A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty

A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty. https://youtube.com/watch?v=mcCDFkW4JyY&feature=youtu.be… Preview YouTube video The Max Bernier Show – Ep. 38 : Rocco Galati on suing the government

Police Should Focus on Social Catastrophes, Not Trivialities Such as Use of the Word ‘Chink’

Immigration Watch Canada sent the following letter to the Vancouver Police Department. Other police departments in Canada should take very careful note. The Vancouver Police Department has severely blundered.

Police Should Focus on Social Catastrophes, Not Trivialities Such as Use of the Word ‘Chink’

by Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada – August 27, 2020http://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2020/08/27/police-should-focus-on-social-catastrophes-not-trivialities-such-as-use-of-the-word-chink/ 

Staff Sargent Dale Weidman,Vancouver Police Department: On August 19, in response to a CBC interview you did on so-called “HATE SPEECH”, we sent an e-mail to you. In our e-mail, we asked you to tell us the number and nature of recent complaints the VPD had received about so-called “Hate Crimes” in Vancouver. In your reply, you mentioned that you would not tell us the number and nature of the complaints that Asians were making because you had to abide by “Privacy” laws.

 No offence, but that sounds like a typical bureaucratic weak excuse. Here’s the important question for you to answer : What is so “private” about the number of complaints? Second, what is so “private” about what happened in a sample of the so-called “hate” incidents that occurred? We were not asking you to give us names of victims or perpetrators or the location of the incidents. We were just looking for a rough idea of what happened in a few incidents so that we could determine  the seriousness of the incidents. For example, were most of the complaints mere incidents in which Chinese were called “CHINKS” “? Again, what’s so private about that?

Remember something: Most Cantonese refer to people of European origin as: “Gwailo” meaning “barbarian”, that is “a person inferior to Chinese”. Mandarin speakers have a similar word. To coin a phrase, “Put that into your pipe and smoke it !”

 Here is a big problem you have to deal with: Many White People (maybe including you and other Vancouver Police officers) have been brain-washed into thinking that they can achieve “HERO” status by championing the cause of so-called Chinese “victims”. Our disgraceful CBC/Private media and equally disgraceful politicians have been working tirelessly for years to program Canadians to react that way.

 Before you go further down that road of thought, please remember that the Chinese in particular (Chinese investor immigrants specifically) are responsible for one of the greatest social catastrophes (namely, Unaffordable Housing) that has happened in Metro Vancouver since Confederation. Immigrant investors from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China were allowed into Canada principally because they promised to start a business here and employ Canadians. In return, they were given immigrant status for themselves and their dependents. In addition, their dependents received a large number of free social benefits such as free

elementary and secondary schooling and cheap university education. However, almost all of the investor immigrants shamelessly did not open businesses. Instead, they speculated on housing and drove hundreds of thousands of Canadians out of home ownership. Worse still, a large number of the investor immigrants were brazen tax evaders from the start and continue as such. 

In summary, all Canadians have good reason for being indignant about the presence in Vancouver and elsewhere in Canada of these crooks. As for whether the numbers of these crooks are significant, consider this : Several hundred thousand of those Chinese arrived here. I’m not excusing physical violence, but I am saying that Canadians have ample justification for extreme resentment.

Our cowardly politicians have done almost nothing to effectively correct this disaster. In fact, almost all of our politicians cower in their basements at the thought of being forced to take action against these crooks or of legislating a major correction (such as a major reduction in immigration intake) which would end this continuing social catastrophe. Consider this :

The Vancouver Police Department and other police such as the RCMP might have mitigated this social catastrophe by investigating such activities as Chinese money laundering and real estate speculation. As far as we are aware, the Vancouver Police Department has not instigated any such investigation. Correct us if we are wrong. Disgracefully, you have chomped at the bit to investigate so-called “HATE CRIMES” against “Asians”. Let us repeat, the Vancouver Police Department could have done something to mitigate an ongoing social catastrophe, but instead you have focused on a social triviality.

If you would like an example of another very important issue (also immigration-related) that you and other police should have gotten involved in, here is one: The Muslim Brotherhood has entered Canada in large numbers. It has vowed to destroy Western Civilization from within. Yes, I said “destroy”. Doesn’t that sound serious? Shouldn’t such a threat take precedence over investigating a White Canadian for calling a Chinese person a “chink”. The Muslim Brotherhood uses the word “America” to denote the place they want to destroy. However, they have a substantial presence in Canada and apply the same goal here and in all other Western countries.

Instead of spending your time trying to present yourself as a hero to Chinese and other Asians, why don’t you and your VPD colleagues do some investigating of the Muslim Brotherhood? I am sure you will uncover something significant to pursue. We can help you to find other information. 

For details about the Muslim Brotherhood, see this link:https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2010/10/26/fbi-captured-muslim-brotherhoods-strategic-plan/ We hope to hear from you or one of your colleagues soon. Dan Murray,Immigration Watch Canada

For information on Chinese immigrant tax evasion, see http://www.vancouversun.co/news/Douglas+Todd+Thousands+Metro+Vancouver+mansion+owners+avoiding+taxes/11390940/story.htmlhttp://www.scmp.com/comment/blogs/article/1851003/bizarro-vancouver-25000-households-declare-less-income-they-spendhttp://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2016/12/05/11491/

To the UN, Is Your Christian Faith A Human Rights Violation?

To the UN, Is Your Christian Faith A Human Rights Violation?

Without question, we’re certainly in unique times. 2020 has brought us many challenges: the spread of COVID-19, unchecked government mandate and decree, churches closed for some time, riots and unrest on the streets, and the grossly unbalanced reporting by so-called “journalists” and media.But the scariest part of 2020 is unseen, happening behind closed doors.

The United Nations is coordinating an attack on religious freedom.This was exposed from a recent report taking to task traditional religious beliefs and values regarding the right to life for pre-born babies, and biological sex, by the United Nations appointed Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ahmed Shaheed.

Sign the petition to demand Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger (President of the UN Human Rights Council) and Antonio Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations( to dismiss Ahmed Shaheed: his agenda is incompatible with religious freedom!

Mr. Shaheed has chosen to pursue a controversial agenda that includes abortion and LGBT+ rights.His report calls religious beliefs valuing the right to life, traditional marriage, and biological sex a human right violation.
At a time when 80 percent of the global population is facing high restrictions on religious freedom, the UN is giving time – and a microphone – to a man working to undermine freedom of religion or belief even further.The United Nations is made up of 193 sovereign states. Some of which were founded or are rooted in religious faith. Most claim to respect the religious values of citizens.

This petition is our opportunity to send a signal to the 193 countries that make up the United Nations that bureaucrats are coordinating attacks on our faith and values.
Add your name: tell the UN to dismiss Mr. Shaheed and stop undermining your religious freedom by signing the petition!“The report shockingly conflates conservative religious beliefs about life, marriage, and biological sex with religious justifications for abhorrent human rights violations.Many women, as well as men, hold conservative religious beliefs, but the report treats their freedom to live according to these beliefs as secondary to abortion and new claims to rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity. No international treaty recognizes a right to abortion, but the report simply asserts that one exists and that it trumps a medical provider’s right to conscientious objection.Mr. Shaheed is recommending state intervention in matters of religious doctrine, curtailing rights of conscience, and accusing conservative religions and adherents of human rights abuse. Let that sink in for a minute…In other words, this rapporteur is telling the world that beliefs like yours have no place in polite company – let alone in the public square! The sad irony is Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed is injuring the very people and institutions and liberty which he is mandated to protect!Sign now! Mr. Shaheed secularist views and actions are not compatible with his appointed role as UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Demand his termination!Sincerely,Caleb Stephen and the team at CitizenGOP.S. Lend us your voice to make a difference! By signing this petition, an email will be sent to your behalf to notify your government representatives of this dangerous attack on religious freedom and national sovereignty.
Amplify your voice! After signing, take a moment to share this petition with your friends and family.References:U.N. report promotes abortion, LGBT ‘rights’ over human rights (The Washington Times)“https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/13/un-report-promotes-abortion-lgbt-rights-over-human/”UN Expert: World Religions Should Defer to the Authority of UN Experts (C-FAM)https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/un-expert-world-religions-should-defer-to-the-authority-of-un-experts/