Pastor Henry Hildebrandt from the Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario has been an unwavering voice of discernment throughout the COVID pandemic. Early on, he began to question the governmental response to this virus that forbade his congregation from gathering and worshipping — something he felt they needed more than ever before in unprecedented times.
Despite threats from law enforcement, health bureaucrats and local residents, Pastor Hildebrandt has refused to bow to the powers that be who are attempting to trample his God-given constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. He has continued to preach, and alongside the support of his congregation, his church has continued to gather and worship.
This dissent has come with hefty repercussions. In May, state sanctioned locks were placed on the church, which forced them to continue their services outdoors. But now, the locks have been removed and the church returned to its rightful owners — the community.
I caught up with Pastor Hildebrandt at the World Wide Freedom Rally to get an update on his situation and discuss the egregious fines he had to pay just to regain access to his church. His message remains unwavering: the jig is up when we stand united.
We Warned You: Gender Identity Legislation Would Lead to Compelled Speech, Being Forced to call a Mixed-up She “They”
[The woman who handed down this compelled speech ruling and brutal fine, Devyn Cousineau was also a key member of the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal that nuked Bill Whatcott, crushing his rights to free speech and religious opinion when he criticized transgendered activist and candidate Morgane Oger.]
B.C. server who was fired after asking to be addressed by correct pronouns awarded $30K
Social Sharing
Human rights tribunal found Jessie Nelson was discriminated against because of their gender identity
Michelle Ghoussoub · CBC News · Posted: Sep 29, 2021 7:02 PM PT | Last Updated: September 30
Buono Osteria has also been ordered to implement mandatory training for all staff and managers about human rights in the workplace, and to include a statement in its employee policies that affirms every employee’s right to be addressed with their correct pronouns. (Buono Osteria/Facebook)
A former server at a Gibsons, B.C. restaurant has been awarded $30,000 after a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal decision found they were unfairly terminated for asking managers and co-workers to call them by their proper pronouns.
The decision, by the tribunal’s Devyn Cousineau, found that Jessie Nelson, a non‐binary, gender fluid, transgender person who uses they/them pronouns, was terminated because of “how they responded to discrimination” from their employer and a colleague.
In 2019, Nelson was hired as a server at Buono Osteria, a restaurant run by Michael Buono and Ryan Kingsberry in Gibsons, on B.C.’s Sunshine Coast. The 42-page decision describes a work environment where some colleagues respected Nelson’s pronouns, while others were unhappy when they raised issues about inclusion.
The decision says bar manager Brian Gobelle was particularly hostile, repeatedly and persistently referring to Nelson with she/her pronouns and with gendered nicknames like “sweetheart,” “honey,” and “pinky” — a reference to their pink hair.
The situation eventually escalated into a verbal altercation between Nelson and Gobelle, during which Nelson touched Gobelle’s shoulder and called him “sweetheart” in return — though Cousineau determined this did not amount to a physical assault.
Termination after tensions rose
Four days later, Nelson was told over the phone they were being terminated, a conversation that was overheard by co-worker Stacy Coplin.
“Eventually [Kingsberry] told Jessie Nelson that they had just come off ‘too strong too fast’ and were too ‘militant’ — a word that reminded Jessie Nelson of what Mr. Gobelle had said about them,” Cousineau wrote.
“They challenged Mr. Kingsberry that they were being fired because of their pronouns. Ms. Coplin recalls Mr. Kingsberry telling Jessie Nelson that ‘part of the problem is making sure you vibe with the team,’ and that they had made people uncomfortable.”
According to the decision, Kingsberry did not say that Nelson’s termination had anything to do with their final conflict with Gobelle or the restaurant’s view that Nelson had assaulted him. There was also no complaint about their performance.
Following their termination, Nelson alleged that Gobelle’s conduct towards them, and the employer’s response, amounted to discrimination in employment based on their gender identity and expression.
In her decision, Cousineau wrote that “like a name, pronouns are a fundamental part of a person’s identity. They are a primary way that people identify each other.”
“Using correct pronouns communicates that we see and respect a person for who they are. Especially for trans, non‐binary, or other non‐cisgender people, using the correct pronouns validates and affirms they are a person equally deserving of respect and dignity.”
Mandatory training ordered
Cousineau found that while managers at the restaurant seemed committed to providing an inclusive workplace, their response to Nelson’s complaints lacked any sense of urgency.
“This suggests that they did not appreciate how serious those complaints were. I have a hard time imagining that the restaurant would have responded in the same way to other serious complaints of discrimination,” she wrote.
“There is a clear connection between Jessie Nelson’s gender identity and their termination. They were terminated because of how they responded to discrimination. They were held to a higher standard of conduct than Mr. Gobelle, and the discriminatory context of the dispute was ignored.”
Buono Osteria has been ordered to implement mandatory training for all staff and managers about human rights in the workplace, and to include a statement in its employee policies that affirms every employee’s right to be addressed with their correct pronouns.
CBC News was unable to reach the restaurant for comment.
The “experts” that our governments and the media have been insisting that we blindly trust for almost two years are now telling us that due to the Delta and other variants herd immunity to the bat flu is either unattainable or requires a much higher percentage of the population to have been immunized than was the case with the original strain of the virus. They are also telling us that the fourth wave of the bat flu, the one we are said to be experiencing at the present, is driven by the Delta variant and that those who, for one reason or another, have exercised their right to reject the vaccine either in full or in part – for those who have had one shot but opted out of a second, or in some jurisdictions have had two but have opted out of a third, for whatever the reason, including having had a bad reaction to the first shot or two, are categorized under the broad “unvaccinated” umbrella by those who think that it is our ethical duty to take as many shots as the government’s health mandarins say we should take – are responsible for this wave, which they have dubbed a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
This, however, is a case of the guilty pointing the finger at the innocent.
Think about what they are now claiming. If herd immunity was attainable with the original virus if 70-80% of the population were immunized but with the Greek letter variants it requires 90% or higher if it is attainable at all, then the blame for the current situation, however dire it actually is – and it is probably not even remotely close to being as dire as is being claimed because the media, the medical establishment, and the governments have grossly exaggerated the threat of this disease from the moment the World Health Organization declared a pandemic – belongs entirely to those who insisted upon the “flatten the curve” strategy. Flattening the curve, which required massive government overreach and the dangerous suspension of everyone’s most basic human, civil, and constitutional rights and freedoms, prolonged the life of the original virus, giving it the opportunity to produce these new, reportedly more contagious, mutations. It was the public health orders themselves – not people resisting the orders and standing up for their and others’ rights and freedoms – that gave us the variants. It would have been far better to have taken measures to protect only the portion of the population that was most at risk, while letting the virus freely circulate through the rest of the population to whom it posed minimal risk, so that herd immunity could have been achieved the natural way and at the lower threshold while it was still available. Natural immunity, as even the “experts” now acknowledge, is superior to what the vaccines offer if this can be called immunity at all seeing as it conspicuously lacks the prophylactic aspect that traditionally defined the immunity granted by vaccines for other diseases. When you took the smallpox or the polio vaccine, you did so in order that you would not get smallpox or polio. When you take the bat flu vaccine, purportedly, it reduces the severity of the bat flu so that you are far less likely to be hospitalized or to die from it. When we consider that for those outside of the most-at-risk categories, the likelihood of being hospitalized due to the bat flu is already quite low and the likelihood of dying from it is lower yet, being a fraction of a percentage point, the so-called “immunity” the vaccines impart is not very impressive, making the heavy-handed insistence that everyone must take the jab all the more irrational.
For all the hype about the supposed “novelty” of the bat flu virus, it is now quite apparent that its waves come and go in a very familiar pattern. The first wave, which started in China late in 2019, hit the rest of the world early in 2020 during the winter of 2019-2020 and ebbed as we went into spring. With the onset of fall in 2020 the second wave began and the third wave took place in the winter of 2020-2021. It once again waned as we entered spring of 2021, and the current fourth wave is taking place as summer of 2021 moves into fall of 2021. Each wave of the bat flu, in other words, has occurred in the times of the year when the common cold and the seasonal flu ordinarily circulate, just as the lulls correspond with those of the cold and flu, the big one being in the summer. How many more waves do we have to have in which this pattern repeats itself before we acknowledge that this is the nature of the bat flu, that it comes and goes in the same way and the same times as the cold and flu, compared to which it may very well be worse in the sense that the symptoms, if you get hit by a hard case of it, are much nastier, but to which it is far closer than to Ebola, the Black Death, or the apocalyptic superflu from Stephen King’s The Stand?
The politicians, the public health mandarins and their army of “experts”, and the mass media fear pornographers do not want us to acknowledge this because the moment we do the twin lies they have been bombarding us with will lose all their hold upon us and become completely and totally unbelievable. The first of these lies is when they take credit for the natural waning of each wave of the virus by attributing it to their harsh, unjust, and unconstitutional public health orders involving the suspension of all of our most basic freedoms and rights. The second of these lies is when they blame the onset of the next wave of the virus at the time of year colds and flus always spread on the actions of the public or some segment of the public.
It is the second of these lies with which we are concerned here.
Last fall, as the second wave was beginning, our governments blamed the wave on those who were disobeying public health orders by getting together socially with people from outside their households, not wearing masks, and/or especially exercising their constitutional right to protest against government actions that negatively impact them, in this case, obviously, the public health measures. There was an alternative form of finger-pointing on the part of some progressives in the media, who put the blame on the governments themselves for “re-opening too early”. This form of “dissent” was tolerated respectfully by the governments, a marked contrast with how they responded to those who protested that they could not possibly have re-opened too early because they should never have locked down to begin with since lockdowns are an unacceptable way of dealing with a pandemic being incredibly destructive and inherently tyrannical. Although there was much more truth to what the latter dissenters were saying it was these, rather than the former group, that the governments demonized and blamed for the rising numbers of infections. The governments and other lockdown supporters attempted to justify this finger-pointing by saying that the lockdown protestors, whom they insisted upon calling “anti-mask protestors” so as to make their grievances seem petty by focusing on what was widely considered to be the least burdensome of the pandemic measures, were endangering the public by gathering to protest outdoors. That their arguments were worthless is demonstrated by how they had made no such objections to the much larger racist hate rallies held by anti-white hate groups masquerading under banal euphemisms earlier in the year and, indeed, openly encouraged and supported these even though they had a tendency to degenerate into lawless, anarchical, rioting and looting that was absent from the genuinely peaceful protests of the lockdown opponents.
With the deployment of the rapidly developed vaccines that are still a couple of years away from the completion of their clinical trials under emergency authorization government public health policy has shifted towards getting as many people vaccinated as possible, with a goal of universal vaccination. At the same time, the finger-pointing has shifted towards the unvaccinated or, to be more precise, those who have not received however many shots the public health experts in their jurisdiction deem to be necessary at any given moment. This blaming of the unvaccinated is both a deflection from the grossly unethical means being taken to coerce people to surrender their freedom of choice and right to informed consent with regards to receiving these vaccines and is itself part of those means.
Perhaps “shifted” is not the best word to describe this change in the finger-pointing. While the less-than-fully-vaccinated are being blamed as a whole for the Delta wave the blaming is particularly acrimonious for those who both have not been sufficiently vaccinated to satisfy the government and who have been protesting the public health abuses of our constitutional rights and freedoms the latest of which is the establishment of a system of segregation based upon vaccine choice in which society and the economy are fully or almost fully re-opened to those who comply with the order to “show your papers” while everyone else is put back in lockdown. The CBC and the privately owned media, both progressive and mainstream “conservative” have gone out of their way to vilify such people, as have the provincial premiers and their public health mandarins whose vaccine passport system is obviously punitive in nature. The biggest vilifier of all has been the Prime Minister. In his campaign leading up to the recent Dominion election he was unable to speak about the “anti-vaxxers” – a term, which until quite recently, indeed, until the very eve of this pandemic, designated supporters of holistic medicine who object to all vaccination on principle and who were usually to be found among the kind of tree-hugging, hippy-dippy, types who support the Green Party, NDP, or the Prime Minister’s own party – without sounding like he was speaking about the Jews to an audience at Nuremberg in the late 1930s.
What we are seeing here is not a new phenomenon. When the ancient Greek city-states were faced with a crisis beyond human ability to control – such as a plague – they would choose someone, generally of the lowest possible social standing such as a criminal, slave or a cripple, and, after ritually elevating him to the highest social standing, would either execute him, if he was a criminal, or beat him and drive him out of their society, in either case as a symbolic sacrifice to avert disaster and save the community. This person was called the φαρμακός, a word that also meant “sorcerer”, “poisoner” or “magician”, although there is no obvious connection between this meaning and the usage we have been discussing and lexicographers often treat them as being homonyms. In some city-states this came to be practices as a ritual on a set day every year whether there was a looming disaster or not. In Athens, for example, the two ugliest men in the city were chosen for this treatment on the first day of Thargelia, the annual festival of Apollo and Artemis. Parallels to this can be found in almost every ancient culture as can the related practice of offering animal sacrifices. Indeed, the practice is generally called scapegoating, from the word used in the English Bible to refer to the literal goat over which the High Priest would confess the sins of the people on the Day of Atonement each year, symbolically transferring the guilt to the goat, which would then be taken out into the wilderness and sent to Azazel, a word of disputed meaning generally taken to refer either to a place in the desert, an evil spirit who dwelled there, or both.
Anthropologists have, of course, long discussed the origins and significance of this phenomenon. While going into this at great length is far beyond the scope of this essay, a well-known summation of the discussion can be found in Violence and the Sacred (1977) by French-American scholar René Girard as can the author’s own theory on the subject. Later in his Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World (1987), Girard, a practicing Roman Catholic, returned to his theory and discussed how it related to Christian theology and to contemporary expressions of violence. He put forward an interpretation of the Atonement that could in one aspect be understood as the opposite of the traditional orthodox interpretation. While there have been numerous competing theories as to how the Atonement works, in traditional Christian orthodoxy the relationship between the Atonement and the Old Testament sacrificial system was understood to be this: the former was the final Sacrifice to end all sacrifices, and the latter were God ordained types of Christ’s final Sacrifice. By contrast, Girard argued that sacrifices were not something instituted by God but arose out of man’s violent nature. When division arose in primitive communities, peace was restored through the scapegoat mechanism, whereby both sides joined in placing the blame on a designated victim who was then executed or banished, and built their renewed unity upon the myth of the victim’s guilt and punishment. The sacrificial system was the ritual institutionalization of this practice. As societies became more civilized the institution was made more humane by substituting animals for people. The Atonement, Girard, argued, was not the ultimate sacrifice but rather a sort of anti-sacrifice. It was not designed, he said, to satisfy the demands of God Who has no need for sacrificial victims, but to save mankind from his own violent nature as manifested in the scapegoat mechanism and sacrificial system. In the Atonement God provided bloodthirsty man with One Final Victim. That Victim offered to His immediate persecutors and by extension all of sinful mankind forgiveness and peace based not upon a myth about His guilt but upon the acknowledgement of the truth of His Innocence and the confession of man’s own guilt.
What is most relevant to this discussion, however, is not how Girard’s understanding of the Atonement contrasts with the more traditional orthodox view, but where both agree – that it brought an end to the efficacy of all other scapegoats and sacrifices. This does not mean that the practice ceased but that it no longer works. One implication of this pertains to the choice that the Gospel offers mankind. If man rejects the peace and forgiveness based upon the truth of the Innocent Victim offered in the Gospel, “there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” (Hebrews 10:26), and so his violence, which the scapegoat mechanism/sacrificial system can no longer satisfy, increases. This means that in a post-Christian society the sacrificial and scapegoating aspect of human violence would reassert itself with a vengeance. Interestingly, Girard interpreted the New Testament Apocalyptic passages, both those of the actual book of Revelation and those found in the words of Jesus in the Gospels, that speak of disasters, calamities and destruction to fall upon mankind in the Last Days, as describing precisely this, the self-inflicted wounds of a mankind that has turned its back on the peace of the Gospel rather than the wrath of God (see the extended discussion of this in the second chapter entitled “A Non-Sacrificial Reading of the Gospel Text” of Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World). Certainly the twentieth century, in which the transformation of Christendom into secular, post-Christian, “Western Civilization” that was the main project of the liberalism of the Modern Age came to its completion, saw a particularly ugly resurgence of scapegoating on the part of secular, totalitarian regimes.
I alluded earlier to one such example, the scapegoating of the Jews by the Third Reich, of which it is unlikely that there is anyone living who is not familiar with the tremendous violent actions it produced. Another example can be found in the early history of the Soviet Union and this is for many reasons a closer analogy to what we are seeing today. In Hitler’s case, the group designated as the scapegoat was a real religious/ethnic group the identity of which had been well-established millennia prior to the Nazi regime. When, however, the Bolsheviks, a terrorist organization of mostly non-(ethnic)-Russians who hated the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Tsar, and the Russian people, most likely in that order, led by V. I. Lenin and committed to his interpretation of Marxist ideology, exploited the vacuum created earlier in 1917 when republicans forced the abdication of Russia’s legitimate monarch in order to seize power for themselves and form the totalitarian terror state known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, they created their own scapegoat.
Kulak, which is the Russian word for “fist”, was a derogatory term applied with the sense of “tight-fisted”, i.e., miserly, grasping, and mean to peasant farmers who had become slightly better off than other members of their own class, owning more than eight acres of land and being able to hire other peasants as workers. Clearly this was a loosely defined, largely artificial, category, enabling the Bolsheviks to hurl it as a term of abuse against pretty much any peasant they wanted. The scapegoating of the kulaks began early in the Bolshevik Revolution when Lenin sought to unify the other peasants in support of his regime by demonizing and vilifying those of whom they were already envious and confiscating their land. After Stalin succeeded Lenin as Soviet dictator in 1924 he devised a series of five-year plans aimed at the rapid industrialization and centralization of what had up to then been a largely feudal-agrarian economy. In the first of these, from 1928 to 1932, Stalin announced his intention to liquidate the kulaks and while this worded in such a way as to suggest that it was their identity as a class rather than the actual people who made up the class that was to be eliminated, that class identity, as we have seen, was already largely a fiction imposed upon them by the Bolsheviks and the actions taken by Stalin – the completion of the confiscation of kulak property, the outright murder of many of them and the placing of the rest in labour camps either in their own home districts or in desolate places like Siberia, clearly targeted the kulaks as people rather than as a class. The history of Stalin’s liquidation of the kulaks as well as that of the Holodomor, the man-made famine he engineered against the Ukrainians, is well told and documented by Robert Conquest in his The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror Famine (1986).
“Anti-vaxxer”, like “kulak” is mostly a derogatory term used to demonize people. The term itself ought to be less arbitrary than kulak. Assigning someone to a class of greedy, parasitical, oppressors simply because he is fortunate enough to own a few more acres of land than his neighbour is quite arbitrary and obviously unjust. Identifying someone as being opposed to vaccines on the basis of his own stated opposition to such is not arbitrary at all, although dehumanizing someone on this basis is just as unjust. In practice, however, the “anti-vaxxer” label is used just as arbitrarily. Look at all who have been turned into third-class citizens, denied access to all public spaces and businesses except those arbitrarily deemed “essential” by the public health officials, and whose livelihoods have been placed in jeopardy by the new vaccine mandates and passports. While those who have not taken the bat flu shots because they reject all vaccines on principle are obviously included so are those who have had every vaccine from the mumps to smallpox to hepatitis that their physician recommended but have balked at taking these new vaccines, the first of their kind, before the clinical trials are completed. So are people who took the first shot, had a very bad reaction to it, and decided that the risk of an even worse reaction to the second shot was too great in their instance. So are people who came down with the disease, whose bodies’ natural immune system fought it off, who thereby gained an immunity that recent studies as well as common sense tell us is superior to that imparted by a vaccine that artificially produces a protein that is distinctive to the virus, and who for that reason decided that they didn’t need the vaccine. There are countless legitimate reasons why people might not want to receive these inoculations and it is morally wrong – indeed, evil, would be a better word than wrong here – to bully such people into surrendering their bodily autonomy and their right to informed consent and to punish them for making what, however much people caught in the grip of the public health panic may wish to deny it, is a valid choice. It is even more evil to demonize, vilify, and scapegoat them for standing up for their rights. Ironically, those currently being demonized as “anti-vaxxers” by the Prime Minister and the provincial premiers include all who have been protesting against the vaccine passports and mandates, a number which presumably includes many who have had both of their shots and therefore are not even “unvaccinated” much less “anti-vaxxers” in any meaningful sense of the word, but who take a principled moral stand against governments mistreating people the way they have with these lockdowns, mask mandates, and now vaccine passports and mandates.
The Nazi scapegoating of the Jews, the Bolshevik scapegoating of the kulaks, and the as-we-speak scapegoating of the “anti-vaxxers” by all involved in the new world-wide medical-pharmaceutical tyranny, all demonstrate the truth of the implication discussed above of the Atonement’s abolition of the efficacy of sacrifices and the scapegoat mechanism, whether this is understood in the traditional orthodox way, as this writer is inclined to understand it, or in accordance with Girard’s interpretation. If people reject the peace and forgiveness offered in the Gospel and can no longer find it in the old sacrificial/scapegoat system the violence multiplies. In the ancient pre-Christian practices, the victims were singular or few in number (there were only two victims, for example, in the annual Thargelia in Athens). These modern examples of the scapegoating phenomenon involve huge numbers of victims. The sought objective – societal peace and unity – is still the same as in ancient times, but it is unattainable by this method since scapegoating millions of people at a time can only produce division and not peace and unity.
The peace, forgiveness, and unity offered in the Gospel is still available, of course, although the enactors of the new medical tyranny seem determined to keep as many people as possible from hearing that offer. They have universally declared the churches where the Gospel is preached in Word and Sacrament to be “non-essential” ordering them to close at the first sniffle of the bat flu and leaving them closed longer after everything else re-opened, although the number of churches that willingly went along with this and even took to enthusiastically enforcing the medical tyranny themselves raises the question of whether anyone would have heard the Gospel in them had they remained open. Which brings us back to what was briefly observed earlier about Girard’s interpretation of Apocalyptic passages as depicting the devastating destruction of human violence which the scapegoat mechanism can no longer contain when man has rejected the Gospel. Perhaps it ought not to surprise us that throughout this public health panic the medical tyrants have behaved as if the Book of Revelation’s depiction of the beast who demands that all the world worship him rather than God and requires that they show their allegiance to him by taking his mark on their right hand or forehead and prevents them from buying and selling without such a display of allegiance had been written as a script for them to act out at this time. — Gerry T. NealAdolf Hitler, Atonement, COVID-19, Joseph Stalin, Justin Trudeau, kulaks, pharmakos, René Girard, Robert Conquest, scapegoat, Stephen King, Thargelia, V. I. Lenin
Free Speech the Latest Casualty in Kim Jong Kenney’s Alberta
Alberta bans anti-vaccination protests, all other demonstrations outside health-care facilities
CBC News · Posted: Sep 28, 2021 11:16 AM MT | Last Updated: 4 hours ago
Premier Jason Kenney and Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, were joined by the province’s health and justice ministers at the Tuesday afternoon COVID-19 update. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press, Art Raham/CBC)
Anti-vaccination protests and all other demonstrations outside hospitals will be banned in a move to make Alberta health-care facilities safer for staff, patients and families, Premier Jason Kenney said Tuesday.
But no new restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 were announced, despite recent calls from medical professionals to enact “fire-breaker” measures to protect the struggling health-care system.
Kenney told a news conference the province is still monitoring the impact of public health measures that went into effect on Sept. 20. He said unvaccinated Albertans who are currently filling up hospitals beds would be unlikely to comply with any new measures.
“It is a paradox and there’s no easy solution to it,” he said.
Instead, the regulations of the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act have been amended to ensure that health-care facilities are subject to the same legal protection as railways, highways and pipelines, carrying punishments for trespassing, interfering with operations and construction or causing damage.
WATCH | Kenney says unvaccinated unlikely to comply with new measures:
Kenney says unvaccinated unlikely to comply with widespread restrictions
7 hours ago1:37Asked whether Alberta would introduce stricter COVID-19 rules, Premier Jason Kenney says now is not the time. 1:37
The measure is in response to protests two weeks ago across the country by anti-vaccination groups, Kenney said.
“Recently, Albertans watched anti-vaccine protesters stand in front of our hospitals, hurling mistruths and misinformation about our health-care system, our doctors and our nurses,” he said.
“People were rightly shocked to see this totally inappropriate behaviour from a vocal minority.”
Kenney and Justice Minister Kaycee Madu reiterated that the intention was not to interfere with any individual’s constitutional right to lawful protest.
“Albertans must have the ability to access health care when they need it and health-care professionals must have the ability to do their work free from interference,” Madu said.
Do our children really need vaccines? In addition to being contrary to section 17 of the B.C. Infants Act, forcing vaccines and masks on our children is assault and a criminal offense endangering their lives! Let us save lives instead and educate our children and young adults to not partake in the COVID death and destruction toll.
If you have to remove your children from the public school system to save their lives, then do so!
School mask mandates have caused great harm and the science is being ignored. Article
With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
Up and coming Rallies to attend
Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. protest on Wed. Sept. 29th, 2021 @ Interior Health 505 Doyle10:00 am We will be going to a local business who continues to promote the vaxx passports. Bring your signs! Location TBA at protest. ______ Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally on Sat. Oct. 2nd, 2021 @ Stuart Park12:00 noon Saturday will commemorate the 75th anniversary of Nuremberg, permanently recognizing that health care cannot be forced upon anyone against their informed, knowledgeable consent. If you know anyone who has been vaxx injured or knows someone that has, and wishes to tell their story, please let us know. Candace will also be speaking on the dangers of graphene present in the masks. ______ Vernon Rally Sat. Oct. 2nd, 2021 in Polson Park @ 12:00 noon
Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies. ______Kamloops Sat. Oct 2nd, 2021 in Riverside Park @ 12:00 noon Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the rallies in the Kamloops area. _______ Penticton Sun. Oct. 3rd, 2021 @ Warren & Main St.12:00 noon Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan.
The great debate???
Both Mayor Basran and Bonnie Henry are not responding to the people’s request, despite remaining on notice as to a public debate on the science.
We continue to remain on hold for a response as promised from Darren Caul, Basran’s Chief Safety Director. There remains no communication response to date. Perhaps we need to take the narrative out of their (and media’s) hands and put it in the hands of the public where it belongs?
Vancouver Connections
Please join us this weekend if you are in Vancouver, BC where people will come together, plan and strategize, and have fun, all at the same time while focusing on creating a Canadian World Wide Independent (media) Network. This event will begin at 1pm with afternoon tea and refreshments. There will also be some live jazz, and followed with film showings & workshops. There will be a Q&A, door prizes, and a fantastic dinner buffet with comedy & dancing to compliment. Dinner will be served around 6-7:00pm. Dancing starts around 8pm until midnight. You can get your tickets early from Master of Ceremonies, Thomas in person or via e-transfer to Tickets are only $40.00 which includes both the dinner buffet & afternoon tea. Your ticket can be picked up before the event at the Art Gallery on Sunday, Sept 26, 1-3pm, and City Hall, Sept 29, 1-4pm under the blue canopy, where Master of Ceremonies,Thomas from the Canadian Sustainable Business Council will be. The venue is located at the Fraserview Assembly Hall, 8240 Fraser Street in Vancouver, BC. We will have a beautiful stage and dance floor. There is free parking for all attending. Don’t miss out and connect with your future. See you there!
Many of Kelowna’s finest, freedom activists!
With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
Independent MP Derek Sloan holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to raise concerns about the censorship of doctors and scientists as well as medical information related to vaccines. The Ontario MP has been highly critical of lockdowns that have been in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and also sponsored a petition questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. He is joined by a trio of doctors and scientists.
Another Successful Rally to Support Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears TORONTO, September 23, 2021. Today supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression held its fourth protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre in support of political prisoner Dr. James Sears. The Times They Are A-Changin’ We were joined by John McCash “John the Evangelist” who is a regular at the END THE LOCKDOWN rallies every Saturday at Queen’s Park. He brings religious fervour and a loud voice. One of his witty chants at Queen’s Park is: “We follow the Lord, not Doug Ford”. Four prison guards, masked of course, approach to tell us to keep off the prison lawn (we were on the sidewalks). Actually, as the prison is paid for by the taxpayers of Ontario and, as we are taxpayers, the property is really ours. John gave the bossy guards no quarter and berated them for being masked outdoors.
As of today, Dr. Sears has been in jail for over three months. HOWEVER, we may have some good news shortly. We must keep up the pressure and our public witness
* In January, 2019, Dr. Sears, Editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, Publisher of the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS were convicted on two counts of “wilfully promoting hate” against privileged groups (Jews & Women) in contravention of Canada’s notorious “hate law” – Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Each was sentenced to the maximum — unprecedented for a first time offender — of a year in jail. As Leroy is of Metis heritage, he was allowed to serve his sentence at home, * In November, 2020, under protest, Dr. Sears and Leroy St. Germaine argued their appeal by Zoom.
* On June 14, the appeal was denied and the sentences upheld. Dr. Sears was immediately ordered to prison and denied even a few hours to say goodbye to his wife and young son.
* Dr. Sears’ Application for Leave to Appeal his conviction and sentence was turned down by an Ontario judge on July 16, but Dr. Sears was NOT informed and had to learn of the decision from a friend on the outside on July 29!
* Dr. Sears is virtually incommunicado. He has contacted his wife or supporters only eight six in three weeks and then only for extremely brief conversations!. * Many people across Canada and the world have sent Dr. Sears postcards and letters of support. After six weeks behind bars, as of July 29, he had received NONE of these letters. Maybe the COVID ate them. Finally, because of our protests, as of August 3, Dr. Sears was finally receiving his mail. Those letters are so important. Thus far, he has received letters from Australia, Italy, Britain. Romania, the United States and, of course, from across the Dominion of Canada.
* Dr, Sears complained to the prison authorities of sciatic pain but was breezily told there was only one physiotherapist to deal with the large prison population!
* On August 14, I had a brief conversation on the phone with Dr. Sears. He is really grateful for your letters and support. He is encouraged and delighted by our protests. He is a “celebrity” in prison and rightly so. * On August 10 and August 23 I dropped some money off at the prison for Dr. Sears’ canteen and shall leave some more later this week. I welcome your contributions. Also, a donor generously sent him a substantial money order, * Amnesty International defines a “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups. Free speech activist Raychyl Whyte has been lobbying Amnesty to adopt Dr. Sears as a “prisoner of conscience”
* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines. * As a measure of how deranged the Ontario Justice system is the day before, Umaar Zameer, a fellow inmate at the South Toronto Detention Centre was granted bail. He’s charged with first degree murder allegedly having deliberately run over Const. Jeffrey Northrup in Toronto’s City Hall parking lot, July 2. Const. Northrup was investigating a robbery and stabbing. Typical of our secretive court system, the presiding judge placed details of the bail hearing under a publication ban. On the other hand, political prisoner Dr. James Sears was denied bail, June 14, to pursue his appeal. Clearly. satirizing privileged groups is taken more seriously by the judicial system than allegedly killing a police officer in the line of duty. “Zameer’s lawyer, Nader Hasan, told Global News in a statement on Wednesday that ‘Mr. Zameer’s family is very pleased with the outcome of today’s hearing. They welcome him home.”‘(Global News, September 22, 2021) Dr. Sears’ wife and young son would also be happy to welcome him home!
Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner, Toronto South Detention Center, 160 Horner Ave, Toronto, ON M8Z 0C2 CANADA _______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3 416-428-5308 HTTP://
Arjun Singh: Left wing values have invaded Canada’s legal system and diminished our charter rights
Arjun Singh: Left wing values have invaded Canada’s legal system and diminished our charter rights
[Social justice warriors now dominate our judiciary and are making the always limited guarantees of individual rights in Pierre Trudeau’s Charter a joke. Far from protecting free speech or freedom of movement, the Courts have endorsed massive state repression as long as it advances “equity” and other leftist goals. — Paul Fromm]
Why Canada should abolish Section 1 Author of the article: Arjun Singh, Special to National Post Publishing date: Sep 23, 2021 • 1 day ago • 4 minute read • 368 Comments
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Photo by The Canadian Press
By all accounts, vaccine passports are here. Quebec, with the most provincial chutzpah, first introduced them, and B.C. followed suit. As have Ontario and Alberta, after Doug Ford’s U-turn from his “Hard no” earlier this year and Jason Kenney’s similar opposition. Outside government, scores of businesses are mandating vaccinations for employees, with proof being required — else, they be terminated.
One would think, in governments’ cases, that the law would safeguard citizens’ freedoms. Indeed, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that Canadians have the “freedom of conscience and religion” (Section 2a), freedom of movement within Canada (Section 6) and “equal protection … before the law” (Section 15). At the very least, this would prevent the imposition of vaccine passport requirements on citizens — vaccinated or otherwise — for travelling, let alone while accessing basic services: for most charter rights are fundamental. Quebec’s programme and the Trudeau Liberals’ recent federal vaccine mandate for flights and trains, thus, ought to be dismissed.
Arjun Singh: Left wing values have invaded Canada’s legal system and diminished our charter rights
But this is Canada: where, for years, left-wing Liberal values have slowly invaded our legal system. This was true for Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot, as it is now. Hence, in 1982, when the charter was introduced, its first section included the following proviso: “The Canadian Charter … guarantees the rights and freedoms set out subject only to reasonable limits … as can be justified in a free and democratic society.” In essence, the charter rights of anyone may be limited for what the state considers “reasonable.”
By itself, this clause is only partly dangerous. Absolute freedom, in any context — especially if causing physical harm — is undesirable; as the ever-pithy Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said, “the right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.” But, as most would agree, allowing the government to judge whether its own acts are “reasonable” is, itself, an invitation for power to abuse such privilege. From Quebec’s strict curfews to Ontario’s police crackdowns, the pandemic and its oppressive responses in the name of “science” have laid that truth bare.
In response, one would expect the courts, upon petition, to step in and stop government overreach, being the constitution’s supposedly “non-partisan” referees. Until 1986, in Canada, that was true — until left-wing jurists, after rewriting the law, captured the judiciary that interpreted them. That year the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision by Trudeau appointees, established the Oakes Test in R. v. Oakes to determine what restrictions on charter rights were “reasonable.” Among others, it allowed the curbing of charter freedoms in the name of “a commitment to social justice and equality” and “respect for cultural and group identity.”
With this decision, a faction of activist judges — seeing the constitution as a ‘living tree’ to be pruned without the people’s consent — reset the foundations of freedom overnight, bending them towards progressive politics. Instead of having minimal restraints for public order, all charter freedoms could now be legally impeded in the name of contested left-wing concepts like “social justice” and protecting “group identity.”
Worse, neither did the court define what these terms meant, enabling the left — via its dominance of social science academia — to influence their meanings, suiting the moment’s political objectives. As its late Chief Justice, Antonio Lamer, himself said, Section 1 empowered judges to “make essentially … a political call.” In effect, the constitutional “referees” changed the rules mid-game, to ensure their side would always win.
Thus, with Oakes, the dangers of Section 1 were fully unleashed, and have since beat a toll on Canadians’ civil liberties — capturing our constitution for the supremacy of “woke” social mores. “Whoever would overthrow a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech,” said Benjamin Franklin; and, true to form, it was one of the first casualties. In the Keegstra and Andrews decisions, the Supreme Court used Section 1 to allow the criminalization of speech “inciting hatred” — an ambiguous offence, at best, which effectively curbs free speech for the sake of hurt feelings. Once more, in the Little Sisters case, Section 1 rubber-stamped the Chretien Liberals’ banning of LGBTQ books’ import for their “obscenity.” This spate has continued, with governments and courts in concert over the years using Section 1 to curb the presumption of innocence until proven guilty (R. v. Stone), conservatives’ participation in elections (Harper v. Canada) and, most recently, to ban travel by citizens during COVID-19 (Taylor v. The Queen).
In defending such overreach on the charter, the progressive establishment has often asserted the notion of “collective rights” as the reason for restraining individuals, e.g., “safe spaces” precluding free speech to avoid public offence. There are few greater absurdities than this; “rights” exist to protect individuals and minorities from tyranny of the majority, which — with strength in numbers — needs no further safety in a democracy. By claiming a “collective right” of any kind, the Canadian left turns the very notion of rights on its head. It is legal fiction at best, and a neo-Marxist praxis at worst — a desperate attempt to stir up “class conflict” between the majority and minority where none ought to exist.
In the future, it’s highly likely that Section 1 will be used again to uphold encroachments upon citizens’ rights — from vaccine passports to online censorship (e.g., Bill C-10) and others. Canadians must, hence, stand on guard for thee and expunge this threat — regardless of the high bar for constitutional change. If Section 1 is the end of charter rights, we must end it, first.
Arjun Singh is a recent graduate of political science from the University of Toronto.
Report on C.L.E.A.R. Mega Rally & Worldwide Freedom Rally in Kelowna, September 18 & Upcoming Freedom Protests in British Columbia
wWow! We had a remarkable CLEAR MEGA rally and World Wide Rally here in Kelowna this past weekend with over 1000 committed freedom activists! We are so thankful for all your support for freedom against both the unconstitutional Provincial and Federal orders and legislation.
Our incredibly successful rally featured Sibille, who provided us with her inspiring story on how she traveled to Europe and back without wearing masks or being quarantined!! With proper planning, it can be done.
We had Keith McIntire , here from Penticton, discussing the harms caused by doctors failing to properly instruct our children as required by law in s. 17 of the Infants Act, the media simply putting out press releases and admitting they leave it up to us to determine if it is correct or not, and the option of laying charges against the family doctor! A wonderfully inspiring speech.
Legal assistant to Lawyers4Truth, Edward Kallio, who traveled from the Kootenays, provided a great legal educational analysis of the problems facing present court actions. Many people finally learned why we haven’t had a successful court action so far, especially in relation to injunctions to stop this madness from continuing.
We greatly thank all our speakers for their dedication to freedom and sacrifices just to make it here for your benefit.
We’ve included some pix from our rally here as well.
Vancouver had over 7 000 or more people show up to their rally!!!
These World Wide Rallies had millions of people all over the world joined together in mutual opposition to the destruction or denial of our rights and freedoms. Additional anger is directed toward our controlled, and politically subsidized mainstream media.
All this was followed by a huge downtown march and highway rally, with our activists filling our streets and gaining the support of thousands of people. If you weren’t there, you missed a wonderful expression of freedom!
Two weeks ago, our CLEAR representative David discussed with our rally activists, the implications and content of a recent letter that went out to Bonnie Henry from local Okanagan, anonymous doctors. We’ve attached this letter here for everyone to read. We urge you to verify the sites they provide, and share this information with others.
It is a must read for anyone wanting information on all aspects of the COVID-19 lies being propagandized daily by our gov’t and MSM. Pay close attention to the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), as well as the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) compared to the more accurate, Absolute Risk Reduction, to see first-hand how Bonnie Henry and the pharma companies, are misleading you with inaccurate and incomplete information.
Upcoming events:
Friday September 24 7:00 pm Kerry Park Kelowna Lawyer John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Saturday September 25 12:00 noon Stuart Park
CLEAR Weekly Rally, this week featuring local businessman Steve Merrill, on his successful refusal to support the Bonnie the Commie mask and vaccine orders in his business! You won’t want to miss his incredibly motivating story.
Vancouver Friday, Sept. 24th 5:00 pm Art Gallery Featuring: Respiratory Specialist Chris Schaefer and Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Vernon Sat. Sept. 25 Polson Park 12:00 noon
Kamloops Sat. Sept. 25 Riverside Park 12:00 noon
Penticton Sunday Sept. 26 Warren & Main St. 12:00 noon See everyone this weekend!!