Resistance Is Not Futile: Freedom Events in the Okanagan

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Rally’s and Events

”It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?



Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date:

June 13, 2024 9:30 a.m.

Sentencing Hearing, Con’t

July 10, 2024 – Sentencing Decision 9:30 a.m.

Thank you!!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.

Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

May 6, 2024 — 10:00 a.m.

Notice of Conviction Appeal Hearing

Next hearing date of May 6, 2024 is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after the sentencing is over. Though not much will likely happen at this hearing, it will be a good opportunity for those who wish to see how appeal work to “come on down” and check it out!


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay
et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of June 17, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

The schedulers will call us on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:



Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

Scroll down the page to view past Empower Hours or listen via Podbean.

May 1, 2024

Sign on starts at: 4.30pm PST/7.30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar

Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!




 Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:

May 5, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

May 5, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
  • Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


A bit about David

Due to time constraints right now, I will try and complete Part II for next week. Thanks for your patience.


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rallies:


May 4, 2024

12:00 pm Stuart Park,

May 11, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!


May 4, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio—————May 4, 2024 12:00 noon O.K. Falls Freedom Rally11:30 a.m.Across from Esso Station—————May 4, 2024 12:00 noon Oliver Freedom Rally12:00 p.m.Town Hall—————Kamloops Freedom GatheringMay 4, 2024 12:00 noon Valleyview Centennial Park—————————————CLEAR TelegramWith almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only. you are interested in joining our text messaging list please reply to this email with your cell phone number and your carrier. You will receive the occasional text message with important last minute notices and updatesWas this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend ?
If so, please consider joining our elist so you don’t miss any future newsletters

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, February 29 – March 15: David Lindsay’s Appeal; Rally, March 2; Professor Bruce Pardy

“It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a

critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist.

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and 

                    used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the 

                    gov’t narrative?



The closer the collapse of an Empire, the crazier its laws.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Truly, those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities


Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date: April 12, 2024 – Sentencing

I will provide more specifics and updates in the coming weeks. Not much happening until then, except the Crown Persecutor, David Grabavac, wants two years in jail, three years probation, a firearms weapons ban, and a DNA sample. Unbelievable. From those who have seen the video, this is nothing more than political harassment and intimidation by Mr. Grabavac who is abusing his powers and should be removed from the office of a Crown Prosecutor immediately.



Next Supreme Court Hearing Date: April 22, 2024

Notice of Conviction Appeal

In the B.C. Supreme Court on Jan. 29, 2024, I appeared before Justice Weatherill. I was ordered to file my Constitutional Challenge to the payment of transcripts fees, and s. 265 of the Criminal Code (assault – as being far too broad), and serve them on the AG of Canada and BC, by April 5, 2024. Next hearing date is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after that.

City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

ORIGINAL hearing date – The week of Feb. 20, 2024


In response to the City of Kelowna’s Petition for a permanent injunction banning our rallies from downtown Kelowna unless we pay for an obtain a permit from the very people we are protesting against, we have filed a SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) Application, seeking to have the Petition dismissed on the basis that it is either intended to stifle and stop freedom of expression or will have that effect – or both. The City and Province has tried for two years now to stop our rallies (protests/demonstrations) against COVID-19, vaccinations, and upcoming threats to our freedoms.

Public visibility is hated by these govt’s who do not want their activities becoming public unless they control the narrative.

This was originally set down for a three (3) day hearing this past week. In Kelowna, they use this archaic “Assize” system to set hearing dates in the Supreme Court, where the schedulers call you late on Friday afternoon the week prior to your hearing, to tell what days you will be heard on. This presents numerous obstacles and burdens upon all parties, from lawyers having to leave a whole week open to may be heard on one day, to litigants who are self represented having to tell employers at the last minute that they cannot work, to the public who have a Constitutional right of access to watch court proceedings and must also try and reschedule all their plans to be heard at the last minute.

As a result of there being no available judges, this hearing has now been pushed back to the week of JUNE 17, 2024 to be heard over three (3) days.

I will not be notified until Friday June 14, 2024 what specific days of the following week we will be heard, and who the judge will be.

My documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:


Attorney General of Canada v Canadian Civil Liberties Association, et al

Emergencies Act Notice of Appeal

On Feb. 22, 2024, the Attorney General of Canada filed its appeal from the decision of the Federal Court, striking its orders under the Emergencies Act.  The Respondents are the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Edward Cornell and Vincent Gircys, and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation.

Additionally, the Canadian Frontline Nurses and Kristen Nagle have also filed an appeal from the decision of the Federal Court Judge refusing to give them standing.  

A copy of these appeals can be found on our website at: 


Bruce Orydzuk — March 19, 2024 – 9:30 a.m. – Judgment

Cause Disturbance at Vaccine Protest – s. 175(1)(a) Criminal Code

Bruce has been a committed activist for freedom the entire COVID-19 Con and continuing to the present against ongoing threats to our rights and freedoms.

Please support Bruce at court when judgment is delivered by Judge Ruse. Those who have witnessed this proceeding will, again, agree that no disturbance was caused and the Crown is simply prosecuting for improper purposes.


Sunday Paper Delivery

Next delivery day:

March 3, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

March 3, 2024

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!
  • Contact Linda at CLEAR

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere. Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone. Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH: Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters.


New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria

Use cash for all transit!!!!

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs???

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which institutions near you

Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being supported by a rapidly growing number of provincial and federal governments, financial institutions, networks for payments and for identity verification, technology service providers, strategy and integration experts to name a few…


Ed Kallio


Since January 8th 2024 the German farmers are protesting. Almost all European countries have joined and make their voices heard. Germans help Poland and blocked the border, French and Luxemburg farmers broke through the blockade around the European Parliament. And the protests continue. European farmes are holding the line.



Freedom of expression threats coming from the Municipal Governments now

Edmonton City Council was proposing a Bylaw that would fine people for participating in or organizing a protest without a permit if 50 or more people attend. More inspiration for us to win our case here in Kelowna….the Provincial and Federal Governments are using the local governments to use their Bylaws to shut down freedom of expression…or severely curtail and limit it to being non-effective.


Nova Scotia


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click here to read in browser

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It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?




By now, almost everyone is aware of the recent Federal Court judgment in our favour on the Emergencies Act orders from the Trudeau Gov’t. This is likely being appealed but that doesn’t stop the fact that this decision is presently lawful and binding. I hope to chat more on this in our next newsletter having just finished reading it yesterday.

Pursuant to s. 6-8 of the B.C. Limitations Act, you have two (2) years from the date that you discovered (or reasonably ought to have known) the injury, loss or damage from the Federal Gov’t in relation to its actions to freeze bank accounts and other actions in relation to the Emergencies Act orders.

This limitation is likely to apply on Feb. 14, 2024 – in two weeks. If your bank account was frozen or if you suffered damages, injury or loss, you need to look at getting your claim filed in the next two weeks. You may wish to possibly check to see who is required to be named on any such claim and the reasons for your claim, ie: torts, alleged to have been committed.


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Kelowna Freedom Rally

Stuart Part, Kelowna 12:00 Noon

It is important to remember that bail is a common law and Constitutional right in Canada (s. 11(e) Charter: not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause.) Bail can only be denied pursuant to s. 515 of the Criminal Code on extensive grounds. People are released on murder charges, sexual assaults, and many other horrific crimes regularly across Canada – including many who have extensive criminal records. Many of these alleged offenders go out to commit other offences while on bail, constituting a large ‘catch and release’ program in Canada.

These four innocent men, having no criminal records, were alleged to have committed various offences under the Criminal Code. There were no victims involved. Everything is alleged only. They are presumed innocent until their trial at the end of May, 2024, by judge and jury. Keeping them in remand jail for two years is an injustice. They are only several of many people who have been criminally charged and have likely done nothing wrong except expose the Government’s COVID-19 tyranny upon us.

Judge Johnna Kubic, a Trudeau appointed judge has denied bail three times to Chris Carbert, and who it is claimed has donated to the Liberal Party 26 times!

The Crown is really opposing their release on political grounds only, ie: that these people opposed the COVID-19 unconstitutional lockdowns and restrictions, and are being punished to frighten off others from opposing further unconstitutional government restrictions on our rights and freedoms. There is no such recognized basis for denial of bail nor Crown opposition to bail being granted, on this basis.

In this case, the Crown has, improperly and in abuse of its powers, made the procedure to be the punishment, or large part of it, more so as these innocent prisoners are being held in various remand centres, which are notoriously known for their inhospitable environments, such that many innocent accused frequently plead guilty to avoid time spent in remand centres awaiting trials.

Note, that the RCMP were the first organized police force in the world to use agent provocateur tactics as far back as the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. They continue to use such tactics today.

They need our support.

Join us Feb. 15 at the Kelowna Courthouse, Vernon Courthouse and Penticton Courthouse, for rallies starting at 9:00 a.m., for the morning. We will have brochures to hand out to people. Please feel free to make your own signs as well.

From Darren in Vernon:

Feb paper is a real doozy!

– Front page sneak peek below
– End of month fundraising campaign
– Let’s get Canada talking about the Coutts Boys

Just 36 hours left

Druthers needs to raise $10,000 in the next day and a half. We just sent the February paper off to print and we aim to print at least 200,000 copies. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated and your contributions are wisely and efficiently used to print more papers and wake up more Canadians.


Or etransfer your contribution to and we will manually add it to the fundraiser.

Sneak Peek

Have a peek at the front page. The Coutts Four! It’s time to get Canada aware of this situation and apply some pressure to get these political prisoners set free. Sitting in remand for 2 years without a trial is so wrong. Please help us print as many as we can of this important issue of Druthers.

This is one of my favorite papers so far. There is so much important news and information in these pages this month, I hope we raise enough to print 300,000 copies or more! 


Stay strong!! And keep going.
We are winning.

Shawn Jason & the Druthers Crew

Special Note:  All donations dropped into the Druthers can at the Vernon rallies over the last three years goes directly and entirely to Druthers, averaging in between $150 to $200 per month. Thank you to everyone who donates at the Vernon rallies. Keep up the flow of donations for this worthy cause!

Darren & Denise





Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date: April 12, 2024 – Sentencing

I will provide more specifics and updates in the coming weeks. Not much happening until then, except the Crown Persecutor, David Grabavac, wants two years in jail, three years probation, a firearms weapons ban, and a DNA sample. Unbelievable. From those who have seen the video, this is nothing more than political harassment and intimidation by Mr. Grabavac who is abusing his powers and should be removed from the office of a Crown Prosecutor immediately.

Next Supreme Court Hearing Date: April 22, 2024

Notice of Conviction Appeal

In the B.C. Supreme Court today, Jan. 29, 2024, I appeared before Justice Weatherill. I was ordered to file my Constitutional Challenge to the payment of transcripts fees and serve them on the AG of Canada and BC, by April 5, 2024. Next hearing date is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after that.,


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of Feb. 20, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP application to strike the City’s Petition against us. The schedulers will call me on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Two weeks ago, I cross examined City of Kelowna Bylaw Supervisor Kevin Mead on his affidavit in this case. The transcripts are currently being prepared and will be posted on our website as soon as they are done, hopefully in two weeks.

My documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:



See Cash is King Poster

for businesses below!!







NEXT Jan 31st: Tanya Gaw and Dr. Peter McCullough TOPIC: TREATMENTS, CORRUPTION & DISEASE X

Dr. Peter McCullough joins Tanya Gaw again on the Empower Hour to talk about the corruption of Big Pharma and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. A have to see! Be sure to share and participate. Sign on starts at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm

Join us for an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions.

EMPOWER HOUR LINKS & RECORDINGS Recordings of past sessions are posted here: Empower Hour useful links can be found here:

Tanya’s updates and Full and partial recordings of A4C and videos of interest are on Rumble:


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!




Sunday Paper


Next delivery day:
August 27, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

Feb 4, 2024

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to 
WIN this War:

Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

1 Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.
BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria
Use cash for all transit

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!


Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…


Ed Kallio


Back next week





Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against the COVID and other vaccines – Kelowna






The Epoch Times (note, thanks to Google, you have to look at the 4th screen to get their home page, just by searching for Epoch Times)


Just say NO to Digital ID



Immediate Halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC!




Including our own media


Back In Kelowna, CAFE Supports C.L.E.A.R. BC’s Monthly Freedom Rally 9

Back In Kelowna, CAFE Supports C.L.E.A.R. BC’s Monthly Freedom Rally

C.L.E.A.R. BC has staged rallies opposing the freedom smashing COVID restrictions since April, 2020. C.L.E.A.R. BC follows the motto “Resistance is Not Futile.” C.L.E.A.R. Director David Lindsay is leading a fight against Kelowna City Council that seeks to ban freedom protests in public — that means, the taxpayers OWN them — parks.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm with the old Red Ensign, the flag of the REAL Canada

FREEDOM EVENTS IN THE OKANAGAN, October 7-14: Maria Ho, C.L.E.A.R Rally Kelowna, Druthers, Maria Ho


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Index of Important Updates In this issue:

–      Rallies and local events

–      Penticton4Freedom Sunday, 1 to 3 – Main Street & Warren Avenue, Penticton

o   Request for Feedback – please respond

–      C.L.E.A.R Rally, Kelowna – Oct 7th – Noon to 2 at Stuart Park by the Bear – David Lindsay’s court case and other updates

–      An evening with Maria Ho – Cannery Brewery – October 8

–      GEO Engineering October 12

–      1 Million March for Kids October 21

–      NCI Call for Volunteers – Largest body of evidence regarding COVID mandate harms and media lies anywhere in the world


–      Shop Local ~ Support Farmers – Bargains at the Farmers’ Produce Stands

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 58 – Free Speech in Medicine

–      Druthers call to help! The October edition is online. Donations are always needed.

–      ——————————- o0o————————————-

FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.  at Main and Warren, Penticton

In case you missed last week- We started with a small group of on-timers, so we gathered our chairs in a circle and had a great conversation, with others joining in as they arrived. We took our signs out to the sidewalks, and someone handed out Druthers to vehicle drivers stopped at the lights.

A transsexual woman joined us for a chat. She insisted that there was no harm to children from the SOGI123 recommended materials and had obviously been trained on what to say to get a rise out of people. One of our newer attendees simply countered by saying, “I love you, and Jesus loves you.” There is no hate here.

Another said, “If you have read the materials and teacher instructions that are part of SOGI123, and still insist there is no harm to children with that program, then we have nothing more to discuss”, then walked away.

THE MILLION MARCH PLANNING GROUP met on Zoom to report back our findings and decide about whether to organize another event in support of parental rights, protecting children, and opposing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity programs in the schools. Emily Duggan was a surprise guest. She has led the only successful initiative anywhere in Canada, to disallow Drag Queen Story Hour in libraries and other public venues in her area. She left us with some great tips on how to approach school boards and municipal councils on the subject of sex education and specifically SOGI 123 in our schools. Here is a 12 minute video of her address at the September 30 Million March 4 Children in Surrey.

This is a call-out to all who want to team up to attend school board and/or council meetings on this SOGI 123 or other subjects such as 15- minute cities, or any other of the attacks on our freedoms and natural law. Please reply by return email to show your interest and we will get back to you ASAP. Training and Action Buddies can be provided.

============================================= This week October 8th – Donald Lee has had to re-book to the following Sunday, so We Are Open to Suggestions – With an Open Mic, surprise guest speakers frequently show up, and it’s a great time to catch up with what’s going on in your neck of the woods.   IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR OCTOBER 15: Donald Lee will be arriving EARLY and will be first on the agenda because he has a later engagement in Vancouver. PLEASE SHOW UP AT 12:30 SO YOU DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Donald Lee, author of “What The Hell is Going On? (the Web of Fraud that is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom)” will be our special guest speaker on Sunday, October 15. He will be focusing on solutions to that web of fraud he exposed in his book and will have copies of his book available for signing. Donald is an engaging speaker, with inspiring stories, insights, and action plans. Plan to be there! And then follow your plan and show up. 😉 I’ll see you there!   Miss a week and you miss a lot!  image.png
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS  ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna ·       Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.  · Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- EVENTS October 8th 5-7 pm  image.png

Maria HO and her band entertained us at the July 17 event at Skaha Lake Park, hosted by members of the Penticton Freedom Frequency. It’s great to have the opportunity to welcome her back in town. Bar food available. No cover charge. First Come, First Served. No reservations required or taken.

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More Info coming…. If you are interested in helping to organize this event, please reply by email with your name and phone number, or call or text 780-908-0309 with your name and email address and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Thank you.


  ——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Go to for a list of action committees including Bill 36, FOI (Freedom of Information Registry and Support), SOGI, and Community Food/Self-Reliance.  Email to receive weekly update emails and links to their activities.   Also Email Ted Kuntz at to be invited to join the Canada-wide Friday morning zooms with freedom advocates and initiatives from across Canada. ———————————— o0o————————————-  
Worth A Look   National Citizen s Inquiry Is Calling for Your Help to Take the Commissioners Report World- Wide The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) has amassed the largest body of evidence in the world exposing the methods used and the harms caused by the reckless, immoral and illegal use of compulsory injections and other mandates surrounding the “COVID pandemic”, which it turns out was never a pandemic at all. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP GET THE WORD OUT NOW, AND WHEN THE COMMISSIONERS’ FINAL REPORT IS RELEASED IN NOVEMBER. Volunteer here! Volunteer Now! The Commissioners recommend that: ·  A full judicial investigation of the process under which the Covid-19 vaccinations were authorized in Canada must be carried out. Criminal liability, if discovered, may be dealt with under existing Canadian law. ·  The current use of Covid-19 vaccines in Canada that were authorized under the revised provisions of the Interim Order and the newly revised Food and Drug Regulations, should be stopped immediately. The Commissioners’ recommendations are based on testimony provided to the Inquiry indicating that the conventional evaluation and endorsement process for vaccines was not adhered to by the Canadian Government in their evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccines. Access The Commissioners Interim Report on the NCI website Included is a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Send a copy to your MP and MLA to help open their eyes. Video of Commissioner’s Press Conference – Sept 14 Citizen-Led Inquiry Asks Ottawa to Cancel COVID-19 Vaccine Approval – Epoch Times NCI Website   ———————————— o0o————————————-
Shop Local ~ Support Farmers Do you know what happens when the Keremeos and Cawston Fruit stands close?   S&S closes after Remembrance Day, Sanderson’s stays open year-round, other fruit stands vary between the end of October to either the first or middle of November.   Each one strives for that ultimate last dollar that they can collect before boarding up their stands. October and November are when the fields are turned for the winter. The remaining fruit, squashes and vegetables are then sold at discount prices where you drop your money in a provided cash box. This discount continues through to spring providing large 10 and 20-lb bags of apples until the fruit stands open again.   Thank you to Sue for the above update. XO   And a note from a produce stand shopper…   BARGAINS ABOUND I visited some shops, looking primarily for organics this past week and I highly recommend heading out to Keremeos and Cawston for fresh fruits and vegetables and already incredibly low prices. When the farmers sell to the chain stores, or even local retailers, we, as consumers pay multiples of what we pay if we buy direct from the farmer. For example, bell peppers – locally grown, beautiful, big, colourful top-grade peppers can be purchased for $1.50 a pound at a farm stand, where the regular prices, even now, in season, can range from $3.99 to $4.99 at many retail stores.   Most stores also favour buying US produce over local produce and we don’t know what sprays and fertilizers have been used to maximize production, nor what measures have had to be taken to keep it looking fresh and crisp during transportation. When they do buy from local farmers, the prices they pay are hardly sufficient to keep farmers in business, so mega-farms that use more chemicals to create bigger yields, can benefit while smaller farmers suffer. Farm costs have risen dramatically along with fuel costs, minimum wage costs and other government regulations and fees, which add no value to the farmers’ bottom lines or to the pocketbooks of the consumers who pay for them.   Whether those are concerns of yours or not, the farm stand lower prices and variety alone will amaze you and leave you with money to buy ice cream on the way home, and put some healthy change back into your piggy bank.   MAKE A LIST AND SCOPE OUT THE DEALS As a bargain shopper, I recommend that you go with a list of what you want, then take a quick tour of all the shops along Highways 3 and 3A through Keremeos, and highway 3 through Cawston, before choosing where to purchase your items. On my way home from buying tomatoes for canning, I discovered that buying a 20 lb box from the first vendor I found, cost me double what it would have cost down the road, if only I had gone there to check the prices beforehand.   Happy produce hunting. And Happy Thanksgiving!    

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Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 57 – Free Speech in Medicine HERE

Well friends, it happened…

As of September 23rd, we lost connection with 187,000 of you on Facebook and 27,000 more of you on Instagram. This is where the majority of our online reach came from, so this is a pretty big deal to Druthers. This is also a really big deal for all Canadians, yet many don’t seem to see or care that this is a very serious issue.

But they cannot censor print!

This goes to show the importance of Druthers as a print media option here in Canada. With online censorship seeping in thicker and thicker, now is the time to really double down and boost Druthers to get important news & information into the hands of more people.

It’s an information war… and we need more help from more people.

Please donate today:

Help us print more papers!!

Etransfer is easiest and carries no fees:

Credit cards & paypal can be used at our official fundraising page:

Or send cash, gift cards or checks made out to:

Shawn Jason Laplante

P.O. Box 40531

Six Points Plaza

Toronto, Ontario

M9B 6K8

Please know, every dollar of your donation goes entirely to printing papers and shipping skids to our hubs each month (less credit card or paypal fees if applicable). Your money goes only to the printers and the shippers. We cover other expenses through subscriptions, merchandise & neighbourhood mail.

Thank you. Stay strong. Stay free.

Much love & strength to you all <3

Shawn Jason

P.S. Don’t ever miss as issue. Get Druthers delivered right to your mailbox every month with a postal subscription:

Read October Issue Online. Government Aims to Obliterate Natural Health Care


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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

——————————- o0o————————————-

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Citizens’ inquiry on Canada’s COVID-19 response releases interim report – September 14, 2023

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, August 30 – September 5: Dave Lindsay Assault Trial, B.C. Fires & Much More

If this email is not displaying properly please
click here to read in browser

Please forward

It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Falsified assault charge – no change since last week

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s.266 Criminal Code Assault

Court trial update:

Two days for final submissions were originally set for Dec. 13, 14, 2023. Apparently, the judge was not happy with this and force a short hearing two weeks ago. At this hearing, she insisted upon a hearing date before then. This date has now been set for Sept. 12, 2023.

Further, she demanded that I provide all my submissions in writing to the Crown prior to that date. That is not going to happen.

Had a hearing taken place as schedule on Dec. 13, I would have simply showed up with my submissions.

I am not going to give my defence to the Crown months or even weeks in advance for Mr. Grabavac to start emailing every prosecutor in the country for Crown responses and help. That is neither fair nor just to me.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General filed her Motion to Strike my RCMP challenge and served me on Friday morning with it. Her claim is that it is moot (ie: the reason for it no longer exists) or would have no impact on the trial.

The Crown is dependent in my case upon all law enforcement by the RCMP, including investigation, interrogation of witnesses, and Crown Report. If the RCMP have no jurisdiction, because policing is a Provincial matter under s. 92 of the Constitution Act 1867, then all evidence obtained was obtained without jurisdiction to so do, and must be thrown out. Once that happens, the Crown has no evidence to rely upon, not that it has any to begin with.

The informant was an RCMP officer. The Crown is trying to claim that under s. 504 of the Criminal Code anyone can lay an information. That is true…but the informant did not lay the Information as a member of the public or ‘anyone’, he laid it in the capacity or as the person of an RCMP officer. Being so, again, once determined that the RCMP have no jurisdiction in B.C. then the Informant also had no power to lay the Information against me in that capacity.

Although a Provincial Court cannot strike down legislation, if the judge finds it to be unconstitutional, they simply cannot apply it pursuant to s. 52 of the Constitution Act 1982.

Thank you for all your support, despite having two enemies in the courtroom – the Crown and the Judge!

See you Sept. 12 9:30 a.m.!

In freedom



Update — Petition to ban Kelowna Protest/Rallies –no change since last week

David’s Documents now up on the website! The document titled “Response” is the legal argument David has filed.

The Response or legal argument, to the Petition is now up as well as all supporting affidavits. One affidavit needs to be corrected however as it is not appearing properly formatted for some reason on the site. That will be corrected shortly.

The City is attempting to rush this into a hearing the week of August 28, however as I told the City’s counsel, it is likely to take 5-8 days for hearing of my Constitutional Challenge and other defences. It is simply not possible for me to be ready in this time period in any event.

This has now been adjourned to the week of Oct. 10 (no specific date is given until Friday the week before). Shortly, I will be filing my SLAPP application. This is done under the Protection of Public Participation Act of B.C. Essentially, it was passed to prevent governments like the City of Kelowna, from trying to stop people exercising freedom of expression and criticizing these governments, exactly what is happening here.

Once I have filed this Application, I will let everyone know and post it online as well. It will likely take a full day to be heard, and I believe that this Oct. 10 date will also be adjourned as the legislation requires that no other steps in the case can take place until this is heard.

This is the biggest attempt to control our freedom of speech and assembly in history.

The media has already confirmed to me that they were instructed by the Gov’t not to print anything contrary to the Gov’t COVID-19 narrative. If they deny us our freedom to protest where it is most effective, then other cities will follow likewise by banning our protests, and without any media assistance, the Gov’t will be free to do whatever it wants with no public exposure. Pure Communism. This is the most critical time in our struggle for freedom…. right now.

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:

Unfortunately, this case will have significant repercussions for every protest rally in British Columbia, and indeed, in Canada, as it is being heard in a superior court in this Province. This will be an incredibly complex case.

Donations would be very much appreciated as costs are now starting to come in.

E-transfers can be done to: or cash donations can be mailed to: PO Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton BC V2A 8K8

Please stay tuned for more updates.


The Kelowna and Alberta Courts of Injustice

Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Pastor Artur Pawlowski Court change:

Sept. 18 in Lethbridge, Alta.



Our next protest/rally is set for:


September 2, 2023

Labour Day long weekend

12:00 pm Stuart Park, Kelowna


We are planning to spend time again on Hwy 97. If you have any sign ideas, please send them immediately to:

To give us time to make up some signs on new issues such as digital ID and currencies, and 15 min prison cities.

As we warned in the past: It Ain’t Over


Bring your signs on Freedom Issues and Concerns:

15 min prison cities

Digital ID

Digital Currency

Gov’t control over supplements


See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!!



Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

Tanya Gaw will be showing on the Empower Hour on Aug. 30, 2023
Learn more 
4.45pm PST/7.45pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar |
Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


Thank you to Bettina for all her dedication and hard work on this vital topic

Contact us:




Buy me a coffee:

Event Brite:


Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’

Thank you, Nadia for all your hard work and dedication to freedom!!!


Subscribe now for freedom activities in the Kootenays!


B.C. Fire Update,happens%2C%20it%20can%20have%20devastating

Alta Premier Danielle Smith:

All I know is in my province we have 650 fires and 500 of them were human caused, so we have to make sure that when people know that when it’s dry out there and we get into forest fire season, that they’re being a lot more careful because anytime you end up with an ignition that happens, it can have devastating consequences. And so, that’s what I would hope that we can educate the public on, on that front as well.”

Combined with geoengineering issues detailed by Bettina and Nadia and others, it is readily clear that there is no climate change causing fires. The graph below shows that, if true, this year’s fires are man made – figures do not change to this extent in less than one year – especially after a year with record snowfalls!!!

Directed energy weapons?


My friend was in Langley playing ball yesterday. Some folks came down to play from NWT. My friend was asking them how they are holding up and they said that there are no fires in Yellowknife and the evacuation videos/photos were from a movie set. These people also said that they had drones up trying to figure out where this fire was and they could see nothing. They live downtown Yellowknife. Everything everyone is saying these days sounds so freaking weird..


The original reason CLEAR was founded was to expose the fraudulent usury (interest) based banking system. You should obtain a copy of the short book, USURY by Hilaire Belloc, as was as Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People by Joe Thaughberger. Understanding the fraudulent banking system is the fundamental key to opening up the knowledge of freedom.

Every single problem in societies the world over, is traceable back to the fraudulent money system.

An incredible examination into the reasons people blindly obey even tyrants. A must read for everyone who believes in peaceful civil disobedience.

Thanks Kim – Civil disobedience is the answer de la Boetie

discussed centuries ago




Welcome to the BC 15 Minute/Smart City Coalition August 27, 2023  

NEW! BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition

Click Subscribe Nowto receive our
NEW weekly newsletter which includes zoom mtg links, latest news & local actions

Don’t Miss Out On The Next BC -Wide 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition Online Meeting, 

Featuring Farrell Segall, Engineer, Former City Councilor

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 5th

Time: 7-9 p.m. PST

Join Zoom Meeting link

or Dial-in 778-907-2071 Canada

Meeting ID: 819 1669 1842

Passcode: 258850

Open our newsletter to get the latest on BC Fires and 15 Min. Cites:

If you have difficulty opening the newsletter link, pause your VPN and try again.

Mark the date: Our Sept. 19th zoom mtg features Ontario Guest Speaker: Maggie Braun.

Prepare for the meetings by watching 3 pre-requisite informational videos on 15-Minute cities. 

15 Minute Smart Cities – The Pig Problem –Watch

Investigating Smart Cities –Part 1

Investigating Smart Cities –Part 2

Support CLEAR by putting more pressure on the City. Join Kelowna online meetings starting Monday Sept. 11th at 7:30-8:30 PM

Email: to join the Kelowna 15 Min. meetings or open the newsletter and scroll down to the zoom link in the Kelowna group section.

For more info. or to ad your group to the BC 15-Min./Smart City Coalition,



Fundraising and


In the absence of rallies every Saturday, we don’t get the funding we used to that allowed us to print all the resources we provide at the CLEAR booth, as well as the inserts that go into the Druthers newspapers for our Sunday paper deliveries. Thanks to your past donations, we have delivered over 8000 copies of Druthers, plus various inserts, in Kelowna and W. Kelowna, with lots more to go!

Future protests are being strategically planned right now for City Hall, the courthouse, and other locations.

Many people believe that the COVID-19 issue is over – and it is not. Freedom is a multi-generational struggle, where we hope to leave a better place for our children. Other serious issues are lurking ominously in the near future that we will need to focus on: 15 min cities; legal actions; digital ID and digital currencies to start. These will require ongoing research and production of signs and materials for public education. The digital ID and currency issues are two of the most critical and going to involve significant amounts of education for people.

Please give generously by etransfer to: or our endeavours

to educate the public we will not be able to educate people as effective as we are doing now. You can also mail cash (this remains safe) by Expresspost to: P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8. Cash of course, would be the preferred method to protect everyone’s privacy.

These are unfortunately the only methods available right now to accept donations outside of the monthly rallies. Everything we do is on a volunteer basis and if you are not able to volunteer, your cash donation is what keeps the freedom wheel turning.

We do need volunteers to join our Fundraising Focus Group. If you are good at event planning and have some time to devote to organize regular fundraising occasions, please come see Linda at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact

We need volunteers who are:


Can work independently

Able to collaborate with others

Responsible and Dependable






If you possess these qualities and want to make a difference right now as a Freedom Activist, please add your name to the Volunteer List at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact to get more information.

Freedom requires time, energy or money. Thank you all for your help, in any form you are able to assist with. Everything you do for the sake of freedom is a seed planted. And although you may not see where it lands, trust that it will grow and bear fruit! Otherwise, why have the City, Province and Feds continually tried to shut us down?!! We are effective with one of the lowest vaccination rates in BC and Canada – thanks to YOU!


Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:
Sept 3, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

Sept 3, 2023

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at


3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

1 Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria

Use cash for all transit!!!!

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions


Ed Kallio



England tells people not to use heat in the evenings this winter.


  90% of cameras in south east London have been vandalized or stolen as the Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is due to come into force on August 29. Nearly 500 ULEZ cameras deployed to charge non-compliant vehicles €15 daily are now out of order.

[Message clipped]  View entire message

Freedom Events in the Okanagan — Penticton, Oliver, Kelowna

Freedom Events in the Okanagan — Penticton, Oliver, Kelowna

PENTICTON: Gathering every Sunday. Now being held at Lakawanna Park during the summer months

Moving to Lakawanna Park for the summer gives our events a more family-friendly name and environment as part of reaching out to the community around us. Lots of families at the beach. Lots of folks are out strolling.

Laureen’s table with important information and a petition to end BCs Bill 36.

Elsie’s table with Druthers newspapers, Vaccine Choice Canada handouts and more, for parents and curious others.


Please arrive early (12:30) to help set up the stage and the tables, and to invite passers-by to join us.image.png

Miss a week and you miss a lot!Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna ·      
 Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.·       
Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton·        Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately.——————————————- o0o————————————————- 
EVENTS  Kelowna September 2ndimage.png
——————————- o0o————————————- 

Mary Lou Gutscher


C.L.E.A.R. Updates, David Lindsay Legal News & Other Freedom Issues for the Okanagan

🔴 CLEAR Updates, Legal news and Events


to me
If this email is not displaying properly please
click here to read in browser

Please forward

It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Court trial update:

Two days for final submissions were originally set for Dec. 13, 14, 2023. Apparently, the judge was not happy with this and forced a short hearing two weeks ago. At this hearing, she insisted upon a hearing date before then. This date has now been set for Sept. 12, 2023.

Further, she demanded that I provide all my submissions in writing to the Crown prior to that date. That is not going to happen.

Had a hearing taken place as schedule on Dec. 13, I would have simply showed up with my submissions.

I am not going to give my defence to the Crown months or even weeks in advance for Mr. Grabavac to start e-mailing every prosecutor in the country for Crown responses and help. That is neither fair nor just to me.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General filed her Motion to Strike my RCMP challenge and served me on Friday morning with it. Her claim is that it is moot (ie: the reason for it no longer exists) or would have no impact on the trial.

The Crown is dependent in my case upon all law enforcement by the RCMP, including investigation, interrogation of witnesses, and Crown Report. If the RCMP have no jurisdiction, because policing is a Provincial matter under s. 92 of the Constitution Act 1867, then all evidence obtained was obtained without jurisdiction to so do, and must be thrown out. Once that happens, the Crown has no evidence to rely upon, not that it has any to begin with.

The informant was an RCMP officer. The Crown is trying to claim that under s. 504 of the Criminal Code anyone can lay an information. That is true…but the informant did not lay the Information as a member of the public or ‘anyone’, he laid it in the capacity or as the person of an RCMP officer. Being so, again, once determined that the RCMP have no jurisdiction in B.C. then the Informant also had no power to lay the Information against me in that capacity.

Although a Provincial Court cannot strike down legislation, if the judge finds it to be unconstitutional, they simply cannot apply it pursuant to s. 52 of the Constitution Act 1982.

Thank you for all your support, despite having two enemies in the courtroom – the Crown and the Judge!

See you Sept. 12 9:30 a.m.!

In freedom



Update — Petition to ban Kelowna Protest/Rallies

David’s Documents now up on the website! The document titled “Response” is the legal argument David has filed.

The Response or legal argument, to the Petition is now up as well as all supporting affidavits. One affidavit needs to be corrected however as it is not appearing properly formatted for some reason on the site. That will be corrected shortly.

The City is attempting to rush this into a hearing the week of August 28, however as I told the City’s counsel, it is likely to take 5-8 days for hearing of my Constitutional Challenge and other defences. It is simply not possible for me to be ready in this time period in any event.

This has now been adjourned to the week of Oct. 10 (no specific date is given until Friday the week before). Shortly, I will be filing my SLAPP application. This is done under the Protection of Public Participation Act of B.C. Essentially, it was passed to prevent governments like the City of Kelowna, from trying to stop people exercising freedom of expression and criticizing these governments, exactly what is happening here.

Once I have filed this Application, I will let everyone know and post it online as well. It will likely take a full day to be heard, and I believe that this Oct. 10 date will also be adjourned as the legislation requires that no other steps in the case can take place until this is heard.

This is the biggest attempt to control our freedom of speech and assembly in history.

The media has already confirmed to me that they were instructed by the Gov’t not to print anything contrary to the Gov’t COVID-19 narrative. If they deny us our freedom to protest where it is most effective, then other cities will follow likewise by banning our protests, and without any media assistance, the Gov’t will be free to do whatever it wants with no public exposure. Pure Communism. This is the most critical time in our struggle for freedom….right now.

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:

Unfortunately, this case will have significant repercussions for every protest rally in British Columbia, and indeed, in Canada, as it is being heard in a superior court in this Province. This will be an incredibly complex case.

Donations would be very much appreciated as costs are now starting to come in.

E-transfers can be done to: or cash donations can be mailed to: PO Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton BC V2A 8K8

Please stay tuned for more updates.


The Kelowna and Alberta Courts of Injustice

Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Pastor Artur Pawlowski Court change: Sept. 18


Our next protest/rally is set for:


September 2, 2023

Labour Day long weekend

12:00 pm Stuart Park, Kelowna


We are planning to spend time again on Hwy 97. If you have any sign ideas, please send them immediately to:

To give us time to make up some signs on new issues such as digital ID and currencies, and 15 min prison cities.

As we warned in the past: It Ain’t Over


Bring your signs on Freedom Issues and Concerns:

15 min prison cities

Digital ID

Digital Currency

Gov’t control over supplements


See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!!


Listen to Sarah deliver her urgent message here:

To follow my court case as a public member, you may email the CNO at Reference my case: Sarah Anahid Choujounian Abulu and ask them for the links

Reminder this case is no longer under CFLN therefore the e-mail and links to donate are different. There are a few ways to donate, and I want to specify that this is more of an investment in the future of our children than just a simple donation. 

You can also help by connecting me with people who can interview me or host a fundraiser at which I can may be able to attend…and please share, share, share

As always, I am so grateful for all of you🙌🙌🙌

#canada #healthcare #nursing #freedomofspeech #freedom

Two Ways to Donate

Online at:




Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

Tanya Gaw will be showing on the Empower Hour on Aug. 23, 2023
Learn more 
4.45pm PST/7.45pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar |
Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


Thank you to Bettina for all her dedication and hard work on this vital topic

Contact us:




Buy me a coffee:

Event Brite:


Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’

Thank you, Nadia for all your hard work and dedication to freedom!!!

Subscribe now for freedom activities in the Kootenays!


B.C. Fire Update,happens%2C%20it%20can%20have%20devastating

Alta Premier Danielle Smith:

All I know is in my province we have 650 fires and 500 of them were human caused, so we have to make sure that when people know that when it’s dry out there and we get into forest fire season, that they’re being a lot more careful because anytime you end up with an ignition that happens, it can have devastating consequences. And so, that’s what I would hope that we can educate the public on, on that front as well.”

Combined with geoengineering issues detailed by Bettina and Nadia and others, it is readily clear that there is no climate change causing fires. The graph below shows that, if true, this year’s fires are man made – figures do not change to this extent in less than one year – especially after a year with record snowfalls!!!

Directed energy weapons?

Learn the truth on the false “97%” of scientists agree humans are driving climate change:


Direct from the BC Interior:

We need to get the story out about what’s happening in the Shuswap. Can you guys please post this everywhere. Send it to everyone you know. Please help us.

My name is Stef and my husband Jorne and I own a home at the end of Meadow Creek road in Celista BC. The fire department and forestry lit a back burn around 4pm on Thursday Aug 17th knowing there were 30km winds coming. No news outlet is talking out this. My husband has been monitoring the winds and the Adams creek fire for weeks. On Tuesday Aug 15th we knew the winds were coming. The fire was approx 15km away from us. We don’t know who decided to light a back burn knowing the wind forecast. They lit a 14km back burn right to our back door and never notified us. My dad who lives in Kelowna knew about a “out of control back burn” before we did. They didn’t even come to tell us. They notified the locals by posting it on a piece of paper at the gas station.

At 845 pm we saw the fire just over the ridge. And by 12pm it had reached meadow creek road and was in back yard. Without the back burn we could have had a whole day to prepare. We did have sprinklers up, water tanks loaded and generators ready to go. We knew we were pretty much on our own and would not receive much help. The fire department did come down the road and were there briefly. Once they deemed the fire out of control they left. When the fire came into the valley we watched it burn up the sides of the mountain due to the humidity dome created with all the sprinkler and water. The fire department abandoned us. About 2 hours had passed when some locals came down our valley with resources and help. I was notified the fire department was sitting in a field having coffee so I went t to get them. When I got there I asked them to come help us, told them the situation.

One of the firemen told me they wanted to help but had orders to sit. I yelled at them to get in their trucks and come help us. They said they would. I went back down the road to notify our crew they were coming. I sat and waited but no one came. About 15 minutes had gone by so I went back up the road and found them sitting about 1km away. They told me they were assessing the situation. I asked how they could assess if they couldn’t see it? I again asked them to come help and they finally did. Everyone ran around putting hot spots out. We wore water packs and half masks with headlamps for the next 3 days making sure our houses made it through.

In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off.

We need the real story to get out so we can get help.

We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped. We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.

My number is 250-509-0400 Please feel free to post my number. I’m willing to talk to anyone who can help us.

NOTE: Similar incidents occurred in the 2003 Okanagan fire. It appears that the management prefer to let these fires get out of control rather than stop them at source, in the hopes they will burn out. They rarely do and get out of control, then they all pat themselves on the back for all the dedication to put them out.

Now no doubt there are tons of committed firefighters doing their best – it appears this is a top management and financial issue.

The original reason CLEAR was founded was to expose the fraudulent usury (interest) based banking system. You should obtain a copy of the short book, USURY by Hilaire Belloc, as was as Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People by Joe Thaughberger. Understanding the fraudulent banking system is the fundamental key to opening up the knowledge of freedom.

Every single problem in societies the world over, is traceable back to the fraudulent money system.


An incredible examination into the reasons people blindly obey even tyrants. A must read for everyone who believes in peaceful civil disobedience.

Thanks Kim – Civil disobedience is the answer the de la Boetie discussed centuries ago


Smart Cities

First, they will promote them as being convenient.

Then they will promote them as supporting the environment.

Then they will promote them as being voluntary.

Then they will become mandatory with fines.

Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders.

Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t.

Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home

Samantha Edwards Report –

Unmasking the Smart City Agenda



Fundraising and


In the absence of rallies every Saturday, we don’t get the funding we used to that allowed us to print all the resources we provide at the CLEAR booth, as well as the inserts that go into the Druthers newspapers for our Sunday paper deliveries. Thanks to your past donations, we have delivered over 8000 copies of Druthers, plus various inserts, in Kelowna and W. Kelowna, with lots more to go!

Future protests are being strategically planned right now for City Hall, the courthouse, and other locations.

Many people believe that the COVID-19 issue is over – and it is not. Freedom is a multi-generational struggle, where we hope to leave a better place for our children. Other serious issues are lurking ominously in the near future that we will need to focus on: 15 min cities; legal actions; digital ID and digital currencies to start. These will require ongoing research and production of signs and materials for public education. The digital ID and currency issues are two of the most critical and going to involve significant amounts of education for people.

Please give generously by e-transfer to: or our endeavours

to educate the public we will not be able to educate people as effective as we are doing now. You can also mail cash (this remains safe) by Expresspost to: P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8. Cash of course, would be the preferred method to protect everyone’s privacy.

These are unfortunately the only methods available right now to accept donations outside of the monthly rallies. Everything we do is on a volunteer basis and if you are not able to volunteer, your cash donation is what keeps the freedom wheel turning.

We do need volunteers to join our Fundraising Focus Group. If you are good at event planning and have some time to devote to organize regular fundraising occasions, please come see Linda at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact

We need volunteers who are:


Can work independently

Able to collaborate with others

Responsible and Dependable






If you possess these qualities and want to make a difference right now as a Freedom Activist, please add your name to the Volunteer List at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact to get more information.

Freedom requires time, energy or money. Thank you all for your help, in any form you are able to assist with. Everything you do for the sake of freedom is a seed planted. And although you may not see where it lands, trust that it will grow and bear fruit! Otherwise, why have the City, Province and Feds continually tried to shut us down?!! We are effective with one of the lowest vaccination rates in BC and Canada – thanks to YOU!

Sunday Paper Deliveries

Next delivery day:
August 27, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

August 27, 2023

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

1 Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions


Ed Kallio



[Message clipped]  View entire message

Compose: New MessageMinimizePop-outClose
Compose: CAFENEWOCT2022CMinimizePop-outClose
Compose: LATE BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Political Prisoner Brad Love Arrested for Harassing Phone Calls & LetterMinimizePop-outClose
Compose: LATE BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Political Prisoner Brad Love Arrested for Harassing Phone Calls & LetterMinimizePop-outClose
Compose: LATE BREAKING NEWS: Ex-Political Prisoner Brad Love Arrested for Harassing Phone Calls & LetterMinimizePop-outClose

Hey, Kelowna, Leave Our Rallies Alone

Hi everyone.

Here is the flyer for the Tuesday, June 20, 2023 rally at Kelowna City Hall to oppose their Petition to ban our rallies.

City Council will be sitting on this date starting at 3:00 p.m. Let’s be there early to greet them!!!

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

We need to get as many people as possible to come out for just a couple of hours and oppose what the City is doing as the implications will be felt by everyone if they are successful.

I would be grateful if you can please forward this to your lists ASAP and encourage everyone to come out. Please encourage everyone to make their own signage as well.

As a lawyer once told me years ago, the first line of defence is to deny everything…make sure people don’t get heard.

That is what the City is now attempting to do.

The Petition that the City filed and all supporting affidavits are located on our website at:

Once our materials are done, they will be posted on our site as well.

Thanks kindly In freedom




Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

–      Rallies and local events

–      Stop the Government…from taking your Natural Health Products.

–      Public Consultation Bill C11

–      Dear Andy (Short Film) Dr. Tess Lawrie (18:53)

–      Freedom Frequency – Fun Event Potluck – June 17 and a convoy from Kelowna

–      Oliver Movie Screening ~ “Unacceptable” – June 19

–      Invisible Fences: A New Documentary

–      Plandemic 3 -The Great Awakening

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 47 – You are invited.

–      Druthers The June edition is online and now available at our rallies! Donations are always needed.

——————————- o0o————————————-

In case you missed the rally last Sunday…Now being held at Lakawanna Park during the summer months

Sophie Siebert spoke about her mission to encourage others to wear a tulip button everywhere you go, as an individual commitment to our rights and freedoms that unites us all.  Cofounded in 2021 with co-founder Leslie-Anne Goodall, Tulips4Freedom has already provided 20,000 buttons for individuals at rallies and events, primarily in Alberta and BC, and from their website to countries anywhere in the world. A copy of their Living Mission Statement accompanies each button, so we are reminded why we wear them.

Thank you, Sophie, for sharing your story and your passion with us.

More at


Tulips are now available at all our rallies. Remember to wear one everywhere you go.





Like we always say…

Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies. 

Miss a week and you miss a lot!

——————————- o0o————————————-


Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

And receive ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) (if you want some)

——————————- o0o————————————-

FAMILY FREEDOM EVENTS – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday at 1.

Moving to Lakawanna Park for the summer is a key component of this as a more inviting name for what was traditionally our rallies. Reaching out to the community around us is our goal. Lots of families at the beach.

Laureen’s table with Unity Health Sciences information, tools and petitions for taking action against BCs Bill 36.

Elsie’s table with Druthers and Crazy Times newspapers, Vaccine Choice Canada handouts and other important materials for parents and curious others.


We welcome musical entertainers, and volunteers to manage a Kid’s corner and help at information tables.

Show up early (12:30 would be good) and help set up 😊 See you there!

This Week

Sunday, June 11th 1 to 3 p.m. Lakawanna Park~ 796 Lakeshore Drive PentictonCorner of Power Street   Members of the 12 Tribes will be sharing their story with us. “Can you imagine living in a place where every day, twice a day, you and those you love gather to sing praises to the Creator, dance together and share whatever is on your heart? That is what we do at Fairfield Farm in Chilliwack.”  Twelve Tribes is part of a network of Intentional Communities with farming at its core and in Chilliwack, they operate the Yellow Deli – a unique 24-hour, five-day-a-week restaurant.   New Summer Location  image.png
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————-   OTHERS’ EVENTS   ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna         ·       Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. ·       Local Action4Canada – Tuesdays at noon, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street                         ~ Next Planning Meetings June 20 – at 4:30 p.m. – Winepress Church ~ ~ Contact Derrick for details of local prayer walks.~ ·       First & Third Tuesdays, Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton. ·       School District 67 School Board Meetings 6:30 PM – last Monday of the month. ·       June 17th 1-5 PM Potluck Shaha Park Gazebo and a CONVOY coming inimage.png

——————————- o0o————————————-


Oliver Movie Screening ~ “Unacceptable”

Limited tickets – $15 get them now.

  Or… Order tickets at our rallies. ——————————- o0o————————————-   ACTIONS OF THE WEEK   Stop the Government… from taking your Natural Health Products. Get involved and contact your MP to stop Health Canada from taking your Natural Health Products TAKE ACTION     Public Consultation  Federal Conservative MP Rachel Thomas who has worked very diligently to inform the public about Bill C-11, has given notice that the CRTC is holding a Public Consultation Process in 3 Parts with regards to the interpretation of Bill C-11, the first of the Internet Censorship Bills. All Canadians have access to the process. If you are a Canadian internet publisher, then your voice is very important. The Deadline to participate is June 27, 2023.    ALERT – MANY DON’T TRUST THIS INVITATION BECAUSE THEY SEE IT AS A POTENTIAL INFORMATION-GATHERING PLOY TO FIND OUT WHO IS PUBLISHING WHAT INFORMATION THAT IS TO BE REGULATED. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. CRTC CONSULTATION PAGE         ———————————— o0o————————————-  
WORTH A LOOK   Dear Andy (Short Film) Dr. Tess Lawrie recites a letter to Dr. Andrew Hill and asks him what made him turn his back on a potential cure for Covid-19. (18:53) Watch HERE     ——————————- o0o————————————-     Invisible Fences:
A New Documentary
Invisible Fences is a documentary in production which shines a light on the people impacted by covid vaccine injury. It begins with the story of Kristin Ditzel, a doctor of Chinese Medicine in Nelson, BC, who was severely injured by her first covid vaccine. She continues to suffer debilitating symptoms to this day. Her best friend, Jaimie Killen, began documenting Kristen’s journey and her quest for help. They teamed up with Nathan Beninger and are raising funds to travel and interview vaccine injured people around the world in order to share their stories through the power of film.
Watch the film trailer.
Website:    ——————————- o0o————————————-   Plandemic 3 –
The Great Awakening
This documentary assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The third in the Plandemic series. (1:41) WATCH ——————————- o0o————————————-    Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 47 – You are invited.  HERE   ——————————- o0o————————————-  image.png

Please read… I genuinely believe Druthers is the single most potent tool we have for defending our freedoms in Canada and getting more people to join us, so please, help this fundraiser along. It’s important that we keep the information flowing to our fellow Canadians. etransfers: If you prefer to make a cash donation, come to one of our rallies and we will be happy to include your donation in our next e-transfer. In the past six months, through your support, P4F has been able to sponsor over 17,500 copies of Druthers and distribute over 7,000 of them in the South Okanagan alone. Thank you!   Read The June Issue Online And pick up print copies at our Penticton4Freedom rallies Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. Read DRUTHERS

——————————- o0o————————————-

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


2 Attachments • Scanned by GmailPreview YouTube video Invisible Fences Documentary Trailer 2023