Ontario Teacher Fired for Criticizing Critical Race Theory

Marxist ideology has permeated nearly every Canadian institution and has captured our education system.

Cheryl Gould is one of the few teachers who has been brave enough to speak out against the indoctrination of children in Canadian schools, and she has now paid the price.

During a union meeting, Cheryl criticized the use of tax dollars to gift a book advocating for modern-day segregation written by a radical left-wing Marxist titled ‘So You Want to Talk About Race’ to teaching staff.

Her colleagues called her ‘racist’ as a result. Soon after, one of them reported her for posting anti-Marxist satire on social media under a pseudonym.

Click here to find out what happened next:

Cheryl wasn’t just cancelled socially for the concerns she raised in the meeting that day. She was fired from her job, and now her regulator is trying to have her teaching license revoked for the thoughtcrime of criticizing Marxism and critical race theory online.

What happened to freedom of expression?

“We are being subjected to a soft revolution and it’s being done through DEI bureaucracy, and we’re paying for it,” Cheryl told me.

It’s becoming more apparent that the Canadian education system punishes teachers for questioning dangerous ideas and rewards them for indoctrinating children into radical schools of thought!

Not only are our schools hell-bent on stoking racial division among teachers and children through the lens of Marxism, but they are teaching kids they may be born in the wrong body and encouraging them to explore an endless range of sexual identities at a young age.

To fight back against this dangerous system and support teachers like Cheryl, who have been bold enough to speak up, please head to www.StopClassroomGrooming.com to sign our petition.

Yours truly,

Tamara Ugolini
Rebel News

P.S. Cheryl was right when she said, “Revolutionary Marxism does not have a history of making society better, even for the marginalized.” It’s important to counter woke ideology by exposing its bad ideas.

Cheryl Gould is a former Catholic school teacher who is being cancelled by her regulator after it was discovered that she posts satirical content denouncing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies, including critical race theory and gender ideology, as Marxist beliefs.

Gould was fired from her position in 2021 after nearly two decades of high school teaching experience and a clear track record.

Now, the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) is vying for a complete revocation of Gould’s license for the commentary that she posted on social media under a pseudonym that had no ties to her, or her work.

Having taught at inner-city schools within the Toronto Catholic District School board, Gould specialized in alternative education. She became especially involved in teaching those of different backgrounds and capabilities including highly sensitive youth facing life challenges with histories of mental illness or trauma. Gould had never so much as had a complaint from a parent or student, yet that all changed in 2021 when she spoke out in what she thought was a safe and confidential union meeting.

Concerned about ideological capture by Marxist ideology and political intimidation in the workplace, Gould felt compelled to speak out. “For someone like me, who is dissenting against the prevailing ideology that is radically far left, there is no place to voice [those concerns],” explains Gould.

Gould took issue with a book gifted to all teachers by the school Chaplain titled, “So You Want to Talk about Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, and felt it was a clear effort to politically indoctrinate teaching staff.

“This book is written by an American Marxist who has spoken about supporting violent left-wing revolution. It’s about race and appropriate ways to talk about race,” Gould explains, going on to describe how the book advocates for segregating groups based on race. “I don’t think that a book that promotes that sort of messaging should be purchased with tax dollars, so that’s what I said.”

“Revolutionary Marxism does not have a history of making society better, even for the marginalized,” she continues.

But after the meeting, Gould was told she could not raise those concerns and that her colleagues were calling her a racist as a result.

Gould was subsequently suspended for a few months before being terminated completely, not for what she voiced in the union meeting but rather because a colleague who knew of Gould’s pseudonym account had reported her.

Gould pleaded guilty to professional misconduct due to excessive language used in some of her remarks, but as the OCT moves forward with the revocation of her license, Gould claims that one of the adjudicators in her ongoing case is a “Black Power Marxist” and hints at judicial bias.

“We are being subjected to a soft revolution and it’s being done through DEI bureaucracy, and we’re paying for it,” Gould states.

We’re being subjugated by our own tax dollars to the tune of billions of dollars because every institution in Canada now has a whole layer of middle management called DEI and they enforce ideological conformity and they punish and expel dissidents. It’s really like Maoism with Canadian characteristics and it’s being made clear in this hearing with the OCT. Why do we even have a catholic system if we’re not going to promote catholic values and throw them under the bus for a Marxist political movement? I find that objectionable.

Gould has begun crowdfunding her legal defence on GiveSendGo and partnered with United Kingdom-based stand-up comedian Nicolas De Santo to bring a benefit tour to South Eastern Ontario in the weeks ahead. Gould also writes longer form critiques on Substack under C.C. Harvey, The Cancelled Club and provides commentary on X under Catherine The Grateful.

P.E.I. Councillor Seeks Judicial Review of Council Punishment for Questioning Unmarked Grave Tale

P.E.I. councillor accused of posting anti-Indigenous sign seeking judicial review

The sign posted by Councillor John Robertson, which is posted saying "Truth: Mass Graves Hoax, Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A's Integrity." (Courtesy: Gregory Miller) The sign posted by Councillor John Robertson, which is posted saying “Truth: Mass Graves Hoax, Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A’s Integrity.” (Courtesy: Gregory Miller)

Michael MacDonald

The Canadian Press

[We have pointed to this worrisome problem before. An elected official questions one of the sacred cows of wokeness and finds himself/herself fined or prevented by their elected body from fulfilling their duties to their real employers, those who elected them. This had happened in Prince Edward Island to Councillor John Robertson. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE]

A village councillor in Prince Edward Island is asking a court to quash sanctions imposed on him after he displayed a sign on his property referring to a “mass grave hoax” in relation to evidence of unmarked graves at former residential schools.

In documents filed last week with the P.E.I. Supreme Court, Murray Harbour Coun. John Robertson claims fellow councillors exceeded their authority and violated his rights on Nov. 18, 2023, when they decided he had breached the council’s code of conduct.

The councillors then decided to impose a $500 fine and suspend him from his municipal post for six months. Robertson, elected in November 2022, was also removed as chair of the maintenance committee and ordered to write an apology to the mayor, council and the Indigenous community.

The councillor’s application for judicial review, dated Feb. 16, says those sanctions were unreasonable because they failed to account for his fundamental rights to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Robertson argues that he shouldn’t be punished for stating personal opinions that have nothing to do with his role as an elected member of council.

Between late September and early October last year, coinciding with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the councillor displayed a sign on his property with the message, “Truth: mass grave hoax” and “Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A.’s integrity.”

Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, is considered an architect of the residential school system because he championed policies of assimilation and violence toward Indigenous people….

“The subject of Mr. Robertson’s impugned statements included questioning the reliability of news reports of a political nature and providing an opinion respecting a political figure and did not relate to any function undertaken by Mr. Robertson as a member of council,” the application says, arguing the other councillors employed an “overboard interpretation” of the code of conduct.

The document says Robertson has resisted requests to resign, “asserting that the expression of his personal opinions on political topics were not properly the subject of the council’s oversight.” Terry White, mayor of Murray Harbour, population 282, could not be reached for comment Friday.

At one point, the council hired a third-party investigator who concluded Robertson’s signs breached the code of conduct, but the investigator did not make any recommendations about sanctions, the application says. As well, the document asserts that council did not provide reasons for its actions.

On Dec. 20, provincial Communities Minister Rob Lantz said Robertson had until the end of that month to comply with the sanctions. But when that deadline passed, Lantz announced a two-week extension on Jan. 2, saying Robertson had just returned to Canada and was unaware of the ultimatum.

That deadline also came and went. On Jan. 24, Lantz confirmed he had asked a law firm to conduct an inquiry into the matter, mainly because he had received advice from government lawyers saying it was the prudent thing to do, given that the province had never before dealt with this kind of case.

At the time, Lantz said the councillor had failed to show up for council meetings or respond to council’s findings. “He’s shown contempt for his colleagues on council, and contempt for the process,” Lantz said in an interview last month.

Under the province’s Municipal Government Act, only the minister has the power to dismiss a councillor.

Robertson has received calls for his resignation from P.E.I. Sen. Brian Francis, Abegweit First Nation Chief Roderick Gould Jr., as well as the Murray Harbour mayor and other councillors.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 23, 2024.

Defence Chief General Wayne Eyre Shuts Off Critical Comments on His X (Twitter) Account

He may be Canada’s top general but he is still OUR servant. His very woke actions as he heads a crumbling, almost unarmed Canadian military SHOULD be subject to comment and criticism by the taxpayers who pay his salary. But, no, in a fit of pique General Eyre has shut down comments on his X account. ”

Public comments on the official social media account of Canada’s top soldier have been blocked by the military because of the nasty remarks being made about the general as well as government policies.

The move was made in January after Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre faced an increase in negative comments about his alleged poor leadership and his decision to bring in what some describe as the Liberal government’s “woke” agenda. …

Some of the controversial elements of his time as defence chief are the move to a gender-neutral dress code and the decision to allow military personnel to have coloured or long hair, face tattoos or long nails if so desired. …

National Defence spokesperson Andrée-anne Poulin confirmed the decision to shut down the public comments on Eyre’s official X account. “In recent months, we observed a concerning increase in malicious and misinformative engagements that proved detrimental to the Canadian Armed Forces’ ethics, values, and communication objectives,”\

And what does that bafflegab mean in plain English?

Canada’s top general shuts off X account’s comments section

Eyre accused of ushering in ‘woke’ agenda

  • National Post
  • 6 Apr 2024
  • David pugliese
Gen. Wayne Eyre has had a controversial tenure as defence chief, a position he has held since 2021.

Public comments on the official social media account of Canada’s top soldier have been blocked by the military because of the nasty remarks being made about the general as well as government policies.

The move was made in January after Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre faced an increase in negative comments about his alleged poor leadership and his decision to bring in what some describe as the Liberal government’s “woke” agenda.

Defence insiders have told Postmedia News that Eyre is extremely sensitive to the criticism he has faced.

Some of the controversial elements of his time as defence chief are the move to a gender-neutral dress code and the decision to allow military personnel to have coloured or long hair, face tattoos or long nails if so desired.

Eyre has faced additional criticism from military personnel and the public for a variety of issues, including the lack of housing for troops, ongoing sexual assaults in the ranks, and Eyre’s decision to join a standing ovation in the House of Commons for a Waffen SS veteran.

Eyre did not provide comment to questions submitted by Postmedia News.

National Defence spokesperson Andrée-anne Poulin confirmed the decision to shut down the public comments on Eyre’s official X account. “In recent months, we observed a concerning increase in malicious and misinformative engagements that proved detrimental to the Canadian Armed Forces’ ethics, values, and communication objectives,” Poulin noted in an email to Postmedia News. “Considering this, we made the decision back in January to close the comments section on the CDS (Chief of the Defence Staff ) X account.”

Poulin stated that “this measure is aimed at preserving a positive and respectful environment for everyone accessing our information. We believe it is crucial for our platform to uphold standards that promote constructive interactions and discourage harmful behaviours that counter the core principles of the Canadian Armed Forces.”

National Defence would not answer whether there were other official Canadian Forces accounts that prohibit public comments or whether Eyre’s account was the only one. It appears, however, that the only official Canadian Forces account on X that does not allow comments is the one assigned to Eyre.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in January that Eyre would retire this summer.

Eyre has been defence chief since 2021 and in command of the military during one of its most tumultuous times, which has included widespread allegations of sexual assault and misconduct among the senior ranks.

Eyre was named acting defence chief in February 2021 after it was revealed that military police were looking into misconduct allegations against then-chief Adm. Art Mcdonald.

The Liberal government named Eyre as the full-time chief on Nov. 25 of that year, even though no charges were ever laid against Mcdonald.

But Eyre, himself, has had a controversial tenure.

In the fall of 2021, Eyre angered Canadian Forces personnel when he blamed the military’s sexual misconduct crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic for an exodus of personnel. “We need our midlevel leaders to dig deep and do this for the institution, to put service before self, not to retreat into retirement, but to advance forward and face the challenges head-on,” Eyre stated then.

The general’s comments generated an immediate and largely negative response on social media.

Retired and serving military personnel said Eyre was out of touch and that the exodus of personnel had started long before the pandemic or the sexual misconduct crisis. Poor leadership and concerns about quality of life were among the issues cited by those who had left.

Others criticized Eyre for admonishing soldiers who had committed a large part of their lives to serving in the military, noting they had the right to decide when they should leave.

Eyre later acknowledged his comments “did not sit well with some current and former members.”

Eyre also faced criticism for promoting several senior officers who would later be engulfed in allegations of sexual assault or misconduct.

He talked about the need for culture change to stem the number of sexual assaults, but during his tenure the number of reported incidents of sexual misconduct and assaults increased.

Warning to America

Warning to America:Trudeau’s Online Censorship Bill will,when it becomes law, stifle the growing chorus of anti-immigration voices just in a nick of time. Cheap labour employers, the home building industry and developers are depending on it. Billions of dollars are at stake. Let the Great Replacement proceed!

By Tim Murray on 1 March 2024


America, this is what happens to countries (like mine) which do not have the equivalent of a Second Amendment:

Liberals’ “online hate” bill contains $70K fines for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes, True North, 26 February 2024.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a half-assed document that attempts to trade off free speech with other “rights”, as if free speech is not the one right upon which all other rights depend. In other words, Canadian constitutional law is based on a deeply flawed understanding of what makes a democracy work.

If the issue is “harmful” speech, then the good old fashioned Criminal Code of Canada sufficed. Speech that incites violence is prohibited. That litmus test was understood and accepted across the political spectrum.

But then, consensus was easily achieved in a largely homogeneous society, which bicultural Canada was. In the early 70s, well over 90 percent of us were of European origin.

Then along came mass immigration and a change in immigration selection criteria that ensured that nine in ten migrants would come from “non-traditional” (ie. non-European) sources. Over time, a nation of “Two Solitudes”, British and French, eventually became 200 solitudes (and more. Hello “vibrant diversity”, goodbye cohesion and comity.

Subsequently the game became “We have to keep the peace among rival ethnic and religious groups”. The remedy? Suppress free expression that would exacerbate tensions. As Lee Kwan Yu concluded, ethnic and religious harmony must come at the expense of free speech. When famed Canadian journalist George Jonas came to Canada as a Hungarian refugee in 1956, he reported that the most common phrase he heard in his adopted land was “Everyone is entitled to his opinion.” But 40 years later it was “I am offended”.

What does this have to do with sustainable population policy? Everything.

Seventy percent of Canada’s population growth is driven by immigration, and the percentage is growing. Now the three major parties favour an annual immigration intake of 500,000+ in pursuit of an insane population target of 100 million (up from our present 40 million!). Trudeau’s agenda of stringent internet censorship and extreme punishment for thought crimes makes any challenge to this immigration policy risky to say the least. Especially when Canada’s version of the SPLC, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is looking for a xenophobe / Islamophobe / transphobe under every bed. In addition to the criminal charges that Trudeau’s proposed changes would involve, human rights charges under the various civil provincial codes could be applied.

It should be remembered that under the federal and provincial Human Rights code, the legal costs incurred by a complainant are picked up by taxpayers, however frivolous or absurd the change. Meanwhile, typically the defendant has to mortgage his house to mount a defence. In other words, a complainant has no incentive not to file a complaint and financially ruin you. How’s that for fair play?

What transpires over the next year or half a year is critical to the country’s future. At long last there are mainstream voices calling for a halt to over-immigration madness. Trudeau and his puppeteers on Bay Street understand that these voices must be stifled NOW. The backlash against hyper-immigration proposals must be nipped in the bud. Billions of dollars are at stake. Cheap labour employers, developers, the homebuilding industry and the major banks are counting on the windfall that will fall into their laps as runaway population growth proceeds.

I am very alarmed.


Elon Musk says Justin Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada

Elon Musk says Justin Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada

Elon Musk’s statement came in response to a journalist’s tweet on the Canadian government having “one of the world’s most repressive online censorship schemes”.

Profile image

By CNBCTV18.com Oct 2, 2023 10:10:31 AM IST (Updated)

2 Min Read

Elon Musk says Justin Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of “crushing free speech” in the country. Musk’s statement came in response to a journalist’s tweet on the Canadian government having “one of the world’s most repressive online censorship schemes”.Remaining Time -10:58https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.593.1_en.html#goog_604699895


“The Canadian government, armed with one of the world’s most repressive online censorship schemes, announces that all “online streaming services that offer podcasts” must formally register with the government to permit regulatory controls,” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted on October 1.Retweeted Greenwald’s post, Musk said, “Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada. Shameful.His remark came in the wake of tense diplmatic ties between India and Canada. The Canadian PM created an uproar after he alleged India’s role in the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey in July this year.India has denied the claims, calling it ‘absurd’ and ‘motivated’, while Canada has yet to provide any public evidence to support the claim about Nijjar’s killing.This is not the first time the Trudeau government has been accused of acting against free speech.News agency ANI reported that in February 2022, Trudeau had invoked emergency powers – for the first time in the country’s history – to arm his government with more power to respond to the trucker protests, who were opposing the vaccine mandates at that time.(Edited by : Akriti Anand)

New Brunswick Village Wants to Restrict Meetings on Action4Canada

[The following report is from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, one of Canada’s most militant anti-free speech groups. Apparently, the village council of the obscure village of New Maryland, NB was shocked it had rented space to the Christian pro-freedom Action 4 Canada for a meeting of its leader Tanya Gaw. The town now wants to ban meetings of groups ” One east coast village is looking at changing its policies to forbid events held by organizations that target marginalized groups after an anti-2SLGBTQ organization held a talk at a local community centre this week.” Let’s be quite clear, the town’s space is taxpayers’ property. It belongs to everyone. Any censorship of views in abhorrent. Note the mantra “marginalized groups.” The LGBTQ crowd are scarcely marginalized. They received buckets of money from various levels or government, privileged status in “anti-hate laws and fawning publicity from the mass media, especially the rabidly anti-Christian, taxpayer funded CBC. Advertizing yourself as “marginalized” is a way to insist on freedom from criticism. The Jewish lobby are masters at this so that under Trudeau’s law, snuck through Parliament as a budget item, disbelief in the holocaust story is now a criminal offence. — Paul Fromm]

Village Council Reviewing Rental Policies After Speech By Founder Of One Of Canada’s Largest Anti-2SLGBTQ Groups

The village will be “reviewing our facility rental policy” after Tanya Gaw of Action4Canada spoke at a municipal venue. Posted on August 1, 2023

Peter Smith
Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Source: Twitter

One east coast village is looking at changing its policies to forbid events held by organizations that target marginalized groups after an anti-2SLGBTQ organization held a talk at a local community centre this week. 

On Monday, Action4Canada (A4C) founder Tanya Gaw was a guest speaker during an event in the Village of New Maryland, NB, about 10 km outside of downtown Fredericton. 

A broad Christian nationalist organization with chapters across the country, A4C lends its voice to a variety of social issues. Regularly pushing Islamophobic, conspiratorial, and anti-2SLGBTQ+ theories about the problems plaguing Canada and Western nations, the group is well-resourced and extremely active since its founding in 2019. 

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has previously reported on the history and advocacy of A4C, the most recent of which has been campaigning against family-friendly events featuring drag performers. Many drag events intended for adults take place in age-restricted venues and do feature sexualized performances and themes. Family-friendly drag events feature performers in colourful costumes and high-energy performances that are suitable for children.

The organization makes regular claims about a network of child groomers, using 2SLGBTQ issues – all 2SLGBTQ issues – as a means of subverting the county’s Christian values. A4C also publishes a wide range of bizarre takes relating to subjects from 5G cellular phone technology, cannabis legalization, “political Islam,” and more. 

“Unbeknownst to us,” the village council wrote in a statement released on social media, “event organizers have invited a guest speaker that has previously openly and publicly expressed points of view that are not consistent with what our Council nor what we believe our community would support.”  https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-

According to the statement, these views include that the struggle for 2SLGBTQ rights has been hijacked by radical activists who are attacking the core freedoms and rights of all Canadians, that there is a “harmful Marxist agenda” to destroy Canada’s foundational Judeo-Christian principles, and that “political Islam” is a threat to the “sovereignty and security” of the country.

“Our staff and Council will be reviewing our facility rental policy to ensure these types of activities are avoided in the future,” the statement adds. 

In a statement of her own, Mayor Judy Wilson-Shee apologized for the upset the rental had caused in New Maryland, adding she understands the impact it had on many residents. 

“We had rented the space in good faith and later, and closer to the time of the event, learned the event was not what was presented,” she said in the statement. “Moving forward in a positive manner, Council will be meeting with senior staff and seeking legal advice so as to be better prepared to respond to similar situations arising in the future.”

The group distinguished itself during the pandemic by providing printable Notices of Liability, which it encouraged members to deliver to public officials and law enforcement. A4C claimed the notices provided a type of legal protection against health mandates and opened up future avenues of legal recourse against a variety of levels of government.

In February 2023, A4C was banned from speaking during school board meetings in Mission, BC, after board Chair Shelley Carter told City News that Gaw used the meeting to spread hate propaganda.

Winnipeg Trustee Francine Champagne Punished by Being Docked Three Months Pay for Remarks Critical of the LGBTQ Agenda

Police called after anti-LGBTTQ+ group upends school board meeting

Maggie Macintosh Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
By: Maggie Macintosh Posted:


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Police were called to a Windsor Park school board meeting after a ruckus was raised by a group of people who made anti-LGBTTQ+ comments and demanded answers about a trustee’s recent suspension on Tuesday.

Elected officials in the Louis Riel School Division unanimously voted to discipline St. Boniface representative Francine Champagne earlier this month.

The rookie trustee was found to have breached internal policies on respecting human diversity and social media usage.

School trustee Francine Champagne was suspended for three months without pay, owing to recent anti-LGBTTQ+ activity on her personal social media page.
LOUIS RIEL SCHOOL DIVISION School trustee Francine Champagne was suspended for three months without pay, owing to recent anti-LGBTTQ+ activity on her personal social media page.

“The sexualization of our children in schools is all part of the agenda (insert angry face emoji),” she recently wrote on Facebook in one particular post linking to stopworldcontrol.com — a conspiracy theorist website.

More than two dozen of Champagne’s supporters showed up to the board’s latest public meeting before it was scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. to question her three-month suspension without pay. At least one person wore a Freedom Convoy 2022 T-shirt.

All individuals were allowed in the boardroom at 50 Monterey Rd., despite the LRSD’s ongoing request that anyone who wants to attend a virtual or in-person meeting register in advance. The majority of attendees showed up unannounced.

When division staffers realized they were overcapacity and raised the fire code issue, visitors began shouting in protest of anyone being kicked out. They made slurs, many of which were directed at trustee Ryan Palmquist.

Palmquist, who represents South St. Vital, has been subject to harassment since he came out as bisexual on social media — an act he said was in solidarity with the LRSD’s LGBTTQ+ community after his board colleague’s online activity was brought to light.

On Tuesday, attendees called him everything from “pedophile” to “groomer” to “f—-ing faggot.”

“There was a definite feeling that this situation could spiral even further out of control at any second,” Palmquist said, noting one individual made threatening throat-cutting gestures at him.

“This crowd was riled up and these people really, truly, honestly believe, I think, that children are being victimized in our schools and they are acting accordingly. They have been fed a diet of propaganda and vitriol by social media and that has detached them from reality.”

Amid the chaos, the board declared a brief recess, after which members reconvened with a shortened agenda of priority items that had to be addressed before the end of the 2022-23 school year.

When it came time for the standard 15-minute forum where trustees take questions, various participants took the mic to demand why Champagne was penalized for “expressing a point of view.”

Board chairwoman Sandy Nemeth told attendees that trustees determined the code of conduct had been breached and followed protocols in line with legal obligations set out in the Public Schools Act.

“(We) hold each other accountable, which all of us — Francine included — agreed to,” Nemeth said, noting all nine board members signed an oath of office when they assumed their positions for the 2022-26 term.

Trustees must “refrain from expressing opinions and/or sharing information through social media that would discredit, undermine or compromise the integrity of the board,” per LRSD policy.

Division documents state its facilities are inclusive environments wherein students, staff and visitors are expected to demonstrate respect for human rights.

Throughout the June 20 event, attendees heckled the board and senior administrators. “Wake up, you people!” someone shouted at one point.

One speaker — a 16-year-old who said she used to attend the LRSD before starting homeschooling during the pandemic — accused city schools of sexualizing students and confusing children about their gender, popular claims made by anti-LGBTTQ+ groups.

Wayne Sturby described himself as a former corrections officer in Headingley who was terminated because he refused to declare his COVID-19 vaccination status or submit to regular testing at the height of the public health crisis.

“I have seen nothing but abuses made by our provincial government, the civil service and I’ve seen what appears to me – what appears to me – may be a blatant abuse of power on the part of this school board, too,” Sturby said, after which the room erupted in applause.

Winnipeg police confirmed it received multiple reports and updates about disturbances at the site, the first of which came in around 6:30 p.m.

Const. Dani McKinnon said the dispatch unit asked the usual questions about risks and given there were no reports of assaults or injuries, officers did not immediately go to the scene.

Three police vehicles arrived around the time the meeting was abruptly adjourned after the question-and-answer session and tensions had largely simmered.

As far as Palmquist is concerned, the people who showed up pose a threat to students and division families at large.

“The way that they spoke to me in a public setting, the homophobic slurs they threw out my way — in a completely public meeting that was filmed and that they were filming — begs the question of what they might be capable of,” the trustee said.

As of Wednesday afternoon, roughly 750 people had signed an online petition calling for Champagne’s resignation. A mother with a child in the LRSD launched the appeal on Change.org last week.

Champagne did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Provincial legislation equips school boards with the power to censure, temporarily bar or suspend a member from their duties for up to three months if they breach a code of conduct.

A board can only declare a seat vacant due to a trustee death, resignation, disqualification, move to reside outside the division or failure to attend three consecutive regular meetings without authorization.


Twitter: @macintoshmaggie

The Censors Never Rest: Moon Rock Books Cancelled By Square, Their Debit/Credit Card Processor

Hello Moon Rock Books,

We recently reviewed your account, and have unfortunately found activity that violates our Terms of Service including but not limited to the following:

Section 3 General Terms

Section 3 Payment Terms

We are sorry to inform you that due to this activity, your account is now deactivated, and we are no longer able to accept payments related to your business.

Thank you for choosing Square. We understand that this decision may cause changes in how you run your business and did not make it lightly.


Square Compliance team.

They never tell you why you were canceled, but it’s usually tied to one of their big lies.

This Moon Rock Book, which was banned twice by Amazon, dismantles their phony “Holocaust,” the key to their control over the weak-minded, which are, sadly, most humans.

While they have canceled our credit/debit card payment processor, again, there are many ways for U.S. & non-U.S. customers to transact business with us. U.S. customers can use GreenPay eCheck, which allows you to pay with your U.S. checking or savings account, by simply entering your routing and account numbers, less information than a credit or debit card requires.

Most non-U.S. customers worldwide can use Western Union or similar services, or their own bank’s wire transfer service for a small fee, while others can use national e-Transfer services such as Interac in Canada. Most customers can create an account at the low-fee money transfer service Wise (formerly TransferWise). Additionally, we have never had one issue with receiving cash, checks, or money orders from all over the world, which is pretty amazing, especially the cash option. Just make sure the check or money order is drafted in U.S. dollars and not your local currency.

If opting not to use GreenPay eCheck, select Cash, Check, or Money Order via Snail Mail to save your order, even if choosing to use any of the aforementioned options. You cannot, and will not, be charged anything, but we will have all your info to expedite your delivery.

Thanks for your patience during these difficult times; please let us know if we can answer any questions, and so sorry for the inconvenience. Free speech, of course, is at stake, and we all must do anything and everything to ensure its survival, at whatever cost. Make no mistake, this is a war for our survival.

‘Censorship in its purest form’: Chicago news outlets slam Mayor Lightfoot for blocking live police scanner transmissions — Trying to Hide The True Horrors of the Shooting Gallery Her Gun Control City Has Become

NewsCandace HathawayDecember 14, 2022 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images) Like Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.

A coalition of news organizations from crime-ridden Chicago wrote an open letter to viewers on Tuesday accusing Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot of “censorship” after she moved to block live transmissions of police scanners, WGN-TV reported.

Lightfoot authorized the city’s Office of Emergency Management and the police department to transition to encrypted radio frequencies to prevent the public from listening to live police activity.

Since the decision, the news outlet claimed that Lightfoot has refused to address the media’s concerns.

News organizations in the metropolitan area, including WGN-TV, WBBM-TV, WMAQ-TV, WLS-TV, WFLD, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the Chicago Tribune, all signed the open letter referring to Lightfoot’s new policy as “censorship in its purest form.”