Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


How the “Hate” Case Against the Late Arthur Topham, Political Prisoners Ended

B.C. man faces strict conditions after breaching sentence for anti-Semitic hate crimes


November 23, 2020·2 min read

A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.

Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”

But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018.

Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.

B'nai Brith/Contributed
B’nai Brith/Contributed

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin.

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.

“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.

“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”

A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.

Wil Fundal/CBC News

Wil Fundal/CBC News

At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver.

Paul Fromm helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court

Freak Show in Hamilton Centre Byelection: Privileged Minorities Fall Out — Anti-Semitism Allegations; Disabled Lobbyist; LGTQ Militant

Antisemitism charges upend Ontario byelection race in NDP stronghold

It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in the NDP stronghold of Hamilton Centre but the campaign has been buffeted by allegations of antisemitism.

Rob Ferguson

By Rob FergusonQueen’s Park Bureau

Sun., March 12, 2023timer4 min. read

updateArticle was updated 3 hrs ago

HAMILTON — It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in a riding staunchly New Democrat for almost two decades under former party leader Andrea Horwath, who quit last year to become mayor of Steeltown.

But accusations of antisemitism against NDP candidate Sarah Jama — which she denies — are buffeting the campaign in Thursday’s Hamilton Centre byelection, putting the disability activist and the party’s newly minted leader Marit Stiles on the defensive.

B’nai Brith issued a statement Monday calling Jama “a radical activist who has been associated with groups that have frequently targeted Israel,” including the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, and urged Stiles to drop her as a candidate.

Jama acknowledged her own “messy history around anti-racism” during a candidates’ debate broadcast on local cable TV the next evening, but said “nothing has been called out in terms of things that I’ve said.”

That history includes ties to Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights during her student activist days at McMaster University. The group has called for a Palestinian state “from the (Jordan) river to the sea” — often interpreted as erasing the state of Israel.

“Me standing up for Palestinian human rights … cannot be conflated with antisemitism,” the founder of the Ontario Disability Justice Network added in an exchange that followed a question from a viewer.

“I’m really against antisemitism in our communities, but I’m also for human rights, and that includes the rights of everybody, whether it’s Black people … Indigenous people in our communities and Palestinian people,” said Jama, 28, who campaigns in a power chair because she cannot walk after being born prematurely with cerebral palsy.

“Being disabled gives me another lens of compassion. It’s one thing to talk about supporting vulnerable community members, but it’s another thing to share in those experiences.”

As part of her activist efforts, Jama was given a $100,000 ticket — and ripped it up — at a 2020 city hall protest in support of homeless people that violated COVID-19 stay-at-home laws, seemingly at odds with frequent New Democrat calls for Premier Doug Ford’s government to maintain tight restrictions to limit spread of the virus. The charges were later dropped.

Jama was acclaimed the NDP candidate in November after running unopposed for the nomination.

Stiles, whose New Democrats rebuked MPP Joel Harden (Ottawa Centre) last fall for antisemitic remarks before she became leader, fielded questions on Jama for three straight days at the legislature — with a nod to her “messy history” remark.

“When you’re at a rally, and we’ve all found ourselves in these situations where you really can’t control what somebody is doing over here and over there, you learn from that, right?” Stiles told reporters.

“Sarah Jama is a well-known human rights activist who has always stood up against hate, antisemitism and racism and I look forward to welcoming her at Queen’s Park.”

Liberal candidate Deirdre Pike, a training facilitator in the LGBTQ community and a former social justice planner in her second run at the riding after losing to Horwath in the 2018 provincial election, said Jama needs to do a better job “clearing the air.”

“There is a problem when respectable organizations like B’nai Brith are calling you out,” added the 60-year-old who got a boost going door-to-door when 1,500 Liberals gathered in Hamilton last weekend to chart a course for picking a new leader.

“Solutions to Israel need to come through diplomatic and negotiated solutions, not through, you know, extreme groups that use phrases that can be quite triggering.”

At a time when Premier Doug Ford is facing criticism over opening the Greenbelt, a lack of affordable housing and a crisis in health care, the challenge is that the byelection campaign is garnering little attention, said McMaster University political scientist Peter Graefe.

“I don’t think people are really talking about it,” he told the Star. “Locally, it’s not much of a story but the parties are trying to use this as provincial messaging.”

Interim Liberal Leader John Fraser — whose party has eight MPPs at Queen’s Park compared to the New Democrats with 30 — said concerns about Jama’s candidacy are key to the tone Stiles is striking for the NDP in the wake of the Harden controversy in November.

“It’s a test of leadership.” he told reporters at Queen’s Park, urging Stiles to drop Jama. “Sometimes doing the right thing is really, really hard.”

Harden was forced to apologize by former NDP interim leader Peter Tabuns for remarks at the August 2021 Ottawa Forum on Israel Palestine.

The Ottawa MPP said he has “asked many questions of Jewish neighbours here about how much longer we should put up with this … the single greatest threat, the single greatest origin of violence in the Middle East, it is unquestionably the state of Israel.”

Tabuns told reporters he was “very angry” at Harden’s “hurtful” comments about confronting Jewish neighbours over actions by the state of Israel, a tactic Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre president Michael Levitt called “textbook antisemitism.”

Progressive Conservative candidate Pete Wiesner, 47, who skipped the cable debate to campaign in-person with voters, said the Jama situation is “certainly in people’s decision-making process now.”

On leave from his job as a Hamilton police sergeant in the crisis response branch, which deals with marginalized communities like the homeless, Wiesner is hoping to build on Ford’s outreach to labour that helped the PCs win additional seats in the June provincial election, including two in the former NDP stronghold of Windsor.

PC candidates finished a distant second in the riding in the last two provincial elections, with Liberals in third place and Greens in fourth.

Ten candidates are running in Thursday’s vote, according to Elections Ontario.

Deirdre Pike Liberal Candidate

The Minority Censors Get What They Want –3 More Years of Gag on Arthur Topham

B.C. man faces strict conditions after breaching sentence for anti-Semitic hate crimes

Judge prohibits Arthur Topham from publicly posting about Jewish people, the Talmud, Zionism and Israel

Betsy Trumpener · CBC News · Posted: Nov 23, 2020 3:42 PM PT | Last Updated: November 23

Arthur Topham enters the Quesnel, B.C., court house in 2015, where he was convicted of willfully promoting hatred during a jury trial. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)

A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.

Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of  communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.” 

But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018. 

Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.

“Justice has been served,” the B’nai Brith’s Ran Ukashi. “There’s a price to pay for these kinds of actions. (B’nai Brith/Contributed)

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from  publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about  the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and  the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin. 

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.

“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.

“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.

Self-proclaimed “white nationalist” Paul Fromm contributed to Arthur Topham’s defence fund and travelled to Quesnel to attend Topham’s 2015 trial. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)

“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”

A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.

Arthur Topham arrived at the Quesnel courthouse for sentencing on his hate crime conviction in 2017. He’s since been convicted of breaching the terms of his sentence. (Faith Fundal/CBC News)

At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver. 

 Paul Fromm  helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court.


Texas Law Lays the Groundwork for Persecuting Those Who Criticize Israel (I didn’t want to believe it)



“Chuck Lindell from the American-Statesman paper reported that the Texas Senate passed the bill opposing BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) by a 25-4 vote and that it was sent to the Texas House of Representatives for a vote. “No senators spoke in opposition to [bill] SB 29 before the vote,” the paper reported, adding that the bill’s author, Sen. Brandon Creighton, said Texas should not do business with companies that participate in the BDS movement. … Charles Kaufman, who chairs B’nai B’rith’s International Center for Human Rights and Public Policy, delivered testimony in the Austin legislature in support of the anti-BDS bill. Kaufman, who lives in Texas, said, “In another time, in another place in history, people who wanted to rid the earth of the Jewish people boycotted their businesses. Filled with fear, these good citizens, stripped of their possessions, separated from their families, would subsequently fill boxcars… and you the know rest.”  (As he trots out the holohoax when it’s financially convenient.)  NOW THEY ARE BOYCOTTING OUR BUSINESSES.

LT GOV DAN PATRICK (Traitor to the Bill of Rights)

Patrick:  “This legislation codifies our commitment to protect Texas trade and oppose discrimination against entities and individuals on the basis of their national origin, ethnicity, or religion.”It won’t play out that way ‘to oppose discrimination’ – it will be a tool to target, criminalize and penalize businesses AND individuals who criticize Israel.  Texas will NOT be a safe place. (Diane)

As of January 2018, 24 states have enacted anti-BDS laws (precursor to antisemitic laws).


My Letter to Lt Gov Patrick and Governor Abbott:

SB 29, the alleged ‘anti-discrimination’ support for Israel – giving the jews in our government the tool to target, criminalize, penalize and ultimately suppress ANY AND ALL criticism, now corporations, colleges but soon, individual expression!!!  Not even our president has that right – nor our Texas governing body.   Do you in Austin realize what you have done!  You have laid the groundwork for stripping us of our right to freedom of expression with the #1 psychopaths on the planet.  And THAT statement alone that I just made could get me in trouble, right? My opinion?  The bill of rights doesn’t count anymore? You know, freedom of expression?  I’m appalled to tears that my state should be one of the 5 who would be the first to bail, buckle and forfeit such protections.
Texas has caved – I’m ashamed to be a Texan. Now ALL states will buckle to the jewish oppressors, but I didn’t think Texas would be in the Top 5. “The bill, authored by Representative Phil King, prohibits the state of Texas from conducting business with companies involved in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. After the bill becomes law, it ensures that certain public funds are not invested in any entities participating in this movement. Additionally, state contracts will only be given to verified businesses to guarantee that Texas maintains a strong and supportive relationship with Israel.”
How could you do this?! You signed away our freedom of expression in your state. The law not only prohibits criticism of the BDS movement but it also lays the groundwork for penalizing us for criticizing the psychopathic practices and government of Israel that also includes numerous activities in our country as well. I can’t believe how appalled I feel right now about you and your government. I thought Texas would stand against Free Speech encroachment but instead you’ve welcomed it with open arms. It saddens me to say I will no longer be supporting you. Nor is Texas a place to go to exercise your Bill of Rights freedoms. You have betrayed and slayed us.
Voltaire was noted to have said:  “To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize”  Israel is NOT our friend. — Diane King

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

First the Apology. For ten years of harassment, invasion and intrusion, and a giant legal battle. All for telling the truth. In a world where truth and lies are inverted, in a world where everything is turned upside-down, your truth-telling has been deemed a crime.

Now the Thank You. Your principled and valiant truth-telling , unwavering in the face of huge obstacles, has been momentous! You have enlightened and inspired untold many of us. The ripple effect of your work will grow into a tsunami of Light and Truth.


Great Truth Teller Silenced, but Message is Unstoppable

Arthur Topham of Quesnel B.C. has been sentenced to silence for now, after a 10 year legal battle. His crime is that he fearlessly wrote about the state of the world in his online website, and that was just too much for the Zionist Powers to bear.

Those who feel threatened by a peaceful man expressing his views online are obviously very nervous and afraid. If there was nothing to hide and if these online publishings were so erroneous as they would like us to believe, this group would not feel threatened. Arthur Topham would simply be ignored. The reaction alone should be enough to trigger people to question: what is it that is so taboo to say?

Trying to stop the truth from coming out is as futile as if you were trying to drink the lake dry to prevent drowning in it. Even the modern-day book burnings cannot succeed in vaporizing the truth. The truth is emerging at an exponential rate, and these desparate attempts by the Powers-That-Be to silence truth-tellers are a show of their panic.


Harry Abrams and Richard Warman are the two men who initiated the legal assault against Arthur Topham. Those are their names. Arthur was not allowed to ever mention their names during those years of legal battle because somehow they feared it might bring danger to their lives. Now what about the danger they posed to Arthur, endlessly defaming him?!

In a trial by jury in October-November 2015, Arthur Topham was found guilty on one count and not guilty on another count of exactly the same charge, namely, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to section 319(2) of Criminal Code of Canada. The identical two charges were for different time periods.

In the Canadian court of law, the burden of proof switches to the defense to affirm that there was no ‘hate’ under CCC  section 319(2). The prosecution need not produce victims of the alleged hatred. What is ‘hate’ but an emotion? How does anybody know what is in someone else’s head?

One of the defenses is 319(2)(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true. Again, how can anyone prove that Arthur Topham did not believe what he was writing? Are they mind-readers?

For an interesting commentary of the extraordinary trial and background, please see this article by Eve Mykytin. She is an American lawyer who attended the second week of the trial. She covers, for example, the story of Len Rudner who was established as an expert witness for the Crown. His written expert opinion was identical to the written expert opinion submitted by Bernie Farber who was originally supposed to be the Crown’s expert witness. (Farber pulled out of his commitment when he learned that he would not be permitted to appear via video-link.) Yet Len Rudner told the court that he himself was the author of his “expert opinion”. Rudner also had tried to have Arthur Topham’s website shut down before the trial. Conflict of interest, is it not? Still, he was permitted to be an expert witness. Very strange, to say the least.

Arthur’s Crime

It can be fairly assumed that Arthur Topham’s parody on the infamous book Germany Must Perish was the item which caused the jury to give a guilty verdict, as the publishing of that parody fell within the “guilty” time period. Germany Must Perish was written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, and it was generally praised and promoted at that time by the mainstream media (MSM).

The sheer monstrosity of the book is breathtaking, and even more shocking is the fact that it was not condemned when it appeared in 1941. Theodore Kaufman concocted a sick plan to annihilate the German people, the stated goal being that Germany must perish. The plan was to hire thousands of surgeons to sterilize all German men of reproductive age, and voilà, no more Germans. Gone Forever.

The hateful book was subsequently almost forgotten, until Arthur Topham found a provocative way to bring attention to the hideousness of that genocidal text. He reproduced portions of the book word for word, except that he replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”. Germany Must Perish became Israel Must Perish, and so on. The two texts, original and parody, appeared side by side on his website.

In a trick of Orwellian Doublespeak, B’nai Brith Canada now tells the world that Arthur Topham called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized. No context, nothing. It is crazy making! It is just another glaring example of how B’nai Brith and the MSM engage in deliberate deception to turn reality 100% on its head. Unless someone has been following the case very closely, the uninformed general public has no reason to doubt the story they are told about how Arthur Topham called for sterilization of the Jews. People cannot even check for themselves, because the website has been taken down, as part of sentencing.

In these times of universal deceipt, the messenger who seeks to warn us about the villain, is himself labelled the villain. 

Perhaps the members of the jury did not understand the meaning of satire or parody. Or perhaps the convoluted court proceedings or the instructions given by the judge curtailed their ability to perceive it this way. The jury members are also not immune to the mind-contaminating effects of all the toxic lies and atrocity propaganda we have been subjected to since birth. We have been programmed to respond in specific ways to certain words, these words being the number one weapon in the psychological warfare being conducted on us without most of us realizing it.

Judge Admits There Was No Incitement

He does not call for violence; his views were political satire. It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.

~ the judge said during the sentencing proceedings.

By these words, does the judge basically exonerate Arthur Topham? Methinks so. 

Topham told the court,

I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat… the interests of the Jewish lobby.

He also expressed gratitude that his concerns had been brought to the record.

B’Nai B’rith Very Disappointed

From the Times of Israel article: B’nai B’rith was not satisfied with the sentence, tweeting that it “is very disappointed by lenient sentence for Arthur Topham, convicted of promoting #antisemitism.”

The CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, Michael Mostyn, said that

the timing is especially disturbing, as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centers, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham. [He] is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process. Canada’s laissez-faire approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.

This is interesting in light of the news that an American-Israeli Jewish teen has just been arrested in connection with a series of bomb threats against Jewish institutions on several continents. Good timing Mr. Mostyn, very disturbing indeed.

 Canada’s Hate Speech Laws – Who Do They Serve?

Well said Arthur! If some things are not permitted to be said, then we do not have freedom of speech. Period.

I have heard seemingly intelligent people repeat the mantra which has been programmed into their heads “but hate speech is not the same as free speech”! I say to them, who determines what “hate” speech is? Who controls the Mass Media? Who controls Hollywood? Who controls our law-makers?

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire

THANK YOU ARTHUR TOPHAM for your service to humanity! Enjoy the imposed quiet time. The torch is being passed forward. There are countless torch carriers.

Mehr Licht!



To Commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of the Assassination of anti-Globalist President John F. Kennedy, and to Celebrate the recent Election of anti-Globalist President Donald J. Trump, The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents, and Your Ward News Mischievously Sponsors, the world’s first public rally featuring Evalion as Keynote Speaker:

* She is an international teenage internet sensation, BANNED by Twitter and YouTube after over 2 million video views in 8 months!

* She was such a well-known Nationalist celebrity at the time she was BANNED, that the story was covered by European television programs.

* Her clever, sassy, engaging YouTube videos on immigration, National Socialism, pedophilia, the “gay” agenda, and more, are awakening a new generation… and threatening ZioMarxist entities committed to maintaining their oppression of the general population.

* Most recently, she was the victim of Canada Border Service harassment, with unwarranted confiscation of her laptop and personal journals, followed by an 8 hour detention!

* She is the latest and most high-profile target of B’nai Brith censorship.

Evalion will speak on the topic of “How I Became a YouTube Rebel & How to Disseminate Our Nationalist Message to a New Generation”.

DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2016. 8:00 p.m.

LOCATION: “Your Ward News” Headquarters

ADDRESS: 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard. Toronto, ON.

It is a 5 minute walk south of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line.

[ $10.00 admission fee at door. ]


Tenured Suspended Prof. Tony Hall, The Latest Victim of Zionist Thought Police in Canada

Tenured Suspended Prof. Tony Hall, The Latest Victim of Zionist Thought Police in Canada

/ NO 106120
Tenured Suspended Prof. Tony Hall, The Latest Victim of Zionist Thought Police in Canada
Professor Anthony J. Hall

Muslim Press has conducted an interview with Professor Anthony J. Hall. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada.

In what follows, the full transcription of the interview has been given.

Muslim Press: How have you encountered B’nai Brith Canada? What’s your take of this organization?

I first became more intently aware of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in 2014 when I left the New Horizon Conference in Tehran (ADL). The chair of this event hosted in Iran was filmmaker and broadcaster, Nader Talebzadeh. As I moved from Tehran towards my home in Alberta Canada I picked up various media reports replicating the words spoken by ADL spokesman Abe Foxman at a New York press conference. Mr. Foxman condemned the New Horizon conference in Tehran as a “hate fest” bringing together individuals said to be known for their supposed “anti-Semitism, conspiracy theories and holocaust denial.” He saved particular venom for those he described as “9/11 conspiracy theorists.”

It was something of a revelation to see these weaponized words all grouped together as a set. To be accused of any one of the four terms, it seemed, implied that all the weaponized phrases were equally applicable. No definitions were given by Mr. Foxman and no real evidence was put forward, only inflammatory sound bites meant to harm and discredit generically all those who attended the New Horizon conference in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

For me the conference resonated ironically with the energy of ideas that I had previously associated with the vitality of the European Enlightenment. I embraced the recognition all us delegates were being receiving as  in “independent thinkers.” Apparently the administration of the University of Lethbridge right now is not too open to independent thinking. Among my fellow delegates whose reputations I knew of but had never before met were Wayne Madsen, Pepe Escobar, Thierry Meyssan and Sheik Imran Hussein. Together about 60 of us were able to verbalize calmly and rationally subjects that would have been very difficult to address in the West in venues like academic conferences. I participated in the panel discussions on several subjects, including analysis of the lies and crimes of 9/11.

We get so much propaganda in the West about the Islamic Republic of Iran and here I had been able to see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears how the media spin did not conform with the reality. Our hotel was on the edge of a large urban park so I was able to see something of the everyday civic life of those using the park for sports and recreation and courting and family picnics and all the normal activities of day-to-life. This park provided me with a window into a society that seem safe and secure and stable for the majority of the citizens, some of them non-Muslims of various faith backgrounds.

B’nai Brith Canada is the local branch of the same international operation led until recently by Abe Foxman. His annual pay was about $1 million per annum, or at least the part we know about. The Canadian B’nai Brith is, like the other branches of this international Israeli-based network, extremely well funded and formally dedicated to “advocate for the security of Israel.” The ADL of B’nai B’rith, Canadian version, is therefore essentially an extension of the Israeli government. It operates in Canada within many of our core federal institutions and especially within, as I now know from personal experience, the apparatus of Canadian policing, national security and so-called law enforcement. Police and federal incorporation of the B’nai B’rith apparatus of a foreign power, an Israel First organization, I think runs dramatically counter to the requirements of the Canadian national interest and Canadian sovereignty.

I would say I started feeling the presence of the B’nai Brith in and around my academic work in August of 2015. It started during a book promotion tour involving the text edited by Dr. Kevin Barrett, We Are Not Charlie Hebdo. I have an article in that book. Dr. Barrett, his wife, his two mature sons, his big dog and I toured the province of Alberta doing presentations in Lethbridge, Calgary, Jasper and Edmonton. In the prelude to the Edmonton presentation B’nai Brith’s Amanda Hohmann contacted the manager of the venue asking that the event be cancelled. That manager, a Muslim man himself, subsequently played me back Ms. Hohmann’s taped telephone message wherein she alleged Dr. Barrett is a “holocaust denier” and a 9/11 denier.” Of course she offered no evidence.

When the venue manager refused to adhere to Ms. Hohmann’s request that the event should be cancelled, the B’nai Brith apparently contacted the Edmonton police. The B’nai Brith also called the Calgary and Edmonton police when the Joshua Goldberg image was made to appear on and then disappear from my FB page in late August of 2016 without my being made aware of what was going on.  I will return to that subject below.

A member of the “hate speech” squad did attend our book presentation in Edmonton in 2015. This was the first time I have ever witnessed such a spectacle in Canada. I recall asking myself, is this what we can expect for the future of University education in Canada? Is it our future as educators to be monitored for so-called so-called “hate speech,” ultimately under the authority of the B’nai Brith? The B’nai Brith already seems to wield various forms of state authority in Canada as evidenced most recently by the influence that B’nai Brith Canada has been able to exercise over the administration of the University of Lethbridge. The organization almost seems to be invested with police powers at all levels.

Jump ahead to recent days and my suspension without pay, all done without any due process of evidence-based arbitration whatsoever. In the words of Andrea Amelinckx. President of the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association, “We protest the illegal action on the part of President Mahon and the Board… The President’s action violates provincial law and contravenes the University contract with its Faculty.” (Oct. 7 statement) It seems the B’nai Brith in Canada is capable to asserting major pressure even over high-ranking officials like university presidents forcing them to violate Canadian law. Such violations, however, can apparently be covered over because of the B’nai Brith’s influence over the content of our media and over the activities of so-called law enforcement agencies.



Allow me to address more fully how the B’nai Brith initiated this targeting of me beginning in late August. The key to the whole operation was the planting on, and then removal of, a very offensive image on my FB page, an item I did not invite, sanction or even see until after much of the preconceived damage was already done. Through my own research leading me to correspondence with Ben Garrison, the cartoonist whose face was photoshopped into the offending image, it appears the individual at the originating point of the creation of the offending image and text is Joshua Ryne Goldberg. See my original literary effort to see in more detail what had happened before Ben Garrison sent me the Goldberg revelation.

American Herald Tribune Full Version, Original Version

Supposedly a troubled Jewish youth with psychological disorders, Goldberg was arrested last year by the FBI when he was allegedly trying to smuggle information on to help alleged “jihadists” make bombs As described in Wikipedia, one of Goldberg’s terrorist personaes on the Internet was described by Rita Katz of Site Intelligence as holding a “prestigious position in online jihadi circles.”

Ben Garrison’s face appears in the photoshopped image with the horrific text supposedly authored by Goldberg. The words in the offending text were smeared all over me. Bernie Farber in a Now Magazine article in Toronto went so far as the actually put the offending words in my mouth. He would have me say Goldberg’s words. Farber presents as if they are my words,”I will not rest until every single filthy, parasitic kike is rounded up and slaughtered. The greedy hook-nosed kikes know that their days are numbered” It ends with a call to “KILL ALL JEWS NOW! EVERY LAST ONE.”

That attribution of these words as if they originate with me rather than Joshua Goldberg is actionable and slanderous. Farber’s disgraceful smear job article is illustrative of the length’s the B’nai Brith/Canadian Jewish Congress complex of agencies will go to thehe dark political agenda of both creating and then seeming to fight the imagery of genocidal anti-Semitism.

In spite of my renouncing the text, B’nai Brith agents fronted by Ryan Bellerose persisted receiving obvious help and support from media collaborators like the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s David Gray. Gray and Bellerose are prominent among those that persisted in using the Goldberg item with its disgusting text to be set the framework of a sensational media witch hunt in Alberta. This witch hunt developed very quickly to the point that I was illegally suspended without pay at the University of Lethbridge within less than a week of the original Bellerose/Gray smear job on Sept. 30 on the airwaves of Canada’s public broadcaster. I am raising the alert that in my view the CBC has essentially been taken over by a local agency of the same foreign power that has taken over the administration of the University of Lethbridge.

There has been no due process by a third-party adjudicator to assess the flood of accusations flowing into the Office of the U of L President based on the disinformation that I had somehow sanctioned the “Kill All Jews” message the B’nai Brith and its collaborators put on me. How interesting that the text is said to be written by Joshua Goldberg. My skeptical mind wonders if he Goldberg personae is not some sort of deceptive behind which there are lawyers producing text that could be used to advance hate speech allegations that would meet sections 318 and 319 of Canada’s criminal code. I have every right and need to be extremely skeptical of any official story of what is going on here, even from Ben Garrison who wrote me once but then did not reply to my reply.

The allegations against me appeared formally on Oct. 3 in the very same document that also included the main punishment imposed on me instantaneously by presidential dictate. In the Oct. 3 letter I was summoned to a meeting to take place only hours later. I was commanded to appear before the U of L President’s academic equivalent of a military tribunal “to explain why a suspension without pay of your duties and privileges as an academic staff at the University of Lethbridge is not in order while the University assesses the purported contravention of Section 3 of the Alberta Human Rights Act.” The surprise command to attend the imminent meeting put me in a conflict. The assigned time was the exact same moment that I had scheduled to see a lawyer, to see if he or she would be suitable to retain. Things have been moving very quickly, way too quickly, probably by design.

Taking time to write this narrative is important. I need it to counter the strategy of moving both me and the media-consuming public along so fast that there is no time to assess the nature of the original crime against me by planting this poisonous text and image, then the B’nai Brith’s very fast, prolific and insidious response and then the illegal actions of my employer. Certainly the B’nai Brith home constituency, encouraged unrelentingly to submit letters and petitions to the U of L President’s office calling for my head, were given ample opportunity to understand their assigned role.

I on the other hand was kept in the dark only happening by a chance google search on what had been happening. It took a while to figure it out, let alone react appropriately, to what was transpiring first on my facebook page while initially while I was visiting my friend and colleague in Lawrence Kansas. As far as going to the Internet my preoccupation in the available time between meetings at the public library was to prepare for, and do on August 27 an item on the immigrant crisis in Australia.

The comments section is worthy of consideration.

What I am now facing from my employer is a classic example of the principle of guilty until proven innocent. This abandonment of the rule of law is very reflective of the post 9/11 world of unbridled militarism facilitated by the abomination of the supposed jurisprudence of “pre-emptive war.” It seems that the campus extension of the pre-emptive principle being introduced by the B’nai Brith’s new friend and ally, Dr. Mike Mahon, is the “precautionary” principle. In Dr. Mahon’s Oct. 4 Orwellian notice to me that I am suspended without pay he writes, “The suspension is being implemented as a precautionary, not disciplinary, measure, and will remain in effect until the University has concluded its review of this matter [Suspension pursuant to the Post-Secondary Learning Act (Alberta) Section 22(3), October 4, 2016]

One implication of this punishment is to bring the academic institution of tenure, a key protection of academic freedom, to an end in Alberta. What does tenure mean if senior administration can sideline a working tenured professor at a whim with no due process or prior arbitration by a third-party whatsoever?

One of the three accusations against me according to President Mahon is that I have violated the Alberta Human Rights Act by “inferring that Israelis, and hence Jewish individuals, were responsible for the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre [sic] on September 11, 2001.” Another allegation is that my Facebook page has been the site of “virulent anti-Semitic comments.” It seems not to matter to President Mahon that I am the victim, not the perpetrator, of the insertion and then Facebook’s removal without notice to me of Joshua Goldberg’s horrendously offensive aggressively genocidal image and text.


In his Oct 4 letter U of L President, Dr. Mike Mahon has gone so far as to declare that I must not even step foot on the campus where I have taught for 26 years. I was not even allowed to finish teaching the students currently enrolled in my class. He writes,

You are hereby immediately suspended without pay from all duties and privileges as a member of the academic staff at the University of Lethbridge, including any and all duties and privileges associated with teaching, research, and community service. During this suspension you are also prohibited from using your affiliation with the University of Lethbridge, and are further prohibited from attending at any University of Lethbridge campus.

Where is President Mahon’s equivalent to a restraining order from a Judge? It seems that Pres. Mahon assumes he himself is judge and jury and that he speaks on behalf of the Alberta Human Rights Commission as well as the University of Lethbridge.

I interpret these sweeping dictates as a reflection of the bending of Dr. Mahon and the U of L’s Board Chair, Kurt Schlachter, to make themselves instruments in the investigation of me called for in the petition campaign of the B’nai Brith. Is the University curriculum of tomorrow to be decided by petitions, popularity contests and arbitrary assertions of police powers? I suspect that the power brokers in an around the B’nai Brith are somehow pressuring the U of L administration through the carrot and stick of university funding, either through Zionist influence on the Alberta government or through channels of corporate funding or both.

Whatever is going on, I have suddenly been ensnared in a phenomenon that I studied and wrote about in August of this year.

Beginning with my analysis of the debacle at Oberlin Liberal Arts College concerning Facebook posts and the suspension with pay of Dr. Joy Karega, I surveyed a phenomenon that I describe as the campus havoc being wrought by the attacks of Zionist thought police. I did this work, in part motivated by my anticipation of the B’nai Brith attack which in fact did wash over my academic post as the new term started in September.

An early indicator the a tsunami of slander coming my way showed up on  June 20 in a front page story in my home town newspaper, the Lethbridge Herald. The article began by pointing to my co-hosting of False Flag Weekly News with Dr. Kevin Barrett. The article is entitled simply, “Conspiracy Theories.” Dr. Barrett and I responded to the LH story with a special FFWN special

The author of “Conspiracy Theories” and two subsequent LH stories is engineering his coverage in a fashion that is consistent with the main attributes of the B’nai Brith’s media spin in other venues. The main journalistic operative here in Lethbridge is horror-story writer who goes by the name J.W. Schnarr. Perhaps Mr. Schnarr has played a role in authoring the Canary Mission dossier on me, although that for the moment that is speculation on my part. Whatever the case, Mr. Schnarr seems to be operating out of the same set of assumptions, strategies and externally-generated talking points informing the media spin of Ryan Bellerose and David Gray at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The CBC is our our Crown-owned public broadcaster similar to the BBC in UK and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Australia,

The Lethbridge Herald is part of a chain overseen by media mogul David Radler, Conrad Black’s former partner in Hollinger International. Richard Perle, a pivotal figure in the Israel First post-9/11 war cabinet of US President George W. Bush, worked closely with Conrad Black in the era when Hollinger International was one of the main print media empires in the English-speaking world, including through ownership of the influential Jerusalem Post. As their media empire went into decline both Radler and Black went to jail, Radler for a shorter sentence than Black after the former turned state’s evidence to convict Conrad Black of various offences in the United States.

My experience of the last few days illustrates the larger ADL/B’nai Brith policy of trying to ruin the careers of faculty members that include perspectives critical of the Israeli government in their academic enterprises of teaching, research, publication and community service. I count myself among that menaced group of scholars. One indication of the elaborate machinery of Zionist thought control over what is taught on campus and who can do the teaching is the content of a web site, Canary Mission.

In my estimation the other side of the pro-Zionist position on full display at Canary mission is the anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-Persian biases that plague this dossier assembly service. It has emerged as very much a part of what some have dubbed the “Islamophobia Industry.” Things have advanced far since the days when the Rupert Murdoch’s media empire was a primary vehicle of the psychological warfare interwoven into the strategic fabric of the so-called Global War on Terror GWOT). This GWOT was initiated through the implementation of the lies and crimes of 9/11.

The Canary mission dossier on me seems especially hostile to my interviews commenting on an array of news stories being reported at the invitation of Press TV. In my view, my regular commentaries for Press TV lie well within the mandate of the kind of community service and public education that is, or at least should be, part of the work of a senior professor.

Surely I do not speak the same way in the classroom as I do on Press TV. The Iranian state broadcaster, Press TV, has a different kind of audience than the ones I might find in a Canadian university classroom.

In 26 years of teaching evaluations I have never even once to my memory encountered a single comment that I am “anti-Semitic” or even “anti-Israel.” No doubt however, such “complaints” are being busily engineered right now in the joint effort by the B’nai Brith in partnership with the administration of my University. The aim quite clearly is to drive me from campus and away from my teaching responsibilities, to silence and discredit my voice as that of a credible public intellectual.

Nevertheless I remain in spite of the various dictatorial impositions put on me by Dr. Mahon a suspended and tenured full professor at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. To me, my foremost professional responsibility at this juncture, where I find myself to be concurrently a suspended and tenured professor, is to defend the institution of tenure, a necessary pillar of academic freedom. In this task I hope to be able to work especially with those faculty members and students and regular citizens who are well aware of the high stakes nature of what is transpiring.


MP: Do you describe yourself as a holocaust denier?

I do not describe myself in that way. I think, however, it is problematic to start a vital discussion by putting at the forefront the idea of a denial of a denial. I do not believe that the myth should be allowed to stand that there is a simple yes or no answer to the question you propose. Certainly I do not believe that those who question the official story of anything should immediately be subject to punishment and recrimination as seems now to be the case now in Canada and other many countries but especially in Germany. We need to stop the process that assigns a verdict of criminality to any individual assigned however carelessly, arbitrarily or deviously the weaponized term, “holocaust denier.”

We need to be clear that everything is open for discussion, for debate, for reconsideration with careful reference to existing evidence or new evidence as it becomes available. It is especially important that we in the academy maintain and defend the position that no subject of study should be declared out of bounds, outside the real of eligibility for robust evidence-based debate. We in the academy have an important responsibility to see that we defend the values of science even when it comes to evaluating sensitive and fraught issues where historical interpretation and current public policy are inextricably linked.

In this context I would rather see more emphasis on the concept of Shoah, a phrase well understand by Hebrew speakers and by Palestinians who see their Shoah as a continuation of the Nabka right up to the present day.

The term holocaust, which is rooted in a Greek term for burnt offering, should in my opinion be understood as a plural rather than a singular concept. My understanding is that the word holocaust can, like the related term “genocide,” be applied in a number of contexts to describe lethal tragedies of history and lethal tragedies that are occurring right now. We live in a time when death by high-tech military fire is being inflicted on millions especially throughout Eurasia and the Middle East, the part of the world inhabited by many majority Muslim populations. The term holocaust can be correctly applied especially to the contemporary plight of the minority of the Palestinian population that continue to reside in the historic land of Palestine, the Aboriginal home of the stateless Palestinian people. These people are subjected to a concerted Israeli campaign of so-called ethnic cleansing, another term for genocide.

I recall as a teenager in the 1960s frequently hearing and seeing the term “holocaust” applied to the prospect of nuclear war. The possibility of a full-fledged nuclear holocaust is perhaps more imminent at this moment than at any time in history including at the height of the Cold War. Since the atomic holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, all humanity has been united by the awful prospect that all life on this planet could all be snuffed out in an instant. The expansionary policies of Likudnik Israel are integral to the destabilizing forces threatening to subject all living beings on earth to a nuclear holocaust.

I think it would be correct to describe the genocidal experience of Indigenous peoples in the Americas as a holocaust. Indeed there is an important book devoted to the subject entitled American Holocaust. The treatment of Aborigines in Australia could similarly be described as an Australian Holocaust.

Terrible atrocities were committed against Jewish people in Europe in the course of World War II. There is plenty of historical evidence of that. There are also aspects of various Jewish holocaust narratives that do give rise to the need for some resort to issues of evidence and nuances of interpretation. Those atrocities committed against European Jewry figure importantly in the history of the 60,000,000 casualties of WWII that surely qualifies as a holocaust in its own right.

I want to draw in my response to this important question on my reflections on the recent experiences of my friends, Alfred and Monika Schaefer. Alfred Schaefer resides in Germany where he is being swept up in a travesty of criminalization of revisionists that is incompatible with any sense of free speech and freedom of dissent in a free and democratic society. Alfred was behind the camera and Monika was in front of it in the production of the You Tube video, Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust. As I am writing this commentary, the 6 minute simple video has received about 100,000 views with likes dominating over thumbs down by a ratio of about three to one.

I think it is perfectly fair for individuals to agree or disagree about the content of the video. I myself do not accept the blunt assertiveness of some of Ms. Schaefer’s contentions. Why can’t we accept, however, that even when it comes to all topics but especially sensitive topics we must accept some disagreement as a necessary condition of living together peacefully in complex societies. Shouldn’t we embrace the possibilities for compromise, growth and possible resolution that disagreements sometime present?

In the case of the disagreements arising from the Sorry Mom video, they must inevitably lead back to some reckoning with evidence underlying the various contentions. Such reckoning surely should be understood as a normal feature of our ongoing dialogue in the unfolding present with the evidence and understanding of what happened in the past. Surely such a reckoning is a necessary and normal attribute of healthy societal evolution.

What seems to me, however, to be very wrong is for those in positions of power to heap recriminations on those with whom they disagree by appointing themselves as thought police to decide unilaterally what are or should be community norms. To move from the abstract to the concrete, I have made no secret of the fact that I disagree with the propriety of violinist Monika Schaefer being denied a busking permits or a right of entry to a major musical performing venue, the Royal Canadian Legion, in Jasper National Park. What other type of issue would cause officials to act arbitrarily to punish a citizen because he or she does not like the content of a video in which he or she was involved?

More recently Monika Schaefer has been ejected from the Board and from the position of an instructor at the violin teaching camp of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers (ASF). By doing so the ASF has ceased to priorize the promotion of the arts by in Alberta by giving its highest priority to some self-appointed task of thought policing the ideas and interpretations of a prominent member of Alberta’s artistic community. What next? What kind of precedent is being set? This development bodes poorly for the future of Canada and Alberta under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Rachel Notley respectively.

To me the treatment of Monika Schaefer in Jasper National Park and in the provincial sphere of the ASF should be seen as a marker for the world that Canada is not the free and open and democratic society it is sometimes portrayed as being. The unfair and probably actionable treatment imposed on me at the hands of the administration of the University of Lethbridge and by Canada’s public broadcaster at the urging of B’nai Brith Canada points in a similar direction.

Canada is becoming a place of oppressive arbitrary actions extending now to an assault on the academic institution of tenure, an assault I intend to resist in the interests primordially of the students and faculty at the University of Lethbridge. The reckless deployment of the weaponized term, holocaust denier, should be exposed for what it is, namely a dangerous device deployed to harm, silence and undermine critics of Israeli expansionism, both territorially and in terms of international influence. This expansionism is extending to a holocaust of mass murder, maiming and uprooting of peoples on the frontiers of the expanding frontiers of what is known as Eretz Israel, Greater Israel.


MP: How do you compare criticism of Zionism and being charged with anti-Semitism?

Zionism has a fairly precise meaning as the movement from which the establishment of the Israeli entity emerged in steps, but particularly with the Declaration of Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild in 1917 and with the UN Resolution 181 in 1947-48. Within Zionism there are many factions and camps. On the right-wing extreme is Revisionist Zionist, the roots of the extremist ideology that PM Benjamin Netanyahu currently draws upon in his role as leader of the Likud Party and Prime Minister of Israel. At another pole is Labor Zionism, kibbutz-style Zionism. Labor Zionism has mostly gone into retreat since the breakdown of the Oslo accords process in the mid-1990s.

When I was at York Mills Collegiate in Toronto in the late 1960s I heard much about Israel as a place of socialist kibbutzim. Many of my friends visited these kibbutzim during summer holidays and came back to tell very positive stories about what they saw, heard and learned in these places. These days I don’t hear much about kibbutzim. I hear more about very right-wing settler populations who are in the political ascendance in Israel. This expansionary trend, which violates international law in a number of ways, has led to the rise of a transnational movement of resistance. This pushback on Israel’s expansion into land set aside by the UN for an Arab state goes by the name of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).

The success of many BDS campaigns, which have become especially vibrant on some university campuses, is a factor that has prompted Zionist intervention at my school and at many other schools and universities throughout the so-called “West.” The aim of this Zionist intervention is not to advance free speech and open exchange but to limit speech, control the curriculum and make it impossible for scholars like me to continue our academic work.

The term “anti-Semitism” has far less specific meanings than the term Zionism. I have come to see the term, “anti-Semitism” as being weaponized, often to carry out Zionist-directed ritual defamation such as that currently being applied to both Monika Schaefer and I. The term has both racial and linguistic resonances that can be applied to Arabs generically or to particular groups of Arabs such as the Palestinian people.

Much confusion arises because the dominant group of Jews these days are of Eastern European ancestry. As I understand it, those emerging from this Eastern European stream of Jewish history call themselves Ashkenazi.

The charge by the Ashkenazi-dominated Jewish State that its critics are “anti-Semitic” really breaks down especially when those critics are Palestinian or those that see, regardless of their background, the international efforts to aimed at achieving Palestinian self-determination through state formation as noble and legitimate. Especially problematic is Ashkenazi name calling as “anti-Semites” of those Palestinians who persist against great odds in living on their Aboriginal territory or even in the Diaspora. Similar problems apply when predominantly secular and Ashkenazi groups such as the B’nai Brith try to denigrate and demean those that stand up for Palestinian rights as “anti-Semites” when Palestinians have the greater claim of actually being Semites.

By and large my analysis is more focused on the Zionist threads of Jewish history, although obviously the phenomenon of Zionism is set in broader contexts that require the application of various contested nomenclatures in a very fraught realm of scholarship.

Here it should be noted that not all Jews are not Zionists and that all Zionists are not Jews. Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for instance, is definitely a committed Zionist although he is Christian not Jewish. Similarly many Jewish rabbis are very hostile to making Judaism the basis for statecraft rather than treating Judaism as the basis of religious devotion rather than a means of building up a state apparatus.

I noticed that J.W. Scharr is his LH hit piece in the Lethbridge Herald of September 29 referred to me in a headline as “allegedly spreading Anti-Zionist propaganda.” From my perspective, it is Mr. Scharr, Mr. Bellerose, Mr. Gray and perhaps Dr. Mahon who have given themselves over to the business of spreading propaganda. I have the credentials of an academic. I don’t use my credentials as a platform but rather I continue the process of lifelong learning which for me is also my professional calling. My aim is to continue to move towards the truth as best I can, even when facing the propaganda blitz to which I am currently being subjected here in Canada.


MP: What do you think about B’nai Brith’s actions to repress criticism of Zionism in universities?

I think what is currently going on at the University of Lethbridge, where the institution of tenure is being actively attacked by my suspension without any due process whatsoever, illustrates well that B’nai Brith’s role in University governance should be minimalized, not maximized.


MP: Do you think Canada is facing a free speech problem?

Yes. Definitely. The constant harassment of Arthur Topham and his, where some of my essays on Aboriginal rights were published in the late 1990s. illustrates a far broader, more pervasive and more corrosive assault on our basic rights and freedoms in Canada.


MP: How were you personally affected by the “thought police”?

It is so soon that I have hardly been able to assess the impact of the B’nai Brith’s thought police on my family and I. Both my sons have been traumatized. Emphasizing the reaction of my youngest son, an Officer in the Royal Navy, his mother mom whose is Ojibway texted me to indicate,

I do not want to mention that …. Was taken aback and somewhat embarrassed about a cartoon of you on Reddit Lethbridge. I told him not to look at anything else on line. I am getting more and more angry that this group is spreading hate that upsets my sons with over-the-top accusations about their holocaust.  They are on my and my sons’ indigenous lands, which they continuously benefit from the resources gained at the expense of the genocide and thievery from my children’s ancestors.

Here is the cartoon my son the military man serving his country found on the Internet.


Yes its affecting not only me but a lot of people personally.

The affected parties include many who have been provoked by the B’Nai Brith-planted image engineered by Joshua Goldberg or whoever exploits his web personae to produce a calculated responses of revulsion. I am not blaming those who responded as the B’nai Brith calculated its core constituents would. They too are, in a way, innocent victims of this very telling illustration of the nature of the deceptions currently allowed to rule our world with the help and complicity of very corrupt organizations like the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

I blame first and foremost the engineers of this psychological operation that very well might include the directors of of Facebook. It has been widely reported that the logistical core of Facebook’s massive social media network is to be further devoted to propaganda purposes. Facebook’s headquarters and main “security” platforms are being transferred to Israel.


Dr. Hall is editor in chief of American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

Don’t Suspend Prof. Tony Hall

Don’t Suspend Prof. Tony Hall

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

October 7, 2016

Mike Mahon,

President of the University of Lethbridge

Lethbridge, Alberta,


Re: Suspension Without Pay of Professor Anthony Hall

Dear Dr. Mahon:

The Canadian Association  for Free Expression (CAFE), founded in 1982,  is Canada`s most active free speech advocacy group.

I write to express our grave concerns about the recent suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall who teaches Globalization issues. This brutal measure, seemingly without a trial or hearing or opportunity for Professor Hall to explain his point of view, violates both academic freedom and due process and fairness.


The university’s complaints, in your recent letter to Professor Tony Hall are:

  1. “Virulent anti-semitic posts on Facebook.” These occurred during a time Professor Hall was travelling. Facebook removed them. Someone planted them or hacked his account. He completely repudiated them. It has since emerged that these scurrilous posts were the mischief  of a notorious provocateur one Joshua Goldberg.  Cartoonist Ben Garrison appeared in the rightly impugned post. He writes: “Unfortunately that Photoshopped image of me assaulting that Orthodox Jew man continues to circulate and be posted everywhere. Ironically,it was created by a 20 year-old Jewish kid named Joshua Goldberg. He was arrested by the FBI about a year ago for sending bomb making instructions to what he thought was a Muslim terrorist–instead it was an FBI undercover agent.Goldberg is now pleading mental illness, but for years he was allowed to stir up trouble from his parents` basement in Florida. For some reason he enjoyed targeting me and he’s the one who created that image as well as many other hate screeds.”

Ben Garrison had his life ruined by trolls like Goldberg, who vandalized Garrison’s cartoons to make it appear that Garrison was a rabid Jew-hater. Now Goldberg’s hate speech has damaged another man’s career and reputation: that of Professor Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge. Mainstream media outlets including CBC and the Lethbridge Herald accepted B’nai Brith’s false narrative that Professor Hall was responsible for Goldberg’s planted image.

  1. Professor Hall has blamed Israel for 9-11.
  1. At a recent meeting between the provost and the dean at the University of Lethbridge, Professor Hall inquired whether either was Jewish. This was an entirely proper inquiry as to possible bias, as Professor Hall’s main tormenters are the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith.

According to the CBC (September 30, 2016), “A Jewish group is calling on the University of Lethbridge to fire a professor who it alleges is ‘well-known for using his academic credentials to deny the Holocaust and promote 9/11 conspiracy theories.’ Anthony Hall co-hosts a weekly YouTube show called False Flag Weekly News, which allegedly promotes the notion of a Zionist conspiracy to foster hatred of Muslims through ‘false flag’ terror events, beginning with 9/11. B’nai Brith alleges that Hall “is a proponent of what he refers to as an ‘open debate on the Holocaust,’ a supporter of Holocaust [skeptics] like Monika Schaefer, and has even accused Israel of ‘playing a key role’ in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.”

Clearly, it didn’t take the university long to hop to the order of B’nai Brith and betray your mission to protect scholarship and freedom of speech. Within days you sought to oust this tenured professor.

Over 60 years ago, the Catholic Church in Quebec exercised a heavy hand in censoring professors at French Canadian universities, even leading to the exclusion of future Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau for his leftish views. Recent events seem to point to the replacement of the Catholic Church by B`nai Brith as religious arbiters of what can be said and believed on campus.

I urge you to rethink the university`s position and reinstate Professor Hall with full pay. Canada needs more free speech, not less, and more divergent thinkers like Professor Hall, not fewer.

Paul Fromm



Terrorist Troll Joshua Goldberg Behind Professor’s Suspension

Those concerned about the B’nai Brith’s assault on Professor Anthony Hall can contact Lethbridge University President Mike Mahon. Email: and

Write, fax, or phone: Mike Mahon President & Vice-Chancellor A762 University Hall, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada  T1K 3M4. Phone: (403) 329 -2201. Fax: (403) 329-2097.

Terrorist Troll Joshua Goldberg Behind Professor’s Suspension

by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today

October 5, 2016

A Florida man named Joshua Goldberg – who has already been arrested for conspiring to commit false-flag “Islamic terror” – may soon be charged with yet another crime: The creation of a horrific “kill all Jews” image that is currently under investigation by Canadian police.


Joshua Goldberg, arrested for trying to incite false flag “Islamic terror,” may be re-arrested for hate speech…alongside his accomplices at B’nai Brith?

The image was planted on Professor Anthony Hall’s Facebook page in late August. The Canadian B’nai Brith falsely blamed Hall, who had no knowledge of the image, and used the scandal to push for Hall’s dismissal from the University of Lethbridge. Today, caving in to the B’nai Brith’s libelous attack, University President Mike Mahon suspended Anthony Hall without pay. For Professor Hall’s reaction, see youtube video at (Duration of video is 5 minutes 45 seconds).

The photoshopped image, manufactured by Goldberg, purports to depict political cartoonist Ben Garrison choking an Orthodox Jewish man.  Accompanying the image, in small print, is an unhinged “kill all Jews now” rant. In an article published here on September 16th, I speculated that rabid Zionists, rather than rabid Jew-haters, had manufactured the image. It turns out I was right.

The short answer is “yes.”

In an email to Arthur Topham, cartoonist Ben Garrison explained:

“Unfortunately that Photoshopped image of me assaulting that Orthodox Jew man continues to circulate and be posted everywhere. Ironically, it was created by a 20 year-old Jewish kid named Joshua Goldberg. He was arrested by the FBI about a year ago for sending bomb making instructions to what he thought was a Muslim terrorist–instead it was an FBI undercover agent. Goldberg is now pleading mental illness, but for years he was allowed to stir up trouble from his parent’s basement in Florida. For some reason he enjoyed targeting me and he’s the one who created that image as well as many other hate screeds.”

Ben Garrison had his life ruined by trolls like Goldberg, who vandalized Garrison’s cartoons to make it appear that Garrison was a rabid Jew-hater. Now Goldberg’s hate speech has damaged another man’s career and reputation: that of Professor Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge.

Mainstream media outlets including CBC and the Lethbridge Herald accepted B’nai Brith’s false narrative that Professor Hall was responsible for Goldberg’s planted image. The scandal exploded into an all-out media assault on Professor Hall; but as the origin of Goldberg’s hate image came under suspicion, the B’nai Brith and the media shifted its attack to focus on Hall’s  “anti-Zionist propaganda.”


B’nai Brith’s ongoing witch-hunt targeting Anthony Hall broke into local media last June, focusing on his role at False Flag Weekly News


Following the Goldberg “kill all Jews” false flag attack on Hall, the Lethbridge Herald trumpeted Hall’s “anti-Zionist propaganda” and “conspiracy theories”

Here is my letter sent to Lethbridge University President Mike Mahon this morning before receiving news of the suspension without pay.

Dr. Mike Mahon
President, University of Lethbridge

Dear Dr. Mahon,

I’m writing in response to the ongoing orchestrated attack on Professor Anthony Hall. The smear campaign against Professor Hall is an attack on the entire academy. Its purpose is to terrorize academicians into remaining silent on controversial issues. If successful, the media lynching of Professor Hall would grossly undermine academic freedom, especially the institution of tenure.

The lynchpin (no pun intended) of the anti-Hall campaign is a horrific image that was planted on  Professor Hall’s Facebook page – unbeknownst to Professor Hall, who had absolutely nothing to do with that image. The grossly offensive image, which features a Jewish man being strangled alongside ultra-inflammatory text calling for the killing of “all Jews,” was in fact created by an allegedly self-employed propagandist named Joshua Goldberg, who was later arrested for his efforts to create incidents of so-called “Islamic terrorism.” Obviously Joshua Goldberg created his horrific “kill all Jews” image not because he himself is anti-Jewish, but rather as a way to manufacture false evidence of “anti-Semitism” that could later be used against people like Professor Hall. Goldberg appears to have created this awful image precisely to fit the definition of hate speech. It is a weaponized image. The weapon was used against Anthony Hall in precisely in the way its creator intended.

When planted evidence is used against a victim, it is the criminals who manufactured and planted the evidence, not the victim, who are at fault. Joshua Goldberg, B’nai Brith, and the individual or entity who planted this hate speech on Professor Hall’s Facebook page all ought to be investigated for their respective roles in this orchestrated smear campaign against Professor Hall.

The institution of tenure exists for one reason and one reason only: To ensure that even the most controversial avenues of research and interpretation are fully protected in our academy. Professor Hall is using his tenure properly. Are you? Is anyone else at the University of Lethbridge? If not, why not? How can you, or any other professor, justify holding tenure if you are not, in fact, making every possible effort to challenge the most sacrosanct public myths, and to pursue the most controversial avenues of research and interpretation?


Dr. Kevin Barrett

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