New COVID Hysteria Truths & Upcoming Freedom Events in the South Okanagan

.New COVID Hysteria Truths & Upcoming Freedom Events in the South Okanagan

Bonny Henry s Book Bonnie the Commie Finally Admits the TruthJust like every other chief medical officer of health across the country, I had a mandate and the legal authority to speak directly to the public about issues related to health. I was fully aware, however, that if I were wildly offside with what the provincial health minister and government believed, it could make my position challenging, and that if I was too far off the mark too often, the government could render me ineffective or fire me altogether.” (p. 40-41) (Thank you Tanya for this update!!) Additionally, she has admitted repeatedly to being pressured to order mask requirements by private business lobby groups. What does this mean? It means she has broken the law, s. 66 of the Public Health Act,which requires her to advise the gov’t in an “independent manner” on public health issues. In fact, it is the gov’t and private lobby groups, fueled by greedy insurance companies and big pharma, telling Bonnie the Commie, what Orders to issue, and she merely follows orders. LOCK HER UP!
NSW Premier giving 666 on resignation to avoid corruption proble But it doesn’t end there. Combine this, with the admissions of a former Australian member of Parliament, Clive Palmer. Two weeks ago, he claimed NSW Premier Glady Berejiklian, here giving the 666 symbol at her resignation, was told she wouldn’t be charged in a corruption probe, if she imposed a vaccine mandate. The Premier just resigned in disgrace. Pfizer and AstraZeneca are alleged to have been paying lobbyists tens of millions of dollars to push the double jab. “Shortly before Berejiklian resigned, she told Sydney residents that if they don’t take the Covid jab, they face total social isolation indefinitely after the stay-at-home order ends in December.” Be assured, big pharma is applying the same pressure (and likely, threats) to Henry, Dix, Farnworth and Horgan in B.C., and to elected officials everywhere.
Our ancestors knew the truthful solution over 400 years ago! The wheel does not need to be reinvented
Etienne de la Boetie 3 Civil Disobedience is the answer
C.L.E.A.R. Telegram Link With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
C.L.E.A.R. Telegram Group
Basran 3 THE DENIAL Basran the Bluffer Mayor Basran refuses public debate on his claims that science supports him. However, despite promises we would receive detailed reasons, we received nothing more than a statement of the City’s position that they have decided to follow Bonnie the Commie’s orders. Well, we already knew that! Basran the Bluffer has still refused to say why he won’t debate his claims on the science. Well, we know why! We will continue to demand he debate us publicly on the science – as well as Bonnie the Commie, who also has refused to even answer our demand. Here is his response to our email demand, to which a reply has been forwarded demanding his reconsideration and/or specific reasons for his denial: Dear David: Thank you for your request to meet; however, I respectfully decline. As a City, we have followed the advice and direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer, since day one of this COVID-19 pandemic. As B.C.’s most senior public health official, Dr. Henry is responsible for monitoring the health of all British Columbians and undertaking measures for disease prevention and control and health protection. I believe it’s vitally important that everyone follow Dr. Henry’s orders about what needs to be done to limit the spread of this virus and protect our healthcare system. I will add that it is not the City’s jurisdiction to impose or rescind public health orders; that is the responsibility of Dr. Henry. As I have mentioned, as a City, we follow Dr. Henry’s direction and public health orders, and I encourage our citizens to do the same. Sincerely on behalf of City Council,
B.C. True COVID STATS The Gov’t continues to promote falsified stats, to justify its lockdowns. As shown below, the true death rate from COVID-19 (assuming it exists as it has not even been isolated), is roughly the same as a bad flu season. Bonnie the Commie promotes Cases only:

187 694 Cases 1 973 Deaths = Case Fatality Rate: 1.05% True accurate determination, are infections: Infection Fatality Rate:
187 694 x 8 (Henry’s estimate of true infections – 2020***) = 1 501 552 Infections, about 33% of population
1 501 552 Infections 1 973 Deaths = .13% Infection Fatality Rate (same as the flu) ▪ This is much higher because most people are not sick enough to report infections. This is using: B.C. Gov’t Stats
Up coming important Rallies to attend: Kelowna CLEAR Rally Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 a.m. @ Central Okanagan School District 1040 Hollywood Rd. S. Ban the Mask! If you care about our kids, you need to join us to oppose the recent Bonnie the Commie Order imposing masks on our little ones. Read s. 17 of the Infants Act, to immediately see that this Order is completely unlawful. Kelowna CLEAR Rally and Picnic Protest Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Stuart Park
Speakers will be announced shortly. With other provinces passing stricter and stricter legislation, and BC close behind, we all have an obligation and need to spread the word about our weekly rallies. Now is NOT the time to leave our beautiful province, but to rally the troops around our cause. Our children and families deserve nothing less. After our rally, we will be having a picnic protest at a local business downtown enforcing the vaxx pass. Bring your chairs and a table or blanket and your lunch, and dress warmly. As with other cities, our goal is to let the businesses know, we oppose them, we will expose them and will not support them.

______ Vernon Rally Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Polson Park
Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.

______ Kamloops Saturday October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Riverside Park
Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the best rallies in the Kamloops area.
______ Penticton Sun. Oct. 10, 2021 12:00 noon @ Warren & Main St.
Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan
. ______ Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Protest Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021
Location TBA

______ Kelowna CLEAR MEGA Rally Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 Speakers TBA next week. These big rallies have in the past, sent strong messages to the Gov’t and Bonnie the Commie, that there are a lot more people opposed to their lockdowns, than they admit!! We need your support for this huge event and hope you will show up for our speakers, and march through downtown Kelowna.

Resistance is Not Futile C.L.E.A.R. Freedom Events, July 24

Resistance is Not Futile C.L.E.A.R. Freedom Events, July
July Summer Events!!! C.L.E.A.R.billboard is now up!! The objective was to alert people to our rallies and direct them to C.L.E.A.R. website. You can view it as you are heading into West Kelowna. It is on the left hand side just before “Friends Pub”. C.L.E.A.R. website is up and running as well. It is being updated on a regular basis. Just click on the billboard photo and it will take you right there.
July 24, 2021 CLEAR MEGA Rally and World Wide Rally 12:00 – 6:00 pm Stuart Park, Kelowna B.C.
Speakers to include:
Jacquelyn Rose The discussion of “The Law” (Frederick Bastiat).
Bettina Engler Sharing the history of Nuremberg and how it relates to Covid.
Iris Wagner Impact and effects lockdowns are having on families and youth.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe What exactly is about to come? 1:30 p.m. Downtown march

2:45 Potluck and music by Chilliwack’s Peter Esau
Tell your friends and bring your family!!
photo 2021-05-16 22-36-33 Thank you to Bettina, Arlene, Sepora, Linda, and all of the other many volunteers it takes to make this happen!
We urge everyone to bring a chair and coolers if you have them. Water will be available at the C.L.E.A.R. table and any donations are greatly appreciated.
July 31, 2021 C.L.E.A.R. Rally is honoured to support THE FRONT LINE NURSES.
photo 2021-07-06 00-13-42 July 31st, 2021 is C.L.E.A.R. rally from 12:00 – 2:00 pm in Stuart Park, Kelowna BC. The Canadian Frontline Nurses,will be in Kelowna from their Canada-wide tour. Kristen, Kristal and Sarah have all left their careers and made a huge sacrifice to whistle blow and educate Canadians on the current unethical practices with respect to COVID-19.