Monthly Archives: April 2018
Professor Rick Mehta Faces Investigation for His Political Views — Update
Professor Rick Mehta Faces Investigation for His Political Views — Update
I won’t be spending much time on social media today because I’ll be preparing for my long meeting (9:30 am to 4 pm) with the university’s lawyer tomorrow. As I reflect on the events that led to this investigation and tomorrow’s meeting, I’ve noted that a tweet I sent to Andrew Scheer (federal opposition leader in Canadian politics) in January is what led to me being in the public spotlight due to the media coverage that my tweet received.
But I first became outspoken on July 25, 2017, when I spoke out against my union – in part because I was opposed to getting a raise on the back of the support staff. At around November, I then started to use public postings on FB to continue speak out against my union as an impending strike seemed to be looming.
In December, I sent a campus-wide email message to counter the claims made in an article in the student newspaper about women’s participation in academia that were based almost exclusively on a perspective that seemed to be provided by WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Acadia.
In early January, I sent a campus-wide email to express my concerns about the university’s decolonization initiatives, with one of my key concerns being that they would worsen race relations. The responses I got (both public and private) were rather telling.
As I prepare for tomorrow, I see the situation as me having the truth on my side while the other side has an agenda that appears to be well-funded. In other words, from my perspective, this meeting is about truth versus money & power. — Prof. Rick Mehta
Brian Ruhe Talking About Monika Schaefer & Free Speech on the Streets of Vancouver
Brian Ruhe Talking About Monika Schaefer & Free Speech on the Streets of Vancouver
The Brian Ruhe Show – Tel. 604-738-8475
Hi everyone,
I received a letter and a postcard, copied below, from Monika Schaefer who has been imprisoned in Germany since Jan. 3 for questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust. Please copy and send her letters to your lists if you like. Recently we went on the streets with Monika posters and made a video talking with people about free speech:
Monika Schaefer and Free Speech on the Streets of Vancouver
I have been storing my old and new videos into Bitchute, which takes a lot of time, at the link above and I have a new Brian Ruhe YouTube channel linked above as well. I am continuing with my work as I want to do what I feel is best for the world.
If you would like to contribute to my efforts please donate at:
Here you go, thanks…
Brian Ruhe…
2018 March 27
Stadelheim Prison
F3 – CD – 106
That’s where I live these days, courtesy of the occupied gov’t of Germany. Aren’t they kind,
giving me all this free room and board!
Dear Brian,
I am long long overdue to write directly to you — so sorry I haven’t done so sooner. This is letter #2 to you, I hope you received the other one way back when …. I know that many of you are communicating with each other about this “situation” etc. and I am exceedingly grateful for that.
Thank you for the card —Valentine’s card — which got here on March 21st. The volume of mail has increased somewhat and the “proofreaders” seem to be getting a little behind. Also they were preoccupied with trying to decide what to do with me so there was a period of over 2 weeks where no mail got through. There’s an avalanche. I have a very “good problem” right now. Even while I am writing as many letters as I can, I am unable to keep up with the flow – thus there will probably be a few unanswered letters and cards. I am extremely grateful for every single letter, card, greeting, and prayer coming my way, and I want that to be known out there. I apologize to those that I might not find the time to personally thank – but please know that every letter is so appreciated. It is also very good for the “authorities” to see that not everyone on this earth agrees with their narrative, nor does everyone approve of locking me up for daring to speak my mind.
Brian, I have been hearing so many wonderful things about the work you are doing. Thank you!!!
It is fantastic that you organized a protest at the German Consulate in Vancouver. (That video is at:
The last couple of weeks were a bit of a roller coaster ride for me for a couple of reasons, but I have recovered and am doing just fine. Plus, I now have my violin with me – that is absolutely GREAT! One of the things that sent me for a loop was a hearing before a judge to see if I could have “house arrest” at that beautiful lake where my brother lives instead of in this F3-CD-106 5-star-hotel-room.
So I allowed myself to dream of walks through the forest and sharing a glass of wine in good company … and then (of course) it was a no go which sent me for a bit of a dive. Funny thing is, I was doing just fine before this thing even came up, but when you are presented with even just a possibility, and all the people around you are saying nice things trying to encourage you, like “oh yes, you’ll get out for sure!!”, well then the disappointment is stark. But anyway, it only took me a few days to recover.
But then I learned of logistical problems on the home front regarding [the] post office. Without getting into too much detail here, it could cause me huge problems, like an unraveling of my right to live in Jasper. Wouldn’t that be something, if this illegal detainment here leads to my homelessness back home?! Anyway, I got the Canadian Consulate involved so I am hoping for resolution on that problem.
Brian I hope you are well! Please give my love to all those around you, including Nancy (I appreciated her note to me in the card). Please rest assured, I am in good spirits!
Sending much Love,
[post card]
Letter #3 – 31st March 2018
Hi Brian, this is two letters in a row after a long time pause in letter-writing to you, so I imagine #2 and this one might reach you at the same time. You never know with the mail out of here, this lovely hotel they’re putting me up in, the service is questionable. Anyway, just thought I’d send you a quick note on this, my 88th day of incarceration, full moon for extra power (second “Blue” moon this year). I think I also counted 88 keys on my piano, but I can’t verify that right now. Being a musician, I should know that, shouldn’t I. Hey Brian didn’t you tell me once you were a stamp collector? Or maybe that was someone else – I’m getting confused now. But you might like a few German stamps anyway. Take care – sending lots of love. Monika
I leave it to you to distribute in the endeavour to raise worldwide awareness of her appalling plight. With best respects to Monika,