PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY This Sunday, October 23rd – from 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.You never know who will show up as a surprise speaker
Important updates, open mic, cold drinks, home-baked treats, bumper stickers, buttons, Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground, lots of other information and free hugs. Miss a week and you miss a lot. Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.
October 30- we have a convoy coming to Penticton – The Justice for the Vaccinated BC Bus TourNovember – lots of great speakers are planned——————————- o0o————————————-Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them). 1. Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2. Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3. Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions SAVE THE DATE!!!Plan to be THERE!!! October 30th 7 pm Penticton Lakeside Resort
November 10th – Planning Meeting – Location and time TBA
——————————- o0o————————————-
Emails and thanks from P4F supporters
Thank you, Vlado for the pictures from the last rally
Don’t forget to continue to follow the steps to REIGNITE OUR FREEDOM
Reignite Freedom – Step #7
We’re changing things up a bit and announcing 2 steps this week. One will continue to help disconnect us from the globalist agenda, the other will focus on our health and well-being. If you aren’t going to look after yourself, you’re no good to anyone.
Step 7 – Part 1
Never use a self-checkout or order food using a QR code unless absolutely necessary. If the cashier or waiter seems confused about why you won’t, use that as an opportunity to explain that you are part of the Global walkout and you are choosing to inconvenience yourselves to protect their jobs.
Avoid seed oils as much as possible. Oils like canola, cottonseed, and grapeseed…all of these are highly processed oils. On the global walkout website, navigate to this week’s step, and you’ll find an article explaining more about the dangers of consuming these types of oils. Use these points to start conversations with your family and loved ones.
Seed oils to avoid
Corn oil
Canola oil
Cottonseed oil
Soy or soybean oil
Sunflower oil
Safflower oil
Grapeseed oil
Ricebran oil
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Documentary Worth Watching The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )
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FREEDOM RISING Newsletter #18
Please read, then share their newsletter with your family and friendsHERE
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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!
Where do we go from here? That’s our theme for October!
PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY This Sunday, October 23rd – from 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.You never know who will show up as a surprise speaker
Important updates, open mic, cold drinks, home-baked treats, bumper stickers, buttons, Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground, lots of other information and free hugs.Miss a week and you miss a lot. Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. October 30- we have a convoy coming to Penticton – The Justice for the Vaccinated BC Bus TourNovember – lots of great speakers are planned——————————- o0o————————————-Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them). 1. Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2. Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3. Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions SAVE THE DATE!!!Plan to be THERE!!! October 30th 7 pm Penticton Lakeside Resort
November 10th – Planning Meeting – Location and time TBA
——————————- o0o————————————-
Emails and thanks from P4F supporters
Thank you, Vlado for the pictures from the last rally
Don’t forget to continue to follow the steps to REIGNITE OUR FREEDOM
Reignite Freedom – Step #7
We’re changing things up a bit and announcing 2 steps this week. One will continue to help disconnect us from the globalist agenda, the other will focus on our health and well-being. If you aren’t going to look after yourself, you’re no good to anyone.
Step 7 – Part 1
Never use a self-checkout or order food using a QR code unless absolutely necessary. If the cashier or waiter seems confused about why you won’t, use that as an opportunity to explain that you are part of the Global walkout and you are choosing to inconvenience yourselves to protect their jobs.
Avoid seed oils as much as possible. Oils like canola, cottonseed, and grapeseed…all of these are highly processed oils. On the global walkout website, navigate to this week’s step, and you’ll find an article explaining more about the dangers of consuming these types of oils. Use these points to start conversations with your family and loved ones.
Seed oils to avoid
Corn oil
Canola oil
Cottonseed oil
Soy or soybean oil
Sunflower oil
Safflower oil
Grapeseed oil
Ricebran oil
——————————- o0o————————————-
Documentary Worth Watching The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )
——————————- o0o————————————-
FREEDOM RISING Newsletter #18
Please read, then share their newsletter with your family and friendsHERE
——————————- o0o————————————-
Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!
PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY – 1 to 3 p.m. NE Corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton.Gina apologizes that she will not be presenting the emergency kits, she has been in a car accident and will need some recovery time. She will be back soon! With complimentary subjects, Steve and Mark will move their talks to coincide with Gina’s recovery. Meanwhile… (you know that message about all those surprise speakers that show up at the last minute?) …
This Sunday, October 16: Special Guest SpeakersDr Mel Bruchet is back in town this weekend and he and Kuldip Randhawa will give us updates on their latest projects. They’ve been visiting with leaders of several Sikh Temples (some of which Kuldip, as an engineer designed), and have much news to share with us about what they’ve learned.DR MEL IS ALSO INVITING ALL WHO WISH TO JOIN THEM FOR ANOTHER POTLUCK PARTY/BRAINSTORMING SESSION AT SKAHA LAKE PARK BY THE GAZEBO STARTING AT 3:15 THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE RALLY.
Every Week: Important updates, open mic Q&A, treats and surprises, bumper stickers, buttons, Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground, lots of other information…and free hugs. 😉 Miss a week and you miss a lot. Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.
October 23rd and 30th -Speakers TBA Coming up when we know their dates: Sean Taylor, Sean Brown, Lindsay Gablehouse and of course the Justice for the Vaccinated Doctors Tour coming up on October 30! Stayed tuned!——————————- o0o————————————-
Municipal Elections – Important Choices for us all Election day: Saturday, October 15 – 8 to 8 – at Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, 273 Power Street and Seniors’ Drop-In Centre, 2965 South Main Street Wayne Llewellynn and Lindsey Hall are both running and we are rooting for them to be part of the new council! ***** JUST IN! TWO GROUPS HAVE SCOUTED OUT FREEDOM CANDIDATES THEY’D LIKE TO HAVE YOU CONSIDER GIVING YOUR VOTE. Unfortunately, they missed Penticton in their survey but do cover most cities in BC, especially those where there has been a lot of rally activity. You’ll find their listsHere: – a list of candidates on our side as a guide to voting. And Here:
Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!
Ursula Haverbeck Ordered Back to Prison – and her Rebuttal to this Order
13 October 2022
by Monika Schaefer
Ursula Haverbeck, born on November 8, 1928, has been told she must turn herself in to the prison within two weeks of having received the order, to serve her one-year sentence. This would mean presenting herself at the gate by October 25, 2022. The nearly 94-year-old German woman is guilty of none other than asking inconvenient questions about “the Holocaust” and where those alleged murders took place. After years of asking questions and never receiving answers, she drew “politically incorrect” conclusions.
With the help of an online translator and a few of my own corrections to it, this is my best effort to present an English version of her letter which she submitted to the court authorities. Frau Haverbeck’s original letter in German follows the English version. If bilingual readers find errors in interpretation, please put those in the comments.
It is simply astonishing with what chutzpah the so-called “justice” system in Germany operates, in order to keep the official narrative going. Someone – I wonder who – must be very afraid to let the truth emerge about what really happened in Germany during that chapter in history commonly referred to as World War Two.
For previous articles about Ursula Haverbeck on my website: please see this and this, both articles from December 2020 and this one from November of 2020 just after she was released from her 2&1/2 years in prison.
Here is the letter from Ursula Haverbeck:
District Court Tiergarten 10548 Berlin Business reference (251b Ds) 231 Js 1640/16 (54/16) Objection to your communication of 07.09.2022 Notification to the Regional Court of Berlin
October 11, 2022
Dear Sir or Madam,
The judgment of the District Court Tiergarten of December 4, 2020 cannot be final, as the trial took place without charge. As a defendant, I had no idea what the trial was about. I was released from prison 12 days before the trial, had to find my way around my house, where there was water damage, and only at 4 p.m. the day before the 1st day of the trial (November 17, 2020, 10 a.m.) received the message that I had to attend in Berlin. I arrived in Berlin completely tired out and confused. I also do not have the Charges. That is why I could not prepare. On the 2nd day of the trial, the judge told me that I did not have to appear on the 3rd date on December 4, 2020, as only two witnesses were to be heard. On December 4, 2020, however, these witnesses were not heard (although present), but in fact a verdict was announced, without my presence and without the Last Word of the Accused. I still do not know the verdict of this case. Could you be so kind as to send me the indictment and verdict? Thank you!
Thus, the judgment of the Regional Court of April 1, 2022 is also invalid, because it states there and in your communication of September 7, 2022 quite clearly that the first judgment of the District Court Tiergarten of October 16, 2017 in conjunction with the second judgment of December 4, 2020 had been combined to a total penalty. Without the second trial at the Tiergarten District Court, the overall sentence would not have been possible. The sentence of six months would have remained or the appeal would have had to be upheld: i.e. no penalty.
How is it at all possible that a “judge at the district court” (cover page of the judgment of April 1, 2022) makes a judgment in the regional court – in a complicated and publicly known case? With this multitude of procedural errors, why was my appeal simply rejected without any justification? Even legal laymen can see that something is wrong.
I request the termination of the proceedings and the annulment of the judgment of the Regional Court of April 1, 2022. I would also like to point out that I am no longer in a position to serve a prison sentence due to my health.
Awaiting an early reply and with kind regards, ~Ursula Haverbeck ******************************** Here is the original letter in German from Ursula Haverbeck to the District Court and to Berlin. ********************************
Amtsgericht Tiergarten 10548 Berlin
Geschäftszeichen (251b Ds) 231 Js 1640/16 (54/16) Einspruch gegen Ihre Mitteilung vom 07.09.2022
Nachrichtlich an das Landgericht Berlin
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
das Urteil des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten vom 04.12.2020 kann nicht rechtskräftig sein, da der Prozeß ohne Anklage stattfand. Ich hatte als Angeklagte keine Ahnung, worauf sich das Verfahren bezog. Ich bin 12 Tage vor dem Prozeß aus der Haft entlassen worden, mußte mich im meinem Haus zurechtfmden, wo ein Wasserschaden war, und bekam erst am Vortag zum 1. Prozeßtag (17.11.2020, 10 Uhr) um 16 Uhr die Mitteilung, daß ich mich in Berlin einzufinden hätte. Ich kam völlig übernächtigt in Berlin an und war vollständig verwirrt. Ich habe auch keine Anklage. Daher konnte ich mich auch nicht vorbereiten. Am 2. Prozeßtag sagte mir der Richter, daß ich zum 3. Termin am 04.12.2020 nicht erscheinen müsste, da nur noch zwei Zeugen zu vernehmen wären. Am 04.12.2020 wurden aber diese Zeugen nicht vernommen (obgleich anwesend), tatsächlich dann aber ein Urteil verkündet, ohne meine Anwesenheit und ohne das letzte Wort der Angeklagten. Ich kenne das Urteil dieses Verfahrens bis heute nicht. Könnten Sie so freundlich sein, mir Anklage und Urteil zuzusenden? Danke!
Damit ist auch das Urteil des Landgerichts vom 01.04.2022 hinfällig, denn es heißt dort und in Ihrer Mitteilung vom 07.09.2022 ganz eindeutig, daß das erste Urteil des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten vom 16.10.2017 in Verbindung mit dem zweiten Urteil vom 04.12.2020 zu einer Gesamtstrafe verbunden worden sei. Ohne das zweite Verfahren am Amtsgericht Tiergarten wäre die Gesamtstrafenbildung gar nicht möglich gewesen. Es wäre bei der Strafe von sechs Monaten geblieben oder es hätte der Berufung statt gegeben werden müssen: keine Strafe.
Wie ist es überhaupt möglich, daß eine ,,Richterin am Amtsgericht” (11. Deckblatt des Urteils vom 01.04.2022) ein Urteil des Landgerichts fällt – in einem komplizierten und öffentlich bekannten Verfahren?
Bei dieser Vielzahl von Verfahrensfehlem: Warum wurde meine Revision einfach verworfen, ohne jede Begründung? Da können selbst juristische Laien erkennen, daß etwas nicht stimmt.
Ich beantrage die Einstellung des Verfahrens und die Aufhebung des Urteils des Landgerichts vom 01.04.2022. Zudem weise ich daraufhin, daß ich mich heute gesundheitlich nicht mehr in der Lage sehe, eine Haftstrafe anzutreten.
[Kanye West is the latest minority to learn that while you may trash White people[this rapper and supporter of Donald Trump doesn’t] criticism of the most privileged minority, Jews, will land you up to your ass in alligators. The Silicon Valley censors are at it again, scrubbing Kanye for criticizing the most privileged minority.]
Twitter and Instagram remove antisemitic posts by Kanye West
By Bryan PietschUpdated October 10, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. EDT|Published October 10, 2022 at 7:35 a.m. EDT
Twitter confirmed Sunday that it had removed a tweet by Ye, the musician and fashion designer formerly known as Kanye West, and temporarily prohibited him from further posts on the platform, as the fallout from his recent antisemitic comments on social media continued.
His account, @kanyewest, was “locked for violating Twitter’s policies,” a Twitter spokesperson said in an email Sunday, declining to state which policy he had violated. The account shows that a recent tweet violated Twitter rules.
Though the tweet is no longer visible on his account, screenshots shared widely on social media show that Ye had said he would go “death con 3” on “JEWISH PEOPLE,” an apparent reference to Defcon, the U.S. military defense readiness system. In the tweet, he used antisemitic tropes and said he could not be antisemitic “because black people are actually Jew also.”
The action by Twitter comes after Instagram removed a post from his account and similarly locked his account temporarily. A spokesperson for Meta, the parent company of Instagram formerly known as Facebook, said in an email that the platform “deleted content from @kanyewest for violating our policies and placed a restriction on the account. We may place restrictions on accounts that repeatedly break our rules, for example, we may temporarily restrict them from posting, commenting, or sending DMs.” Screenshots of the post show that Ye had posted an apparent conversation with the rapper Diddy, employing antisemitic tropes to allege that he was being influenced by Jewish people.
After Ye was restricted by Instagram, he took to Twitter, in a tweet still visible on the platform, to criticize Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta, writing: “Look at this Mark. How you gone kick me off instagram,” along with a photo of the two together in a group.
The Saturday posts came shortly after Ye tweeted a photo of a baseball cap labeled with “2024,” an apparent reference to the 2024 presidential election. The tweets were his first since 2020, when he had tweeted, “KANYE 2024.”
His social media posts have also garnered attention from political and societal figures, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) admonishing him in a tweet late Sunday, writing: “There is absolutely no room in this country or world for antisemitism. It is important to see how harmful + dangerous Kanye’s words are — not only to our Jewish brothers, sisters, & siblings, but also to our collective society at large. We must reject this … wherever we see it. ”
Some on the right have come to defend Ye in recent days. Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla and SpaceX who has been engaged in a legal battle over his reneged offer, and subsequent reversal, to buy Twitter, responded to his tweet about Zuckerberg, writing: “Welcome back to Twitter, my friend!”
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (R) tweeted a link to an MSNBC blog post about Ye’s recent controversies, criticizing “the media,” which he said had “gone after Kanye for his new fashion line, his independent thinking & for having opposing thoughts from the norm of Hollywood.” Rokita followed up by saying that his post “was specifically and clearly aimed at the hypocrisy of the media and Hollywood elites, not anything to do with other comments. I have an obvious, clear and substantial Congressional and public record of being 100% supportive of the Jewish community and Israel.”
+22° – Sunny(subject to change without notice!!! lol)
12:00 Opening comments, Prayer and O’Canada – David -Arlene and Jacqui
Opening songs by Jacquelyn-Rose
12:20 Downtown MEGA March
12:45 Introduction – Erica & Lloyd
1:05 Introduction – Ted Kuntz
1:25 Introduction – Curtis Stone
Conclusion – David Lindsay
Socialization and support!
B.C. Doctors continue to courageously trailblaze! Don’t miss out!
Date Location Address Time
Kelowna will be part of the 2nd leg of this tour. More info will be forthcoming in the near future. Stay tuned!
Prayers for doctors who died due to the COVID vaccines. Thank you Heather for your work here
Years in the making…
Next Webinar is on Oct. 6, 5:00 pm PST
Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for
years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.
This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!
If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have
And much, much more….this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!
We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!
By registering to this Webinar series, you will have
downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!
Election Day is fast approaching. A trusted friend did a bunch of research and helped me select the candidates that we believe have Kelowna’s best interests at heart. Only one recommended Trustee is an incumbent. In other words, it’s time to clean house. When your city and schools are run by individuals who’ve sold their souls to the Devil, their accomplishments are the Devil’s work. We’ve been bystanders witnessing this once beautiful city fall to the hands of greed and corruption for years now. And what’s been happening in our school system is heart-breaking. The children need you to care and take action!
Many individuals have recognized the need for change and felt inspired to put their names in the election hat (45 in total). But most of them are not awake to the deeper issues that are contributing to Kelowna’s downfall. Some are incumbents addicted to the power, many others want change but don’t understand the underlying issues. Most of these individuals have not gone down the necessary rabbit holes that lead to awakening. Many have good intentions and practical solutions, but can we afford to wait another four years for them to possibly wake up? Once elected, will they have the courage to investigate the ugly truths and expose them?
It’s easy for anyone to provide a plethora of great-sounding solutions, but if these solutions don’t involve digging below the surface to expose the rotten foundations first, they will become nothing more than band-aids that cover up the true cause of our problems.
Being an incumbent makes you an easy shoo-in. These candidates count on the non-voters to get them back into office. We know there will be the expected number of voters who will simply vote for those they recognize. This is classic behaviour of the non-thinker. Many will vote for candidates that have a great personality and charisma (ex: actors like Trudeau), others will vote for people whose platform resonates with them. Be we need people who are awake to steer this ship back in the right direction. That won’t happen by simply having great public speaking skills and legitimate-sounding solutions. We need people who possess higher consciousness to make wise decisions and provide a voice for the rest of us who have been silenced for the past two and a half years.
Please make the effort to vote for these candidates. They need your support to get into office so they can advocate for your concerns. Print the above PDF Kelowna Civic Elections Pamphlet at the top of this email, make copies and distribute them in your neighbourhood. Let’s help wake people up and provide recommendations that will benefit us all!
New Credit Card Fees
Recently it has been announced that as of Oct. 6, merchants will be allowed to charge customers a fee for paying by credit cards.
The alleged reason is because retailers fought the credit card companies in 2010.
They settled out of court and part of this settlement, is that they can charge more for the use of these cards.
Telus has announced that it will be charging 1.5% extra for using credit cards.
Here is another reason to use CASH!!
I discussed the problems of these fees at our Kelowna Sat. rally.
The announcer, in this CBC audio newscast at the link below, opens by a second announcer and a shopper, admitting to buying a Fresca using a credit card and no longer carrying cash. Why would you do this? This is really a stupid move. And when asked if she would continue to do so her answer – a stupid reply:“I’m a tapper”.
The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.
Start by withdrawing money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry small amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.
Castanet is linked to Google!
Thank you Shelagh!!
To no surprise, Kelowna’s Castanet anti-freedom, pro-gov’t online news service, has been linked to Google’s promotion of COVID-19
Below are the links to the statement that Castanet = Glacier Media = Google = WHO = vaccine company
* Glacier Media bought Castanet in 2019
* Glacier Media signed deal with Google
* Google is part of the Trusted News Initiative
* Google has spent billions of dollars to train journalists and journalism students and to fund newspapers during covid.
* World Health Organization partnered with Google (FB, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc) in March 2021
* Google turned its facilities into vaccination sites in January 2021 and spent millions to support education and distribution of vaccine education.
* Google invested in a national flu vaccine in 2018.
The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.
Google Canada signs deals with eight Canadian publishers for Google News Showcase | June 24, 2021
BC Gov’ts are getting justifiably scared of the number of people running for councils, mayors and school trustees in this upcoming Oct. 15 municipal elections.
Anytime our gov’ts get scared they issue press releases and/or internal communications, labeling freedom activists and/or concerned parents, as “extreme right”, “racists”, that we spew forth “hate” and similar pejorative names. They are repeated in almost every article or release in relation to our activities to the point that people actually start to believe their lies. Of course, no option is made for us to reply in confidence to dispel these myths with facts. No opportunities are provided for public debates so people can make up their own minds.
Bear in mind that there is a reason and place for every emotion – including hate. Showing porn to our students is legitimately hated, and should be. Having usury (interest) in our money system is unconstitutional and legitimately hated.
Gov’ts and media promote the idea that “hate” is something we all most, well, “hate”, not because it is true, but because it frightens people from dealing with topics that they would prefer to ignore – like immigration destroying our culture, or the fraud that “multiculturalism / diversity is our strength” and other false allegations and concepts.
To avoid participating in controversial issues, people, including parents, decide to do nothing, even if it is harming their children. I hate apathy!
See how the BCTF shows its fear of our determination to have people in power exposing their corruption, and their false allegations against us.
Yes, I hate wimps, idiots, and corrupt gov’t officials who promote the destruction of our law, our culture and our society.
Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna
See these inserts below
Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive
But we need YOUR help!
There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies
Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.
We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.
Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.
Many recipients continue to thank us for delivering these to their doorsteps!
Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!
Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.
If you want the criminals out of power – we need to run for office – NOT RUN AWAY!!!
37 B.C. mayors win by acclamation after standing unopposed
These Mayors, many of whom are likely corrupt to the core, have been returned to office simply because no one ran against them. How can we complain if we don’t oppose them?
Vote only for people who value freedom!
Municipal Elections
From Vaccine Choice Canada
Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturdays and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!
NOTE:Allegedly due to an unexpected surgery for the Commissioner Paul Rouleau, these hearings, if you wish to make submissions, have been delayed one month and are not set to start on Oct. 13 and to end in November.
Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.
Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.
NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.
Experts estimate 20 millions dead due to COVID vaccination – The Lazarus Report – Less than 1/100 injuries are reported
“Air Canada welcomes the removal of these restrictions, acknowledging that air travel is safe and that the measures were not justified by science. We believe it will greatly facilitate travel, help to continue stabilizing the country’s air transport sector and support Canada’s economy.
Customers and crew will still have the option to wear masks and we also encourage customers to monitor their own health to be sure they feel well and fit to travel,” said Craig Landry, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer at Air Canada
Then why didn’t you do anything about this and lie to your customers by telling them they had to wear a mask?
CBC Investigates 70 women who almost died or had problems with childbirth. Of course, no mention is ever made of vaccine related complications as the source…it is either chalked up to an unknown, or to acknowledging symptoms such as a heart attack caused by postpartum hormones, but never analyzing why the hormones were so high in the first place. Experimental COVID injections????
Freedom Rallies
“It ain’t over till it’s over”
Kelowna, BC
October 8, 2022
+22° – Sunny(subject to change without notice!!! lol)
12:00 noon
+ The CLEAR Information Table
Stuart Park
Because It Ain’t Over!
October 8, 2022 12:00 noon
Vernon Freedom Rally
12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park
Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!
How vicious is the left on free speech? They will cyberattack if necessary and shut you down whatever means possible. They will destroy you financially and have done so to thousands of authors and other vocal truth-seekers including many Canadians – many of whom were personally bankrupted by the relentless attacks by these leftist globalist groups. Be aware that we’re talking about a small but powerful minority of these evil doers who own 95% of all media from newspapers to TV to Hollywood including Google, Facebook and YouTube, and we’re talking around the world. They are an amazingly powerful group and inhabit our Parliament and Congress and most public institutions where they wield their incredible power to suppress free speech and with that, all our basic freedoms – WEF is one such a group of elitist globalists but far, far, far from the only one.
If you’ve ever wondered why main stream media does not report the truth on COVID, climate change and vaxx deaths, for example, and why headlines are remarkable the same as are talking points at CNN and CBS, for example, it’s because stories are pre-scripted the day before by owners and publishers deciding what goes in and what does not and the words to use by journalists and talking heads. Why, for example, has there been no mainstream news on the four explosions that destroyed Nordstream 1 and 2 – and why Russia is now being blamed for what the US actually did – in fact many or most Europeans know the US did it but newspapers point to Russia. That is how twisted the news is and yet most people rely on mainstream news for their daily intake and, guess what, they will mask up and roll up their sleeves unwittingly because they believe every word they read and hear. Dr Mercola is just another victim of this conspiracy to shut down any credible individuals trying to get the truth out on matters that ultimately will affect whether we remain free people or slaves and peasants controlled by these groups of truly savage evil groups. — Al Majauskas
Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next
Suppression and harassment of those who dissent against COVID tyranny has created an awakening. We simply can’t pick and choose approved speech.
September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. The attack also destroyed our email servers and all our email accounts were lost including my primary email
Over the past two years, we’ve been censored and deplatformed by several social media companies at the request of the federal government. Banks have also shut down our accounts and canceled our credit cards, and PayPal has shut down the accounts of our business partners
Since August 2021, our reach has been primarily restricted to subscribers of our newsletter, and with this cyberattack, they tried to eliminate even this limited reach
Our website will temporarily operate through Substack, which will host our content for the first 48 hours free of charge. It is imperative that you sign up for a free subscription to my Substack to receive our daily newsletter
If you are a newsletter subscriber and you receive our newsletter through Gmail please use this as an opportunity to catalyze switching your primary email to ProtonMail.
Our online marketplace,, was restored after being offline for four days and is operational again
Many of you are aware the Mercola website disappeared early Friday morning, September 23, 2022. This outage wasn’t scheduled, but we have been planning and preparing for the possibility that hackers might succeed in their attempts to take us down for some time now.
The past few years have brought many challenges. Attacks have been ongoing for the past six years, but have really concentrated over the last two. Media, U.S. senators, attorneys general, federal agencies and Big Tech have all been used by the global cabal to illegally shut down our right to free speech.
By early August 2021, the free speech attacks had intensified to the point where the best choice available was to make articles viewable for free for only 48 hours. After that, they were transferred to a subscription platform (Substack) which provides legal protection of a private membership association.
As demanded by the White House, my reach on social media has since been throttled back to next to nothing. Still, that wasn’t enough. In February 2022, former National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins blamed me personally for the government’s inability to bring the COVID pandemic to a close. This despite the fact that I was by then heavily censored just about everywhere.
The only people, really, who saw my information were those who subscribed to my newsletter and received it by email. In this latest attack on my website, they tried to eliminate even that ability to share information.
The Global Cabal Plays Dirty
The global cabal also have other ways to shut down opposition. A key strategy is to destroy you financially and prevent you from making a living. Before our website was successfully hacked and taken down, our bank accounts were closed and credit cards canceled. Our business partners have also had their PayPal accounts shut down. I discussed all of this in my 25th anniversary video (above).
The strategy to close financial accounts and/or withhold funds for months on end has been employed across the world,12 and proves many private companies are anything but independent and impartial service providers. The truth is, Big Tech has been weaponized to suppress dissent, and the global cabal is using it for all it’s worth.
It started with suppression and harassment of those who dissented against COVID tyranny. Then they started suppressing those with more conservative political views. The next target is anyone’s guess. It could be anything, really, which is why the right to free speech must be protected at all costs.
We simply cannot pick and choose “approved speech.” All speech must be equally protected. We must also ensure that private service companies cannot be used as weapons for totalitarian control, which is precisely how PayPal has been used.
PayPal’s Actions Prove It’s an Arm of the Deep State
“Although PayPal has been banning conservatives and right-wingers for years, its recent move to terminate accounts operated by the Free Speech Union and other groups in the UK that opposed lockdowns and vaccine mandates has apparently been a step too far.
Following the controversy, dozens of Conservative Party MPs … signed an open letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Business Department demanding that PayPal be legally barred from imposing discriminatory practices.
The letter asserts that it is ‘hard to avoid construing PayPal’s actions as an orchestrated, politically motivated move to silence critical or dissenting views on these topics within the U.K.’ [The] London Times also published a powerful piece4 by Jawad Iqbal which highlighted the dangers of allowing PayPal to abuse such powers.
‘This is censorship by corporate diktat: the company sets its own rules and interprets them as it sees fit. It appears oblivious to the notion that it is wrong in principle to withdraw vital services from people because of their political views.
Would it be acceptable for a supermarket to refuse to serve a customer because of their politics or for a high street bank to refuse to make a payment to a company it deemed politically objectionable?’ asked Iqbal.
After questions were asked in Parliament about the issue, a new law could be on the cards that would put an end to PayPal’s crusade against dissident viewpoints.‘Conservative backbenchers are considering launching an amendment to upcoming financial legislation in the House of Commons that would ban companies from freezing campaigners’ accounts,’ reports the Telegraph.”
We’re not giving up though. We see right through this coordinated agenda. A game of chess is being played out and our lives and future liberty are at stake. We simply cannot give up our rights and freedoms — for any reason — because they won’t stop there. They intend to take literally everything from us, all of us.
“Always remember that challenges are opportunities to become stronger as individuals and as a society. Standing up for a good cause — and there’s no better cause than freedom — actually makes you more powerful as it strengthens your resiliency.”
We have won many battles and are stronger and more enlightened by each one. Importantly, we’ve broken through the blinding fog of the COVID war together, which is why they’re upping the ante.
Always remember that challenges are opportunities to become stronger as individuals and as a society. Standing up for a good cause — and there’s no better cause than freedom — actually makes you more powerful.
Facing adversity head-on makes you more resilient as it forces you to think outside the box and come up with new and better solutions. And believe me, we have bigger and better solutions in the works to prevent these kinds of interruptions from happening in the future!
Temporary Solutions
While we work on restoring everything, our website will temporarily operate through Substack, which will host our content for the first 48 hours free of charge. It is imperative that you sign up for a free subscription to my Substack to receive our daily newsletter. Please also bookmark the website should you not receive our emails.
You can find my Substack website at: More updates will be coming, so please be sure to subscribe to my Substack website or bookmark the page and visit daily. Our online marketplace was restored over the weekend and can be reached at
Still Using Gmail? Time to Switch!
If you’re still using Gmail, I urge you to reconsider, as Google is not only harvesting every word from every email you send and receive, they’re also censoring your inbox.
While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts to receive our daily newsletter, the delivery rate for Gmail is HALF of other email providers, such as ProtonMail. I am certain that at some point in the not too distant future they will stop delivering ANY of our emails to Gmail accounts.
So, please understand if you are one of the 50% who are receiving our newsletter by email the time is NOW to opt out of Gmail as your primary email client. You can keep it for things that don’t matter or are irrelevant, but with anything that counts, like the vital information you receive in our newsletter, the time has come to opt out of Gmail.
It is just another clever censoring strategy they have at their disposal. So, if you’re using Gmail to receive our newsletter, please change it immediately. If you’re a subscriber, I strongly urge you to sign up to my Substack with another email account — and cancel your Gmail altogether.
ProtonMail is an excellent alternative. It provides end-to-end encryption to protect your content and other user data. Proton also provides an encrypted calendar, encrypted cloud storage and free VPN. Once is back online, then re-subscribe with your ProtonMail.
The Global Cabal Overplayed Their Hand
While the global cabal probably viewed the COVID pandemic as the ace up their sleeve — the event that would allow them to usher in The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., transhumanism and a post-human world) without too much trouble — it didn’t work out quite as they planned.
The authoritarian tactics have instead resulted in a worldwide awakening. More people than ever are now starting to realize that the world doesn’t operate the way we thought it did. Everything is rigged. There’s been an agenda at play for decades, and many of the things we embraced for their convenience and usefulness are now turning out to be clever traps to enslave and impoverish us against our will.
People are starting to realize that social engineering has been at work for a long time, and that data harvesting is not an innocent business venture. They’re starting to see just how the prison has been built up around us. It’s not completed yet, but the global cabal is closer than ever to their goal of controlling the global population. This is why we cannot give up or give in, no matter how many times they try to knock us down.
‘The Greater Good’ Hides a Great Evil
The fact that this cabal doesn’t have the safety and well-being of mankind as their primary motivation is now clearly self-evident. In recent months, more and more evidence has emerged allowing us to put the puzzle pieces of the COVID pandemic and its ultimate purpose together, and it’s not a pretty picture.
Between the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, the COVID shot bioweapon, the intentional lack of early treatment and the mistreatment in hospitals, the lockdowns, mask mandates and isolation requirements, and the subsequent mental health problems, loss of work and education, lack of medical care, suicides and drug overdoses, the decision makers in this COVID “war game” have injured and killed more people than any previous genocide in human history.
We’re literally living through the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever seen, and bioweapons research is an important factor that allowed for all of this to happen.
Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the result of a lab leak, and that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Harvard researchers, China, the mainstream media, the World Health Organization and tech companies all worked together to cover it up. U.S. Right to Know recently published a detailed timeline of this cover-up.5
The Soul and Freedom of Humanity Is at Stake
I’ve repeatedly discussed the end goal of the global cabal, from various angles. While their strategies are manifold and complex, the end goal is rather simple. They intend to create a two-tiered society of have’s and have not’s. The top-tier will be augmented transhumanists who will control the world’s resources — and that includes the rest of us.
To them, you and I are not only ignorant and contemptible but a resource to be used and disposed of at will, and they don’t want a disposable resource to use up more valuable resources such as land, property, food, water and energy. The Green Agenda is all about restricting our ability to access resources and live free.
They intend to seize complete control over the world and implement tyrannical global slavery, and to do that, they have to silence any and all opposition. I’m just one of many. So far, they’ve not succeeded in silencing me, and many others are also not giving up but, rather, adapting and inventing new ways to communicate truth and share information.
No matter what they throw at us, we simply must stay the course and refuse to give up or resign ourselves to their slave system. Information is power, and no matter how small your reach, never stop sharing information, and never give in to their intimidation tactics. The future of humanity is at stake.
I am committed to continue to empower you with the truth about health and the global cabal’s threats to your health and liberty. But the only way I can do that is if you continue to receive our daily emails, so please be sure the email client you are using is not Gmail as there is a high likelihood you will not receive them in the future due to their censorship strategies.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.
The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.1
[The charges derailed Randy Hillier’s political career. He did not seek re-election. Sure, the charges are dropped, but the threat hung over him and the others for months. The charges and the long delay in dropping them were an ABUSE OF PROCESS, part of the State’s efforts to derail and smash pro-freedom dissent. — Paul Fromm]
Crown drops Covid charges against Derek Sloan, Randy Hillier, and other protestors
Posted On: September 26, 2022
NORFOLK, ONTARIO: The Justice Centre is pleased to announce that the Crown has dropped charges against former MPP Randy Hiller, former MP Derek Sloan, Pastor Heinrich Hildebrandt, and private citizen, Dan Stasko. The four men were allegedly involved in peaceful rallies against Covid measures in June 2021 and were charged with violating public health orders under the Reopening Ontario Act. After negotiations with
After negotiations with Bally Hundal, a lawyer retained by the Justice Centre, the Crown dropped all charges, stating that prosecution was no longer in the public interest.
Ontario has implemented lockdowns since the beginning of the pandemic and placed significant restrictions on the right to peaceful protest. In June 2021, the four men were charged for participating in a peaceful demonstration in Norfolk, Ontario. There were approximately 200-300 people at this outdoor demonstration against the Covid measures implemented by the Ontario government.
Mr. Hillier, Mr. Sloan, Pastor Hildebrandt and Mr. Stasko were concerned with the Covid restrictions – health orders which significantly curtailed the right to peaceful protest. For exercising their Charter rights to assemble peacefully and protest the government measures, they were charged with offences carrying potential fines of $100,000 to each individual as well as up to one year in prison.
“Peaceful demonstration is an essential pillar of a democratic society,” says Justice Centre lawyer Henna Parmar. “Citizens have the right to make their opinions known. We are pleased in this case to hear that the Crown will not proceed with prosecuting citizens who spoke out against harsh government lockdowns.”
Please indulge me for a few minutes, I want to tell you what happened.
In March 2020 we didn’t know much about the virus. But in May 2020 everything changed, or should have changed. We learned that more than 80% of deaths were in long term care homes, meaning we should have focused protection on the vulnerable. We also obtained multiple serology studies (level of Covid antibodies) which showed that the infection rate was much higher than we thought. That was great news because it meant that mortality and hospitalization rates were much lower than we thought.
Of course it was also clear that there was a collateral harm to lockdown, but no one had the courage to say it. As we went into the fall months, I tried to convince my former government to focus on long term care homes, that the virus was too transmissible to stop and thankfully, not as risky as previously thought, especially to children and youth. Toward the end of 2020, I started hearing of deadly catastrophes in my community and all around our country. I was told of overdoses, attempted suicides, surgeries missed, late cancer diagnosis and in particular, the significant harm inflicted on our children because of school closures.
In early January 2021, I decided I wasn’t going to have it anymore and went public with my opposition to the lockdown. The goal was to spark a conversation and give courage to others in leadership positions to express opposition to the lockdown. The premise of my argument was that we needed to factor in the collateral harm of the lockdown into our public health response. Lockdown is deadlier than Covid. I was removed from the Ontario PC Caucus and subjected to vicious attacks by the media and on social media.
The rate of deaths from overdose has almost doubled. There was no question as time went on that lockdowns are deadlier than Covid, especially for young people. I am not looking for vindication or reward. The only thing I seek is conversation or the ability to have a conversation about whatever the issue of the day is. A conversation is not just a democratic right, it’s good public policy. Submission to mainstream narrative, coupled by silence, gives rise to groupthink. In the last two years, groupthink led to deadly consequences. . Yours very truly, Roman Baber
Here in Victoria, the VIVA group is having a bit of fun in the local election andthe usual suspects are crawling out of the woodwork polluting the dialogue, slagging us.
On CHEK tv news Tuesday night at 5 pm, there was a segment, a few minutes of pretty thin gruel, attempting to make VIVA guilty by association with the People’s Party of Canada.
The thing opens with the reporter saying “the Canadian anti-hate network … “
I have to wonder at the propriety of, one of the many pretend non-governmental agencies, which is on the dole from public accounts of Canada — the Canadian Anti-hate Network — pulling strings in the media, attempting to influence voters at the city/ municipal/ school board level.
I count it a small yet important victory — the mighty mighty Canadian Anti-hate Network, headed by longtime militant anti-free speech warriorsBernie Farber ad Richard Warman, expending its time and talents on little old us, ‘way out here on the edge of the continent. That tells me that the NDP farm team is worried by our candidates bluntly talking about the SOGI program in the schools. We know that has hit a nerve.
VIVA is the Vancouver Island Voters Association. A newly-created non-profit society, the purpose of which is to educate voters and promote participation in local politics Eight candidates standing for council and also School Board in Victoria, are on the ballot officially endorsed by VIVA for the Oct 15th election
Maxime Bernier will be here with Brian Peckford at a dinner on October 8th in Victoria
James Edwards & Paul Fromm Discuss His Candidacy FOR MAYOR OF HAMILTON being smeared and cancelled by Fake News Media & leftist city elite in Havana North.