IHR Meeting Discusses Censorship in Budapest


IHR Meeting Discusses Censorship in Budapest

Vienna, Virginia. October 11, 2014. Three participants in last weekend’s much harassed Future of Europe Conference in Budapest delivered their accounts and explanations to a meeting of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR).

Author F. Roger Devlin and Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, explained the sequence of events. About two weeks before the conference, socialists and the former communist party in Hungary spread wild alarm about the meeting of “White supremacists”.| A media frenzy followed.

The rightist government of Viktor Orban, facing municipal elections, caved in and ordered its interior minister to take all legal measures to shut down the conference. The convention centre where the meeting was to be held cancelled its contract. The hotel where people who registered through NPI were to stay cancelled reservations.

Although Hungarian nationalist party Jobbik had been a key planner of the event, they quickly folded, announcing that they had not known that the National Policy Institute (NPI), the organizers were “White supremacists,” an allegation which is false. Another organizing sponsor Arktos Books also folded.

Key participants, including Alexander Dugin, a former advisor to Vladimir Putin, were denied visas. On the Monday before the conference, NPI founder Bill Regnery, arriving in Budapest from London, was arrested, deported and slapped with a three year ban from the Schengen countries.

On the night before the conference was to occur, about 50 participants were in a Budapest pub. Riot police burst in and checked everyone’s ID. Some were searched. About 30 were detained and taken to their hotels for further investigation. Richard Spencer, the NPI organizer was taken off to jail, held until Monday and then deported. He, too, has been slapped with an arbitrary three year ban from the Schengen countries — all the EU, except England and Croatia.

Nevertheless, an intrepid Jared Taylor and a Hungarian contact salvaged the conference. A restaurant was arranged or Saturday night. About 100 attendees gathered clandestinely and heard short after dinner talks by Mr. Taylor and Professor Tom Sunic.

Frederick Fromm

Well, concluded Paul Fromm, ” we came to Budapest to discuss ‘the future of Europe’ and we saw first hand that the future will have to be fought for. It is a life and death struggle between the Cultural Marxists who are engineering the genocidal replacement of Europeans by the Third World and nationalists or Identitarians who wish to preserve the national characteristics of their lands and who want to keep Europe European. The methods of the Cultural Marxists involve repression,” he concluded.

IHR Director Mark Weber had also been in Budapest and offered a broader explanation of what had happened. “Before an earthquake takes place,” he said, “there are powerful movements of forces within the earth. Last May’s political earthquake was the election to the European Parliament of a large number of nationalists and Euroskeptics like Marine LePen’s National Front, UKIP in Britain and Jobbik in Hungary, This caused an unprecedented level of anxiety in the U.S. and European political establishments.”

The election results showed the bankruptcy of both conservative and socialist parties. They ignore chronic youth unemployment and seem helpless before the greed of multinationals. “People sense something is wrong,” Mr. Weber said. “Europeans are dying out and, with each passing year, America is becoming more and more unrecognizable — a Third World country,” he added.

Germany is Abolishing Itself, a recent book by a long-time member of Germany’s socialist party and former Governor of the Bundesbank, Thilo Sarrazin sold more than 1.5-million copies and set off shockwaves. “This reasoned and logical book and its author were furiously denounced by the media and the political establishment. Sarrazin stresses deep rooted social, economic and genetic problems,” Mr. Weber explained. Germany is threatened by a low birthrate. The Golden Age of German’s post war economy is ending. The income of the average worker has not increased in 20 years.


Frederick Fromm

For the post war years, each generation is one third smaller than the previous one but people are living longer. ‘Germans,” said Mr. Weber, “live self-centred lives. There is a dull fatalistic sense of a future where Germany will decline as will the population’s intelligence and skill. Intelligence is 80 per cent determined by genetics. We know that the average intelligence level in the West has been declining. And the average immigrant to Europe is less intelligent than the average German.”

However, the U.S. works to break down active ethnic solidarity world wide. “The Americanization of Europe means the ethnic extinction of Europe,” Mr. Weber warned. “Without Europeans, Europe is just a geographic designation. There can be no real Europe without Europeans. The central fact of American history is that it was founded and developed by Europeans,” he explained. “If it had been founded by Africans, it would be like Haiti’. You cannot a society like Denmark with a population of Mexicans.”

“The breakdown of the West,” he stressed, “is the result of radical egalitarianism and individualism. A 100 years ago, the whole world, with the exception of Japan and Ethiopia was dominated by Europeans. Today, Europe cannot or will not even protect its heartland.’

“The end of World War II was a catastrophe for the West. French author Celine saw the Axis forces as the bulwark of Europe against the egalitarianism of Soviet Communism,: Mr. Weber said.

“A nation that embraces an ideology not rooted in reality will not survive nor does it deserve to,” he concluded.

OCLA Petition: Congratulations and Thank You to all who have signed it


OCLA Petition: Congratulations and Thank You to all who have signed it

October 20, 2014

Please do your best to share this email and petition with friends and family and associates. We need to build the support for the OCLA initiative by increasing the signatures into the thousands. See additional information on the OCLA petition below:

Dear Supporters of Freedom of Expression, 

Please take a moment to read and consider signing OCLA’s petition in defence of the civil rights of Arthur Topham, a BC man who is currently being prosecuted under a “Hate Propaganda” section of Canada’s Criminal Code. The petition is online at the following link: http://www.change.org/p/hon-suzanne-anton-attorney-general-of-bc-jag-minister-gov-bc-ca-hon-suzanne-anton-retract-your-consent-for-the-criminal-proceedings-against-mr-arthur-topham?utm_source=guides&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_created
OCLA has the position that sections 318 to 320 of the Criminal Code should be repealed. These sections allow egregious violations of the civil rights of liberty, just process, and freedom of expression. Under these provisions, a person can be jailed without the Crown being required to prove any actual harm to a single identified individual.
Mr. Topham was arrested in front of his spouse, detained, subjected to a home-invasive seizure, and faces jail time if convicted, for expressing his highly unpopular views.
OCLA’s public statement on this matter is available at: http://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/OCLA-statement-re-Arthur-Topham.pdf
Please read OCLA’s letter to the BC Attorney General asking her to withdraw her consent for this prosecution, which is available at: http://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-09-24-Letter-OCLA-to-AG-of-BC.pdf
Yours truly, 
Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) http://ocla.ca
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Voltaire


Tremaine Free; Christian Evangelist Bill Whatcott “A Security Risk”?

Tremaine Free; Christian Evangelist Bill Whatcott “A Security Risk”?
VICTORIA, BC. October 18, 2014. This morning I received a call from political prisoner Terry Tremaine who had just been freed from his vindictive 30 day sentence imposed AFTER he had purged his contempt; that is, removed or asked to be removed (by STORMFRONT) several dozen postings that had been complained of by his longtime tormentor Richard Warman.
Mr. Tremaine had commented to me several days before his release for civil contempt against a law that Parliament has repealed (Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act): “Those characters is judges robes were determined to give me a custodial sentence. There is terrible overcrowding in Saskatchewan prisons. They were transferring inmates from the crowded jail in Saskatoon to Regina. This was clearly a punitive, political sentence. They should have given me a suspended sentence or an ankle bracelet.”
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Political prisoner Terry Tremaine
Political prisoners are clearly treated more harshly in Canada, expense to the taxpayer be damned.
Meanwhile, activist and evangelist Bill Whatcott wanted to visit Mr. Tremaine in prison, partly in support of free speech and partly as the imperative of his Bibilical duty to comfort the afflicted and visit the imprisoned. Unlike many who talk a lot about religion, Mr. Whatcott actually practices what he proclaims. So, he applied to the prison to visit Mr. Tremaine. Mr. Tremaine duly signed an authorization accepting a visit by Mr. Whatcott.
However, no visit ever took place. “Saskatchewan Corrections turned me down as a ‘security risk’,” Mr. Whatcott told CAFE. “I’m not going to break the guy out. He’s only serving 30 days,” he scoffed. “I am not a drug pusher.”
Authorities regularly invoke “security” to justify bullying and repression. Visitors see the prisoners behind a plexiglass barrier.  The notion that the 50ish evangelist would somehow be a danger to Mr. Tremaine or the prison is ludicrous. The “security threat” assertion becomes even more inane when we consider that Mr. Whatcott and I both visisted another political prisoner, Brad Love in Lindsay in May. Ontario’s prisons seemed to have no problem with Mr. Whatcott visiting Mr. Love or another female political prisoner, anti-abortion campaigner Linda Gibbons, then incarcerated in Milton in the Vanier Centre for Women. — Paul Fromm
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Evangelist Bill Whatcott



Evangelist and author Bill Whatcott is a determined guy, but he has run into a brick wall of Christian-hating bigotry and cowardice in Regina. Bill wanted to hold a meeting focusing on Christian morality in these troubled times. He lined up three speakers: peter LaBarbera, President Americans for Truth About Homosexuality; Father Jeffrey Stefaniuk, Ukrainian Catholic Priest Father Stephaniuk will expound on the Catholic teaching of separation of church and state, and Susan Takata, Ex Gay ministries, Christian missionary,
He sought to advertise this event planned for October 28 in the local daily newspaper The Regina Leader-Post. A copy of the proposed ad, vetted by a lawyer, appears below. It was informative and neither inflammatory nor insulting. However, after a quick perusal, the ONLY daily newspaper in town rejected the ad, without explanation.
See, how Canada’s Christian-hating system works is that it will hypocritically purr: “Of course, you are free to hold a meeting and free to express your religious beliefs.” What they don’t add is: “But we won’t let you tell the public and we’ll try to deny you a meeting venue.”
Not to be deterred the determined Whatcott took a week off work — that’s a week without pay. He booked Lee’s Funeral Home for the meeting and printed up 5,000 flyers announcing his meeting. Then, with the help of a few friends, he physically delivered these flyers door to door.
Then, disaster struck. Just as the last of the flyers had been delivered, he got a call from Lee’s Funeral Home. Someone from the press had called and inquired whether they would be comfortable with  protests against this meeting. If the call was from the press, it was especially reprehensible. It was a case of the press trying to MAKE news not report it. Worse, the call was a mischievous threat much like some gangster putting a big paw on your shoulder and asking whether you’d like him to pay a visit to your home. “Visit” in this context doesn’t mean coffee and cookies but serious trouble!
Anyway, Canada being the land of the wimp and the coward, in no time Lee’s Funeral Home collapsed and cancelled a contract where cash had already exchanged hands. Worse, the funeral home director knew and agreed with Mr. Whatcott’s Christian traditionalism.
The Leader-Post, which wouldn’t let Mr. Whatcott (October 16, 2014) advertise the meeting reported gleefully on its cancellation. They quoted funeral home Greg Kulak: “

“They will not be using our facility,” said Kulak. “This doesn’t lend with our core values.”Assuming the quotation is accurate, it is illiterate and impenetrable — “lend with our core values”? It’s a funeral home that prepares corpses and buries people. How is traditional Christianity contrary to the home’s “core values”?
By now, the resourceful Mr. Whatcott had booked another venue — the Regina Delta. As soon as the Leader-Post smear appeared, the cowardly Delta reneged on the booking: ” Please be advised that we will not be proceeding with your event planned for our facility on October 28th. The space has been cancelled. — Doreen (Doreen Smith)
I urge you to protest to both Greg Kulak and the Delta. Doug Christie always said:  “It doesn’t matter what is written in constitutions or charters of rights and freedoms. You only have those rights you are prepared to fight for.” Trudeau’s phony Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which actually curtails individual rights in favour of group rights, is a huge fraud. Many Canadian businesses have absolutely no commitment to basic freedoms.
Here are the people to whom you should protest:
Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium
Manager: Greg Kulak
3101 Dewdney Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 0Y5
Phone: (306) 757-8645
Fax: (306) 569-6061
Email: loc3861@sci-us.com
Doreen Smith | Conference Services Manager
Delta Regina
Tel: 306.565.1667 | Fax: 306.359.9040 | dsmith@fortisproperties.com
Paul Fromm
This is the ad I submitted to the Leader Post. I had my lawyer Tom Schuck review it to insure it violated no human rights or libel code. As far as Tom was concerned the Leader Post was able to run this ad without fear of retribution from any government agency.

Bringing the Light of Christ to our culture!

Peter LaBarbera, President Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
Peter will be lecturing on how the Bible applies to today’s culture and how Canadian Christians are to respond to such issues as same sex marriage, euthanasia, abortion, pre-marital sex and easy divorce. 

Father Jeffrey Stefaniuk, Ukrainian Catholic Priest
Father Stephaniuk will expound on the Catholic teaching of separation of church and state. Father will also share his thoughts on what it means to be a human being made in God’s image and the tension between the Christian concept of human beings being created with an infinite value vs the secular and utilitarian concept of human life having a value relative to the perceived quality of one’s life.

Susan Takata, Ex Gay ministries, Christian missionary
Susan will give her testimony of how God took her from a life filled with pain, depression, sexual abuse and struggles with her gender identity. Susan will share how she tried to live her life as a man for many years and how through the love of Christ and the compassion of her local church, she was able to accept the gender she was born into. Susan is now living a fulfilled life as a woman and is ministering to others struggling with issues of sexuality and gender identity.

Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in an evening of learning and respectful dialogue!
Beverages and snacks will be provided!
Join us!

Conference will be held at Lee Funeral Home, 3101 Dewdney Ave, Regina, SK, Tuesday, October 28, 6:00 – 9:00 PM [/del]
Note: Due to Lee breaking contract with our conference we have had to change venue. Our conference is still being held on the same day, but at a different location. You can either go to Lee Funeral Home at 6 PM and someone will be there on the sidewalk to let you know where the new location is or you can call Bill Whatcott 306-861-6140 for more information

A voluntary donation will be requested to cover conference expenses

For more information please contact Bill Whatcott, Executive Director, Christian Truth Activists
Phone: 306-861-6140, e-mail: billwhatcott @gmail.com, website: http://www.freenorthamerica.ca

End of Flyer

Anyways, upon receiving the rejection e-mail, I promptly got to work printing 5,000 flyers adverting the conference. I drove to Regina this evening with my box full of flyers and got to work going door to door advertising this intellectually stimulating and inspirational conference. I will likely be in Regina all week delivering the 5,000 flyers door to door. If there are any volunteers who would like to do door to door with me letting the public know this conference is open and that everyone has an opportunity to challenge their assumptions and learn, please give me a call or send me an e-mail! I got out 250 flyers tonight and have 4750 more to go!

I will be going to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission tomorrow at 10:00 am to file a complaint against the Regina Leader Post. They are the only major newspaper in Regina and pretty much have a near total monopoly on print media in this city. There certainly is a compelling interest for conservative Christians in insuring Regina’s only major newspaper becomes less discriminatory towards our point of view.

Please pray for these two endeavours.

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 :cross:

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Bill Whatcott
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Whatcott conference: Sexuality & religious freedom censored!

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:09 am

Christian teaching on God’s design for His gift of sexuality is increasingly being equated with criminal or deviant behaviour
in an increasingly secular and conformist Canadian culture

Whatcott loses venue for conference 
OCTOBER 16, 2014
http://www.leaderpost.com/news/Whatcott … story.html

REGINA — A conference featuring one well-known anti-gay activist and organized by another is looking for a new venue after the original host pulled out upon hearing more about the event.

Bill Whatcott planned to hold a conference at Lee Funeral Home in Regina on Oct. 28 to discuss Christian views of sexuality.

But after learning more about the conference, Greg Kulak, general manager of the funeral home, decided it would not be happening.

“They will not be using our facility,” said Kulak. “This doesn’t lend with our core values.”

Kulak explained Wednesday he was under the impression that the event was a part of bimonthly meetings held by the St. Pius X Catholic Church. “I thought it was basically Latin mass.”

Kulak received calls about the conference from concerned residents who received a flyer in the mail advertising the event.

The conference ― Bringing the Light of Christ to Our Culture ― was to feature Peter LaBarbera, president of the U.S.-based Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. LaBarbera ran into problems during his last visit to Saskatchewan.

On April 14, LaBarbera and Whatcott were arrested on the University of Regina campus allegedly for refusing to leave when instructed by campus security to do so. Whatcott and LaBarbera set up an anti-abortion display and were handing out anti-LGBT literature.

Whatcott and LaBarbera stand trial on Oct. 30 in Regina charged with mischief.

Whatcott, executive director of Christian Truth Activists and the conference’s organizer, said he is talking to a lawyer about the funeral home’s cancellation, alleging a breach of contract. Despite the setback, he insists the conference will go ahead.

“I am looking for (an) alternative venue. And, ultimately, I’ll just trust God. If I get a place, I’ll get it. And if I don’t get it, it’ll be on Lee’s sidewalk. We’ll just hold the conference there or in his parking lot and he can arrest us and take us out,” Whatcott said.

“I haven’t given up. I was a little surprised that (Kulak) bailed.”

Also scheduled to speak at the conference was Jeffrey Stefaniuk, a Ukrainian Catholic priest and Susan Takata, a Christian missionary.

“My take on events in Canada is (that) Christians are, sort of, maligned and under siege,” said Whatcott. “And, certainly my belief, and what I want with the speakers that I’ve chosen is to bring a message that as Christians we do have something to offer to the public square. And, we should not be afraid, in these times, to bring our point of view forward.”

Days before the U of R incident, LaBarbera spoke at the Saskatchewan Pro-Life convention on April 11 and 12 in Weyburn. The event was met by protesters and a petition with hundreds of signatures intended to stop LaBarbera from speaking. LaBarbera was initially denied entry into Canada over concerns that he was spreading hate speech. But he won an appeal and agreed to leave the country by April 17.

In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission found Whatcott guilty of inciting hatred against homosexuals in pamphlets he distributed to homes in Regina and Saskatoon in 2001 and 2002. That decision was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada on Feb. 27, 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the SHRC’s decision.

© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post

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Bill Whatcott
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Re: Whatcott conference on sexuality & religious freedom cen

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:01 am

Dear Friends,

For the sake of truth I would like to inform my readers this statement by Kulak is not true:

Kulak explained Wednesday he was under the impression that the event was a part of bimonthly meetings held by the St. Pius X Catholic Church. “I thought it was basically Latin mass.”

In actual fact I gave Greg Kulak a copy of the flyer I distributed throughout Regina and he read it before taking $395.00 off my Mastercard for the conference

You can see the flyer here and it is quite clear we were a conference on sexuality and religious freedom from a Christian perspective, not a Latin mass:

“Kulak received calls about the conference from concerned residents who received a flyer in the mail advertising the event.”

Yup that is all it took for a fellow Christian to cave and then bear false witness in the media and in the process make those who are anti-Christian and anti-free-speech very happy….. sad1

(Here is one group that is happy that Lee has terminated our meeting https://www.facebook.com/groups/intolerancefreeweyburn/ The Leader Post Reporter seemed pleased the conference was shut down too)

Of course God is still in control and His Church will still bear witness to what is true. I just ask for prayers. When Christians do this I find it discouraging…….

To call Lees and call on Greg to apologize for selling out Whatcott, simply to avoid some negative publicity and crank calls from leftist censors and to either reinstate the conference or compensate Whatcott for all his lost advertising, air tickets and lost wages for his speakers who are coming two days before Bill’s trial because they were supposed to speak at the venue I rented for them, and the $395 hall and catering deposit please call:

Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium
Manager: Greg Kulak
3101 Dewdney Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 0Y5
Phone: (306) 757-8645
Fax: (306) 569-6061
Email: loc3861@sci-us.com
Website: http://www.leefunerals.com

let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.” James 5:12

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

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Bill Whatcott
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Re: Whatcott conference on sexuality & religious freedom cen

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:15 am

Dear Friends,

I thought I had the Delta, but they read the Leader Post article today and cancelled our event too:

Dear Mr. Whatcott

Please be advised that we will not be proceeding with your event planned for our facility on October 28th. The space has been cancelled.


Doreen Smith | Conference Services Manager
Delta Regina
Tel: 306.565.1667 | Fax: 306.359.9040 | dsmith@fortisproperties.com

Notes from Former Political Prisoner Brad Love in Fort McMurray — Native Privilege

Notes from Former Political Prisoner Brad Love in Fort McMurray — Native Privilege

I’ve been working up at the Fort McKay Indian Reserve for over a month now and it’s quite a sight up there.  Native teens  blast up the roads all day on motor bikes,  dune buggies, etc.  No helmets, no seat belts, no speed limit and the RCMP wave at them as they go by.  I try any of this on my street and they’d take my licence, then jail me!  

Many homes have hundreds of thousands of dollars in boats, trailers, skidoos and jet skis sitting on their front lawns.  Where do they get all this money? Many don’t seem to work and all the day long, the residents there walk (waddle) to the local store situated in a trailer which is run by a Chinese guy (some surprise) who charges them outrageous prices for the junk food that they consume en masse.  Everyone seems to smoke and beer cans and liquor bottles lie everywhere.  Meanwhile, they blame big oil companies for their alleged health concerns.  

There is a school on the reserve and each morning, I see a brand new shiny school bus deliver one kid.  There’s also a new hockey arena.  No one’s ever there.  A small ski hill with an electric tow system and a huge glass and wood theater-style  band office, which is cleaned by Filipino foreign workers.  Many of the reserve homes have numerous security cameras attached to them. There is also an outdoor amphitheater that would seat 100s and is made from costly-looking square granite slabs.  Impressive.  Yet, who pays for it? How much does such a reserve receive and why?  
I’d ask my local media to delve into this, but chances are, they’d simply call the cops on ME for my “racist overtones”.  
Nuts!  “Poor Natives,” not a chance!  But of course, everything is a big secret.  No one questions anything and Whtle homeless guys here sleep outside  our hospital has a charity drive to buy much-needed equipment, a local native chief buys a new speedboat and a Cadillac Escalade, Now, half my wage is taken in taxes while well-off natives pay NO taxes.  Some Democracy.
Notes from Political Prisoner Brad Love in Fort McMurray -- Native Privilege

I've been working up at the Fort McKay Indian Reserve for over a month now and it's quite a sight up there.  Native teens  blast up the roads all day on motor bikes,  dune buggies, etc.  No helmets, no seat belts, no speed limit and the RCMP wave at them as they go by.  I try any of this on my street and they'd take my licence, then jail me!  

Many homes have hundreds of thousands of dollars in boats, trailers, skidoos and jet skis sitting on their front lawns.  Where do they get all this money? Many don't seem to work and all the day long, the residents there walk (waddle) to the local store situated in a trailer which is run by a Chinese guy (some surprise) who charges them outrageous prices for the junk food that they consume en masse.  Everyone seems to smoke and beer cans and liquor bottles lie everywhere.  Meanwhile, they blame big oil companies for their alleged health concerns.  

There is a school on the reserve and each morning, I see a brand new shiny school bus deliver one kid.  There's also a new hockey arena.  No one's ever there.  A small ski hill with an electric tow system and a huge glass and wood theater-style  band office, which is cleaned by Filipino foreign workers.  Many of the reserve homes have numerous security cameras attached to them. There is also an outdoor amphitheater that would seat 100s and is made from costly-looking square granite slabs.  Impressive.  Yet, who pays for it? How much does such a reserve receive and why?  

I'd ask my local media to delve into this, but chances are, they'd simply call the cops on ME for my "racist overtones".  

Nuts!  "Poor Natives," not a chance!  But of course, everything is a big secret.  No one questions anything and Whtle homeless guys here sleep outside  our hospital has a charity drive to buy much-needed equipment, a local native chief buys a new speedboat and a Cadillac Escalade, Now, half my wage is taken in taxes while well-off natives pay NO taxes.  Some Democracy.

Political prisoner Brad Love with some 150 letters the prison never send out, 
part of the State’s campaign to silence this letter-writing dissident. Oh, yes,
 and this happened in Canada, not in Communist China or North Korea or Cuba!

Toasts to Perseverence

Toasts to Perseverence



BUDAPEST. October 5, 2014. Despite efforts by the Hungarian government  to shut down the “Future of Europe” conference sponsored by the National Policy Institute, a truncated meeting was held Saturday evening(as I already reported).


Today many of us went on a walking tour of Budapest, meeting in the impressive Heroes Square.






Many of us went on to the moving Museum of Terror which focused on the horrific communist regime that ruled Hungary for 44 years. Ironically, some anti-racists hollering through megaphones at the museum staff and still protesting our meeting which was already over, were unaware that some 30 of us hated freethinkers had walked right past them.


Foot weary, close to 50 of us gathered, fittingly, in the Dracula Restaurant. The owners bemoaned the fact that Sunday evenings are usually slow with often just half a dozen customers. They were overjoyed to see us and by night’s end had run out of beer.







A number of toasts were made by Dutch, Flemish, British and American attendees.


Jared Taylor said: “Despite all the bullying by the government, you came out. To all our European brothers around the world.”





One of the 56ers, a veteran of the Hungarian Revolution, said: “When Victor Orban (the prime minister) learned of the leftist protests against this conference he shit his pants and tried to ban us. Still we prevailed. Orban got no credit. Just yesterday Victoria Neuland (she of the “Fuck the EU”  when the U.S. was agitating in the Ukraine) denounced him the day after he banned this conference. To us!”


I toasted the nationalists and free thinkers:  “To your courage and determination to insist on free speech. Join me in that determined vow that has so often thundered across the Anglo-Saxon world: ‘NO SURRENDER!'”


In Response to Zionist Pressure the Internet Bigs Vow to Censor “Racism, Anti-Semitism” and Criticism of Israel

In Response to Zionist Pressure the Internet Bigs Vow to Censor “Racism, Anti-Semitism” and Criticism of Israel

Cancelling the odd conference of free thinkers under pressure from the Zionist lobby, as the Hungarian Government failed to do this past weekend in Budapest, is small potatoes compared to the main target. For 20 years, groups like the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League have tried to gag the Internet as a free forum for ideas, well any ideas they don’t like; such as criticism of Israel, serious discussion of immigration and replacement of Whites (dubbed “racism”), and any challenge to the Hollywood version of World War II (dubbed “anti-semitism” of “holocaust denial.”
In Response to Zionist Pressure the Internet Bigs Vow to Censor "Racism, Anti-Semitism" and Criticism of Israel
Cancelling the odd conference of free thinkers under pressure from the Zionist lobby, as the Hungarian Government failed to do this past weekend in Budapest, is small potatoes compared to the main target. For 20 years, groups like the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League have tried to gag the Internet as a free forum for ideas, well any ideas they don't like; such as criticism of Israel, serious discussion of immigration and replacement of Whites (dubbed "racism"), and any challenge to the Hollywood version of World War II (dubbed "anti-semitism" of "holocaust denial."

This is an effort to do away with freedom of speech in the comment sections of just about any and all sites. A trial run for implementing this in the physical world perhaps?  Anyway their excuse is to do stop "racism, hatred, antisemitism, and anti israeli comments."  Apparently the latter is the real motivation.

Come on, Free Speech Supporters, contact Google, Twitter, facebook and Microsoft and remind them that America still has a quaint concept called the First Amendment. That means FREEDOM OF SPEECH, for the benefit of the politically correct brainwashed. Beyond that, there is the basic human right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH. How dare they!

Paul Fromm

Web giants unite to fight online hate
By Marcus Dysch, September 23, 2014
Follow Marcus on Twitter
Internet giants Twitter, Facebook, Google and Microsoft have pledged to work harder to tackle online hatred after agreeing a deal with a leading antisemitism watchdog.
The companies endorsed a series of pledges on Monday following talks in California with the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism.
Described by one insider as a "game-changing" development, the agreement will see the companies increase efforts to stop the proliferation of racist and abusive comments on their sites.
The technology firms are all members of the ICCA's working group on cyber hate. The Anti-Defamation League is a co-convenor of the group. The taskforce has been leading collaborative efforts with politicians, lawyers and the business world to force racism and hatred from the web.
Digital help
An IT professional with over 30 years experience has launched an initiative to fight antisemitism and anti-Israel activity on social media.
The DJ First scheme offers free training courses for members of the community on how to use social networks like Twitter.
Gary Simon, who set up the project, explained that social media could be harnessed as a weapon against antisemitism but the community was suffering from a knowledge gap in the area.
Under the agreement, the companies have committed to introduce more user-friendly reporting systems, and will respond quicker to allegations of abuse. They will also enforce tougher sanctions against those who post abusive messages.
More work will now take place between the companies to develop further ideas on tackling online hate speech and create educational materials.
An ICCA spokeswoman in London said: "This is very significant. It's the first time solutions have been found. If we have the big players then the others will follow. It's not too much to say it's a game-changer."
British members of the working group travelled to Los Angeles last week to strike the deal. Labour MP John Mann joined Superintendent Paul Giannasi, of the Ministry of Justice's Hate Crime Unit, and Mike Whine of the Community Security Trust, in California.
Mr Mann, ICAA chair, said: "We welcome this development and will continue to work with the industry, governments and parliaments to implement these best practices and work against the spread of hatred on the internet."
Mr Whine said: "The internet has facilitated and encouraged the spread of hate speech. The impact is of mounting concern to governments, their criminal justice agencies and civil society alike.
"These new agreed best practices are a significant step forward. They follow five meetings in Silicon Valley which CST helped prepare and facilitate."
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This is an effort to do away with freedom of speech in the comment sections of just about any and all sites. A trial run for implementing this in the physical world perhaps?  Anyway their excuse is to do stop “racism, hatred, antisemitism, and anti israeli comments.”  Apparently the latter is the real motivation.
Come on, Free Speech Supporters, contact Google, Twitter, facebook and Microsoft and remind them that America still has a quaint concept called the First Amendment. That means FREEDOM OF SPEECH, for the benefit of the politically correct brainwashed. Beyond that, there is the basic human right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH. How dare they!
Paul Fromm


Web giants unite to fight online hate

By Marcus Dysch, September 23, 2014
Follow Marcus on Twitter

Internet giants Twitter, Facebook, Google and Microsoft have pledged to work harder to tackle online hatred after agreeing a deal with a leading antisemitism watchdog.

The companies endorsed a series of pledges on Monday following talks in California with the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism.

Described by one insider as a “game-changing” development, the agreement will see the companies increase efforts to stop the proliferation of racist and abusive comments on their sites.

The technology firms are all members of the ICCA’s working group on cyber hate. The Anti-Defamation League is a co-convenor of the group. The taskforce has been leading collaborative efforts with politicians, lawyers and the business world to force racism and hatred from the web.

Digital help

An IT professional with over 30 years experience has launched an initiative to fight antisemitism and anti-Israel activity on social media.
The DJ First scheme offers free training courses for members of the community on how to use social networks like Twitter.
Gary Simon, who set up the project, explained that social media could be harnessed as a weapon against antisemitism but the community was suffering from a knowledge gap in the area.


Under the agreement, the companies have committed to introduce more user-friendly reporting systems, and will respond quicker to allegations of abuse. They will also enforce tougher sanctions against those who post abusive messages.

More work will now take place between the companies to develop further ideas on tackling online hate speech and create educational materials.

An ICCA spokeswoman in London said: “This is very significant. It’s the first time solutions have been found. If we have the big players then the others will follow. It’s not too much to say it’s a game-changer.”

British members of the working group travelled to Los Angeles last week to strike the deal. Labour MP John Mann joined Superintendent Paul Giannasi, of the Ministry of Justice’s Hate Crime Unit, and Mike Whine of the Community Security Trust, in California.

Mr Mann, ICAA chair, said: “We welcome this development and will continue to work with the industry, governments and parliaments to implement these best practices and work against the spread of hatred on the internet.”

Mr Whine said: “The internet has facilitated and encouraged the spread of hate speech. The impact is of mounting concern to governments, their criminal justice agencies and civil society alike.

“These new agreed best practices are a significant step forward. They follow five meetings in Silicon Valley which CST helped prepare and facilitate.”

Quesnel Cariboo Observer runs front page story on OCLA support for Arthur Topham

Quesnel Cariboo Observer runs front page story on OCLA support for Arthur Topham 
Arthur Topham
October 1, 2014
Dear Reader,
October 1, 2014 was another great day for free speech in Canada with the welcome news that my local community newspaper the Quesnel Cariboo Observer had published a front page story outlining the Ontario Civil Liberties Association’s (OCLA) support for myself and for free expression across the nation. I was also able to contribute my comments on the OCLA petition and support statements which was an additional bonus.
When a person is normally charged with these types of offences the usual modus operandi of the mainstream media is to join ranks and play up the charge of “hate” so as to vilify and slander the victim of these specious “crimes”. Then, after stigmatizing the person, they usually turn a blind eye to the accused’s side of the story, shroud the case in silence until the trial commences, and then begin the same process all over in order to curry further ill will and antagonism toward the alleged “hater”.
That form of demeaning, one-sided, biased approach to journalism I am happy to say has not been the way of Quesnel newspaper has treated one of its local citizens and I’m very proud to say that this fair and impartial treatment of myself and the case is a shining example of independent journalism; one that we can only hope the remainder of the msm, over 90% of which is Zionist controlled in Canada, would emulate.
Thanks to the article entering the mainstream OCLA has added this story to their online petition which will only enhance its stature and reinforce the seriousness of what the OCLA initiative is striving to accomplish.
I would once again ask readers, if they haven’t already done so, to consider reading and signing the petition which at this point has garnered around four hundred signatures and dozens of highly informed, cogent comments from individuals around Canada and the world. Every time a person signs the petition and leaves a comment, a copy of that comment goes to the Attorney General of British Columbia, the Honourable Suzanne Alton, reminding her to remove her consent from the charge laid against me.
Please let’s keep the ball rolling on this and support the fine efforts of the OCLA. They, like myself, are risking much in standing up to these obscene, intrusive and highly unjust “Hate Propaganda” laws that were designed with one purpose in mind – to censor and penalize any and all criticism of the state of Israel and the ideology of political Zionism, thus allowing the crimes of this rogue, apartheid state to go on unhindered and unchallenged.
Click HERE to go to the petition. And click HERE to read OCLA’s public statement on this matter.
To read OCLA’s letter to the BC Attorney General asking her to withdraw her consent for this prosecution please click HERE.
For Truth and Justice for All,
Arthur Topham
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″


National Policy Institute Conference Salvaged in Hungary Despite Police State Tactics to Shut It Down — Organizer Arrested

National Policy Institute Conference Salvaged in Hungary Despite  Police State Tactics to Shut It Down — Organizer Arrested

BUDAPEST, October 4, 2014. Despite police state efforts to shut down a conference of racial realists, the meeting proceeded with a somewhat reduced programme tonight, at a location that was a closely guarded secret.Over 100 attendees from across the European world gathered for a sumptuous Hungarian dinner and gave standing ovations to  former Croatian diplomat Tom Sunic and American Renaissance founder and author Jared Taylor.

The communist red star may no longer fly in the Hungarian flag but repression is still the order of the day in post communist Hungary. The present regime seems to have learned little of such rights as freedom of speech or assembly or freedom from unreasonable detention.

The Washington-based National Policy Institute had planned a three day gathering here. called the European Congress. Announced speakers included Alexander Dugin, a former close advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Jared Taylor founder of the American Renaissance.

Under pressure from the usual suspects and enemies of freedom, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán  ordered Interior Minister Sandor Pintér to “use all means available” to prevent the congress. Pintér said the event “is built on openly racist ideological grounds, participants openly promulgate race-theory, therefore the expression of their ideas runs counter to Hungary’s Basic Law”.
However, according to The Budapest Beacon (October 2, 2014) ” the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) says Pintér’s ban is contrary to the Basic Law that was drawn up by his own party. TASZ said while it strongly opposes the ideas that will be propounded at the congress, “freedom of expression equally applies to those spreading racist theories”. According to them, there is no criminal act as long as nobody’s rights are violated. Until then it can be considered peaceful and legal. “So far there has been no sign that this will not be the case,” it wrote.” NPI organizer Richard Spencer insists: ” “This kind of free expression is explicitly protected by Hungary’s recently enacted constitution. Our fear is that much about the event might have been ‘lost in translation’ or, worse, that the ministry is responding to untruthful messages sent by those who oppose the congress, as well as the very notion of traditional European identity.”
Attendees arrived from Britain, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Belgium Canada, the U.S., Romania, Croatia, France, Slovakia and Hungary.
The Hungarian government denied Mr. Dugin a visa. NPI founder Bill Regnery, the scion of a prominent Chicago publishing family, was detained at the airport in Budapest, held overnight and deported. A Budapest hotel where attendees had been encouraged to register arbitrarily cancelled registrations booked through the conference. The nearby convention centre where the conference was to be held also cancelled under government pressure.
French author Philippe Vardon was approached by the French police on behalf of the Hungarian police and was threatened that, if he came to Hungary, he’d be arrested. “this is outrageous,” Jared Taylor told tonight’s gathering. “France and Hungary are members of the Schengen Group (committed to free movement across borders). He was told he was ‘a notorious racial activist,’ and, therefore not allowed in.”
Similarly, Arktos publishers and the nationalistic Jobbik Party who were to be active participants withdrew at the last minute.
On Friday evening, a number of attendees gathered in “The Clock” cafe. Around 10:00 p.m., 50 burly Hungarian police entered. They closed off all exists. About 50 patrons were told they could not leave. The police checked IDs. Many people had only a driver’s licence. Richard Spencer was detained and arrested. He repeatedly asked what he had done wrong, what the charges were. He has not been seen since. About another 30 patrons were, detained, put in police vehicles and driven to their hotels to show their passports. One embarassed policeman told an English attendee: “I am sorry for fucking up your evening.” More police vehicles were parked along the narrow street. The other 20 attendees, including myself, were detained in the bar but then let go after two hours. — Paul Fromm
A further report on tonight’s talks will follow.

