something truly appropriate for our new American Gulag, criminal abuse by private prison guards and preposterous restrictions by a power mad judge. Observers of this kangaroo court insist the government’s objective is to never let these people out of jail at all.
The legal situation in America now more resembles the Jewish/Soviet totalitarian model of government than a Constitutional republic, where no appeal against the lawless decisions of a criminal government is possible.
Just as Zundel and his lawyer could not argue against his sentence without breaking more German laws, the corrupt judge in the Bundy trial permits no analysis of the government’s behavior at all.
The complete takeover of Western ranchlands by the Bureau of Land Management may not be mentioned. Remember, the BLM goons were stealing and killing Cliven Bundy’s cattle over a controversial decision by the government to nationalize rangeland on which the Bundy family cattle had grazed since the 1800s.
This question has not been resolved in the courts, but for merely pointing out that BLM’s arbitrary seizures of Western lands, the Bundys and many of their faithful supporters face life in prison from a court system definitely disinterested in the welfare of ordinary people who get in the way of government corruption.
American courts are becoming more like Germany every day. And everywhere in the world free speech is disappearing if you don’t adhere to the principles of the Jewish bankers who now inarguably control every person’s destiny.
Media mindlock
What stands out to me in both the cases of Zündel and the Bundys and their friends is the apathetic response of the public to anyone who is at least making the attempt to stand up for the rights of all of us.
If they don’t see it on TV or read it in the newspapers it’s not really real to them. But worse than that, if they do see it on TV, or read it in the newspaper, they regard it as real. And this has given rise to practically every falsehood we believe in this life.
As the best known publicist for the truth of World War II, Zündel spent the last decade of his life unable to publicly address the issues most important to him. In his absence, however, the Revisionist message has sprung up like mushrooms all across the Internet and most especially on the Jewish-controlled Facebook.
The government that controls us now demands our complete silence about the crimes it has committed and the lies it has told.
Ultimately Ernst Zündel gave his life for our freedom. He refused to be cowed by Jewish lies, and returned the abuse he got from his captors with a stoic dignity that inspired his many followers. He paid a very high price for telling the truth.
No doubt authorities are pleased by the treatment Zündel received, and hope others will be dissuaded from emulating his behavior. Unfortunately for them, the opposite has happened. Inspired by Zündel’s example, the corps of truth tellers has expanded greatly and largely perfected its analysis of World War II, which proves there were no gas chambers, that Hitler only wanted peace, and that Roosevelt strong-armed all the countries in Europe in wiping out Germany once and forever, a goal which today appears to have been achieved.
In fact the real heart of darkness in World War II belonged to the Allies, in the torture of Dresden, the phony trials at Nuremberg and the premeditated starvation of Germans after the war. This is how the Jews rewarded the Germans for their hospitality. We Americans are feeling it now.
We all failed Ernst Zündel by not protesting with sufficient loudness his unjust treatment by corrupt authorities who are enriched by putting Jewish interests above the rest of humanity’s. This includes the entire U.S. Congress.
And we are failing now as men who stood up for the Constitution remain incarcerated under duress by corrupt politicians, held without bail for only protesting federal encroachment on private lands when no-bail is by law reserved only for murderers and traitors.
For the government to call these ranchers terrorists is truly the pot calling the kettle black.
All of us who believed what Ernst Zündel said and did is the real way honest human beings should act. Today this personality type is being systematically exterminated on all levels by a vicious campaign to replace us with a population totally unable to think critically and willing to go along with the crime if the salary is adequate.
However we slice it, as long as we fail to object to the abuse of others who are assaulted for trying to help the common good, we consign ourselves to a future governed by the wicked silence of people who are afraid to speak the truth, who have been intimidated for fear of earning the wrath of the people who rule them.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

The Rizoli Rebellion: Tenacious brothers battle immigration epidemic and Holocaust hoax

The Rizoli Rebellion: Tenacious brothers battle immigration epidemic and Holocaust hoax

. (March 2016) Their motto: Exercise the courage of your convictions By John Kaminski –

I know a lot of keyboard warriors. Heck, I’m one myself, trying to convince people of the dangers we face without actually confronting them in the real world. Though my advice might be authentic, my actions are not, because I’m not out there in public battling the tyrants and swindlers who are busy ripping us off and killing those who oppose them.

Am I afraid of suffering the harsh penalties incurred by so many who have challenged the powers that be? You bet I am. Do I know the day will come when I will be forced into open warfare with the people who run our country and have turned it into a giant prison system? Absolutely I do. It could happen any day now. And each day this unpleasant but vital task inevitably draws closer.

Though I am definitely a member of an exclusive club that has tried for decades to alert my fellow citizens to the lethal danger we face living in a society governed by ruthless  bankers who have no real point to their lives other than stealing from others and murdering those who stand in their way, my admiration really goes out to my compatriots who step out from behind their keyboards and wade out into the public chaos to defend the courage of their convictions and expose the constant and profound crimes that are being perpetrated by our owners against ordinary people who don’t ever quite seem to grasp the danger of their own predicament and how near they are to losing everything, including their own lives.

I’ve observed Jim Rizoli stepping out into the public spotlight for ten years now, first as a courageous protester of this strange and mysterious epidemic of foreign born illegal aliens being inserted into towns all across America, seriously diminishing the lives of native-born Americans who have worked all their lives for their modest piece of the pie. They have been constantly betrayed by their own leaders.

Some might consider what Rizoli is doing as tilting at windmills, but others of a more intelligent nature realize he is a 21st century patriot running at top speed to try and prevent the descent of the United States into a thoughtless prison camp dominated by aliens from the Third World and the Warsaw ghetto.

This surreptitious sabotage of American culture has grown to epidemic proportions with a deliberate but secret program of importing Third World aliens into the U.S. that has wracked big cities and small towns with ungrateful non-English speaking migrants who overload social systems and steal jobs from unemployed locals who need them.

And more lately, Rizoli has become the chronicler of one of the great hoaxes of the 20th century, a lucrative scam that has persisted into the 21st century as disingenuous Jews continue to swindle governments around the world with their heinous heist known as Holocaust reparations.

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He has done this by undertaking a series of YouTube videos aptly titled the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, introducing to the public those heroic truth tellers who have been savaged by the poisoned mainstream media yet have persevered to correct the damaging Jewish lies that not only caused the destruction of Germany back in World War II, but are now wrecking America and Europe with their Jewishcentric political correctness that encourages perversion, anarchy and dependence on government to destroy a thousands of years old family structure that has been the bulwark of civilization and now teeters on the brink of ruin.

“The Holocaust is like a wheel with spokes that extend out from the center and poison all areas of human activity,” Rizoli likes to say.
He, like so many of us, has seen far too much of it. But he, like so few of us, has been slugging away at the corrupt basis of it for more than a decade, going nose to nose with the Jews who control the political cobwebs of every town in America.

Oddly, it was his resistance to the sudden appearance of hundreds of Brazilian immigrants in his hometown of Framingham, Mass. that eventually led him to correlate this social disease to Jewish power and more specifically to the lies that have been told about the Holocaust.

“It all goes back to immigration,” Jim says. “My brother Joe got into it first.” Joe still writes commentaries and passes on links to his brother, but it is Jim, accompanied by his new sidekick Diane King, who are constantly updating a remarkably thorough website ( — note the extra “i”, standing for Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement) that contains both the story of their immigration battles with the corrupt town fathers as well as a unique and thorough set of files about the Jewish manipulation of reality.

“We held a meeting at the library, and right off the bat they jumped on us,” Jim explained. “They pegged us as racists and wouldn’t let us even talk about it.

“It made us more determined to go at it.”

It was the Rizolis’ stand against the barrage of immigrants overwhelming Framingham that initially got them in trouble with their community, repeatedly banned from their local cable TV channel, and on the Jewish Anti Defamation League’s target list as Holocaust denying anti-Semites. Its description of the Rizolis’ activities is absolutely heroic.


During an October 2009 segment of his public access television show, which was aired during a primetime slot, Jim delivered a lengthy diatribe promoting Holocaust denial. He defended Holocaust denier and Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, instructed viewers to conduct their own research on the Holocaust to discover the “truth,” and directed people to visit Web sites that advance Holocaust denial.

Jim Rizoli has attempted to defend his statements about the Holocaust to the Boston Globe, which reported in November 2009 that he “believes…only around 300,000 people died, not six million, and that the majority were not killed but ‘died of sickness and disease.'”

During the same segment of his public access television show, Jim Rizoli alleged the existence of a “Zionist controlled government,” implying that Jews manipulate national and global institutions.
Rizoli also claimed during the show that “a lot of the Jewish people are not going to be happy to hear this [referring to his recommendation to view videos that advance Holocaust denial] because this whole thing all stems upon Judaism [sic] and what happened with them.” This is an anti-Semitic implication that Jews fabricate the Holocaust to advance their own agenda.

Joe Rizoli has questioned the severity of the Holocaust on the Jews. During an interview with the MetroWest Daily News in February 2004, he argued, “What happened to the Jews was atrocious, but you know what? Nine million people in Germany died in Dresden and related incidents. They say 13 to 20 million people died in Russia.” Rizoli went on to question, “Did the Holocaust happen? You define to me what the Holocaust is. I don’t know. There’s no letter or whatever that pinpoints Hitler saying it.”

In 2004, Joe Rizoli signed an Internet petition supporting Ernst Zundel, who was fighting deportation to his home in Canada from the U.S., which he entered illegally. Reportedly, Rizoli became interested in Zundel after receiving a “ZGram,” an E-mail that Zundel’s wife, also a Holocaust denier, sent to subscribers. Ironically for a xenophobe, Rizoli spoke out against Zundel’s deportation, which was the result of Zundel’s illegal entry into the U.S.
As they say, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. To those onto the Jewish scam of the Holocaust, these are all admirable achievements. But to Jews, ever the promoters of lies and false stories, Rizoli’s unflinching achievements are anathema.

“We had a good following,” Jim remembers. “We became like celebrities because we had the balls enough to talk about illegal immigrants. It opened up the door to talk about it in the whole state. Even the governor came and talked to us. And a Brazilian station put us on down there.”

“Then I started getting into the Holocaust and even the immigration people were scared off,” he remembers.

“We took the most heat from then on. In 2010 we were banned by our cable station for a year for false allegations. We came back in 2011 with four shows. We were on 12 times a week.

“We were pounding away at the Jews. It’s a wonder that they didn’t kill us.”

The cable company shut them down again in 2014.
“Nobody would dare come on a show dealing with the Holocaust issue.”

Good fortune came Rizoli’s way about this time when he hooked up with Diane on Facebook and the pair have become teammates in a game most Americans are afraid to play — Holocaust revisionism.
What has gained Rizoli new found attention after years of battling the Jews in a beat up suburb of Boston now dominated by Brazilians is a series of YouTubes sketching the lives of famous historians who can tell the real story of World War II, which is not the one told in movies and on TV by paid shills who spout the bogus Jewish version of reality.

League of Extraordinary Revisionists
Be sure and check out the real heroes of the revisionist movement captured on film by JIm Rizoli.

These include, among many other luminaries, Fred Leuchter, author of the Leuchter Report that proved there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz; Robert Faurisson, the dean of Holocaust Revisionists who for more than a half century has been challenging the Jewish liars “to show me or draw me a picture of the gas chamber at Auschwitz”; Germar Rudolf, the German chemist jailed for his efforts at refining and reinforcing the evidence for the Holocaust hoax; and the late Bradley Smith, interviewed in the final months of his life after selfless decades of preaching historical sanity on college campuses with his Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.

In addition, there are many other controversial topics covered in — Holocaust Liars and Holocaust Truthers, Auschwitz and Treblinka, AIPAC and the Slave Trade, witch trials and Rizoli Uncensored.

Among the many highlights are a riveting account of the fake Boston Marathon bombing and a Police file that explains how public officials are allowed to commit crimes and get away with them.

“We’re not letting up,” says Joe, then making this writer not mention an event they’re in the process of unleashing on the public.
“It’s going to be a struggle forever,” says JIm. “I don’t know how we’re going to do it (“it” being to get the public to accept the real story of what happened in World War II in Germany).

“We just have to hang in there. We’re not looking to convert the world we’re just trying to get the word out.”

Rizoli is constantly emphasizing that “the Holocaust is the hub of what has gone wrong with the world.

“But I love the fight. I’m not going down on my knees. If I go down I’m going to be standing up. You have to do what you know is right.”
Support JIm Rizoli’s important work by mail at:  Jim Rizoli (LOER), 94 Pond St., Framingham MA 01702, 508-872-7292.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.