Joe Fallisi

John Kaminski.png

I have had to remain silent for a few days, not only because my computer stopped breathing just after I read, dumbfounded, the news of the death of my friend John Kaminski (of whose illness, unfortunately, I was unaware), but also because I knew that someone very dear to me would no longer read my messages, and would no longer send me any.

It is heartbreaking, but there it is: the further we advance in years, the more we see those we love slipping away, like leaves that a breath of wind suddenly drops (often without any warning) back to Mother Earth.

Years ago I had read some of his articles online and had been so impressed by this NON-Yankee American writer, who understood the essentials (who was, first and foremost, and why, the Enemy of the good, the beautiful, the true, nature, animals, humanity – even the American people themselves)… I wrote to him with sincere admiration and he wrote back immediately. From then on we became friends, and his e-mail address went on my mailing list, as did mine on his.

He even generously wanted to do an interview with me, and I was very honored… I was only sorry that my English was rudimentary and broken, but for him this did not constitute any problem. And he had the same generosity when, sua sponte, he sent me some of his books, precious jewels that I will keep forever.

Thoughtful, kind, sensitive, with an intelligence full of light and always open to new acquisitions, new discoveries, John was like an eternal child explorer of the world and himself. We disagreed on some of his conspiracy theories, but it did not matter because in the background, in the essentials, precisely, we were always in complete agreement.

John, also in this NOT Yankee, hated the hellish kosherbadmusic that became “pop” after 1945, after the catastrophe of National Socialist Germany, of Europe, of civilization. Thus he wrote to me in an email dated January 6, 2024: “Church choral music has long been my favorite musical genre, Gabriel Fauré my favorite composer, and Cantique de Jean Racine my favorite song.” I had just sent him this very short masterpiece by the French composer, and it was a joy for me to read his words.

Before he flew into another dimension, as if he felt that his own departure was near and that he had to write something fundamental and comprehensive on a crucially important subject, he published eight beautiful essays (8, number of cosmic balance and symbol of Infinity) on his site entitled “RELIGION IS A MIND CONTROL DEVICE.” Now the site is no longer online, but I hope someone capable of doing so will save all its contents and other writings of the great John Kaminski on, one of the few, last oases of freedom of thought and expression

Dear John, I hope with all my heart to see you again in the Elysian Fields.