Penticton 4 Freedom Bulletin
1. Saturday Rallies August 3
o Kelowna – Stuart Park at Noon
o Vernon – Polson Park – Noon to 2
§ Druthers crew expected to arrive after being delayed by fires along their route
2. Monday, August 5 (holiday Monday)
§ At 2 and 6 p.m.
3. Call for DRUTHERS donations
Geesh, we’re in a pickle again… 200,000 papers have been printed for August and we are still $8k short from being able to pay the bill and only 12 hours left in the fundraiser. Can you help?
Fundraising page >
Or send e-transfers to >
I know a few hundred of you have already donated this month and I thank you immensely. But this email goes out to 22,000+ people and if just 80 more people will pitch in $100 each, we can pay the printer.
Or if any heavy hitters are reading this, it would only take 8 of you contributing $1000 each to reach our target by the end of today. Are you a heavy hitter?
Donating to help print and distribute Druthers is the best way to make a difference with your money in this country.
Canada is rapidly waking up and this Druthers project has played a pivotal role in that happening. We can’t ease up now… let’s keep it going!
Anything you can do to help this fundraiser along is greatly appreciated.
Much love,
Shawn Jason
Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!