Report from Victoria, Second Anniversary of Freedom Protests & Rocco the Impresario Not Well Received in Supreme Court of BC

Report from Victoria, Second Anniversary of Freedom Protests & Rocco the Impresario Not Well Received in Supreme Court of BC

As Frank put it so well,  re: our protests: “It’s a process, not an event”,   meaning the 27th of August marked two years of dissident voices raised at the Gates of the City, the Legislature.  About 30 of us on Belleville Street plus a couple dozen more picnicing on the lawn.    Every time we’re there,  people commend us.  We get grassroots intel. proving that the tide has turned.  It’s sinking-in on the populace that the SARS2Covid19 thing was an HOAX from the start.   Even as the headline in the pathetic excuse for a newspaper,  same day,  bleats  “Risk Rising as cases peak,”  few masks are to be seen.  Like the last days of the old Soviet Union : ordinary people know that the Central Party Line is nonsense.

Guys pedaling by shout out “Get a grip! Vaccines save lives, you wankers!” and “Grow up you morons!”  never stopping to dialogue. Cheap shots motivated by fear.   We haven’t seen Little Nell, the counterprotester who was exalted to celebrity status by the tv station hand-in-hand with the Times Colonist newspaper,    for months. Eighty degrees F, 200 folks on the grand lawn, horse-drawn carriages clipclopping by, all is serene …  warm and safe and prosperous.  Except for burying the bodies of those succumbing to the Quack-zeen,  the PLANdemic is over. Our regular GATHERING, once labelled by the Chief Health officer as a “superspreader”,  is a tourist attraction. Folks comfortably taking photos of themselves holding our signs indicating that the element of fear is gone. The SCAMdemic is passé.

So why are we still at it?   A newcomer asked me that.  I pointed to the statue on top of the Cenotaph.     I replied: “My grandfather went to war in that uniform in World War One.”   To which the young man interjected  “fighting for Freedom”. I said:  “No, that’s not what they thought at the time. Same with my old man in the Second World War. And my mother, a nurse in the Canadian Army. They would not have said they were fighting for freedom. They believed they were fighting for the British Empire. That’s what I was taught, too, growing up. Now I know that  ALL WARS ARE WARS FOR THE USURERS.   Those of us paying attention see The Great Reset underway. A contest for dominance as the US dollar meets its inevitable end.  For which the COVID thing is the cover story.

                 I ain’t superstitious, but a black cat crossed my trail *

At 11:30 am as I walked on the precinct from the south side I had noticed an audience of maybe 30 folks in lawn chairs,   watching what appeared to be a play being staged by junior highschool girls, on the steps of the Parliament building.  As three of them scampered up the stairs in character, all I heard was the word “sisters”.   Going by at 2:30 pm, they were still at it.   Pausing to watch, I distinctly heard the infamous phrase that the three witches chant around their cauldron. I remarked to a nice lady passing by, “do you know what’s going on here?”  She didn’t.   I said, “spell casting”

The lore around this play is so ominous, that – other than in actual performance –  people in the theatre world are careful not to say its name aloud within a theatre. When talked about at all, it’s known as  “the Scottish play”.   Where I stood that moment, within earshot of the actresses, effectively was a theatre.    Latest example of the curse: Chris Rock gettting slapped violently, within 53 seconds of speaking its title at the Academy Awards.

I am a ‘prophetic type’, yes. But I never hold myself out as predicting precise events to occur,  in the Name of God.   This my report is NOT  a prophetic utterance. Rather, I knew immediately that what was going on,  was no light thing. It portends heavy-duty trouble at the Legislature.

Many people – Christians or not – realize that this SCAMdemic is a contest in the spiritual realm, first of all.  My Christian friends say they do pray for those in government. I don’t. Part of my calling is,  the ministry of condemnation. So, I pray against that witch Bonnie Henry,  her accomplices John Horgan,  Mike Farnworth, Adrian Dix. I recite the prayers of old in Psalms, excoriating wicked officials,  asking our God to remove them.

I get a kick out of quoting what Madam Justice Rita Levine said about me in the Court of Appeal: “Mister Watson is a long-time political activist”.   I “earned my stripes” in the anti-abortion thing back 30 years ago. Which was a lesson in ‘the faith once delivered to the saints’  that you don’t get in a seminary.  To those who chide me for operating in the mindset of the church militant ,“oh that’s Old Testament stuff. We don’t go by that anymore”,  I say, ‘yeah, well read what the Apostle Paul told the Thessalonians’. 

Seeing that it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you”.  

Did Paul get that part wrong? Or did he get his theology straight from Jesus, as he says elsewhere in the New Testament?


On Monday August 29th 2022,  the next step in the Action4Canada case came down.  It was not completely dismissed, as several Defendants applied-for last May.  Rather, the Claim was struck in its entirety, leaving the possibility it can be amended, but only after the Plaintiffs pony-up about 100 to 200 THOUSAND DOLLARS  in Costs. to the defendants,  in the Cause. 
Here is the URL where the ruling can be read :  So bad  it is  “embarrassing” opines Mister Justice Ross. So , no longer is criticism mere kibbitzing from guys like me, UN-learned in the law.  He spelled-out how far, far below it is, below the minimal standard of a lawyer’s  professional duty of care.   I say that much-vaunted Rocco Galati himself, ought to bear the Costs ordered against the Plaintiffs.


Gordon S Watson

Metchosin British Columbia

 September 1st 2022 A. D.

* cue Rockin’ Roddy Stewart in his glory days, with Jeff Beck


Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 9-10: Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos

Click here to read in browser 

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 9-10

Coming Rally’s and Events

Please forward to your freedom loving friends

More MSM deception & lies/omission

In an excellent interview, lawyer Keith Wilson for Brian Peckford and Tamara Lich, noted that when the gov’t obtained an injunction to prohibit the trucks from honking their horns in Ottawa, the Judge conceded that “…provided the terms of this Order are complied with, the defendants and other persons remain at liberty to engage in a peaceful, lawful and safe protest.” So in the face of a court judgment admitting that the truckers had a Constitutional liberty for their protest, the Trudeau Gov’t still declared an emergency, beat people, damaged their vehicles and denied our Constitutional freedoms in the process. Interesting how the MSM failed to tell Canadians that the Judge recognized that the truckers had the right to be there in the first place.

Only 9% of Canadians have caught COVID, 99% recovery rate

Not surprisingly, we have been promoting for 18 months that the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) that BC Public Health Officer Bonnie the Commie Henry relies upon, is not an accurate reflection of the seriousness (or lack thereof) of COVID-19. It is the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), or the number of people that have died that were infected.

In Canada, at most, only .09% of Canadians have caught the virus, with a 99% survival rate, or. 0009%. Considering that a large percentage of infections are never reported, this increases the number of infected people and increases the percentage who survived!

The average flu IFR is about .01-.02%. For almost the entire past two years, the IFR for COVID-19 has been the same or lower than the flu.

Back pay?

More people are starting to return to work, with many getting back pay for their time off on unpaid leave for refusal to subject themselves to the experimental gene therapy treatment. Sadly, far too many people have still lost their jobs with no back pay and no call backs. Employers should be absolutely financially responsible to these people.

Horgan the Infected

Premier Horgan concedes he has COVID-19, but with “mild symptoms” because he is fully vaccinated. Hmmmm. These experimental injections were initially promoted to prevent transmission. When that became obvious as to not be working as promoted, they were claimed to reduce symptoms. Horgan and many others who were vaccinated, remain symptomatic and in a transmittable stage of the infection. This provides further evidence dispelling all claims that we need to be vaccinated to prevent others from getting it. Horgan is and can still transmit to others even with mild symptoms.

A cruise ship with 100% vaccination rate on board, recently was hit with an outbreak! So rather than admit that the vaccines don’t work…the CDC is recommending a 4th vaccine and 5th in the fall.

Masks = dumbed down children

Not that any mother really needs to be told this (well, maybe millions of mothers masking their kids do), a recent study confirmed that mask wearing by children has left many, if not most, “…struggling with crawling, using the toilet independently and making friends.” A further German study confirmed that reading skills have droped significantly with the mandatory use of masks on toddlers. Children born two years ago will only know adults with masks on. Is this normal? OR SAFE? Undoubtedly, it will leave our country with a large number of uneducated children as they grow older. By 18, they will likely have the education that we (+50) had by age 12. Is there any better way to destroy a country than be destroying their intelligence – and then invading?

More sports withdrawals

Recently a whopping 15 people have bowed out of the Miami Tennis Tournament, citing illness. People are asking why – but no one dares say it was because of the vaccines do they?


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

April 9, 2022

Dress Warm! +6 Temp brrrrrrr

Kelowna Freedom Rally

12:00 noon Stuart Park

Featured Speaker: Lorin

Thrive movement & Creating Community Connections


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon,

Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon,

Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom Gathering

1:00 p.m. Road #2

Convoy leaves Vernon at 9:30 a.m.


April 10, 2022

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


Vancouver Freedom & Democracy END THE LOCKDOWN Rally A Huge Success

Vancouver Freedom & Democracy END THE LOCKDOWN Rally A Huge Success

Saturday March 20th 2021

The rally put on by the Liberty Club was a good effort.  Not quite as many folks as previously. Very important that we showed up to align ourselves with millions of other folks at rallies in cities and towns … large and small …. all around the world.

When I arrived at 11:30 am a light rain was falling, so I was pessimistic.   But the drizzle quit and the public square filled up  … there were at least 400 warm bodies by 12:30 pm..   Not more than a couple wearing the muzzle … everyone else breathing freely  … delighted to be in the company of like minds.  I left early but photos posted taken later in the day show a crowd of ~=1000

It grated on me that the mistress of ceremonies spent time + energy, talking about how the lame-stream media treat our GATHERINGS.    I strongly disagree with her pandering to them, stating that  ‘we are not anti-maskers. We are not anti-vaxxers’.     Oh, but we are.   And we ought not apologize.    This lady is going to learn the lesson we learned the hard way,  ‘way back in the anti-abortion thing;  You cannot grovel low enough to please the Adversary.    In the rough-and-tumble of politics, it is MOST important to have the measure of your enemy.    The directing mind of the conspirators who have brought about the God damned Lockdown, is wicked to its core.  Their hirelings —   so-called “legacy media”  — are only propaganda outfalls.    So, treat them accordingly

A year ago,  40 dissident voices were raised at Vancouver City Hall against the Lockdown.    If we’ve learned anything since, it’s that the SARS 2 Covid19 thing is the greatest medical malpractice in history: essentially,  statistics of the annual incidence of influenza, rebranded as a cover story while the US dollar goes off the scale and off the rails.   People like Provincial Medical Officer Henry, Premier John Horgan, cabinet Ministers Dix and Farnworth, cannot be ignorant of the evidence that the thing is a blatant HOAX.   From feedback at our bi-weekly protest in Victoria,  I guess that an honest poll would reveal the majority of British Columbians don’t believe them

My attendance at rallies in Vancouver, Victoria and Duncan has given me a sense of where the movement is heading.    The    N eeD iP pers  are venal, but they’re not stupid.   They most certainly are paying attention to this populist movement.    Premier Horgan, Ministers Dix, Farnworth et al. are getting off easy, so far.   Horgan’s come-uppance will come when the recall campaign puts the evidence of his criminality in front of voters in his riding.  

The mouthpiece of Horgan and his ilk  Professor David Suzuki,  took the lead vilifying  us with his letter denouncing the End the Lockdown  movement, as “white supremecists Klu Klu Klansmen”. Laughable,  yes, but he really did say that.  

What I saw yesterday was  focus being blurred of what originated as authentic single-issue populism   misled toward the pet project of Suzuki’s gang of un-apologetic communists : ie decolonization.    As the third speaker declared that the ground we were standing on is Indian Land, my suspicions were confirmed.   She then addressed a prayer to Gitchee Manitou,  the name of some spirit being ? who is no god at all, to me and to Christians.  After which the lady sang a religious song in her aboriginal language. I’d had my fill.   I ‘got off the bus’.   I walked away.    

A couple of weeks ago, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson convened a Christian worship service on the steps of the Vancouver Law Courts.  All was going well with about 100 sympathizers singing and praying as  speakers exhorted the congregation.  Along came a ragtag bunch of Native Indians, drumming and hollering attempting to disrupt this religious meeting. This just happens to be a criminal offence, per section 176 of the Criminal Code. They were quite obnoxious,  loudly going on about “stolen land”.  They intimidated congregants almost pushing over the loudspeakers set up for the meeting. Fortunately, a Vancouver Police officer standing by stepped in and put  the aboriginals in their place.    Pastor Art Pawlowski grew up under communism in Poland. He is a physically intimidating man.  Story is before he was saved, he was one bad ass there.  Deeply insulted,   he bellowed in his best street preacher voice

we are lions. We will not be silenced by hyenas!”

as politically-incorrect as it gets. A word fitly-spoken, indeed !!  The hyenas left with their tails between their legs.

The genesis of the  End the Lockdown movement was   authentic spontaneous assembling of people who are righteously indignant against profound incompetence in government.    Even that much would be to give the   NDPers  more of the benefit of the doubt than they deserve.    I don’t believe Horgan et al. are that stupid.  Given half an hour, I could explain that what they’ve done is Treason;  that some of them know they are complicit in crimes against humanity.   

And for those who would dismiss that phrase,  your homework is to read the book “The Trial of the Nazi doctors” along with similar works re Judgment at Nuremberg.  After WW 2 the Allies set up an international Court with 5 judges to dispense victor’s justice. Their problem, though, was that they didn’t have a nail from which the charges could be seen to hang properly. So, they came up with the notion that the leadership of the National Socialist German Workers Party carried on a Grand Conspiracy to make war illegally.  In which war,  things done by the armed forces and institutions of the  3rd Reich were so awful that they were in a category all by themselves or “crimes against humanity”.    Such had never been part of international law.   It was ex post facto law but that didn’t matter.  No one was about to gainsay indictments brought by lead prosecutor Robert Jackson  who was then the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S. of A.   I think that some of those who hold … or are close to … the reins of power,  know that what’s going on is wrong.    Fear hath torment : They are terrified that when they’re found out, the mob will turn on them. A hint of which, was   a dozen climate change fanatics / Extinction Rebellion showing up at Premier Horgan’s home a year ago February.     What made Donkey-Bonnie Henry tremble in the CBC interview, was,  NOT our band of persistent peaceful protesters.   Rather, she worries that some loner who’s  reached the very end of his patience with her wickedness, will lash out, randomly.  Like what happened two years ago. An office worker was murdered right there on  the porch of the Ministry of Health building.  Bonnie Henry and the NDP MLAs should be afraid.  But not of us. In reality, our dissident voices are a safety-valve for the resentment felt by the silent majority despising her confederation of dunces. 

20 March 2021 Vancouver 005.jpg

above photo is of scene of our protest on the boulevard outside the Min de Health

Doktor Bonnie better take counsel concerning legal responsibility in her personal capacity, for being part of the directing mind perpetrating this evil Covid FRAUD.   The class action lawsuit now being put together by Rainer Fulmilch is the sound of a distant army on the march.   There is no stopping an idea whose time has come.   The “hall pass” the NDP wrote for themselves last summer,  ostensibly waiving ALL right to sue for any and everything re Covid *   will come back to haunt them. It was  illegal in the first instance. What it demonstrates is  : witting connivance to evade their sworn duty.

* Except gross negligence. I look forward to discussing that with a judge when my Claim against Canadian Tire employees arising from KronaMadness   gets before Small claims court.

Last week we got the ruling of Chief Justice Hinkson  re the Petition brought by churches challenging the Order prohibiting them from congregating.    It is so bad it would be ridiculous.    But we are not laughing under the consequences of this utter perversion of Justice.     They are people whose right to get associate with each was outlawed.   Carefully and as humbly as possible, they bundled-up their complaint then put it in front of someone whose job it is to do something about it.    To his eternal discredit,  the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia shat on them.  

What astonished us courthouse hounds about that case, was  that the Legal Services Branch  representing Provincial Medical Officer Henry  didn’t bother to put in any affidavits to buttress its position ! At that level of government, you cannot be that stupid.   Out of the mouth of govt. lawyer Gareth Morley came the excuse “She was too busy”. I am not making this up.

The crux of the constitutional challenge was  to ‘reasonableness’ of the particular diktat re how many people could associate inside a church building at one time.    Rather than get at it, Hinkson J. took Judicial Notice of saint Bonnie’s opinion that ‘there is a world wide pandemic underway.’ Then, he launched into his Reasons,  tapdancing all ‘round the issue with a ream of legal-ese.      No evidence whatsoever to support that opinion. He deferred to surmise-upon-surmise-upon-computer models which proved over the year, to be dead wrong.    See how that works?  Circular reasoning right out of Alice Through the Looking Glass : “Words will mean what I say they mean”.  

What went on was one of the most obvious charades we’ve ever seen:  the fix was in and the judge was in on the fix.   But so what, eh?  The Lockdown is officially pronounced as interfering with charter rights, ‘yes,  but such interference is “reasonable’ says he.    Lewis Carroll’s cartoon Cheshire cat smirks down from its branch in the thickets of the law

The capper to the exercise, being   Head Witch Bonnie spinning her nonsense now “allowing” ! outdoor protests.  The bright lights atop the Ministry of  Health realized that thousands of people at our superspreader EVENTS all over the province were embarrassing her, anyway.  So they papered over genuine civil disobedience as though it was their idea all along!

But I am not cast down. I have great faith in our God to look after us.   The energy of true Americans will not be strangled by these antichrists who think they rule over us. 

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

20 March 2021 Vancouver 010.jpg
20 March 2021 Vancouver 009.jpg

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021: Resistance is NOT Futile!

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021

To : those who care about good government in British Columbia

            Breathe Freely

 GATHERING Jan 23 2021 in Victoria B C

A few hardy souls gathered on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health on a bright wintry afternoon, Jan 23 2021.   20 warm bodies holding signs educating passersby with more and better information than they’re getting from the govt.  Reactions were 50 50  thumbs up approving honks, versus hollering disapproval.  What came through from the screamers is : deep animosity.   There’s a whole lot of pent up hurt and confusion barely kept in check by head Witch Bonnie Henry casting her spell every day chanting   “ cases cases cases death death death” 

As Professor Marshal McLuhan taught me : “When someone feels his self image is challenged, he has a mandate for war.” 

Encountering signage urging “take off the mask” a guy wearing the muzzle can have a minor psychotic break.   Our tiny witness contradicting the official brainwashing causes him to lash out at us for startling him out of stupor.   Normal politeness comes unglued  … they scream out their confusion  = “go to hell”.  

From half a year’s involvement in this authentic populist movement I know that part of my calling,  is, channeling that raw emotion on to who’s responsible — the fools in high places perpetrating this Crime against Humanity ie. the Covid 19 HOAX;    namely, John Horgan and his supporting cast of NeeDiPpers.

Our little rallies are crucial for connecting like-minded folks in what we used to call the real world.  A good example being   last week, when the car rally was forming at Dallas Road, a man came up and told the protesters that he had no idea there were people like him = disgusted with the official version of KronaMadness.  The warMth of a simple hug means a lot in these trying times

After standing with the protest for a while on Blanshard St., I headed out to the Breathe Freely EVENT which I had organized.  There, I did most of the talking as six of us stood around in LESS THAN so-called Social distance, encouraging each other.  I got a kick out of handing out pages proving a “support group” is one of the categorical exemptions from the Public Health Act Order banning GATHERING  and EVENTS.   Another exemption being, “political activity”.   I had a hard copy in hand so if an officious bye=law enforcement officer were to start in on me, she could be put in her place. You’re damn’d right we’re a support group!

One of the attendees was a man who had been given a violation Notice for failing to wear a mask in a public place.  The very next day after diktat M425 came in to effect – November 26 2020  – he’d gone in to a food store, done his shopping silently, all the while the employees were literally ‘in his face’ bothering him because he wasn’t muzzled.  When the police arrived he was laying on the floor, without a word. They handcuffed him and put him in the cop car, ostensibly under arrest for “obstruction of Justice”.   But the cops spent the next half hour discussing what to charge him with. Eventually, he was handed a ticket pursuant to the Covid19 Measures Regulation Act.   When I get an image of that Violation Notice, I’ll be sending it out  : Publicity is the soul of Justice.

The tragedy in which we now find ourselves could not have happened without despicable complicity by the so-called “legacy media”.  In nearly a year, not once have I seen a line of print in the local rags / pathetic excuses for newspapers,  contradicting the premise of medical fascism with a smiley-face

Last summer the very character of our province changed without a murmur nor the rustling of a wing feather by those who style themselves the guardians of propriety.  Statutes were sneaked through the castrated Legislature.   The Emergency Powers Act and the Covid 19 Measures Regulations Act and the Public Health Act were amended so that merely talking back to someone in authority re the HOAX of the purported pan-demic, is now an offence.     Really ominious, is, official protocol for having someone tossed in a mental ward for voicing disbelief with the Central Party Line.  The tentacles of Red Fascism wrapped around British Columbia while citizens slept.  The court jesters,  scribblers and quislings such as David Obee, Les Layne, Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smith, Keith Baldrey etc. are missing in action.  Worse, though ! where are the guys who pretend to be Christian leaders? Commanded by God to be Watchmen on the Wall?  With rare exception … a bunch of chickenshits whom Jesus Christ said he will spue out of his mouth because they were lukewarm when it mattered.  This coming Friday, I’ll be in the Vancouver Lawcourts viewing the Affidavits of a couple of pastors – men with the courage of their convictions  – who have a Judicial Review underway, challenging the lockdown measures pertaining to  believers congregating

At the Breathe Freely GATHERING one of the attendees told me what happened  in Duncan, just lately.   His friend called her doctor, requesting a note to substantiate medical exemption from having to wear a face covering. Without so much as consulting her, the doctor made an appointment for the patient to go in for an interview with the mental health branch.    The book “Psychopolitics” by one of the monsters of Stalinism,  Lev Beria,  describes how the psychiatric profession was captured by the communists, so dissenters were labelled “insane” then parked in mental wards.    This is how it was done in the Soviet Union and is done in Red China and British Columbia,  this afternoon.

I’ll be convening another meetup of Breathe Freely,  soon.  Please share this little missive to let all and sundry know  RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians