Bill C-63, Trudeau Wants to Implement the Globalist Goal of Silencing Critics

I am genuinely frightened and deeply distraught by the federal government’s latest bill and its impact on YOUR Freedom of Speech and Expression.

Your Freedom of Speech and Expression is at stake, starting with censoring your voice on the Internet.

One “wrong” post on the Internet, and you’re silenced… forever…

Just last week, Justin Trudeau’s (In)Justice Minister Arif Virani introduced Canada, and the world, to Bill C-63, the “Online Harms Act”. 

He is calling for a chilling piece of legislation aiming to reduce online “hate” and “hate speech.” 

The implications are far-reaching and frightening since this bill will not just force social media and big tech giants to merely terminate your social media account. 

It’s social media jail incarnate, where you will pay the physical price for sharing the “wrong” opinions by going to ACTUAL JAIL.


Sign the petition and DEMAND all our elected Members of Parliament (MPs) to resoundingly vote NO! to Bill C-63, the “DEATH of Free Speech.”

This grim reality is something straight out of science fiction, or at the very least, an online censorship law directly imported from an authoritarian regime like China, Iran, or North Korea.

If the Trudeau Liberal government gets away with it, this will be the new normal in Canada.

Here’s what authoritarian Justice Minister Virani’s “DEATH of Free Speech” law proposes:

  1. Update the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC)‘s definition of “hate speech” and “hatred” to include ambiguous terms like “incites violent extremism or terrorism,” “incites violence,” and “foments hatred” (specifically section 318 and 319 of the CCC).
  2. Expand the federal bureaucracy by instituting a “Digital Safety Commission” (aka Canada’s very own Ministry of Truth) and a “Digital Safety Ombudsperson” to receive complaints about “hate speech” and enforce speech “standards” on internet platforms (Facebook, Twitter/X, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, Rumble, etc.).
  3. Grant even more power to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, allowing them to force content removal and impose fines up to $70,000, with a maximum of $20,000 to the offended anonymous complainants.The same commission that labeled Christmas as “racist” last December.
  4. Raise the maximum punishments for “hate propaganda” to life imprisonment.
  5. Enact “protective measures” enabling a judge to act on anonymous reports of hate crimes by requiring accused individuals to wear an electronic monitoring device, undergo house arrest, be banned from public spaces, or have a restraining order against them.

The definitions of “hate” and “hateful speech” are so vague that they could include almost anything: 

Critical opinions, political commentary, even memes. 

The type of content produced by people like Tucker Carlson, Ezra Levant, The Babylon Bee, and CitizenGO.

Add your name and call upon our MPs to stand firmly against Bill C-63, the bill that threatens the very existence of Free Speech here in Canada.

It’s unclear how these claims of “hate crimes” will be verified, opening the floodgates for anonymous complaints from anyone, anywhere in the world.

Does this sound familiar? It should.

This is eerily similar to the current legal case CitizenGO’s own Eduard Proels is facing in Germany, who is facing charges for sharing a meme on Facebook. 

Or Päivi Räsänen, a Finish MP, who is still being persecuted by a vengeful prosecutor for sharing her Christian beliefs online despite already winning her case in court, not once but twice.

If this bill passes, we could see individuals like Dr. Mark Trozzi, Jordan Peterson, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and Josh Alexander jailed FOR LIFE for sharing their opinions that go against the radical globalist elite’s favorite politically “correct” narratives.

Pro-lifers, pro-family advocates, and pro-freedom supporters could also face similar fates, like the countless freedom convoy supporters who suddenly had their bank accounts unconstitutionally FROZEN for showing their support behind our brave truckers.

The passage of Bill C-63, “DEATH of Free Speech,” would bring the Trudeau Liberals’ vision of turning Canada into a so-called “basic dictatorship” one step closer to becoming an actual-livable reality.

But in this dark time, there is still a glimmer of hope.

We’ve seen the massive public backlash against The Liberal government’s failed attempts to pass similar censorship bills over the last several years.

This is why I am asking you to act now. If you don’t, you will lose the ability to openly discuss and debate important issues, first online and then in person.

Only with your help can we successfully defend all Canadians from authoritarianism and preserve YOUR fundamental human right to Free Speech and Expression!

Join the movement demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poiliverve, Jagmeet Singh, Yves-François Blanchet, and our Members of Parliament to say “NO!” to Bill C-63’s assassination of Free Speech!

With hope and determination,

Gregory Tomchyshyn and the entire team at CitizenGO

P.S. This fight is one of the most important fights, if not the most important fight, myself and the entire CitizenGO team is engaged with right now.

Bill C-63 would not only silence me but also you and your voice.

If your fundamental freedoms and democracy is going to survive in Canada, I personally need your help rallying a massive army of voices against this authoritarian proposal before it becomes law.

It takes only a few seconds to sign and then share this petition with everyone you know:

Only with your involvement can we mount the largest defense ever seen defending your guaranteed human right to Free Speech.

Canadian Christian forced to undergo second ‘hate crime’ trial after already being acquitted

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Albertan Christian Bill Whatcott must be retried for ‘Wilful Promotion of Hatred’ for distributing flyers warning against homosexual acts during the June 2016 ‘Pride Parade’ in Toronto.

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LifeFunder: Help Canadian Christian Bill Whatcott fund his legal defense.

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — An Albertan Christian is being forced to undergo second “hate crime” trial after already being acquitted in 2021.  

On February 15, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Christian activist Bill Whatcott must be retried for “Wilful Promotion of Hatred” for distributing flyers warning against homosexual acts during the June 2016 gay “Pride Parade” in Toronto. 

“The Supreme Court of Canada rendered its decision this morning and upheld the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision that my acquittal for ‘Wilful Promotion of Hatred’ be overturned and a new trial be ordered,” Whatcott wrote on his blog.  

Whatcott’s legal battle began in 2016 after he and a half dozen other Christian activists entered the Toronto gay “Pride Parade” under the guise of being members of “The Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.” 

Whatcott has explained that he and his friends entered the parade as “gay zombie cannabis consumers” because the parade was not accepting of open Christians, figuring if they made an attempt to blend in they would be more effective. 

During the parade, they handed out about 3,000 small packages made to look like condoms that contained Gospel passages and graphic photos of sexually transmitted disease sufferers, warning people of the physical and spiritual dangers related to homosexual practices and sharing the good news that Jesus Christ died for all of humanity, including those who have embraced the homosexual lifestyle. 

Following the parade, homosexual activists announced a $104 million dollar class-action lawsuit, seemingly in a bid to financially ruin Whatcott and to discourage any future activism.

After two years of litigation, the homosexual activists dropped the lawsuit.

However, in 2018, the then-Liberal government of Ontario charged Whatcott with Public Incitement of Hate, contrary to s. 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada, alleging that his flyer was tantamount to criminal “hate speech.”

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Whatcott voluntarily surrendered to police in Calgary after a Canada-wide warrant was put out for his arrest. He was released on bail, with one of the terms of release being that his flyer faced a publication ban in Canada.  

Whatcott’s case proceeded through the criminal justice system for 3 years before finally being heard in the Superior Court for Ontario in October 2021.  

On December 10, 2021 the trial judge released his judgment finding Whatcott “not guilty,” entering a verdict of acquittal. 

However, the Attorney General of Ontario refused to accept the verdict, instead appealing the decision in the Ontario Court of Appeal on June 21, 2023. 

The government argued the 2021 ruling failed to properly consider homosexual activist Nick Mules’ “expert” analysis Whatcott’s flyer, alleging it promulgated “homophobic tropes” and “microaggressions.” Ultimately, the Ontario Court of Appeal decided Whatcott must indeed face a second trial. 

“It seems Supreme Court disagrees with my lawyer and Justice Goldstein and they are content to have me go through another trial again with Nick Mule’s input,” Whatcott lamented. 

“So the first trial is voided and we are back to June 2018 when the Canada wide arrest warrant was issued and I will be going on trial again probably some time later this year,” he added. 

LifeSiteNews had launched a LifeFunder campaign to help Whatcott in his legal battles, a fund which is still active. To donate to financially support Whatcott, click here.   

Whatcott being forced to undergo a trial for a crime which he has already been acquitted of came just weeks before the federal Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced Bill C-63, seeking to create the “Online Harms Act.” 

Bill C-63 will create the Online Harms Act and modify existing laws, amending the Criminal Code as well as the Canadian Human Rights Act, in what the Liberals claim will target certain cases of internet content removal, notably those involving child sexual abuse and pornography. 

In addition to these laudable goals, however, the bill also seeks to increase punishments for existing hate propaganda offenses in a substantial manner, as well as seeking to broaden the scope of the government’s ability to crackdown on speech.  

A top constitutional lawyer warned LifeSiteNews that the legislation will allow a yet-to-be-formed digital safety commission to conduct “secret commission hearings” against those found to have violated the new law, raising “serious concerns for the freedom of expression” of Canadians online.  

The proposed commission’s ombudsperson, along with the other offices, will be charged with dealing with public complaints regarding online content as well as put forth a regulatory function in a five-person panel “appointed by the government.” This panel will be charged with monitoring internet platform behaviors to hold people “accountable.”  

Most worryingly, the new bill will allow it so that anyone can file a complaint against another person with the Canadian Human Rights Commission for “posting hate speech online” that is deemed “discriminatory” against a wide range of so-called protected categories, notably gender, race, sexuality, or other areas.  

Penalties for violations of the proposed law include $20,000 fines and jail time

Paul Fromm Explains the Dire Threat to Free Speech — Up to Life in Prison! — of Trudeau’s Bill C-63 – The Online Harms Act

Paul Fromm Explains the Dire Threat to Free Speech — Up to Life in Prison! — of Trudeau’s Bill C-63 – The Online Harms Act

With host James Edwards & Keith Alexander on “The Political Cesspool” out of Memphis, Tennessee

Truckers get jail time while real criminals get bail and parole

Truckers get jail time while real criminals get bail and parole

Even Canadians who didn’t agree with the trucker convoy’s message should be concerned by the obvious disparity in their treatment by the legal system

Gwyn Morgan, Special to Financial Post

Published Mar 05, 2024  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  3 minute read


Garbage bins of trucker convoy signs were in front of Parliament Hill after it had been cleared of protesters.
Garbage bins of trucker convoy signs were in front of Parliament Hill after it had been cleared of protesters. Photo by Adam Huras/Parliament Hill files

On Jan. 29, 2022, a trucker convoy headed down to the Coutts, Alta., border crossing with the U.S. to protest the COVID-19 vaccine mandates the Trudeau government had put in place. The protest turned into a full-scale blockade that lasted 17 days. Two of the protest leaders, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin, were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and mischief, accusations that were hard to credit given the context of the event. They remained in custody for 723 days, during 74 of which Morin was in solitary confinement. Finally, after their lawyer filed a Charter of Rights application to examine the case, the Crown suddenly accepted

Contrast this with the recent case of a mother and her child fatally stabbed in a horrific random attack outside an Edmonton school. Despite a long history of violence, the accused killer had been released on bail 18 days before their murders.

In addition to the two Coutts truckers, the federal government has been persecuting Tamara Lich, who had journeyed from across the country to serve as an organizer and spokesperson for a truckers protest in Ottawa that began Jan. 29, 2022, and ended with the Trudeau government’s implementation of the Emergencies Act on Feb. 14.

Lich, an Indigenous grandmother from Alberta, was arrested and charged with “obstructing police, counselling others to commit mischief, and intimidation.” It’s hard to imagine how this petite, soft-spoken woman could “obstruct police or intimidate” anyone.

Handcuffed between two towering federal police officers, Lich was put in solitary confinement in a dungeon-like cell with a tiny window five metres above her head.

She spent two weeks in jail and was then released on bail with orders not to communicate with anyone associated with the convoy. Later that summer, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms selected her as the recipient of its annual “George Jonas Freedom Award for advancing and preserving freedom in our country.”  At the awards ceremony in Toronto, she was photographed with another person associated with the convoy and as a result was re-arrested. After serving another 30 days in prison, she was again released on bail after a different judge ruled there had been “no significant interaction” with the other convoy member.

Meanwhile in Ontario, Randal McKenzie, a habitual offender charged with weapons violations and assaulting a police officer, was set free on bail with no conditions other than periodically reporting to his parole officer. He was subsequently charged in the shooting death of Ontario Provincial Police Constable Greg Pierzchala.

The Canadian Criminal Code states: “Persons who are charged with an offence are constitutionally entitled to be released from custody unless Crown Counsel is able to justify their continued detention … including consideration of the background of the accused and risk to the public.” It’s inconceivable that Lich could be considered a risk to anyone.

The trials of Tamara Lich and convoy co-organizer Chris Barber finally began in September of last year. The federal Crown Prosecutor, presumably aware the government wanted to teach the convoy protesters a lesson, had already stated he would seek a prison sentence of 10 years — a sentence given only for very serious violent assaults by habitual criminals.

The trial was originally expected to finish Oct. 15 but is taking much longer. After adjourning in December, it restarted in January, though for only one day. A shortage of available court time makes its completion date uncertain.

Tamara Lich, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin spent a combined total of 767 days in jail — despite not having been convicted of anything. Meanwhile, Canada’s bail laws continue to allow habitually violent offenders loose after just a few days in custody.

One of the fundamental cornerstones separating a democracy from a dictatorship is the prohibition of government interference in the judicial process. But what else can explain the stark discrepancy between the Crown’s treatment of the non-violent convoy leaders and its pervasive and persistent empathy for habitual criminals and even murderers.

Even Canadians who didn’t agree with the trucker convoy’s message or methods should be concerned by the obvious disparity in their treatment at the hands of the legal system. It’s something to ponder as we await the news of yet another murder or egregious assault by a violent offender released on bail that we all know will come only too soon.

For Lower Mainland Readers — Vaccine Choice Canada Potluck


VCC (Vaccine Choice Canada) Potluck – Vancouver – Sunday, March 10, – 4:30 – 8:30 pmDate: Sunday March 10th, Time: 4:30 to 8:30 PM

facilities at Mountainview Christian Fellowship
791 East 27th Ave., Vancouver. – (corner of Prince Albert St. and 27th Ave. )

Discussion: on the details and serious consequences of the many BILLS passed by BC’s NDP Legislature. 

– Bills 31, 36, 44, 46, 47Bring your favourite dish, – plate/cutlery/drink, ( hopefully washable and not disposal – as we strive to be a ‘no garbage’ community) – seeds and growing supplies – it is approaching pre-seeding time. – books to exchange, – money for community market. – Let me know if you want to reserve space to sell your products. (Queenie)
Hope to see you there!

Meet Art Lucier – the Man Battling Quebec’s Government in Court for Sabotage of Freedom Meeting

  I have an amazing interview today with Art Lucier, a well-known Canadian Patriot and Pastor. This is the man behind the popular Battle for Canada events, the Canadian Fire Wall zoom room which has had a rotating schedule of people praying 24/7 without stopping for 4 years, and also Harvest Ministries International, a series of churches, with its headquarters at his church in Kelowna, BC. Art is currently suing the Quebec government and needs your help. I’ve been to Kelowna several times, and it was an absolute hotbed of patriotic Canadians standing up against the lockdowns, Digital ID, vaccine mandates, and government incursions of all kinds.

Art Lucier is at the center of this Milieu, and many of you have been on his prayer calls, and have been to his live stadium events here in Canada.

Last summer, Art planned his 6th Battle for Canada event that would stretch 10 days from St. Jean-Baptiste Day in Quebec all the way through to Dominion (Canada) Day. He had a major convention center across from the Provincial legislature rented out, and thousands of people across the country were going to attend. They were going to pray for Canada, and talk about practical ways to re-establish freedom in this country. Count me in!

Then in a stunning, lawless, and reckless move, the Quebec government had the convention centre cancel Art’s rental, only a short time before the event was to take place, breaching the contract, abusing their power, and also breaching the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not to mention costing Art’s ministry about $250,000.

Art is now suing the Quebec government in what is as close to a slam-dunk case as you can get, and he needs your help.



Joe Fallisi

John Kaminski.png

I have had to remain silent for a few days, not only because my computer stopped breathing just after I read, dumbfounded, the news of the death of my friend John Kaminski (of whose illness, unfortunately, I was unaware), but also because I knew that someone very dear to me would no longer read my messages, and would no longer send me any.

It is heartbreaking, but there it is: the further we advance in years, the more we see those we love slipping away, like leaves that a breath of wind suddenly drops (often without any warning) back to Mother Earth.

Years ago I had read some of his articles online and had been so impressed by this NON-Yankee American writer, who understood the essentials (who was, first and foremost, and why, the Enemy of the good, the beautiful, the true, nature, animals, humanity – even the American people themselves)… I wrote to him with sincere admiration and he wrote back immediately. From then on we became friends, and his e-mail address went on my mailing list, as did mine on his.

He even generously wanted to do an interview with me, and I was very honored… I was only sorry that my English was rudimentary and broken, but for him this did not constitute any problem. And he had the same generosity when, sua sponte, he sent me some of his books, precious jewels that I will keep forever.

Thoughtful, kind, sensitive, with an intelligence full of light and always open to new acquisitions, new discoveries, John was like an eternal child explorer of the world and himself. We disagreed on some of his conspiracy theories, but it did not matter because in the background, in the essentials, precisely, we were always in complete agreement.

John, also in this NOT Yankee, hated the hellish kosherbadmusic that became “pop” after 1945, after the catastrophe of National Socialist Germany, of Europe, of civilization. Thus he wrote to me in an email dated January 6, 2024: “Church choral music has long been my favorite musical genre, Gabriel Fauré my favorite composer, and Cantique de Jean Racine my favorite song.” I had just sent him this very short masterpiece by the French composer, and it was a joy for me to read his words.

Before he flew into another dimension, as if he felt that his own departure was near and that he had to write something fundamental and comprehensive on a crucially important subject, he published eight beautiful essays (8, number of cosmic balance and symbol of Infinity) on his site entitled “RELIGION IS A MIND CONTROL DEVICE.” Now the site is no longer online, but I hope someone capable of doing so will save all its contents and other writings of the great John Kaminski on, one of the few, last oases of freedom of thought and expression

Dear John, I hope with all my heart to see you again in the Elysian Fields.


CAFE protested outside the Maplehurst Detention Centre for political prisoner Leslie Bory who has been inside for 381 days, without bail, for allegedly posting threats against privileged groups on a podcast. His trial may not occur until next January. He will have been in two years  Meanwhile violent criminals, mostly black, get bail. It’s political discrimination.

Sign the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Online Petition Opposing Trudeau’s Stalinist “Online Harms Act”

Stop the Online Harms Act

This Act threatens freedom of expression in Canada.

Canadians’ online expression should not be censored unless it violates the Criminal Code.

No Canadian should face an anonymous human rights complaint for what they have said.

No Canadian should be hauled before a court or punished merely because somebody “fears” they will say something hateful.

No Canadian should face life imprisonment for their expression.

We, the undersigned, call upon Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Arif Virani, and all Parliamentarians, to stop the Online Harms Act.

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