One Small Step Towards Restoring Sanity

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, February 9, 2024

One Small Step Towards Restoring Sanity

We are almost a quarter of a century into the third millennium Anno Domini.  In that period the alphabet soup – LGBTTQAEIOUandsometimesY – gang has grown accustomed to getting whatever it demands, no matter how ludicrous, absurd, or even downright insane, the demand happens to be.   This is true in general across the civilization formerly known as Christendom but nowhere more so than here in the Dominion of Canada.   It has been especially true here for the last nine years since Captain Airhead became the creepiest little low-life sleazebag ever to disgrace the office of the first minister of His Majesty’s government in Ottawa.   Captain Airhead has aggressively promoted the craziest, most fringe, and least defensible elements of the alphabet soup agenda as if they were commonsensical, had the weight of universally recognized moral truth behind them, and could be opposed only by knuckle-dragging moral reprobates.  If knuckle-dragging moral reprobation is what is required to oppose such things then Captain Airhead ought to be leading the opposition.   He was never able to add two and two together and come up with four, however.   Just look at his budgets.  

One consequence of Captain Airhead’s alphabet soup policies has been a sharp decline in average intelligence in the country.   We might call this the Trudeau Effect.   It is the opposite of the Flynn Effect, the psychometric phenomenon named after James Flynn by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve (1994) that was the reason standardized IQ tests needed to be revised, updated, and recalibrated periodically to prevent the average from running significantly over 100.   The Trudeau Effect is when, due to constant government-backed gas-lighting and bullying, intelligence so declines that people no longer understand the difference between what is true in reality and what someone mistakenly thinks or imagines to be true.   Before Captain Airhead we could say in response to those pushing the trans part of the alphabet soup agenda that we don’t accept that the person who thinks he is a chicken actually is a chicken, we don’t accept that the person who thinks he is Napoleon Bonaparte actually is who he thinks he is, and neither should we accept that the boy who thinks he is a girl is a girl or that the girl who thinks she is a boy is a boy.   Today, not only do fewer and fewer people understand this, the aggressive promotion of the trans agenda has brought us to the point where there is now a demand that we regard people who think they are something other than people as being what they think or say they are.

This is why it has been rather encouraging over the last year or so to see a growing push back against this insanity.    Most recently, Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, announced a new set of policies and upcoming legislation for her province that would restrict the genital and breast mutilation sickeningly called by such deranged euphemisms as gender-reassignment surgery or gender-affirming care to those who have reached the age of majority, ban puberty-blockers for those under the age of 16, require that parents be notified and give their consent when pervert teachers try to brainwash their kids into thinking they are the opposite sex/gender, require parental consent for sex education and that all sex ed curricula be approved by the minister of education, and prevent the sort of situation that Ray Stevens has hilariously lampooned in his new song “Since Bubba Changed His Name to Charlene”.   In other words, policies and legislation that anyone who isn’t a total idiot, insane, under the influence of an evil spirit or a substance that turns one’s mind to goo or both, evil on a megalomaniacal scale, or some combination of these, could and would support.   Needless to say, both Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal, the supervillain who somehow broke out of the cartoon universe and into our own and having been denied entry to India due to his connections to the extremists who want to break that country up opted to become the leader of the socialist party here, have been having conniptions over this.

Most news media commentators have joined the whacko politicians like Airhead and Dhaliwal in howling in outrage over what could be best described as the very, bare bones, minimum of a sensible provincial policy towards alphabet soup gender politics.   This will not come as a shock to many, I suspect.    Canadian newspapers have acted as if their role was to propagate the ideas of and bolster support for the Liberal Party since at least the time when John Wesley Defoe edited the Winnipeg Free Press.   Arguably it goes back even further to when George Brown edited the Toronto Globe, the predecessor of today’s Globe and Mail.   That the new technological means of mass communication seemed designed to project a distorted view of reality that served the interests of some ideological vision of progress rather than of truth was a critique made by such varied observers as the American Richard M. Weaver, the French Jacques Ellul, and the Canadian Marshall McLuhan.  It was radio, television, and the motion picture industry that these men had in mind.   The second revolution in mass communications technology that gave us the internet, smartphones, social media, and streaming services has since eclipsed the first.    It has not rectified the problem those astute social critics and technosceptics saw in the earlier mass communications media any more than Captain Airhead’s bailout of the struggling Canadian newspapers solved the problem of their heavy bias towards the Liberal Party but rather, in both instances, the problem was exponentially magnified.

John Ibbitson wrote a piece that argued that Smith’s policies were endangering all teenagers in Alberta.   Naturally, the Globe and Mail had the poor taste to publish it.   The obvious reality is that no teenagers – or anybody else for that matter – are endangered by Smith’s policies.    Max Fawcett, the lead columnist for Canada’s National Observer, attempted to argue that Smith, who has long been identified with the libertarian wing of Canadian conservatism, has betrayed her ideology.   As Pierre Poilievre, the current leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, the Conservative Party, pointed out, however, when he – finally – took a stand in favour what Smith was doing, prohibiting people from making irreversible, life-altering, decisions while they are children means protecting their right to make adult choices as adults.  That is hardly something that could be described as irreconcilably out of sync with libertarian ideals  As an indicator of just how cuckoo most of the media reporting on this has been, Ibbitson’s and Fawcett’s are among the saner of the anti-Smith pieces that have appeared.

Poilievre also predicted that Captain Airhead will eventually have to back down on this issue.   I certainly hope that he is right about that and that soon we will have the pleasure of watching Captain Airhead eat his own words.   In the meantime, it is good to see that a rational, sane, pushback against the alphabet soup madness has finally begun.   Let us hope and pray that it continues and spreads. — Gerry T. Neal

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021: Resistance is NOT Futile!

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021

To : those who care about good government in British Columbia

            Breathe Freely

 GATHERING Jan 23 2021 in Victoria B C

A few hardy souls gathered on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health on a bright wintry afternoon, Jan 23 2021.   20 warm bodies holding signs educating passersby with more and better information than they’re getting from the govt.  Reactions were 50 50  thumbs up approving honks, versus hollering disapproval.  What came through from the screamers is : deep animosity.   There’s a whole lot of pent up hurt and confusion barely kept in check by head Witch Bonnie Henry casting her spell every day chanting   “ cases cases cases death death death” 

As Professor Marshal McLuhan taught me : “When someone feels his self image is challenged, he has a mandate for war.” 

Encountering signage urging “take off the mask” a guy wearing the muzzle can have a minor psychotic break.   Our tiny witness contradicting the official brainwashing causes him to lash out at us for startling him out of stupor.   Normal politeness comes unglued  … they scream out their confusion  = “go to hell”.  

From half a year’s involvement in this authentic populist movement I know that part of my calling,  is, channeling that raw emotion on to who’s responsible — the fools in high places perpetrating this Crime against Humanity ie. the Covid 19 HOAX;    namely, John Horgan and his supporting cast of NeeDiPpers.

Our little rallies are crucial for connecting like-minded folks in what we used to call the real world.  A good example being   last week, when the car rally was forming at Dallas Road, a man came up and told the protesters that he had no idea there were people like him = disgusted with the official version of KronaMadness.  The warMth of a simple hug means a lot in these trying times

After standing with the protest for a while on Blanshard St., I headed out to the Breathe Freely EVENT which I had organized.  There, I did most of the talking as six of us stood around in LESS THAN so-called Social distance, encouraging each other.  I got a kick out of handing out pages proving a “support group” is one of the categorical exemptions from the Public Health Act Order banning GATHERING  and EVENTS.   Another exemption being, “political activity”.   I had a hard copy in hand so if an officious bye=law enforcement officer were to start in on me, she could be put in her place. You’re damn’d right we’re a support group!

One of the attendees was a man who had been given a violation Notice for failing to wear a mask in a public place.  The very next day after diktat M425 came in to effect – November 26 2020  – he’d gone in to a food store, done his shopping silently, all the while the employees were literally ‘in his face’ bothering him because he wasn’t muzzled.  When the police arrived he was laying on the floor, without a word. They handcuffed him and put him in the cop car, ostensibly under arrest for “obstruction of Justice”.   But the cops spent the next half hour discussing what to charge him with. Eventually, he was handed a ticket pursuant to the Covid19 Measures Regulation Act.   When I get an image of that Violation Notice, I’ll be sending it out  : Publicity is the soul of Justice.

The tragedy in which we now find ourselves could not have happened without despicable complicity by the so-called “legacy media”.  In nearly a year, not once have I seen a line of print in the local rags / pathetic excuses for newspapers,  contradicting the premise of medical fascism with a smiley-face

Last summer the very character of our province changed without a murmur nor the rustling of a wing feather by those who style themselves the guardians of propriety.  Statutes were sneaked through the castrated Legislature.   The Emergency Powers Act and the Covid 19 Measures Regulations Act and the Public Health Act were amended so that merely talking back to someone in authority re the HOAX of the purported pan-demic, is now an offence.     Really ominious, is, official protocol for having someone tossed in a mental ward for voicing disbelief with the Central Party Line.  The tentacles of Red Fascism wrapped around British Columbia while citizens slept.  The court jesters,  scribblers and quislings such as David Obee, Les Layne, Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smith, Keith Baldrey etc. are missing in action.  Worse, though ! where are the guys who pretend to be Christian leaders? Commanded by God to be Watchmen on the Wall?  With rare exception … a bunch of chickenshits whom Jesus Christ said he will spue out of his mouth because they were lukewarm when it mattered.  This coming Friday, I’ll be in the Vancouver Lawcourts viewing the Affidavits of a couple of pastors – men with the courage of their convictions  – who have a Judicial Review underway, challenging the lockdown measures pertaining to  believers congregating

At the Breathe Freely GATHERING one of the attendees told me what happened  in Duncan, just lately.   His friend called her doctor, requesting a note to substantiate medical exemption from having to wear a face covering. Without so much as consulting her, the doctor made an appointment for the patient to go in for an interview with the mental health branch.    The book “Psychopolitics” by one of the monsters of Stalinism,  Lev Beria,  describes how the psychiatric profession was captured by the communists, so dissenters were labelled “insane” then parked in mental wards.    This is how it was done in the Soviet Union and is done in Red China and British Columbia,  this afternoon.

I’ll be convening another meetup of Breathe Freely,  soon.  Please share this little missive to let all and sundry know  RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians