Former Political Prisoner Brad Love Charged With 10 Counts of “Mischief Under $5,000” Regarding Posters
Fort McMurray, Alberta, October 23, 2020. Officers from the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested former political prisoner and longtime political activist Brad Love at his townhouse. He was taken to police headquarters and charged with 10 counts of “mischief under $5,000.” He was interrogated and then released on his own recognisance.
Two weeks ago, his home was raided by six RCMP officers with a warrant looking for glue, “Keep Canada White” posters and copies of the Canadian Immigration Hotline, published by the Canada First Immigration Committee, and which has been in publication for over 30 years.
At the police station, he was asked questions such as, “Brad, is that your truck in the mall parking lot?” He was shown a fuzzy, grainy black and white from what looked like WW II aerial surveillance.”
“I don’t recognize it,’ Mr. Love said. “The photo is so poor.” Later, he told CAFE: “Even if it had been my truck, so what? I have a right to visit the mall to shop.”
The police also rattled off a number of dates over the past few months and asked him where he had been on those dates.
“I don’t know,” Mr. Love told the Mounties. “I can hardly remember where I was yesterday.”
Mr. Love is outspoken and frequently has called Alberta media to complain about their coverage of issues. Reporters have had him charged with intimidation for having made phone calls. All such charges in this touchy town were either withdrawn by the Crown at the last minute or dismissed in Court.
Mr. Love has paid a heavy price for his outspoken nature and dissent.