In 2021, the Canadian Association to Free Expression (CAFÉ) revived the George Orwell Free Speech Award, started in the 1980s by the late Doug Christie, the “Battling Barrister.” The last one was awarded in 2013, the year one of Canada’s most outstanding defenders of free speech died. In 2021, with the permission of Doug Christie’s widow, we revived the award. Because of the generosity of a special donor, the award is accompanied by a $1,000 prize. It is awarded alternately in Eastern and Western Canada. In 2021, the winner was political prisoner and editor of Your Ward News, Dr. James Sears. The award was presented in Toronto. In 2022, the award winners were brother and sister political prisoners Alfred and Monika Schaefer. The award was presented in Vancouver. This year, the award was presented on October 12 in Toronto to Jurgen Neumann.
The award read: “The Canadian Association for Free Expression Presents The George Orwell Free Speech Award for 2023 For Outstanding Courage In Challenging Censorship and Defending Freedom In Pursuit of the Truth And for Outstanding Talent as a Freedom Communicator & Videographer who has collected and preserved so many vital historical speeches, events, and discoveries online for future generations to Jurgen Neumann. Presented in Toronto, October 12 , 2023 Continuing a Tradition Begun by the late Douglas Hewson Christie, The Battling Barrister & the Canadian Free Speech League.”
Adding his congratulations was Christian Klein, President of the Association of German Expellees and himself a longtime supporter of the late Mr. Zundel’s struggle for free speech and historical truth.
We received a number of congratulatory messages. One came from fellow videographers Diane King and Jim Rizoli: ‘On our last trip to Canada about five years ago or so, one of the most important things we had to accomplish was to meet up with Jurgen Newmann to acquire all of the Ernst Zundel and any other Revisionist videos that he had. This was particularly significant since both Ernst and Ingrid had died and the estate was relegated to Ingrid’s son who would have nothing to do with the revisionist community whatsoever. What Jurgen possessed was an immensely valuable archive of information dealing with the truths about The Third Reich and WWII. Jim spent time with Jurgen acquiring these videos, which we have been able to promote and display on BitChute and other formats and will continue to do so as long as we are able. We could not have accomplished this without Jurgen and his dedication to the truth concerning and on behalf of the Germans in WWII and The Third Reich.”
CAFE Director Paul Fromm Presents 2023 Winner Jurgen Neumann With the George Orwell Free Speech AwardChristian Klein, Committee of German Expellees, Salutes Jurgen Neumann
Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Re-arrested & Sentenced to Six Months for Showing a Prisoner How High His Dog Can Jump
Dear friends, Shortly before noon today, 23-08-23, the uniformed thugs came to pick Alfred Schaefer up at his home to give him his “taxi service” to jail. He is to serve a 6-month jail term for showing his buddy in the courtyard of the last jail he was in, how high his dog Pavlov could jump.
Alfred’s wife heard a commotion and so she opened their front door, to see that the police had already entered the building. They had some strange tools, such as a rusty old spade, and they were on the phone telling headquarters that they had entered the building and were in front of the door of the targetted person. It seemed they had no intention of ringing or knocking. Lucky that Elfriede was already there, or they might have broken the door down, like they did to the old wheelchair-bound man Tom in Munich where they crashed his home in the middle of the night with a dozen police officers, to be sure they could contain him.
Elfriede told these officers that Alfred was down in the garden, and she escorted them there. Two more police officers approached from the other side of the yard. Clearly they were ready to ambush Alfred in case he should run. Alfred had no intention of running. Background information for people who may not be aware: he was supposed to present himself at the jail on August 3rd, but he simply did not go willingly and voluntarily to the jail on August 3rd as per their orders, as that would have been a traitorous thing to do, to go to the enemy and say here I am, your prisoner of war.
Have you ever seen police officers carry rusty spades as part of their tool kit? I wonder what they had in mind. It was good that Alfred’s wife was present to witness all, because you never know what kind of story they might have concocted, just in case somebody got hurt, and then plant the “weapon” and call it self defence? I’m only speculating. Nothing of that sort happened, but the rusty old spade got my imagination going.
That is my news for the day. Please feel free to share this around.
Monika Schaefer
PS: We do not know at this time which jail he will reside in, but as soon as I have his whereabouts, I will post his mailing address on my website and we’ll get the word out.
Alfred phoned me this morning from his landline to tell me the latest. The thugs in uniform came en masse at 6 am his time today, ding-dong-ding-dong-ding-dong-ding-dong!!! so, his wife opened up and let them in. Good thing too or they would have busted down the door to the whole building (others live in the same building too). Alfred has proof of that because he overheard one of them reporting back to headquarters that they “did not have to resort to force to enter”. So, these uniformed thugs raided his home once again, stole all his electronic equipment, every last bit of it including his cell phone, took Alfred to the police station in Starnberg, did whatever they do there, and released him.
In his usual fighting spirit, Alfred lectured them non-stop, and the last thing he said to the police chief is “I’d rather be DEAD than be doing what you are doing now!”
He says they were “polite”, but of course showed zero response to his talking at them. His wife heard them commenting on their way out the door how neat and tidy and clean their place was. The normal conditions of the past (neat and clean and tidy German homes) are evidently becoming a thing of the past, according to these guys’ experience.
Lady Michele Renouf Presents Former German Political Prisoner & Historical Truther Alfred Schaefer With 2022 George Orwell Free Speech Award
At last we have been able to present the GEORGE ORWELL AWARD 2022 to its honoured co-recipient ALFRED SCHAEFER! The Award was presented in Vancouver, July 29, 2022 to Monika Schaefer and Alfred but Alfred’s certificate was presented this fall by British Free Speech Warrior Lady Michele Renouf
Truth and Justice for Germans & Brian Ruhe Present Alfred and Monika Schaefer, July 30, 2022 in conjunction with the 2022 George Orwell Free Speech Award presented to Alfred and Monika Schaefer in Vancouver.
I announced my intention to be heading into downtown Vancouver in support of Paul Fromm and Monika Schaefer on this site. I didn’t announce the time and location on this site, because I wasn’t sure if Paul wanted that information known. In our interview he clarified that no, he would very much appreciate the event to be known only to private individuals, because they’ve had problems with antifa types before. Even if they don’t show up, often they call the hotel or other institution hosting the event and tell them that they’re hosting “KKK HuWhyte Supreemacists,” or whatever, and that there will be trouble. Going to the RCMP has, in his experience, been of next to zero utility, so it’s easier to simply have a small, privately known about event.
As a result, I found myself surrounded by about a dozen other people in a small conference room n downtown Vancouver. After a bit of trouble parking, due to an unrelated event happening in the area, and then much more trouble finding the conference room, due to it being in a part of the hotel that appeared to be marked off for the general public, I got myself in there mingling with the crowd.
I’m not sure if I can say who I met there. While no one did anything wrong in coming, just the opposite, I don’t want to violate anyone’s privacy. I will say that I saw Monika Schaefer and Paul Fromm of course, with Alfred Schaefer making a guest appearance from Germany through Skype. He was there the entire conference, listening along, before giving a speech at the very end, just after Monika had finished talking.
Alfred had just gotten out of prison on July 1st, and his speech was optimistic and to the point. He believes, as many of us do, that in Europe the upcoming hard economic times, especially if Russia cuts off oil and gas deliveries, is going to make for a situation very ripe for populist politics. The difficulty is of course logistical and legal, in getting out in front of the public and offering them the solutions.
At some point about an hour in this guy showed up who seemed weirdly familiar to me. Making things a bit odder, he was the only non-White person there. Turns out it’s Frank Raymond, author of the highly regarded fiction work “Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells.” Here you can see him slapping some cuck back into shape.
Imagine if Dinesh D’Souza was actually based, and you’ve got Frank Raymond. He showed up a bit late, but spoke some words to us there in attendance praising Monika and especially Alfred for their perseverance in the face of massive oppression.
I didn’t think it appropriate to take pictures of this event, for obvious reasons, but Paul Fromm started off the event with a very nice speech. As is something of a running theme with my interactions with Paul Fromm, there were some technical issues which delayed the event for about thirty minutes or so, but eventually we got going. While this is not a speech review, I did appreciate that his speech, while serious, wasn’t some sort of Hollywood stereotypical “we here the White Race must be deadly serious at all times in the face of Schlomo, the physical manifestation of the devil,” type stuff. Although to be honest, if someone actually said that verbatim, I’d instantly support them with all my heart.
In particular I liked his comment on 911. Of course we know all about the dancing Israelis, or Lucky Larry Silverstein, but I’d forgotten about the third tower that mysteriously fell. As he put it:
And why’d that third tower fall anyway? Perhaps it was due to emotional attachment to the previous towers. It decided to show solidarity with them and collapsed.
Most of his speech was directly relevant to the lampshadocaust, which he identifies as a state religion. After all, beliefs that have no evidence are religious beliefs, not factual ones. As the TRS guys have shown, you will never get the holocaust lobby to debate you. That’s because the truth is on the the skeptics’ side, and only censorship can keep this ludicrous slander alive.
Fromm’s speech was quite long, and I didn’t want to be on my phone the entire time making notes, but he did mention two lawyers, Doug Christie, the defense for Ernst Zundel, and John Rosen, a lawyer for the CJC and someone I believe was on the other side of that very trial. Rosen also defended Paul Bernardo, a notorious violent rapist who raped and murdered three young girls in the 1980’s. And yet Rosen never had any doors close for him in the legal profession, as opposed to Doug Christie.
Lawyer Doug Christie.
Christie had a clear in with Con Inc, as a hotshot young up and coming lawyer. He was told explicitly that he was on a fast track to the judiciary, and he was approached by the B.C. Conservatives to potentially lead the entire party.
Instead, he defended Ernst Zundel. And he didn’t just defend him, he destroyed the opposition in those trials. While Zundel ultimately lost both cases, before winning both on appeals, Raul Hilberg, the lead “expert,” testifying on behalf of the holocaust lobby, ragequit from doing trials ever again after getting destroyed by Christie up on the stand.
I can’t find the TRS episode where they go into this trial, although this Strike and Mike might be a good listen. I remember them going into an exchange that was something like this.
Christie is cross-examining Raul Hilberg.
Doug Christie: Do you have literally any physical evidence of these supposed gas chambers?
Raul Hilberg: Gee I’m just pulling a blank here. I mean I don’t know what to say. I’m stumped. I just, gosh, not really sure there is any evidence.
Fromm passed the baton to Monika, who went into her own speech, mostly delving into Alfred’s life, as well as their relationship together. I did appreciate her point about Alfred getting lost at sea in his youth, due to a broken rudder, at which point he was forced to find a way, however hopeless, to save himself. I don’t want to cover too much of Monika’s speech, because I don’t have it recorded, and she retreaded much of the same ground as she did in her interview with yours truly.
Dominion Day brought good news for supporters of free speech. Alfred Schaefer, born and educated in Canada, but now a German citizen was released after more than three years in prison in Germany for questioning the Hollywood version of World War II — a crime under Germany’s nebulous Sec. 94 of the criminal code which prohibits “racial incitement of the masses.”
His sister Monika formerly of Jasper, Alberta served nine months in a German jail under the same section of the criminal code for a video Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust.
A few hours ago, Monika sent out this message: “Friends, my dear brother Alfred is out of prison!!!! Even Alfred did not know until two days ago if he would be let out today July 1st, or Monday July 4th, or if they would pull a hat trick and find some excuse to keep him caged. I just spoke with him, and he is so excited! All the wise and beautiful butterflies are flying, and his wonderful dog is jumping for joy. He can hardly contain himself. Which one, you ask, the dog or Alfred? Both!”
“Canada’s many supporters of free speech rejoice with Alfred and his wife in his regaining his freedom today,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. Alfred is a brave and passionate man who changed his views as he studied history over the past two decades. He had been fearless in sharing his new knowledge and beliefs with others It is to Germany’s everlasting disgrace that it has jailed the Schaefers and thousands of others for the non-violent expression of their political/historical opinions. Why send arms to fight for freedom in the Ukraine when there is little in Germany and not a great deal in Canada?”
A former train driver who was dismissed for his political opinions, Henry became a prominent public champion of German historical revisionists, in a country where one can be jailed for questioning the official version of ‘Holocaust’ history. He was best known for his website Ende der Lüge (‘End of the Lie’) and associated social media accounts.
In this task he was especially closely associated with four jailed revisionists: former leftist lawyer and philosopher Horst Mahler (85); publisher and ecologist Ursula Haverbeck (92); lawyer Sylvia Stolz, first jailed for defending the late Ernst Zündel; and filmmaker / video blogger Alfred Schaefer. All four have served long prison sentences, and Mr Schaefer is still in jail.
Henry Hafenmayer, Alfred Schaefer, and Lady Michèle Renouf during Alfred’s trial in Munich, 2018.
Henry himself faced several criminal charges, and until his untimely death was very much in the sights of occupied Germany’s political and judicial system.
He was a regular and convivial guest at political and social gatherings in Germany with comrades including H&D‘s assistant editor Peter Rushton. We are shocked and saddened at losing this greatly valued friend, but are confident in the knowledge that Henry’s courage, honour and loyalty will not be in vain. Henry Hafenmayer’s name will live on in the annals of a future, better Europe.
During several months of serious illness this year, Henry was treated at clinics in Germany and Switzerland. As reported by our friends at Recht und Wahrheit, a close comrade had to pick up the entire bill for this treatment and for Henry’s funeral costs, so H&D encourages readers worldwide to donate if they possibly can to help defray these costs.
The German account for such donations is as follows:
Account name: S. U. IBAN: DE13 8405 5050 1250 0169 63 BIC: HELADEF1WAK Payment reference: 1108201
Horst Mahler has given Lady Renouf permission to send us this English translation of his tribute. Horst writes:
It is an honorary title they give us when they call us “Nazis”. That was what Henry Hafenmayer had understood. He lived his life so that he might earn this title through action. He did not fear death, and when he made up his mind to call the recognized enemy of the peoples by its name, he knew what to expect. Under the banner “End of the lie!” he finally moved from defence to attack and thus became a role model for those German youth who still want to be German. He held out when his well-paid job as a train driver was terminated. His answer was to multiply his efforts to make the invisible enemy visible. He laboriously scanned the Talmud (in twelve bulky volumes published in German by the official Jewish publishing house Jüdische Verlag) and placed it in the global electronic network. [Three sentences deleted and part of postscript deleted due to UK race laws.] With his web blog “The End of the Lie” lobbing intellectual grenades at the emplacements of the anti-German front in his own country, he has branded the Big Lie as an attempted genocide. He was one of the first to give the New National Socialism (NNS) a face. That makes him unforgettable. Hail Henry Hafenmayer!
Prosecutor Appeals: Asking More Jail-time for Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer for Speaking in Court! The new Iron Curtain of thought control in Germany
If you think it is bizarre that a person can be jailed for the things they say in their defence in court for an alleged speech crime, hold on tight, this will blow your socks off. The Muppet Show continues. Alfred will be back in court on November 12, 2019, to face his inquisitors. Why? The 18 month prison sentence (which is in addition to the 38 months he is already serving) is not enough – according to the prosecution.
Almost one year ago on the 26th of October 2018, the final day of the Schaefer Sibling Trial in Germany, the judge sentenced me (Monika) to 10 months – time served – prison, and my brother Alfred Schaefer to 38 months prison. This was not for theft, vandalism, murder or rape, no, this was for having “wrong-think” about our history. It was for making videos, educating the public about what is really going on in the world, and in my case for an apology to my mother in my “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” video. Transcript here.
During the 20 day trial, there were several instances when the judge interrupted Alfred to warn him that the things he was saying could lead to additional charges. Alfred waved those warnings off and said,
You want to lock me up for 6 million years anyway, so I will continue because I am simply speaking truth.
On 8.8. 2019 those additional charges led to the added sentence of 18 months (article here). Both sides are appealing. The prosecutor had asked for 24 months at the time, and is not satisfied with 18 months. If they get their 24 months, the total sentence would be over 5 years. All for speaking peacefully.
Meanwhile there are countless examples of rape and/or assault by “new Germans” which garner far lighter sentences than that, because “they don’t understand our culture” in the words of the judges.
When history comes to you enforced by law, you can count on one thing being for certain: it is a lie. Why else would they legislate a story into existence? Can it get any more brazen than when they make it impossible to make a defence in court, to explain how you have reached your conclusions, or to bring forth evidence which support your conclusions?! How can any thinking person not see the Orwellian tyranny in this? Words elude me.
Through all this, Alfred remains in good spirits. His letters radiate triumph. I know from experience that when you have truth on your side, it is easy to keep your spirits up, and to feel free in heart and mind and soul, even when physically in prison. It also helps immensely to know that we are not alone. Our enemies try their best through their psychological warfare to make us think we are “lone nut-cases”, when nothing is further from the truth.
Just a reminder: letters and postcards are immensely appreciated not only by the political prisoner but also for the authorities to see that the prisoner is not forgotten. Alfred Schaefer’s address: Stadelheimer Str. 12, 81549 Munich, Germany.