.New COVID Hysteria Truths & Upcoming Freedom Events in the South Okanagan
Bonnie the Commie Finally Admits the Truth “Just like every other chief medical officer of health across the country, I had a mandate and the legal authority to speak directly to the public about issues related to health. I was fully aware, however, that if I were wildly offside with what the provincial health minister and government believed, it could make my position challenging, and that if I was too far off the mark too often, the government could render me ineffective or fire me altogether.” (p. 40-41) (Thank you Tanya for this update!!) Additionally, she has admitted repeatedly to being pressured to order mask requirements by private business lobby groups. What does this mean? It means she has broken the law, s. 66 of the Public Health Act,which requires her to advise the gov’t in an “independent manner” on public health issues. In fact, it is the gov’t and private lobby groups, fueled by greedy insurance companies and big pharma, telling Bonnie the Commie, what Orders to issue, and she merely follows orders. LOCK HER UP!
But it doesn’t end there. Combine this, with the admissions of a former Australian member of Parliament, Clive Palmer. Two weeks ago, he claimed NSW Premier Glady Berejiklian, here giving the 666 symbol at her resignation, was told she wouldn’t be charged in a corruption probe, if she imposed a vaccine mandate. The Premier just resigned in disgrace. Pfizer and AstraZeneca are alleged to have been paying lobbyists tens of millions of dollars to push the double jab. “Shortly before Berejiklian resigned, she told Sydney residents that if they don’t take the Covid jab, they face total social isolation indefinitely after the stay-at-home order ends in December.” Be assured, big pharma is applying the same pressure (and likely, threats) to Henry, Dix, Farnworth and Horgan in B.C., and to elected officials everywhere.
Our ancestors knew the truthful solution over 400 years ago! The wheel does not need to be reinvented
Civil Disobedience is the answer
C.L.E.A.R. Telegram Link With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. https://t.me/joinchat/SWxndPh1I9F2Iu-q
THE DENIALBasran the Bluffer Mayor Basran refuses public debate on his claims that science supports him. However, despite promises we would receive detailed reasons, we received nothing more than a statement of the City’s position that they have decided to follow Bonnie the Commie’s orders. Well, we already knew that! Basran the Bluffer has still refused to say why he won’t debate his claims on the science. Well, we know why! We will continue to demand he debate us publicly on the science – as well as Bonnie the Commie, who also has refused to even answer our demand. Here is his response to our email demand, to which a reply has been forwarded demanding his reconsideration and/or specific reasons for his denial: Dear David:Thank you for your request to meet; however, I respectfully decline.As a City, we have followed the advice and direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer, since day one of this COVID-19 pandemic. As B.C.’s most senior public health official, Dr. Henry is responsible for monitoring the health of all British Columbians and undertaking measures for disease prevention and control and health protection. I believe it’s vitally important that everyone follow Dr. Henry’s orders about what needs to be done to limit the spread of this virus and protect our healthcare system.I will add that it is not the City’s jurisdiction to impose or rescind public health orders; that is the responsibility of Dr. Henry. As I have mentioned, as a City, we follow Dr. Henry’s direction and public health orders, and I encourage our citizens to do the same.Sincerely on behalf of City Council,
B.C. True COVID STATS The Gov’t continues to promote falsified stats, to justify its lockdowns. As shown below, the true death rate from COVID-19 (assuming it exists as it has not even been isolated), is roughly the same as a bad flu season. Bonnie the Commie promotes Cases only:
187 694 Cases 1 973 Deaths = Case Fatality Rate: 1.05% True accurate determination, are infections: Infection Fatality Rate: 187 694 x 8 (Henry’s estimate of true infections – 2020***) = 1 501 552 Infections, about 33% of population 1 501 552 Infections 1 973 Deaths = .13% Infection Fatality Rate (same as the flu) This is much higher because most people are not sick enough to report infections. This is using: B.C. Gov’t Stats
Up coming important Rallies to attend:Kelowna CLEAR Rally Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 a.m. @ Central Okanagan School District 1040 Hollywood Rd. S. Ban the Mask! If you care about our kids, you need to join us to oppose the recent Bonnie the Commie Order imposing masks on our little ones. Read s. 17 of the Infants Act, to immediately see that this Order is completely unlawful. Kelowna CLEAR Rally and Picnic Protest Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Stuart Park Speakers will be announced shortly. With other provinces passing stricter and stricter legislation, and BC close behind, we all have an obligation and need to spread the word about our weekly rallies. Now is NOT the time to leave our beautiful province, but to rally the troops around our cause. Our children and families deserve nothing less. After our rally, we will be having a picnic protest at a local business downtown enforcing the vaxx pass. Bring your chairs and a table or blanket and your lunch, and dress warmly. As with other cities, our goal is to let the businesses know, we oppose them, we will expose them and will not support them.
______ Vernon Rally Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Polson Park Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.
______ Kamloops Saturday October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Riverside Park Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the best rallies in the Kamloops area. ______ Penticton Sun. Oct. 10, 2021 12:00 noon @ Warren & Main St. Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan . ______ Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Protest Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021 Location TBA
______ Kelowna CLEAR MEGA Rally Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 Speakers TBAnext week. These big rallies have in the past, sent strong messages to the Gov’t and Bonnie the Commie, that there are a lot more people opposed to their lockdowns, than they admit!! We need your support for this huge event and hope you will show up for our speakers, and march through downtown Kelowna.
Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson Launches A Human Rights Complaint for Discrimination by Fountain Diner Because He Was Not Masked
is the opening skirmish in my campaign to have one aspect of the KronaMadness scrutinized in a court of law. Starting with a tiny, apparently in-significant incident. My technique, is = bundle-up your complaint so someone who knows nothing about it can grasp it, then put it in front of someone who can do something about it.
I am no fan of the BC Human Rights Commission. Yet it is a proper starting-point up the ladder of Court … getting a ruling on the legitimacy of Commissar Farnsworth’s “mandate” for muzzling British Columbians = particularly, the exemption which is expressly set out in his Ministerial Order.
Gordon S Watson Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians ……………………
December 1st 2020
British Columbia Human Rights Commission
is my complaint that on November 30th 2020 employees of the Fountain Diner restaurant in Langford
British Columbia unreasonably denied me a service normally available to the
public, contrary to the BC
Human Rights Code.
01 since
about June 2020, I have been paying attention to the issue of the imposition of
regulations under the Emergency Program Act and also
Public Health Act . In August 2020,
I received from the office of the Ombudsman a copy of his report “Extraordinary Times
Extraordinary Measures”. That
report is available at the URL on the internet website URL
Over-simplified, the opinion of lawyer Jay Chalke, is
: the administration which had
been in power prior to the election of 2020, exceeded its authority, so that powers it presumed to
enshrine in law, are un-constitutional ab initio. UN-learned in the law as I am, I say that >
Orders predicated in those Acts, made consequent to illegal amendments to them,
are each invalid.
Particularly: the diktat of
Commissar Farnsworth re compulsory wearing of face coverings = Ministerial
Order M425 made November 24 2020 =
is of no force nor effect.
A copy of that order is enclosed as Item
ONE of Materials to be
02 in
the fall of 2020, I began requesting copies of the Orders made by Chief Medical
Health Officer Henry as they were advertised in the newsmedia. Each time I called the main office of
the Ministry of Health, asking for a hard copy of the most recent Order, I was
told “it’s not available”. Then about a week later, it would be posted on the
internet. Point being : in the
meantime, lacking proper NOTICE, the Chief Medical Health Officer had not
complied with that Act ergo her Order was not in effect in that timeframe
03 After
studying this topic for the last few months, my position today is = the Covid 19 phenomenon is a HOAX of
the first order. It is the worst
medical mistake in modern history.
Included as Item TWO and integral to this my complaint, is the
transcript of remarks made by Dr Roger Hodkins buttressing my opinion. Also : Item THREE of Materials to be
relied upon is the article by the past president of the Ontario Medical
Association Mask Laws Necessary or Nonsense?
04 Item
FOUR of Materials to be relied upon, is, a batch of pertinent pages from the
Kaplan Report. It is crucial that the Human Rights Commission know and take in
to consideration, that in her official capacity as a health officer in British
Columbia Bonnie Henry md gave evidence to the Kaplan Commission re the efficacy
of wearing masks to prevent transmission of contagious disease in hospital
settings. I have good reason to
believe and I verily do believe, that in the labor arbitration carried on
between the BC Nurses Union and the Health Sciences Association re the issue of
whether or not nurses were compelled to wear masks in hospital settings Bonnie Henry in her capacity
as Chief Medical Health Officer for British Columbia signed a Memorandum of
Understanding in which she acknowledged that the wearing of masks was irrelvant
to transmission of contagious disease, particularly, the influenza virus. The
labor arbitration was settled behind closed doors, in December 2019. That Memorandum is now improperly
hidden from the public.
It is crucial for the purpose of this my complaint against the Fountain
Diner that the Human Rights Commission compel Dr Henry to produce that
Memorandum of Understanding – or whatever that document is titled – as evidence
in this my complaint.
05 Also Item FIVE of the Materials to be relied
upon, the interview COVID-19: Americans are in ‘delusional psychosis’. It is crucial that the Human Rights Tribunal
appreciate that section 103 of the Public Health Act RSBC provides for a categorical defence to a prosecution under it, if the
accused had a sincere belief as to the veracity a certain set of facts.
06 On
or about September 2020, in my
investigation of the Corona Madness,
I came upon the letter of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, informing Translink as to the legality
of compulsion to wear the face muzzle. A copy of that letter is Item SIX of the
Materials to be relied-upon. When I learned about the exemption card
offered by Translink, I
immediately published that image around the internet, and handed it to people
whom I encountered in what we used to call “the real world”, recommending that
they get it and use. Dozens of
people went to the Translink offices and got the card, for free, or printed it
out from my email message. Feedback I got from them tells me that Translink
drivers do acknowledge that that card is valid for the sake of exempting the
bearer from wearing a muzzle. It is important that the Human Rights Commission
appreciate that that policy was in effect on November 30th 2020, the
day I was denied entry to Fountain Diner. Around that same time, I came upon the image of a card
which declares that the person using it is exempt from compulsion to wear a
“mask”. A photocopy of the
front and back of that card is Item
SEVEN of the Materials to
be relied upon.
Ironically, when I came back home to compose this complaint, I saw a bus
go by in which the driver was NOT wearing a muzzle. Shocking, eh? !
07 For
context, it is worth noting the following anecdotes. On Monday November 23rd 2020 I was in Vancouver
at work in the STAPLES store on Seymour street downtown. The manager of the
store came about 20 feet from me and politely said “sir you have to have a
mask on”. I said to him “I’ve
got the exemption card”. He was happy with that and left. He did not ask to see the card
itself. Shortly thereafter, I
attended the Registry of the Lawcourts building at 800 Smithe Street. At the entrance, I was challenged by a
deputy Sherriff. I showed him the
exemption card. He glanced at it
but did not read it. He went
through the protocol questions with me, then directed me to go ahead and
enter. I filed a document with the
Registry Clerk, then left the premises. In Vancouver and in Burnaby and in Surrey, I
entered several other businesses including restaurants. When they politely
asked me to put on a mask, I showed them the card and had no problem. With one
exception. In that instance, I
simply ignored the fool who refused to acknowledge the declaration, continued to finish what I was doing –
photocopying – then left the premises. On Wednesday November 25th
2020 I came back to Swartz Bay on the ferry and had no problem with the staff
as I walked around, breathing freely un-muzzled. Despite relentless annoying messages over the public
address system about requirement to wear a mask, no one challenged me anywhere
on the ship.
08 On
the morning of November 26th 2020, at approximately 10:30 am, I
called the head office of the Ministry de Health : 250 952 1330 identified myself and told the telephone
receptionist that the Public Health Act Order of which I’d heard
rumors, was not available on the website of the office of the Chief medical
Health Officer. Recognizing my voice from the other times I’d called asking for
a copy of Orders which were pretended to be in force as of those days yet not
available, she said “we’ve had this converstation before.” I demanded her name and position. She
said “Angela patient client relations”
09 The
Public Health Act RSBC
dictates that a person subject to an order must be notified of that Order. I told “Angela” that I required a hard
copy of that Order so that I could originate a Request for Reconsideration
pursuant to its section 43 as I had done twice before. In both instances, there
has been no reply from the Chief Medical health Officer nor anyone else in her
Ministry. Even though in that exchange,
I offered to drive downtown and pick up a copy were they to make it
available Angela told me that there was no Order available via the internet nor
anywhere else. Days later, I learned that the rumor
about a “masking mandate” originated with Ministerial Order in Council M425
made – ostensibly – under the Emergency Program Act. Thus, the receptionist, in charge of advising the public
what was going on for all things to do with the Ministry de Health was in
ignorance about the state of the law
10 On
Friday November 27th
2020 I went in to Langford.
UN-muzzled, I went in to the place where I do banking. No one said a word to me
about anything to do with a mask.
I then went to the Canada Post outlet in the Westshore Town Centre
mall. After noticing
the headline on the Times-Colonist newspaper, I purchased a copy in the
Fairways store.
No one there said anything to me about not being muzzled. Reading the frontpage
article headed At odds over whether doctor’s note required to not wear mask
: item EIGHT of Materials to be relied upon, I noticed the quotation
from the Emergency Management BC.
In the Canadian Journalism style manual, such double quotation marks indicate that that is precisely
what was said. I went over
to the STAPLES store on McCallum Road. No one there said a word about me not wearing a
muzzle, because I am a regular customer and have shown the exemption card to
most of the employees, over the past couple of months. I cut the article out
of the newspaper and fitted it on one sheet then made many photocopies. My
intent was, to hand them out, for
free, to people with whom I might come in contact so as to prompt discussion
about the facts and logic to do with government policy to do with the so-called
11 On
Monday November 30th 2020 I went up to the door of the Fountain
Diner at 102- 2800 Goldstream Avenue Langford British Columbia. I went inside the door and spoke to a
waitress. I gave her my name to
put on the list of customers waiting to get in. The look she gave me conveyed that she was unhappy that I
was not wearing a muzzle.
About 10 minutes later, she came out and called my name. When I stepped
up as though I would enter, she impeded me. She said “you
have to wear a mask”. I had in my
left hand quite obviously, the exemption card. Politely, I put
it closer to her face so she could get a good look. She glanced at it but did not read it. She said something like ‘it isn’t
from a government office’. I
said to her ‘read it. The Human Rights commission is a
government body.’ She turned
away saying she would get the manager.
12 A
few minutes later, another woman walked up to me saying she was the manager. She spoke but it was hard to understand
what she said through the cloth diaper she was wearing over her mouth. After another try, I
gathered her name was “Crystal”.
She told me she was refusing me entry because I did not have on a face
mask. I held out the
exemption card for her to inspect. She sneered at it. I pointed to the explanation on the back. She refused to
read it. In short order, it became perfectly clear that she was not going
to let me in.
13 I
warned her that if she was refusing to acknowledge the declaration on the card
as excuse to deny me service normally available to the public, I would make a complaint to the BC
Human Rights Commission. She
said “that’s your choice”. I responded “no, that’s your
choice. You chose not to serve me
contrary to the law
I left
hereby entreat the Human Rights Commission to haul the Fountain Diner folks in
to line …. educate them, as well as all citizens, as to their duty to obey
the law
S Watson
Office box 47034 Langford P O British Columbia V9B
Here you have the nuts+bolts of the mechanism by which the medical system transmogrified to unapologetic tyranny.
While the minds of British Columbians were on vacation over the summer of 2020, the NDP administration changed the Public Health Act so that police officers may now carry out the powers that, previously were ONLY available to Health Officers.
Amusing, that that same Act makes a way for someone to demand re-consideration of an Order made by a Health Officer. But we don’t see that form listed, do we?
No. Back a decade ago, the Health Authorities slapped Orders on our little raw milk dairy. When I went to the head office of Vancouver Coastal Health, seeking the form mentioned in section 43 of the Act, head honcho Nick Losito sneered at me “I”m not giving it to you!” then ran back and hid in his office. Eventually, via my MLA, I did get a copy of said form. Turns out it hadn’t even been composed, til I came calling! But = demonstrating the insolence of bureaucrats when they rise to a level beyond their competence = Mr Losito didn’t have the civility to acknowledge even that much
Same thing going on now with the Medico-Stalinists in charge of this poor suffering province. The good thing to keep in mind : they always overstep themselves
So = as of this writing, what I’m expecting will happen > is some outrageous misuse of the powers of the Act. As unhappy as that will be for the individual who gets taken away in handcuffs, or a straitjacket ( I am NOT exaggerating) it will provide a good set of facts with which to challenge the assinine GATHERINGS AND EVENTS Order which the sainted BonBon Henry authorized on Oct 30th 2020.
challenging the police or asshole bureaucrat filled with her own importance, on the ground, in the moment, is NOT the thing to do. Psychopaths love that, because it gives them the thrill of sheer power. Then officialdom uses such example of dissidence as propaganda to further kow the normies.
No : we’re in the SitzKreig = opening stages of “law -fare”. Our best hope, is > to get a constitutional challenge underway, before a decent judge who remembers what common sense used to be in this white, Christian nation, before the globalists slithered in to the high places of government. And, to blaze to the skies the FACTS of what’s happening. Publicity is the soul of Justice
Gordon S Watson Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians