Revisionism is at the Heart of our Struggle for Freedom, Alison Chabloz
With chanteuse and satirist and political prisoner, Alison Chabloz

Revisionism is at the Heart of our Struggle for Freedom, Alison Chabloz
With chanteuse and satirist and political prisoner, Alison Chabloz
Ursula Haverbeck, often dubbed the “Nazi Grandma” in the German press, has been sentenced to 14 months in prison for incitement of racial hatred. Haverbeck has been handed several jail terms but has yet to be jailed.
A German court in Detmold has sentenced Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck to 14 months in prison, after the 89-year-old woman lost her appeal to a prior conviction on Tuesday. However, four months were shaved off her original conviction of 18 months. Prosecutors wanted the sentence upheld, Haverbeck’s lawyers were seeking exoneration.
The Detmold court had initially sentenced Haverbeck to eight months imprisonment in September 2016, after she sent a letter to the town’s mayor, Rainer Heller, claiming that Auschwitz was not a concentration camp.
Read more: Holocaust deniers: Negating history
Following the trial, the octogenarian handed out pamphlets to journalists, as well as the judge and prosecutor, entitled “Only the truth will set you free,” in which she once again denied the Nazi atrocities. Haverbeck was handed an additional 10-month sentence for the stunt.
Under German law, denying the Holocaust — in which 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis between 1941 and 1945 — constitutes incitement of racial hatred and can carry a prison sentence of up to five years.
Haverbeck and her late husband Werner Georg Haverbeck, who was an active member of the Nazi party in the run-up to and during the Second World War, founded a right-wing education center called Collegium Humanum, which has been banned since 2008. She has also written for the right-wing magazine Stimme des Reiches (Voice of the Empire), which she also used to express her views that the Holocaust never took place.
Time still to serve
Haverbeck, from the German town of Vlotho near Bielefeld, has been sentenced for similar charges on five other occasions. The most recent, in October, saw her sentenced to six months in prison by a district court in Berlin for incitement of racial hatred after she claimed at a public event that the gas chambers and Auschwitz concentration camp “were not real.”
In August she was handed a two-year sentence by a regional court in Lower Saxony.
Haverbeck has appealed the rulings passed down against her and proceedings in each other case remains ongoing. Haverbeck claims she has been merely been repeating an opinion.
This Tuesday’s appeal verdict is not final, either. Haverbeck’s lawyers intend to take the case to the Higher Regional Court in the town of Hamm, their last chance to challenge the sentence.
For immediate release:
Ottawa, 24th of November, 2017
Cancellation of the Screening of the Documentary Film ‘Killing Europe’ at the Ottawa Public Library
The world premiere screening of the documentary film ‘Killing Europe’ by the Danish-born film-maker, Michael Hansen had been scheduled to take place on Saturday, the 25th of November, 2017, from 2 to 4 pm, in the Ottawa Public Library Main Auditorium, 120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa. On the 24th of November, 2017, the Ottawa Public Library had informed Act! Ottawa that they were withdrawing from the agreement to rent us space to screen this documentary film, as it was deemed to be in breach of community standards.
Act! for Canada is an organization that highlights human rights abuses, giving voice to victims of violence and oppression, regardless of the consequences. It is in this spirit that Act! for Canada was screening this documentary film, ‘Killing Europe’. The subject of this documentary is difficult, painful and may be triggering to more vulnerable members of our society – and Act! For Canada fully admits that.
It sheds light on the growth of several very problematic movements within Europe, including homophobia, Anti-Semitism and rape-culture. However difficult these issues are, it is essential that they be exposed for what they are, and that the victims have the opportunity to tell their stories, no matter how difficult and traumatic these are.
This is exactly what the documentary film ‘Killing Europe’ does: it brings forward the personal, first-person accounts of stories of victims of rape, anti-Semitism, and homophobia and the violence they had been subjected to. Yes, these stories are painful and troubling, but they are true, first-person accounts of victims of institutionalized violence – and they deserve a fair hearing.
By de-platforming the world premiere screening of ‘Killing Europe’, the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library are permitting the perpetuation of these abuses and are permitting themselves to be tools of institutionalized oppression.
We, at Act! for Canada, are staunch defenders of the human rights of the most vulnerable members of our society, and we condemn, in the strongest terms possible, the re-victimization of women who bravely spoke out of their experience of rape and the institutionalized misogyny that they had been subjected to being further compounded by being denied the means to share their experience by the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library.
Alexandra Belaire,
Act! for Canada/Act! Ottawa
If you’re planning a political meeting in Ottawa, it might be wise to phone over to the Department of National Defence and ask to speak to chronic busybody Richard Warman. He is an perpetual filer of complaints and initiator of legal procedures aimed at stifling opinions of which he does not approve. His latest victim was Act! for Canada which had advertized a screening of Killing Europe, an expose of the Islamicization of Europe and the negative effects of mass Moslem immigration to Europe. To its everlasting shame, the Ottawa Public Library actively connived in this denial of free speech. Libraries across Canada celebrate “Freedom to Read” week. Apparently, the Board of the Ottawa Public Library. see no need to guarantee freedom to meet and discuss controversial issues. Although the public pays for the library through their taxes, only vetted politically correct members of the public can use the facilities for meetings.
A story in the Ottawa Sun (November 24, 2017) provides further details: “The Ottawa Public Library has cancelled this weekend’s screening of a controversial documentary, Killing Europe, after complaints the film was thinly disguised hate speech against Muslims and immigrants.
“I am letting you know that I have been working with the city solicitor about concerns brought forward by the Ottawa district labour council, unions, residents, board members and friends,” Coun. Tim Tierney, who is chairman of the library’s board of directors, said in an email. …’I can now report that the rental of the room will not take place.'” Let’s be quite clear the accusation of “hate speech” usually says more about the accuser than the people accused. “Hate speech” is usually speech someone hates. Killing Europe has never been charged under Canada’s notorious hate law or found guilty/ But just the mere accusation is enough for library authorities to interfere with free speech and discussion.
“Screening the film is “in clear violation of the library’s own rental policy prohibiting the use of space for discriminatory purposes,’ [Richard] Warman wrote in an email to the library and its board members, Mayor Jim Watson, and others.” Where’s the discrimination? The movie expressed a point of view. No Moslem was being denied a service to which he was entitled.
“’When I looked at the three-minute trailer, it was clear it was going to be an all-out assault on immigrants and the Muslim community,’ Warman said Friday. … But where to draw the line between suppressing free speech and stifling hate speech?
Warman said the screening clearly violated the library’s obligations, stated on its website, to not provide public space for individuals or groups that are likely to promote discrimination, contempt or hatred to any person on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, sexual preference, or disability, gratuitous sex and violence or denigration of the human condition.” Well, that lugubrious list is broad enough to shut down almost any criticism of anyone. Way to go library defenders of intellectual freedom!
“‘This is hate propaganda that is clearly directed toward recent immigrants and members of the Muslim community,’ [Warman] said.” Well, despite the fact he’s a lawyer, Warman is wrong. The movie has never been the subject of a Canadian Sec. 319 “hate charge”!
“’The main thing is that we ensure public venues aren’t used as amplifiers of the message of hate-mongers … Public, taxpayer-funded facilities cannot be used to engage in hate propaganda. The library board has the obligation, when we know that these groups will attempt to misuse public facilities.'” What a constipated view of the right to use public facilities, Warman holds. Even people he disagrees with pay taxes to support the institutions he would prevent them from using.
Paul Fromm
And why not let the Ottawa Public Library, Mayor Jim Watson, and Ottawa City Councillors know what you think of their compliance with Antifa bullying?
During a seminar with first-year communications students, Wilfrid Laurier University teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd screened a TVOntario debate to illustrate the sometimes-controversial politics of grammar.
The video, an episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin, included University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson presenting his case against the use of non-gendered pronouns. It also included panellists taking the opposite viewpoint.
Nevertheless, after an anonymous student complained, Shepherd found herself reprimanded for violating the school’s Gendered and Sexual Violence policy. In a subsequent meeting with university officials, she was accused of creating a “toxic” and “problematic” environment that constituted violence against transgendered students. She was also falsely told that she had broken the law.
Shepherd recorded the meeting. Audio and selected transcripts are below. The voices are of Shepherd, her supervising professor Nathan Rambukkana, another professor, Herbert Pimlott, as well as Adria Joel, manager of Gendered Violence Prevention and Support at the school.
Shepherd: Obviously this person (the complainant) who had an issue did not express it to me, they just went straight to whoever, I don’t know what really happened.
Rambukkana: Just for some additional context so, you came from U of T is that right?
Shepherd: No, SFU.
Rambukkana: From SFU, okay. So you weren’t, like, one of Jordan Peterson’s students?
The meeting had just begun when Shepherd received this oblique accusation that she might be a protégé or supporter of Peterson’s. Later in the meeting, Pimlott will expound on how people like Peterson live in a fantasy world of false conspiracies. However, it should be noted that upon encountering a teaching assistant who had mentioned an unpopular idea, one of Laurier’s first assumptions was that she was somehow an agent of those ideas. Several times during the meeting, Shepherd will reiterate that her beliefs about gender had no bearing on her decision to screen the video. “I disagree with Jordan Peterson, but you people seem to think I’m pro-Jordan Peterson,” she says at one point.
Rambukkana: …[Peterson] lectures about critiquing feminism, critiquing trans rights —
Shepherd: I’m familiar. I follow him. But can you shield people from those ideas? Am I supposed to comfort them and make sure that they are insulated away from this? Like, is that what the point of this is? Because to me, that is so against what a university is about. So against it. I was not taking sides. I was presenting both arguments.
Rambukkana: So the thing about this is, if you’re presenting something like this, you have to think about the kind of teaching climate that you’re creating. And this is actually, these arguments are counter to the Canadian Human Rights Code. Even since … C-16, ever since this passed, it is discriminatory to be targeting someone due to their gender identity or gender expression.
By C-16, Rambukkana is referring to a recently passed federal bill that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or expression. His read of it is dead wrong; it’s obviously not a violation of C-16 to screen a TVOntario program at a university. For one thing, the bill only applies to federally-regulated industries, which does not include universities. Even if it did, legal experts contacted by the National Post were extremely dubious that Shepherd’s actions constituted anything remotely resembling discrimination.
Shepherd: Like I said, it was in the spirit of debate.
Rambukkana: Okay, “in the spirit of the debate” is slightly different than ‘this is a problematic idea that we might want to unpack.’
Shepherd: But that’s taking sides.
Rambukkana: Yes.
Shepherd: It’s taking sides for me to be like “oh, look at this guy, like everything that comes out of his mouth is B.S. but we’re going to watch anyway.”
Rambukkana: I understand the position that you’re coming from and your positionality, but the reality is that it has created a toxic climate for some of the students, you know, it’s great —
Shepherd: How many? Who? How many? One?
Rambukkana: May I speak?
Shepherd: I have no concept of how many people complained, what their complaint was, you haven’t shown me the complaint.
Rambukkana: I understand that this is upsetting, but also confidentiality matters.
Shepherd: The number of people is confidential?
Rambukkana: Yes.
According to Shepherd, the seminar actually went pretty well; students considered the video, and soon got to discussing the use of gender neutral terms such as “they” instead of “him” or “her.” As Shepherd explained at the opening of her meeting with supervising professors, “there were people of all opinions.” Whoever took offence, she noted, did not approach her directly or even raise their concerns in class before filing a gendered violence complaint with university officials.
Rambukkana: Do you see how this is something that is not intellectually neutral, that is kind of “up for debate,” I mean this is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Shepherd: But it is up for debate.
Rambukkana: You’re perfectly welcome to your own opinion, but when you’re bringing it into the context of the classroom that can become problematic, and that can become something that is, that creates an unsafe learning environment for students.
Shepherd: But when they leave the university they’re going to be exposed to these ideas, so I don’t see how I’m doing a disservice to the class by exposing them to ideas that are really out there. And I’m sorry I’m crying, I’m stressed out because this to me is so wrong, so wrong.
Joel: Can I mention the … Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy?
Once again, Rambukkana accuses Shepherd of breaking the law. But as with C-16, there is nothing in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that prohibits what Shepherd did. The Charter says the exact opposite, in fact; one of the document’s four “fundamental freedoms” is the “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.” If someone ever launched a legal case against Shepherd for this, the Charter would be the document most likely to protect her from prosecution.
Shepherd: What I have a problem with is, I didn’t target anybody. Who did I target?
Joel: Trans folks.
Shepherd: By telling them ideas that are really out there? Telling them that? By telling them? Really?
Rambukkana: It’s not just telling them. In legitimizing this as a valid perspective—
Shepherd: In a university all perspectives are valid.
Rambukkana: That’s not necessarily true, Lindsay.
The tug-of-war between Shepherd and her supervising professor basically boiled down to single point. Shepherd argued the case that ideas, however controversial, deserve mention in the classroom. Rambukkana, however, held fast to the notion that some ideas are “problematic” and cannot be raised without being clearly labeled as such. In this, arguing against gender-neutral pronouns was compared to banning women’s suffrage or claiming that cigarettes are harmless. Using a rhetorical tactic typically more at home on Reddit forums, Rambukkana and Pimlott would also thrice use the example of Nazi Germany. “This is like neutrally playing a speech by Hitler,” Rambukkana said at one point.
Pimlott: I would find it problematic if my tutorial leaders were representing positions that didn’t have any substantial academic credibility to that evidence.
Shepherd: But he’s still a public figure … this was on a TV show. He’s still a public figure.
Pimlott: He’s a public figure, and a lot of people there like (American white supremacist) Richard Spencer of, I don’t like calling them alt-right, it gives them too much legitimacy, but Richard Spencer, right? The Nazis actually used, this is a historic—issues around the free speech idea in the 1920s in Weimar Germany as an issue around which which is what they’re using now. We know that someone like Richard Spencer is using theories and ideas that don’t have any academic credibility. He’s a public figure. But in terms of, if we introduce someone, we give them greater credibility in a certain condition. I agree that there are public figures out there that bring people, uh, bring hatred, target groups and if you look at statistically the degree of suicide attempts of trans people, young people, it’s the highest of any group in society. And, you know, it’s, you go through — Indigenous people — and so on. There are things that don’t have academic credibility and I just don’t think—I personally think I have some problems, I have no problems with the fact that these things are out there and people are going to engage them but we have to think of the atmosphere that we also create for the learning process.
It’s worth reiterating that this whole debacle happened within Wilfrid Laurier University’s communications department. The program’s whole job is to teach students how to legibly convey ideas. Despite this, the rambling semi-coherent answer above is quite typical of the other 43 minutes of the recording. Pimlott’s mention of “academic credibility” is notable. It’s not like the group is discussing an issue like climate change or evolution, in which there’s a pretty clear scientific consensus on the truth. They’re discussing language, and Laurier appears to be telling Shepherd to ignore the language ideas of any “public figure” who doesn’t have appropriate academic credentials. Such a broad definition could presumably include anyone from William Shakespeare to J.K. Rowling.
Rambukkana: Do you understand how what happened was contrary to, sorry Adria, what was the policy?
Joel: Gendered and Sexual Violence.
Rambukkana: — Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy. Do you understand how —
Shepherd: Sorry, what did I violate in that policy.
Joel: Um, so, gender-based violence, transphobia, in that policy. Causing harm, um, to trans students by, uh, bringing their identity as invalid. Their pronouns as invalid — potentially invalid.
Shepherd: So I caused harm?
Joel: — which is, under the Ontario Human Rights Code a protected thing so something that Laurier holds as a value.
Shepherd: Ok, so by proxy me showing a YouTube video I’m transphobic and I caused harm and violence? So be it. I can’t do anything to control that.
Rambukkana: Ok, so that’s not something that you have an issue with? The fact that that happened? Are you sorry that it happened?
Shepherd: I know in my heart, and I expressed to the class, that I’m not transphobic and if any of them — again, I don’t know what they said — but I don’t think I gave away any kind of political position of mine. I remained very neutral, and uh—
Rambukkana: —that’s kind of the problem.
Unlike with C-16 and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it is much more believable that Shepherd actually did violate the schools’ Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy. The document is quite broad, and defines gendered violence as “an act or actions that reinforce gender inequalities resulting in physical, sexual, emotional, economic or mental harm.” The policy further stipulates that the“violence” can take the form of graffiti or text messages. Under these parameters, a YouTube video that made a student feel uncomfortable would seem to amply qualify.
Rambukkana: These are very young students, and something of that nature is not appropriate to that age of student, because they don’t have …
Shepherd: 18?
Rambukkana: Yes.
Shepherd: They’re adults.
Rambukkana: Yes, but they’re very young adults. they don’t have the critical toolkit to be able to pick it apart yet. This is one of the things we’re teaching them, so this is why it becomes something that has to be done with a bit more care.
This is a theme that Pimlott takes up later in the recording; that Wilfrid Laurier University is bringing in young naïfs from a prejudice-filled society who aren’t yet ready to handle complex ideas without proper training. He said it takes a while to properly challenge “the faith-based, family and other types of structures in society that they’ve been inculcated with for years.” The meeting concludes, by the way, with a note that Shepherd must now run her seminar notes past Rambukkana and obtain specific approval for any future media she intends to show. “I’ll ask you not to play any more Jordan Peterson videos, or anything of the like,” Rambukkana said.
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Dear Friends,
A week from today – on Nov. 28, 2017 – the world will mark #GivingTuesday, an international movement that seeks to promote charitable giving, and where people from around the world donate to causes that are near and dear to their hearts.
As the voice of Canada’s grassroots Jewish community, B’nai Brith Canada is proud to participate in this important initiative that embodies the Jewish concept of tzedakah. In a year marred with antisemitism and hatred targeting members of our community from both sides of the political spectrum, B’nai Brith’s ongoing advocacy efforts have been particularly vital, and it is only through your support that we can continue to fight for the human rights of all Canadians.
With the help of your fully tax-deductible donation, B’nai Brith will continue to:
a) Fight against the purveyors of racism and hatred in Canada, from notorious white supremacist Paul Fromm to Your Ward News editor James Sears to the Vancouver imam who urged his congregants to finance Palestinian terrorism.
b) Refute the antisemitic boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, as we did through our nation-wide campaign in support of award-winning filmmaker Ian Halperin’s Wish You Weren’t Here, which exposes BDS and its supporters as antisemitic.
c) Support Jewish and pro-Israel students facing discrimination on campus. After three pro-Israel students at McGill University were targeted for their support of Jewish causes, B’nai Brith launched a petition (which now has more than 5,350 signatures) demanding that McGill’s administration investigate. McGill has since complied with this request.
On #GivingTuesday, please consider giving back to your community – by supporting Canada’s oldest self-funded and independent Jewish organization. Even the smallest donation helps in our objective of eradicating the racism and antisemitism that threatens our society today, defending the Jewish State of Israel, and supporting the members of our community.
Thank you for your commitment to B’nai Brith Canada.
Michael Mostyn
Chief Executive Officer
B’nai Brith Canada
WINNIPEG, MB – A notorious white supremacist has been disallowed from holding a private meeting in a Winnipeg hotel room, B’nai Brith Canada has learned.
The Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites has been directed by its leadership to cancel a reservation by Paul Fromm, who had booked a room in the facility for a Wednesday night meeting.
B’nai Brith and concerned citizens in Manitoba had been advocating against the meeting after reports circulated that it had been planned.
Fromm lost his teaching licence because of his association with white supremacist organizations. He also was penalized for endorsing racist and antisemitic organizations ranging from neo-Nazis to the KKK, including their Canadian counterparts.
In a recent talk delivered in Vancouver, Fromm made antisemitic, homophobic, anti-First Nations, anti-Sikh, anti-black and anti-Muslim remarks. He also distributed material showcasing propaganda produced by Alfred Schaefer, a Holocaust denier who is facing trial in Germany on criminal incitement charges.
“B’nai Brith commends Hilton Hotels & Resorts for saying no to hatred,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “There is no place for Fromm’s vile brand of hatred and antisemitism in Canadian society.”
Fromm also has endorsed and distributed the newsletter Your Ward News, an antisemitic and hateful publication that has been disseminated by publishers James Nicholas Sears and Lawrence (Leroy) St. Germaine. Sears and St. Germaine were charged Wednesday with willfully promoting hatred against Jews and women.
Cops Engineer Banning of Service
Report from Pyongyang on the Prairies — Hotels Don’t Honour Bookings; Hotels Discriminate Against Whites; Cops Engineer Banning of Service
SOMEWHERE IN MANITOBA, November 15, 2017. It’s been a wild day here in Winnipeg. Except for there not being the smell of kimchee in the air, this city is about as free as Pyongyang. It is a story of utterly cowardly hotels, blatant discrimination and, in the background, interference by the political police.
I was supposed to speak to local supporters at the Airport Hilton.
Before I arrived in Winnipeg, there had been two days of lies and denunciation in large articles in the Winnipeg Free Press, written by a reedy writer in a wool cap, one Ryan Thorpe. I comment on one of his smears at the end of this article. You’ll note the article reveals almost nothing about what I believe but unleashes a torrent of weaponized words — “neo-Nazi”, “White supremacist” etc.
When I arrived in Winnipeg early this afternoon, I hopped the shuttle to the Airport Hilton. I was met at the door by Wade Barkman. He was accompanied by a massively overweight East Indian who wouldn’t identify himself to me. I assume he was some sort of a bodyguard. The two barred the doors; “We are not able to honour your reservation.” [That’s a contract guaranteed by a credit card.]
Why, I asked. I had patronized this hotel on and off for more than 20 years. He agreed I’d been a good guest. Well, why?
“Circumstances,” he said. I told him that was insulting and was no answer As late as Tuesday, the Hilton was hanging tough. Jewish groups — the usual instigators of censorship, were denouncing the hotel for profiting from my presence. Joel Lazer of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said: “It is shameful that a local hotel is reportedly providing a platform (and therefore profiting) from Paul Fromm, a notorious white nationalist, to peddle his bigoted agenda.” (Winnipeg Free Press, November 15, 2017) Actually, I had rented a large bedroom suite for a small gathering.
An e-mail from Barkman even references the number of the contract that he was breaking:
Inbox | x |
Mr. Paul Fromm,
Due to circumstances surrounding your scheduled visit to the Hilton Winnipeg airport Suites, we will be unable accept your request for accommodations tonight. We will begin searching for alternate accommodations and will inform you if we are successful in finding you a hotel room elsewhere.
Local anti racists also promised protests. So, by this morning, the hotel had changed its mind. They were a little more forthcoming with long-time anti-free speech campaigner Helmut Harry Loewen: “We appreciate and acknowledge your concerns regarding Mr. Fromm’s proposed event… Due to safety and security concerns, the reservation has been canceled and Mr. Fromm will no longer be staying at the hotel,” a spokesman for the hotel company wrote in an email to Helmut-Harry Loewen, a retired University of Winnipeg professor with a specialization in neo-fascism.
Canadian white nationalist Frederick Paul Fromm arrives in Winnipeg Wednesday night vowing to speak to supporters despite a local hotel canceling his reservation.
“Our goal is to provide quality accommodations for our guests, employees, and members of our community visiting our hotel. Racism in any form is not tolerated,” the statement read.
Barkman claimed he’d tried to find me another hotel but could not — in hotel alley? He provided a cab and I set off to find another venue.
Not far away, I stopped in at the MainStay Suites. I booked a suite. I contacted those invitees I could. I never cancel a meeting. I was receiving calls from interested people, some phoneys, some young and sincere. Indeed, I met three excellent new recruits this hectic. day.
I was treated to a fine supper by some good supporters. On the way back, I gave a short interview in person to scribbler, hatchetman — he’s not reporter — Ryan Thorpe. I got a sneaky satisfaction from forcing him to buy me a double-double before I gave him a few quotations and let his frenetic cameraman wear out his camera snapping pics. Then, back into my cab and on to the MainStay Suites (250-594-0500).
Then, about 7:45 just as people were beginning to arrive, I received a call from the hotel manager, who, like many cowards in this business, refused to give his full name. I challenged this slimy behavior. I said: “You know my name. I want to know yours.” He suggested that I might not be using my proper name. I said: “I showed your staff my photo ID.”
Anyway, Jason — that’s the name he gave me — his story was that he was throwing me out because he had been contacted by the police. By this time there were about a dozen Antifa protesters in the hotel parking lot. I suggested that he had no right to throw a person who had paid out of a hotel room. I cited the Innkeepers Act. [Can you imagine a sober Indian in a business suit being tossed out of a hotel room because of his politics? But then this is Pyongyang lite, not the True North of sturdy independent thinkers that is quickly fading into the past in this cultural Marxist vomitorium of diversity.]
I insisted that, if I was to be put out into the night, they would have to haul all my luggage, Eventually, a cab was found. Several supporters followed me as I headed to the Canad Hotel. The Filipina on the desk told me she had several types of rooms available. As soon as I showed my ID, she grew pale and asked me what the “P” in my name stood for. I told her, She became flustered. She made a phone call and then told me that having refreshed her screen, she found the hotel was overbooked. I expressed my serious skepticism.
She then broke down and confessed: “We had a call from corporate headquarters and were given a strict order not to let you stay.” I said: “This is blatant discrimination! Is it because I am a Christian? Is it because I am a White male?” She was clearly distressed.
I said: “You were not born here. How would you feel if someone turned you out because, as you’ve just told me, you were from the Philippines?” She clearly sympathized. “I am only a worker,” she said softly. And of course, it was true. This was not her decision but the decision of dark forces responding to pressure far greater than could be exerted by the motley crew of anti-racists.
My supporters and I headed out to a decidedly downscale hotel that was not part of a chain and was known to one of my guys. We pulled up to the Assiniboine, an old watering hole. As soon as the desk clerk saw my ID, he summoned the night manager, a bald burly man with earings who looked as if he’d done some bouncing decades ago. “I can’t let you stay. I have a bad gut feeling,” the bouncer said. Here I am a 68-year old man in a suit. Perhaps, given the dingy beer joint appearance of the place, a guy in a suit may have given him “a bad gut feeling.”
I asked his name. He said it was “Brian.” What’s your last name? I asked, “I don’t have to tell you,” the cowardly bouncer said. The parking lot outside the quiet Assiniboine was almost empty — few boozers or guests tonight.Odd that such a down-at-heels place would turn down a paying customer.
Clearly, the fix was in and likely from people with the power to make serious threats and that’s not the freakish Antifa.
My supporters saw the pattern and found me other accommodations.
Hectic as the day was, I picked up three new supporters because of the publicity, two of whom saw first-hand Antifa goons and the shameless cowardice of the hospitality industry, which, ironically still e-mailed me several times for my reaction to my stay at the Hilton!
This lying report captures only part of the drama.
White nationalist mulls legal action after Winnipeg hotel cancels room reservationBy: Ryan Thorpe
Posted: 11/15/2017 4:36 PM | Last Modified: 11/15/2017 9:49 PM | Updates | Comments: 23
Frederick Paul Fromm said his presentation would go on as planned in an undisclosed location.
Facing backlash over news Frederick Paul Fromm would be holding a Wednesday night conference at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites, the hotel issued a statement saying it has canceled the notorious Canadian white nationalist’s room. [Actually, that’s a bedroom and, a lawyer advises me, utterly illegal discrimination.]
“We appreciate and acknowledge your concerns regarding Mr. Fromm’s proposed event… Due to safety and security concerns, the reservation has been canceled and Mr. Fromm will no longer be staying at the hotel,” a spokesman for the hotel company wrote in an email to Helmut-Harry Loewen, a retired University of Winnipeg professor with a specialization in neo-fascism.
Canadian white nationalist Frederick Paul Fromm arrives in Winnipeg Wednesday night vowing to speak to supporters despite a local hotel canceling his reservation.
“Our goal is to provide quality accommodations for our guests, employees, and members of our community visiting our hotel. Racism in any form is not tolerated,” the statement read.
Anti-facists soon called off a protest planned for outside the hotel, which was to counter-demonstrate Fromm’s far-right gathering and his presentation of a speech entitled Charlottesville Changes Everything.
“We’re very happy and feel very positive that Hilton made the right decision. Morally and ethically, it was the right call,” said Omar Kinnarath, a local organizer with Fascist Free Treaty 1.
“It’s great and shows that community organizing and community pressure works. We did something together today, the hotel, anti-fascists and all the groups that have been involved in this whole thing.”
Kinnarath went on to thank hotel staff for their patience when fielding calls from concerned community members during the past two days. [In other words, an organized campaign to interfere with the free exchange of ideas.]
Following his arrival in the city Wednesday, Fromm characterized the Hilton’s decision to cancel his booking as a breach of contract. He added he’s “disappointed, but not surprised.”
Fromm said he’s been in contact with a lawyer and is considering legal action against the company.
Citing help from local supporters, Fromm said the presentation would go on as planned and some 20 people were expected to attend. He did not make clear if the meeting would take place at another hotel in the city.
During a press conference Wednesday, Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman denounced Fromm’s visit.
“Winnipeg and Winnipeggers are voicing their repulsion with the prospect of Mr. Fromm espousing his hate in the city of Winnipeg. I want to let those Winnipeggers that are expressing their repulsion know that I’m with them and I’d encourage them to continue to express their condemnation… in a lawful manner,” Bowman said.
“Certainly, I find the hate he is promoting in cities across Canada, and now purportedly in Winnipeg, unwelcome and repulsive, and the vast majority of Winnipeggers will share those views as well.” [What an ignoramus this mayor is, denouncing a speech that has not yet been delivered and which he obviously has not heard.]
Fromm is a former educator who was dismissed by the Ontario College of Teachers in the late 1990s for his association with neo-Nazi organizations, although he denounces the term “neo-Nazi” as a misnomer.
He identifies as a white nationalist activist, though he is generally viewed as a white supremacist, and used to host a radio show on the neo-Nazi and white supremacist website Stormfront. [I told the reporter Stormfront is not “neo-Nazi” and that the word is a smear. Note that he offers no evidence that I am “generally viewed as a White supremacist”. I emphatically told him I am NOT a supremacist and do not seek to dominate anyone. I want to preserve the place of the European founder/settler people of North America.]
and has long-standing ties with some of North America’s most well-known Ku Klux Klan members, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, including David Duke, Don Andrews, Don Black and the late Ernst Zundel, among others.[An orgy of name calling. I told him that NONE of these men call themselves Nazis, neo- or otherwise. None considers himself a White supremacist and none is a member of the KKK.]
[Thorpe claims to have seen the video of this talk and, yet, you read the column and learn nothing about my views. You do read the weaponized words “neo-Nazi” and “White supremacist” which are vague but signal “bad guy”]
Are all perspectives valid in a debate?
At Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, there are some viewpoints which aren’t.
The question came up after a Lindsay Shepherd, a T.A. and a master’s student, played a controversial YouTube clip during a debate about gender-neutral pronouns in her tutorial.
The clip in question featured University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, who has famously refused to use gender pronouns other than “he” or “she,” defending his position against a professor who argued it was necessary to use the pronouns that a person prefers to be called.
READ MORE: Classes could resume two days after back-to-work bill passes, colleges say
She was called into a meeting in which Laurier faculty and administration told her that playing the clip without condemnation legitimizes the viewpoint, which they don’t support.
“In a university, all perspectives are valid,” she said in the meeting, which took place at the beginning of November.
“That’s not necessarily true,” a staff member responded.
The meeting, which Shepherd secretly recorded, left her in tears after staff said playing the clip created a toxic environment for transgender students and called her transphobic.
Shepherd defended her position saying she wanted to expose her students to opinions which are in the real world.
“I don’t get how exposing people to the idea makes me transphobic,” Shepherd said in the meeting.
LISTEN: Excerpts from secretly recorded meeting between Wilfrid Laurier University grad student and faculty
Shepherd said the clip of Peterson debating another U of T professor, Nicholas Matte, was meant to demonstrate ways in which the existence of gender-specific pronouns has caused controversy.
Shepherd said she presented the clip of the debate neutrally and without bias, but she was told her approach to the clip was tantamount to remaining neutral on other objectionable views such as those of Adolf Hitler. She was told that she should have provided more background on Peterson’s views, including his connections to the alt-right and Canada’s Rebel Media, and condemned him.
READ MORE: Toronto spa stays silent on pledge for change in policy on transgender customers
“The thing is, when you start off saying ‘This guy sucks don’t listen to anything he says,’ there’s people right there who are not going to say anything, you’ve silenced them,” Shepherd explained.
“I just wanted to open with ‘Any ideas are welcome here.’”
WATCH: Wilfrid Laurier TA says University censored her for showing clip on gender pronouns
While the university said the meeting took place, they didn’t comment on it or respond to a request for interview from Global News. In a statement released by the president and vice-chancellor, Deborah MacLatchy, she said that the university champions “The civil debate of competing ideas, free speech, and freedom of expression.”
“The real question, however, is how do we encourage and implement these fundamental ideals in a world that’s more aware of the importance of inclusivity and yet, at the same time, is growing more polarized?” she wrote in the statement.
Support for Shepherd is growing, with people saying the issue is close to censorship.
“If we as a university really believed in free speech, and if we’d been underlining that all the way along, this wouldn’t have been an issue, but increasingly here at Laurier and at other universities, we are censoring students,” Sociology professor David Haskell told Global News.
He also took exception to the comparison to Hitler, saying people use the argument to “silence others.”
“I see increasingly many of my colleagues using those kind of dramatic comparisons to Hitler, to other totalitarian regimes, but they do it in order to silence others,” he said.
WATCH: Wilfrid Laurier Professor comes to defence of censored TA Lindsay Shepherd
Katherine Fierlbeck, a political science professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, told the Canadian Press that she encourages genuine debate in the classroom.
She said failure to do so not only shortchanges students by leaving them without the skills to think critically in real-life debates, but may also drive those who feel their views are not welcome to seek out more receptive audiences, such as communities of online agitators or active proponents of hate.
Shepherd’s approach of neutrally presenting a debate to prompt further discussion was exemplary, she said, adding it was in keeping with the true spirit of academic freedom.
COMMENTARY: Free speech can’t be a casualty of Canada’s ‘whole-of-government’ approach to Islamophobia
“Some … understand academic freedom to mean that they can say anything about anybody at any time, but that’s certainly not the case,” she said. “It has to be germane to your area, and there has to be a good reason offered for what you are doing.”
Shepherd now has to put forth her lesson plans to her supervisor before her tutorials, and faculty members will be monitoring her lesson plans going forward.
*With files from the Canadian Press
The Zionist thought police have a hate-on for anything Revisionist videographer Jim Rizoli does.
“Jim could be videoing MILLING FLOWER IN MASSACHUSETTS and get this same demonization,” says his co-worker Diane King. Here’s the YOU TUBE ban notice. Below it is the video of the Toronto meeting YOU TUBE seeks to censor.
Imagine that… JR
We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: Toronto Trip, Toronto, Ontario meeting with Jim and Diane, Nov 2, 2017 has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s): Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte, United Kingdom YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help center article on legal complaints // Sincerely, Jim Rizoli and Diane King speak at Alternative Forum, Toronto, Canada, Nov 2, 2017. AN UPDATE ON REVISIONISM, TORONTO, ONTARIO TALK: Paul Fromm, CAFE, Canadian Association for Free Expression, Jim Rizoli and Diane King speak in Toronto, Ontario about Free Speech issues in the states, the looming assaults of freedoms from the government. ![]() |
Report from Pyongyang on the Prairies — Hotels Don’t Honour Bookings; Hotels Discriminate Against Whites; Cops Engineer Banning of Service
SOMEWHERE IN MANITOBA, November 15, 2017. It’s been a wild day here in Winnipeg. Except for there not being the smell of kimchee in the air, this city is about as free as Pyongyang. It is a story of utterly cowardly hotels, blatant discrimination and, in the background, interference by the political police.
I was supposed to speak to local supporters at the Airport Hilton, My topic was
Charlottesville Changed Everything
* An elite running scared
* New repression — Motion-103 (Islamophobia) now in committee
* Little rebellions across Canada
You can see the version of this speech I gave in Vancouver a few weeks ago:
Before I arrived in Winnipeg, there had been two days of lies and denunciation in large articles in the Winnipeg Free Press, written by a reedy writer in a wool cap, one Ryan Thorpe. I comment on one of his smears at the end of this article. You’ll note the article reveals almost nothing about what I believe but unleashes a torrent of weaponized words — “neo-Nazi”, “White supremacist” etc.
VICTORIA, B.C.: AUGUST 14, 2010 – Paul Fromm, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee director, talks to the media during a protest against the rescue of Tamils, at CFB Esquimalt in Victoria, B.C. August 14, 2010. (ADRIAN LAM, TIMES COLONIST). For City story by Stand Alone
When I arrived in Winnipeg early this afternoon, I hopped the shuttle to the Airport Hilton. I was met at the door by Wade Barkman. He was accompanied by a massively overweight East Indian who wouldn’t identify himself to me. I assume he was some sort of a bodyguard. The two barred the doors; “We are not able to honour your reservation.” [That’s a contract guaranteed by a credit card.]
Why, I asked. I had patronized this hotel on and off for more than 20 years. He agreed I’d been a good guest. Well, why?
“Circumstances,” he said. I told him that was insulting and was no answer As late as Tuesday, the Hilton was hanging tough. Jewish groups — the usual instigators of censorship, were denouncing the hotel for profiting from my presence. Joel Lazer of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said: “It is shameful that a local hotel is reportedly providing a platform (and therefore profiting) from Paul Fromm, a notorious white nationalist, to peddle his bigoted agenda.” (Winnipeg Free Press, November 15, 2017) Actually, I had rented a large bedroom suite for a small gathering.
An e-mail from Barkman even references the number of the contract that he was breaking:
Inbox | x |
Mr. Paul Fromm,
Due to circumstances surrounding your scheduled visit to the Hilton Winnipeg airport Suites, we will be unable accept your request for accommodations tonight. We will begin searching for alternate accommodations and will inform you if we are successful in finding you a hotel room elsewhere.
Local anti racists also promised protests. So, by this morning, the hotel had changed its mind. They were a little more forthcoming with long-time anti-free speech campaigner Helmut Harry Loewen: “We appreciate and acknowledge your concerns regarding Mr. Fromm’s proposed event… Due to safety and security concerns, the reservation has been cancelled and Mr. Fromm will no longer be staying at the hotel,” a spokesman for the hotel company wrote in an email to Helmut-Harry Loewen, a retired University of Winnipeg professor with a specialization in neo-fascism.
Canadian white nationalist Frederick Paul Fromm arrives in Winnipeg Wednesday night vowing to speak to supporters despite a local hotel cancelling his reservation.
“Our goal is to provide quality accommodations for our guests, employees and members of our community visiting our hotel. Racism in any form is not tolerated,” the statement read.
Barkman claimed he’d tried to find me another hotel but could not — in hotel alley? He provided a cab and I set off to find another venue.
Not far away, I stopped in at the Main Stay Suites. I booked a suite. I contacted those invitees I could. I never cancel a meeting. I was receiving calls from interested people, some phoneys, some young and sincere. Indeed, I met three excellent new recruits this hectic. day.
I was treated to a fine supper by some good supporters. On the way back, I gave a short interview in person to scribbler, hatchetman — he’s not reporter — Ryan Thorpe. I got a sneaky satisfaction from forcing him to buy me a double-double before I gave him a few quotations and let his frenetic cameraman wear out his camera snapping pics. Then, back into my cab and on to the MainStay Suites (250-594-0500).
Then, about 7:45 just as people were beginning to arrive, I received a call from the hotel manager, who, like many cowards in this business, refused to give his full name. I challenged this slimy behaviour. I said: “You know my name. I want to know yours.” He suggested that I might not be using my proper name. I said: “I showed your staff my photo ID.”
Anyway, Jason — that’s the name he gave me — his story was that he was throwing me out because he had been contacted by the police. By this time there were about a dozen antifa protesters in the hotel parking lot. I suggested that he had no right to throw a person who had paid out of a hotel room. I cited the Innkeepers Act. [Can you imagine a sober Indian in a business suit being tossed out of a hotel room because of his politics? But then this is Pyongyang lite, not the True North of sturdy independent thinkers that is quickly fading into the past in this cultural Marxist vomitorium of diversity.]
I insisted that, if I was to be put out into the night, they would have to haul all my luggage, Eventually, a cab was found. Several supporters followed me as I headed to the Canad Hotel. The Filipina on the desk told me she had several types of rooms available. As soon as I showed my ID, she grew pale and asked me what the “P” in my name stood for. I told her, She became flustered. She made a phone call and then told me that having refreshed her screen, she found the hotel was overbooked. I expressed my serious skepticism.
She then broke down and confessed: “We had a call from corporate headquarters and were given a strict order not to let you stay.” I said: “This is blatant discrimination! Is it because I am a Christian? Is it because I am a White male?” She was clearly distressed.
I said: “You were not born here. How would you feel if someone turned you out because, as you’ve just told me, you were from the Philippines?” She clearly sympathized. “I am only a worker,” she said softly. And of course, it was true. This was not her decision but the decision of dark forces responding to pressure far greater than could be exerted by the motley crew of anti-racists.
My supporters and I headed out to a decidedly downscale hotel that was not part of a chain and was known to one of my guys. We pulled up to the Assiniboine, an old watering hole. As soon as the desk clerk saw my ID, he summoned the night manager, a bald burly man with earings who looked as if he’d done some bouncing decades ago. “I can’t let you stay. I have a bad gut feeling,” the bouncer said. Here I am a 68-year old man in a suit. Perhaps, given the dingy beer joint appearance of the place, a guy in a suit may have given him “a bad gut feeling.”
I asked his name. He said it was “Brian.” What’s your last name? I asked, “I don’t have to tell you,” the cowardly bouncer said. The parking lot outside the quiet Assiniboine was almost empty — few boozers or guests tonight.Odd that such a down-at-heels place would turn down a paying customer.
Clearly, the fix was in and likely from people with the power to make serious threats and that’s not the freakish antifa.
My supporters saw the pattern and found me other accommodations.
Hectic as the day was, I picked up three new supporters because of the publicity, two of whom saw first hand antifa goons and the shameless cowardice of the hospitality industry, which, ironically still e-mailed me several times for my reaction to my stay at the Hilton!
This lying report captures only part of the drama.
By: Ryan Thorpe
Posted: 11/15/2017 4:36 PM | Last Modified: 11/15/2017 9:49 PM | Updates | Comments: 23
Frederick Paul Fromm said his presentation would go on as planned in an undisclosed location.
Facing backlash over news Frederick Paul Fromm would be holding a Wednesday night conference at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites, the hotel issued a statement saying it has cancelled the notorious Canadian white nationalist’s room. [Actually, that’s a bedroom and, a lawyer advises me, utterly illegal discrimination.]
“We appreciate and acknowledge your concerns regarding Mr. Fromm’s proposed event… Due to safety and security concerns, the reservation has been cancelled and Mr. Fromm will no longer be staying at the hotel,” a spokesman for the hotel company wrote in an email to Helmut-Harry Loewen, a retired University of Winnipeg professor with a specialization in neo-fascism.
Canadian white nationalist Frederick Paul Fromm arrives in Winnipeg Wednesday night vowing to speak to supporters despite a local hotel cancelling his reservation.
“Our goal is to provide quality accommodations for our guests, employees and members of our community visiting our hotel. Racism in any form is not tolerated,” the statement read.
Anti-facists soon called off a protest planned for outside the hotel, which was to counter-demonstrate Fromm’s far-right gathering and his presentation of a speech entitled Charlottesville Changes Everything.
“We’re very happy and feel very positive that Hilton made the right decision. Morally and ethically, it was the right call,” said Omar Kinnarath, a local organizer with Fascist Free Treaty 1.
“It’s great and shows that community organizing and community pressure works. We did something together today, the hotel, anti-fascists and all the groups that have been involved in this whole thing.”
Kinnarath went on to thank hotel staff for their patience when fielding calls from concerned community members during the past two days. [In other words, an organized campaign to interfere with the free exchange of ideas.]
Following his arrival in the city Wednesday, Fromm characterized the Hilton’s decision to cancel his booking as a breach of contract. He added he’s “disappointed, but not surprised.”
Fromm said he’s been in contact with a lawyer and is considering legal action against the company.
Citing help from local supporters, Fromm said the presentation would go on as planned and some 20 people were expected to attend. He did not make clear if the meeting would take place at another hotel in the city.
During a press conference Wednesday, Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman denounced Fromm’s visit.
“Winnipeg and Winnipeggers are voicing their repulsion with the prospect of Mr. Fromm espousing his hate in the city of Winnipeg. I want to let those Winnipeggers that are expressing their repulsion know that I’m with them and I’d encourage them to continue to express their condemnation… in a lawful manner,” Bowman said.
“Certainly, I find the hate he is promoting in cities across Canada, and now purportedly in Winnipeg, unwelcome and repulsive, and the vast majority of Winnipeggers will share those views as well.” [What an ignoramus this mayor is, denouncing a speech that has not yet been delivered and which he obviously has not heard.]
Fromm is a former educator who was dismissed by the Ontario College of Teachers in the late 1990s for his association with neo-Nazi organizations, although he denounces the term “neo-Nazi” as a misnomer.
He identifies as a white nationalist activist, though he is generally viewed as a white supremacist, and used to host a radio show on the neo-Nazi and white supremacist website Stormfront. [I told the reporter Stormfront is not “neo-Nazi” and that the word is a smear. Note that he offers no evidence that I am “generally viewed as a White supremacist”. I emphatically told him I am NOT a supremacist and do not seek to dominate anyone. I want to preserve the place of the European founder/settler people of North America.]
and has long standing ties with some of North America’s most well-known Ku Klux Klan members, white supremacists and neo-Nazis, including David Duke, Don Andrews, Don Black and the late Ernst Zundel, among others.[An orgy of name calling. I told him that NONE of these men call themselves Nazis, noe- or otherwise. None considers himself a White supremacist and none is a member of the KKK.]
[Thorpe claims to have seen the video of this talk and, yet, you read the column and learn nothing about my views. You do read the weaponized words “neo-Nazi” and “White supremacist” which are vague but signal “bad guy”]