Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity



Things have been going very well in Warren & Lisa Kinsella’s vanity prosecution of Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine for allegedly “uttering a threat” in YOUR WARD NEWS against the Kinsella. These drama queens took their complaint to two different police personnel and two different Crowns. All told them there was no threat and no case. They laid a private charge and the Crown took it over.
As you have seen from my reports, Dr. Sears lawyers have humiliated the Kinsellas, caught them in, er, shall we say, many untruths and exposed their visceral hatred of Dr. Sears and desire to bankrupt him and shut down the hilarious, satirical YOUR WARD NEWS by any means necessary.
On Thursday, the judge delivered a directed verdict and the charges against Leroy  ST. Germaine were withdrawn. One down; one to go.
In a somewhat frightening incident, during the noon break, defence lawyer Chris Murphy was assaulted at Starbucks by a sixtyish, fat, greying woman who spat on him before several witnesses. She may have been part of what Dr. Sears terms “post-menopausal crazy cat ladies” who seem to make up part of the Kinsellas’ anti-racist entourage. The assault was brought to the attention of the Court,.
Come out and by your presence witness for free speech. The final day of the trail is Tuesday, October 20 at 10:00. It will be on the second floor of the College Park Building, southwest corner of Yonge and College.
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and shoes

GAB (Alternative to Twitter) Under Attack By Psycho Censors is under attack. We have been systematically no-platformed by App Stores, multiple hosting providers, and several payment processors. We have been smeared by the mainstream media for defending free expression and individual liberty for all people and for working with law enforcement to ensure that justice is served for the horrible atrocity committed in Pittsburgh. Gab will continue to fight for the fundamental human right to speak freely.

As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.

The synagogue “shooting” is already used as a pretext to silence the Alternative Media, specifically Gab, a libertarian alternative to Twitter. Unlike Twitter, Gab does not censor speech, although Gab vehemently condemns acts of violence and terrorism.

Bowers has been active on social media, including Gab, where he calls himself @onedingo. His bio on Gab says “Jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44)”. (New York Post)

Upon learning of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter’s identity, Gab immediately took down Bowers’ page, but not before backing it up and sending it to the FBI.

For letting Bowers speak freely on Gab, first PayPal banned Gab, followed by Gab‘s hosting provider, Joyent, saying it will discontinue hosting Gab on Monday morning because of an unspecified “breach of the Joyent Terms of Service”.

But Facebook and Twitter aren’t facing any backlash although Bowers had accounts on both. Likewise, package bomber Cesar Sayoc was allowed to spout threats on Twitter for two years. Twitter suspended Sayoc only after he was arrested two days ago, on Friday, Oct. 26. (RT)

See also DCG’s post, “Twitter is “deeply sorry” for refusing to take down pipe bomb suspect’s tweet“.

In a tweet this morning, Gab says they’ve secured a new hosting provider.

Political Prisoner Horst Mahler May Be Near Death in German Prison

Political Prisoner Horst Mahler May Be Near Death in German Prison
Germany politic0-philosopher and imprisoned dissident Horst Mahler (born 1936) is in a very bad way in a prison hospital.   
Behind bars for years and for the next 10 years despite his crippling condition after a leg amputation in consequence of the life-endangering prison diet for a diabetic, the octogenarian and former attorney has committed no crime for his jailed condition save expressing peaceful philosophical opinions.  
Attorney Mahler’s wife writes (for general public interest release) the news her husband wishes conveyed via Robert Steinert.   (Mr. Steinert is the co-producer of the film based on the groundbreaking book “Other Losses” … the untold loss of a million POW and German civilians driven, on the sociopathic orders of the postwar barbaric Eisenhower, who intentionally starving them to death in tightly packed fields of the Rhine Meadows exposed to harsh elements).

<<Dear Herr Steinert, I am sending you this message at the request of my husband… Yesterday I visited my husband in the detention department of the municipal hospital in Brandenburg. He has been there since Wednesday – after a breakdown in the cell !

 Horst suffers from necrosis of his remaining right foot (its big toe).

In addition pneumonia has set in – quite heavily now. 

His CRP value of his blood is 300 – this is very high. A normal value is about 10.

For two days he has been on antibiotics – now we have to wait and see whether the inflammation levels drop.

Mentally Horst is clear, as always, but very weak. He fears that he will not get through this time….

Yours sincerely, Elzbieta Mahler>>

In the circumstances, well-wishers may like to take this opportunity to send their respects to Horst Mahler who is regarded by many (to quote Robert Steinert):
<< as without doubt one of the greatest thinkers Germany has ever produced. Nevertheless, I hope that he will survive this crisis, because we all need him urgently!>>


Horst’s prison address is:
Justizvollzugsanstalt Brandenburg A.D. Havel,
Inhaftierter: Horst Mahler 
Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22 
14772 Brandenburg 
For those interested, Telling Films has many unique interviews with Horst Mahler available in English as listed at and via
Best regards,
Michèle Lady Renouf

Alfred & Monika Schaefer Sentenced to Jail in Germany for Questioning the “Holocaust”




Alfred Schaefer, left, and Monika Schaefer. (Anne Wild photo)

The trial in Germany of two siblings, both Canadian citizens, for denying the Holocaust has ended with jail terms.

According to Anne Wild, a photojournalist who monitored the trial for The CJN, Alfred Schaefer, 63, who lives in Germany, received a prison sentence today of three years and two months. His sister, Monika Schaefer, 59, who lives in Jasper, Alta., received a term of 10 months.


But since she has been in prison since the charges were laid in January, she was set free, with her time already served.

The siblings were tried together on six counts of “incitement to hatred” for producing and posting at least one video in which Monika Schaefer denied the Holocaust.

The trial began in July in Munich. Monika Schaefer was in Germany visiting her brother at the time and was arrested while attending the trial of another Holocaust denier.

She’s a musician and activist who was born in Canada to German parents and was the federal Green party’s candidate in the Alberta riding of Yellowhead in 2006, 2008 and 2011.

Monika Schaefer gained notoriety in July 2016 after appearing in a five-minute YouTube video, titled Sorry, Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust, in which she said the Holocaust was the “biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history.”

In it she claimed that death camps were really work camps where prisoners were kept “as healthy and as well-fed as was possible.”

According to Wild, Monika Schaefer told the court, in German, that, “I’m convinced that the Holocaust is a great untruth of history.” She said she made the video to make peace with her mother and that she wrote the script.

Wild said the trial heard evidence that the video was produced by Alfred Schaefer in the town of Tutzing, outside Munich. Monika told court that she knew it would be published online.

Monika Schaefer was ousted from the Green party over the YouTube video, which the party condemned “in the strongest possible terms.”

In May, Alfred Schaefer was convicted of incitement to hatred for a speech he delivered in the German city of Dresden in February 2017. He was fined 5,000 euros ($7,700).

It was reported that at the start of his trial, Alfred Schaefer delivered the Nazi straight-arm salute in the courtroom.

It was not clear as of Friday whether the verdict or sentences will be appealed

YOUR WARD NEWS Defence Lawyer, Chris Murphy, Assaulted Outside Hearings

YOUR WARD NEWS Defence Lawyer, Chris Murphy, Assaulted Outside Hearings
I wanted to raise this as a potential security incident. I’m at the
Starbucks across the street and a woman (whom I have NOT seen in our
courtroom) came up to me and spit in my face (and on my coat, as per below
picture). There were 2 Starbucks employees who witnessed it. I would be
able to ID her if I see her again. I thought
you should know. — 

The Complaining Kinsellas Unravel During Withering Cross-examination in the YOUR WARD NEWS “Uttering Threats” Case

The Complaining Kinsellas Unravel During Withering Cross-examination in the YOUR WARD NEWS “Uttering Threats” Case
TORONTO, October 24, 2018. The trial of YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine of charges of “uttering threats” continued in Toronto today Defence lawyers (Chris Murphy for Mr. St. Germaine) and (George Gray for Dr. Sears) painted a picture of an ugly feud going back to 2015 as the Kinsellas and their group STAMP (Standing Together Against Mailing Prejudice) sought to drive the satirical tabloid out of business by any means necessary, including, Warren Kinsella admitted trying to bankrupt Dr. Sears: “I want to do whatever it takes to shut this paper down,” he snapped.
The defence attorneys shredded the credibility of the complainant couple is rigorous cross-examination. George Gray revisited Kinsella’s extraordinary assertion from the previous day that he was only “vaguely aware” that Dr. Sears was running for mayor of Toronto. After some technical fumbling the testimony from yesterday was played back to the court. Mr. Gray said:   “I submit you absolutely knew he was running” and references a tweet where Kinsella praised John Tory for refusing to participate in any “all candidates” debate where either Dr, Sears or populis videographer Faith Goldy were present because they were “White supremacists.” Having tried to muddy the waters by saying it took 25 signatures to nominate a candidate and that he did not keep close track of Dr. Sears’ campaign, Kinsella admitted: “I authorized the article. James Sears name never passed Mr. Tory’s lips. We do not want to legitimize White supremacy, misogyny and anti-Semitism,”
Mr. Gray also reminded Mr. Kinsella of his fighting tweet on October 22, urging supporters to come to the court proceedings, or help in other ways by donating money. However, as the Crown is prosecuting the case, the Kinsellas have no expenses. “In your view, it’s ethical to solicit funds for other proceedings.” Earlier Kinsella had admitted the funds would assist in other legal cases, a defamation action, they are pursuing against YOUR WARD NEWS.
Kinsella was visibly angry when confronted with his nickname “Prince of Darkness.” He insisted that short-lived Tory Kim Campbell called his that after her disastrous campaign. Kinsella had been a close war room advisor to victor Jean Chretien. He then added that his publisher had insisted on this handle. He concluded by asserting: “It’s what Mr. Sears does manipulating Wikipedia.” How he might do this was never explained.
Mr. Gray then confronted him with the name of the punk band he has played in SFH. Kinsella feigned surprise that Mr. Gray did not know what the initials meant and then explained “Shit From Hell”. Mr. Gray suggested that Prince of Darkness and Shit From Hell might explain the demonic and religious themes in some of YWN’s cartooning about the Kinsellas.
In the afternoon, Lisa Kinsella took the stand. In her testimony, she exposed the snowflake nature of this complaining couple. She explained the various action they and STAMP have taken — using her lobbying skills and insider Ottawa connections to get Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine’s mailing rights removed, calling advertisers urging them to cease advertising in YWN, and lobbying with Jewish groups to get Dr. Sears and Mr,. St. Germaine charged under the “hate law”..
However, when Dr. Sears sought a review of the Interim Prohibitory order, she asked the review panel “not to ask her to give her address” as she was sworn in. [Paul Fromm, representing CAFE at these hearings had objected to this special privilege. He had argued for openness and transparency.]
The alleged threat in this case arose out of a reaction by Dr. Sears to the Children’s Aid Society being called to investigate his family and care of their young son. Six months later, Dr. Sears said he had not written about this malicious trick earlier because  “there was the chance that some hothead … would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsellas to death … I chose to turn the other cheek and let enough time pass for (those) people to react with cool heads. As a Christian, I don’t want to see harm come to the Kinsellas and have delayed this information to let tempers cool”
As on the previous day, questioning centred on a tweet by Warren Kinsella calling Dr. Sears a “neo-Nazi serial sex offender” and attaching an article which posted his picture, street address, picture of his house, car, licence plate number and a picture thereof. She said her husband never posted Dr. Sears’ address. The article said: Dr. Sears ” seems to think he can sexually harass people and promote all kinds of racist Nazi bullshit with little consequence … here’s his home address and some personal info for anyone who’s interested.”
“Do you think this is a call to action?” Mr. Gray asked. Lisa Kinsella bobbed and weaved: “Well, my husband didnt’ write this and I am not responsible for what my husband does. I cannot  speculate” whether it’s a call to action.
Finally, she insisted: “It’s not a call to action when compared to what was written about us.”
The trial continues before Judge Dan Moore on Thursday. — Paul Fromm

Stunning Revelation at Sears & St. Germaine “Uttering Threats” Trial: Kinsella Says Richard Warman Sicked Children’s Aid on Dr. Sears

Stunning Revelation at Sears & St. Germaine “Uttering Threats” Trial: Kinsella Says Richard Warman Sicked Children’s Aid on Dr. Sears
TORONTO. October 23, 2018. First, complainant and witness, Warren Kinsella told the Court that he had not called the Children’s Aid Society to investigate YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and his family’s treatment of his young son. “But, he added, “I am aware of who did.” Near the end of today’s opening of the “uttering threats” trial of Dr. Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, defence lawyer Chris Murphy returned to this issue. Warren Kinsella revealed that Ottawa lawyer and dedicated free speech opponent Richard Warman told a meeting of STAMP (Standing Together Against Mail Prejudice), Kinsella’s East End Toronto anti-YOUR WARD NEWS group that he had sicked CAS on Warman. Warman had earlier pressured Canada Post Corporation and the then Minister of Supply and Procurement Judy Foote to issue a Prohibitory Order against Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine preventing them from sending any mail in Canada.
Dr. Sears has suspected that it was one or both of the Kinsellas, Warren or his second wife Lisa, who had maliciously contacted CAS. This had led to the sentence in the Summer, 2017 issue of YWN that resulted in the private charge filed by the Kinsellas. Sears said he waited months to inform his ‘thousands’ of friends and followers about the apparent CAS investigation due to fear that ‘some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsellas to death.’” That passage, the Kinsellas alleged, constitutes a threat. The Kinsellas had twice approached the police and the Crown to lay “uttering threats” charges but were told these words didn’t constitute a threat.
Kinsella came across as arrogant and vain as he argued with the much younger Mr. Murphy. “Those are two questions,” he said several times in an imperious tone. “Which one do you want me to answer?”
Mr. Murphy unravelled Kinsella’s righteous warrior image and revealed him to be shaky about the truth. He put a tweet to him that Kinsella had sent in 2015 accusing Dr. Sears of having “a long career of sexually assaulting women and now publishing a junk newspaper.” Attached to this tweet was a document giving Dr. Sears’ home address, including a picture of his residence, and his car’s make and licence plate, along with a picture. Warren Kinsella had complained that satirical attacks on him in YWN had made him fearful for his safety. He had improved his home security system after, he claimed, his house had been egged. “I don’t remember sending this tweet. I did not write this tweet,” Kinsella insisted. “I retweeted it. I have not seen this attachment before.” Yet, he expressed no condemnation of this targetting of Dr. Sears. Mr. Murphy argued that it was not a re-tweet.
Shortly after this tweet appeared, Leroy St. Germaine offered between $100 and $1,000 for information leading to the conviction of the Kinsellas. Kinsella who has a penchant for the dramatic insisted this was a “bounty on my life.”

“Considering what you know now, do you still think the offer for information was a ‘bounty on your life’?”
Mr. Murphy argued that the Kinsellas are both public figures and have engaged in a long battle with YOUR WARD NEWS, admitting to trying to get their mailing rights taken away and with getting them charged under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Section 319) of the Criminal Code.
In a dramatic moment, Mr. Murphy put to Mr. Kinsella an October 22 message written by Kinsella entitled “help us fight hate, urging people to attend today’s trial. “We expect the media and the usual cabal” of free speech supporters. In the end of this appeal to rally his followers, he says those who can’t attend “can support us in some other way.” And, there, said Mr. Murphy, is your PayPal icon. Mr. Murphy noted that the Crown was bearing the costs of this prosecution. Kinsella said the money would go for the libel case Lisa has launched against Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine. Mr. Murphy pointed out that that was not mentioned. According to Kinsella, the only response thus far had been from a gay, female rabbinical scholar in New York City who had sent $300.
Mr. Kinsella, when asked whether he had notified the media, admitted:  “Yes, sir, my staff did.” The media were out in force and Dr. Sears gave many interviews.
As so often in his career, Warren Kinsella seems to have some special relationship with officialdom. Most witnesses sit on hard benches outside the College Street courtrooms until they are summoned. Not Warren. He was sequestered in some private room until he got the call some 45 minutes into the trial. He was accompanied in by Detective Yurmolak of the Metropolitan Toronto Police Service. The detective sat at the prosecution table and hovered close to Kinsella. Perhaps in the hyperventilating imaginations of anti-free speechers like Kinsella the satirical words of YOUR WARD NEWS might suddenly turn into swords.
Also in attendance was Bernie Farber, another complainant against YOUR WARD NEWS who has tried mightily to silence it. At the lunch break, he and Kinsella engaged in a powerful embrace. [You can’t make this stuff up.]
So inept and hostile is much of the fake news media that one outlet didn’t even know the case being tried. CITY-TV reported that Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine were on trial for “hate speech.” — Paul Fromm
[A fuller report will follow later.]

Huge Blow to French & European Free Speech Supporters: Prof. Robert Faurisson Dead at 90.

Huge Blow to French & European Free Speech Supporters: Prof. Robert Faurisson Dead at 90.

Dear friends,

Terribly sad news, Robert Faurisson has died tonight. He dropped dead (heart attack) as he entered the lobby of his home in Vichy after flying back from his triumph in London.. (Actually it was what he wanted as his swan song in his 90th year.)

Here is the video url that Vincent Reynouard had made this afternoon (before this tragic news was told to me by Robert’s brother just an hour ago):

Michèle Lady Renouf
Account of a private gathering held on October 20 in the hometown of Professor Faurisson. The latter participated with Vincent Reynouard. It was without…

Terribly sad news, Robert Faurisson dropped dead (heart attack) as he entered the lobby of his home in Vichy after flying back from his triumph in London..



Professor Robert Faurisson, a good friend, and supporter of The Ethnic-European, passed on at the end of a long and tiring day on October 21.

Italian intellectual Giuseppe Fallisi writes, “I still have eyes that burn with tears and I cannot fall asleep. Returning, a few hours ago, from the Bari airport I was given tragic news: Robert Faurisson rose in the Elysian Fields. As soon as he returned to his home in Vichy, he collapsed to the ground, dead.

His big heart had stopped beating. With other faithful friends we met yesterday afternoon in Shepperton, in a hotel, the Anchor Hotel, which will now go down in history for hosting the professor’s last conference and at the same time for demonstrating once again, in the person of his vile master (a ball of tallow and black bile (( reference to fake soap, lampshades and shrunken heads presented at Nuremberg ‘courts’ artefacts), how much can the intimidation of the politically correct, of the very laid Judaic dictatorship that weighs on all Europe *.

In that city, Robert was born almost ninety years ago. Walking along he had confided to me, always lucid, composed and indomitable, but very, very tired and composed, accepting that his task had ended.

This man, more than brave, had completed all he had to do to make a contribution to the immense revisionist cause. In addition to the judicial, media and moral harassment he had to undergo, he was more than ten times physically assaulted by the hateful enemies, who wanted to prevent him from expressing himself, even from living.

He always knew how to resist and get up again, not deflecting a millimetre from the intrepid search for truth. One day he will be celebrated as a Hero of Free Thought: W ROBERT FAURISSON R.I.P.

Michele and Faurisson at Iran Conference

Michele and Faurisson at Iran Conference

The grand professor or truth, whose revisionism of Allied propaganda put the truth-teller head and shoulders over his contemporaries, was resigned to having done all that could be expected of a champion for truth and justice.

A couple of years ago the professor dropped me a line, which I can now divulge: “Dear Mike, Oh! Surprised I am. Thank you very much. I suppose you mean the video entitled, Un homme: Robert Faurisson? Michael, I am 88. I wish to die. My life has been made impossible. The same for my wife, who is nearly 86. Cordially, R. Faurisson.

My letter in response to Professor Faurisson: “Sir, we all stand in your shadow. Yes, you and your dear wife will shrug off your mortal coil as we all will. I might meet you in the afterlife.  Others die and leave nothing but a moss-covered headstone. When we die we leave the fields ploughed and the furrows seeded. This is our purpose. People like us never die; only the flesh does. I empathise with you. I have no fear at all of going; I already have done so many times. “I am no more afraid of dying than I was of being born.” Spartacus.  I salute you, Robert Faurisson.” ~ Mike Walsh

Americans Diane and Jim Rizoli were as indefatigable in their intent to destroy the myths surrounding what Professor Butz described as The Hoax of the 20th Century.

Diane writes, He is in the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, In honor of his 89 years and the beginning of our many tributes, the late Professor Robert Faurisson led a long and productive life fighting the lies surrounding the worst hoax of the 20th and 21st Centuries – the holocaust. May the Lord continue to bless his efforts.

Iran Premier and Faurisson

Iran Premier and Faurisson

These tributes and many more continue to pour in from the world over: The professor’s brother, Jean, writes: “I regret to inform you that my brother Professor Robert Faurisson died yesterday Sunday, October 21 around 1900 hours. Like him had just passed the front door of his house in Vichy on the return of a trip to his birthplace in Shepperton (UK), he collapsed. Probably as a result of a violent heart attack. There were meetings, with friends who were interrupted at twice violently by opponents to his views. I accompanied him on this occasion. His 90th birthday was to take place on January 25th. We will not forget it.

MY FAVOURITE PROFESSOR FAURISSON QUOTE: “The Zionist-American Axis has phosphorised German children, atomized Japanese children, soused Vietnamese children with Agent Orange and poisoned Iraqi children with depleted uranium. 

It is time for the devastated, scorned and humiliated to fight back. The best way to fight back is with what I for many years have called “the poor man’s atomic bomb:” that is, historical revisionism, or real history. This weapon kills and maims no one but it destroys the lies and defamation of the “holocaust©” myth. This includes the fantastically profitable libels of the “Holocaust© Industry” This is also known that have been fantastically profitable for mendacious super-swindlers such as Bernard Madoff, Elie Wiesel, the cohorts of “miraculously rescues” and murderers of the children of Gaza. ~ Prof. Robert Faurisson 2009.

To Judas, Shabbos Goy and liars in the media and judiciary, his gaolers too, you may know that you will never again cross the path of Professor Robert Faurisson; he is now somewhere where you are never likely to visit. You bear your shame with malice.

Mahmoud on the holocaust

MICHAEL WALSH is an internationally acclaimed journalist, author, and broadcaster shunned by liberal-left corporate





Robert Faurisson’s path-breaking research and the impressive scale of his writings have been a service to humanity.  This brave and brilliant scholar will also be remembered as a principled fighter for free speech and free inquiry.


Future generations will one day look back on the way in which powerful enemies hatefully persecuted him as a shameful indictment of this vindictive age.


During his lifetime, Faurisson’s exemplary courage and tenacity were an inspiration to many. His legacy will endure long after his death.


Mark Weber




HAMILTON, October 17, 2018. “I have called on the City Clerk of Hamilton and the Hamilton Police Service to urgently investigate posters glued near the residences of several people who signed my nomination papers. These posters are anonymous and libellous and are meant to intimidate voters and interfere with the election process,” said Mr. Fromm, who is a candidate for Mayor in Monday’s election, announced today.


A candidate’s nomination papers can be examined at City Hall and photocopies obtained for a fee.


The posters advise “Know your neighbours” and then list the person’s name and street address. The poster makes some defamatory comments about the candidate and then again names the person who “knowingly supports Fromm’s vile racist views.”


The only identification on the posters is the hashtag “Nazi scum fuck off”.


“In fact, while I approached a few friends to sign my nomination papers, most of the people I approached were strangers. I made it quite clear that they were not promising to support me or vote for me but just helping me to get on the ballot,” Mr. Fromm said.


On the nomination form, the person states:  “I endorse ___ as a candidate and declare that I am a qualified elector in this municipality.”


“These cowardly posters wildly distort the endorsement process,” Mr. Fromm added. “They maliciously violate the privacy of the persons providing an endorsement and ascribe views to them which they have never proclaimed.”


“These are anarchist goon tactics!” he added.


“I am bringing this to the attention of the Mayor and other mayoralty candidates in case they have been victimized by similar posters,” he said.

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