Freedom Protests Outside the B.C. Legislature — A Report by Gordon Watson
01 We’ve been bearing witness against the HOAX for two and a half years since the SCAMdemic blew in. December 03 2022 was bright overcast, 42 degrees F with a chill wind blowing across the lawn of the Leg. As usual on Saturdays, our group was there, providing emotional support to folks dismayed by the official insanity. Regardless of the weather, it’s a sort of a party from noon to 3 pm or so.
02 Passersby honk and wave and walk up to thank us — evidence that the nation is coming to its senses. Hearing “God Bless you for being here” face to face tells us that, as small a thing as it is, what we do is important. An occasional smirking snipe of “you guys are nuts” is just water off our backs.
03 Asserting Freedom of the Press is very important. From time spent on the frontline of the anti-abortion fray [ 3 decades ago] I know that the printed word lasts. It cannot be censored completely; it winds up in places you would never guess. We’ve put thousands of copies of DRUTHERS ; PANDEMIC PAPERS and COMMON GROUND magazine in the hands of real people.
04 The 600 block Belleville Street in little Victoria is apparently clean and safe, what remains of traditional White, Christian lawabiding. Yet, it is a spiritual battleground at the very Gates of the City. The studied ignorance of the herd in the most irreligious city in Canada was demonstrated December 10. Bright sunshine 50 degrees F. with 25 warm bodies gathered. A male about 19 years old stopped in front of our gathering, saying “I’m so glad you guys are out here protesting for our right to take vaccines”. In the moment before it dawned on me that he was mocking, I held out a newspaper, saying “here’s some information you need” He refused, sneering: “I know all about it”. To which I countered: “Obviously you don’t. People are dropping dead all over the world from the poisoned needle. It could happen to you.” He shot back “I hope it will” direct quote. As he scuttled away I shouted: “You just pronounced a curse on yourself” Minutes later, a man who goes by each week unloaded his venom. Unfazed, my Christian friend let loose a volley of precise rebuttal. Amused, I said, “and here I thought you were such a nice girl!” No, the naysayers don’t stick around to dialogue. Rather, many of them die suddenly, out of the public eye. Cause of death un-reported by the “legacy media”. They don’t come back and admit “anti-vaxxers” have been right all along. As my mentor old Georgie Gordon used to say: “God’s fingerprints are all over this” Kidding her, I cited Second Thessalonians 1:6 “seeing it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you.”
05 The avalanche of information via the Internet, requires winnowing down. Eleven minutes of Gerard Rennick scolding Senators in Australia. Irrefutable, proving they were not just derelict in their duty, but that they are complicit in Crimes against Humanity. Watching him point the prosecutorial finger pronouncing “Shame on you !” is highly entertaining. I urge you to find this video. It’s on his FaceBook page, farther down a bit. At this stage, demanding accountability is seen as “the Ministry of Condemnation”. The Ministry of Reconciliation comes later.
06 Two weeks ago, MP Laurel Collins was the premier speaker at the protest convened around the Cenotaph, by Iranians protesting diktatorship in their country. When Collins proclaimed that she and her government ‘stood with them fighting for Freedom!’ I blasted her in my parade-square voice. Below, see my letter which the Editor of the James Bay Beacon couldn’t find space to print
Gordon S Watson
Metchosin British Columbia
December 11 2022 A. D.
To ; the Editor
James Bay Beacon newspaper
One of the perks of living in James Bay, is, being able to drop in to the continuing master class in political science, convened weekly on the precinct of the Legislature.
Last Saturday was especially edifying. A couple hundred people encircled the Cenotaph to protest against the regime in Iran. Atop that column is a figure in the uniform of Canadian soldiers circa 1914 to 1918, when my grandfather fought at Ypres. At its base is a plaque commemorating the Korean War in which my old man got blown up in jeep. He survived. His three fellow soldiers didn’t. My mother served in the Canadian Army nursing sisters. Not to mention many aunts and uncles. So, my family has payed the price in blood, sweat and tears for our citizenship.
Immediately beside the Cenotaph, my friends and I have asserted our right to freedom of association … gathering every week to warn and inform everyone who will listen, against the Covid-iocy , for nigh-on 2 ½ years, on Belleville Street. As their event got started, a couple of us went over and politely remonstrated with the leader of the Iranians … advising that they were treading on ground which is all-but sacred to those of us who have British military traditions. Our concern was blown off with the excuse that they “had a permit”.
The Star of their Show, Member of Parliament Laurel Collins, started in pontificating about “Freedom”. She being one of the members of the House of Commons who endorsed the Emergency Act, which put the Dominion du Canada in a police state – the contradiction was too galling for me to stay silent. I exercised my right to speak. Telling her loudly that, rather than concerning herself with dictatorship halfway ‘round the planet, she can start right here. One of the Iranians came up and put his fist beside my face pronouncing he would “take me out”. Then grabbed me. When I got out my camera to take a photo of him, in order to identify him, so as to lay a criminal charge, the thug made himself scarce.
My points being: a more egregious personification of an hypocrite than MP Collins would be hard to find ; and, Freedom of Speech belongs to those who practice it.
Gordon S Watson
Metchosin British Columbia November 20th 2022 A. D.