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It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist

Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?




By now, almost everyone is aware of the recent Federal Court judgment in our favour on the Emergencies Act orders from the Trudeau Gov’t. This is likely being appealed but that doesn’t stop the fact that this decision is presently lawful and binding. I hope to chat more on this in our next newsletter having just finished reading it yesterday.

Pursuant to s. 6-8 of the B.C. Limitations Act, you have two (2) years from the date that you discovered (or reasonably ought to have known) the injury, loss or damage from the Federal Gov’t in relation to its actions to freeze bank accounts and other actions in relation to the Emergencies Act orders.

This limitation is likely to apply on Feb. 14, 2024 – in two weeks. If your bank account was frozen or if you suffered damages, injury or loss, you need to look at getting your claim filed in the next two weeks. You may wish to possibly check to see who is required to be named on any such claim and the reasons for your claim, ie: torts, alleged to have been committed.


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Kelowna Freedom Rally

Stuart Part, Kelowna 12:00 Noon

It is important to remember that bail is a common law and Constitutional right in Canada (s. 11(e) Charter: not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause.) Bail can only be denied pursuant to s. 515 of the Criminal Code on extensive grounds. People are released on murder charges, sexual assaults, and many other horrific crimes regularly across Canada – including many who have extensive criminal records. Many of these alleged offenders go out to commit other offences while on bail, constituting a large ‘catch and release’ program in Canada.

These four innocent men, having no criminal records, were alleged to have committed various offences under the Criminal Code. There were no victims involved. Everything is alleged only. They are presumed innocent until their trial at the end of May, 2024, by judge and jury. Keeping them in remand jail for two years is an injustice. They are only several of many people who have been criminally charged and have likely done nothing wrong except expose the Government’s COVID-19 tyranny upon us.

Judge Johnna Kubic, a Trudeau appointed judge has denied bail three times to Chris Carbert, and who it is claimed has donated to the Liberal Party 26 times!

The Crown is really opposing their release on political grounds only, ie: that these people opposed the COVID-19 unconstitutional lockdowns and restrictions, and are being punished to frighten off others from opposing further unconstitutional government restrictions on our rights and freedoms. There is no such recognized basis for denial of bail nor Crown opposition to bail being granted, on this basis.

In this case, the Crown has, improperly and in abuse of its powers, made the procedure to be the punishment, or large part of it, more so as these innocent prisoners are being held in various remand centres, which are notoriously known for their inhospitable environments, such that many innocent accused frequently plead guilty to avoid time spent in remand centres awaiting trials.

Note, that the RCMP were the first organized police force in the world to use agent provocateur tactics as far back as the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. They continue to use such tactics today.

They need our support.

Join us Feb. 15 at the Kelowna Courthouse, Vernon Courthouse and Penticton Courthouse, for rallies starting at 9:00 a.m., for the morning. We will have brochures to hand out to people. Please feel free to make your own signs as well.

From Darren in Vernon:

Feb paper is a real doozy!

– Front page sneak peek below
– End of month fundraising campaign
– Let’s get Canada talking about the Coutts Boys

Just 36 hours left

Druthers needs to raise $10,000 in the next day and a half. We just sent the February paper off to print and we aim to print at least 200,000 copies. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated and your contributions are wisely and efficiently used to print more papers and wake up more Canadians.


Or etransfer your contribution to and we will manually add it to the fundraiser.

Sneak Peek

Have a peek at the front page. The Coutts Four! It’s time to get Canada aware of this situation and apply some pressure to get these political prisoners set free. Sitting in remand for 2 years without a trial is so wrong. Please help us print as many as we can of this important issue of Druthers.

This is one of my favorite papers so far. There is so much important news and information in these pages this month, I hope we raise enough to print 300,000 copies or more! 


Stay strong!! And keep going.
We are winning.

Shawn Jason & the Druthers Crew

Special Note:  All donations dropped into the Druthers can at the Vernon rallies over the last three years goes directly and entirely to Druthers, averaging in between $150 to $200 per month. Thank you to everyone who donates at the Vernon rallies. Keep up the flow of donations for this worthy cause!

Darren & Denise





Kelowna Courts

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

Next Provincial Court Hearing Date: April 12, 2024 – Sentencing

I will provide more specifics and updates in the coming weeks. Not much happening until then, except the Crown Persecutor, David Grabavac, wants two years in jail, three years probation, a firearms weapons ban, and a DNA sample. Unbelievable. From those who have seen the video, this is nothing more than political harassment and intimidation by Mr. Grabavac who is abusing his powers and should be removed from the office of a Crown Prosecutor immediately.

Next Supreme Court Hearing Date: April 22, 2024

Notice of Conviction Appeal

In the B.C. Supreme Court today, Jan. 29, 2024, I appeared before Justice Weatherill. I was ordered to file my Constitutional Challenge to the payment of transcripts fees and serve them on the AG of Canada and BC, by April 5, 2024. Next hearing date is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after that.,


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies

Next hearing date – The week of Feb. 20, 2024

for hearing on my SLAPP application to strike the City’s Petition against us. The schedulers will call me on the Friday before this week to confirm the exact dates at which time we will let everyone know as well.

Two weeks ago, I cross examined City of Kelowna Bylaw Supervisor Kevin Mead on his affidavit in this case. The transcripts are currently being prepared and will be posted on our website as soon as they are done, hopefully in two weeks.

My documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:



See Cash is King Poster

for businesses below!!







NEXT Jan 31st: Tanya Gaw and Dr. Peter McCullough TOPIC: TREATMENTS, CORRUPTION & DISEASE X

Dr. Peter McCullough joins Tanya Gaw again on the Empower Hour to talk about the corruption of Big Pharma and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. A have to see! Be sure to share and participate. Sign on starts at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm

Join us for an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions.

EMPOWER HOUR LINKS & RECORDINGS Recordings of past sessions are posted here: Empower Hour useful links can be found here:

Tanya’s updates and Full and partial recordings of A4C and videos of interest are on Rumble:


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!




Sunday Paper


Next delivery day:
August 27, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

Feb 4, 2024

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to 
WIN this War:

Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

1 Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.
BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria
Use cash for all transit

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!


Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…


Ed Kallio


Back next week





Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against the COVID and other vaccines – Kelowna






The Epoch Times (note, thanks to Google, you have to look at the 4th screen to get their home page, just by searching for Epoch Times)


Just say NO to Digital ID



Immediate Halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC!




Including our own media


Is the Election Eve Arrest of Populist Candidate Chris Sky Elite Interference in the Election?

Is the Election Eve Arrest of Populist Candidate Chris Sky Elite Interference in the Election?

On June 13, on the eve of the crucial Toronto mayoralty by-election, populist candidate  Chris Sky (Chris Saccoccia)  was arrested for “uttering threats.” He surrendered to police and was released. As usual, the lamestream media and police failed to tell us against whom the threats were made or what exactly these threats were, so that the public could decide.

Why was Mr. Sky arrested, just 13 days before the election? Could police not have arrested him after the vote. The arrest serves to smear his name. Sadly. many people mistake a charge for a conviction. He must be guilty, they think, or the police would not have charged him.
Are the police acting as hitmen for the woke elite? Chris Sky is a populist leader and businessman. He is among about a dozen serious candidates, among 102, for Mayor. He has an impressive election headquarters, has many charge election signs, a sharp website and has held many meetings.
The woke elite detest him. Chris Sky was a key leader of the freedom rallies in Queen’s Park Toronto that began in 2020. His energy and youthful social media savvy made him a powerful icon. His approach was summed up in a short book he wrote Just Say No. Also, he has expressed doubts about some of the common claims about Jewish experiences in World War II. Even the populist Rebel Media tried to pillory him in an ambush interview with Ezra Levant and David Menzies. All they wanted to talk about is the new religion of holocaust, which has become the religion of the woke elite that sneers at Christianity. Misled about the purpose of the interview, Chris walked out on them.

Chris has been persecuted for his leadership. Although a peaceful man, he was placed under a flight ban (usually reserved for terrorists). He had to drive across the country to attend his own meetings in Western cities, including Vancouver. He has been charged 71 times, but there have been no convictions. Charging a dissident is a great way for the elite to restrict or silence a dissident. Broadcaster Leslie Bory is in his fourth month in prison for “uttering threats.” The courts have denied him bail. At one point, several years ago, one of Chris Sky’s bail conditions was that he not enter the City of Toronto (Be out of Dodge City by sunset).
We know the elite was outraged by the massive peaceful Truckers’ Freedom convoy last January. A shaken tyrant Justin Trudeau, applauded by most of the Fake News media, invoked the police state Emergencies Act, to smash dissent and freeze dissidents’ bank accounts.
So, was the arrest of Chris Sky just before the election a similar measure to hobble dissent?

Toronto mayoral candidate Chris Saccoccia arrested for allegedly uttering death threats

Chris Sky

King City resident Christopher Saccoccia is seen in this photo. (Instagram)




Aisling Murphy, Web Content Writer
Published Tuesday, June 13, 2023 12:00PM EDT

Toronto mayoral candidate Chris Saccoccia has been arrested for allegedly uttering death threats, Toronto police confirmed on Tuesday.

Saccoccia, best known by his internet moniker Chris Sky, has made headlines in the past for his protests against COVID-19 vaccinations and mask mandates. He was arrested in 2021 for threatening to shoot elected officials such as Doug Ford and members of the public, and according to a video shared to his Twitter page on Monday, he has been charged with a crime 73 times.

“I am quite confident that I’ll be exonerated,” Saccoccia says in the video. “The best thing that anybody watching can do, is go out, share this video, and tell everybody to vote for me.” Saccoccia adds in the video that this arrest is the latest in a series of ploys by the “deep state” to render Saccoccia “unelectable.”

In a follow-up video posted Tuesday morning, Saccoccia spoke directly to the youth of Toronto, encouraging them to vote while apparently en route to surrender himself for his arrest.

In a statement to CP24, a representative for the Toronto Police Service confirmed that Saccoccia had been arrested for uttering threats of death or bodily harm, following allegations of text and voice messages sent on June 5 that included a death threat.


Tom Marazzo writes:

“In my opinion, Chris Sky Saccoccia for Mayor is not getting a fair shake. Hated by both elites and politicians, Chris is completely ignored by the legacy media, but his popularity on social media and with the under thirties is undeniable. AND the middle class is increasingly embracing his honest and straightforward no BS style.”

“At 39, Chris Sky is a guy who gets things done. A developer and businessman for twenty-years, he knows his way around City Hall from the outside in. Vice President of Sky Homes Corp. Chris is educated is both Building Design and Development and Sports Medicine. Over the last three years, Chris helped business and families get out from under the fallout of lockdowns, out of his own pocket, because he truly cares about the people.” 

“With a well laid out plan for CHANGE, Chris will never embrace the concept of 15-minute cities. He will lead Toronto out of debt and create a new Toronto that will be a blueprint for growth not only in Canada but around the world.”

“The world needs change! Chris Sky is the Mayor for a positive future! I say, ignore the mainstream media and on Monday, June 26, 2023 regardless of line ups or delays get out and vote Chris Saccoccia for Mayor of Toronto.” 

“You won’t be sorry.”

Tom Marazzo

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s Powerful Advice for a Broken Canada
The past few weeks have been a ‘wild ride’. We witnessed media hype over supposed UFO sightings and shootdowns, media silence on catastrophic train derailments, and obfuscation from those in positions of leadership, including on the topic of foreign interference in our elections. That was rounded out yesterday when an ostensibly neutral commission, ignoring glaring evidence, brought in the anticipated ruling of ‘no harm, no foul’ regarding the invoking of the Emergencies Act.

As if these were not enough, a parliamentary committee decided that killing citizens with taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be limited to adults, the Canadian government wants to help end minors’ lives as well. One of the baseline thresholds for a civilized democracy is the protection of her weak and innocent. Apparently not the case in Canada, circa 2023.
In the face of crumbling foundations, Canada needs grounded leaders able to foresee pitfalls, discern lies and recognize true danger, and who continue to walk with steadfast resolve through the emergent chaos.
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, the courageously principled author and dissident, was asked to address Harvard in 1978 after he was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974. We’ve heard much about rights and freedoms this past year (I’ve said plenty myself), but freedom is not an end in itself.

I recommend you read the entire address, but the excerpt below was highly prescient, piercing to the core of our current national crisis:
In early democracies, all individual human rights were granted on the ground that man is God’s creature. That is, freedom was given to the individual conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility. Such was the heritage of the preceding one thousand years. Two hundred or even fifty years ago, it would have seemed quite impossible, in America, that an individual be granted boundless freedom with no purpose, simply for the satisfaction of his whims. Subsequently, however, all such limitations were eroded everywhere in the West; a total emancipation occurred from the moral heritage of Christian centuries with their great reserves of mercy and sacrifice.
The West has finally achieved the rights of man, and even to excess, but man’s sense of responsibility to God and society has grown dimmer and dimmer. In the past decades, the legalistic selfishness of the Western approach to the world has reached its peak and the world has found itself in a harsh spiritual crisis and a political impasse. All the celebrated technological achievements of progress, including the conquest of outer space, do not redeem the twentieth century’s moral poverty, which no one could have imagined even as late as the nineteenth century.”
Our loss of a collective moral rudder has the good ship Canada drifting toward rocky shores. It’s why we’ve focused lately on the work to be done closer to home, daily; connecting locally for support and spiritual grounding; being the best spouse, friend, or parent we can; raising children grounded in truth, aware of a danger-filled world, but who’ve been taught resilience and courage; speaking the truth, in love, even when it sacrifices our peace, reputation or career.
If the past weeks confirmed one thing, it’s that hope is not found in political leaders (or those waiting in the wings), lawyers, commissions or similar. They can be peripheral means to various ends, but more often than not, they’re making things worse, and rapidly so. As Jordan Peterson said recently “I don’t see how we could be stupider here in the West if we actually took courses in stupidity and tried as hard as we could. We seem to be doing everything we can to break everything as rapidly as possible”.

Don’t sell yourselves short on your ability to discern right from wrong, smart from stupid, and to act in ways that greatly impact your spheres of influence. We may desire freedom, but without taking on the immense responsibility it requires, we simply join the race for a version that is little more than self-centered hedonism. That responsibility may mean boldly speaking truth in the face of lies. Other times, it may require refusing to comply when compelled by an authority to act in ways harmful to those around us or which violate our conscience. Heed that conscience. Be the steadfast, calm leaders our nation so desperately needs.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Freedom Fighter Jeremy Mackenzie Cancelled Without Reason by Scotiabank

Freedom Fighter Jeremy Mackenzie Cancelled Without Reason by Scotiabank

Hear the recorded phone call of Jeremy Mackenzie with the Bank of Nova Scotia. It just terminated this dissident’s account without a reason. “Gerry” from the bank gives the news to this decorated Canadian Infantry Veteran His crime? Being a Patriot. Jeremy played a major role is last winter’s freedom protests against government tyranny and COVID restrictions.

Testimony at the Emergency Act inquiry revealed the vile role of many of Canada;s big banks, headed as they are by Globalists.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, recently released records show that on February 15 of this year, Assiniboine Credit Union in Winnipeg, Manitoba, reported one of its users to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) because he had “liked” the Freedom Convoy Facebook page, telling the federal police he is “potentially involved” in the protest. [And what if he had been? Peaceful protest is our right. This is not Red China yet!]

The report to the RCMP came the day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act (EA) to shut down the protest, wherein the government gave banks and financial institutions the power to freeze suspected Freedom Convoy donors’ accounts without a court order. Assiniboine went as far as having its staff members monitor the man’s social media posts, as well as comb through his checking account transactions. Management at Assiniboine noted that before the EA was enacted, “account activity was being monitored but not deemed illegal.”  [Such disgusting collaborators in repression and toadies to tyranny!]

Police noted in a memo that same day that the credit union member in question was a “well known anti-vax” person, suggesting the tip from the credit union was followed up on.

In another instance of financial institutions using the EA as a reason to go after their customers, the same report shows that an unnamed Canadian bank had also reported to police one of its credit card users who had allegedly purchased a gas mask from an army surplus store.  [A perfectly legal activity.]

This information was shown in a February 17 email, with police noting “It won’t come as a surprise but a bank has frozen assets of an individual and they also disclosed that a purchase was recently made at an Ottawa Army Surplus store.” 

“Most likely a gas mask,” added the RCMP

These recent revelations are not the first instances of Canadian financial institutions reporting their customers to the police due to their political views. As noted last month by LifeSiteNews, records show Desjardins Group also reported to the RCMP some of its customers who were making financial transactions supporting the Freedom Convoy.  The bank had reported a couple that made a $20,000 deposit, which the bank claimed was being used to pay for pro-Freedom Convoy signs. [Even if their suspicion was correct, making political signs is not illegal. Canada is not North Korea YET!]  

Trudeau’s use of the EA led to almost $8 million in funds from 267 different people being frozen, in addition to 170 bitcoin wallets. The full impact of Trudeau’s cabinet’s use of the EA to expand the scope of the Proceeds Of Crime And Terrorist Financing Act to allow for such freezing has yet to be determined by a parliamentary committee. 

Last month during a round-table discussion at the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC), panel member Dr. Gerard Kennedy, who along with other POEC members was tasked with advising government officials on future policy in light of the Freedom Convoy, seemed to agree with the controversial freezing measures taken by the Trudeau government, saying it was ‘efficacious’ and ‘even justified’ for banks to freeze the assets of demonstrators for protesting government COVID measures.  

During testimony before the POEC last month, it was also revealed that one Canadian bank executive suggested Freedom Convoy protesters could be labeled as “terrorists” to allow for a quick freezing of their funds. [And these are the people protecting YOUR money? To the threatened Globalist elite, words lose their usual meanings. Peaceful dissent is mislabelled ‘terrorism’, which means shootings and bombings.]

Finance Minister Chyrstia Freeland’s testimony before the commission showed that she even agreed with one Canadian bank CEO’s call for possible military intervention in the Freedom Convoy. [She’s big on fighting to preserve ‘democracy’ in the Ukraine (actually an immensely corrupt government) while crushing dissent here at home.]

New Year Message About Freedom in Canada

New Year Message

What a difference a year can make! What a difference we all together can make.

To all Canadians far and wide, and especially to those Canadians who know, and with whom we are fighting for what is ours, what always will be ours and for that which we will gift to the ones who are yet to come.

Only 12 months ago, those, who recognized the tidal wave of tyranny that had engulfed us were the small “fringe minority”. Despite the blistering waves of propaganda that continued to batter us 24/7, and the constant threats of retaliation, we started to look up and out and realize we were not alone.

Darkness was all around, it was midnight!

Slowly and surely from the beginning to 2022, we began to emerge and we began to Unite.

Together we started to bring forth the righteous ire of a sleeping population.

For many Canadians, this was the first time they began to realize the extent of the crimes that had been committed against them, and this was the first time they started to see the true violent nature of their “representative” government.

They also started to realize that the institutions that we thought are here to protect us, are really here to repress us.

Many Citizens, for the first time, attempted to engage with their “elected representative”…….and got nothing, or a form letter. Some of you have engaged with or at least started to watch these representatives, and for the first time are realizing how mediocre and unimpressive most of them are.

Do you also know how rich they have become???? Stay tuned……

There have been some exceptions MP Ted Falk comes to mind, but these are almost non existent. There are a total of 338 members of the Canadian Parliament….how many of them answered you? Do you ever hear from them except when they want more of your money, or when there is an election? What about the 105 Senators, and the thousands of Provincial Representatives?

Click Here to Read Our Post About MP Ted Falk

The Truckers will always stand as a symbol of the courageous defiance of a small few against an entrenched and violent dictatorship.

When the dictators realized that too many of the public were starting to see, with their own eyes, what was happening, and the captive and corrupt propagandist media could not stem that tide…..the dictators did what dictators always do, they took up arms and violence against the unarmed and peaceful.

Following the Truckers, came thousands of individuals and small groups. At first, and once again these small groups were alone calling out into the Abyss, but slowly and surely, they too started to come together. With the help of these patriots and with the coming out of truly independent and fair minded Alternative Media Sites, the message of freedom started to come out.

The message of how they lied to us for two years, and how their cure was harming and even killing us started to come out. At first our voices started as a whisper, but soon, with the help of thousands, our voices began a roar, and now even those corrupt institutions that foisted this on the public are starting to trickle out the Truth.

Click Here to See Our Post About NIH

Make no mistake, the criminals are not yet done! They are creating even larger lies.

The terms “Doctors and Scientists Are Baffled..”, or “….Suddenly Died” and “Myocarditis” or “Unknown Cause of Death” are now common place.

Did you ever hear these terms before now?

How many of you out there knew what “myocarditis” was, before now?

They are also amping up their other older lies, and creating new ones.

Climate Emergency, World War, Shortages, Endemic Racism……

These are all new distractions.

Like any other trapped animal, these ones are getting even more desperate.

They know the end is near.

They know you are winning.

They want you to give up, they want you to be distracted.

We can now see the end, we know the tide has turned, and our darkest hour has past, but we have a long long way to go!

This year we must fight even harder, because as the faint rays of freedom’s light is starting to cut through the darkness, we must together ensure that it will not fade, but brilliantly light the days to come.

These criminals will be brought to justice. It is; however, not just a matter of time, it is in fact a matter of each of you working together to defeat these evil doers.

Click Me to See Our Post On Crime and Punishment

Never before in the history of the World has so much evil been inflicted by so few on so many. And never in the course of the history of the World has freedom stood on the precipice for so many all around the World.

Canada, has historically been a country that, despite our size, has led that way in human rights, peace, prosperity and the rule of law.

We can be this beacon again.

It is up to each of us to do their part.

Don’t believe me? Read our post on the difference we have made in 6 months, with your help.

Click Me to Read Our Post About Our Reach to the World

2023 holds the promise to being the next step toward a new and beautiful future of freedom and peace, but there is also the risk of the other.

What we accomplished in 2022 is nothing short of miraculous. We are fighting a plan and an entrenched enemy that has been silently attacking us for decades, and they have the full power of an armed state. And yet we are turning the tide…..

What can you do?

Stay the course. Speak out in large ways, if you can, or in small ways if that is what you can do.

Educate yourself.

Educate others.

Copy our report, and send it out to friends, family, leaders, professionals everywhere you can! Do not concern yourself that someone else may have already sent it….send it again, and again and again!

Form a small group within your community and engage your elected officials.

Join an existing group.

Comment publicly if you can.

Attend rallies, meetings Town halls.


Get Involved.

Ask questions and demand answers from your leaders!

If you see a lie on the Legacy Media, copy it, point it out, send it out to your contacts, to us, and we can bring it to light. Do your homework.

Turn off the TV

Find out about Canadian Bill C-11…Understand it, and make your opinion known, they are trying to stop us from talking to you!

If you still do not believe this is true, ask yourself this question:

“Do I feel safe in expressing my opinions in public, or do I self censor my legitimate and protected opinions for fear of retribution from employers, government, institutions etc”…

If you do not feel safe, then how can you believe you are free?

It is up to you!

Join Us!

Make Sure That When Your Grandchildren Think About These Years, They Will Say a Prayer of Thanks for YOUR Sacrifice.

For all of those who have gone before us, for all of those who stand with us, and for all of those who will join with us soon….We wish you the best and most successful 2023.

We will be with you in the light of freedom and future reconstitution.

For those of you, still on the fence, or unaware, we cannot wait for you, but we will embrace you when you arrive.

May God Bless you all, protect you, and guide you in this epic struggle against Evil that we are all now a part of.

Ken & Rosalie

The Price Tamara Lich Has Paid for Being A Leader of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy — The Revenge of Our Politicized Justice System

On Day 16 of the Emergencies Act hearings, the main organizer of the Freedom Convoy  Tamara Lich took the stand for the first time since her bail hearing in late July.

Lich was asked about what her life had been like after her arrest in Ottawa on Feb 17.

“I’ve lost my job, I’ve lost my freedom of speech, I’ve lost my freedom to communicate with my friends,” said Lich tearfully.

“I have to be very careful about every move that I make,” she continued. “My trial’s not until next year… I have to live under these conditions for a year.”

That’s the way Canada’s soft tyranny “justice system, silences dissidents. Tamara Lich was arrested for the minor non-violent offence of counselling mischief. Yet, she was jailed for 56 days and twice denied bail. When she finally got bail, her conditions would make Stalin blush. She was completely silenced politically. This gag order may last until her trial which could be many months away.

Her counsel Edmonton lawyer Keith Wilson told Rebel News (October 14, 2022): Her “bail conditions are worse than
the conditions, the free speech conditions that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has put on [Alexei] Navalny, his
chief critic. You could interview him in his jail cell in Russia, but you cannot interview, in Trudeau’s Canada, Tamara Lich about the circumstances of her protest!”

How the Justice Centre Defends the Truckers & Opposes Police State Emergencies Act

Justice Centre Statement on Convoy Funding

Posted On: September 7, 2022

The Justice Centre is a registered charity committed to defending the constitutional rights of Canadians.

Canadians and truckers from across the country made their way to Ottawa in January, to exercise their right to peaceful protest against government mandates. This was a grassroots movement that resulted in the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history. The Government responded by invoking the Emergencies Act, bringing in armed police, and using unprecedented power and violence to end an otherwise peaceful protest. The government also froze bank accounts of Canadians who supported the protestors.

In February 2022, the Justice Centre funded a team of lawyers to provide legal advice and representation to peaceful Canadian protestors in Ottawa. Justice Centre lawyers facilitated communications with police and played a role in coordinating an agreement with the City of Ottawa to move trucks out of residential areas.

Since February, the Justice Centre has continued to provide legal representation, through its own lawyers as well as outside counsel, to:

  • Approximately 50 Canadians who have been criminally charged when their sole “crime” was to exercise their constitutional rights to assemble peacefully in Ottawa and express their opposition to government lockdowns and vaccine mandates;
  • Truckers and other Canadians who have been named defendants in a $305-million class action lawsuit brought against them in Ontario Superior Court;
  • Canadians who are challenging the abuse of the Emergencies Act in Federal Court, seeking a declaration that the government did not have reasonable grounds to do so and in fact, abused these unprecedented powers;
  • Freedom Convoy participants who have standing to participate in the Public Order Emergency Commission and will provide factual accounts of the events that occurred during the protest in Ottawa in February 2022.

The Justice Centre is also an official party before the Public Order Emergency Commission and has been granted standing to provide policy recommendations to the Commission about the constitutional implications of invoking the Emergencies Act.

The Justice Centre has also funded the criminal defence of Tamara Lich, a Medicine Hat mother and grandmother, who has been subjected to five bail reviews, and was arrested on a Canada-wide warrant, for an alleged, minor bail breach.

Ms. Lich, who was not charged with a violent crime, spent a total of seven weeks in jail, in spite of not having any criminal record.

In addition to the cases which relate directly to legal matters resulting from events in Ottawa in February 2022, the Justice Centre continues to fund hundreds of cases across Canada where the Charter rights and fundamental freedoms of Canadians are threatened by government.

It is through the voluntary donations of our valued and dedicated supporters that it is possible for the Justice Centre to defend the free society and continue to challenge oppressive government actions that began in earnest more than two years ago. We receive no government funding.

While the Justice Centre’s funding capacity is not unlimited, the Justice Centre helps as many individuals as possible through our network of lawyers and dedicated staff and will continue to do so to the full extent our resources allow.

Canadians who have access to funds and can contribute to their legal costs are encouraged to do so, because the Justice Centre can only take a small percentage of the thousands of requests for help we receive each year. The matters the Justice Centre is involved with affect all Canadians in the common goal of living in a free and democratic society, where government is transparent and accountable to its citizens. We want to thank all our supporters for their continued commitment to our important work.

How to Make Your Submission to the Rouleau Commission Investigating Trudeau’s Invocation of Rights Stealing (stolen/frozen bank, trucks seized, peaceful protest smashed) “Emergencies Act”

I want to give you an important update about the Emergencies Act inquiry and some information about how you can personally contribute to the inquiry and hold the government to account.

The use of the Emergencies Act was illegal, and the Canadian Constitution Foundation is fighting it in court. We are also participating in an independent inquiry – the Rouleau Commission – that is looking into the government’s use of this law.

The Rouleau Commission is now accepting comments from the public – that means YOU can send the inquiry a public comment about your experience and reaction with the 2022 Freedom Convoy and the government’s illegal and unconstitutional use of the Emergencies Act.

Your comment may be quoted in the hearings, or in the Commission’s final report. It is imperative that the Commission hear from members of the public and understand the full impact on citizens of the federal government’s illegal and unconstitutional use of the Emergencies Act.

This is an important way for your voice to matter. There are many untold stories related to the Freedom Convoy. Much of the reporting of the protests was disconnected to the experience of participants and observers who were on the ground at these protests in early 2022. These public comments are now an opportunity for those stories to be told as a part of the Inquiry.

Your comment can be submitted by email to
It can also be submitted by mail to:   Public Order Emergency Commission
c/o Main Floor Security Desk
90 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3  

Before you send in a public comment, I want to give you style suggestions, the background facts you need to know, some key messages and questions you may want to consider answering, and of course, the technical details of how and when to send in your submission. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
I want to start by saying this inquiry is NOT the government. It is an independent and non-partisan commission chaired by a very respected court of appeal judge and staffed by experienced lawyers. This inquiry was not called out of the kindness of the Prime Minister’s heart – it is required by law. I think if it was not required by law, it almost certainly would not be taking place. So my first piece of style advice is to remember that your comments are NOT being sent to the government. They are NOT being sent to the prime minister, or to any politician. It is being sent to a judge.

So don’t use bad language. Don’t use partisan language. It won’t help. In fact, it will only undermine the credibility of your message. I want your submissions to matter. It’s too easy to dismiss a public comment that is full of angry and profane language, or that comes across as a partisan attack.

I get that a lot of you are angry – I’m angry too. But let’s channel our anger into something useful by sending in public comments that use our words to communicate the damage that the government has done by illegally using the Emergencies Act.

Remember that your submission may be referred to or quoted by the Commission either in the report or in the public hearings. Use language you would be proud to have attributed to you, even though no identifying information will be used without your express permission.

My second piece of style advice is to start by addressing your letter “To The Public Order Emergency Commission”.
Then begin your submission with your main message. Your main message could be an answer to a question. I have a list of questions you might consider answering listed in the description below. Or instead of answering a question, your main message could be your experience as a participant in the protests or an observer of the protests.

You should keep your submission between 1 and 2 pages. If your submission is really long, it may not be read as carefully. You should focus your letter on the most important things you want the commission to know.
You can also include pictures, photographs and other supporting documents, if you think that will help.

Submissions can be made anonymously. If you want to submit anonymously, it makes sense to explain why you are making that choice. For example, some professionals who participated in the protests faced consequences from their employers. There was a hack of the information about donors to the freedom convoy, and their information, including names and addresses, posted online. I do understand why someone may want to make an anonymous submission, but it is a good idea to explain why you made that choice so the Commission understands too. If you are submitting anonymously, please note your country of residence. We all remember how some media outlets accused the Freedom Convoy of being “foreign funded” – something that turned out not to be true. So make sure you say where you live to prevent those kinds of false allegations about the people sending in public comments.

Lastly, you may submit by handwritten letter by mailing to the address I’ve linked to in the description below. Just please ensure your handwriting is legible.

That’s my style advice.
But I also have advice to give you on the substance of the submissions.
To make your public comment more impactful, focus on a main message. Your main message could be your experience as a participant in the protests or an observer of the protests.

Or you could answer one, or more of these questions:   Did the Emergencies Act make you afraid to attend other protests in the future? Including protests on topics unrelated to the Freedom Convoy? Were you afraid to donate to any charities unrelated to the Freedom Convoy after the government invoked the Emergencies Act? Were you concerned that your financial information could be shared with the government if you donated to other charities?

Were you personally involved in the Freedom Convoy protests, and if so, what was your experience like? How was your experience impacted by the use of the Emergencies Act? How do you feel about the protests and about the use of the Emergencies Act. If you were not involved in the protests, what were your views as an observer or person who was affected by the protests? What were your views of the police and government response? How did the police and government response make you feel? Are there any changes you would recommend in terms of the Emergencies Act to ensure it is not abused again in the future?

What is your view on whether the strict threshold set out in the Emergencies Act was met? Has the government provided a sufficient explanation about why existing law enforcement tools were insufficient?   It is also important to remember some important facts about the Emergencies Act and its invocation when sending in a public comment.
First, emergency powers have a dark and troubled history in Canada. The Emergencies Act was enacted to replace the War Measures Act, which was abused by previous federal governments. In response to the abuse of the War Measures Act, the Emergencies Act was carefully crafted to set out a demanding set of legally binding conditions that must be satisfied before it can be invoked. Those conditions were not met in this case.

The Emergencies Act is exceptional. It gives the federal cabinet authority to create new criminal offences and police powers, without recourse to Parliament, without advance notice, and without public debate. The law poses the risk of executive overreach which could have profound effects on Canadian democracy. Because the Emergencies Act vests enormous power in the federal cabinet, it should be interpreted strictly.

The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when there are no other legal tools available to deal with an ongoing situation that is urgent, temporary and national in scope. The February 2022 Freedom Convoy protests were cleared using ordinary police powers. In the view of many civil liberties organizations, including the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the invocation of the Emergencies Act was not absolutely necessary, as the Act requires.

After invoking the Emergencies Act, the federal government brought in Economic Measures and Emergency Measures. The Economic Measures enacted under the Emergencies Act required banks to disclose private banking information to police. This amounted to a warrantless and unreasonable search of private banking information. The Emergency Measures prohibited a very broad range of conduct, including generally acceptable and legal protest behaviour, breach of which was punishable by fines and imprisonment.

The federal government has not provided an explanation for its invocation of the Emergencies Act beyond a simple declaratory statement that a public order emergency existed. The federal government is fighting the disclosure of documents that provide a record of why this law was invoked. The federal government is not acting transparently, or explaining why this law was necessary. If the federal government refuses to provide an explanation, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that no good explanation exists.

The Rouleau Commission hearings begin on September 19, so it is best to send a public comment before that date, although they will be accepted up until October 31.

If you want additional information and style guidance on how to send in a public comment, visit
Good luck. And I hope you take part in this inquiry.
Yours truly,
Christine Van Geyn

PS – We are fighting this battle against the illegal use of the Emergencies Act as part of the inquiry, but also in court. We’ve hired one of the best lawyers in the country, but that means the fight is expensive. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to help us pay our legal fees at
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  Canadian Constitution Foundation
6025 – 12 St SE, Suite 215
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2K1