Alfred phoned me this morning from his landline to tell me the latest. The thugs in uniform came en masse at 6 am his time today, ding-dong-ding-dong-ding-dong-ding-dong!!! so, his wife opened up and let them in. Good thing too or they would have busted down the door to the whole building (others live in the same building too). Alfred has proof of that because he overheard one of them reporting back to headquarters that they “did not have to resort to force to enter”. So, these uniformed thugs raided his home once again, stole all his electronic equipment, every last bit of it including his cell phone, took Alfred to the police station in Starnberg, did whatever they do there, and released him.
In his usual fighting spirit, Alfred lectured them non-stop, and the last thing he said to the police chief is “I’d rather be DEAD than be doing what you are doing now!”
He says they were “polite”, but of course showed zero response to his talking at them. His wife heard them commenting on their way out the door how neat and tidy and clean their place was. The normal conditions of the past (neat and clean and tidy German homes) are evidently becoming a thing of the past, according to these guys’ experience.
Monika Schaefer