It has come to the attention of Manitobans that a special hate crime working unit has been commissioned to undertake investigating “hate” within the province. See Manitoba News Bulletin text down below.
It will be interesting to observe what transpires from and replicated within Manitoba concerning this new and trendy initiative that other jurisdictions elsewhere have adopted. Maybe Manitoba will be a novel first in discovering the whole range of behaviors that may be considered hate. Will this pogrom also consider prosecuting individuals for maybe, possibly, thinking what the government thinks they are thinking?
The process for arriving at what constitutes “hate”.
Who gets to decide what constitutes “hate”? Special interest groups funded by the government whose claims would not have been thoroughly vetted for accuracy, similar to a previous government funded special interest group from the last 40 years? Will special interest groups influence government to examine only what they believe would be considered “hate”, and cancel any attempt at identifying other sources of “hate”?
Will the government of Manitoba investigate the lounge at the University of Winnipeg that excludes white people? Or will the government claim that alleged past grievances – not thoroughly vetted for accuracy – should trump the present and be a deciding factor in allowing this particular brand of hate at the U of W to continue?
Another example of hate in some Manitoba schools, and some in Winnipeg. See graphic below. It is currently considered a joke among individuals influenced by a long-standing government funded special interest group not vetted for accuracy.
Here it is: “Boys Are Stupid. Throw Rocks At Them”
An image above was displayed on bulletin boards in a Winnipeg school. This is considered proper? “Equality” groups from the past have over time influenced the acceptance of what you see above. Since when does “equality” mean disparaging half the school and other populations? Equality was originally meant as “Equality before the law”. Will the 40 year government funded special interest group be investigated for their hate? Or will the personnel in a WINNIPEG school be under investigation for promoting hate? Or retroactively holding Winnipeg organizers of Black Lives Matter responsible for inciting hated?
You think this attitude from the image above is fitting for your boys? Or are you requiring or asking 6 to 12 year old boys in elementary school to “man up” by accepting this ridiculous attempt at “equality”, or humour. If so, what the hell is the matter with you? The following would likely never have occurred in the schools of western culture if the sexes were reversed – “Girls are stupid. Throw rocks at them”. This is yet another example of what occurs in the real world when special interest group claims are not vetted for their veracity – one in particular for the last 40 years costing Canadians billions of dollars, and forced upon us by government. You two are OK with this as well?
We do not need another special grievance or special interest group to decide the fate of what constitutes proper thought or behavior, considering their own thought and behavior may be in more need of examination.
Not counting on a reply from the NDP administration regarding this letter – if it isn’t trashed before arriving in your inbox.
I guess if you are a Christian and disagree with abortion and homosexuality, you aren’t allowed to fix a bike for your step son’s Christmas at Bike Edmonton. The video on this link below shows me getting kicked out of Bike Edmonton earlier tonight.
I went to Bike Edmonton two weeks ago to work on my son’s bike for his Christmas gift and I must say my first visit was a positive experience. Yes, I noticed the UnGodly Pride sticker on the wall at their front desk and no doubt I don’t share Bike Edmonton’s views when it comes to CO2 admissions causing the end of civilization. Still, I liked the mechanic I worked with and was happy to purchase my bike brakes and derailleur there. Indeed, I even purchased a membership. Not to affirm homosexuality or the NDP. I purchased the membership to affirm their initial great customer service and what I thought was Bike Edmonton’s commitment to provide cycling support to everyone who came to their shop.
My next visit was not so positive. I made an appointment to work on my son’s shifters and drove 2 hours to attend their shop. When I got to Edmonton I was surprised to find out my appointment was cancelled. Seeing as I was already in Edmonton, I went to Bike Edmonton’s downtown shop (10612 105 Ave) to find out why my appointment was cancelled.
The video of my conversation with Bike Edmonton’s manager, Alex Hindle, he/him, and his e-mail sent to me when I was in route (copied below) shows how Bike Edmonton treats Edmontonions who are openly Christian, pro-life, and who do not agree with the homosexual/transgender political agenda.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
Alex Hindle’s e-mail to Bill Whatcott, December 4, 2024
Hi William,
I have reason to believe you are the same William Whatcott who has long campaigned publicly against homosexuality and abortion, among other issues. While Bike Edmonton works to make cycling accessible, we cannot countenance the views you have publicly promoted and will not allow you to enter or use our community bike shop (10612-105 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta) going forward. You are arguably a public figure and your presence in our shop, which is located in the same building as the Edmonton Pride Centre, may adversely affect our reputation.
I have cancelled your appointment for this evening. I understand that you recently bought a Bike Edmonton membership and can cancel and refund this if you like. It appears you paid cash for the membership, and so you may briefly come by the shop for the purpose of a refund. Let me know if this is your preference.
Thank you, Alex Hindle Downtown Community Bicycle Workshop Co-manager Bike Edmonton Pronouns: he/him
Bike Edmonton South • 8001 102 St • T6E 4A2 780-433-2453 ext 9002 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in Treaty Six Territory amiskwacîwâskahikan | ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ
My Lifefunder to help deal with challenges related to being on bail for years while getting acquitted and retried again for a so-called hate crime for sharing the Gospel at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:43,44
Progressives who want to criminalize discussion of residential schools are embarrassing Canada
Published Oct 26, 2024 •
New Democrat MP Leah Gazan speaks during a press conference in Ottawa, on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. Photo by Spencer Colby/THE CANADIAN PRESS
Once again, commentators in friendly countries throughout the western world are expressing sincere alarm over whether Canada has succumbed to terminal wokeness and is voluntarily and by force of law strangling free speech and ceasing to be, by traditional definition, a free country. Leah Gazan, a Manitoba New Democratic MP, who has been a tireless propagator of the defamatory fraud that French and English Canadians attempted to perform an act of genocide against Canada’s indigenous people, is at it again. Her private member’s bill, supported by the NDP, proposes to make it a crime to question, dispute, minimize or justify the activities of the so-called Indian residential schools which she continues falsely to represent as a genocidal enterprise.
No one disputes that there were many tragic and frightful occurrences in the schools, but there is no doubt that the purpose and intent of them was to assist native children in escaping poverty and illiteracy and giving them a route to a normal and prosperous life. Nor is there any dispute that can withstand even cursory scrutiny that many of the approximately 150,000 students in those schools did in fact go on to much more successful lives than they might have led without having attended them. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission resisted with evident reluctance the rampaging temptation to try to swaddle this macabre fable in the winding sheet of genocide, but it did come to a number of conclusions that were not justified by the large volumes of accompanying documentation and the report has effectively failed as a basis of reconciliation.
There is a general consensus among thoughtful Canadians that as a society we have not adequately addressed the needs, and rightful ambitions and grievances of Indigenous communities. This has not been for many years a question of inadequate funding. Tens of billions of dollars have been poured into a cornucopia of programs designed to compensate and durably improve the lives of Indigenous communities. The residential schools themselves began contemporaneously with legislation seeking to assure that all children in Canada were educated, and the indigenous populations were so dispersed that it was fiscally impractical to build the number of day-schools that would have been required to educate large numbers of them. Tuberculosis was a widespread problem in society and not just in native communities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, even amongst prosperous families. Schools in general, including elite boarding schools, had an excessive amount of corporal punishment in that era and there was undoubtedly, in almost all western countries, inadequate monitoring of the deviant and even sadistic behaviour of some teachers.
The commitment, by Canadian governments and churches of $7 billion of reparations for claimed victims of the residential schools is excessive and if these awards and concessions had been coordinated properly, they would have been conditional on the native victimhood industry ceasing to press on what has been an open door of Canadian majority guilt while steadily escalating its outrageous demands. The former minister of justice of Canada, Jody Wilson-Raybould, went so far as to order that no claims made by native individuals or organizations against the government of Canada should be litigated: they should instead be settled by negotiation. Canada is not and has never been a uniquely deliberately or systematically unjust jurisdiction. But in these matters it has consistently been a stupid jurisdiction, and remains so.
The respected Americas commentator of the Wall Street Journal, Mary Anastasia O’Grady, recently wrote, as a number of Canadians have, (including me), that the unmarked graves scandal, after more than three years, has yet to be supported with one scintilla of probative evidence. If Canada is to be taken seriously in the world or even by itself, it must arm itself with the self-respect to investigate such controversies promptly and thoroughly, to redress matters fully and generously when that is appropriate, and to revise or debunk the allegations when that is justified. As I have written here and elsewhere before, our own government is complicit in blood libels against the founding European nations of this country. That is not the purpose of government.
Article content
Given that our entire society has effectively capitulated to ever more extreme complaints, who seem to be cranking up to claim the estimated 200,000 mostly nomadic Indigenous people who roamed around the 3,800,000 square miles of what is now Canada when the Europeans arrived 500 years ago, were invaded and occupied in a manner legally indistinguishable from the conquest of Poland by Hitler and Stalin in 1939. What is needed is a comprehensive assessment of the past and plan of action for the future, worked out by impartial and altruistic people in intimate discussion and agreement with a representative group of Canada’s many extremely talented and successful native people.
Illustrative of the sort of semi-formalized misinformation and cant and emotionalism that obstructs serious discussion of these matters was an email sent to the eminent writer and journalist Robert MacBain (and shared with me), whose most recent book was on the tragic death of the young native boy Charlie Wenjack, from the fund that has been established in the boy’s honour. The email claimed that Charlie was “taken from his family at nine years old and forced to attend” the residential school at Kenora, Ontario; that he “had run away from the school to reunite with his family 600 km away,” and “succumbed to starvation and exposure,” and that his death “became the first to spark a formal investigation into the treatment of indigenous children in residential schools.”
Article content
It claimed that the school changed the boy’s name from Chainie to Charlie, and has given mass circulation to drawings of Catholic nuns delousing Charlie and other Ojibway boys. It is clearly alleged that Charlie was sexually abused by the school staff. All of these assertions are false, as Robert MacBain meticulously demonstrated, Charlie attended a Presbyterian school, not a Catholic school with nuns, and there is incontrovertible evidence that all these claims are bunk. Clergy are caricatured as hideous and brutal people, and perhaps a few of them were, but the Kenora school has many positive and grateful alumni.
Until we demand and elicit the truth about all these issues, we will have no defence against the self-defamation of our country and its history and no adequate response to the Indigenous people who have so long awaited one. Canada is becoming a laughing stock in the world. This entire issue goes to the heart and moral core of this country and it has to be faced and resolved, and not by repealing free speech and criminalizing legitimate discussion of it.
[Sadly, even the good guys are weak. The B.C. Conservative Party grew out of the restrictions of the former provincial Liberals now the BC United Party. Well, divergent thinking has big limits even with these supposed freedom fighters. They nominated COVID craziness critic Dr. Stephen Malthouse, but, as soon as the media hyenas and the high priests of conformity started squawking, they dropped him. He’s much more understanding than we’d be. — Paul Fromm]
BC Doctor Blames Media and ‘Cancel Culture’ for Provincial Conservatives’ Cutting His Candidacy
Cancelled B.C. Conservative Party candidate Stephen Malthouse is blaming the prevalent “cancel culture” amplified by the media for his party’s decision to cut ties with him just hours after announcing his candidacy.
The Denman Island doctor, whose licence was suspended in 2022 for signing mask and vaccine exemptions, said he bears no ill will toward the Conservatives. Instead he is pointing the finger at political rivals and the negative press he received within hours of the Conservative Party of British Columbia announcing his candidacy March 27.
“The media has been weaponized by the current government and they will attack anyone that is challenging them,” Dr. Malthouse said in an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times. “And that is why there was such a vicious attack on me and the party.”
Multiple media outlets and social media users criticized the party for endorsing a candidate that they alleged had spread “misinformation” about the COVID-19 vaccine both during and after the pandemic.
“The reaction from the media was such that I think it made [the party] decide I was too much of a distraction from the policies that they wanted to move forward,” Dr. Malthouse said.
“I know the optics of what’s happened in the last few days … is that of cancel culture. There is an element of that. But I think what [leader] John Rustad has done is he’s tried to make the best decision possible for the party.”
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The B.C. Conservative Party announced Dr. Malthouse’s candidacy on its website and social media accounts, describing him as a “seasoned family physician” who would be running in the Ladysmith-Oceanside riding. By that evening, all posts related to him had been deleted.
Party president Aisha Estey announced in a March 28 social media post that Dr. Malthouse was no longer a candidate, offering no other explanation than what was in a media statement.
“We are a new party, we have grown at a record pace, but some mistakes are bound to happen,” Ms. Estey said in the statement.
“Unfortunately, we nominated a couple of candidates who ultimately weren’t the right fit for our team. We wish them all the best, and we thank them for putting their name forward.”
Dr. Malthouse says he is disappointed to have been asked to step down, but he understands the party’s reasons.
“My history of speaking out, particularly on the COVID issue” might have caused “confusion about what the party stood for,” he said.
“I was too far out, perhaps, for the majority of voters to understand and to make an informed decision about who to vote for.”
The Epoch Times contacted both the B.C. Conservative Party and the province’s governing NDP for comment but did not receive a reply by publication.
Party Revival in Response to Past Ousters
The B.C. Conservative Party’s revival started after executives of BC United blocked conservative commentator Aaron Gunn’s bid for leadership of the party in the fall of 2021.
Mr. Gunn was attacked by the NDP for expressing views such as denying that Canada has “systemic racism” or is guilty of genocide. He then decided to rebrand the provincial Conservative Party.
In December 2023, Mr. Gunn was nominated as a candidate by the Conservative Party of Canada, running for the North Island-Powell River riding in the next federal election.
The B.C. Conservatives got a boost when then-independent MLA John Rustad crossed the floor to join the Conservatives in February 2023.
Mr. Rustad was kicked out of the B.C. Liberal caucus in 2022 for his views on climate change. He was scolded by B.C. Liberal leader Kevin Falcon for speaking out on behalf of the caucus, saying “politics is a team sport.” The B.C. Liberals have been renamed as BC United since April 2023.
The reprimand and subsequent ousting from the party came after Mr. Rustad reposted a tweet by Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore.
Mr. Rustad was acclaimed leader of the Conservatives last March.
B.C. Conservative Party leader John Rustad speaks to members of the media during a year-end availability at legislature in Victoria, B.C., on Dec. 6. (The Canadian Press/Chad Hipolito)
Vaccine and Mask Exemptions
Dr. Malthouse, whose family practice has spanned more than four decades, became known during the pandemic for speaking against COVID-19 mandates in the media and for writing vaccine and mask exemptions for patients.
His decision to go against public health orders has cost him dearly. He is currently being investigated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. and his licence was suspended in March of 2022 after being a member of the regulatory body since 1978. The college accused Dr. Malthouse of signing vaccine and mask exemption forms “that he knew included false statements.”
He said his decision to write exemptions was based on his belief as a doctor that all patients deserve the “autonomy” to decide what is best for their own health.
“Masks have been shown in high-quality studies to not prevent transmission of a virus but to increase Co2 levels and reduce oxygen levels and to actually make a Petri dish of bacteria and fungi” against the face, Dr. Malthouse said.
“If someone told me they don’t want to wear a mask … which fit with the science in terms of its safety and efficacy, I would give them an exemption. I felt that there was no choice.”
He had similar sentiments about people being forced to take a vaccine to preserve their livelihood.
“People were being forced against their will to take an experimental vaccine without being informed about its pros and cons,” he said.
“I felt anyone who did not want to take that vaccine had a right not to take it and I was going to help them to protect themselves and their children to the best of my ability. That’s what doctors do.”
Doctors on Tour
The college has also reprimanded Dr. Malthouse for speaking out against the vaccine.
The public notification for his suspension said he “stated medical conclusions absent any objective medical evidence, and provided diagnoses and courses of action potentially harmful to patients; and used his status as a registrant of the college to attempt to circumvent public health orders.”
At least part of the reprimand is linked to Doctors on Tour, an initiative Dr. Malthouse spearheaded with other like-minded doctors in 2021 to get the word out about “the dangers” of the COVID-19 vaccine.
He said his decision to spearhead the tour wasn’t to build his reputation—“it actually had the opposite effect.” He said he and his colleagues were “desperate” to get started because the government was introducing COVID-19 vaccinations for children.
Among the most serious results, he said, were incidents of young people dropping dead on sports fields from myocarditis.
“That’s what we went out to tell people about,” he said. “We felt it had to be done, and as doctors we were well placed to do that. We know how to read the research and how to understand it, and we know how to communicate with patients and with the general populace.”
With more than 45 years of medical experience, he has long had an interest in integrative medicine, an approach to health care that focuses on natural remedies, good nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness.
Part of the message he hoped to deliver was that traditional medicine, in this case a vaccine, wasn’t the answer.
The Doctors on Tour initiative consisted of six visits across three provinces, with the majority of stops in B.C. Meetings were typically held in small-town churches or similar venues, although there were stops in cities like Vancouver and Victoria as well.
Dubbed the “Educate Before You Vaccinate” tour, the stops drew large crowds despite public health orders to social distance and limit gathering sizes, he said, describing attendees as “desperate” for information that wasn’t being filtered through “mainstream media” and politicians.
The first tour was such a success that the doctors followed up with a second called Justice for the Vaccinated to help those dealing with vaccine injuries.
“There were some people that had six people in their family die,” Dr. Malthouse said. “People would come onto the stage and they would start crying and telling their story. And so we tried to give people a voice to speak out to let people know they were not crazy—which is what their doctors were telling them.”
Looking to the Future
As for Dr. Malthouse’s disciplinary hearing, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. tells him its investigation is still ongoing and has postponed the hearing until later this year.
The college declined to comment other than to say that Dr. Malthouse “continues to be suspended from practice.”
Whether his licence is reinstated or not, the fleeting political candidate plans to be active in BC Town Halls 2024, a non-partisan initiative to inform British Columbians about provincial legislation that “violates” their rights.
Health care is just one of the issues discussed at the town halls, but it is a topic that Dr. Malthouse is especially passionate about.
“More than a million citizens here do not have a family doctor, and walk-in clinics are closing,” he said. “Emergency departments are closing, maternity wards are closing, and people can’t get an ambulance. They’re being sent down to the United States for cancer care. Our health-care system is under attack.”
Dr. Malthouse said he will continue to back the party that dropped him and remains open to serving as a health-care adviser as needed.
He applauds the B.C. Conservative Party for its tough stance on safer supply drugs and removing SOGI from schools, as well as its commitment to rehire health care workers who were fired for refusing the vaccine.
“I still think this party has a chance to save this province, because right now it’s being driven into the dirt.” [THE EPOCH TIMES, April 3, 2024]
If the Trudeau-NDP’s Bill C-59 comes into force, I may be the first one prosecuted because I won’t stop telling the truth about the many benefits of Alberta’s oil and gas industry, no matter what crazy laws they pass.
If you haven’t already heard, let me give you some background.
In February, NDP MP Charlie Angus introduced a bill threatening fines and even jail time for people who dared to defend our oil and gas sector. Canadians laughed it off as absurd. But now, through last-minute amendments to Bill C-59, the NDP have sneaked their gag order in through the back door.
With support from the Liberals and Bloc, the Trudeau-NDP are creating an echo chamber where their anti-oil and gas views go unchallenged. This bill is designed to silence people from speaking the truth, allowing eco-radical activists to sue over so-called “misleading environmental benefits.”
It’s utterly ridiculous to muzzle folks who talk publicly about emission reduction alternatives that differ from Steven Guilbeault’s failed carbon tax. The bill has already passed in the House of Commons and is now in the Liberal-dominated Senate, where it is expected to be rubber-stamped.
Let me be clear: Alberta will not comply with this undemocratic Liberal-NDP gag order.
I have not forgotten the insult visited on us at the riot at the Legislature. A mob of urban terrorist counter-protesters ruined the gathering at which speakers were informing the public about the IN-sanity of the SOGI program.
The head of the Criminal justice Branch ignored my letters. Then when I laid criminal charges myself, the Deputy Attorney General stayed my private Information. By no means is this over. I am now preparing for Judicial Review of that ‘stay’. This message is sent to the 30 + people I know, who were there that day, outraged as I was … and still am … by what we experienced. I am gathering witness statements to put in front of a Judge
On February 21st 2024, I went in to the Provincial Court at Victoria and submitted a private Information. The 5 counts are spelled-out below. Justice of the Peace P Braz endorsed my complaint. He then asked me to provide more information for the Crown Counsel. I came back a day later and handed in the 3 letters which I had previously sent to Deputy Attorney General Peter Juk, head of the Prosecution Service. The letters recited the facts, including the transcript of the ZOOM call in which leaders of the labour unions in Canada declared they would DISRUPT DISTURB DEMORALIZE rallies planned by the #1 Million March 4 Children. That transcript is hard evidence of criminal conspiracy to commit indictable offences. Mr Juk never replied.
JP Braz set down the matter to be heard in Court April 17th 2024 to fix a date for the next stage in the process.
After an Information is laId, the Informant appears before that Justice of the Peace, or, a judge of the Provincial Court, for a Process hearing in camera. Meaning : closed to the public. After hearing the complainant and his witnesses, the judge decides if a case has been made out sufficient for it to go ahead to trial. If so, he or she directs the Registrar to put the matter on the Court List.
Over the last 40 years, I have laid a couple dozen private Informations. Out of them, 4 times my complaint did go for a full hearing. A few of them proceeded to trials, out of which came a couple of convictions.
I have been through more than a couple of Process hearings So I know how it goes. Or, how it’s supposed to go. On February 29th 2024 Kimberley Henders Miller Deputy Regional Crown Counsel notified me that she had directed my charges to be ‘stayed’.
the Judicial Review tells the court that I have been denied my right to due process of law. As well, that the Criminal Justice Branch cannot treat this matter fairly because of perceived conflict of interest :ie. that the Prosecution Service is fully entrained in the mind-set of the administration of the day ( the NDP government ) which assumes the mental illness of A-pot-em-no-philia is ‘normal’. So that those of us who assert our political and /or religious opinion out loud, are breaching the Civil Rights Code. Result being : the government agency which ought to prosecute those who carried on a criminal conspiracy to “DISRUPT DESTROY DEMORALIZE” ( as they boasted in their ZOOM call, 2 weeks in advance of the riot ) instead, protects the offenders from accountability at law in order to save the government from embarrassment.
I am asking those of you who were profoundly offended by the riot to prepare a written statement of what you recall happened on the lawn of the Legislature, on September 20th 2023. Your statement can be as long as you like. Then get it to me. It will form part of the Materials to be relied upon in my Petition for Judicial Review.
I am not a lawyer. I do not pretend to be a lawyer. I do not take $$s for legal advice. Feel free to contact me to help you put together a “will say” statement. If you want to, your witness statement can be made in to an Affidavit, then, sworn at the Registry counter for $40. Photographs and/or significant items/ documents can be attached to it as Exhibits in order to get them in as evidence.
What I want is, for a Justice of the Supreme Court to hear me out in a proper Process Hearing. Especially, for witnesses to each take the stand to corroborate my charges. At that stage, the thing is public. Publicity is the soul of Justice
Gordon S Watson May 11th 2024
Court Identifier 187706-1
In the Provincial Court of British Columbia
In the matter of An Act respecting the criminal law RSC 1985 Chapter C-46
Form 2
This is the Information of / les presents constituent la denonciation de Gordon Stephen Watson, politician, (“the informant” / le denonciateur ) of / de Metchosin British Columbia, hereinafter called the Informant.
Count 1 : The Informant says that he has reasonable and probable grounds to believe and does believe that: on September 16th 2023 via a conference call in which some of its participants were in British Columbia, BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ; BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU ; RON HALPIN ; ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; PATTY JARVIS COATES ; CHANDRA–LI PAUL ; VICKI SMALLMAN ; CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS ; YOLANDA B’DACY ; MARTIN REILLY ; EMILY QUAILE ; PETER VEITCH ; CAROLYN EGAN ; ANTHONY MARCO ; MUNIB SJJAD ; DON FRY ; CUPE ONTARIO ; SUSAN GAPKA ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE did agree one with another to counsel commission of crimes at places across Canada, particularly, the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, thus engaging in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, to wit, common nuisance contrary to sections 465 and 180 of the Criminal Code.
Count 2 : The Informant says that he has reasonable and probable grounds to believe and does believe that: on September 16th 2023 via a conference call in which some participants were in British Columbia, BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU ; RON HALPIN ; ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; PATTY JARVIS COATES ; CHANDRA–LI PAUL ; VICKI SMALLMAN ; CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS ; YOLANDA B’DACY ; MARTIN REILLY ; EMILY QUAILE ; PETER VEITCH ; CAROLYN EGAN ; ANTHONY MARCO ; MUNIB SJJAD ; DON FRY ; CUPE ONTARIO ; SUSAN GAPKA ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE did agree one with another to counsel commission of crimes at places across Canada, particularly, the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, thus engaging in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, to wit, wilfully disturbing or interupting an assemblage of persons met for moral, social or benevolent purpose, contrary to sections 465 and 176 of the Criminal Code.
Count 3 : The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023 WINONA WALDRON ; BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ; BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members, agents and/or employees, did make common nuisance on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, and that they did so deliberately to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to participate in the democratic process, contrary to section 180 of the Criminal Code.
Count 4 : The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023 WINONA WALDRON ; BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ; BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members, agents and/or employees, did make common nuisance on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, and that they did so deliberately to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to assemble peacefully with other citizens, contrary to section 180 of the Criminal Code.
Count 5 : The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023 on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria WINONA WALDRON ; BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ; BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members, agents and/or employees ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE did intimidate him and others and that aforementioned ACCUSED did so to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to participate in the democratic process, contrary to section 423 of the Criminal Code.
Pursuant to section 508 1. (2) of the Criminal Code and/or section 13.1 of the Offence Act ( British Columbia) the Informant states that all matters contained in this Information are true tomy knowledge and belief
Suivant le paragraphse 508.1 (2) du Code criminal et / ou l’article 13. 1 de l’Offence Act (Colombie-Britannique), le denonciateur declare croit vrais, au meileur de sa connaissance, les renseignements contenus dans la denonciation.
_______________Signed by Gordon S Watson _________________________ Signature of Informant / Signature du denonciateur
Dated / Fait le February 21st 2024 A. D.
At Victoria British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique
Process / Acte de procedure ________ confirmed
Signed by P Bray
A Justice of the Peace in and for the Province of British Columbia / Un juge de paix, dans et pour la province de la Colombie-Britannique
surface mail address : #4 5177 William Head Road Metchosin British Columbia V9C 4H5
VCC (Vaccine Choice Canada) Potluck – Vancouver – Sunday, March 10, – 4:30 – 8:30 pmDate: Sunday March 10th, Time: 4:30 to 8:30 PM
facilities at Mountainview Christian Fellowship 791 East 27th Ave., Vancouver. – (corner of Prince Albert St. and 27th Ave. )
Discussion: on the details and serious consequences of the many BILLS passed by BC’s NDP Legislature.
– Bills 31, 36, 44, 46, 47Bring your favourite dish, – plate/cutlery/drink, ( hopefully washable and not disposal – as we strive to be a ‘no garbage’ community) – seeds and growing supplies – it is approaching pre-seeding time. – books to exchange, – money for community market. – Let me know if you want to reserve space to sell your products. (Queenie) Hope to see you there! Inge
Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley Wants Premier Smith to Expel an MLA From the United Conservative Caucus for Attending Pro-Family Rally
[Alberta has just seen cancel culture at its craziest. The leader of the oppostion NDP has demanded that Premier Danielle Smith expel “Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children.
“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference.
“Long since should have been kicked out.”
One might as what business is it of nosy Notley who sits in another party’s caucus?
Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.
“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan.
“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.” – Paul Fromm
Notley demands removal of UCP MLA who spoke at One Million March
Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said she warned people about the United Conservative Party wanting to take their pensions. Courtesy Rachel Notley/YouTube
Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children.
“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference.
“Long since should have been kicked out.”
Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.
“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan.
“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.”
Notley said Stephan’s removal should “have been the first thing the premier said this morning.”
To all of the sexual minorities in Alberta, she said they are loved, respected and their human rights are as important as everyone else’s. She added there are many people who will fight hard to ensure that never changes.
When she watched a video from a child at one of the rallies making hateful comments, she said it broke her heart. While children are not born with hate in their heart, a person convinced this child to spew hate.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith did not condemn these comments. Notley called it “one of the most profound failures in leadership that I’ve ever seen.”
She concluded by saying this hate must be condemned.
“And the fact that the premier is normalizing it by allowing one of her caucus members to participate in this is appalling,” she said.
Jordan Peterson: Trudeau and the equity tyrants must be stopped
We’re at the edge of the terrible transformation that is occurring everywhere in the free world Author of the article: Jordan Peterson Published Sep 11, 2023 • Last updated 2 days ago • 9 minute read 1664 Comments
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in a press conference during a stopover visit to Singapore on September 8, 2023. (Photo by Roslan RAHMAN / AFP)
Some of those reading this column will know that I have been ordered by the Ontario College of Psychologists to undergo “social media re-training” of indeterminate length, as a consequence of expressing my opinions publicly, with the specified outcome of my comprehensive compliance, as judged by my re-educators.
The charges levied against me include re-tweeting a tweet by the Leader of the Official Opposition in Canada (are you listening, “conservatives”?), criticizing Justin Trudeau and a diverse number of his minions, and expressing skepticism about the doom-saying fear-mongering tyranny-promoting chicken-little prognostications of the eco-fascists.
Why should Canadians care? If you’re a miner, and the canary caged next to you asphyxiates, you don’t blame the bird for being there. You notice that the air has become toxic, and you make tracks for the surface. Regulated professionals, subject to the petty tyranny of their overseeing agencies, are now starting to gasp and choke. Them first — you, next.
It’s already true in Canada that lawyers cannot have the reasonable certainty they once had with regard to the outcome of the cases they are pursuing, relying as they once did on precedent and the common or even civil law. Instead, they have to be prepared to be subjected to the opinions of an increasingly activist court, whose members have taken it upon themselves to put forward what is essentially a radical leftist (“progressive”) agenda. It’s true that physicians and teachers are so afraid to say what they think that even the reasonable among them no longer dare to tell the truth to the patients and children they serve. How do I know this? Because they tell me so. And how well do Canadians presume that the professionals they need will serve them, when they have all been cowed into, at best, liars of silence?
And why should Canadians believe in the existence and operation of such an agenda, rather than (comfortingly) passing such suggestions off as the ranting of demented, conspiratorially-minded right wingers, such as myself?
Here are a couple of facts (remember those?) simultaneously indisputable and unpleasant: Our “Minister of the Environment and Climate Change,” Steven Guilbeault, was not only a radical leftist activist, in his previous incarnation, but is now simultaneously savaging the economy of Western Canada, upon whose revenue his home province of Quebec shamefully, ungratefully and resentfully depends upon, while he works directly with the Chinese Communist Party, rulers of a country building more coal plants every year (two a week) than the rest of the world combined; six times more, to be precise.
He is doing that while rumours of CCP influence over the Canadian electoral process abound (!), under the supervision of a prime minister who has explicitly expressed admiration for the efficiency of communist tyranny, who was a friend to the demented tyrant who ran Cuba as his private fiefdom for decades. That would be Fidel Castro, bosom buddy as well as to Trudeau senior, and the same man who told former president Jimmy Carter that he would have sacrificed his whole island paradise to nuclear annihilation by our American allies just to move the Soviet agenda forward.
He is doing that under the rainbow-festooned banner of a “Liberal” party that has moved so far to the left that the hapless socialist NDP has nothing whatsoever left to offer (particularly labouring as they do under Jagmeet Singh, the most hypocritical politician Canada has ever coughed onto dry land. He is an empty suit of designer clothes too incompetent even to have bargained for the cabinet seat that is the going price, on the world market, for a politician’s soul).
He is doing that as part of an administration that is an express supporter of the deadly doctrine of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity, the mask that the wolves of compassion wear while they open the throats of the idiot sheep who think they are supporting all that is good and true. Equity: there’s a basket of snakes. What does equity mean? The useful idiots of the moderate left insist that it’s just a synonym for “equality of opportunity.” Why the new word, then, thinkers on the liberal side?
Equity means something very particular, good Canadians. It means that all economic and social systems that do not produce precise equality of outcomes across all possible measures of human difference (race, ethnicity, sex, “gender,” age, health status, ability, you name it) are to be regarded as “systemically prejudiced” and utterly re-tooled, in a revolutionary manner. What’s wrong with that, you ask, thinking of the excluded and the “marginalized,” in that manner so sympathetic endlessly and conveniently deserving of praise; considering yourself, despite your lack of actual effort on their behalf, a friend of the poor.
Let me ask you a straightforward question: do you own anything? A cell phone, perhaps; maybe a car; possibly even an apartment or house (although that is increasingly unlikely, particularly for young people, in Trudeau’s socialist paradise). Does that not mean that other people (the same marginalized; the same poor) don’t own that phone, that car, that house? Are you not therefore excluding them? The answer to that question, by the way, is “yes.” Of course you’re bloody well excluding them — oppressing them, marginalizing them, with your exclusive access to what you have hypothetically worked to earn.
“Property is theft”: no shortage of barely successful peasants such as yourself have died as a consequence of that cliché. How did societies get themselves to that point? By adopting the doctrine of equity, which is now deemed a mandatory belief by the professional organizations that regulate lawyers, physicians, psychologists, accountants, engineer and teachers (and that is not nearly all) in Canada.
Equity is no different than communism, boys and girls. Wait: let me clarify, as that is an error, but not in the direction you think. It’s far worse than mere communism. Marx had nothing on the post-modernists, who now occupy the universities, and have dramatically expanded upon his dread and murderous vision. Marx viewed oppression as essentially one-dimensional: the proletariat (that’s the poor for those of you who went through Canada’s “education” system and still don’t know even that) were exploited by the “bourgeoisie” (that turns out to be “anyone who owns anything at all”). That has happened forever; that’s all you really need to know about history and human social relationships in general; and it has to stop. By any means necessary.
Hence the hundred million or so deaths at the hands of the compassionate progressives in the 20th century. Of course, that wasn’t real communism.
You can tell, because some people were accidentally left standing.
For the postmodernists whose theories now dominate the academy and, increasingly, the western world, the bitter resentment of Marx was just the beginning. The concept of oppression is now limitlessly multi-dimensional. Everyone has become a victim, because of their height, their weight, their lack of attractiveness or athletic ability, their country of origin, their religious belief, the status of their ancestors.
What’s the problem with that? After all, life is hard, and much is distributed unfairly. Well, when everyone is a victim, everyone also becomes, perforce, an oppressor — and the punishment for that is severe. Maybe you’re a bit fat (victim, victim), but you’re white, or the tan that we now call brown that could become white in a flash. Presto! You’re a perpetrator. Maybe you don’t own a house (victim, victim). But you own a rusty old wreck from the 90s. Compared to those who can only afford a bicycle (perhaps because they’re useless layabouts) you are definitely an oppressor. Perhaps you’re genuinely poor (victim victim), but you’re young. You can be certain that you are then at least afflicted by implicit ageism, and your very youth a mark of at least your unconscious bias and general shameful reprehensibility.
Are you beginning to understand the game? I doubt it. It’s much easier for Canadians to keep their sheep/ostrich-heads firmly in the sand, and assume that anyone pointing out not so much what’s going on but what’s already happened is an extremist, a bigot, a right-wing conspiracy theorist, a Confederate sympathizer (in Canada (!)), a MAGA Republican, hell-bent for God only knows what possible reason on overthrowing Canadian democracy.
As if they bloody well care.
As if they even know where Canada is.
Why am I fighting the college? Probably because I’m stupid, or at least, as a Canadian journalist so famously put it, “the stupid person’s smart person.” Touché. Seriously (although all educators are, perforce, the stupid people’s smart person). But I have plenty of money, and a wife I love, and a family that supports me, and friends that do as well, and the opportunity to live anywhere I want to in the world, and have been informed by those who run other political jurisdictions that they would restore my licence in a heart-beat if the low-level schemers in eternally good-thinking Ontario manage to purloin it, as they probably will. I really don’t need the hassle, to say nothing of the literally tens of thousands of dollars it costs per month to keep the vipers at bay.
The process is the punishment, as those who have successfully weaponized many such deep-state bureaucracies know full well.
I am doing it to bring to the attention of Canadians — and, if not Canadians, whose smug self-complacency is perhaps unparalleled in the world (except maybe in comparison to the Kiwis or the liberal Californians) — then to people elsewhere in the West, increasingly inclined as they are to see what is happening in Canada, just as intelligent miners see their canaries.
We’re at the edge of the terrible transformation that is occurring everywhere in the free world. As Canada goes, so hope the progressives, the world goes. Thus, the good fight might as well be fought here. I have a son, a daughter-in-law, and grandchildren in this benighted country. My parents live here. My daughter departed for freer lands, and I won’t forgive the current administration for that. Her example is tempting, and I’ve lived in the United States before — but the same problem exists among our neighbours to the south, despite their more extensive commitment to the freedom that has vanished with amazing rapidity in the Great White North.
It is not that freedom of speech is threatened in Canada, by the way, good people. It’s that it’s already pretty much gone — although, God willing, not permanently. The same can be said for freedom of conscience and association. We gave up freedom of mobility under Trudeau, which was the only freedom he could directly threaten, in his attempt to (successfully) divide Canadians, and therefore promptly did.
We still have the freedom to pretend that everything is just as it was 20 or even 10 years ago. But it’s not. The fact that I am being persecuted for criticizing the prime minister, for passing on the opinions of Pierre Poilievre, and for doubting the opinions of that veritable traitor, Steven Guilbeault, is a primary indication of that. My case would not be attracting the international attention that it is — as is the prosecution of the Trucker Convoy leaders, whose protest was widely admired outside this country — if that was not the case.
Why should you care? It’s not about me, folks. I have options.
Antisemitism charges upend Ontario byelection race in NDP stronghold
It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in the NDP stronghold of Hamilton Centre but the campaign has been buffeted by allegations of antisemitism.
Rob Ferguson
By Rob FergusonQueen’s Park Bureau
Sun., March 12, 2023timer4 min. read
updateArticle was updated 3 hrs ago
HAMILTON — It was expected to be a smooth cruise to victory in a riding staunchly New Democrat for almost two decades under former party leader Andrea Horwath, who quit last year to become mayor of Steeltown.
But accusations of antisemitism against NDP candidate Sarah Jama — which she denies — are buffeting the campaign in Thursday’s Hamilton Centre byelection, putting the disability activist and the party’s newly minted leader Marit Stiles on the defensive.
B’nai Brith issued a statement Monday calling Jama “a radical activist who has been associated with groups that have frequently targeted Israel,” including the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, and urged Stiles to drop her as a candidate.
Jama acknowledged her own “messy history around anti-racism” during a candidates’ debate broadcast on local cable TV the next evening, but said “nothing has been called out in terms of things that I’ve said.”
That history includes ties to Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights during her student activist days at McMaster University. The group has called for a Palestinian state “from the (Jordan) river to the sea” — often interpreted as erasing the state of Israel.
“Me standing up for Palestinian human rights … cannot be conflated with antisemitism,” the founder of the Ontario Disability Justice Network added in an exchange that followed a question from a viewer.
“I’m really against antisemitism in our communities, but I’m also for human rights, and that includes the rights of everybody, whether it’s Black people … Indigenous people in our communities and Palestinian people,” said Jama, 28, who campaigns in a power chair because she cannot walk after being born prematurely with cerebral palsy.
“Being disabled gives me another lens of compassion. It’s one thing to talk about supporting vulnerable community members, but it’s another thing to share in those experiences.”
As part of her activist efforts, Jama was given a $100,000 ticket — and ripped it up — at a 2020 city hall protest in support of homeless people that violated COVID-19 stay-at-home laws, seemingly at odds with frequent New Democrat calls for Premier Doug Ford’s government to maintain tight restrictions to limit spread of the virus. The charges were later dropped.
Jama was acclaimed the NDP candidate in November after running unopposed for the nomination.
Stiles, whose New Democrats rebuked MPP Joel Harden (Ottawa Centre) last fall for antisemitic remarks before she became leader, fielded questions on Jama for three straight days at the legislature — with a nod to her “messy history” remark.
“When you’re at a rally, and we’ve all found ourselves in these situations where you really can’t control what somebody is doing over here and over there, you learn from that, right?” Stiles told reporters.
“Sarah Jama is a well-known human rights activist who has always stood up against hate, antisemitism and racism and I look forward to welcoming her at Queen’s Park.”
Liberal candidate Deirdre Pike, a training facilitator in the LGBTQ community and a former social justice planner in her second run at the riding after losing to Horwath in the 2018 provincial election, said Jama needs to do a better job “clearing the air.”
“There is a problem when respectable organizations like B’nai Brith are calling you out,” added the 60-year-old who got a boost going door-to-door when 1,500 Liberals gathered in Hamilton last weekend to chart a course for picking a new leader.
“Solutions to Israel need to come through diplomatic and negotiated solutions, not through, you know, extreme groups that use phrases that can be quite triggering.”
At a time when Premier Doug Ford is facing criticism over opening the Greenbelt, a lack of affordable housing and a crisis in health care, the challenge is that the byelection campaign is garnering little attention, said McMaster University political scientist Peter Graefe.
“I don’t think people are really talking about it,” he told the Star. “Locally, it’s not much of a story but the parties are trying to use this as provincial messaging.”
Interim Liberal Leader John Fraser — whose party has eight MPPs at Queen’s Park compared to the New Democrats with 30 — said concerns about Jama’s candidacy are key to the tone Stiles is striking for the NDP in the wake of the Harden controversy in November.
“It’s a test of leadership.” he told reporters at Queen’s Park, urging Stiles to drop Jama. “Sometimes doing the right thing is really, really hard.”
Harden was forced to apologize by former NDP interim leader Peter Tabuns for remarks at the August 2021 Ottawa Forum on Israel Palestine.
The Ottawa MPP said he has “asked many questions of Jewish neighbours here about how much longer we should put up with this … the single greatest threat, the single greatest origin of violence in the Middle East, it is unquestionably the state of Israel.”
Tabuns told reporters he was “very angry” at Harden’s “hurtful” comments about confronting Jewish neighbours over actions by the state of Israel, a tactic Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre president Michael Levitt called “textbook antisemitism.”
Progressive Conservative candidate Pete Wiesner, 47, who skipped the cable debate to campaign in-person with voters, said the Jama situation is “certainly in people’s decision-making process now.”
On leave from his job as a Hamilton police sergeant in the crisis response branch, which deals with marginalized communities like the homeless, Wiesner is hoping to build on Ford’s outreach to labour that helped the PCs win additional seats in the June provincial election, including two in the former NDP stronghold of Windsor.
PC candidates finished a distant second in the riding in the last two provincial elections, with Liberals in third place and Greens in fourth.
Ten candidates are running in Thursday’s vote, according to Elections Ontario.