Lockdown is Deadlier than COVID! |
Please indulge me for a few minutes, I want to tell you what happened. In March 2020 we didn’t know much about the virus. But in May 2020 everything changed, or should have changed. We learned that more than 80% of deaths were in long term care homes, meaning we should have focused protection on the vulnerable. We also obtained multiple serology studies (level of Covid antibodies) which showed that the infection rate was much higher than we thought. That was great news because it meant that mortality and hospitalization rates were much lower than we thought. Of course it was also clear that there was a collateral harm to lockdown, but no one had the courage to say it. As we went into the fall months, I tried to convince my former government to focus on long term care homes, that the virus was too transmissible to stop and thankfully, not as risky as previously thought, especially to children and youth. Toward the end of 2020, I started hearing of deadly catastrophes in my community and all around our country. I was told of overdoses, attempted suicides, surgeries missed, late cancer diagnosis and in particular, the significant harm inflicted on our children because of school closures. In early January 2021, I decided I wasn’t going to have it anymore and went public with my opposition to the lockdown. The goal was to spark a conversation and give courage to others in leadership positions to express opposition to the lockdown. The premise of my argument was that we needed to factor in the collateral harm of the lockdown into our public health response. Lockdown is deadlier than Covid. I was removed from the Ontario PC Caucus and subjected to vicious attacks by the media and on social media. See for example the cartoon below from the Hamilton Spectator, although I think it’s entertaining. I wish I was wrong, but every day that went by I was proven right. The Canadian Medical Association estimated in November 2021 that more than 5,000 Canadians already died because of surgeries delayed. Ontario alone missed more than a million cancer screenings just during the first year of lockdown. Notably, children could have been saved if their cancer was defected earlier. Hospitalizations from suicide attempts have skyrocketed. The rate of deaths from overdose has almost doubled. There was no question as time went on that lockdowns are deadlier than Covid, especially for young people. I am not looking for vindication or reward. The only thing I seek is conversation or the ability to have a conversation about whatever the issue of the day is. A conversation is not just a democratic right, it’s good public policy. Submission to mainstream narrative, coupled by silence, gives rise to groupthink. In the last two years, groupthink led to deadly consequences. . Yours very truly, ![]() info@joinroman.ca |
Tag Archives: Roman Baber
Conservative Candidate Roman Baber Slams Gov’t Propaganda Lies & Promises to Defund the CBC
Conservative Candidate Roman Baber Slams Gov’t Propaganda Lies & Promises to Defund the CBC I know what real propaganda is. I lived under a communist regime for the first nine years of my life. Now I am seeing propaganda in Canada, in full force and like its definition – funded by Government. Look at this CBC news story from two days ago or see CBC’s tweet below. CBC wrote about an intelligence report that advised government that breaking up the Ottawa protest may lead to violence. Of course we know that this intelligence assessment was false. The protesters remained peaceful and not a single weapon was found near the site! But instead of describing the intelligence assessment as false, or criticizing the Federal Government for its response, the CBC maintains the fear narrative and demonizes peaceful Canadians, much like the Federal Government that funds the CBC.This is precisely what propaganda is. Lies, funded by government, seeking to justify government action or political agenda. I will defund CBC on day one. I will spin it off and sell it before lunch time. And I won’t let Rogers or Bell buy it. I will end all bailouts and subsidies to the media. I’ll also end all the government advertising which kept the media alive in the last few years. There is no free speech without free and independent media.I will end all financial dependency by media on government and challenge the radical left-wing ideologues that run it.If you haven’t already, I ask that you rank me #1 on your CPC leadership ballot and please help my campaign pay some bills at JoinRoman.ca.We’re in the home stretch and every dollar makes a difference. Yours very truly, Roman Baber info@joinroman.ca ![]() |
Baber, Bernier among politicians joining James Topp on Freedom March http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=7606
Baber, Bernier among politicians joining James Topp on Freedom March
By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa –

Conservative leadership candidate Roman Baber and PPC leader Maxime Bernier have confirmed that they will be joining Canadian Armed Forces veteran James Topp on his nationwide march to Ottawa in protest of Covid-19 mandates.
Baber tweeted on Monday that he would be meeting Topp on Jun. 15 before he reaches the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
On Tuesday, Bernier also said that he would be meeting Topp and walking with him on Jun. 30 for the last leg of his journey to Ottawa.
Topp’s 4,293 km march began at the tail end of February in Vancouver around the time Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to quash peaceful Freedom Convoy protestors in Ottawa.
“Everywhere I meet people, I hear their stories and the stories are amounting to an overwhelming amount of individuals suffering due to government overreach,” Topp told True North in March. “I am marching to carry these stories to Ottawa. I want to thank every person who has entrusted me with their story. It increases my resolve more and more each day.”
Legacy media outlets have refused to cover Topp’s historic journey and the CAF veteran has called the blackout a sign of how divisive the industry has become.
“What we’re finding is pretty much a total corporate media blackout on this endeavour,” he said. “To that end, I would say, you know, folks who want to go out there and start banging the drum and shaming the CBC or CTV, because this is an amazing story of – 100 days in – a group of people who had never met each other before February 20.”
Before beginning the march, Topp was a civilian RCMP employee and a CAF member who lost both jobs because of the federal vaccine mandate.
Topp has stated that he has spoken to at least 10 MPs from different parties and he hopes to secure a venue to hold a discussion about ending restrictions. Topp’s three priorities are repealing, reinstatement and restitution plus repair.
Roman Babar MPP “Says Lift All Public Health Restrictions!”
Roman Babar MPP “Says Lift All Public Health Restrictions!”| |
The imposition of continuing public health measures on all Ontario Regions has no rhyme or reason. If Ontario remained in the coloured framework, then almost every Ontario region would be in Green or Yellow. Despite that, Ontario maintains the longest and harshest lockdown in the world. Although our neighbours to the south are almost fully open with tens of thousands packing large stadiums, Ontarians are still precluded from dining indoors or getting a haircut. Despite meeting its own arbitrary targets for Phase 2, Doug Ford is unwilling to move up the re-opening. Even more upsetting is that Ontario’s Reopening Framework does not include a full re-opening. Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan include the lifting of all public health restrictions in their final opening phases. But Ontario has no plans to lift all public health restrictions. This, I submit to you, is the next frontier in our fight and advocacy against the lockdowns. We must have confidence to insist not only on a full reopening but also on the lifting of all public health restrictions. Keep talking to your friends and neighbours, engage on social media and pressure your MPP to Open Ontario. I am concerned by the erosion of Constitutional Rights in Canada and Ontario. Over the course of a few weeks we have witnessed the Federal Government proceed with a vaccine passport, thereby creating two tiers of Canadians; proceed with Bill-C10 at Committee, by which the Federal Government will regulate online content; the extension of Ontario’s Emergency Orders to December; and, the use of the Notwithstanding Clause for the first time in Ontario’s history, on legislation that could potentially benefit the Provincial Government. As difficult as times appear to be, we must continue to organize and mount an effective opposition and peaceful resistance against government and public health overreach. Fellow Canadians are counting on us to advocate for their freedoms and defend against the erosion of Canada’s democracy. We are still awaiting a decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in our Application against the Attorney General in defence of our Assembly and Religious Rights outdoors. We will provide an update as soon as a decision is released. We are in process of conceiving additional litigation, as the Rule of Law sits at the core of our democracy. Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful and restful weekend. Yours very truly, Roman Baber |

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Thank you so much for joining me and almost 30,000 Ontarians in our effort to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN. For the first time in 10 months, I have cause for optimism. Let me explain. After I wrote to Doug Ford, urging him to Lift the Lockdown, I was removed from the Ontario PC Caucus. If I could go back in time I wouldn’t change a thing. The intent of my Letter was to start a much needed public conversation about the catastrophic effects of the Lockdown – and it worked! All over Ontario, people are openly questioning the efficacy and the effect of the Lockdown. Even mainstream media is giving more coverage to the terrible effects of the Lockdown on children and mental health. This is an incredible development, since the first step to end this nightmare is to speak against it. We’re in a key moment. The Government and Public Health are re-engaging in fearmongering to justify the Lockdown. But we are not going to retreat – the conversation must continue. We need to organize a major grassroots advocacy effort to pressure the Government to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN. The keys to success are numbers, engagement and persistence. Let’s start with a simple assignment – grow our numbers. My Petition to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN at www.RomanBaber.ca helps identify supporters (people who oppose the Lockdown) and engage them in our efforts. That’s why I’m asking each of you to get us 10, just 10 additional signatures on the Petition, by Sunday, January 31, 2021. Forward this email to your friends, call family members or talk to your neighbours and ask them to join our effort by signing Roman’s Petition to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN at www.RomanBaber.ca We have some work ahead of us, but we are hard working, compassionate Canadians. We will stand up for our families, friends and neighbours against the Lockdown and we will prevail. Sincerely always, Roman Baber |
Roman Baber · Canada |
MPP Roman Baber has launched a petition to end the lockdown. He was kicked out of Doug Ford’s caucus last week for asking the Ontario government to lift the lockdown
Ontario MPP Roman Baber has launched a petition to end the lockdown. He was kicked out of Doug Ford’s caucus last week for asking the Ontario government to lift the lockdown.

A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: Lift the Lockdown!
WHEREAS the Lockdown imposed on Ontario by the Doug Ford Government is ineffective.
WHEREAS the Lockdown is having a catastrophic effect on the health, mental health, social and economic well-being of Ontarians.
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario must focus on protecting vulnerable populations in congregate living settings and Long Term Care homes.
WHEREAS it is imperative that Ontario’s healthcare services are fully restored immediately.
WHEREAS the Lockdown is causing a devastating toll on Ontario’s children.
WHEREAS Ontario’s children need to be back at school.
WE, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
That the Government of Ontario immediately Lift the Lockdown!