I am falling behind on some tasks… As you may know, myself and some of the crew are travelling across the country to meet as many Druthers lovers as we can. It has been an epic journey so far and we are meeting some of the most beautiful people in Canada. One thing I am finding is that Druthers lovers everywhere are super incredible people!! Yeah, that means you too 🙂 And, as much as I love this, I have been falling behind on some of my tasks such as promotional work. Right now we still have 15,000+ Druthers papers still sitting in the garage back home that we purchased for our Neighbourhood Mail service. Can we deliver some of these around your neighbourhood? See: Please consider helping out by placing an order to have this month’s Druthers delivered to the mailboxes in your community, or maybe to the community of a loved one who just isn’t getting what you’ve been trying to inform them about. This is a really powerful way to get an entire area talking about these topics all at the same time. Or maybe you know someone you can encourage to order neighbourhood mail. Any promo help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! ———– ADDITIONALLY, have you seen the new shirt designs in the Druthers shop? Perhaps you would like to increase your wardrobe and help promote Druthers by becoming a walking billboard of truth, love, peace & freedom! See: ———– ROAD TRIP UPDATES: And finally, if you would like to follow along on some of our adventures as we travel across this country, please see my own personal facebook profile at Much love,
Shawn Jason


“It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?


  Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:

I am only appearing to the scheduler’s office on July 17 to set a date for the sentence judgment.

I will not know of the Sentencing date until Wednesday morning at some point.

Thank you for all your support and belief for freedom!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.


Update on July 10, hearing

Let me begin by extending my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for all your kind support over the past week, and even ongoing. The amount of support was really overwhelming.

I am also much indebted to Bettina for all her sacrifices and appearing in Court for me when I could not make it. Appearing in Court for the first time can be frightening no matter what the reason, but especially under these conditions where she is simultaneously worried about me, while trying to convince the Judge and Grabavac that I truly was seriously ill, for which she had direct personal knowledge.

I was unable for the most part to communicate in the hospital as I had no computer for internet access until about ½ hour before I left. The weekend was pretty much spent in rest.

As by now all are aware, I was unable to make it to the sentencing hearing last Wed due to medical reasons; painful medical reasons.

Comments and actions taken by Grabavac (Crown Persecutor) and Judge Heinrichs on this date were completely unprofessional and disrespectful. And they may and likely do, go further than that.

Upon hearing Bettina in Court of my health situation, Grabavac immediately stood up in court and objected to my non-appearance, alleging that this was somehow typical Lindsay strategy, and on the basis that he is allegedly to be in pain every week and he still shows up to work. My life/health threatening situation was clearly of more importance than Grabavac’s weekly hemorrhoid problems. (Wait, yes this confirms he truly is a pain in everyone’s ass)

I wish to add at this point. Grabavac and local ragbloid media (primarily but not restricted to Castanet, InfoTel) strongly suggested I was on the lam to avoid the sentence, and possibility of jail. I have never been afraid of any Court in Canada, ever. I am not scared of Grabavac nor the Judge in this case. I have been falsely incarcerated for standing up for freedom in the past and this will likely happen in the future, simply because corrupt Socialist governments and justice system officials, do not like challenges to their corruption, not that I am doing anything wrong. The fact that sentencing involved the possibility of jail does not frighten me in the least. As Bruce and others will support, I was fully ready for Court the day prior.

J. Heinrich’s and Grabavac came to the decision that they did not believe Bettina when she appeared as my agent in court to advise them that she had to drive me to the hospital at 5:00 a.m. that morning due to unforeseen medical issues, that further resulted in absolutely no sleep at all. No reasons were provided for their unbelief, as usual.

Grabavac called the RCMP to come to the hospital and check on me that morning; as if they didn’t have more important things to do. The Officer arrived demanding the nurses and doctors tell them my private, confidential health information. Fortunately, and thankfully, they refused to so do and immediately came and advised me of his presence. They refused to tell the Officer any medical details and at their request, I agreed to speak to the RCMP Officer.

He arrived to my emergency room stall and the first words out of his mouth: “Good morning Mr. Lindsay….you don’t look too well.” He explained that he was there from the Court. He pretty much left immediately after that. He then filed a report with Grabavac confirming that there were real health problems. If he was there on behalf of the Court (Judge), why did he file a report with the Crown? Why did he not file his report directly with the Judge? Clearly Grabavac was behind this attack to my good name and reputation.

Have no doubt, that if Grabavac called in that he could not come to court due to medical issues, not one question would be demanded of him. The Court would simply adjourn and that would be the end of the matter. Why was I not accorded this same respect? If the Judge was truly believing that I was on the lam, all she had to do was have the Court clerk call the emergency department at the hospital to confirm my presence there. End of matter.

The fact that I had Bettina appear for me, still allowed the Judge to maintain jurisdiction over me. (Bit of a complicated legal issue – Provincial Court judges have jurisdiction over the offence and the person. If the person does not appear at all, warrants are issued to preserve the Court’s jurisdiction. If they did not, they would lose jurisdiction and it could only be regained if the accused voluntarily appeared at some future date.)

J. Heinrichs demanded that Bettina release the nature of my confidential health situation to her in open court. This was absolutely not permitted in law. No judge would compel any lawyer to release information under solicitor-client privilege, yet J. Heinrichs demanded Bettina release my private health information, against my express instructions, and which was completely covered in doctor-patient privilege/confidentiality. If anyone should know this, it is J. Heinrichs and Grabavac. Bettina has never been in any court in Canada in the past, and this was truly a dishonest opportunistic J. Heinrichs to compel answers to release my private health issues which she had no moral, ethical or legal right to know. Nor did Grabavac, or the media or the public. Remember, this was in open court with hounds of BC Socialist, ragbloid reporters just waiting to pounce.

At one point, after Grabavac finally conceded only after the RCMP report was provided to him that I was on IV in the hospital and it would be unfair to force my appearance, J. Heinrichs then exclaimed that the IV could be removed for me to appear at 2:00 p.m. that afternoon!!! So Judge Heinrichs is now Dr. Heinrichs. Compelling me to appear to any hearing, while I am high on opioids and incapacitated with significant amounts of pain, emanating from health and/or life-threatening issues and against doctor’s orders to remain in the hospital, is, to put it mildly, gross professional negligence at best. Forcing me to court could have been health or life threatening. I was in serious condition in the hospital for two days.

I have appeared to all court appearances in this matter without fail, for over 2 ½ years and done nothing to deserve any questioning or unbelief by the Judge or Grabavac. But if anything, this again confirms the politics behind these charges, as those people in attendance witnessed first-hand.

I now appear on July 17 to fix a date for hearing of the sentence and will let everyone know later this week of this date.

Once again, thank you to everyone for your kind support and concern. It is with your support that I will continue to stand for freedom in the coming years in ways that most people do not yet even know or are aware of. But more freedom issues will be arising, and I will be there. Quitting is not an option, period.


Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

July 22, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.

Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing

This hearing date will be to set the agenda for the hearing of the appeal from the conviction and sentence of J. Heinrichs.


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Week of September 3, 2024 10:00 a.m.

1355 Water St.

Kelowna Courthouse

for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

We had one day before the Hon. Justice Hardwick. The remaining two days were canceled apparently due to the judge either being ill or otherwise not available to appear.

There has now been a further three days set aside during the week of Sept. 3, 2024 for the continuation of this hearing. I will be notified on the Friday, Aug. 30, 2024 of what days this will be. Considering that Monday, Sept. 2 is Labour Day, it appears we will be heard starting Tuesday or Wednesday of that week.

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:




Please remember other innocent people who have stood up for our rights and freedoms against our tyrannical governments during COVID-19 and to the present, who are now in the midst of their ongoing, oppressive trials:

Tamara Lich

Chris Barber

The Coutts prisoners: Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert

Pat King

and many other real victims.


It was an honour to meet Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Malthouse shortly before the hearing. Thank you to Teresa, Ted and all others whose efforts made our gathering possible.


Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

July 17, 2024

Sign on starts at: 4.30pm PST/7.30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar

Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!

Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


Below is a copy of the decision from the recent win in Ontario, where the Judge ruled that sticking a swab up a person’s nose for a PCR test, did violate the Quarantine Act. Interesting, that the Judge never dealt with the issue that this further constitutes a criminal assault if the legislation permitted it.



R. v. Fernando, 2024 ONCJ 336 (CanLII)

CITATION: R. v. Fernando, 2024 ONCJ 336

DATE: June 26, 2024

Court File No. 3111-999-00-3261751F-00




Meththa Fernando



on June 26th, 2024 at BRAMPTON, Ontario


A. Gurpersaud                  Counsel for The Crown

C. Weisdorf                     Agent for Meththa Fernando



MONAHAN, J. (Orally):


This is the case of Ms. Meththa Fernando, M-E-T-H-T-H-A, Fernando.  Ms. Meththa Fernando was charged with failing to comply with an order under Section 58 of the Quarantine Act.  (S.C. 2005, c. 20)

In particular, Ms. Fernando took an airplane flight to her home in Mississauga, arriving at Pearson Airport on April 9th, 2022.  She was apparently vaccinated, but she refused the COVID test, which was randomly selected to be performed on her. 

In particular, she was asked by a screening officer, Mr. Aliel, A-L-I-E-L, Joshua, J-O-S-H-U-A, Roxas, R-O-X-A-S, employed by the Public Health Agency of Canada, to undergo a nasal swab COVID-19 test, and she refused.

The actual test was to be performed by another person (see trial testimony of Roxas at page 12).  The evidence from Mr. Roxas is that he was requiring Ms. Fernando to submit to a nasal swab test.

Ms. Fernando was convicted at trial of failing to comply with an order under Section 58 of the Quarantine Act (the “Act”) and fined $5,000 with additional charges, taking it to a fine of $6,255. 

She appeals now to this Court.


Ms. Fernando appealed to this Court; she was assisted in her appeal by a non-lawyer, Mr. Weisdorf, who was helpful to her and to the Court.

Ms. Fernando sought to rely on the Canadian Bill of Rights before the Justice of the Peace and before me.  She was not permitted by the Justice of the Peace to rely on the Canadian Bill of Rights because there was no application before the Court.

Whether the Justice of the Peace should have let the defence argue about whether the Canadian Bill of Rights was violated or not is not necessary for me to decide, given my view regarding Section 14 of the Quarantine Act.

The defence raised an argument before the Justice of the Peace and before me which has merit.  The Justice of the Peace did not address this argument.  The argument, simply put, is that the Act did not authorize a screening officer to use a screening test which involved the entry into the traveller’s body of an instrument or other foreign body.

The screening test that Mr. Roxas proposed involved the insertion of a nasal swab into Ms. Fernando’s nasal cavity, contrary to Section 14 of the Quarantine Act.

The relevant provisions are as follows, quoting Section 14 of the Quarantine Act:

Screening Technology

14(1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.

Refusal to be Screened

14(2) If a traveller refuses to be screened with the screening technology and the person using it is not a screening officer or quarantine officer, the person shall immediately inform the screening officer or quarantine officer of the refusal.

Section 58 of the Quarantine Act provides, in part, as follows:

[58(1)]   The Governor in Council may make an order prohibiting or subjecting to any condition the entry into Canada of any class of persons who have been in a foreign country or specified part of a foreign country if the Governor in Council is of the opinion that

(a)there is an outbreak of communicable disease in the foreign country;

(b)the introduction or spread of the disease would pose an imminent and severe risk to public health in Canada;

(c)the entry of members of that class of persons into Canada may introduce or contribute to the spread of the communicable disease in Canada; and

(d)no reasonable alternatives to prevent the introduction or spread of the disease are available.

The Governor in Council made numerous orders during COVID.  It appears common ground that the order in force on April the 11th, 2022, was â€œPC2022-0321,” which I will refer to as the “Order.”  The Order is over a hundred pages long.  It provides for, among other things, pre-arrival COVID tests and arrival tests, including random tests: see Section 2.3(1.2).

It provides for a polymerase chain reaction “(PCR)” test in these circumstances.  The COVID-19 molecular test is defined in the Order:

Covid-19 molecular test means a Covid-19 screening or diagnostic test, including a test performed using the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), that is

(a)if the test is self-administered, observed and the result is verified

(i)in person by an accredited laboratory or testing provider, or

(ii)in real time by remote audio-visual means by the accredited laboratory or testing provider who provided the test; or

(b)if the test is not self-administered, performed by an accredited laboratory or testing provider.

I return to Section 14(1) of the Quarantine Act.  It provides that the screening test cannot involve the insertion into the traveller’s body of any instrument or foreign body.

The prosecution raised the point that perhaps the insertion into the nasal cavity did not involve the entry into the body.  I disagree.  The insertion of a nasal swab into the nasal cavity is most definitely an insertion into the body.

Another question arises as to whether a nasal swab is an “instrument” or “foreign body.”  “Instrument” is defined in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, 2nd Edition, as “a tool or implement.” A “foreign body” is defined in the Oxford Languages Online Dictionary, as “an object or piece of extraneous matter that has entered the body by design or accident.”

In my view, a nasal swab is “an instrument” or “foreign body.”  In my view, the Quarantine Act did not permit a screening officer in this case, Mr. Roxas, to require Ms. Fernando to be tested at the airport by insertion into her nasal cavity of a nasal swab.

I am also of the view that the Order did not purport to expand the powers of the screening officers, and it could not do so as a matter of law.  The governing legislation is the Quarantine Act.  An Order made under Section 58 of the Act could not add to the legislative powers.  Indeed, Section 6.1 of the Order provides as follows:

[6.1]      For greater certainty

      (a)  this Order does not affect any of the powers and obligations set out in the Quarantine Act.

I am not called upon to decide, and I do not decide whether the requirement for pre-arrival COVID tests performed outside of Canada by persons who were not screening officers under the Quarantine Act was a violation of the Act.

I do decide that the nasal swab test, which the screening officer in this case required or demanded Ms. Fernando submit to, was an unlawful requirement or demand.  Ms. Fernando’s refusal to comply with the requirement or demand was lawful on her part. 

Because the requirement or demand made of her by the screening officer was not lawful, Ms. Fernando should not have been found guilty by the Justice of the Peace.

I am reversing the Justice of the Peace’s decision and entering a finding of not guilty.  Those are my reasons.


Evidence Act
I,Tammy Duffy,
 (Name of Authorized Person) 
certify that this document is a true and accurate transcript of the recording of
R. v. MeththaFernandoin theOntario Court of Justice
(Name of Case) (Name of Court)
held at7755 Hurontario Street, Brampton, Ontario
 (Court Address)
taken from Recording3111_105_20240626_084238__30_MONAHAPA.dcr, which has been certified in Form 1.
29 June 2024  
(Date) (Signature of Authorized Person(s))


Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:


(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your
email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Schedule TBA

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
    Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II asap.

Thanks for your patience.


Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


July 20, 2024

Hwy 97 & Cooper

Aug 3, 2024

Stuart Park

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


July 20, 2024

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 20, 2024

O.K. Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m.

Across from Esso Station


July 20, 2024

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m.

Town Hall


July 20, 2024 12:00 noon

Kamloops Freedom Gathering

Valleyview Centennial Park

FREEDOM EVENTS IN THE OKANAGAN, June 15 – 22, (Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, OK Falls, Oliver)

“It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?



Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:

June 13, 2024 9:30 a.m.

Courtroom #9

Sentencing Hearing, Con’t

July 10, 2024 – Sentencing Decision 9:30 a.m.

Thank you for all your support and belief for freedom!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.

Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

July 22, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.

Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing

This hearing date will be to set the agenda for the hearing of the appeal from the conviction of J. Heinrichs.


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of June 17, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

The schedulers will call us on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:




Please remember other innocent people who have stood up for our rights and freedoms against our tyrannical governments during COVID-19 and to the present, who are now in the midst of their ongoing, oppressive trials:

Tamara Lich

Chris Barber

The Coutts prisoners: Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert

Pat King

and many other real victims.


Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

Scroll down the page to view past Empower Hours or listen via Podbean.

June 12, 2024

Sign on starts at: 4.30pm PST/7.30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar
Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!


Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:

Sunday, June 16, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Sunday at 10:30 am

June 16, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenant
  • Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Sunday at 10:30 am

June 16, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
  • Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II asap.

Thanks for your patience.

Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


June 15, 2024

12:oo pm Hwy 97 & Cooper

June 22, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


June 15, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


June 15, 2024 12:00 noon

O.K. Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m.

Across from Esso Station


June 15, 2024 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m.

Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom GatheringJune 15, 2024 12:00 noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


CLEAR Telegram

With almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable.

Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.

Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged.

This is a private group for trusted people and friends only.

“It Ain’t Over”   Freedom activists are critical thinkers! Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative? ————————————– ————————————– Kelowna Courts Falsified assault charge Kelowna Courthouse R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault Next Provincial Court Hearing Date: June 4, 2024 2:00 p.m. Application to Judge Heinrichs for an order to force Crown Persecutor to release video of Sheriff assault on David
Results: Mr. Grabavac admitted in court that he had personally reviewed the courthouse closed-circuit camera video of the incident. Consequently, I demanded that the Crown produce this video pursuant to its disclosure obligations. Predictably, Mr. Grabavac refused, prompting me to file an application with the Judge for an order compelling its release. It is imperative to understand that disclosure is a fundamental right during both sentencing and the appeal process. I should have been provided with this video as a matter of Constitutional right. The video in question is highly incriminating, and Mr. Grabavac is fully aware of this. The footage shows a sheriff clotheslining me as I attempted to enter courtroom 100 at the Kelowna courthouse, causing me to stumble backwards. This unprovoked assault occurred without any prior warning, and it infringed upon my Constitutional right to access courtrooms, a right upheld by courts across the country. Following this incident, the courthouse modified its policies, allowing me and other accused individuals to have one person accompany them into the courtroom. This policy change implicitly acknowledges that the assault was wrongful and criminal. The Crown’s reluctance to have this video on the record is clear.

Judge Heinrichs entered the courtroom and, before I could present my case, stated that she had reviewed my application and arbitrarily decided to disregard the Crown’s submissions on this issue. She declared that, as a result, the video was not required and would not be produced, effectively covering up the incident. Judge Heinrichs was aware that if the Crown’s arguments were accepted even for consideration, she would have to order the production of this video. Her decision to exclude it from the record was a deliberate attempt to avoid evidence that would favour my case. This is another example of keeping exculpatory evidence off the court record. It is a fundamental principle that if evidence is not on the record, it cannot be considered. During the trial, Mr. Grabavac repeatedly asked witnesses to confirm that I was banned from entering the Interior Health building on August 11, alleging that I had caused a disturbance. This claim, made under oath by IH security manager Smith, was patently false. I have video footage from August 11, thankfully recorded by Leo, proving that at no time did I cause any disturbance.

Despite this, Judge Heinrichs permitted all of the Crown’s evidence but denied me the right to cross-examine on this issue and refused to allow me to submit the video as evidence to demonstrate that Smith’s suspension was arbitrary and baseless. It is a well-established principle of law that if an issue is raised in evidence, the opposing party has the right to cross-examine. This right was denied to me. Now, Judge Heinrichs is once again denying me the opportunity to present evidence that contradicts the Crown’s narrative. This video would have clearly shown the ongoing assaults and harassment I have endured from the Crown and government officials in our quest for freedom and in supporting others who have been falsely charged. The incident in courtroom 100 was related to Bruce’s appearance date. Fortunately, he was later found not guilty. My final sentencing submissions are scheduled for June 13 at 9:30 a.m. The Judge is already attempting to limit my presentation to just one hour, despite an entire day being set aside. As an unrepresented defendant, I should be afforded more time than the Crown to present my submissions, not less. This is yet another example of judicial overreach, activism and bias from the bench.

June 13, 2024 9:30 a.m. Sentencing Hearing, Con’t July 10, 2024 – Sentencing Decision 9:30 a.m. Thank you for all your support and belief for freedom!! Remember the Freedom Principle: An attack against one is an attack against all. An attack against all, is an attack against one.

Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date: July 22, 2024 — 10:00 a.m. Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing This hearing date will be to set the agenda for the hearing of the appeal from the conviction of J. Heinrichs. ————————————– City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al Petition to Stop Rallies Next hearing date – The week of June 17, 2024 for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act) The schedulers will call us on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well. Our documents in this case are located on our website at:
All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Please remember other innocent people who have stood up for our rights and freedoms against our tyrannical governments during COVID-19 and to the present, who are now in the midst of their ongoing, oppressive trials: Tamara Lich Chris Barber The Coutts prisoners: Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert Pat King and many other real victims.

For those who missed this incredible story, we will have discs available at our

June 8, Hwy 91 & Cooper Rally.

Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

(Weather Permitting – Please note the change of day to Saturday morning this week only)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Saturday at 10:30 am

June 8, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II asap. Thanks for your patience.

Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


June 8, 2024

12:00 pm Hwy 97 & Cooper

June 15, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


June 8, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio ————— June 8, 2024 12:00 noon O.K. Falls Freedom Rally 11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station ————— June 8, 2024 12:00 noon Oliver Freedom Rally 12:00 p.m. Town Hall ————— Kamloops Freedom GatheringJune 8, 2024 12:00 noon Valleyview Centennial Park ————————————— CLEAR Telegram With almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only.  
Unsubscribe   |   Manage your subscription   | 

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, Jun 1 2-

”It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?



Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:

June 4, 2024 2:00 p.m.

Application to Judge Heinrichs for an order to force Crown Persecutor to release video of Sheriff assault on David

June 13, 2024 9:30 a.m.

Sentencing Hearing, Con’t

July 10, 2024 – Sentencing Decision 9:30 a.m.

Thank you!!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.

Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

July 22, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.

Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing

This hearing date will be to set the agenda for the hearing of the appeal from the conviction of J. Heinrichs.


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of June 17, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

The schedulers will call us on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:





Monday, June 3, 2024

Kelowna Christian Centre

905 Badke Road

This is an incredible story you don’t want to miss – with a surprise ending.

Meet and greet with David Stephan personally

Thanks Todd for all your efforts to bring this to the attention of the public.

A conversation with Grant Abraham, author of The Battle for the Soul of Canada.

When: Wednesday, June 5th – 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Where: Gallagher’s Canyon Auditorium

4350 Gallagher’s Dr.

West Kelowna

Grant Abraham

About the author

Grant Abraham has stepped forward to remind Canadians of the root values that Canada was founded upon and why these values provide an off-ramp solution to the destructive forces that are currently attempting to reshape Canada beyond recognition. Grant was born in Alberta and grew up in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. As a qualified Barrister and Solicitor, Grant worked internationally in the area of international development and social impact investment.

“A war is raging for the soul and identity of Canada”

Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:

May 12, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 10:30 am

May 12, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
    • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenant

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II for next week. Thanks for your patience.

Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


June 1, 2024 Noon

Stuart Park

June 8, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


June 1, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


June 1, 2024 12:00 noon

O.K. Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m.

Across from Esso Station


June 1, 2024 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m.

Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

June 1, 2024 12:00 noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


CLEAR Telegram

With almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable.

Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.

Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged.

This is a private group for trusted people and friends only.


 … and today is the last day! This month’s Druthers fundraiser has been rather slow. I know many people are out enjoying the warming weather, which is fantastic, but please do not forget about Druthers. We had 225,000 copies made for June but out fundraiser is still $10k short. We have the rest of today to come up with the difference so we can pay the printers and the shippers. PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN: Or simply send an etransfer to and we will manually add your contribution to the fundraiser page. NOTE: 100% of donations are used to print papers and ship skids across the country. No salaries, overhead or other expenses are ever taken from donations. That’s how we can keep doing it for just 10 cents per paper. A $500 donation pays for the printing and volunteer distribution of 5000 newspapers!!! Even a $10 donation pays for 100 newspapers. How many people will that wake up? Your donations are efficiently, effectively & respectfully used for waking up more Canadians, and we are making a difference! PLEASE DONATE HERE   Much love & gratitude, always,
Shawn Jason

Resistance Is Not Futile: Freedom Events in the Okanagan

Click here to read in browser 

Please forward


Rally’s and Events

”It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?



Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:

June 13, 2024 9:30 a.m.

Sentencing Hearing, Con’t

July 10, 2024 – Sentencing Decision 9:30 a.m.

Thank you!!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.

Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

May 6, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.

Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing

Next hearing date of May 6, 2024 is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after the sentencing is over. Though not much will likely happen at this hearing, it will be a good opportunity for those who wish to see how appeal work to “come on down” and check it out!


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay
et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of June 17, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

The schedulers will call us on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:



Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

Scroll down the page to view past Empower Hours or listen via Podbean.

May 1, 2024

Sign on starts at: 4.30pm PST/7.30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar

Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!




 Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:

May 5, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

May 5, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
  • Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II for next week. Thanks for your patience.


Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


May 4, 2024

12:00 pm Stuart Park,

May 11, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


May 4, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio—————May 4, 2024 12:00 noon O.K. Falls Freedom Rally11:30 a.m.Across from Esso Station—————May 4, 2024 12:00 noon Oliver Freedom Rally12:00 p.m.Town Hall—————Kamloops Freedom GatheringMay 4, 2024 12:00 noon Valleyview Centennial Park—————————————CLEAR TelegramWith almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only. you are interested in joining our text messaging list please reply to this email with your cell phone number and your carrier. You will receive the occasional text message with important last minute notices and updatesWas this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend ?
If so, please consider joining our elist so you don’t miss any future newsletters

Penticton4Freedom Events


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

It’s Potluck Party Time this Sunday!

Penticton 4 Freedom is Evolving!!

With all the excitement this year about a BC Provincial Election, and the Penticton4Freedom commitment to remain non-partisan, it’s time to move from Freedom Rallies to Community involvement. That involvement reaches out to the neighbourhoods we live in, our elected officials, our local businesses, and medical professionals, as well as within the Freedom Movement we all continue to build. But we don’t want to stop getting together once in a while.


THIS SUNDAY, April 14, 2024 – Let’s meet in the park for a fun and friendly Potluck Party.

Where: Skaha Lake Park at the Gazebo

What time:  1 PM

At least a few stragglers will hang around until 4, to make sure you don’t miss out on the rich conversations and hugs.

Bring a favourite dish, and we’ll provide the plates, bowls, napkins, cutlery and cups for hot and cold drinks. Fingers crossed that someone is willing to bring an urn or a couple of large thermoses full of coffee and someone else to bring juices or other cold drinks. (RSVP if that is your plan).

Most of the women, and some of the men who love to cook and bake, will provide the rest: salads and casseroles, rolls and butter, desserts and treats. And a roasted chicken or two, we hope. (Because we just can’t resist a good potluck feast with friends).

Our sound system has Bluetooth capability so bring your favourite Bluetooth music lists and we can sing along and dance barefoot in the park if we wish. The brave might even throw on a bathing suit and test the waters. (yipes!).

We’ll see you there!

P.S. We’ll also Bring the new April Druthers, Posters for the Donald Lee’s Book Tour event, and tickets and posters for The Awakening Film Tour!


And Now, For the Rest of the News!


 A quick scan of the index will save you time and bring you up to date. Each index item will appear in order in the email with pertinent details. Please pay special attention to those with dates to remember and any action items (petitions, etc.) that can be handled within a very few minutes.

1.     Rallies and local events

o   Potluck for Penticton 4 Freedom – Sunday, April 14 – 1 to 4 p.m. – Skaha Lake Park at the Gazebo



o   Community Awareness Project Penticton TownHall. Get on their email list!!

§  Wednesdays 6 pm Zoom planning meetings for Penticton and other nearby TownHalls (six more were just added in the past week!). This is an ongoing Community Awareness Project and You can make a difference.

§  Join the Zoom call here 

o   “The Awakening Film Tour”. – Get your tickets now!! Penticton Saturday, April 20 at 9:30 AM and Oliver Tuesday, April 23 at 7 PM – Order tickets now, below or pick yours up at the P4F potluck this Sunday.

o   Donald Lee is back in town with his new book, The Way Forward!

§  Meet Donald Tuesday, April 23 – 7 PM (doors open at 6:30)

§  Winepress Church, 74 Penticton Avenue, Penticton

§  Thank you, Ross for organizing this important event!

§  See poster below.


————————————-o0o—————————————   THE GREAT AWAKENING FILM TOUR ********** COMING TO PENTICTON AND OLIVER APRIL 20 AND 23 ********** ******BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW TO ENSURE MORE SCREENINGS******  image.png

  We are excited to announce the launch of “The Awakening Film Tour”.  Starting this April, a series of movies will grace the screens of our local theatres across the province. It’s time for alternative media to enter the spotlight, igniting awareness like wildfire. This opportunity not only amplifies the importance of these films but also provides us with greater credibility when discussing them with our friends and family.   Tickets can be purchased online at    It is important to purchase your tickets as soon as possible as we need to get a minimum number of tickets sold at each location to avoid cancelling events.   (email if you wish to pay by etransfer or cash)   The inaugural film screening of this tour is Mikki Willis’s award-winning film ‘The Great Awakening’ scheduled for the following locations: Confirmed Scheduled Dates:  Penticton – Saturday, April 20th, 9:30 am, Penticton, Landmark Cinemas (doors open at 9:00am) Oliver – Tuesday, April 23rd, 7:00 pm, Oliver Theatre (doors open at 6:30 pm)   Wednesday, April 16, 7:00pm, Salmar Classic Theatre, Salmon Arm, BC   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas Grand 10, Kelowna, BC   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas, Penticton, BC – Doors open at 9.   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas, Cranbrook, BC   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas, Fort St. John, BC   Saturday, April 20, 10:00am,  Galaxy Cinemas, Vernon, BC   Saturday, April 20, 10:00am, Famous Players 6 Cinemas, Prince George, BC   Saturday, April 20, 10:00am, Cineplex Odeon Cinemas, Abbotsford, BC   Saturday, April 20, 10:00am, Cineplex Odeon Cinemas, Victoria, BC   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas, Port Alberni, BC   Saturday, April 20, 9:30am, Landmark Cinemas, Campbell River, BC    Stay Up To Date:  Join our email list at  Follow-on Social Media:  Facebook X/Twitter   Instagram  Share with friends and family, or just bring them out to the movies.  We need to get your support and good attendance in order to continue to bring future films to your area.  More amazing documentaries are scheduled to be part of this film tour throughout the rest of 2024.  Let us know if you have any questions or want to help in any other way!  Thank you!  Gary Woitzik –  Freedom Network Club The Media Company With a Heart   Tickets can be purchased online at    It is important to purchase your tickets as soon as possible as we need to get a minimum number of tickets sold at each location to avoid cancelling events.   While still in its infancy, this endeavour aims to bring forth numerous films unveiling hidden truths and presenting solutions to heal our beautiful, yet fractured, world.  Organizing and delivering will be no small feat, and we earnestly seek everyone’s support.  The easiest way to help is to share this exciting news with everyone but attending a screening local will have a big impact!   We also need people to help promote, pre-sell tickets and check tickets at the door.  Please email if you are interested in helping.  
————————————-o0o—————————————  DONALD LEE IS BACK IN TOWN WITH HIS NEW BOOK!
TUESDAY, APRIL 23 AT 7 PM (Doors open at 6:30)

Winepress Church,
74 Penticton Avenue
Penticton, BC


Freedom Rising Weekly

For over two years, Freedom Rising has had weekly leadership meetings that have provided opportunities for collaboration, networking & unity between organizations, groups and individuals. Our weekly meetings are a collaboration of leaders from across Canada and beyond who are dedicated to restoring our rights and freedoms. Our goal is to build alliances, amplify initiatives, avoid duplication and be supported and inspired. You can use the zoom link below to join us each week. Date: Every Friday Time: 9am – 11am PT Zoom Meeting Link  HERE   ——————————- o0o————————————-    image.png

Also read Ted’s Wins of the week in this newsletter

Read the newsletter HERE

——————————- o0o————————————-


Druthers are in! Pick up your supply on Sunday at Skaha Lake Park this Sunday, April 14 between 1 and 4 PM or let us know by return email what arrangements you want to make.   Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing, and distributing Druthers copies in your area. Read DRUTHERS

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

I don’t want to spend LIFE in prison .., But if Trudeau has his way …

But if Trudeau has his way… 
my being sent away for life is prison could become a very real possibility. Please help stop this from happening. That’s what this month’s Druthers cover story is about.

Have a peek… it has a cartoon of black face Trudeau on it 😉 See it here.

Are you familiar with Bill C-63? The government has proposed that anyone who speaks out-of-line is a criminal worthy of life in prison! Wow. If this bill passes, it will be a massive blow to the freedom community and to freedom of speech in general, in Canada. It would also deliver a big blow to my own personal freedom because I publish Druthers.

Please… we cannot let this happen!

How do we stop it? The first big step is raising more awareness about this insane bill. I find most Canadians aren’t even aware of Bill C-63 and the extreme tyrannical powers it would grant the government. But, when enough people know about it, I am confident people WILL stand up and strongly say NO to the passing of this bill. If it passes, we are ALL at risk of life in prison.

This is no joke. We need more people to be aware of this insanity in order to stop it.

If you haven’t already, please consider ordering a bundle of 100 copies of this month’s papers that you can distribute into your own community as you see fit.

Or, an even easier way is to order our Neighbourhood Mail service and effortlessly have Druthers stuffed into the mailboxes in your own local community, or any Canadian community of your choosing. This has been a super popular option and delivery has been very reliable as we use Canada Post to deliver Druthers.

Since we started offering Neighbourhood Mail service in September of 2022, we have delivered an extra 800,000 copies of Druthers directly into people’s mailboxes in communities all across Canada! That’s incredible.

We are many, they are few. We have all the power, if we step up and claim it.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you have ideas on how we can make this stop this even more assuredly, I would love to hear about it. I don’t really want to spend the rest of my life behind bars, all because I publish Druthers. Please help.

I love you all. Stay strong!!


Freedom Events in the Okanagan, Next Penticton Meeting April 14


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


 A quick scan of the index will save you time and bring you up to date. Each index item will appear in order in the email with pertinent details. Please pay special attention to those with dates to remember and any action items (petitions, etc.) that can be handled within a very few minutes.

1.     Rallies and local events

o   P4F weekly rally details – No Rally on March 31 or April 7 See you on April 14th

o   Community Awareness Project Penticton TownHall Get on their email list!!

o   Convoy April 1st.

2.     Worth a Look – links

o   Sean Taylor-Brilliant speech from a guy who is walking the walk.

o   Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz

o   Freedom Rising Issue 65

o   Druthers March Issue


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FREEDOM RALLIES â€“ No Penticton Rally for the next 2 weeks!!

 We are in a transition phase from rallies to other forms of gathering for all involved.

Next Rally April 14 for an update followed by a celebratory luncheon – details to be announced.

Mark your calendars for 1 pm to say hello again to each other and goodbye to Main and Warren for the foreseeable future.

  ————————————-o0o————————————— TOWN HALLS- Get on their email list for Penticton!!! This is our big chance to create awareness during this election year in BC. Other resources:   o   volunteers needed for poster and flyer distribution. o   If you have technical knowledge and/or direct experience regarding Bills 31, 36, 44, 46, 47, please volunteer.   For More Information locally, email Get involved. Support and training provided.   ————————————-o0o————————————— April 1st HUGE CONVOY Coming from all directions!!!    image.png

————————————-o0o—————————————   WORTH A LOOK   Sean Taylor
Brilliant speech from a guy who is walking the walk 14 minutes in public     ————————————-o0o————————————— Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz Week of March 15, 2024   ————————————-o0o—————————————

Freedom Rising Weekly

For over two years, Freedom Rising has had weekly leadership meetings that have provided opportunities for collaboration, networking & unity between organizations, groups and individuals. Our weekly meetings are a collaboration of leaders from across Canada and beyond who are dedicated to restoring our rights and freedoms. Our goal is to build alliances, amplify initiatives, avoid duplication and be supported and inspired. You can use the zoom link below to join us each week. Date: Every Friday Time: 9am – 11am PT Zoom Meeting Link HERE ——————————- o0o————————————-  image.png

Read the newsletter HERE

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March Issue Online and pick up print copies at rallies. Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. For over a year, Penticton4Freedom supporters have donated enough money to Druthers to cover the cost of the 1,200 copies we distribute every month, plus some left over to support other distributors.   Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing, and distributing Druthers copies in your area. Read DRUTHERS
 Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!
Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!