THE LESLIE BORY TRIAL: The Obliteration of Free Speech in Canada
THE LESLIE BORY TRIAL: The Obliteration of Free Speech in Canada
Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) and I attended the first session of Leslie Bory’s trial regarding free speech, and discuss our views regarding it. We also look at how this trial may impact all Canadians who believe in free speech Paul Fromm with the Red Pilled Philosopher on he “Eyes Wide Open Show.”
My interview begins at the 10 minute, 7 second, mark and lasts 6 minutes. For those who would enjoy a conservative Calgary perspective on Canadian news and politics listening to the full half hour news program would be a good use of your time.
The letter writing campaign is continuing. Two individuals reported a problem with one of the original e-mails supplied by MassResistance. I received copies of a dozen or so letters that people sent on my behalf and I think most people are successfully sending them. If you wish to e-mail I think this e-mail works for the Ontario Attorney General:
Attorney General Doug Downey’s constituency office email is:
The Constituency Office phone number is: (705) 726-5538
Anyways, here is two more letters written to the Attorney General that I rather enjoyed. One is from a Canadian and one from an American.
Thank you for the entertainment your persecution – uh, prosecution of Bill Whatcott is providing us southerners in the states. He must have pranked you pretty good, to get you to squeal like you are?!
As we contemplate our president’s offer to accept Canada as our 51st state, your prosecution certainly erodes any moral authority held by Canadian resistance to the offer. You appear to need help governing yourselves.
You should know that when your U.S. statehood is ratified, our Constitution will prohibit you from “Double Jeopardy”. Our 5th Amendment says “nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb” which explicitly applies to capital cases but is applied to all federal trials and our 14th Amendment authorizes Congress to apply the protection in state courts.
So have your fun while you can, which may not be for long; President Trump works pretty fast. And it looks like you do need some help.
Dave Leach, Des Moines, IA, USA
To the Attorney General, regarding Bill Whatcott:
As a woman who was born and raised in Toronto, I find it outrageous that you continue to want to persecute this Christian man. He was already acquitted! It seems like you are the ones showing hatred towards a Christian man!! You are discriminating against his conscience, sexual orientation and beliefs. Why are you not arresting and persecuting more drug dealers, drug users, human traffickers, the murderers, the wife beaters, and thieves in Toronto and surrounding areas???
ADVANCING TRUTH, by bringing education and awareness to the forefront on the dangers of sexual behaviours is NOT hate, and NOT a crime. Why are you wasting tax-payers money for a nonsensical second trial after he was acquitted? Where is his FREEDOM OF SPEECH?? There was NO hatred shown towards homosexuals. Did Bill Whatcott get violent?? NO!!! You have absolutely NO case.
Stop your evil persecution against a man with Godly principles and a conscience, who at least had clothes on; while men pranced NAKED down the streets. You should have been arresting them for nudity and indecent exposure.These are FEDERAL offences!! How shameful to allow men to prance naked in the streets in front of children. Where were your police?? Why were they never arrested or charged??
In any case, the persecution of Whatcott is against the principles of the Canadian Constitution. We urge you to desist. You liberals and NDP minded, continue to bankrupt our nation. Disgusting, shame on you. May God have mercy on you.
Mrs. Denise Mountenay
(a woman, no confusion here)
Thank you and may God bless you, all who have written on by behalf…..
In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott
“Be gracious to me, O Lord! See my affliction from those who hate me, O you who lift me up from the gates of death, that I may recount all your praises, that in the gates of the daughter of Zion I may rejoice in your salvation.” Psalm 9:13, 14
Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out every time you use cash – or print your own to hand out! Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!————————————–S
Sunday Paper Deliveries Next delivery day: Sunday, February 9, 2024 (Weather Permitting) Capril Mall, Gordon & Harvey St. (Hwy 97) A small group of dedicated volunteers have been spreading the truth via Druthers deliveries every Sunday for over 2 years now. This is one of the most powerful things a freedom activist can do to help inform the public. We meet every Sunday in the Capri Mall parking lot between A&W and DeDutch Pannekoeke House.
—————————————————————————- CLEARBITS: Here is the recent copy of the Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Response c2086e204b34/resource/73efb35c-41d9-4264-881d- 15a1f76861d3/download/hlth-albertas-covid-19-pandemic- response-2025-01-revised-biographies.pdf Unfortunately, due to ongoing legal issues, that appear to be continuing until later this spring, I have not had the time to read this report yet. But there are people who have, including on Rebel News. Please check out their analysis of this incredibly positive report, confirming our opposition against the COVID-19 situation. ————————————–
Freedom for the Ostriches
In an awesome show of solidarity, over 120 people from all over BC and Alta., showed up at the farm to see Katie and the Ostriches on Saturday! The weather was nothing short of spectacular – sunny and warm for most of the day. It was amazing to see these wonderful animals up close and to meet the family personally. Katie and her mother provided wonderfully inspiring speeches and gratitude. Recently, Katie obtained an injunction in the Federal Court against the cull of these wonderful animals. A judicial review of the Canadian Inspection Agency’s decision to cull these animals will now take place at some future date, likely within 1-2 months. Here is the link to the upcoming BC Rising online Zoom call this coming Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. Please join us to obtain valuable information from BC Rising group members Erica, Lisa and others who were fundamental in helping obtain this victory, and support for ostriches, their caregivers and friends. JOIN US! kOpxtc0sRdwQ45uAM3jwR#/registration
More irrefutable, scientific proof that climate change is a myth. From core samples taken in locations all over the world, up to 3 km deep. ————————————–Freedom Rallies Visibility = Credibility
“It ain’t over till it’s over” Next Kelowna Rallies: Saturdays 12:00 noon February 8, 2025 Hwy 97 & Cooper March 1, 2025 Stuart Park!! Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!February 8, 2025 12:00 noon Vernon Freedom Rally 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park Join Ted for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio ————— February 8, 2025 12:00 noon Kamloops Freedom Gathering Valleyview Centennial Park ————— February 8, 2025 12:00 noon O.K. Falls Freedom Rally 11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station ————— February 8, 2025 12:00 noon Oliver
Parliament is prorogued in a moment of profound crisis We remain threatened by an unprecedented trade war with the United States that could have a devastating impact on our economy and sovereignty. Meanwhile, Parliament is completely shut down and unable to meaningfully respond.
On January 6, Prime Minister Trudeau announced the decision to advise the Governor General to prorogue Parliament, leaving Canada rudderless in a moment of profound crisis. Parliament is the place where elected representatives debate and legislate to address the nation’s pressing issues and where they exercise the tools to hold the government to account.
On January 7, lawyers funded by the Justice Centre launched a constitutional challenge to set aside Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision and to secure a declaration that Parliament has not been legally prorogued. We also launched a Petition to Re-Open Parliament Immediately on January 8. Within hours, thousands of Canadians had signed it. To date, over 50,000 Canadians have signed it.
On January 18, 2025, Chief Justice Paul S. Crampton of the Federal Court recognized the urgent, exceptional and compelling issues raised by this prorogation challenge and granted an expedited hearing. In his ruling he wrote, “If the underlying Application is not scheduled to be heard on an expedited basis, there will be no opportunity for Canada’s elected representatives to debate this serious threat [of 25 percent tariffs] and take any action that they may consider appropriate for over two months following President-elect Trump’s assumption of office.”
Since then, lawyers for the Applicants have worked tirelessly to prepare their evidence and arguments against the decision to shut down Parliament. They filed their Factum in Federal Court on February 3.
What happens next
On February 12, I will deliver more than 50,000 petition signatures to the Office of the Prime Minister on Wellington Street in Ottawa. If you haven’t signed our petition and wonder, “What do petitions accomplish anyway?” I answer your questions here.
On February 13 and 14, lawyers funded by the Justice Centre will argue against the decision to prorogue Parliament in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada building. Our communications team will report on the hearing from the courtroom. What happens in that courtroom will be historic. The Applicants’ lawyers will urge the Federal Court to accept and adopt a non-binding precedent from the United Kingdom Supreme Court, which found Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament in 2019 to be unjustified and unlawful.
What you can do today The word “democracy” means “the force of the common people.” Democracies crumble when ordinary Canadians like you and I sit on the sidelines. I hope you will support our court challenge in whatever way you can.
Sign and share our petition to Re-Open Parliament Immediately
Each additional signature shows MPs of all parties that Canadians object to Parliament being shut down, especially at this crucial time. The Prime Minister could recall Parliament at any time. Petition signatures give him another reason to do so. If you have already signed this petition, I thank you for actively participating in your democracy. Please consider sharing our petition on social media.
Following the Justice Centre on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and X is the most effective way to receive critical updates on this case. We often post breaking news on this case hours before mainstream media are aware of developments.
Hello everyone, I regret to inform you that today the Senate passed new so called “hate speech” laws that will curtail the ability of Australians to speak their minds. The bill was sold as being necessary to address anti-semitism, but the bill expands the list of protected attributes to include ‘sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status and disability’. What does any of that have to do with antisemitism? Rather than using existing laws against incitement to crack down on any problems Labor, with the support of the Liberals/Nationals and the Greens, today rammed through the Senate new laws which are so broad, and so vague, that they will create far more problems than they solve. The new laws are nothing less than an attack on the free speech of ordinary Australians. While the speech laws may well punish a very small group of extremists, they will also capture everyday Australians, who now run the risk of being criminalised for no more than expressing unpopular political or religious views. The new laws lower the threshold of prosecution from “intent” to cause harm to “recklessness”. Which means you simply have to be reckless with your words, if you are, then you could have committed an offence. Who decides what is reckless? As sure as night follows day, these new laws will be weaponised by activists to go after people they disagree with. If you dare to say there are only two genders, you could run the risk of being accused of harming trans people and run the risk of criminalisation. If you dare suggest that some religions are not peaceful you could run the risk of being prosecuted for stirring up hatred. If you dare to say that unchecked immigration from this region, or that, is ruining the country, you could run the risk of being pursued. The result is that people will start self-censoring their own words and thoughts. How can we tolerate such a situation? If Australians are not free to say what they truly think, then in what sense are Australians free? Worse, people could be arrested for innocuous social media posts or perhaps opinions expressed over a beer at the pub. This is similar to what we have seen in the UK where laws are now being used to make life a living hell for good people expressing unpopular views. It was outrageous that Senators were been given just one hour to debate this most important of bills. The result of today’s proceedings is that the free speech of Australians will be greatly diminished. A badly written, rushed and ill-considered bill was almost unanimously approved by Senators more concerned with optics than consequences. It was a bad bill. It was a rushed bill. It was a bill that had not been adequately scrutinised by the Senate. It was an anti-free speech bill that I did not and could never have supported. It’s to Australia’s shame that so many Senators behave as though they are there to rubber stamp legislation rather than to consider it in light of the public interest. Yours in freedom,
If you’re unaware of it, Universal Ostrich Farms in Edgewood, BC, suffered an outbreak of avian flu which was declared on Dec. 31, 2024. What happened next is unprecedented: not a single adult ostrich died. A number of the younger birds died, and symptoms persisted in the adults for about two weeks, but there have been no further indications of disease for the last 10 or so days (as of writing this on Jan. 26th). This resistance to avian flu is a world first, and yet the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has ordered the flock be culled by Feb. 1st. Even more incredible is that the farm was already involved in COVID research studying the science of natural immunity, which is our best long- term option for combating any virus and comes with no potential for adverse reactions as vaccines do, especially novel vaccines. Bird eggs are an ideal environment for producing monocolonial antibodies (cloned antibodies meant to stimulate the immune system). Ostriches are especially ideal for this due to their robustness compared to chickens and other poultry livestock, and because their larger eggs produce more material to work with.
This means Canada is now home to a virology research farm which happens to possess the first known flock of naturally H5N1-immune poultry in the world. The situation could not be more perfect for studying why these adult ostriches survived infection with a 0% mortality rate. While focused on natural immunity, the research may too, yield insight into H5N1 treatments that could protect poultry and other livestock, as well as wildlife by reducing transmission from livestock into wild populations. It also contributes to the advancement of treatments for humans should a dangerous variant emerge that more easily transmits from animals to people or from person to person which is a distinct concern among scientists. After declaring the outbreak, CFIA proceeded to issue a cull order for the birds which is a tragic but fairly standard response. Once realizing their birds had survived so successfully, Universal Ostrich informed their research partners of the development, who in turn informed the CFIA, and the CFIA agreed to rescind the order.
So, What’s The Big Deal?The point of this document is to inform you the reader that someone at\ the CFIA, despite being aware of all this, has decided to proceed with th cull order anyway. Not only has this official decided to destroy the only possibility to date for studying a naturally immune animal population, but she’s forbidden the farm from having their animals tested any further under threat of hefty fines and even imprisonment. There is no scientifically-supported reason to forbid testing. Even more alarming, she’s declared intentions to have the CFIA seize any research material not only from the farm but from the farmer’s residence, which is a separate property. The CFIA has no mandate for dealing with medical or veterinary research. Their jurisdiction is strictly biosecurity management, certainly not the seizure of information and research materials, and the farmer’s residence is not the site of any biosecurity hazard the CFIA would have jurisdiction over. This is something like having paramedics show up at your house to execute an arrest warrant for your neighbour, who they already know lives next door. Moderna is currently poised to develop an H5N1 mRNA vaccine, receiving nearly $600 million in development funding from the U.S. government and holding a long-term agreement with the Canadian government to produce mRNA vaccines in country at a new facility in Quebec. This suggests the most plausible explanation is unfortunately that someone in the government is pressing for this action. It’s unlikely any typical agent or officer at the CFIA would engage in such an overreach of authority, in light of a pressing global public interest to preserve these birds, without influence from a political higher-up. There is a huge amount of private profit to be lost should non-proprietary treatments become available or a feasible pathway to natural immunity be discovered. The natural antibodies produced by these birds will be superior to synthetic antibodies created in a lab, rendering Moderna’s planned mRNA vaccine obsolete and inferior. Remember that Moderna made $12 billion from COVID vaccines in 2021 alone. So while there is no scientific reason for the CFIA to order Universal Ostrich to stop testing, there is a clear financial motive to suppress information that would show a cull to be unnecessary. Information that may in fact show a clear reason to protect these animals from any manner of interference.
What To DoAt the moment, there’s no direct mechanism to prevent this overreach before the scheduled cull on February 1st, so it’s up to us to use public pressure and scrutiny instead. Contact your MPs, the official at CFIA responsible for this decision, as well as the CFIA senior management (details below). You might remind them it’s a crime against humanity to deny access to food, especially on such a massive scale, which they’ll be doing by interfering with the development of treatments and disease management strategies for livestock in the face of the H5N1 pandemic that’s already resulted in the loss of many millions of animals. You might also remind them it’s a crime against humanity to deny access to medicine, which they’ll be doing by destroying research and materials used in studying potential treatments for, and strategies to overcome, both COVID, and now H5N1 which has begun to show up in humans. There is no reasonable grounds for taking such action— especially in light of the irreplaceable nature of this ostrich flock which is worth far, far more alive. Despite the seriousness of the situation, please remain respectful as most government employees are doing what they believe is best with the information they have, and may not be aware of the full scope of the situation unfolding. Borrow what you like from this document, but it’s best to write in your own words. Then, inform people you know of the situation and encourage them to get involved. Remember, at the Nuremberg trials “I was just following orders” was not accepted as justification for crimes of this scale and severity. Let public officials know people are watching, and please, be prepared to hold them accountable should they knowingly allow such gross public harm to occur. They will be unable to say they didn’t know after the public thoroughly informs them. It’s easy to write a letter when worked up about a cause, but it’s far more important to stay involved. Study what’s happening, digfor answers, and help make sure this kind of thing doesn’t occur at all. Relevant Contacts:
Cortnie Fotheringham – Operation Chief Command Officer (responsible for proceeding with the cull ) Paul MacKinnon – President (613) 867-7045 Linda Nguyen – Chief of Staff (343) 552-3684 Jean-Guy Forgeron – Executive Vice President (613) 773-6500 David Nanang – Vice President, Science (343) 575-0394 Jane Hazel – Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs (343) 542-2576
Author unknownBack in Kelowna for February 8, 2025: Help us give away hundreds of Druthers every week to supporting drivers!February 1, 2025 12:00 noon Vernon Freedom Rally 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park Join Ted for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio ————— February 1, 2025 12:00 noon Kamloops Freedom Gathering Valleyview Centennial Park ————— February 1, 2025 12:00 noon O.K. Falls Freedom Rally 11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station ————— February 1, 2025 12:00 noon Oliver Freedom Rally 12:00 p.m. Town Hall
Mass Resistance Launches Letter Writing Campaign to Pressure the Ontario Government to Drop Hate Crime Charges
Dear Friends,
I do appreciate the efforts of these American pro-family activists who are generously giving of their time to help bring light and justice to this ridiculous criminal prosecution. If any of you would like to join their campaign and write a letter on my behalf I would be grateful.
Rape survivor reaches settlement with TMU student union after she was barred from event over anti-abortion activism
In August 2017, the student filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, arguing she was a victim of discrimination based on her religious beliefs
Published Jan 29, 2025 • Last updated 5 days ago • 5 minute read
Talia Battista says she was discriminated against because of her religious beliefs. Photo by Lidor Levy
Article content
A rape victim who was turned away from an event for sexual assault survivors at Toronto Metropolitan University due to her anti-abortion activism has reached settlements with the school and its student union.
“(I) want to thank all of the individuals who have supported me and my family throughout the years, through your encouragement, financial support, and your prayers,” the student, Talia Battista, said in a statement.
As part of the settlement, the Toronto Metropolitan Students’ Union will repeal a controversial guideline — Operational Policy #28 — that excluded anti-abortion students from accessing campus resources, according to a press release shared exclusively with National Post.
In February 2017, Talia Battista, a second year business student at then-Ryerson University, tried to attend a “Self-Healing Through Yoga” event on campus for sexual assault survivors. Before she moved to Toronto for university, while she was attending high school in Antigua, Battista says she was in an abusive relationship when her partner allegedly raped her.
When she approached the then-Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) to inquire about the program, she was barred from attending because of her work with Toronto Against Abortion (TAA), a pro-life group on campus. In August 2017, Battista filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, arguing she was a victim of discrimination based on her religious beliefs.
The policy says, “No TMSU resources, space, recognition or funding will be allocated to enhance groups/individuals whose primary/sole purpose is anti-choice activities.”
“Such activities are defined as any campaigns, actions, distribution, solicitation, or lobbying efforts that seek to limit an individual’s right to choose what they can or cannot do with their own body.”
The guideline will now be replaced with “a new ‘Issues Policy’ that reflects TMSU’s strong commitment to remaining a pro-choice students’ union,” according to the press release shared by Battista.
According to the agreements, the details of the settlements must remain confidential, the press release notes, but some information, such as the policy change, can be made public. The student union also pledged to conduct “human rights training for all TMSU employees, staff, and board members,” the press release says, including instruction on “discrimination on the basis of creed and the interface between creed and an individual’s pro-life beliefs.”
The student union did not respond to the Post’s requests for comment before publication. The university declined to comment.
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The press release noted that the student union denied discriminating against Battista.
TMSU denies that it discriminated against Ms. Battista or otherwise violated her human rights. It admits no liability in relation to Ms. Battista’s allegations in the Application, and further specifically and expressly denies such liability,” the press release says.
Battista refrained from commenting to the Post, citing the confidentiality of the settlement, except to say that she had filed two separate complaints against the student union and university and that they were “resolved through separate independent settlement agreements,” in December and January, respectively.
“Both the student union and the university deny all liability in relation to any allegations against them,” Battista said in an email.
TAA demonstrated regularly on campus and often drew negative interactions with union leaders, leading to counterprotests, the alleged theft of graphic posters featuring aborted fetuses and even, on one occasion, the assault of Battista’s colleague. Battista says she was subject to harassment and exclusion from campus events because of her religious beliefs. A few days before the February incident, Battista sought to attend another union-run event and was asked to leave.
“Unfortunately, since RSU does have a pro-choice stance, and a lot of the people in this space kind of feel targeted, some people just aren’t comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions in that kind of setting,” Battista recalled a union leader telling her in a closed-door meeting following her expulsion from that event. When asked to clarify which other equity service centres she would be prohibited from accessing, the union leader said the majority of them, apart from a food bank initiative, because her presence — as a pro-life student — amounted to “an act of continuing … violence and … trauma,” according to audio recordings obtained by National Review.
Adam Sinclair, the president of the university’s TAA chapter, viewed the policy change as a meaningful step towards defending free speech on campus. Sinclair sees the repeal of Operational Policy #28 and TMSU’s commitment to including anti-discrimination training focused on creed and religious belief paving the way towards official student group recognition on campus for TAA, a status previously withheld given its anti-abortion stance.
“Over these past few years, it has been disheartening to see the school’s student union and other agencies within talking about diversity and inclusion, but to then be hostile to people with different beliefs,” he told the Post in an email. “The student union agreeing to repeal their policy banning pro-life clubs, I believe, is a huge win and a step in the right direction and aligns with the schools’ tenets of inclusion and respect.”
Blaise Alleyne, the founder of TAA and a former colleague of Battista’s, was particularly thrilled to see the retraction of Operational Policy #28. The student union’s controversial stance on anti-abortion groups had earlier been unsuccessfully challenged in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, leading Alleyne to call Battista’s settlement “a big win.”
“By taking a stand and making herself vulnerable, Talia got a pro-choice student union to repeal their policy banning pro-life clubs, and established precedent at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario that there is protection for pro-life beliefs.”
Prior to the settlement, in January 2023, the tribunal had ruled that Battista’s beliefs derived from “a tenet of her creed founded in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church,” establishing a basis for her case to proceed. Battista’s attorney, Garifalia Milousis, called it “an unprecedented victory” at the time.
Battista received legal support from Freedoms Advocate, an Alberta-based charity supporting cases related to “issues of fundamental importance to the liberty and constitutional rights of Canadians.” The group was founded by Carol Crosson, who died unexpectedly before the January 2023 verdict.
“Ms. Battista … waited seven years for resolution of this case and it had a tremendous emotional impact on her life,” Randy Crosson, the current executive director of Freedoms Advocate, told the Post in a statement. “We are glad there has been a successful outcome that resolves this to her satisfaction. Universities have a moral obligation to uphold principles of fairness and justice within their communities. All students, regardless of creed and religious beliefs, should be treated equally and fairly and given the same access to supports.”
Political Prisoner Les Bory – In His Own Words (Jan. 26, 2025) Recently convicted on five of eight “hate” and harassment charges, now free pending sentence, after 23 months in detention, denied bail. Political Prisoner Les Bory – In His Own Words (Jan. 26, 2025)
Paul Fromm on “The Flipside With Monika Schaefer — Canadian Political Prisoners (Les Bory and the Coutts Four) & Emotional Memories of the Truckers’Freedom Convoy