Court Gagged Political Prisoner Receives A Heroes Welcome Home in Medicine Hat

Court Gagged Political Prisoner Receives A Heroes Welcome Home in Medicine Hat
This news is too good not to share with you. Tamara Lich was an everyday Medicine Hat local just a little over a month ago when she departed to Ottawa.

Today, she was welcomed home as a hero. Lich was a personal political prisoner of Trudeau, held without bail for weeks in violation of her Charter rights, all to protect the ego of the most powerful man in the country. 

This 5 foot 49-year-old Métis woman brought Trudeau to his knees, sent him into hiding for a week and inspired millions of freedom activists across the globe. 

Tamara was the hero we all needed – and the freedom many Canadians are currently enjoying is thanks in large part to the sacrifice Tamara made. Prison is not a nice place to be, but she was hauled away by Trudeau’s agents with her head held high. 

You have got to watch our exclusive video of her return here. Medicine Hat came out in force, singing the national anthem, to embrace Tamara upon her return. A real Canadian Heritage Moment that will indeed trigger Trudeau and the CBC. 

The government and its media arm want us to believe them when they call Tamara a terrorist. That is why The Counter Signal exists – to fact-check the CBC and share the truth. 

There is more work to do, and we are here to help. Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

WATCH: Trudeau RCMP Drags Reporter Out Of Press Conference

WATCH: Trudeau RCMP Drags Reporter Out Of Press Conference

NewsSpencerFernandoMay 27, 20200

Trudeau RCMP Authoritarian

Some China-style media management by the Trudeau PMO.

On the same day that Canada’s justice system showed independence and commitment to the rule of law by being indifferent to CCP threats and ruling on the Meng Wanzhou extradition challenge, Justin Trudeau appears to be once again emulating the Chinese dictators he loves so much.

Rebel News reporter Keean Bexte was let into a Trudeau press conference by security. And, considering a judge had ruled that The Rebel had the right to report on the news just like anyone else, it is of course the democratic right of Canadians to ask questions and report on the PM.

Yet, when PMO stooges saw Bexte at the press conference, the Trudeau RCMP dragged Bexte away, pushing some China-style ‘media management.’

This is incredibly disturbing and dangerous. The PM is using the police to block journalists he doesn’t like from reporting on what he says, which is of course totally anti-democratic and anti-Canadian.

China might approve of this kind of authoritarian behaviour, but it’s not supposed to work like this in Canada.

Once again we see that Trudeau wasn’t joking when he said he admired ‘China’s basic dictatorship.’

You can watch the video below:

“UNBELIEVABLE: PM Justin Trudeau had me literally dragged out of his press conference to avoid questions. I was officially let in by security, but when Trudeau’s henchman saw me, the PMO sicced the RCMP on me. A journalist. Democracy is dead in Canada. Vid:

"WORST EVER": Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece Issues New Threat Against Canada, Calls Our Country "A Pathetic Clown"

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Antifa informant exposed: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips of Drumheller

Antifa informant exposed: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips of Drumheller

  Posted by Keean Bexte on January 11, 2020

In a show of incompetence, the CBC’s 5th Estate has accidentally released the identity of a longtime Antifa informant. This is someone who works with, employs, and shares information with the members and supporters of the violent Antifa movement: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips.

The CBC was intending to cooperate with Phillips to conceal his identity, however when facial images were matched up, none other than Kurt Phillips, a Catholic School teacher in Drumheller Alberta was exposed as the mastermind behind ARC Collective.

ARC is a blog that was curated by Phillips until he recently resigned after his mask was removed. Phillips’ blog has shared the personal information, addresses, photos of homes, names, and faces of people who Phillips unilaterally determines are “fascists”.

Rebel News sent Phillips a list of questions with hopes to get his side of the story, however they were ignored. The school was quick to stand by Phillips – Principal JoAnne Akerboom insists Phillips is politically neutral and doesn’t bring his personal activism to the classroom. Tweets posted by an account bearing his name and photo appear to contradict the assertion he is neutral.

As for personal activism in to the classroom, that also seems to be untrue, as Phillips’ blog routinely posts defamatory content, during hours he is supposed to be teaching students. One might wonder how much taxpayer funded time Phillips is using to research, write, edit, and publish information that is fed to Antifa, an organization the President has considered labeling a terrorist group.

Three Rebel journalists have been assaulted in three weeks. Enough is enough — we’re fighting back, and we need your help  

Three Rebel journalists have been assaulted in three weeks. Enough is enough — we’re fighting back, and we need your help


Assault on Keean Bexte

Our Calgary reporter, Keean Bexte, was assaulted by a leftist activist while he was covering the United We Roll pro-pipeline convoy in Ottawa.

Keean covered the official speeches by the United We Roll folks. But as we do, we like to cover what the critics say — often just because they are so inarticulate, it’s sort of amazing. So Keean was amongst the antifa just asking them for their views. And he was talking to one guy — the guy with the aviator glasses, when some other leftist thug sneaked up on him and just hit him.

Now, obviously, it didn’t deeply hurt Keean. But it was shocking. And it damaged his phone. And more to the point — it was an assault.

This is him:


And the cops — just did nothing. In fact, worse than nothing — Keean told me that police, who were literally standing right there, police said to him if he wanted to make a complaint, he should call the police department. They were right there. But they couldn’t care less.

Assault on David Menzies and Efron

A couple of weeks ago, two other Rebel journalists were attacked. Again, they weren’t beaten to a pulp; I don’t think they were hurt; but so what — you can’t punch a journalist.

A manager at the Radisson Toronto East manhandled David Menzies, and our cameraman Efron earlier this month.

You can’t punch people. We were lawfully on that property; that Radisson manager then asked us to leave, and we were about to leave, Menzies even started to say he was leaving, but before that manager even finished his sentence, he just punched David and Efron, and punched our gear.

We filed a lawsuit in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, against the Radisson Toronto East hotel, and their manager David Strong, on behalf of our employees, David and Efron.

We’re not suing for millions. We know that they weren’t wounded for life. The money isn’t even the point — we’re suing for just $10,000 each, a total of $20,000. We’ll pay far more than that in legal fees. We’re suing to make a point — you can’t hit people. Even if you disagree with them. You can’t do that, whether your a person, or a multi-billion dollar corporation like Radisson.

Not the first time Rebel journalists have been hit

Of course, this isn’t the first time a rebel journalist has been assaulted. The worst was when some male feminist named Dion Bews hit our Sheila Gunn Reid — at a women’s march, no less.

The CBC actually took the side of the thug in their news reports, trying to humanize him and paint him as the victim. In the end, Dion Bews was convicted, but because of a court error, he got off with a slap on the wrist.

So we sued Bews in civil court for more than a year, and we finally got justice in the form of a court order.Here’s what the judge who upheld our lawsuit against that thug Dion Bews had to say:

Mr. Bews is entitled to his political views, and the Plaintiff and The Rebel are entitled to their political views.  Mr. Bews however, was not entitled to commit assault and battery because his political views differed from those of the Plaintiff or The Rebel.

You can read the entire decision, here.

So we did that. It cost us more than $30,000 in legal bills. Bews had to pay Sheila just $3,500 and for the rest of his life he’ll be known as the cowardly male feminist who hits women.

Help identify the Antifa thug

If you can help identify the Antifa thug who hit Keean, then please email with his identity. We’ll keep you confidential. If you are the first to positively ID him, we’ll pay you $500.

Don’t take the law into your own hands. No vigilantism, please. Just tell us who he is, and we’ll do the rest — we’ll put him to the law, as we did with Dion Bews.


So this is him, two different perspectives. That’s who hit Keean. In Ottawa. So he’s probably from there. He seemed to be someone who protests a lot; he seems to be political. My suspicion is that he’s some public sector union thug who protests every day, and when he saw our people, he wants to do more than protest — he wanted to punch a conservative.

Help fund our lawyers

The second thing I need your help with is to pay for the lawyers.

If Sheila were a Liberal, if David and Efron and Keean were Liberals, not only would they not have been attacked, but if they were, police would take care of everything. They didn’t charge the Radisson manager, and they didn’t lift a finger in Ottawa. So, we have to pay for justice.

The lawsuit for Sheila cost us more than $30,000. It wasn’t about the money. It was about defending our people, standing up to bullies, and letting the world know that if you come for the rebel, we’ll come for justice. (By the way, David, Efron and Keean didn’t ask me to do this. I’m choosing to do this. Because I am grateful to them for suffering for our journalism, and because it’s right.)

I’m going to need $500 to pay the bounty to identify this thug, because the police don’t plan to investigate. And then I’m going to need $30,000 to sue him, and $30,000 to sue the Radisson.

Do you think that’s wasteful? Do you think that’s a luxury? I don’t. It’s my way of saying to Keean and David and Efron that I value them and I respect them and I want to treat them how I would want to be treated if I myself were assaulted by a left-wing thug.

That’s my goal — $60,500. If you can help me cover those legal bills, please do. I promise to keep you posted on the case.

This is part of the price of being a conservative in Canada. But I think we have to pay it. If you think so too, please help us out by contributing below.