Petition to Stop Silicon Valley’s Censorship of Christian Voices
Big Tech’s brutal assault on free speech is appalling, and it is directed at you, me and anyone who stands for life, family, freedom or any moral value!
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Apple, Amazon, Pinterest, and other Big Tech companies have launched a worldwide crusade to censor voices like ours.

They showed the world just how far they are willing to go after they banned former U.S. President Donald Trump from all of their platforms.
And if they can censor elected leaders like Trump, they can do it to anyone…
…including YOU and CitizenGO!
What few people realize is, Big Tech’s banning of “unapproved” speech started long before Trump was banned.
Amazon, Google, and Apple conspire to bring down the conservative-leaning social media app Parler.
The US pro-family National Organization for Marriage was stripped of its online fundraising portal.
The rising pro-life conservative party in Spain, VOX, was banned from Twitter.
I could go on and on.
It’s clear that those in power at these Big Tech conglomerates seem to think they can use their oligarch control of online interactions to do as they please.
And with the growing effectiveness of CitizenGO in exposing the culture of death, transgender madness, and indoctrination of children in gender ideology, they will attack CitizenGO at any time.
But unlike others, I will not quietly cower and hope to be allowed to speak.
That’s because I know these tech giants are not as invincible as they’d like us to believe.
If you and I stand up to the Big Tech bullies, we can show them they will lose popular support, AND they will also lose billions of dollars in profits and suffer legal penalties.
This is something no CEO likes to tell their stockholders.
Right now, these social media platforms are some of CitizenGO’s most valuable advocacy tools, with our followers sharing our campaigns daily.
Our allies and CitizenGO have leveraged our over 15 million supporters to launch impactful campaigns, including:
- Defending our own U.K. campaigner, Caroline Farrow, from malicious, unfounded lawsuits that sought to jail her for standing up for traditional family values;
- Freeing Asia Bibi from anti-Christian persecution in Pakistan;
- Standing up to corporate behemoths like Disney and Netflix who insist on promoting anti-Christian and LGBTQ ideology, even to very young children;
- Exposing UN lobbyists who tried to force pro-life governments in Africa to support abortion or lose critical aid; and
- Saving baby Tafida from heartless bureaucrats who sought to deny her life-saving medical care.
And these campaigns are only a small part of what our online presence has helped us accomplish.
But if radical Leftists like George Soros and some of the leaders of the Big Tech get their way, any group — even private citizens — could be banned from promoting our values.
Will you sign your petition to the Big Tech CEOs today, insisting they stop free speech censorship?
Big Tech claims their main goal is to fight hate and false facts.
But you and I know what the real goals of their leaders more often than not are: to weaken our defense of the unborn, free speech, the natural family, freedom of Religion and Christian values.
If CitizenGO members like you stand idly by, these tech giants could get away with one of the most significant assaults on free speech since the rise of the Nazis and Communists.
That’s why our petition to these Big Tech CEOs insists they uphold the ideals of a free and open public square which allows space for discussion and opposing ideas.
You and I must stand together to show them they will pay a heavy price in loss of popular support, lost revenue and legal penalties.
Tell them to stop the censorship of pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty speech and activism on their platforms.
Ignacio Arsuaga