Published Jan 07, 2025 • Last updated 1 day ago • 4 minute read
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a news conference at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, Canada on January 6, 2025. Trudeau announced his resignation, saying he will leave office as soon as the ruling Liberal party chooses a new leader. Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images
By proroguing Parliament on Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have just sabotaged the fate of our relationship with the United States. But this, at very least, came with a happy side-effect: he also sabotaged the progressive legislative agenda that’s overtaken both houses of government.
In other words, a whole bunch of bad bills just died. Good riddance.
The online harms (censorship) bill? Dead.
The Liberals were already backing off Bill C-63, having announced in early December that the hulking piece of legislation would be split in two in hopes of making at least parts of it into law. Now, the whole thing is off the table. It’s mostly good news: the draft online harms law would have subjected social media companies operating in Canada to a new government bureaucracy in the name of “safety.” Moreover, it would have introduced the vague crime of “hate crime” and tasked the Canadian Human Rights Commission with regulating comments online.
Now, this also means the death of the parts of C-63 that worked to crack down on child sexual abuse online, but even that had its flaws.
Also dead is that bill that would have made thousands of people around the world eligible for Canadian citizenship.
Bill C-71, if you remember, would give the children of Canadians born abroad citizenship through descent, as long as the parents can establish a “substantial connection” to Canada. The guardrail wouldn’t be a secure one, since some judges don’t believe that there are any citizens who lack a connection to the country.
This newsletter tackles hot topics with boldness, verve and wit. (Subscriber-exclusive edition on Fridays)
The bill’s proponents marketed it as a remedy to a rare problem that sometimes afflicts Canadian families who live abroad, such as military families. However, in trying to solve their problems, the bill would have made it much easier for citizenship to be obtained by the grandchildren of birth tourists (people who travel to Canada to give birth, which secures Canadian citizenship for their child).
Lesser-known Senate bills of grave consequence are in the grave, too, including a bill that would have allowed every minority group to establish its own healing lodges (that is, low-security incarceration facilities for prisoners).
Bill S-230 would have required a lot worse, too. If passed, the law would require the Correctional Service of Canada to approve all requests by prisoners to transfer to their respective healing lodges, unless a court were to decide that such a transfer was “not to be in the interests of justice.”
Introduced by the same senator jockeying for identity-based healing lodges, was Bill S-233, which is also now dead. It would have required the government to create a Universal Basic Income framework that would cover anyone in Canada over the age of 17 — even non-Canadians like temporary foreign workers, permanent residents and asylum seekers. Though it was more a concept of a plan and didn’t set out any dollar figures, the bill would have opened the door to even more unproductive spending.
And finally, the Senate bill that would have commandeered Canadian banks to regulate the climate impact of its clients has met its timely end as well.
The draconian Bill S-243, which was midway through the Senate, would have allowed the federal financial regulator to mandate banks to increase the amount of capital clients need to finance loans related to the fossil fuel industry. The bill would have also mandated that corporate directors in the finance industry uphold the federal government’s climate commitments, violating the public-private boundary that free countries are supposed to respect.
“The bill would effectively discourage — in some cases probably even block — financing of pipeline operators, natural gas distributors and fuel companies,” wrote Financial Post columnist Joe Oliver in 2023.
Though these troubling Senate bills weren’t introduced by the Liberals, they might as well have been. Their sponsors are members of the Independent Senators Group, which is the heir to the Liberal senate caucus, and their work certainly aligns with the Liberal government’s agenda.
Article content
Also dead is the capital gains inclusion rate hike, which, for the Liberals to even get on the order paper as a bill, required a successful notice of means and ways motion. Though, this one’s still twitching: the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is still applying the new rules that were announced by the Liberals, and is thus asking people to prepare to pay them in their next filing. This isn’t a radical new change on the CRA’s part, however: convention (backed by law) holds that tax changes are applied as they’re announced, under the assumption the legislation will pass. If legislation ends up not passing (which is looking to be the case here), taxpayers can expect a refund instead.
Not all bills before Parliament will die, unfortunately.
Private members’ bills that start in the House of Commons are immune to prorogation, according to House rules. That means that the jurisdiction-defying school food program bill (which comes with all sorts of cultural restraints), Bill C-322, will live to see another session.
As will C-332, which would criminalize “coercive control” — that is, behaviour that makes a person’s spouse or partner that makes the other person feel unsafe. The latter is an honourable goal, but the way it’s drafted is so broad that it risks capturing relationships that, though toxic, aren’t dangerous.
Realistically, though, private progressive bills that don’t offer much benefit probably don’t have much to look forward to in the new session. With new governments come new priorities …
It’s a relief that the age of messy Liberal legislation is coming to a close. The purgatory prime minister will cause us a lot of problems in the coming weeks — but sloppy new laws cranked out of Parliament won’t be one of them.
Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist
Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?
Kelowna Courts
Falsified assault charge
Kelowna Courthouse
R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault
Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:
August 9, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Kelowna Courthouse 1355 Water St.
Thank you for all your support and belief for freedom!!
Remember the Freedom Principle:
An attack against one is an attack against all.
An attack against all, is an attack against one.
Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:
September 9, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.
Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing
This hearing date was set on Monday, July 22. It was once again set over to Sept. 9 to set the agenda for the hearing of the appeal from the conviction and sentence of J. Heinrichs.
In a disturbing trend in Canada, Government officials are starting to assault innocent Canadians and, frequently, then charging these innocent people. It started with Interior Health official Greg Smith, Paladin Security official Jason Davis and Taj Smith, all assaulting myself, David Lindsay by using their upper torso to physically block me from my right of access into the building. Subsequently, the Crown authorized charges to be laid against me of assault.
In order to do this, Greg Smith falsified a complaint to the RCMP that I had caused a disturbance in the IH building. Fortunately, we have entire video recording to show that Smith lied to the police.
This then, was followed by an RCMP officer assaulting Rebel News reporter David Menzies by intentionally bumping into him on a public sidewalk while he was asking questions to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, then charging Mr. Menzies with assault.
Now Prime Minister Trudeau has recently assaulted The Counter Signal reporter Keean Bexte on a Tofino shoreline.
Thank you to Chris for compiling the video involving myself in Kelowna at Interior Health and the Trudeau video into an X (formerly Twitter) compilation to show these events, that has now gone viral to show the stupidity of the charges against me. Trudeau, without provocation or right, repeatedly and physically assaults Bexte by pushing him with two hands, and then with one hand, significantly stronger than my mere attempt to enter into a building. I was merely trying to enter a building and these guards unlawfully blocked me, Trudeau intentionally attacked Bexte.
You’ll remember the SNC Lavalin affair where Trudeau was caught red-handed interfering with the independence of the Attorney General Judy Raybould? Will he now interfere with the AG of BC to stop the AG from prosecuting him for assault?
Time will tell but make no mistake, this is an unprovoked criminal assault, if one applies s. 265 of the Criminal Code as broadly as they applied it to me. The Crown David Grabavac was seeking two years in jail (he then lowered to 9-12 months), a 10 year weapons ban, three years probation and a DNA sample be provided. We won’t know what is ordered in sentencing until Aug. 9, however make no mistake, my attempt to enter a building I had a right by invitation to enter, was not an assault, where Trudeau’s clear unprovoked and intentional use of force strong enough to push Bexte back at one point, does constitute an assault.
This video has now been seen by almost 20 000 people in a matter of days.Please continue to forward far and wide to show the discrepancy where the governments continue to charge innocent people who advocate for freedom, and protect criminal government officials from their real criminal activities.
City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al
Petition to Stop Rallies
Week of September 3, 2024 10:00 a.m.
1355 Water St.
Kelowna Courthouse
for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)
We had one day before the Hon. Justice Hardwick. The remaining two days were canceled apparently due to the judge either being ill or otherwise not available to appear.
There has now been a further three days set aside during the week of Sept. 3, 2024 for the continuation of this hearing. I will be notified on the Friday, Aug. 30, 2024 of what days this will be. Considering that Monday, Sept. 2 is Labour Day, it appears we will be heard starting Tuesday or Wednesday of that week.
Our documents in this case are located on our website at:
Please remember other innocent people who have stood up for our rights and freedoms against our tyrannical governments during COVID-19 and to the present, who are now in the midst of their ongoing, oppressive trials:
Tamara Lich
Chris Barber
The Coutts prisoners: Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert
Pat King
and many other real victims.
NOTE: Jury deliberations are set to commence on Wed this week at Coutts, after the Judge reads about 70 pages of instructions to the jury.
Ask yourself, why are 70+ pages of instructions required for a jury to only consider the facts? I have seen similar instructions in the past and it is amazing how anyone can be found innocent by a jury after a judge reads these instructions, which on one hand tell the jury how important their functions are and that they are only to try the facts, and then by the time the instructions are read to them, leave them with almost no doubt that the judge believes that the prisoners are guilty.
Empower Hour
Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.
To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.
Weekly News Updates:
Pierre Attallah – Attempts by the City of Winnipeg for 15 minutes city
David Lindsay – Legal updates including sentencing and relationship to recent Trudeau assault against reporter, Keean Bexte
Stuart Park Across from City Hall 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
1083 Sunset Dr. 6:00-9:00 p.m. Lounge Area – Please bring a chair if you can as we may not have enough.
New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy
It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.
The Bank of Canada is admittedly planning for digital currency. It claims that it will not replace cash – BUT – and here is the caveat, it will continue to use cash “notes for as long as Canadians want them.”
In other words, if you don’t use cash, you will lose it. Reading between the lines, it is clear that the Gov’t will simply issue press releases and polls showing most Canadians don’t use and/or don’t want cash, and then the Bank of Canada will claim it has to eliminate cash because few people are using it or want it, and it is, ironically, too costly to maintain printing the notes and coins.
Bill Still, the US Patriot and author of the incredible documentary, The Money Masters, outlines the results of recent polls showing that 86% of Canadians fear the digital dollar!!! Wow.
87% of Canadians have heard or are aware of the Bank of Canada’s CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), and 82% are strongly opposed to it!!
Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency!
It will cost them too much in lost business.
Here is two awesome posters that you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.
For Business owners:
The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:
The internet is down
There is a power outage
The card reader malfunctions
Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons
Your phone is stolen
Your passwords are co-opted
Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing
There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card
Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card
CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.
Suggested Solution:
Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.
USE CASH $$$$$$$$$
Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????
Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!
Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!
Kindness of the week
While in a store recently, a woman attempted to pay by credit card. Her card would not work and she had no cash on her to pay for $80 worth of groceries the teller already rang through. As she was going to leave without her groceries, a kind woman between us, offered to pay her bill, albeit also using her credit card. This kind woman allowed the woman in front of us to leave with her groceries, and simply said to the woman whose credit card did not work, to show similar kindness to others in the future.
I had a brief discussion with this kind woman who paid the bill, and also reminded her of the importance of using cash, including privacy and ensuring that this sort of result did not happen. She fortunately said that she frequently does use cash but wasn’t able to on this particular day
I gave her a big hug as this kind woman began to leave with her own groceries. Blessings to this kind woman who paid the $80 bill and allowed the other customer to have her groceries.
If you see or hear of any acts of Kindness that we can give credit to people for, please send me your story to:
Only three areas of Canada (BC, NWT and Yukon) recorded record high temperatures in the past 24 years. Almost all other records were set many decades ago. More evidence of climate boiling myth!
Here are 10 examples of corporate greed and profits over everything and everyone else, including examples of planned obsolescence.
Alberta Premier Smith is promising to make an amendment to the Alberta Bill of Rights this fall, to protect people from medical coercion and their right to accept or refuse medical treatment without prejudice. As usual, it will all come down to the wording of these amendments.
In further attacks against our culture, the University of Waterloo is being taken to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario by a man claiming denials of employment because of the University’s stated policy was that the job position was “open only to qualified individuals who self-identify as women, transgender, gender-fluid, or n0on-binary, or Two -spirit.”
BC’s Provincial Health Officer, Bonnie (The Commie) Henry, and Health Minister Adrian Dix, announced recently that they are rescinding the initial COVID-19 order of Bonnie Henry that denied employment status to thousands of doctors and nurses who refused to be vaccinated against their free will (read: criminally assaulted.) BC was the last jurisdiction in North America to so do. But this doesn’t end the matter.
Do these workers retain their seniority? Do they get their original jobs and benefits back, or are they regulated to cleaning hospital toilets? Dix is on record saying that these unemployed workers should apply to fill available positions. Does this mean they lose their original jobs they worked for decades to get? And what of all their knowledge and experience? Is this lost while they must now do other jobs or clean toilets?
It is no coincidence that this is happening just months prior to the upcoming election.
Dix further stated that these health care workers must provide their immune status for various pathogens, including the non-isolated, COVID-19 virus. In other words, these terminated workers must now give up their medical privacy status in order to work.
Further, how is this done? Blood samples, ie: invasion of one’s bodily integrity? This is just a polite way of saying, again, forced criminal assaults upon people in order to work.
Bonnie Henry further claims that this situation could change in the future if there are new outbreaks or new viruses. Meaning, again, no accountability for these government officials and no employment guarantees for the future if these courageous people refuse to be assaulted in order to work.
Thank you, Tanya, for this link to the recent video of nurse Corinne Mori. I urge everyone to listen to the incredible details she provides not only in relation to this recent order, but in relation to the activities of the unions as well!
In a sign of things to come, Denmark has become the first country in the world to tax cow farts, to ostensibly counter global warming.
We should be taxing all the s____ coming out of the mouths of politicians to pay off our national and provincial debts first.
In the ongoing expose of corruption in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines, the European Commission Court of Justice has just ruled that the European Union wrongfully withheld critical details regarding its billion-Euro contracts with Pfizer. This was a result of a lawfuit demanded full disclosure of these contracts.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, was caught lying to the public about the number of vaccines and costs, in her private texts to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Now we need to get this similar information on our Provincial and Canadian Governments, and hold these officials accountable.
The recent Olympics in Paris have brought this sports contest to a new low. Organizers have permitted an opening ceremony exclusively on the topics of anti-Christianity and mocking the Christian faith. Here is but one disgusting sample:
Fortunately, thousands protested in the streets of Paris the following days. Here is but one sample of the filth in this opening event.
If we had acted similarly towards these special gov’t funded interest groups, I’m sure charges would have been laid and/or other legal actions taken. Why not against these people?
Sunday Paper Deliveries
Next delivery day:
Summer Holidays
(Weather Permitting)
A bit about David
Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II asap.
Thanks for your patience.
Freedom Rallies
“It ain’t over till it’s over”
Next Kelowna Rallies:
August 3, 2024
Stuart Park
Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!
August 3, 2024 12:00 noon
Vernon Freedom Rally
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park
Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!
We are almost a quarter of a century into the third millennium Anno Domini. In that period the alphabet soup – LGBTTQAEIOUandsometimesY – gang has grown accustomed to getting whatever it demands, no matter how ludicrous, absurd, or even downright insane, the demand happens to be. This is true in general across the civilization formerly known as Christendom but nowhere more so than here in the Dominion of Canada. It has been especially true here for the last nine years since Captain Airhead became the creepiest little low-life sleazebag ever to disgrace the office of the first minister of His Majesty’s government in Ottawa. Captain Airhead has aggressively promoted the craziest, most fringe, and least defensible elements of the alphabet soup agenda as if they were commonsensical, had the weight of universally recognized moral truth behind them, and could be opposed only by knuckle-dragging moral reprobates. If knuckle-dragging moral reprobation is what is required to oppose such things then Captain Airhead ought to be leading the opposition. He was never able to add two and two together and come up with four, however. Just look at his budgets.
One consequence of Captain Airhead’s alphabet soup policies has been a sharp decline in average intelligence in the country. We might call this the Trudeau Effect. It is the opposite of the Flynn Effect, the psychometric phenomenon named after James Flynn by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve (1994) that was the reason standardized IQ tests needed to be revised, updated, and recalibrated periodically to prevent the average from running significantly over 100. The Trudeau Effect is when, due to constant government-backed gas-lighting and bullying, intelligence so declines that people no longer understand the difference between what is true in reality and what someone mistakenly thinks or imagines to be true. Before Captain Airhead we could say in response to those pushing the trans part of the alphabet soup agenda that we don’t accept that the person who thinks he is a chicken actually is a chicken, we don’t accept that the person who thinks he is Napoleon Bonaparte actually is who he thinks he is, and neither should we accept that the boy who thinks he is a girl is a girl or that the girl who thinks she is a boy is a boy. Today, not only do fewer and fewer people understand this, the aggressive promotion of the trans agenda has brought us to the point where there is now a demand that we regard people who think they are something other than people as being what they think or say they are.
This is why it has been rather encouraging over the last year or so to see a growing push back against this insanity. Most recently, Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, announced a new set of policies and upcoming legislation for her province that would restrict the genital and breast mutilation sickeningly called by such deranged euphemisms as gender-reassignment surgery or gender-affirming care to those who have reached the age of majority, ban puberty-blockers for those under the age of 16, require that parents be notified and give their consent when pervert teachers try to brainwash their kids into thinking they are the opposite sex/gender, require parental consent for sex education and that all sex ed curricula be approved by the minister of education, and prevent the sort of situation that Ray Stevens has hilariously lampooned in his new song “Since Bubba Changed His Name to Charlene”. In other words, policies and legislation that anyone who isn’t a total idiot, insane, under the influence of an evil spirit or a substance that turns one’s mind to goo or both, evil on a megalomaniacal scale, or some combination of these, could and would support. Needless to say, both Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal, the supervillain who somehow broke out of the cartoon universe and into our own and having been denied entry to India due to his connections to the extremists who want to break that country up opted to become the leader of the socialist party here, have been having conniptions over this.
Most news media commentators have joined the whacko politicians like Airhead and Dhaliwal in howling in outrage over what could be best described as the very, bare bones, minimum of a sensible provincial policy towards alphabet soup gender politics. This will not come as a shock to many, I suspect. Canadian newspapers have acted as if their role was to propagate the ideas of and bolster support for the Liberal Party since at least the time when John Wesley Defoe edited the Winnipeg Free Press. Arguably it goes back even further to when George Brown edited the Toronto Globe, the predecessor of today’s Globe and Mail. That the new technological means of mass communication seemed designed to project a distorted view of reality that served the interests of some ideological vision of progress rather than of truth was a critique made by such varied observers as the American Richard M. Weaver, the French Jacques Ellul, and the Canadian Marshall McLuhan. It was radio, television, and the motion picture industry that these men had in mind. The second revolution in mass communications technology that gave us the internet, smartphones, social media, and streaming services has since eclipsed the first. It has not rectified the problem those astute social critics and technosceptics saw in the earlier mass communications media any more than Captain Airhead’s bailout of the struggling Canadian newspapers solved the problem of their heavy bias towards the Liberal Party but rather, in both instances, the problem was exponentially magnified.
John Ibbitson wrote a piece that argued that Smith’s policies were endangering all teenagers in Alberta. Naturally, the Globe and Mail had the poor taste to publish it. The obvious reality is that no teenagers – or anybody else for that matter – are endangered by Smith’s policies. Max Fawcett, the lead columnist for Canada’s National Observer, attempted to argue that Smith, who has long been identified with the libertarian wing of Canadian conservatism, has betrayed her ideology. As Pierre Poilievre, the current leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, the Conservative Party, pointed out, however, when he – finally – took a stand in favour what Smith was doing, prohibiting people from making irreversible, life-altering, decisions while they are children means protecting their right to make adult choices as adults. That is hardly something that could be described as irreconcilably out of sync with libertarian ideals As an indicator of just how cuckoo most of the media reporting on this has been, Ibbitson’s and Fawcett’s are among the saner of the anti-Smith pieces that have appeared.
Poilievre also predicted that Captain Airhead will eventually have to back down on this issue. I certainly hope that he is right about that and that soon we will have the pleasure of watching Captain Airhead eat his own words. In the meantime, it is good to see that a rational, sane, pushback against the alphabet soup madness has finally begun. Let us hope and pray that it continues and spreads. — Gerry T. Neal
outside Canada denounced the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review (BTLR) panel’s
report released last week as a “breathtaking” and unprecedented plan to regulate the internet.
The government-assembled panel of broadcasting experts chaired by Janet Yale was tasked with advising the Liberals on overhauling the country’s allegedly outdated broadcasting laws. Its report recommended a massive expansion of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) as the renamed Canadian Communications Commission.
“A key recommendation was to extend licences currently granted to radio and television stations to all media content, along with a much stricter compliance regime,” noted the National Post’s John Ivison. Indeed, so strict is this proposed scheme that two former CRTC members are among the report’s fiercest critics.
Former CRTC vice-chair of telecommunications Peter Menzies wrote in the Globe and Mail that in a “breathtaking expansion of scope and bureaucratic hubris” and “a series of invasive and unjustifiable recommendations,” the panel “advocated for a sweeping series of interventions that would make all online media – from online sites such as Rabble to Rebel News and in any language – subject to government regulation.”
That was echoed by former CRTC commissioner Timothy Denton, who in a Financial Post op-ed wrote that the report advocates “an unprecedented power grab for the federal government and the CRTC” aimed “at nothing less than a statist counter-revolution against the internet.”
That was echoed by well-known Canadian pundit and political commentator Andrew Coyne.
The report is “breathtaking — a regulatory power grab without precedent, either in Canada or the democratic world,” noted Coyne in the Globe and Mail.
“Nobody elsewhere else is proposing anything like it, and for good reason: because it’s insane.”
But what the Liberal government will do remains a critical question after Heritage Minister Steven Guilbault caused a firestorm by first appearing to endorse the idea of government licenses for internet news sites, then reversing his position the next day. On Sunday, Guilbault told CTV News: “If you’re a distributor of content in Canada… we would ask that they have a licence, yes.” On Monday, both the minister and the prime minister insisted the Liberals won’t license internet news or regulate internet news.
But that’s not exactly reassuring given the report recommends that “companies delivering media content by means of the internet would be required to register with the new Canadian Communications Commission,” and that it makes “no mention here of any exemptions for news organizations,” noted Ivison.
And while the report’s “implications for press freedom are obvious – so obvious, that one would expect the whole newspaper industry to rise up as one and reject it,” it also contains an offer of “goodies” for that beleaguered sector, Coyne observed.
Indeed, even as critics allege the Trudeau government’s $595 million “media bail-out” announced in its last budget compromises Canada’s legacy media, the report outlines more ways “the government could help news outlets” losing out to digital competitors, the Globe and Mail reported.
It recommends that online media content providers must register with the CRTC and pay into a fund to support select Canadian news organizations, it reported.
Newspapers “would be eligible for subsidies paid for out of the taxes on aggregators and sharers, who would also be obliged to link” to those Canadian news sites the CRTC deems “accurate, trusted and reliable,” Coyne explained.
“Are we really going to bite the hand that feeds us, now or in the future?” he added.
Liberals and their beneficiaries believe they are “saving quality journalism,” noted Ivison, “while everyone else thinks it’s a transparent bribe.”
That’s echoed by Jack Fonseca, director of political operations at Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family lobbying group. The Liberal “bailout of the privately-owned mainstream media was a bribe to ensure that major media outlets will become dependent on the government, and therefore not report anything critical about Trudeau, or else,” he told LifeSiteNews.
It’s similar to the Liberal government’s “new rules to muzzle so-called Third Party Advertisers at election time, including simple information posted on Canadian websites,” he said. Fonseca maintains those rules were “designed to de-platform all small-c conservative voices which might be critical of Liberal policies, including that of Campaign Life Coalition. We actually had to shut down our pro-life Voters’ Guide for months during the election, and then massively restrict access to it.”
Canadians should regard the recent controversial broadcasting report in the context of what they know about the Liberals, and particularly the prime minister, who in May 2014 expressed his admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship,” he pointed out.
“We need to take Trudeau at his word, and not just laugh at him as if he’s some kind of joke. He was deadly serious. A basic dictatorship is what he admires. And it seems fairly clear that’s where he’s trying to steer the country, with a clear plan in his own mind,” Fonseca said.
The possibility that the Liberals could “create a ‘media registry’ and start licensing internet and social media-based news outlets is the latest in a string of warning signs that Justin Trudeau is the most dangerous man in Canadian political history,” he added.
Moreover, if the Liberals move ahead with this plan, it’s reasonable to assume “websites like LifeSiteNews would be forced to shut down because the Liberal government would refuse to give them a license,” warned Fonseca.
“In short, Liberals will have total control of the internet and the power to block all dissenting voices.”
Contact information:
The Honourable Steven Guilbeault – Minister of Canadian Heritage 15 Eddy Street, 12th Floor Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5 Telephone: 819-997-7788 Email:
Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner Shadow minister for industry and economic development Suite 115, 70 Country Hills Landing NW Calgary, AB T3K 2L2 Telephone: 403-216-7777 Email:
Leap Day this year is the fortieth anniversary of Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s announcement that during a “walk in the snow” he had decided that he would step down and not lead the Liberal Party into the next Dominion election. He had been leader of the Grits for sixteen years since Lester Pearson stepped down in April of 1968. With the exception of the six month premiership of Joe Clark he had been Prime Minister all that time. His was the third longest premiership in Canadian history. The longest was that of William Lyon Mackenzie King who had been a different kind of Liberal leader. King, like Trudeau, had been a traitor to Canada, her history, heritage, and traditions, but in his case it was American-style capitalist liberalism to which he had sold us out. In the case of Pierre Trudeau it was Soviet and Chinese Communism that was his true master. Canada’s second longest premiership was also her first that of Sir John A. Macdonald. Sir John had been the leader of the Fathers of Confederation and never betrayed us. Nor did Canadians ever grow tired of Old Tomorrow. Shortly before his death in 1891 he won his sixth majority in that year’s Dominion Election by campaigning for “The Old Flag, the Old Policy, the Old Leader” against a Liberal Party that sought to move us closer economically and culturally into the orbit of the United States. By contrast by the time Trudeau took his famous walk Canadians had grown absolutely sick and tired of him. The Liberals were heading to defeat, Trudeau knew it, and in the interest of preserving his legacy and what was left of his reputation jumped off the ship before it sank.
The electorate’s having grown sick of Trudeau and his party should be regarded as the expected outcome when a Prime Minister remains in office for a long period of time. Sir John’s enduring popularity can be taken as the exception explainable by the fact that he was an exceptional statesman, identified with the country he led as no other Prime Minister could ever hope to be due to his central role in her founding, and a personable leader to whom people could relate. When a Sovereign, like Queen Victoria during whose reign Confederation took place or like our late Queen Elizabeth II of Blessed Memory, has an exceptionally long reign this is cause for celebration and rejoicing. It is the role of the Sovereign, after all, to embody the principle of continuity and everything that is enduring, lasting, and permanent in the realm. The man who fills the Prime Minister’s office, by contrast, is very much the man of the moment. Premierships, therefore, are usually best kept short.
Pierre Trudeau’s son, Captain Airhead, has been Prime Minister since 2015 and Canadians are now far sicker of him than they ever were of his father. Personally, I had had more than enough of him while he was still the third party leader prior to the 2015 Dominion Election. Why it took this long for the rest of the country to catch up with me I have no idea but here we are. It is 2024 and Canadians are divided on whether they would like Captain Airhead to follow his father’s footsteps and take a walk in the snow, whether they would like to see him suffer the humiliation of going down in defeat in the next Dominion Election or whether they would like to see him brought down in an act of direct divine intervention involving a lightning bolt that strikes the ground beneath him causing it to open up, swallow him whole, and belch out fire and brimstone. What unites Canadians is that we all wish that he would make like Dr. Seuss’ Marvin K. Mooney and “please go now.” Thermidor is rapidly approaching for Captain Airhead and his version of the Liberal Party as it eventually comes for all Jacobins.
The Canadian Robespierre seems determined, however, not to go to his inevitable guillotine without one last stab at imposing his ghoulish and clownish version of the Reign of Terror. On Monday the Liberals tabled, as they have been threatening to do since the last Dominion Election, Bill C-63, an omnibus bill that would enhance government power in the name of combatting “online harms.” A note to American readers, in the Commonwealth to “table” a bill does not mean to take it off the table, i.e., to suspend or postpone it as in the United States, but rather to put it on the table, i.e., to introduce it. Defenders of omnibus bills regard them as efficient time-savers. They are also convenient ways to smuggle in something objectionable that is unlikely to pass if forced to stand on its own merits by rolling it up with something that is desirable and difficult or impossible to oppose without making yourself look bad. In this case, the Liberals are trying to smuggle in legislation that would allow Canadians to sue other Canadians for up to $20 000, with the possibility of being fined another $50 000 payable to the government thrown in on top of it, over online speech they consider to be hateful and legislation that would make it possible for someone to receive life imprisonment for certain “hate crimes”, by rolling it up in a bill ostensibly about protecting children from online bullying and pornographic exploitation. As is always the case when the Liberals introduce legislation that has something to do with combatting hate it reads like they interpreted George Orwell’s depiction of Big Brother in 1984 as a “how-to” manual.
Nobody with an IQ that can be expressed with a positive number could possibly be stupid enough to think that this Prime Minister or any of his Cabinet cares about protecting children. Consider their response to the actions taken over the last year or so by provincial premiers such as New Brunswick’s Blaine Higgs and Alberta’s Danielle Smith to do just that, protect children from perverts in the educational system hell-bent on robbing children of their innocence and filling their heads with sex and smut from the earliest grades. Captain Airhead and his corrupt cohorts denounced and demonized these premiers’ common-sense, long overdue, efforts, treating them not as the measures taken in defense of children and their parents and families that they were, but as an attack on the alphabet soup gang, one of the many groups that the Liberals and the NDP court in the hopes that these in satisfaction over having their special interests pandered to will overlook the progressive left’s contemptuous disregard for the common good of the whole country and for the interests of those who don’t belong to one or another of their special groups.
Nor could any Canadian capable of putting two and two together and who is even marginally informed about what has been going on in this country in this decade take seriously the Prime Minister’s posturing about hate. The leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Pierre Poilievre, when asked about what stance the Conservatives would take towards this bill made the observation that Captain Airhead given his own past is the last person who should be dictating to other Canadians about hate. Poilievre was referring to the blackface scandal that astonishingly failed to end Captain Airhead’s career in 2019. It would have been more to the point to have referenced the church burnings of 2021. In the summer of that year, as Captain Airhead hosted conferences on the subjects of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia that consisted of a whole lot of crying and hand-wringing and thinking out ways to get around basic rights and freedoms so as to be able to throw in gaol anyone who looks at a Jew or Muslim cross-eyed, Canada was in the midst of the biggest spree of hate crimes in her history. Christian church buildings all across Canada were targeted for arson and/or other acts of vandalism. Not only did Captain Airhead fail to treat this violent and criminal display of Christophobia as a serious problem in the same way he was treating these other types of hatred directed towards specific religions he played a significant role in inciting these attacks on Canada’s Christian churches by promoting a narrative in which all allegations against Canada’s churches and her past governors with regards to the Indian Residential Schools are accepted without question or requirement of proof. (1)
Clearly Captain Airhead does not give a rat’s rump about hate qua hate. If hatred is directed towards people he doesn’t like, like Christians, he shrugs it off even when it is expressed through violent, destructive, crime. If it is directed against people he likes, or, more accurately, against groups to which he panders, he treats it as if it were the most heinous of crimes even if it is expressed merely in words. While I am on principle opposed to all laws against hate since they are fundamentally unjust and by nature tyrannical (2) they are especially bad when drawn up by someone of Captain Airhead’s ilk.
Captain Airhead’s supposed concern about “online harms” is also a joke. Consider how he handles real world harms. His approach to the escalating problem of substance abuse is one that seeks to minimize the harm drug abusers do to themselves by providing them with a “safe” supply of their poison paid for by the government. This approach is called “harms reduction” even though when it comes to the harms that others suffer from drug abuse such as being violently attacked by someone one doesn’t know from Adam because in his drug-induced mania he thinks his victim is a zombie space alien seeking to eat his brain and lay an egg in the cavity, this approach should be called “harms facilitation and enablement.” Mercifully, there is only so much Captain Airhead can do to promote this folly at the Dominion level and so it is only provinces with NDP governments, like the one my province was foolish enough to elect last year, that bear the full brunt of it. Then there was his idea that the solution to the problem of overcrowded prisons and criminal recidivism was to release those detained for criminal offenses back into the general public as soon after their arrest as possible. Does this sound like someone who can be trusted to pass legislation protecting people from “online harms”?
Captain Airhead inadvertently let slip, last week, the real reason behind this bill. In an interview he pined for the days when Canadians were all on the same page, got all their information from CBC, CTV, and Global, before “conspiracy theorists” on the internet ruined everything. He was lamenting the passing of something that never existed, of course. People were already getting plenty of information through alternative sources on the internet long before his premiership and the mainstream legacy media became far more monolithic in the viewpoints it presented during and because of his premiership. What he was pining for, therefore, was not really something that existed in the past, but what he has always hoped to establish in the future – a Canada where everyone is of one opinion, namely his. This is, after all, the same homunculus who, back when a large segment of the country objected to him saying that they would be required to take a foreign substance that had been inadequately tested and whose manufacturers were protected against liability into their bodies if they ever wanted to be integrated back into ordinary society, called them every name in the book and questioned whether they should be tolerated in our midst.
Some have suggested that Bill C-63 is not that bad compared with what the Liberals had originally proposed three years ago. It still, however, is a thinly-veiled attempt at thought control from a man who is at heart a narcissistic totalitarian and whose every act as Prime Minister, from trying to reduce the cost of health care and government benefits by offering people assistance in killing themselves (MAID) to denying people who having embraced one or more of the letters of the alphabet soup, had a bad trip, the help they are seeking in getting free, deserves to be classified with the peccata clamantia. It took a lot of pain and effort for this country to finally rid herself of the evil Section 13 hate speech provision that Captain Airhead’s father had saddled us with in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Captain Airhead must not be allowed to get away with reversing that.
It is about time that he took a walk in the snow. Or got badly trounced in a Dominion election. Or fell screaming into a portal to the netherworld that opened up beneath his feet. Any of these ways works.
The time is come. The time is now. Just go. Go. GO! I don’t care how. Captain Airhead, would you please go now?! (3)
(1) Anyone who thinks the allegations were proven needs to learn the difference between evidence and proof. Evidence is what is brought forward to back up a claim. Proof is what establishes the truth of a claim. That the evidence advanced for the allegations in question simply does not add up to proof and moreover was flimsy from the onset and has subsequently been largely debunked is an entirely valid viewpoint the expression of which is in danger of being outlawed by the bill under discussion. In a court of criminal law the burden is upon the prosecutor to prove the charge(s) against the defendant. Not merely to present evidence but to prove the accused to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The same standard must be applied to allegations made against historical figures and past generations. They, after all, are not present to defend themselves against their accusers. To fail to do so is to fail in our just duty towards those who have gone before us. The ancients had a term for this failure. It is the vice of impiety.
(2) The folly of legislation against hate was best expressed by Auberon Waugh in an article entitled “Che Guevara in the West Midlands” that was first published in the 6 July, 1976 issue of The Spectator, and later included in the collection Brideshead Benighted (Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1986). Michael Wharton, however, writing as “Peter Simple” was second to none, not even Waugh, in ridiculing this sort of thing.– Gerry T, Neal
The fight is on! Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party just tabled their latest censorship law, Bill C-63. It’s a shocking piece of legislation that claims to target “hate speech” and “hate propaganda,” but in reality, it’s just another attempt by Trudeau to seize control of the Internet and silence his critics. While Jagmeet Singh and the NDP continue to prop up the Liberals, there’s a good chance this bill will become law — and that could be the end of Rebel News and independent journalism in Canada.Click here for the latest and help us fight back!
What exactly is “harm” and “hate speech” according to Trudeau? They’re not real crimes — they’re thought crimes — a way to shut down and punish anyone who questions the official government narrative. And there’s nothing Trudeau hates more than prickly journalists willing to ask him tough questions. We all know about his admiration for Communist China’s “basic” dictatorship. And as we saw during the Freedom Convoy, he won’t hesitate to act like a tyrant when given the opportunity. (Imagine what would have happened to the Freedom Convoy if Rebel News wasn’t there to tell the other side of the story.) We’re prepared to fight this in court all the way. In fact, we’re already working behind the scenes with our lawyers to prepare for what could be one of our biggest fights yet. That’s why we need your help. This is a matter of survival — we’re up against the full resources of the state. So if you can spare $5, $50, or $500, we promise to put everything we have into winning this fight. If you can donate towards our legal fees, please do. Simply click here or go to Yours truly, Ezra Levant Rebel News
29217041Shocking Engagement Reveals How Far Canada Has Fallen
How bad is it in Canada?
Rebel News reporter David Menzies was “arrested for assault” for asking Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland questions.
You can clearly see David did not “assault” Freeland. It’s arguable that he never even made physical contact.
Worse yet, Justin Trudeau has effectively suppressed Canadians’ access to independent media, compelling them to otherwise go to the CBC, what Elon Musk would call “government-funded media.”
Trudeau has admitted, “There’s a level of admiration I have for China.” Is it too late to save Canada?
Not only has David been arrested several times for simply doing his job, so have I and many of our peers in independent media.
Police are used as a weapon by those in power to restrict our access, and through us, you, from powerful people. Justin Trudeau, Guilbeault, Freeland, and even Rachel Notley are all guilty of harnessing the justice system to protect their political power.
It is one of the hallmarks of tyranny.
That is why I am so pleased to report today that I have received word from the Conservative Party that they are calling for an official Parliamentary investigation into the events of yesterday.
But just looking into yesterday is not enough – they must investigate the the cause and not just the symptom of our media landscape in this country.
Would you like to know why David Menzies was asking Freeland questions on a sidewalk in the way that he was? It is because Independent journalists are barred from the Parliamentary Press Gallery by the CBC/CTV/Global News/Radio-Canada media cartel.
Because it is the only way for non-paid off journalists in Canada to speak to officials.
When I reached out to Freeland’s office about her speeding ticket, they ignored me and sent a memo out the back door to the CBC to help frame the story in a friendly way. When I applied to the Parliamentary Press Gallery, I was denied. When I attended an event with Trudeau in Meadow Lake, his Media Enforcer, Terry Gullion body checked me to keep me away.
My friends and I are put in dangerous situations, where we risk our safety and freedom all because we are barred from the halls of Parliament.
If ALL media was allowed access in professional and secure settings, we would not have journalists resorting to sidewalk scrums. It is only required because the government makes it so.
If Liberals truly hate how we manage to find them on the street, time and time again and ask them those stinging questions when they are embarrassingly unprepared, they could put a stop to it by allowing us within the halls of Parliament alongside our corporate opponents.
Through science, technology, and industry we have achieved a very high standard of living, measured in terms of material prosperity, in Western Civilization since the beginning of the Modern Age and especially the last two centuries. Prosperity in itself is not a bad thing. We have a tendency, however, in our fallen sinfulness to respond to prosperity inappropriately. The inappropriate way to respond to prosperity is to look at it with self-satisfaction, thinking that it is due entirely and only to our own effort and ingenuity, and to forget God, from Whom all blessings flow, as the doxology says. There is a lot of sin in this attitude, especially the sin of ingratitude. This sin is an invitation to God to take away His blessings and curse us instead. It is a sin of which we have been most guilty as a civilization. That we have been so guilty and have forgotten our God is evident in how we now refer to ourselves as Western Civilization rather than Christendom – Christian Civilization.
The appropriate thing for us to do would be to repent. These familiar words were spoken by the Lord to King Solomon on the occasion of the completion and consecration of the Temple but the message contained within them is one that we would do well to apply to ourselves today:
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14)
Now, imagine a man who in his prosperity becomes self-satisfied and forgets God. His conscience keeps nagging at him but unwilling to humble himself, pray, seek God, and repent, he misinterprets his guilty feelings and concludes that his prosperity is the problem and not his ingratitude and his having forgotten God. In an attempt to assuage this misdirected guilt, he decides to sacrifice his prosperity to an idol. He does so, however, in such a way, that it is his children more than himself who end up suffering.
What ought we to think of such a man? Does he deserve commendation for trying to make things right, albeit in an ill-informed and ineffective way? Or does he deserve rebuke for piling further errors and sins upon his initial sin of forgetting God?
“Thou art the man” as the prophet Nathan said to King David in 2 Samuel 12:7 after telling a story that prompted the king to unknowingly condemn himself in the affair of Bathsheba. Or rather, we all “art the man”. For this is precisely what we as a civilization have done or are in the process of doing.
For centuries, ever since the start of the Modern Age, Western Civilization has been turning its back on its heritage from Christendom. Indeed, the conversion of the Christian civilization of Christendom into the secular civilization of the West could be said to have been the ultimate goal of liberalism, the spirit that drove the Modern Age, all along. The liberal project and the Modern Age were more or less complete with the end of the Second World War and since that time Westerners have been abandoning the Church and her God in droves. In the same post-World War II era we have reaped the harvest in material prosperity sown through centuries of scientific discoveries. These were made possible because at the dawn of Modern science people still believed in the God Who created the world and that therefore there is order in the world He created to be discovered. This is the basis of all true scientific discovery.
Collectively, we feel guilty for abandoning God, but we have not been willing, at least not yet, to return to Him on a civilizational scale. Sensing that we have incurred divine displeasure, but not willing to admit to ourselves that our apostasy from Christianity and forgetting the True and Living God is the problem, we have instead blamed our material prosperity and the means by which we attained it. By means, I don’t mean science, which we have been so far unwilling to blame because we have transferred our faith in God onto it and turned it into an idol, but rather our industry, aided and enhanced by science.
Just as we have transferred our guilt for having forgotten God in our material prosperity onto the industry that we put into attaining that prosperity, which so laden with transferred guilt we usually call capitalism after the name godless left-wing philosophers and economists gave to human industry when they bogeyfied it in their efforts to promote their Satanic alternative, socialism, the institutionalization of the Deadly Sin of Envy, so we have transferred the sense of impending judgement from God for abandoning Him, onto industry. We have done this by inventing the crackpot idea that such things as burning fuels to heat our homes in winter, cook our food and get about from place to place, and even raising livestock to feed ourselves, are releasing too much carbon dioxide, methane, etc. into the atmosphere and that this is leading to an impending man-made climate apocalypse in which temperatures rise (or plummet depending on which false prophet of doom is talking), polar ice caps melt, the coasts are inundated from rising sea levels, and extreme weather events increase in frequency and intensity.
To prevent this climactic apocalypse, we have convinced ourselves, we must appease the pagan nature deities we have offended with sacrifice. We must sacrifice our efficient gasoline-powered vehicles and agree to drive ridiculously expensive electric vehicles, even when travelling long distance in Canada in the dead of winter. We must sacrifice heating our homes in winter and grow accustomed to wearing enough layers to make Eskimoes look like Hawaiian hula girls in comparison indoors all winter long. We must sacrifice the hope of affordable living and watch the cost of everything go up and up and up. We must sacrifice the future of the generations who will come after us
Those of us who express skepticism towards all this are mocked as “science deniers” even though this new false religion is not scientific in the slightest. Carbon dioxide, which is to plant life what oxygen is to ours, treated as a pollutant? The seas rising from all that floating ice melting? You would have to have failed elementary school science to accept this nonsense. It is certainly incredible to anyone with a basic knowledge of history and who grasps the concept of cause and effect. The Little Ice Age ended in the middle of the nineteenth century. When an Ice Age ends a warming period begins. This is one of the causes of the boom in human industry at the end of the Modern Age, not its effect. It is a good thing too, for humans, animals, plants and basically all life on earth, because live thrives more in warmer periods than colder ones. Anyone who isn’t a total airhead knows this.
Speaking of total airheads, Captain Airhead, whose premiership here in the Dominion of Canada was already too old in the afternoon of his first day in office, has been using that office as a pulpit to preach this false climate religion for the duration of the time he has been in it. Recently, in response to his popularity having plunged lower than the Judecca, he granted a three year exemption on his carbon tax for those who heat their homes with oil, which, as it turns out, benefits Liberal voters in Atlantic Canada and hardly anyone else. Faced with demands from across Canada that he grant further exemptions, he has so far resisted, and with the help of the Lower Canadian separatists, defeated the Conservative motion in the House, backed by the socialists, for a general home heating exemption. Hopefully this will speed his departure and the day we can find a better Prime Minister to lead His Majesty’s government in Ottawa. The point, of course, is that by granting even that partial exemption, for nakedly political purposes, Captain Airhead by his actions admitted what he still denies with his words, that the world is not facing imminent destruction because of too much carbon dioxide.
Captain Airhead’s climate religion and its doomsday scenario have been proven false let us turn to the words of St. Peter and hearing what the true religion has to say about the coming judgement:
But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. (2 Peter 3:7-14)
It may be today, it may be a thousand years from now, we don’t know, but when God has appointed it to happen, it will happen, and there is nothing we can do that will prevent it. Instead of trying to do the impossible, prevent it, we should rather prepare ourselves for it, by doing what the Apostle recommends in the above passage, the avoidance of which is as we have seen, the source of this false climate religion. For if we turn back in repentance to the God we have forgotten, we can look forward to His coming again in fiery judgement with faith and hope and peace and sing, in the words of gospel songwriter Jim Hill:
What a day that will be When my Jesus I shall see And I look upon his face The one who saved me by his grace When he takes me by the hand And leads me through the Promised Land What a day, glorious day that will be! — Gerry T. Neal