October was a very active month for the Canadian Association for Free Expression;
We held meetings in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton,Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg.
Of course, on October 9, we awarded longtime activist and political prisoner Brad Love The George Orwell Free Speech Award maintaining the tradition started by the late Douglas Christie. CAFE has added another wrinkle. The yearly award alternates between the West and the East.
And, of course, we participated in several freedom rallies — no, they haven’t stopped since the end of COVID — in Kelowna, Shelburne and Mississauga (twice).
We are carefully monitoring the progress — fortunately, it’s stalled in Parliament due to the filibuster because Trudeau won’t hand over documents Parliament had, by majority vote, ordered — of freedom killing Bill C-63. the Online Harms Act.
All of these activities require money.
If you can, copy to enclosed coupon and send your remittance.
Paul Fromm
Time to Subscribe/Renew: Time To Commit CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3 _ Please enrol/renew me as a subscriber to the Free Speech Monitor ($30) _ Enclosed is my donation of $_______ for CAFE’s’s advertising and public outreach programme for 2024 and campaign to stop Bill C-63. [Due to the vile behaviour of BMO, please make cheques payable to Paul Fromm.] Please charge _ to my VISA#_________________________________________________
Great Speeches DVDS & NEW BOOKLETS: Hidden History You Ought to Know __ GET IT BEFORE THE CENSORS BAN IT. Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (And the Truth About Residential Schools.) Softcover. $30.00 The Cult of Kalergi: The Planned Replacement of the European People by Paul Fromm. The evil architect & masterplan behind the immigration policies of Canada, the U.S. and most European countries. $7.00
Who is Kennewick Man & Why Does He Matter? by James McNallen. Toronto, February, 1911. Caucasians were here first. DVD. $10.00
__ Homicide in Kennewick. How the U.S. government & local Indians tried to suppress information about the discovery of a 10,000 year old Caucasian corpse. DVD. $10.00
__ Who Built Stonehenge? [Clue: It wasn’t Africans.] DVD. $10.00
__ The Mysterious Mummies of China. They were White, wore tartans & had red hair. DVD. $10.00
__ The Vanishing Black Family in America. An 82 per cent illegitimacy rate helps explain disproportional Negro crime in Canada and the U.S. DVD. $10.00
__ The Tragic Consequences of Confused National Identity by Mark Weber. Institute for Historical Review. DVD. $10.00
__ Why the Left Hates White People Explained. DVD. $10.00
Ex-Political Prisoner Brad Love Faces Death Threats; RCMP Do Nothing
This has not been an easy summer for political prisoner Brad Love. Even before the Fort McMurray man was released from prison on July 31, he received bad news. He was informed by the prison authorities that his car had been stolen. A former resident of the house he shares with several others, returned, broke into Brad’s room and stole his car keys and made off with his car. When he was released, the authorities made no effort to provide transportation from the Peace River across the province to his Fort McMurray home. Fortunately, a friend travelled to the prison and gave him a ride. On reaching Fort McMurray, he learned more bad news. The police reported that his car had been found, but it had been totally trashed. Mr. Love was not even allowed to examine HIS OWN property in the pound by the the local RCMP until he paid a fee for storage. He has still not paid and has yet to see his car. More bad news awaited Brad when he tried to access his bank account. The car thief had made off with Brad’s cheque book and written cheques for over $10,000 — until the account was emptied. Brad castigated the bank’s sloppy security. He seldom writes cheques and the signature bore no resemblance to Brad’s. The bank will eventually reimburse Brad as cashing this raft of cheques was their fault but they are taking their time. And the car thief, forger? You would think even Inspector Clouseau could solve this case, The RCMP know his name, they have copious evidence of his thefts and forgeries. Yet, they tell Mr. Love nothing! He calls the RCMP frequently. They don’t return calls. On August 20, a late model car with four men pulled up and confronted Mr. Love at his front door. “We’re going to fucking kill you, Love,” they threatened. Mr. Love describes them as shady truck pusher types. He got their licence plate number. A few minutes later, another car appeared. It stopped and its scruffy looking occupants repeated the same threat: “We’re going to fucking kill you, Love.” Brad immediately called the police on 911. It took 90 minutes for the Mounties to answer this “emergency call.” Their only excuse was: “We were waiting for backup.” The Mounties explained that the threats were, well, not really actionable threats. Mr. Love could only remember the numerous times and a phone call with persistent questioning of an MPP or newspaper editor resulted in a quick visit from the RCMP and, sometimes, charges of harassment. Three weeks have passed. No action has been taken by the RCMP against those who made threats whose licence number and address Mr. Love has provided. And, of course, they don’t return phone calls. “Those were death threats. Who’s going to protect me?” a frustrated Brad Love asks.
As usual, I still receive receipts that you, Michelle E, and Diane King have sent me. [Letters seized by prison censors and not given to Mr. Love.] Why so much attention devoted to me here in Nowheresville in beyond me.
In Toronto, on June 11, a Tibetan immigrant who set a Chinese girl on fire on a bus at the Kipling subway station is sent to a looney bin. After what China did to Tibet, wasn’t this a revenge-motivated hate crime. No one brought that up. Or would this upset the swell cultural mosaic where only Whites are capable of hate?
NEWS FLASH: Guards on the weekend handed me a Stolen Auto Report Form — say what? So, I try calling my brother [in Ontario] for hours in a panic. Sure enough, a moved out former housemate [in Fort McMurray] returned and drove off in my Hyundai. My landlord called the cops. So, the Fort Mac RCMP are hot on the trail. Yeah, I’ll bet. Shit! Just what I need to interrupt my already interrupted sleep in here. I was almost through an 11 month term without any personal losses, but now, shit! I had no theft insurance on my car and my insurance was up last week. So, I had by brother call in to pay the $850 yearly for me and they REFUSED to let him pay it. Stupid, eh? But no more stupid than their refusal to call out the massive auto theft problem as an “immigration problem” as the media tells us clearly that it is. Duh! This country is digging its own grave. [Recently, Brad learned that his car had been found abandoned and seriously trashed.] — Brad Love
As usual, I still receive receipts that you, Michelle E, and Diane King have sent me. [Letters seized by prison censors and not given to Mr. Love.] Why so much attention devoted to me here in Nowheresville in beyond me.
In Toronto, on June 11, a Tibetan immigrant who set a Chinese girl on fire on a bus at the Kipling subway station is sent to a looney bin. After what China did to Tibet, wasn’t this a revenge-motivated hate crime. No one brought that up. Or would this upset the swell cultural mosaic where only Whites are capable of hate?
NEWS FLASH: Guards on the weekend handed me a Stolen Auto Report Form — say what?. So, I try calling my brother [in Ontario] for hours in a panic. Sure enough, a moved out former housemate [in Fort McMurray] returned and drove off in my Hyundai. My landlord called the cops. So, the Fort Mac RCMP are hot on the trail. Yeah, I’ll bet. Shit, Just what I need to interrupt my already interrupted sleep in here. I was almost through an 11 month term without any personal losses, but now, shit! I had no theft insurance on my car and my insurance was up last week. So, I had by brother call in to pay the $850 yearly for me and they REFUSED to let him pay it. Stupid, eh? But no more stupid than their refusal to call out the massive auto theft problem as an “immigration problem” as the media tells us clearly that it is. Duh! This country is digging its own grave. — Brad Love
The Grinch Judge Stole Brad’s Love’s Christmas & Half of His New Year: 15 Months for 3 Slashed Tires
December 19. Political prisoner Brad Love had been acquitted of mischief charges in his November 30 trial, but was still found guilty of slashing three tires, although no photographic evidence was presented nor any evidence connecting the 65 year old oil worker to the alleged crime. Today, however, a scolding judge gave him 15 months for three slashed tires. He’s spent four months in remand. So, his remaining sentence, with a third off for good behaviour, will end in June.
The sentencing, says, Mr. Love, was a farce. The judge denounced him for the stickers he allegedly posted and for which she’s acquitted him. “You’re harming the multicultural fabric of our society,” she said. CAFÉ has argued all along that Mr. Love’s problems have been political. Mr. Love must also pay $3,000 in restitution or face four more days in jail. Piteous “victim impact statements” were presented. One snowflake asked for $300 compensation for mental counselling. The request was denied.
Mr. Love was wheeled into court in a wheel chair so painful was his gout flareup.
So, a big lump of coal and six more months in jail in the New Year from Canada’s highly politicized “justice” system.
EDMONTON, December 3, 2023. “I arrived back here at the Edmonton Remand Centre (EDC), Friday, December 1. I was so dishevelled and unshaven that some did not recognize me. No shave, comb, mirror or hot beverages for 14 days.
Still, I beat 8 out of 11 charges against me fighting nine cops, 14 witnesses, one grumpy 70 year old Greek feminist Crown, a school marm judge.
As for myself, fellow inmates said that they’d never allow a self represented yahoo like me embarrass the Court and actually beat all the charges! Not going to happen.
So,I must return to Fort McMurray on Friday December 15 for a sentence hearing on the 19th, for what? An hour. [Because there’s only one prison van a week], then I return here on the bus on the following Friday, December 22. So, one more week in Fort McMurray police cells.
And after zero EVIDENCE of any actual damage to tires entered in Court, they convict me on flat tires. Where was the unbiased Crown?
Mr. G. Smith my “amicus” sat behind me in Court and I would pass him written questions, many of which he would say ‘no’ to, so as not to give those testifying any more information about the case, as they already seemed not too informed to begin with. Makes sense.
The Crown was a race hustler, although I frequently stood up to proclaim that neither race nor pamphlet writing were the issues before the Court.
Gout in my right hand since last week makes writing painful.
So, at the sentencing hearing, several witness “victims” will soon read three year old statements related to the alleged trauma they suffered. I can’t quiz them on their comments. Nor are they under oath during such a throw down. I, on the other hand, play the “we’re appealing” stance and say zip during such a farce.
Still, it looks like Christmas in here for me. We’ll see how December 19 pans out and whether G. Smith can get me out on bail thereafter.
Political Prisoner Brad Love Mistreated By Cops at Start of “Harassment” Trial
November 23. Political prisoner Brad Love called CAFE from prison in Fort McMurray today. He is ill and the court adjourned for the day. Brad faces three year old charges for writing harassing letters to elected officials and for posting “Keep Canada White” stickers.
Up until Sunday, Brad was being held without bail in the Edmonton Remand Centre, He was awakened at 5:00 a.m. and told to get ready. The van leaving for another 12 hours. He was put in a holding cell. The van finally picked him up after 5:p.m. for the five and a half hour drive to Fort McMurray.
He is kept in a call at the RCMP station in Fort McMurray. “I am treated like shot,” he says. “The light is kept on 24 hours a day. Five days without darkness! My eyes are frazzled. This is sensory deprivation. My health is deteriorating. The system is designed to break you down,” he adds.
An observer familiar with the case comments: “They’re putting him through the ringer. This is abuse by process!”
On the first three days of the trail, various eyewitnesses were unable to identify him as the man who posted stickers. The Crown let one witness winge that he “became nervous” when he say “Keep Canada White” stickers near his home.
Brad was not allowed to cross-examine civilian witnesses. The basic right to confront his accusers was curtailed to save the snowflakes. A court appointed lawyer did the cross-examination.
Brad will be allowed to cross-examine police witnesses himself.
Brad looks forward to cross-examining a policewoman with a phone-book size folder of fingerprint evidence. “The found many samples of my fingerprints in my residence,” he laughs. “I’m going to ask her how much gathering the fingerprints from my house cost the taxpayers.
I received yours and M’s mail today along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.
I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of 2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.
My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.
Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.
Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.
At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.
This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]
Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail? When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?
As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?
I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?
Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!
Brad Love
Prisoner #1519809
Letter from Political Prisoner Brad Love – On of the Men Behind the Wire
September 20, 2023
Dear Paul:
I received yours and M’s mail tod along with a jail warning that “religious and cultural material” isn’t allowed.
I attended video court on September 12 and13th. A female judge put me over until September 20. On the 13th another female judge wanted to set a trial date for December of 2024! And she cranked at me to get a real lawyer who could arrange an earlier trial date for me. Say what? Blackmail! So, I put her over although she did set a preliminary hearing date for December 1, 2023.
My trial for my 2020 charges begins Monday, November 20. So, I’ll be shipped back to Fort McMurray on the Friday.
Although I hear good things in here about my appointed lawyer, Gary Smith, I’ve yet to ever meet him or speak with him. Nor do I have any access to my disclosure or the many court notes that I made.
Shipping me here shut me off from all that, which I’ll tell the judge on the 20th when I shall also ask for and “11-B” dismissal of my by now three year old charges. If those charges are dismissed, I will then re-apply for bail on these new charges using Gary Smith who, as you know, was denied access to me during my August 24 bail hearing. This was technically a breach of my ‘defendant rights’ as he well knows but I am wondering what he did about it back then. I also wonder who called him to attend this hearing (via video) and then so casually shut him out of the hearing? As I don’t know his number, it surely wasn’t me as being in an RCMP lockup, my only call permitted was to you.
At my August 24 failed bail hearing, the female Crown hinted at my “rightwing beliefs” while the judge encouraged her and then, 24 hours later, I was crowded into a paddy wagon van for a loud, bumpy trip to Edmonton, my companions were three Indians and two Blacks. I kid you not. People just don’t get it.
This jail is unlike Ontario jails. Guards are on the unit all day. They call you by your first name. It’s clean and roomy, with an exercise room included. I’m in a unit with 60 or so White guys. Guys come and go daily, as they either serve a short sentence or come up with the 200 bucks in bail money which will set them free. [$200 and you can’t come up with that!?]
Meanwhile, look at me. Why do all of my courtroom trials always seem to be with zero audience? Yet, the Crown frequently bemoans that the “community”, who oddly never attend any of my court appearances. Ever! This sort of worries me. Secrecy can be our enemy. Isn’t it strangely odd that the Crown is proceeding by “indictable” [which allows a longer sentence] on the charge of sending two letters to the “Mayor’s Committee of Halfwits, Dimwits, Transvestites and Homo Humpers” mailed over a year ago and which the RCMP then regarded as prank mail? When was the last time anyone in Canada was charged or convicted of “obscene material”?
As for leaving a message on an Edmonton Indian group’s phoneline calling them “extortionists and church arsonists”, so what?
I mean, if these are crimes, shouldn’t comedian Russell Peters be serving a life sentence by now?
Sixty-five years old and I have to deal with this!
Paul Fromm is the Guest on “Blood River Radio” & Discusses the Clown Show in Ottawa (Furor Over Recognition on Veteran of Ukrainian Galicia Division) & Fate of Political Prisoners