Malevolent State Revokes Brad Love’s Bail — Letter Writing Political Prisoner Heads Back to Prison

Last Tuesday (July 23) the National Post reported on the latest temporary, we hope, victory by a band of mischief makers and meddlers to hijack a bequest by late scholar Robert McCorkill to the National Alliance, a White Nationlist group in the U.S. The Post reported:”
The sister of a New Brunswick man who left a collection of coins and artifacts worth an estimated $250,000 to a neo-Nazi group in the United States has obtained an injunction.
The court order temporarily blocks any distribution of Robert McCorkill’s estate or transfer out of New Brunswick, Ottawa-based lawyer Richard Warman stated in an email.
McCorkill, who also went by McCorkell, left his collection to the U.S.-based National Alliance when he died in Saint John nine years ago, but the estate has remained unsettled.
The ex parte injunction was obtained on Monday on behalf of McCorkill’s sister Isabelle McCorkill, who will be challenging the bequest on public policy grounds, Warman said.
‘I anticipate that other groups will intervene in support of the application in the coming days,’ he said.
Anti-racism groups had planned to try to stop the National Alliance from receiving the items, fearing they could be sold and help spark a rebirth of the neo-Nazi group that has been in decline since its founder died more than a decade ago. … ‘All assets of the Estate of Harry Robert McCorkill (a.k.a. McCorkell) shall remain in the province of New Brunswick until further order of this court,’ he said.”
A far leftist blogger going by the handle BigCityLib confirmed the role of the busybody Richard Warman. “I’ve written about Robert McCorkell (or McCorkill) a few times. He was a Canadian chemist with White Nationalist leanings, and when he died he bequeathed $1,000,000 in ancient gold coins and other valuables to the National Alliance, an American hate/terror group. The collection itself is quite impressive: ancient Libyan, Roman, and Turkish artifacts. It would be a pity if it wound up helping to refinance American Neo-Nazis.
Behind the scenes, a number of people (including BCLSB fave Richard Warman) have been working to stop this from happening. And it looks like they’ve succeeded, at least temporarily. Yesterday afternoon an injunction was obtained blocking any distribution of Robert McCorkill’s estate ‘until further order’ from the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench. … It would be nice to see an academic institution of one sort or another adopt the collection.”
Warman supposedly actually has a full-time job doing something or other at the Department of National Defence. He’s currently preparing for a mega libel trial where he’s suing neo-con bloggers Mark and Connie Fournier of freedominion.com. He’s also recently slapped Arthur Topham another of his victims (a Sec. 319 “hate law” complaint) with a threat of libel. Anyway, the mystery remains how he can manage so much all consuming litigation and still discharge his duties at National Defence. Free Dominion asserts that Warman has filed libel suits or threatened such suits against at least 60 parties in the past dozen years!
In a later report, the National Post (July 26, 2013) expanded on the role of the newly found litigant, Mr. McCorkill’s long stranged sister Isabel, who apparently only now — 9 years later — has learned about his will and has developed an outrage at the money being left to a U.S. nationalist group: “Robert McCorkill left his collection to the National Alliance when he died in Saint John nine years ago, but the estate remains in dispute.
Isabelle McCorkill, his estranged sister, is now arguing the will should be null and void. ‘We’re not taking any issue with how it’s drafted or anything like that. We’re taking issue with the specific gift to the National Alliance,’ said Marc-Antoine Chiasson, her Moncton-based lawyer.
He contends giving nearly $250,000 to a white supremacist group violates Canadian policy and is against the law. ‘In our view, the gift would basically be financing a hate group, which flies in the face of what we stand for in Canada,’ said Chiasson.
‘Hate speech in Canada is criminally prohibited. Secondly, Canada has signed on to numerous international conventions with the specific goal and aim to get rid of hate speech, hate groups and the financing of hate groups.’
Chiasson says his client, who didn’t have any contact with her brother since 1991, is not interested in the money. But when she learned it had been willed to the National Alliance, she felt compelled to act, he said.”
Mr. Ross points out that the long lost sister Isabelle has turned up and, although apparently impoverished, has been able to retain one of Moncton’s top laws firms — most convenient for the meddlers who’d like to nullify the bequest to the National Alliance.
Mr. Ross calls the current proceedings “a money grab. They are trying to bleed the estate through litigation.” Sadly, because of the freeze placed by the court last week on the estate’s assets, the current storage costs for the coins and artifacts left by Mr. McCorkill have actually had to be paid out of the executor’s own pocket.”
Isabelle McCorkell did not even attend her brother’s funeral. “The National Alliance paid for his funeral,” Mr. Ross, who lost his teaching position because of his anti-Zionist writings in the 1990s, explained.
In the past week, John Hughes, lawyer for the National Alliance, has been assembling affidavits from National Alliance Chairman Erich Gliebe, Malcolm Ross and others who have knowledge of the estate.
A further hearing will be held on Wednesday. Mr. Hughes will be arguing that the wishes of the testator should not be violated. He is also seeking to examine the newly emerged Isabel McCorkell. Her lawyer argued against it but the presiding judge is apparently going to allow it.
The attempt to nullify the McCorkill bequest is a serious threat to freedom in Canada. That the state should be able to alter a will for political reasons is scandalous. Much rides on the legal efforts of National Alliance attorney John Hughes, defending the right of a person to will his estate to the persons or causes he chooses.
July 26, 2013
“A Conversation with Canadian Activist Paul Fromm”
Paul Fromm is a long time Ethno-Nationalist from Canada.
Mr. Fromm is director of the Canadian Association of Free Expression and has been on the front lines defending such Ethno-Nationalists as Ernst Zundel and Terry Termaine, the founder of the Canadian National Socialist Party.
Mr. Fromm has run for office in Canada and is a frequent target by the “traditional foes” of Ethno-Nationalism and those who seek the fundamental right of freedom of association.
Visit World View Foundations: www.wvfoundations.org
Visit Mr. Fromm’s Site: http://cafe.nfshost.net
FORT MCMURRAY, ALBERTA. July 11, 2013.There are times when you think the Canadian judicial system has been transplanted from North Korea or some similar despotism. When inveterate letter writing Brad Love was arrested back On May 13 on seven counts of “harassment” and “sending scurrilous material” through the mail. His initial bail conditions, in addition of $2,000 of his money, would have made Kim Jong-On of North Korea blush: Mr. Love was not to “mail, e-mail or text any person.” That’s right, nobody! He couldn’t even send his own ailing father a Father’s Day card. Nor was he to communicate in any way “with any public office holder.”
To be clear, none of Mr. Love’s written or phone communications contained threats. He was merely his usual forceful and opinionated self about such issues as foreign aid (opposed), Third World immigration (opposed) and wasteful politicians (strongly opposed). But today’s media and political class are very nervous and scared of forceful and opinionated people. The police have targeted Mr. Love for over 20 years.
Using arguments and case law prepared for him by CAFE, Mr. Love successfully argued today for a change in these bail conditions. “I got my mailing (e-mailing and texting) rights back and I also regained the right to contact public officials, except the ones he was accused of contacting in the charges. But, I didn’t get my money back,” he added.
I explained: “Yes, I”e contacted the newspaper (Fort McMurray Today) and the radio station and I once had a public give-and-take with the local OXFAM representative. But it was two guys having a conversation. How does that become ‘harassment’?” he asks.
The Judge noted: “I must caution you. You have a prior history” of controversy.
Mr. Love observes: “My past was not part of any record disclosed oe me. This is a bit of an impropriety!”
In the long dragged out, victim breaking process that is Canadian legal proceedings these days — Mr. Love must again take time off work –, he is back in Court, July 24 for his next appearance. “It’s to set a date for the preliminary hearing. I will be asking for disclosure,” Mr. Love added. ___________________________
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Dear Free Speech Advocates and Radical Press Supporters,
On Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 I once again donned my suit and tie and along with my dedicated wife drove into the small city of Quesnel in order to attend court on the matter of the Sec. 319(2) CCC charge and arrest for the purported crime of “willfully promoting hatred against ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group’ originally brought on by B’nai Brith Canada’s Harry Abrams and serial Section 13 complainant Richard Warman.
At my last appearance on May 28th, 2013 I had expected to find out whether or not the Crown’s new strategy of going for a “direct indictment” instead of allowing me to have the customary preliminary hearing in order to determine whether they had a strong enough case to move forward to a trial by judge and jury it turned out that the B.C. Attorney General’s office had still not made up its mind. As a result Judge Morgan was forced to extend the time period further and set a new date of July 9, 2013, one which Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston felt would give the AG’s office more than sufficient time to determine whether to go ahead with Crown’s proposed unusual move.
It was a welcome relief for my wife and myself to finally get a month and a half off from the seemingly endless and onerous legal harassment that’s been going on since May of 2012. Unless someone has been forced to run through this gauntlet of appearance upon appearance combined with never-ending and surprising changes whenever they do appear it’s hard to imagine the stress and strain that it puts upon a person or a relationship in the case of a married couple. Now we basically could get on with our lives for a few weeks at least and enjoy a little peace and quiet while the Crown was making up its mind as to what direction the proceedings would take.
June passed without any word on the direct indictment and July also brought forth nothing in the way of new disclosure on this matter. Finally on Monday, July 8, 2013, the day prior to my appearance I received an email letter from CC Johnston containing a one line statement, “The Crown will not be filing a direct indictment on file 25166-5.”
Knowing that the Attorney General’s office would not be going for a direct indictment was good news and meant that at least now there was a still a glimmer of hope that I might be able to proceed with my Rowbotham application (to get a government funded legal counsel to defend me) and hold a preliminary inquiry to determine the merits of the aforementioned Sec. 319(2) charge.
The time for the appearance was 1:30 p.m. and we were there, as usual, a few minutes in advance. When I checked the docket on the wall outside the lower court room where the proceedings have been taking place I noticed that my name wasn’t on the list! What’s going on now was my first thought. I double checked just to make sure I hadn’t missed it and then decided to go upstairs to the court registry office to find out what was going on when one of the court clerks came by and said that there wasn’t going to be a court appearance for me today and that I should go up to the next floor and see the trial coordinator.
This has been the manner in which the Crown has acted since the beginning of my case. Knowing that I don’t have a lawyer to represent me Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston, when she sent me her email the day before, could easily have informed me at the same time that I wouldn’t have to appear in court and instead ought to see the trial coordinator to set up dates for my Rowbotham application and for the preliminary hearing. But, out of either oversight or spite (and given all of her previous aggressiveness and calculated efforts to have me perceived in the same light as a child pornographer I would venture to say that it’s the latter) she failed to notify of this simple procedure.
So I and my dear wife went into the trial coordinator’s office and discussed the three immediate concerns related to my case. The coordinator was obviously becoming impatient with all the delays over the past months and was determined to set some dates. The first thing on her agenda was to call, via telephone, Keith Evans who is legal counsel for the B.C. Attorney General’s office in order to discuss my Rowbotham application which he is overseeing. There was some banter back and forth between the two parties in order to clarify exactly what was going on. I had submitted my Notice of Application and Affidavit to the AG back on April 23, 2013 and received a package of material back from Mr. Evans on May 11th explaining all the additional information that I was expected to furnish him with prior to a hearing taking place on the matter.
Then, when Crown suddenly decided to go for a direct indictment things changed and I had to wait for verification on that matter prior to completing the Rowbotham application because of the fact that if a direct indictment was going to be the method of proceeding then I would have to make the Rowbotham application out for a lawyer who would represent at the trial stage. If a direct indictment wasn’t going to be method used then I would have to make the application out to get a lawyer to represent me at the preliminary hearing.
Now that we knew what direction the Crown was heading in AG counsel Evans told the trial coordinator that he needed the additional information from me regarding my financial status before proceeding with the Rowbotham application and that then the Crown could set a date for a hearing on the application. The trial coordinator set August 13th, 2013 as the time in which I should have completed the required additional information and furnished AG Evans with it. When I returned to her office on that date we would then fix a date for a hearing on the matter. I would be expected to appear at this determined time and defend myself without counsel as I attempted to justify why I felt I could not afford to hire a lawyer and why I also felt that the case was much too important and complex for me to deal with it on my own. The outcome of this hearing will decide whether or not I will qualify for a government appointed lawyer to assist me in my defense. If I am refused it means having to go it alone without counsel and that could drastically change the nature of the case in undetermined ways.
One further point regarding the Rowbotham application and the preliminary hearing needs to be highlighted here. From the outset of this “hate crime” show trial venture by the Crown there’s been a concerted effort to downplay the preliminary hearing stage of events. Why this is occurring I’m not exactly sure but it’s been happening over and over again to the point where I feel it needs to be discussed. The primary purpose of a preliminary hearing is to determine whether or not the Crown has sufficient evidence to proceed to trial. Crown has also been stating that there is a very low threshold which it needs to meet in order for the case to proceed but I believe there are some critical issues which they are overlooking. In my case where the Crown itself (through the actions of the RCMP) broke the law right from the start by issuing an illegal search warrant to Det. Cst. Terry Wilson that then allowed his “Hate Crime Team” to enter my home and steal all of computers, email files and subsequently all of my firearms was a fundamental breach of the Criminal Code of Canada which states under Section 183 that a Sec. 319(2) “offense” does NOT allow for search and seizure of an accused premises and the removal or interception of any private communications or electronic files. My former counsel Doug Christie had allotted 5 days of time in order to deal with this and other matters during the preliminary hearing but in fixing a date the trial co-ordinator booked for only 5 hours on the January 22nd. I will be checking into this further as well as addressing it with counsel should my Rowbotham application prove successful.
Having dealt with that issue the trial coordinator then brought up the matter of my previous application to the court regarding particularization of disclosure. Readers who have been following these updates will know that I applied earlier on for particularization of the evidence so that I could get an idea of what it was that the Crown was planning to use during the trial to determine that I ought to be found guilty of this “hate” crime. All I now have is well over a thousand pages of documents filled with all sorts of articles, online books, etc. that the Crown (via Det. Cst. Terry Wilson of the BC Hate Crime Unit) has been downloading from RadicalPress.com in what it purports to be an “ongoing investigation” to back up their claim that I am guilty of committing said Sec. 319(2) ‘crime’. In order for me to defend myself against these charges I need to know what posts on the website are being used but when the application first came up before Judge Wilson on May 28th, 2013 Crown Counsel Johnston attempted, with a rhetorical flourish of her hand, to simply dismiss the application outright stating that there was no legal precedent or case law that required the Crown to furnish me with any particularization whatsoever. Given that my application was one which had been prepared by my former counsel Douglas Christie and was replete with case law backing it up, all the sound and fury emanating from CC Johnston appeared to signify nothing beyond theatrical antics rather than anything legal and so Judge Morgan determined not to delve further into it. The trial coordinator asked me if I would like to address the matter when I returned to court on August 13th and I said that would be fine.
The final date to fix was one for the preliminary hearing and already, because of the many delays and circumlocutions instigated by the Crown, this meant that it wouldn’t be taking place until next year. After checking her schedule the trial coordinator chose the date of January 22nd, 2014 for the preliminary hearing with an estimate time of 5 hours allotted. She also set a date of January 7, 2014 for a trial confirmation hearing. All of these proposed dates could possibly change if the Rowbotham application is approved and my new counsel has any concerns over anything.
For Justice and Freedom of Speech for Everyone Everywhere,
Arthur Topham Publisher & Editor The Radical Press “Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″
P.S. As a final parting note I would once again please ask readers to consider helping me out financially with a donation if they can. Please go to the top of the Home Page at www.radicalpress.com and click on the “PLEASE DONATE TO THE RADICAL PRESS FREE SPEECH DEFENSE FUND” link where you will find all the information necessary to send financial help. Thank you.
Political correctness takes stranger and stranger forms and those of us who support free speech sometimes find ourselves supporting some pretty unlikely characters. CAFE has written the Chairman of the Toronto Dominion Bank denouncing the decision to fire a drag queen named Daytona Bitch (no kidding!) whom they’d hired to entertain during Toronto’s Gay Pride Week. The drag queen’s sin in TD’s eyes? Allegedly racism. She/he (?) been hired to act as TD Canada Trust’s “Pride drag queen.” We’re asking that they give Dayton the wages owed him/her (?) plus $5,000 compensation for the public humiliation of being summarily sacked without a fair hearing.
Xtra (June 27, 2013), a Toronto homosexual newspaper, reported: “Toronto drag artist Daytona Bitch has been fired as the TD Canada Trust Pride drag queen following a recent performance in which she wore what some are calling ‘blackface.’Bitch says she received the news in an email on June 26 that said she will not be performing on the Pride Toronto (PT) stages after PT’s director of development, Ben Freeman, placed a call to the marketing company that booked her gig. The email from Diamond Integrated Marketing states that Bitch’s recent performance was ‘not at all well received by the LGBT community’ and is contrary to TD’s ‘longstanding commitment to diversity.’ Bitch says she was devastated to learn her Pride schedule is now wide open, which means a big financial hit for the popular drag performer. The performance in question, which generated plenty of angry discussion on social media, took place at Crews & Tangos on June 24. Bitch was a judge for Drag Race, and the theme was Caribbean Heat, she says. Bitch dressed as Miss Cleo, an American ‘psychic’ who achieved fame as a spokesperson for a psychic hotline from 1997 to 2003. She planned to read people’s fortunes as part of her act. But before the end of the night, photos were already circulating on Facebook with some calling the performance a “racist minstrel show.” Bitch doesn’t see it that way. ‘I asked a couple people if it was offensive because it’s not blackface in my eyes,’ she says. ‘I went to theatre school. I know what blackface is. It was not a minstrel show. I was doing a character. “The people I asked at Crews & Tangos thought it was hilarious that I was dressed as a big fat black woman.'”
Where to start? Well, first, a drag queen usually is a man dressing up as a woman, and acting exceedingly feminine, with voice, gestures and often imitating in an exaggerated manner female foibles, including bitchiness. Now, isn’t that, to some degree, insulting and offensive to women? Who knows. Apparently not. So, Dayton Bitch’s real sin was not impersonating a woman, but putting on some makeup and impersonating Miss Cleo a Negro television personality from 15 years ago. For that, TD fired her for acting contrary to “TD’s ‘longstanding commitment to diversity.'” Now, being a drag queen is pretty “diverse.” It’s hard to see how impersonating a Negro woman is somehow less “diverse.”
The TD website boasts how pro-homosexual and pro-“diversity” the bank is. “TD Bank is invested in its commitment to diversity and inclusion and we value the events and initiatives that matter to our employees and customers who we serve. We are not just a sponsor of Pride, but rather a full community partner and supporter of the LGBTA community,” said Robert Pompey, Head of Commercial Management Administration at TD Bank and Co-Chair of the bank’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Allies Subcommittee. TD Bank employee volunteers will participate in the Pride events by marching in the parade, engaging the crowds and distributing giveaways. …The series of Pride festivals is just one part of TD Bank’s unwavering commitment to equality and creating a truly inclusive workplace. In 2013, TD Bank became one of the first banks in the nation to offset the tax burden its LGBT employees incur to pay for domestic-partner benefits. The bank also extended the national conversation on the issue of bullying and teen suicide within the LGBT community by creating the “Make it Better” video, which highlights TD employees and a message of support from TD’s President and CEO, Ed Clark. In fact, TD Bank’s dedication to inclusion was recently recognized by DiversityInc when named one of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity in 2013. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation also distinguished TD Bank as one of “The Best Places to work for LGBT Equality.”
Well, bully for them. One wonders whether their gushy inclusiveness includes supporting traditional child-producing families rather then the aberrant and ultimately anti-family homosexual agenda.
Anyhow all this “diversity” somehow doesn’t include Daytona Bitch who imitated a Negro female. It gets weirder by the minute. And TD Bank customers will be delighted to learn that outgoing TD President Ed Clark is quite the guy too. The TD website burbles: “Ed has been honoured numerous times for his vision, integrity and strong leadership. … Ed has also received Egale’s* Leadership Award in honor of his leadership in supporting LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) communities, and the inaugural Catalyst Canada Honour, awarded to individuals who have made a critical and visible difference to women’s advancement.”
* EGALE is Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere a major spokesthingy for Canada’s homosexual lobby.
Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression,
Paul Fromm, Director
June 28, 2013
Brian M. Levitt Chairman of the Board The Toronto-Dominion Bank P.O. Box 1 Toronto-Dominion Centre Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Dear Mr. Levitt:
I write to you wearing three hats: I’m a TD customer, a shareholder, and Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s leading free speech advocate.
As a customer and shareholder, I strongly opposed to the bank supporting and helping to fund the Gay Pride events in Toronto. Supporting and promoting a tiny fringe is not in keeping with the pro-family values of the vast majority of your customers and shareholders. Whatever monies were spent promoting Gay Pride might have better been devoted to reducing banking fees for your customers or increasing shareholder dividends.
That being said, as a free speech advocate, I must protest your treatment of one Daytona Bitch hired as TD’s Pride drag queen to perform in the Gay Pride Week. She was summarily fired for impersonating a Black television personality.
A drag queen usually is a man dressing up as a woman, and acting exceedingly feminine, with voice, gestures and often imitating in an exaggerated manner female foibles, including bitchiness. Now, isn’t that, to some degree insulting and offensive to women in general? Apparently not. So, Dayton Bitch’s real sin was not impersonating a woman, but putting on some makeup and impersonating Miss Cleo, a Black personality from 15 years ago. For that, TD fired her for acting contrary to “TD’s ‘longstanding commitment to diversity.'” Now, being a drag queen is pretty “diverse.” It’s hard to see how impersonating a Black woman offends “diversity.”
The firing of Daytona Bitch is political correctness taken to the absurd. We call on TD to pay the salary coming to this person and $5,000 compensation for the public humiliation of being fired in the middle of the Gay Pride events.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm